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API-Pt-I, Vol-7

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The document discusses physical, optical and chemical properties of minerals and metals according to Ayurvedic texts.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part - I Volume - VII (Minerals & Metals)

Madura (Sweet), Amla (Sour), Lavana (Salty), Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)




First Edition


PDH.66. Part I, Vol VII

5000-2008 (DSK II)

2008, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Government of India
Department of Ayurveda, Yoga Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy

Effective from 1st January, 2009



Rs. 500/US $ 100/-



Published by



On Behalf of




Printed at

Cirrus Graphics Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi







Knta Lauha
Smudra Lavaa
Svaramkika Sndrita



Physical Properties of Minerals and Metals

(Definitions of Geological Terminology and Methods
of Determination of Various Parameters)

State of Aggregation





Crystal Habit
Light Transmission (Transparency)
Specific Gravity (Density)
XRD Analysis



Optical Properties of Minerals and Metals

(Definitions and Methods of Determination)

Refractive Index (R.I)
Method of Determination of R.I.
Method of Determination of Other Constants


Chemical Properties of Minerals and Metals

(Description of Various Methods of Chemical
Analysis and Other Studies)






Chemical analysis of rock/ore samples by Classical Methods

(Gravimetric-Wet Analysis)



Preparation of powdered sample

Determination of Loss on Ignition (LOI)
Determination of Silica (SiO2)
Determination of Iron (Fe)
Determination of Calcium Oxide (CaO-EDTA)- complexometric
Determination of Magnesium Oxide (MgO-EDTA)complexometric method
Determination of Alumina (Al2O3-EDTA complexometric method)





Determination of Sulphur (total)- (Gravimetric method)

Determination of Lead, Zinc and Copper (complexometric method)
Determination of Lead
Determination of Zinc
Determination of Copper
Determination of Chloride in Sodium Chloride (Common Salt)



Chemical analysis of rock/ore samples by Instrumental Methods



Determination of Silver by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

Determination of Copper, Lead, Zinc, Nickel, Cobalt and Cadmium
by A.A.S.
Determination of Tin by A.A.S.
Determination of Antimony by A.A.S.
Determination of Bismuth by A.A.S.
Determination of Gold by A.A.S.
Determination of Chromium by A.A.S.
Determination of Arsenic (Gutzeit method)
Determination of Mercury by cold vapour Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (Mercury Analyzer)
Determination of Gold and Silver by XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence
Determination of small amount of Titanium (TiO2) by
Spectrophotometric method
Determination of Manganese (MnO) by Spectrophotometric method
Estimation of Na2O and K2O by Flame Photometry
Determination of Boron by ICPA



Methods of determination of other important chemical




Determination of Acid- Insoluble

Reaction with Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid and Sulphuric Acid
Effect of Heat
Qualitative test for Carbonate and Sulphate



Qualitative chemical tests of minerals by Blow Pipe Method



Essence and potentialities of the method

Structure of candle flame
Flame colourations
Charcoal Tests





Closed Tube and Open Tube Tests

Closed Tube Test
Open Tube Test
Colour Reactions with Fluxes
Recommended Procedure of Blowpipe Tests



Chemicals and Reagents



Classical Ayurvedic References






Coloured Photographs of Raw Drugs


In India, there are laws dealing with drugs that are the subject of monographs which
follow. These monographs should be read subject to the restrictions imposed by these laws
wherever they are applicable.
It is expedient that enquiry be made in each case in order to ensure that the provisions
of the law are being complied with.
In general, the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 (subsequently amended in 1964 and
1982), the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 and the Poisons Act, 1919 and the rules framed there
under should be consulted.
Under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API),
Part-I, Vol. VII, is the book of standards for Single Drugs of Minerals, Metals and Marine
origin included therein and the standards prescribed in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India,
Part-I, Vol. VII, would be official. If considered necessary, these standards can be amended
and the Chairman of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Committee authorized to issue such
amendments. Whenever such amendments are issued, the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India,
Part-I, Vol. VII, would be deemed to have been amended accordingly.

These General Notices provide basic guidelines to help, interpret the provisions and
terms used in this volume, in connection with the implementation of the recommended
standards and methods of tests prescribed therein. In addition, they also include the features of
a monograph that are mandatory standards.
Title: The title of this book is "Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Vol.VII (Minerals
and Metals)". Monographs on twenty-one raw drugs (minerals / metals / ores) are included in
this volume.
Monograph: Each Monograph carries prescribed mandatory standards and general
information, including those from Ayurvedic Classics. The Monographs are arranged in the
English alphabetical order, based on the main Samskta official name.
Monograph Title: The title given on top of each monograph indicates the name of the
material in Samskta, and is the same as mentioned in the single drugs list on the Ayurvedic
Formularies for Minerals, Metals and Ores. It is the "Official Name" along with synonyms in
Samskta. This is followed by a scientific nomenclature in English that is nearest and most
appropriate to the article described, and is also "Official".
Synonyms: Taking into account the multilingual nature of the country, other names of the
drug have been listed in Indian languages other than Samskta as far as these are available.
The Urdu and Tamil equivalents, however, are those appearing for the same drug in their
respective Formularies.
Broad Classification: The raw materials obtained from the earth's crust and used in the
indigenous systems of medicines are of great complexity, being a mixture of various
elements, compounds and gangue (waste rock i.e. the non-metalliferous part of an ore, not
useful for the intended purpose). They may be chemically classified only in a broad sense, and
exact chemical nomenclature cannot be assigned. Therefore, a broad classification, such as
Silicate, Sulphide, Oxide and Metal etc., is added for basic information.
Origin and occurrence: The nature and forms in which a raw drug occurs in the earth's crust
and its association with other minerals and rocks are included to give an idea about geology of
the substance. The occurrence and availability of the article in India are also incorporated.
This important information reflects the commercial potential of the article as a source for the
drug required by the Ayurvedic, Siddha & Unani practitioners, and to the manufacturers.
Standards: For mandatory purposes, the statements made under the following headings in a
monograph shall constitute "Official Standards", ........Title, Definition, Identification
(Physical, Optical and Chemical properties), Tests and Assays, Distinction from substitutes
and adulterants, Heavy metals, and the "odhana" process described and recommended in
classics quoted in Appendix -5.

Physical Properties: These include nature, colour, streak, cleavage, fracture, lustre, tenacity,
transparency, hardness, specific gravity, taste and magnetism. These are reliable and easy
identification features for minerals and metals. Fluorescence and XRD analysis applied for
identification of a few articles have also been included. Physical properties serve as the
preliminary but powerful parameters for identification of raw drugs. Definitions of geological
terminology used in the monographs and methods of determination of various parameters are
given in Appendix-1.
Optical Properties: These include the application of optical crystallography in identification
of minerals that are crystalline and transparent, irrespective of their chemical composition.
This is a time-tested petrographic/ mineralogical method of analysis using thin sections of
mineral or ore samples, but adapted and applied to powdered materials to suit pharmacopoeial
requirement. Several parameters can be computed from only a few fragments using
immersion liquids of known Refractive Indices, by a method known as the 'Immersion
Method'. Description of the principle and the method of determination of various constants
are given in detail in Appendix-2.
Chemical Properties: Under this, confirmatory identification tests for raw drugs are
mentioned. These include charcoal test, flame colouration test, effect of heat, solubility in
water and acids and reaction with different acids. The most important, however, are
determination of assays for major ingredients and minor constituents, presence of heavy
metals and other elements of significance. Details of various tests and methods of
determination of elemental assays etc., Details about Chemical & Reagents are given in
a) Except a few very simple chemical tests which have been given in monographs, all
methods of determination of physical, optical and chemical properties are given in
detail in the Appendices.
b) Instructions, explanations of technical terms, and the methods, given in different
Appendices, are the standard ones employed in the identification of the ores, minerals,
metals and inorganic substances. More than one method for determination of a
particular parameter in a monograph is given in this volume and the choice of method
to be adopted is left to the user, provided the actual method used is on record with
laboratory data.
Temperature: Except where specifically mentioned, ambient temperature in Celsius scale is
Pressure: Atmospheric pressure of 760 torr at 00, unless stated otherwise.


Weight and Measures: 'Constant Weight' implies that under the given circumstances, no two
consecutive weights shall differ by more than 0.5 mg per gram of substance taken for
analysis. 'Weight taken for analysis' is the amount to be taken for quantitative analysis stated
in the procedure within an approximate range, but shall be accurately weighed and shall not
differ from the stated weight by more than10 percent.
Abbreviations, used in the monographs, are given in a table on next page.


Abbreviations for Technical Terms

2d sin
analytical reagent
atomic absorption spectrophotometry
inductively coupled plasma analyser
kilo newton (pressure unit)
nanogram(10-9 g)(s)
part(s) per million or gram(s) per tonne
quantity sufficient
refractive index
refractive index
specific gravity
x-ray diffraction
x-ray fluorescence spectrometry



Sp. Gr.

Abbreviations for Texts

yurveda Praka


Bhat Rasarjasundara




Caraka Sahit Strasthna


National Formulary of Unani Medicines












rgadhara Sahit


Siddha Bheaja Maiml


Siddha Formulary of India


Suruta Sahit Strasthna














































Ayurveda is very much rich in many aspects and the number of drugs and their sources. The
use of a few minerals and metals in Ayurvedic medicines is since Vedic period but scientific
and systematic studies were conducted from 8th century onwards forming an integral part of
Ayurvedic medicines called Rasastra and the formulations called Rasyogas.
The brief history of Rasastra reveals many aspects of this science when viewed in
perspectives of identification, odhana (Purification), Mraa (Calcination), indications and
dietetic regimen.
Caraka has used Rasa in Kustha cikits but it is not sure whether it is Prada or else. Six
metals viz. Svara, Rajata, Tmra, Loha, Vaga and Nga have been coined under drugs of
mineral origin. These metals have been indicated for preparation of different devices like
Bastinetra, Dhmanetra, etc. Specialized procedures like Lohdi Rasyana, Ayaskti have
been described so that these metals can be converted into a consumable and efficacious
dosage form for therapeutic use. For this, the thin sheets of metals are repeatedly heated and
quenched in a series of liquids viz. Triphal kvtha, Gomtra, Godugdha, Lavaajala, etc.
until conversion to fine powder. Apart from metals, various other minerals like Gandhaka,
Svaramksika, Haritla, Manail, Mara, Gairika, etc.; alloys viz. Ksya, Pittala and
gems viz. Mukt, Pravla have been mentioned for therapeutic and other uses. Suruta, in
addition to all this, has used Prada (first non-ambiguous reference) tropically.
Agasagraha, for the first time, clearly indicates administration of Prada for its
Rasyana effect. Blowing up metal in a crucible to convert into powder form has also been
described by him.
Almost of the marked developments of Rasastra have taken place in this period (from 8th
century A. D.). The science attended its peak of advancements and opened new horizons in
the field of medicine. Several Rasasiddhas (disciples of Tntrika doctrine) have contributed
to this process. The outcomes of their extensive experimentations have been documented in
the form of texts. Ngrjuna was the most significant contributor to establish the aims,
principles and methodologies of Rasastra in an organized and systematic manner.
Numerous texts viz. Rasaratnkara, Rasendramagala, Rasrava have been composed in
this period explaining odhana, Mrana, properties, therapeutic uses, dose specifications and
various formulations of Rasauadhis. The odhana and Mraa methods may either be
characteristic for some specific material or applicable to a group/category. Moreover,

specifications for construction of a pharmacy have also been given instructing specific
directions for specific procedures and arrangements required inside and outside the pharmacy
Mainly three types of Physical treatments are adapted in metal/mineral preparations i.e. Heat,
Beat and Treat. Here the treat means the material is treated with many organic preparations,
the sequence of physical treatments may be varied considering the type of material and
formulation but the sequence may get changed.
In compiling the monographs, the title of each drug had been given in Sanskrit as already
obtained in the Ayurvedic Formulary of India. Then comes the definition physical properties /
Explanations of Geological/ Technical terms Terminology used in pharmacopoeial
Monographs and methods of determination of the drug giving its identity in scientific
nomenclature and very brief information about its source, occurrence, distribution and
precautions in collection if any, etc.
This is followed by a list of synonyms in Saskta and also the other Indian regional
languages. The monographs then record the Definitions and Methods of determination of
different optical parameters followed by Chemical properties along with qualitative chemical
tests of minerals by Blow pipe method. Apart from this, the distinct photographs of all
included materials are exhibited.
Since the efforts is to compile pharmacopoeial monographs of Ayurvedic drugs, in the accent
of the classical attributes of respective drugs according to the doctrine of Rasa, Gua, Vrya,
Vipka and Karma has not been lost sight of, though some of them appear to be abstract and
subjective in the absence of established experimental methods to quantify them.
The Legal Notices and General Notices have been given for guidance of the analysts, the
Pharmaceutical suppliers and manufactures and the research workers engaged in this field.
Details about the apparatus, reagents and solutions, tests, methods of preparation of
specimens for microscopic examinations have been given in the Appendices.
The Committee hopes that with the publication of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part I,
Vol. VII comprising of 21 single drugs of mineral, metal origin, as per the format and
procedure laid down, the different research units under Deptt. of AYUSH under the Ministry
of Health and Family Welfare and the other involved laboratories would plan their research
enquiries such that the output of work would be accelerated.

The Committee urges the Government of India to recommend the adoption of these
monographs for the purposes of identity, purity and strength of drugs for use in their
Government, Semi-Government and Government aided institutions and voluntary public
organizations. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Vol. VII may also be notified
by Government as a book of reference for implementation of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
1940 all over India as Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part-I, Vol. I, II, III, IV and V is
already included in the First Schedule of Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940.
This volume is specific in nature consisting of monographs on raw materials of mineral and
metals used in the mineral, metallic and herbo-mineral /metallic preparations.

Prof. S.S.Handa

Dr. S.K.Sharma

Dr. G.S.Lavekar



Member Secretary



The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia committee records and duly appreciates the

contributions made by the project officers and scientific staff of the participating institutions
associated with the APC project works for developing quality standards of Minerals and
The committee expresses gratitude of Ms. Anita Das, Secretary, and Shri Shiv Basant,
Joint Secretary, Department of AYUSH for providing constant support for completion of this
work and its further continuation and also sincerely thanks to Dr. M.M. Padhi, Deputy
Director [Tech.]; Shri. Vasantha Kumar, Asst. Director [Chem.] Dr. Pramila Pant, Research
Officer [Chem.], Dr. M.N. Rangne, Dr. Chhote Lal, Dr. AKS Bhadoria and Dr. Bishnupriya
Dhar, Research Officer [Phar], Dr. Nikhil Jirankalgikar S.R.F. (Ayu.), Dr. Rajesh Singh
S.R.F. [Ayu.], Dr. Sandhya Rani S.R.F. [Ayu.], Mr. Chinmay Rath S.R.F. [Bot.] for their
constant efforts in bringing out this volume. Thanks to Mr. Ashish Kumar, Ms. Meenakshi
Thakur, Ms. Deepti Anand D.E.O., who took pains in typing and arranging all the technical
data into a final shape.


The Ayurvedic system of medicine is prevalent in India since the Vedic period and as
early as the dawn of human civilization. Though Ayurveda has under gone many changes in
the course of its long history, it still remains the mainstay of medical relief to a large section
of population of the nation. Due to urbanization and dwindling of forests, the Vaidya by and
large is no longer a self contained unit collecting and preparing his own medicines as before.
He has now to depend on the newly developed agencies like one collecting and supplying the
crude drugs and the other undertaking mass production of medicines in the Ayurvedic
Pharmaceutical units run on commercial scale.
2. In view of the new trend in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical field, Government of India
considered it expedient to utilize the existing Drug and Cosmetics Act 1940, to also control to
a limited measure the Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs by amending the Act.
3. The Act was accordingly amended in 1964, to ensure only a limited control over the
production and sale of these medicines namely:i.

The manufacture should be carried under prescribed hygienic conditions, under

supervision of a person having a prescribed qualification;


The raw materials used in the preparation of drugs should be genuine and
properly identified; and


The formula or the true list of all the ingredients, contained in the drugs,
should be displayed on the label of every container.

The present Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Committee (APC) was reconstituted or

constituted under the Deptt. of AYUSH vide letter No.X-19011/6/94-APC (AYUSH) dated
9th March, 2005 consisting of following members.


Ms. Savita Satakopan, M.Sc.

(Former Drug Analyst),
Government of Gujarat,
7/4, Padmam Flats, Seventh Street,
Nanganallur, Chennai 600 061.


Prof. S.S. Handa, M. Pharma, Ph.D.,

(Former Director, RRL, Jammu), 522-A, Block C,
Sushant Lok, Phase-I,
Gurgaon, Haryana 122 001.

(23rd June, 2006 to

(9th March 2005 to

22nd June 2006)



Dr. S.K. Sharma, M.D. (Ayu.), Ph.D.

Advisor (Ayurveda),
Department of AYUSH,
Red Cross Society Building,
New Delhi 110 001.



Dr. G.S. Lavekar, AVP; Ph.D.

Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha,
61-65, Institutional Area,
D-Block, Janakpuri,
New Delhi 110 058.



Dr. D.R. Lohar, M.Sc.; Ph.D.

Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicine,
Central Govt. Offices Complex, Kamla Nehru Nagar,
Ghaziabad 201 002.

Member (Ex-officio)


Managing Director,
Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd.,
Mohan, Via Ram Nagar,
Distt.- Almora, Uttranchal.

Member (Ex-officio)


Drugs Controller General (India),

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110 011.

Member (Ex-officio)

Phytochemistry & Chemistry Sub-Committee

Prof. V.K. Kapoor, M. Pharm., Ph.D.

(Former Dean and Chairman,
University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Panjab University, Chandigarh)
1473, Pushpac Complex, 49B,
Chandigarh - 160 047.



Prof. S.S. Handa, M. Pharm., Ph.D.,

(Former Director, RRL),
522-A, Block C, Sushant Lok, Phase-I,
Gurgaon, Haryana 122 001.




Dr. P.D. Sethi, M. Pharm., Ph.D.,

(Former Director,
Central Indian Pharmacopoeial Laboratory)
B-140, Shivalik Enclave,
New Delhi 110 017.



Shri J.K. Dhing, M.Sc., M. Tech.

Former Chief Manager (Exploration),
Hindustan Copper Ltd.,
SF-8, Gayatri Nagar,
Sector-5, Hiran Magri,
Udaipur 313 002. (Rajasthan).


Pharmacognosy Sub-Committee

Ms. S. Satakopan, M.Sc.

(Former Drug Analyst),
Government of Gujarat,
7/4, Padmam Flats, Seventh Street,
Nanganallur, Chennai 600 061.



Dr. (Mrs.) Shanta Mehrotra, M.Sc., Ph.D.,

Emeritus Scientist,
National Botanical Research Institute,
Rana Pratap Marg, P.B. No.-436,
Lucknow 226 001 (U.P.).



Dr. M.A. Iyengar, M. Pharma, Ph.D,

Prof. of Pharmacognosy (Retd.),
14, HIG, HUDCO, Manipal 576 119.



Dr. J. Mohanasundraram, M.D.,

Former Professor of Pharmacology
& Deputy Director of Medical Education,


Formulary Sub-Committee
(Rasa Shastra / Bhaishajya Kalpana Ayurvedic Pharmacy)

Prof. S.K. Dixit, A.B.M.S.; D. Ay. M; Ph.D.

(Former Head, Deptt. of Rasa Shastra, BHU),
B-3/402, Shivala, Varanasi - 221 005 (UP.).




Dr. B.L. Gaur, Ph.D.;

Jodhpur Ayurvedic University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.



Prof. Siddhinandan Mishra, G.B.M.S.; Ph.D.

Pharmacy In-charge, SDM Ayurvedic College,
P.O. Kuthpady, Udupi 574 118
(South Karnataka)



Prof. Ved Vrat Sharma, H.P.A.

(Former Principal, DAV Ayurvedic College),
House No. 65, Sector-8, Panchkula, Haryana.



Dr. P.K. Prajapati, M.D. (Ay.), Ph. D.,

Reader & Head, Deptt. of Ras Shastra,
IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University,
Jamnagar, Gujarat 361 008.



Dr. Narendra Bhatt, M.D. (Ay.),

Chief Executive Officer,
Zandu Pharmaceutical Works Ltd.,
70, Ghokhle Road (South), Dadar,
Mumbai 400 025.



Shri Ranjit Puranik,

General Manager,
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd.,
135, Nanubhai Desai Road, Khetwadi,


Ayurveda Sub-Committee
(Single Drugs of Plants, Minerals, Metals, Animal origin)

Prof. V.K. Joshi, M.D. (Ay.), Ph.D.

Deptt. Dravyaguna,
Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University (BHU),
Varanasi 221 005 (U.P.).



Prof. K.C. Chunekar, Ph.D.

(Former Reader, Deptt. of Dravyaguna, BHU),
18/7, Ratan Phatak,
Varanasi, (U.P.).




Vaidya Devender Triguna, Ayurvedacharya,

143-Sarai Kale Khan,
Nizamuddin East, New Delhi.



Dr. M.R. Uniyal, M.D. (Ay.), Ph.D.

(Former Director, CRIA, CCRAS),
Director (Drugs), Maharishi Ayurved Products,
17/18, NOIDA Export Processing Zone,
NOIDA 201 305.



Prof. V.V. Prasad,

Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth,
Dhanvantri Bhawan,
Road No. 66, Punjabi Bagh (West),
New Delhi 110 026.


The term of the Committee shall be for a period of 3 years from the date of its
meeting and the members shall hold office for that period.
The chairman of the APC shall have the powers to form sub-committees
required and to co-opt experts from outside for such sub-committees.

The Committee shall have the power to frame procedures of functioning.


The functions of the Committee shall be as follows:




To prepare a Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India of single and compound



To prescribe the working standards for compound Ayurvedic formulations

including tests for identity, purity, strength and quality so as to ensure
uniformity of the finished formulations.


Keeping in view the time constraint, to identify such methods, procedures and
plan of work as would enable to publish the formulary and standards of all
commonly used drugs to be brought out in a phased manner.




To prepare remaining parts of the official formulary of compound preparations

from the classical texts including standardized composition of reputed


To develop and standardize methods of preparations, dosage form toxicity

profile etc.


To develop Quality standards, safety, efficacy profile of Intermediates like

extracts of Ayurvedic raw drugs.


To develop the Quality standards, safety, efficacy profile of different parts of

the plants; as well as to inclusion of new plants as Ayurvedic drugs.


Any other matter relating to the Quality standards, shelf life, identification,
new formulations etc.

The following are the targets focus of the Committee:


To evolve standards of single drugs mentioned in the Ayurvedic Formularies

of India.


To evolve standards for compound formulations mentioned in the Ayurvedic

Formularies of India & other Ayurvedic formulations of National Priority.


To prepare drafts Standard Operation Procedure of Manufacturing Process

(SOP) of Ayurvedic Formularies of India from the classical texts and other
authentic sources.



The materia medica of the Indian Traditional Systems of Medicine is comprehensive
in its resources from nature. Apart from a major share from medicinal plants, both animal
products and geochemicals are in trade as well as in use by practitioners. The Formularies till
now published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, lists about 65
substances of Minerals/Metals/Ores as raw materials for use either as single drugs or added to
compound formulations. Such a list was prepared from classical medical literature in
yurveda, by eminent vaidyas and practicing yurvedic pharmacists who were members of
the earlier yurvedic Pharmacopoeia Committees in the seventies of last century. The list was
finalized after extensive tours, on-the-spot examinations and consultations with practitioners
and user-pharmacies throughout the country. They also, for the first time, equated the
recorded names of single drug in Saskt literature, with its modern scientific nomenclature,
with an eye to the future task of evolving quality standards for such raw drugs.
The single drug list mentioned above formed the basis for present work. A general
format using appropriate geological descriptive titles was drafted by the APC. The format
specified the inputs required from the collaborating laboratories under various heads, so that a
general description, analytical parameters for identification, their elemental composition,
methods of tests and assays and yurvedic uses etc., would be available for each of the drugs
selected. The format was sent along with a preliminary note to the invitees of a Special
Committee of Experts, constituted by the Ministry under the APC. The experts were from
Wadia Institute of Himalaya Geology, Dehradun, and also from yurvedic Research Institutes
and Universities like Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi and Gujarat yurved
University (GAU), Jamnagar. An Annexure to this introduction gives the details of the
sittings and decisions of this committee.
As a sequel to the recommendation of this committee, further work was initiated by
allotting a set of 47 Minerals/Metals/Ores to the National Institute of yurveda (N.I.A.),
Jaipur under the Director as the Principal Investigator and Shri J.K. Dhing, Former Chief
Manager (Exploration), Hindustan Copper Ltd., Khetri Nagar and Dr. V.N. Rao, Associate
Professor, N.I.A., Jaipur as the Co-Investigators. Using both authentic and marketed samples,
analytical work was executed at the laboratories of the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), Ajmer
and Geological Survey of India (GSI), Jaipur, with Shri Dhing as the Co-ordinator. This
volume is based on the results obtained from the above collaborating laboratories and on other
inputs from Shri Dhing, Miss Satakopan and the yurvedic experts of the APC. It
recommends specifications and standards for 21 raw drugs and includes other relevant details.


Structure of this Volume

A chapter on General Notices explains the rules and mechanisms that should be
followed by analysts while applying the standards and tests in their work. There are various
Appendices, detailing the methods of tests and assays, the reagents in use, and the equipments
and apparatuses necessary. A special feature is a Glossary, to explain the geological terms
used in describing the physical properties of the drugs. This is given to help analysts of
pharmaceutical manufacturers and the regulatory bodies who may not be familiar with the
terminology used in identification of Minerals/Metals/Ores. On the yruvedic part of each
monograph, the 'odhana', represents the purity measures as mandatory. Unlike plant or
animal products, there is no prior preparation of a mineral drug for the market, by any
physical or chemical means. Purity for an yurvedic Mineral/Metal/Ore does not imply the
same as it does for other drugs and does not deal with extraneous or introduced matter. While
identity and strength are dealt with by physical and chemical modern tests, the purity
requirement of a pharmacopoeial mineral/metal based drug is determined by yurvedic
process described as 'odhana'. Original lokas dealing with 'odhana' are included
in Appendix-5. Hopefully, this would curtail the shortcuts now believed to be in use, by sidestepping the tedious 'odhana' required and also discourages adverse comments that undesired
toxic remains are present in such yruvedic preparations.
A preface (izLrkouk) written in Hindi by Dr. B.L. Gaur, currently ViceChancellor, Rajasthan yurved University, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), and a member of the APC, is
another feature of departure from routine editorial structure followed for pharmacopoeia. It is
necessary to explain the logic behind the use of substances known to be toxic, in medicines
for human use, place it in a correct perspective from the Ayurvedic point of view and counter
any misinterpretation. The inclusion of geochemicals in the treatment of human diseases by
traditional method in Ayurveda should be justifiable. Hence, this special effort.
Scope and Limitations
A pharmacopoeia emerges out of the common interests of stake holders. Its ultimate
purpose is to aid the implementation of the requirements under a legislation, which ensures
supply of quality drugs to a nation, and also monitors the activities of those responsible for
this. The core of objectives for a pharmacopoeia lies in the prescription of quality standards.
Such standards should be scientifically sound, technologically attainable (by a small, medium
and large scale industry equally), economically viable (for both industry and the common man
in relation to the marketed product) and finally, culturally and conceptually compatible to the
tenets of the Ayurvedic systems of treatment. These are basic to a well worked out
pharmacopoeia for traditional medicines.
Constraints and compromises are inevitable in a pharmacopoeia for traditional
medicines, considering that empirical wisdom, accumulated over a few thousand years by a
highly evolved society in ancient India, is sought to be shackled in a framework of
requirements for the 21st century, in an effort to 'modernize' and keep up a global

participation. In addition, this is attempted in a scientific environment of huge knowledge

gaps, owing to absence of research by modern scientists. Although the metal/mineral drugs
have been in clinical practice in Ayurveda and in trade since a long time, their role in
pharmacology and therapeutics have not been elucidated. The unfortunate effect of this can be
seen in the monographs, where assay limits have been set for possible active chemical entities
on theoretical grounds and not on clinical data. It has not been possible to decide definitely,
which major element or minor element or trace elements present in such a complex material
(an ore) would contribute to the recorded curative properties of the drug using that
mineral/metal, and, on that evidence, set a range of upper and lower limit. Hopefully, future
research may throw light on such aspects and help improve or rationalize the standards.
The sophisticated analytical methods that are invariably carried out using costly
imported machinery, is a deterrent to their introduction in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. India
still lives in its villages and 75 percent of the rural and remote households still depend on
traditional medicines. There is no use in having methods that ensure excellent analytical
performance of a drug, but the drug itself is inaccessible to the one who needs it, because of
the cost factor. Keeping this aspect in view, the APC has strived for a compromise, using
much simpler methods and prescribing standards that are weighted rather heavily on
parameters that ensure correct identity, established purity at the expense of an accurate
estimation of strength. This is also in keeping with the belief that quality medicines in
yurveda for public use can well be promoted by using a correctly identified and purified raw
material and following GMPs prescribed both by Ayurveda and modern pharmaceutics, even
if its mode is unknown.
In the above paragraphs, only a few important impediments to the development of
quality standards for Ayurvedic medicines have been outlined so as to keep them at par with
accepted norms for modern medicines. There are many more grey areas to be tackled,
especially in compound formulations using geochemicals like Bhasmas and Rasayogas, but
with these words, we offer this volume for public use and welcome comments and criticisms
to enhance its value in future revisions.

Members of APC


Annexure to Special Introduction

A meeting was called for by the Adviser (Ayurveda), Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare, on the 12th and 13th of June 2000, to discuss the format, and identity of the mineral
drugs included in the Ayurvedic Formulary of India, Part-I and II. Since the advice of experts
in the subjects Geology and Mineralogy would help the scientist and the physician members
of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Committee, to work on the monographs for these drugs,
some geologists from well known institutes were invited to participate. Request was also
made for actual samples to be brought to the meeting so that the experts could give their
opinion on them. Several of the Vaidyas had brought whatever samples they had, for
reference at the meeting. The following experts who had been invited were present:

Ms. S. Satakopan,
Chairman (In the absence of Adviser)



Prof. S.S. Handa,

Regional Research Laboratory,

New Delhi


Prof. M. Joshi,
Professor of Geology,
Banaras Hindu University



Prof. Ved Vrat Sharma,

Retd. Professor of Ras Shastra



Vd. Nanak Chand Sharma

Kaya Maya Pharmacy

New Delhi


Dr. C.B. Jha

Deptt. of Ras Shastra
Banaras Hindu University



Dr. K.K. Sharma

Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology,




Dr. N.S. Virdi

Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology



Dr. Y.B. Tripati

Deptt of Medicinal Chemistry,
Institution of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University



Dr. R.U. Ahmed,

Director, PLIM



Dr. Rajeev Kumar,

Senior Scientific Officer, PLIM



Dr. P. C. Srivastava
Senior Scientific Officer, PLIM



Dr. N.N. Pandey,

Drug Testing Laboratory



Dr. M.L. Sharma,

Deputy Adviser (AY.)

Deptt. of ISM & H


Dr. Aliya Aman,

Deputy Adviser (Unani)

Deptt. of ISM & H


Dr. J. Pandey,
Asstt. Adviser (Ayur)

Deptt. of ISM & H


Dr. D.C. Katoch,

Asstt. Adviser (Ayur)

Deptt. of ISM & H


Dr. Chhote Lal,

S.T. A. (Ayur)

Deptt. of ISM & H


Dr. A.K.S. Bhadoria,

Research Asstt. (Ayur)

Deptt. of ISM & H


Following experts could not attend the meeting


Dr. I Sanjeev Rao

Dr. (Mrs.) A. S. Paranjape
Prof. R.K. Lal
Dr. Balendu Prakash


A background note and a list of minerals in use by the practitioners in Ayurveda,

Siddha and Unani had earlier been distributed. A draft format for preparing the monographs
under suitable parameters was also distributed at the meeting, so that the geologist present at
the meeting may suggest additions or alterations, and finalise a format for drafting
At the beginning, the chairman explained the work to be done, and the help desired
from the experts in Geology, on the basis of discussions with the Vaidyas across the table, and
their observations on the clinical use of the minerals. After some general discussion, the
following business was conducted.
1. The geological experts found the draft format for preparing monographs satisfactory for
its purpose and agreed that it gave sufficient characteristics for identity of the minerals
and metals.
2. Each item in the list supplied already, with a note on each, giving the available current
information was then taken up and decisions taken regarding their identity and scientific
3. Since the latest information on the minerals and metals would be available with
geologists, they were requested to kindly help the APC by furnishing more details.
a) Title ( this would be the same as that appearing in the list)
b) Broad classification (Details already given in the format)


+n BE ={n A inx{ |M x j BE ci BE c+ c* +n BE i
)kxi {\Sci BE +vh ABE ck{h )kxi c* BE {\SiBE x M c
il < BE hx BE { BE +v { cx BE l l n-BE---|BEi+c +n +xBE BEh |i ci c* VBE BEh ABE c BBDi xx-xx
xx-xx {h xx +vBE hx ci c +l ABE c BEh xx-xx {h
xx +vBE hx ci c * xx-xx BBDi xx-xx {h c hx ci c*
|Sx +S x Mcx +vx A Bli +xxvx BE xi-E BE |BDi BE
FFh {BE V il |BEi BE +SVxBE c* il n |BE |ii c - {]i&
xxn{BE A BEi{BE* =nch BE { V hx F{h ci c =BE xi&
xn c* F |M A =nBEF {{BE xi{h |M c xi& xn BE
=nch c* n xn BEi{BE c, V BDiF c |M +l j i-|M*
<xBE |M BEx E& BDih BE xh A VBE {k BE BE BE Bli {
{nx ci c V BDiF BE +{xx A iS BE u +{x BE h BE |{i
BEx c *
c < i BE BEi c BE x{i V {\Sci BE |ixv pB c l
ik BE {] BEi c* l c JxV A vi+ BE |ixv pB ci c V c, i
+n BE { c* <xBE {i x{i c Vi c, BEx <x vi{BE ik BE
Fhi n +vBE c i ii{BE x{i <BE {i BE {{i xc ci, +i& =x-=x
JxV vi+ BE +l +BE BE |M +BE x V BE =xBE v{BE |M
+S x xvi BE*
< c {] ci c BE +S BE u c +xxvx BE V SBE l BE
BEx ik BE BE cx +vBEi cx BEx Fh =i{xx ci c il =xc n BEx BE
BEx pB (x{i,JxV A vi +n) ={BDi c*
ix BE xx BE Ji Y BE u ABE +V =~< V c
c BE +n - BE PiBE c A cxBEBE c* < {Si n BE YxBE
|J c* i c xc BEc c, +{i xxi +xxvx BE +v { BEc c c, +i& =xc
c Z~ Z xc V BEi*


BEx c Vx x Sc BE =xBE +xxvx-{h ABEi& c ci c

ABExii& c xc c* BEx =xc c i xSi {nhb A v-ci-|E+ BE u c
Z V BEi c* VBE i-BE BE +-M x b =~ c il +n
+v-xh BE {h |E+ BE +vxBE {nhb { {{i BE {h Yx-Y BE
x Jx BE ii | BE c*
< xn {c ABE i Z x +BE c BE JxV A vi +n
BE i ciBE c VBE <xBE vci-|M c, +xl +ciBE c ci c* <xBE
vci-|M BE 4 i BDi BE V BEi c1

JxV, vi +n BE =k { BE Sx
JxV +n BE Si vx
<xBE Si h (-xh)
<xBE xi +x{x A Si {l BE l |M

V BE +nBE {EBE{ BE] (APC) BE c c, c + x c, c BEi< xc

Zx Sc* ={BDi S BE ( i) i n ci + c* BEx <ix +BE c BE
APC <xc xxi {nhb BE { |ii BE c c* {c +v pB (Raw Drugs) BE Sx
vx, h A |M S i ABE c BBDi, l c BE u {ni BE Vi l
+i& pB|{i , vx +, xh O v BE |M BE + j] A |M
ciSki BE + xc ci l V ix c c c* pB BE Sx |{i +x
l c BEi c, vx A h +x BE u {ni ci c il |M BE +x BE
u ci c* +i& xx xn {Fi {nhb BE xSiBEh A |Sh {BE c*
+v xh Vix pB BE Vi c =x 15 |ii pB JxV, vi +
+BE c* ABE ck{h =Jx il c c BE j =Ji j M MM
53 |ii A M c Vx JxV vi +BE c* +i& c - +BE c BE

pB BE {Fh BE xi |E c V iBE + xBE {Fh BE {nhb

{ c*
<x { Vx P]BE ik BE j xSi c*
|J BEBE ik BE |ii BE i c*
{cSx BE xSi S cx Sc *
JxV +n ={M { |{i c*
<xBE vx A h v{BE c*



<xBE ABE |BDi BE Vx +vBEi j,xxi j A {hi& |Vx

j xSi c*

<x i BE vx Ji c V |E +{x M<, =BE +v { |l 21

pB BE {S i BE |BEi BE V c c, V |J i c(BE)

+n BE ci+ + xPh]+ BE +v { <xBE h, {, li A

Mxvn xvi hx
<x Oxl BE +v { c ,Mh,,{BE + | BE =J
+Mx +x ={ n j =Ji c i =xBE +v { BE Vx
xBE {Fh BE =J*
+vxBE +xxvx BE +v { xSi h-{ +n BE |BEi il BE
|M |hBE {Fh BE =J
xO{E xh
<x i+ BE +v { BEi, Si,=Ji A {ni + BDi c
|l |BEx +ixi ={M cM il <BE xxJi {h +x xSi c,l={M =Si pB BE Si {cSx A cV ={v*
=k pB BE ={v BE |E BE xvh BE cMi*
pB BE xnMvi BE {{i
+vxBE Yx BE xn {nhb cx BE BE.
+x n |M-|E ci Si +v BE xh*
pB BE xBE-|E BE +vxBE xn h{BE {h Yx cx <xBE
j =Ji vx-|E BE +{xx +v-xi+ BE |h M*
< xn +M +xxvx BE M JM + +xxvxBEi+ BE |h M *
V M <x xi +v BE PiBE ii c il +Sx BEi c =xBE
Si V M*
c c BE V +{Mh,+{|, +x{M pB BE lx {
Mhx,| A ={M pB x MM*
Drugs and cosmetics act 1940 BE +x{ ={BDi {nhb BE +x{
+v-xh ci v BE V BEi c il <BE Si { M BE V
BEi c*

oS| cuokjh yky xM

midqyifr] jktLku ;osZn fofo|ky;]
tiqj jktLku


Various tests, studies and analyses, conducted for raw drugs by the following
institutions/laboratories, are sincerely acknowledged:
1. National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur (Rajasthan) India.
2. Geological Survey of India (Western Region), Jaipur (Rajasthan), India.
3. Regional Ore Dressing Laboratory, Indian Bureau of Mines, Ajmer (Rajasthan), India.
4. Regional Ore Dressing Laboratory, Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur (Maharastra),



(Biotite Mica)




Saskta :


Abhraka is Biotite mica, a ferro-magnesium silicate K (Mg Fe)3

X(Si3AlO11) X (OH)2}. It is a black variety of mica group of
Ghana, Vyoma, Abhra, Nicandra, Vyomaka, Vajra,
Vajrbhra, Kbhra

Names in other Languages:

Abhrak, Abarak
Malayalam Abrakam
Abragam, Karuppu Appirakam (S.F.I.)
Abrak Siyah (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification: A Phyllo-Silicate


Origin and occurrence: Abhraka occurs in igneous rocks in pure form as well as
in metamorphic rocks as schists and gneisses. It occurs in ore form in pegmatites
but pure mineral in sheet-form can be made available through sorting in pegmatite
It is found in all igneous terrains of the earths crust. In India, it occurs
mostly in the mica belts of Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand. The main
deposits in these states occur at Ajmer, Bhilwara, Tonk and Pali in Rajasthan,
Kalichedu, Thalpur and Gudur in Andhra Pradesh, Koderma and Giridih in
Jharkhand. Other known occurrences are in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka,
Kerala and West Bangal.
5. Physical properties: (Definition/Explanation of technical terms and Methods of
Determination as given in Appendix 1).


Platy (separable in thin layers)

Greenish black
Greenish black

Sp. Gr.


2.5 to 3
2.6 to 3


Optical Properties: Anisotropic, Biaxial Negative, small 2V and strong

birefringence. Refractive Index: 1.565-1.625; 1.605- 1.696; 1.605-1.696


Chemical Properties:
Effect of Heat: Hold a piece of Abhraka by forceps and heat it over a
burner flame in its outer zone (about 10000). It swells almost double in
volume. Colour changes from black to silver moon while, water is released.


Solubility: Take about 1 g finely powdered (150 mesh) sample of Abhraka

in 250 ml beaker. Add 50 ml sulphuric acid. Stir the solution. It
decomposes leaving skeleton of silica (distinction from other micas which
are not affected by sulphuric acid).


Assay: Should contain not less than 50% silica (SiO2) when analysed by
gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.3).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Should not contain more than the stated limits
for the following: - Lead = 45 ppm, Arsenic = 3 ppm, and Cadmium =2
ppm (Appendix-3.2).


Other Elements: May contain the following within 20% of the stated
limits:- Iron = 6%, Aluminium = 5%, Magnesium = 9% and Potassium =
5% (Appendix-3.1 & 3.2).


odhana: Shall not be used in formulation without subjecting it to odhana.


Abhraka is always used in the form of bhasma, the therapeutic uses, dose and
other details of which are given in the monograph of bhasma.


Definition: Akka is a silica mineral (SiO2). It is the banded form of Chalcedony.



: Akka

Names in other Languages:

Quartz, Chacedony
Mank, Akka
Aqeeq (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification: Crypto crystalline Silica Mineral


Origin and occurrence: Akka occurs generally in pure form. It occurs all over the
earths crust in igneous as well as metamorphic rocks. Wherever cavities are
developed, silica is deposited and the material becomes Akka. Banding in Akka is
due to interrupted deposition of silica in cavities. It is a very common semiprecious ornamental stone.
Akka occurs mainly as fillings in the voids in the Deccan Trap rocks. The
most important occurrence of Akka in India is Rajpipla area and further west
between the mouths of river Tapti and Narmada in Bharuch district, Gujarat. Other
occurrences of economic importance are known at Amaravati, Aurangabad,
Buldhana, Chandrapur, Jalna, Nasik and Pune in Maharashtra, beds of Krishna and
Godavari rivers in Andhra Pradesh, Rajmahal and Sahebganj in Bihar, Dhar and
Mandsaur in Madhya Pradesh and Jamnagar, Kutch and Surat in Gujarat.


Physical Properties: (Definition/Explanation of technical terms and Methods of

Determination as given in Appendix1).
Sp. Gr.


Banded form
Not present
Sub- translucent
6 to 7
2.5 to 2.65
Remains dark when observed after irradiation
with near UV light of 365 to 400 nm


Optical Properties: Akka is uniaxial, positive, showing birefringence between

crossed nicols, with refractive indices between 1.530 and 1.555 with w 1.544 and
e 1.553 (Appendix-2).


Chemical Properties:
7.1 Reaction with acids: Take about 5 g finely powdered (150 mesh) sample
of Akka in a test tube. Add 10 ml dilute hydrofluoric acid. It dissolves
completely in hydrofluoric acid. (Care should be taken in handling
hydrofluoric acid).
No other acid has any reaction or effect on Akka.

Assay: Should contain not less than 95% Silica (SiO2) when analysed by
gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.3).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Should not contain more than the stated limits
for the following:- Arsenic = 190 ppm, and Cadmium = 1.6 ppm


Diagnostic property: Bands of Akka are typically parallel to each other.


odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.

9.1 odhana: [Ref. Rasatantrasra Siddha Prayoga Sagraha, Part-1, page 73]

Gulba Jala
Arka Vedamuka

1 part


Heat Akka till it becomes red-hot and dip in Gulba Jala or Arka
Vedamuka or Go-dugdha for 21 times.

Akka is used in the form of pi or bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of pi or bhasma.

(Red Ochre)

Definition: Gairika is Red Ochre, an oxide of Iron (Fe2O3). This mostly earthy
variety of hematite mineral is also known as Reddle.



Ksyakkal, Kvi, Svarnagairika

Names in other Languages:


Ochre, Reddle
Geru, Songeru
Geru, Gerumitti
Hojtha, Jajoo, Kaavi, Kemmannu
Ger, Sonakva
Seemaikkaavikkallu, Kvikkal (S.F.I.)
Kaviry, Kaavi
Geru (Teen-e-Rumi) (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification: Oxide


Origin and occurrence: Basically a hematite mineral, Gairika is a natural mineral

pigment found with other iron-titanium oxide minerals in igneous and
metamorphic rocks as accessory mineral. Gairika is associated with magnetite. It
sometimes contains minor amount of titanium and magnesium. Gairika occurs as
an alteration product of other iron minerals or by degradation of highly ferruginous
rocks in the form of weathered residual concentrations. It is generally found mixed
with clay and other impurities.
Based on their colour, there are two types of ochres found in the country
i.e. Red ochre and Yellow ochre. Anhydrous ironoxide is red ochre (Gairika) and
hydrated iron oxide is yellow ochre.
In India, Gairika (Red ochre) is widely distributed. Gairika deposits are
chiefly found in Rajpur, Banaskantha, Jamnagar and Kuchchh in Gujarat, Bellary
and Bidar in Karnataka, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Satna, Kailashpur, Madhogarh and
Mandla in Madhya Pradesh and Udaipur, Alwar, Bikaner, Chittorgarh and Sawai
Madhopur in Rajasthan. Other known occurrences are in Andhra Pradesh and West
5. Physical properties: (Definition/explanation of technical terms and methods of
determination as given in Appendix 1).

Massive clayey

Sp. Gr.

Reddish brown
Reddish brown
5.5 to 6.5 but much softer in earthy variety

Chemical Properties:

Effect of Heat:
6.1.1 Gairika becomes magnetic on heating. Magnetism can be felt using
a horse-shoe magnet (Appendix-3.3.3/1.9).



Does not easily fuse in a blow - pipe flame.


Solubility in Acid: Soluble in hydrochloric acid.


Gairika should not contain less than 16% Fe or not less than 21% Fe2O3
when analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.4).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Gairika should not contain more than the
stated limits for the following:- Lead = 6 ppm, Arsenic = 2 ppm and
Cadmium = 2 ppm (Appendix-3.2).


Other elements: May contain the following within 20% of the stated
limits:- 1% Magnesium and 1% Titanium (Appendix-3.1 & 3.2).

odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.

7.1 odhana:

[Ref: Rasaratna Samuccaya 3/49]

i) Gairika
ii) Go-dugdha


1 Part
Q.S for Bhvan

Prepare fine powder of Gairika and Bhvan of Go-dugdha
should be given three times with sufficient quantity, dry and use for
therapeutic purposes.

Gairika has the following attributes:


Properties and Actions:

Madhura, Kaya
Snigdha, Viada



Pitta-Naka, Balya, Vraa Ropaa, Netrya,

Therapeutic Uses of uddha Gairika: Netra roga (diseases of eyes);

Raktapitta (bleeding disorder); hikk (hiccup); vamana (vomiting); via
vikra (disorders due to poison); Rakta pradara (Menorrhagia or
Metrorrhagia or both); ka (itching); Jvara (fever); dha (burning
sensation); Udara roga (diseases of abdomen)


Dose: 250 - 500 mg of uddha Gairika.


Important Formulations: Kukumdi taila, Bhgarja taila, Tutthdi lepa, Mah

Jvarkua rasa, Laghu Staekhara rasa, Kmadudh rasa (Mauktika yukta)


Definition: Gandhaka is sulphur (S), a non-metallic solid element.


2.1 Saskta

: Bali, Daityendra, Gandha, Sugandhaka, Val, Sugandhika

Names in other Languages:

Malayalam Gandagam
Kandagam, Kantakam (S.F.I.)
Kibreet (Gandhak) (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification: Native element


Origin and occurrence: Native Gandhaka occurs in the craters and crevices of
extinct volcanoes where it has been deposited as a direct sublimation product from
volcanic gases. It also occurs around thermal springs, in salt dome cap-rocks and in
sedimentary sequences that contain sulphates along with organic materials like
bituminous limestone. Gandhaka is frequently associated with gypsum and
limestone. Native Gandhaka, which is contaminated with sand or clay, bitumen
and such foreign matter, is purified by melting in oven or by distilling in closed
In India, the deposits of Gandhaka are very much limited. The only known
occurrence is that of Tsokar Lake, Leh district in Jammu and Kashmir. There is no
mining for Gandhaka in India. Elemental Gandhaka, however, is recovered
commercially as a by-product from fertilizer plants at Panipat in Haryana, Naya
Nangal and Bhatinda in Punjab and Oil Refinery at Mathura in Uttar Pradesh.
There are huge deposits of elemental Gandhaka burried underground in certain
parts of the world especially Poland, Mexico and USA.


Physical properties: (Definition/explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix1).


Crystalline lumps
Sulphur yellow
Yellowish white

Sp. Gr.

1.5 to 2.5
1.95 to 2.10

Chemical Properties:

Effect of Heat:
6.1.1 On burning a small quantity in a crucible, Gandhaka partially melts
with evolution of brownish sulphur fumes.



Gandhaka melts at about 1100 where as it burns at 2700 in air with a

bluish flame yielding sulphur-di-oxide (SO2).


Solubility: Insoluble in water as well as any acid, but soluble in carbon-disulphide.


Assay: Should contain not less than 90% Sulphur, when analysed by
gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.8).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Should not contain more than the stated limits
for the following: Arsenic = 1 ppm and Cadmium = 2 ppm (Appendix-3.2).

Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.
7.1 odhana:
[ Ref: Rasmtam-2/3]
i) Gandhaka
ii) Go-dugdha
Bhgarja rasa


1 part


Take fine powder of Gandhaka in a ladle, add little amount of ghta,
melt and pour in to the vessel which contains go-dugdha or bhgarja
svarasa. Collect on cooling to room temperature, wash with plenty of luke
warm water, dry, prepare the fine powder and preserve for further purpose.

Gandhaka has the following attributes:


Properties and Actions:

Madhura, Kau, Tikta, Kaya
Ua, Sara, Snigdha


Rasyana, Dpana, Pcana, Viahara, Kaphahara,

Balya, Medhya, Pittala, Cakuya, Kmihara, Stajit,
Kuhahara, maoahara,

8.2. Therapeutic Uses of uddha Gandhaka: Ka (itching); Kuha (diseases of

the skin); Visarpa (erysepales); Dadru (taeniasis); mavta (rheumatism);
Kapha roga (disease due to kapha doa); Garavia (slow/accumulated
poison); Plh roga (splenic disease); Kaya (pthisis); Ksa (cough); vsa
(Asthma); Netra roga (diseases of eyes); Vta roga (diseases due to Vta

Dose: 125 mg - 1 g of uddha Gandhaka.


Important Formulations: - Mahgandhaka va, Pacm ta parpa, Candrakal

rasa, Tarurka rasa, Rasa parpa, Gandhaka rasyana.



Definition: Godant is Selenite (CaSO4, 2H2O) mineral.




Names in other Languages:

Selenite, Gypsum
Godant, Ghpaa, Chirod
Godant, iragola
Karpura Chilajattu (S.F.I.)
Hara sothamu
Godanti (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification: Hydrous calcium sulphate


Origin and occurrence: Godant occurs as evaporates; extensive sedimentary

deposits interbedded with limestone, red shales and clay stones etc. It occurs
generally in pure mineral form.
In India, significant occurrences of Godant are at Nellore, Prakasam and
Guntur in Andhra Pradesh and Bikaner, Barmer, Jaisalmer, Nagaur, Ganganagar
and Pali in Rajasthan. Major production of Godant comes from these two states
only. There are some other occurrences also reported in the states of Gujarat,
Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).
Sp. Gr.



Crystalline showing elongated tabular crystals

Greyish white
2 to 2.5

Optical properties: Anisotropic, biaxial positive, large 2V, weak birefringence.

Refractive index
: ,1.520; ,1.524; , 1.530 (Appendix2).



Chemical Properties:

Test for sulphate radical: Take about 0.5 g powdered sample in a test
tube. Add 10-15 ml dilute hydrochloric acid and boil. Add 10 % barium
chloride solution drop wise. The resulting solution gives white precipitate
of barium sulphate.


Assay: Should contain not less than 20% Calcium (Ca) or 30% calcium
oxide (CaO) when analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.5).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Should not contain more than the stated limits
for the following: Lead = 6 ppm, Arsenic = 1 ppm and Cadmium = 4 ppm


odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.


Godant is used in the form of bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of bhasma.




Gomeda is Almandite {Fe3Al2 (SiO4)3}, one of the garnet group of



Names in other Languages:


Broad Classification: Silicate of iron and aluminium


Origin and occurrence: Gomeda occurs in two forms; in-situ deposits and
placers. It occurs as in-situ deposits in metamorphic rocks, mostly in schists and
gneisses, of argillaceous parentage, crystalline limestone and metamorphosed basic
and other igneous rocks. In placer form, it is found as heavy detrital residue in
In India, in-situ occurrences of Gomeda exist in many parts of the country
e.g. Khammam in Andhra Pradesh, Singbhum in Jharkhand, Hassan, Bangalore
and Mysore in Karnataka and Ajmer, Bhilwara, Jhujhunu, Sikar, Sirohi and Tonk
in Rajasthan. It occurs as primary mineral also in igneous rocks such as micapegmatites of Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan. The placer deposits, whereas,
occur in beach sands of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Orissa.
Varieties of Gomeda are valued as semi-precious stones.


Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).
Sp. Gr.


Reddish brown
Not present
Vitreous to resinous
7.0 to 7.5
3.5 to 4.0
No fluorescence when observed after irradiation with
UV rays of 365 to 400 nm


Optical properties: Isotropic

Refractive Index: = 1.83 (range 1.75 to 1.90) (Appendix2.4).


Chemical Properties:




Assay: Should contain not less than 35% SiO2, 10% Alumina (Al2O3) and
5% Iron (Fe) when analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Should not contain more than the stated limits
for the following: - Mercury = 7 ng/g, Arsenic = 2 ppm and Cadmium =
traces (Appendix-3.2).


Other Elements: May contain the following within 20% of the stated
limits:- Calcium = 0.10 %, Magnesium = 0.10 % and Manganese = 11%
(Appendix-3.1 & 3.2).

Distinction from Manikyam:

Mikya gives a fiery red fluorescence in near UV rays of 365 to 400nm, whereas
Gomeda does not fluoresce under the same condition. Mikya is anisotropic,
uniaxial and negative.

Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.

i) Gomeda
ii) Nimb svarasa

[Ref: Rasa Taragi-23/123]



1 Part
Q.S for Svedana

Prepare small pieces of Gomeda, boil in Nimb svarasa for 3 hours. On
cooling to room temperature, collect Gomeda, dry and use for therapeutic

Gomeda is used in the form of pi or bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of pi or bhasma.


Jaharamohar is Serpentine, a hydrous silicate of Magnesium
[Mg6(Si4O10)X(OH)8 ]. This is also known as Green Marble in





: Jaharamohar

Names in other Languages:

Serpentine, Green Marble
lagrma il
Zahar Mohra, Hajr-us-sum, Fad Zahr Madani, Hajrul-behr (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification: Hydrous magnesium silicate


Origin and occurrence: Jaharamohar results from the alteration, either during
metamorphism or by late-stage hydrothermal action at temperatures below 4000, of
rocks rich in magnesium, containing olivine, pyroxene or amphibole. Magnetite
usually accompanies this alteration. Some serpentine occurs as large rock masses
generally referred to as serpentinites. Nickel in minor amount is generally present
in Jaharamohar. A little amount of Calcium, Iron and Aluminium may also be
In India, Jaharamohar occurs mostly in metamorphic terrains of
Rajasthan, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. In
Rajasthan, it occurs abundantly in Udaipur and Dungurpur districts.


Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix -1).
Sp. Gr.



Crystalline, coarse grained, soapy feel

Blackish green
3.5 to 5
2.5 to 2.7

Optical properties : Bi-axial, negative, weakly birefringent with R.I. 1.546 to

1.554 (Appendix- 2).



Chemical Properties:
Effect of Heat: Take about 1 g powdered sample of Jaharamohar in open
test tube. Heat the test tube at around 5000. The sample gets decomposed and gives
off a little water.

7.2.1 Should contain not less than 30% magnesium oxide when analysed
by gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.6).
7.2.2 Should contain not less than 30 % Silica (SiO2), not less than 5%
Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) and not less than 5% calcium oxide (CaO)
when analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix -3.1).



Heavy metals and Arsenic: Jaharamohar should not contain

more than the stated limits for the following: - Arsenic = 2 ppm and
Cadmium = 3 ppm (Appendix-3.2).


Other elements: May contain the following within 20% of the

stated limits:- 0.15 % Nickel when analysed by Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (Appendix-3.2.2).


Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.

odhana: [Ref. Rasatantrasra Siddha Prayoga Sagraha, Part-1, Page 73 ]


malak rasa


1 part

Heat Jaharamohar till it becomes red hot and dip in Go-dugdha or malak rasa
for 21 times.

Jaharamohar is used in the form of pis

, the details of which are given in the
monograph of pis.


(Iron Ore)

Definition: Knta Lauha is an Iron ore containing magnetite, a ferric oxide

(Fe3O4) mineral.



: Knta, Kntaka, Kntyasa

Names in other Languages:

Cumbaka, Cumbaka patthar
Kantham (S.F.I.)
Sudantu ryi, Ayaskntamu
Faulad, Aahan (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification: Oxide


Origin and occurrence: Knta Lauha occurs in igneous as well as metamorphic

rocks as accessory mineral. It is a wide-spread oxide mineral found in earths crust
in ore form. Knta Lauha is commonly associated with hematite (Fe2O3).
In India, Knta Lauha occurs mainly at Guntur in Andhra Pradesh, Salem
and Tirucirappalli in Tamil Nadu, Shimoga and Kudramukh in Karnataka, Mandi
in Himachal Pradesh, Mayurbhanj in Orissa and Noamundi, Notoburu, Gore Pahar
and Biwabathan in Jharkhand. Other known deposits with hematite aspredominent
mineral occur in the states of Bihar, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.


Physical Properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).


Greyish black
Reddish black
Magnetic in nature
5.5 to 6
5 to 6



Chemical Properties:

Knta Lauha in ore form should contain not less than 60% Iron (Fe) when
analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.4).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Knta Lauha in ore form should not contain
more than the stated limits for the following: - Arsenic = 2 ppm and
Cadmium = 7 ppm (Appendix-3.2).


Other Elements: Knta Lauha in ore form may contain the following
within 20% of the stated limits:- Zinc = 95 ppm, Manganese = 500 ppm
and Silver = 5 ppm (Appendix-3.1 & 3.2).


Acid Insoluble: Take about 1 g of pre-dried finely powdered (150 mesh)

sample of Knta Lauha in 250 ml beaker. Add 50 ml dilute hydrochloric
acid. Stir the solution and cover the beaker with a watch glass. Heat on the
hot plate at 1500 and digest for two hours. Cool, filter in buchnar funnel,
wash with water and ignite at 9000. Weigh the residue. It should not be
more than 13 % of the initial weight of the sample.


odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.


Knta Lauha is used in the form of bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of bhasma.


(Ferrous Sulphate)
Ka is Ferrous Sulphate (FeSO4. 7H2O) also known as Green
vitriol, Copper as or melanterite mineral.





Kaka, Pupaka

Names in other Languages:

Ferrous Sulphate, Green vitriol
Kass, HraKass
Kaasisa, Annabedi
Malayalam Turusi, Turus
Annabedhi, Annapeti (S.F.I.)
Hira Kasees, Zaj-e-Asfar, Tutia-e-Sabz (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification:


Origin and occurrence: Ka, a secondary mineral, results from the

decomposition of pyrites in the zone of oxidation and is found in small quantities
wherever pyrite occurs. It occurs widely as efflorescence on the walls and timbers
of mine workings. Ka is commonly associated with chalcanthite, gypsum and
other hydrous basic sulphates. Mostly, commercially manufactured Ka as a
chemical is used for Ayurvedic formulations in the country.


Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).
Sp. Gr.

Hydrous ferrous sulphate


Massive lumps
Greenish white
1.95 to 2
1.90 to 1.97
Sweetish, astringent taste



Chemical Properties:


Effect of Heat:

Heated before blowpipe, Ka becomes magnetic as felt by a

horse-shoe magnet.


On strong heating in a crucible, Ka looses water with evolution

of SO2 gas giving pungent smell of burning sulphur.


Take about 5 g fine powder each of Ka and borax. Heat the

mixture in a crucible. A brown glassy fused mass results.


Efflorescence: Ka is efflorescent in dry air. On exposure to

moist air, the Ka crystals rapidly oxidize and become coated
with brownish yellow mass.


Reaction with barium chloride solution: White precipitate of barium

sulphate appears on addition of barium chloride solution in Ka
solution, dissolved in purified water.


Solubility in water: Take about 10 g accurately weighed fine (150 mesh)

powder of Ka in 250 ml beaker. Add 50 ml purified water to it. Stir the
solution till Ka powder stops dissolving. Put the beaker in the sun light
till the solution gets completely dried up. Weigh the residue, if any. It
should not be more than 5% of the initial weight of the sample. That is,
solubility of Ka in purified water should not be less than 95%.


Assay: Ka should contain not less than 25% Iron, not less than 15%
Sulphur and not less than 45% SO4 (Appendix-3.1 & 3.3).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Ka should not contain more than the
stated limits for the following: - Arsenic = 2 ppm and Cadmium = 2 ppm


Other elements: May contain the following within 20% of the stated
limits:- Copper (Cu) 188 ppm when analysed by Atomic Abosrption
Spectrophotometer method (Appendix-3.1.9 & 3.2.2).

odhana : 7.1

Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.


[Ref: AFI-Part-I; Appendix-II, odhana-6]

i) Ka
ii) Bhganra (Bhgarja) [Pl.]



1 Part
Q.S. for Bhvan

Powder kssa, add quantity sufficient bhgarja svarasa and grind till
complete moisture gets evaporated. Repeat the process for three times.

Ka has the following attributes:


Properties and Actions:

Amla, Tikta, Kaya.
Vta-Kaphahara, Keya, Netrya, Rajah pravartaka,
Kkaraa, Sakocaka (Astringent), Balya, Keya
Rajana, Rakta vardhaka


Therapeutic Uses: ka (itching); via roga (disease due to poison);

Mtrakcchra (dysuria); Amar (calculus); vitra (Leucoderma / Vitiligo);
Pitta Apasmra (Epilepsy due to Pitta doa); Pu (anaemia); Plhvddhi
(splenomegaly); Kmi (Helminthiasis/ worm infestation); Gudabhraa
(prolapse of rectum); Visarapa (Erysepales); Netra roga (disease of eyes);
lema roga (disease due to kapha doa)


Dose: 60 250 mg


Important Formulations: Rajahpravartin va, Kssdi taila, Kssdi ghta,

akha drvaka, Plhri vaik



Definition: Khaik is Kaolinite (Al2 (Si2O5) (OH) 4), an aggregate of minerals and
colloidal substances commonly known as Clay.


Names in other Languages:
Khai, Phula Khai
Khai, Khaim
Khaiya, Khariya, Khai
Sima sunnamu, Sudh


Broad Classification: A phyllo-silicate of aluminium


Origin and occurrence: Khaik occurs associated with pre-cambrian granites,

gneisses, pegmatites, phyllites and schists; gondwana shales and sand stones as
bedded deposits. Khaik is formed by the decomposition of other aluminosilicates (feldspars) either by weathering or by hydrothermal activity. It occurs in
pure mineral form as lumps consisting of very small particles.
In India, Khaik occurs at several places in different states. Most
significant occurrences are Ajmer, Udaipur, Chittorgarh, Bikaner, Barmer and
Sawai Madhopur in Rajasthan, Bankura, Birbhum, Purulia and Darjeeling in West
Bangal, Chinglaput, Ramanathapuram and South Arcot in Tamil Nadu, Koraput,
Cuttak, Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj in Orissa, Cuddapah, Godavari area,
Vishakhapatnam and Nellore in Andhra Pradesh, Trivendrum, Ernakulam,
Palakkad and Kannur in Kerala and Singhbhum, Bhagalpur, Santhal, Ranchi and
Gaya in Jharkhand.


Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).



Lumps (whitish to occasionally coloured layers)

with greasy feel and earthy odour
Whitish, occasionally tinted
Not observable
2 to 3
2 to 3




Chemical Properties:

Assay: Khaik should contain not more than 50% Silica (SiO2) and not
less than 30% Alumina (Al2O3) when analysed by gravimetric method


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Khaik should not contain more than the
stated limits for the following: - Lead = 15 ppm, Arsenic = 2 ppm and
Cadmium = 7 ppm (Appendix-3.2).


Other Elements: May contain the following within 20% of the stated
limits:- Calcium = 0.32%, Magnesium = 0.78% with negligible amount of
Manganese (20 ppm) and Chromium (250 ppm) (Appendix-3.1 & 3.2).


Distinctive Properties:
6.4.1 Take a small quantity of Khaik powder on a micro slide. Mix with
one or two drops of alcoholic methylene blue solution (1% w/v in
95% alcohol). Drop a cover slip and examine under medium or low
power. Most particles are stained a deep blue (distinction from talc,
which is not stained blue).

Take a small quantity of Khaik powder on a micro slide. Mix with

safranin solution (1% w/v in 70% alcohol). Drop a cover slip and
examine under medium or low power. None or occasionally very
few particles are coloured red (distinction from bentonite, where all
particles are stained deep red).


Place a small quantity of Khaik powder in a watch glass and add a

few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid. No gas or bubbles evolved
(distinction from chalk).


Place a small quantity of Khaik powder (150 mesh) on a micro

slide and put a cover slip on to make a dry mount. Now add a drop
or two of purified water to the edge of the cover slip and allow the
water to flow under the cover slip. The water should spread through
the powder, which gets easily dispersed without forming a gel
(distinction from bentonite and other clays that would swell and
form a gel around the edge).

odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.



[Rasa Taragin. 21/210]

Wash in sufficient quantity of purified water, filter through a clean cloth and
use for therapeutic purposes.




Khaik has the following attributes:8.1.

Properties and actions:

Tikta, Madhura
Pitta maka, Vraa ropaa, Kapha-dha-raktadoaghn, Sveddisrvahara


Therapeutic Uses of uddha Khaik: otha (inflammation); Netra roga

(diseases of eyes); Atsra (diarrhoea)


External use: Tvak roga (skin disease); Mukh-danta roga (disease of

mouth and tooth) and Dha (burning sensation)

Dose: - 1 g of uddha Khaik for both internal & external use




To be taken along with cold water.

Important Formulations: Daana saskra cra (for external)


(Iron Slag)



Mara is a metallic oxide-cum-silicate of iron, generally

having the composition Fe2SiO4 and commonly called Slag.


Kia, Lohamala, Loha Kia

Names in other Languages:

Mara, Loha ka, Sighaaka
Loha kitta
Malayalam Ierumbin Kittam
Manturam, Irumbukittam (S.F.I.)
Loha kittam
Khabus-ul-Hadeed, Zang-e-Aahan (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification:


Origin and occurrence: Manra is the by-product of the metallurgical process

during extraction of Iron (Fe) and Copper (Cu) from their respective ores. It occurs
as lumps, boulders or aggregates at the areas where smelting activity is carried out
for the extraction of copper and iron. Iron is the main constituent of Manra
followed by Silica with minor amounts of Cu, S, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd and Au.
Manra is known since ancient times in India and occurs in over 500
years old slag dumps near village Singhana (Khetri), distt. Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan).
Manra of similar quality may occur at other places also in the country where
smelting of copper ore was carried out in the past.


Physical Properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).
Sp. Gr.

Metallic oxide-cum-silicate


Rough lumpy masses, exhibiting voids

Brittle but hard
6 to 6.5
3 to 3.8



Chemical properties:

6.1.1 Manra should contain not less than 30% Iron (Fe) when analysed
by gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.4).

Manra should contain not less than 30% Silica when analysed by
gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.3).


Manra should show not less than 80% fayalite (Fe2SiO4) when
studied through XRD method (Appendix- 1.13).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Manra should not contain more than the
stated limits for the following: - Arsenic = 6 ppm and Cadmium = 8 ppm


Other Elements: May contain the following within 20% of the stated
limits:- Copper = 0.45%, Zinc = 50 ppm and Silver = 7 ppm (Appendix3.2).


odhana : Manra shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to



Manra is used in the form of bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of bhasma.


(Silver metal)

Definition: Rajata (Ag) is a silver- white metal available in the form of ingots.



Candra, Raupya, Tra, Rpyaka, Rpya, Rpyamala

Names in other Languages:

Rpum, Cnd
Cnd, Rp
Cnd, Rupe


Broad Classification: Metal


Origin and occurrence: Rajata occurs in nature in the free state, occasionally
99% pure, but generally containing copper, gold and other metals. Native Rajata
occurs in the earth's crust in two principal ways:

as small amounts in the oxidised zone of ore deposits and

as deposits from hydrothermal solutions. It occurs with sulphides, zeolites,
calcite, barite, fluorite and quartz. Native Rajata is much rare in occurrence
than native Svara but is widely distributed in small amounts. In recent
years, much of the total Rajata production has been obtained as by-product
of gold refining. It is obtained from its ores mainly by amalgamation with
mercury or by cyanidation if present in a finely divided state. If not finely
divided, the ores are concentrated and smelted. But largely Rajata is
derived from smelting of Lead, Zinc and Copper ores which are
argentiferous. Pure Rajata may contain Svara (Au) up to 10% with trace
amounts of Cu and sometimes Pt, Sb, Bi, As and Hg.

In India, there are no Rajata deposits as such. It is found associated mainly

with lead and zinc and to some extent with copper and gold. All galena (lead ore)
deposits of Zawar, Rajpura-Dariba, Deri-Basantgarh and Rampura-Aghucha in
Rajasthan, Sargipalli in Orissa, Zangamarajupal, Bandalamotu and Nallakonda in
Andhra Pradesh, Hesatu-Belhathan in Bihar and Pauri-Garhwal in Uttaranchal
invariably contain Rajata. It is available in market in the form of ingots.




Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).




Granular, nuggets and feather like dendrites

Silver white, turning greyish black due to
Sectile, ductile and malleable
2.5 to 3.0
10.1 to 11.1

Chemical Properties:

Reaction with Acids: Prepare solution of Rajata in nitric acid and add
hydrochloric acid to it. A dense white curdy precipitate of silver chloride is
produced. This precipitate is soluble in ammonia.


Solubility: Soluble in nitric acid.


Assay: Rajata should contain not less than 98.5% Silver (Ag) when
analysed by A. A. S. (Appendix-3.2.1).


Heavy metals and Arsenic:

Cadmium should be absent.


Other Elements: May contain the following within 20% of the stated
limits:- Copper = 1.40 %, Sulphur = traces and Gold = 0.001% (Appendix3.1 & 3.2).

In Rajata Mercury, Lead, Arsenic and




Rajata is used in the form of bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of bhasma.

Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.


(Sea Salt)

Definition: Smudra Lavaa is a halite mineral, described as Sea salt (NaCl).



: Smudra, Smudraka

Names in other Languages:

Sea salt
Pg, Pgnona, Samudri Namak
Souppu, Uppu (S.F.I.)
Samudrapu Uppu


Broad Classification: Halite


Origin and occurrence: Smudra Lavaa is formed as extensive irregular beds

due to evaporation of seawater in saltpans along seashores in India. Smudra
Lavaa occurs in association with gypsum, poly halite, anhydrite, clay, sand stone
and calcite etc. in these pans. Some commercial saltpans, known as source of
Smudra Lavaa in India, are Thuthukkudi (Tuticorin) in Tamilnadu, Cambay in
Gujarat and Sambar Lake in Rajasthan.
6. Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of
determination as given in Appendix 1).
Sp. Gr.


Crystalline coarse grained aggregates

White / off white
Perfect cubic
1.98 to 2.2

7. Optical properties:
Isotropic with R.I. 1.540 to 1.544 (Appendix-2)



Chemical Properties:

Effect of Heat:
7.1.1 Take a crystal of Smudra Lavaa on a porcelain plate. Blow a
burner flame through blowpipe over the Lavaa. The colour of the
flame becomes deep yellow indicating the presence of sodium.


Reaction with silver nitrate: Take 5 g Smudra Lavaa and dissolve it in

purified water. Add a freshly prepared 5% w/v solution of silver nitrate
(AgNO3) in purified water, drop by drop, to this Lavaa solution. A white
precipitate of silver chloride (AgCl) forms.


7.3.1 Smudra Lavaa should contain not less than 35% Sodium (Na)
when analysed by flame photometry (Appendix-3.2.13).



When heated through blowpipe, Smudra Lavaa crackles and

decrepitates and on addition of copper oxide to it, gives the usual
blue chlorine flame (Appendix-3.4.3).

Smudra Lavaa should contain not less than 58% Chlorine (Cl)

Heavy metals and Arsenic: Smudra Lavaa should not contain more
than the stated limits for the following: - Lead = 12 ppm, Arsenic = 4 ppm
and Cadmium = 4 ppm (Appendix-3.2).

Smudra Lavaa has the followng attributes:


Properties and Actions:

Snigdha, Laghu, Ua
Nti Ua / Nti tala
Vta-hara, Hdya, Bhed, Rucikara, Dpana,
Kaphahara, laghna, Avidh, at Pittala, Snehana,
Pcana, Kledana, Balya

8.2 Therapeutic Uses: Ajra (dyspepsia), oa (cachexia), Jra carma roga

(chronic skin diseases), Galagaa (goiter), Pu (anaemia), Pratiyya

Dose - According to formulation


Important Formulations: Lavaa Bhskara cra, Smudrdya cra, Nryaa

cra, Mahakha va, Kalynaka gua

(Lead Ore)

Definition: Sauvrjana is a lead ore containing galena (PbS) mineral.



Nljana, Kjana

Names in other Languages:

- Suram
- Galena, Lead ore
- Suramo
- Suram, Kl Suram
- Suram
- Vangam (S.F.I.)
- Sauvirjanamu, Surm rayi
- Surmah Siyah, Kohal Isphahani, Sang-e-surma (N.F.U.M.)

3. Broad Classification:Sulphide
4. Origin and occurrence: Sauvrjana occurs in metamorphic as well as
sedimentary rocks in the form of disseminations, veins or lodes. It occurs mostly in
pure cubic crystal form and also in ore form associated with rock mass.
Sauvrjana invariably occurs in association with sphalerite (ZnS), their host rock
generally being limestone, dolomite and other calc-magnesium rich rocks.
Chalcopyrite and pyrite may co-occur in small amount. Silver in minor quantity is
always associated. Trace amount of Arsenic, Iron, Cadmium, Gold, Bismuth and
Antimony is also reported in Sauvrjana.
In India, Sauvrjana occurs mostly at Zawar, Aghucha, Rajpura-Dariba,
Deri - Basanthgarh and Gugra in Rajasthan, Bandalamottu and Zangamarajupal in
Andhra Pradesh, Ambaji in Gujarat, Sargipalli in Orissa and Gorubathan in West
Bengal. Mining of Sauvrjana from most of these areas is carried out by
Hindustan Zinc Limited (A unit of Vedanta), producing more than 90% lead ore in
the country.
5. Physical Properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of
determination as given in Appendix 1).


Usually lumps and heavy cubic crystals


Sp. Gr.


2 to 3
7 to 8

Chemical properties:

Charcoal Test: When heated on charcoal through blow pipe, Sauvrjana

fuses easily, emits sulphurous fumes and on continued heating yields a
globule of metallic lead (Appendix-3.4.4).


Effect of Acids:
6.2.1 Take about 5 g of finely powdered (150 mesh) Sauvrjana in a
test tube. Add 10 ml dilute nitric acid and heat. It evolves brownish


Take about 5 g finely powdered (150 mesh) Sauvrjana in a test

tube. Add 10 ml dilute hydrochloric acid and heat. It evolves
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas, as detected by its odour of rotten

6.3.1 Sauvrjana in ore form should contain not less than 50% Lead
(Pb) when analysed by A. A. S. (Appendix-3.2.2).

Sauvrjana in ore form should contain not less than 10% Sulphur
when analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.8).


Sauvrjana in ore form should contain not less than 500 ppm
Silver (Ag) when analysed by A. A. S. (Appendix-3.2.1).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Sauvrjana in ore form should not contain
more than the stated limits for the following: - Arsenic = 2 ppm and
Cadmium = 22 ppm (Appendix-3.2).


Other Elements: Sauvrjana in ore form may contain the following

within 20% of the stated limits:- Copper = 70 ppm, Gold = 0.10 ppm and
Zinc = 20 ppm (Appendix-3.1 & 3.2).


Distinction from rotonjana: Cubic cleavage, greater Sp.Gravity and darker

colour of Sauvrjana distinguish it from rotojana (Sb2S3).


odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.



[ Ref: AFI-Part-1; Appendix-II, odhana-3]

i) Ajana
ii) Bhgarja drava

: 1 part
: Q.S. for mardana



Powder the Ajana, add quantity sufficient bhgarja drava (svarasa) and
grind till the contents get dried completely.

Sauvrjana has the following attributes:9.1

Properties and Actions:

Tikta, Kaya, Kau
Grh, Vraa odhana, Ropaa, Rajorodhaka

9.2 Therapeutic Uses

9.2.1. uddha Sauvrjana (External): Netra Roga (diseases of eye)
9.2.2. Bhasma of Sauvrjana: Raktapitta (bleeding disorder); via doa
(disorders due to poison); Hikk (hiccup); rajorodha (obstruction of
menstrual flow); Raktapradara* (menorrhagia or metrorrhagia or both)

Dose: 60-125 mg of the bhasma

*Precaution: It should not be used for more than three days in Raktapradara.


Important Formulations: Irimeddi taila (for external use), Nayanmtjana (for

external use).


(Gold metal)

Definition: Svara (Au) is a yellow metal available in the form of ingots.




: Haka, Hema, Kanaka, Suvara, Hiraya, Kacana

Names in other Languages:


Broad Classification: Metal

4. Origin and occurrence: Svara is present in the earth's crust and in sea water to
the extent of about 4 parts in a hundred million. Most of the Svara that occurs in
the earth's crust is in the native state. It occurs in 2 types of deposits; (i) in
hydrothermal veins and (ii) in placers. Svara of hydrothermal origin occurs
mostly in quartz veins, commonly with pyrite and other sulphides, and gold-silver
telluride. The primary deposits of Svara occur in intrusive rocks having
composition of diorite, quartz-diorite and granites and their metamorphic
equivalents. Placers of Svara occur as rounded or flattened grains and nuggets, in
many cases in association with other heavy and resistant minerals. Large quantity
of Svara is obtained from sulphides, with which it is probably mechanically
Svara occurs very widely diffused in nature, chiefly in the free state, but
invariably alloyed with some proportion of Rajata or Tamra, and occasionally with
bismuth, mercury and other metals. Native Svara has been known to contain as
much as 99.80% gold (Au), but commonly contains 85-95% Au, the balance being
usually silver for the most part. The name electrum is applied to natural Gold with
20% or more Silver.
The purity or fineness of Svara is expressed in carats or parts per thousand
(1000). Gold containing 999.9 parts per thousand (i.e. 99.99 % Au) is termed as 24
carat Gold. The 22 carat Gold (the standard for Gold coin and jewellary) contains
916.6 parts of gold and 83.4 parts of copper in thousand. That means, 22 carat
Gold contains 91.66 % Au and 8.34 % Cu.
In India, the deposits of primary Svara occur mainly in Hassan and
Chitradurga districts in Karnataka, Chigargunta (Chittor district) in Andhra Pradesh
and Kozhikode and Cannore districts in Kerala. Occurrences of Svara have

recently been discovered in the states of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Main
producer of Svara in country today are Hutti Gold Mines Co. Ltd. (HGML) and
Hindustan Copper Ltd. (HCL) as by-product. It is available in market in the form of

Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).




Granular, dendrites and nuggets

Golden yellow
Bright yellow
Very malleable and ductile
2.5 to 3.0 (readily scratched by knife)
19.30; varies from 15.6 to 18.3 when contains
alloying elements like Silver or Copper

Chemical Properties:

Solubility: Insoluble in any single acid (hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid

or nitric acid) but soluble in aqua-regia (HNO3: HCl, 1:3)


Assay: Svara should contain not less than 99.99% Gold (Au) when
analysed by Atomic Absorption Spectorometer (Appendix-3.2.6 & 3.2.10).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: In Svara Mercury, Lead, Arsenic and

Cadmium should be absent.

Distinction from Svaramkika and Vimala


Svaramkika and Vimala both are brittle and soluble in nitric acid which
is not in the case of Svara.


Vimala has higher hardness (6-6.5) compared to other two.


The streak of Svara is yellow while Svaramkika gives greenish black





Svara is used in the form of bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of bhasma.

Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.


(Copper Ore)

Definition: Svaramkika is a copper ore containing Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2)



Saskta : Dhtumkika, Mkika, Hemamkika, Tpya


Names in other Languages:

Chalcopyrite, Copper ore
Mkska, Sonmkh
Sonmkh, Sonmakkhi,
Malayalam Makkirakallu
Daga, Sonmukh
Ponnimilai (S.F.I.)
Mkskamu, Svaramakhi
Miss Sokhta (N.F.U.M.)

Broad classification: Sulphide

Origin and occurrence: Svaramkika, in ore form, occurs mainly in
metamorphic rocks of pre-cambrian age. Occurrence of 100% pure Svaramkika
in abundance is not common because it is always associated with host rock in the
form of disseminations, streaks, stringers, patches, veins or lodes as fracture and
cleavage fillings. Svaramkika generally occurs in association with pyrrhotite,
pyrite, sphalerite and galena minerals. Gold, Silver, Arsenic, Nickel and Cobalt in
trace amounts, are always present in Svaramkika.
In India, large deposits of Svaramkika occur mainly in Khetri, Distt.
Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan, Malanjkhand, Distt. Balagaht in Madhya Pradesh and
Ghatsheela, Distt. Singhbhum in Jharkhand. Mining of Svaramkika from these
3 areas is carried out by Hindustan Copper Limited (A Govt. of India Enterprise).
More than 90% production of this ore in the country comes from these areas only.
Small deposits, however, occur in Chitradurga and Hassan in Karnataka, Kurnool
and Guntur in Andhra Pradesh and Rangpo in Sikkim.


Physical Properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).


Massive, smooth
Golden yellow
Greenish black




3 to 4
3.4 to 3.7

Chemical Properties:

Charcoal Test: When heated on charcoal, a fragment of Svaramkika

fuses to a black mass without swelling which is strongly magnetic, as felt
by a horse-shoe magnet (Appendix-3.4.4).


Reaction with Acid: Take nitric acid in a test tube. Heat to boil for 5
minutes and cool to room temperature. Take 1 g of finely powdered sample
in a dry test tube, add 10 ml of the nitric acid to it and heat. The solution
becomes bluish black.


6.3.1 Svaramkika in ore form should contain not less than 5% Copper
(Cu) (Appendix-3.1.9 & 3.2.2).
6.3.2 Svaramkika in ore form should contain not less than 20% Iron
and 12% Sulphur when analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix3.1).




Heavy metals and Arsenic: Svaramkika in ore form should contain not
more than the stated limits for the following: - Lead = 70 ppm, Arsenic = 1
ppm and Cadmium = 3 ppm (Appendix-3.2).
Other Elements: Svaramkika in ore form may contain the following
within 20% of the stated limits:- Gold = 0.70 ppm, Silver = 48 ppm and
Zinc = 800 ppm (Appendix-3.1 & 3.2).

Distinction from Vimala

7.1 Golden yellow colour and softer than Vimala (pyrite), which has hardness 66.5.
7.2 Svaramkika: greenish black streak, Vimala: brownish black streak
7.3 Copper content in Vimala is negligible.


odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.


Svaramkika is used in the form of bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of bhasma.


(Copper Concentrate)


Svaramkika-Sndrita is a copper concentrate containing

Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) mineral with minimum 12 % copper content.
(Svaramkika-Sndrita, herein after, is referred as Sndrita
Svaramkika in the rest of the monograph).


Broad classification: Sulphide


Origin and occurrence: There is no natural occurrence of Sndrita Svaramkika

in India or in the world. It is a processed material in the form of fine powder.
Beneficiation is done by crushing and grinding of Svaramkika and subjecting its
slurry to froth floation. It is important to note that even after processing, it retains its
overall mineralogy as well as other properties. The only difference is increase in
copper content to more than 12 %. There is a little increase in the content of other
major ingredients also. Like Svaramkika, it also contains trace but comparatively
higher amount of Gold, Silver, Arsenic, Lead, Zinc, Nickel and Cobalt.
In India, large quantity of Sndrita Svaramkika is produced by
Hindusthan Copper Limited at Khetri in Rajasthan, Malanjkhand in Madhya pradesh
& Ghatsheela in Jharkhand.

Preparation of Sandrit Svaramkika:

The Sndrita Svaramkika is produced by crushing and grinding of
Svaramkika ore lumps to 200 mesh size powder. Substantial amount of
water (@ 2.5 M3 per tonne of ore ground) is added during grinding of
copper ore to make the material a slurry. This slurry is subjected to froth
floation process, during which pine oil (@ 28 g per tonne of ore ground)
and sodium ethyl xanthate (@ 35 g per tonne of ore ground) are added to
the flotation cells. The pine oil acts as frother whereas sodium ethyl
xanthate as collector. This process enriches the copper content of the slurry
just by discarding the gangue material from it. The enriched slurry, which
comes out of floatation cells as froth, is dried through hot air driers. The
dried fine powder of 200 mesh size is termed as Concentrate and the
process is called beneficiation. The minor amount of pine oil and sodium
ethyl xanthate, which was added during floatation process, will totally go
away during further processing (i.e. odhana) by the pharmacies. Hence,
the material, which remains after odhana, will be nothing but Sndrita
Svaramkika containing higher content of its ingredients.



Physical Properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).



Fine powder
Greenish black with yellow tinch
3.8 to 4.1

Chemical Properties:

Charcoal Test: When heated on charcoal, Sndrita Svaramkika fuses to

a black mass which is strongly magnetic, as felt by a horse-shoe magnet


Reaction with Acid: Take nitric acid in a test tube. Heat to boil for 5
minutes and cool to room temperature. Take 1 g powder of Sndrita
Svaramkika in a dry test tube, add 10 ml of the nitric acid to it and heat.
The solution becomes bluish black.


5.3.1 Sndrita Svaramkika should contain not less than 12% Copper
(Cu) (Appendix-3.1.9 & 3.2.2).
5.3.2 Sndrita Svaramkika should contain not less than 25% Iron and
28% Sulphur when analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix3.1).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Sndrita Svaramkika should contain not

more than the stated limits for the following: Arsenic = 100 ppm and
Cadmium = 5 ppm (Appendix 3.2).


Other Elements: Sndrita Svaramkika may contain the following

within 20% of the stated limits:- Gold = 0.40 ppm, Silver = 50 ppm and
Zinc = 0.20% (Appendix-3.1 & 3.2).


odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.


Sndrita Svaramkika is used in the form of bhasma, the details of which are
given in the monograph of bhasma.


(Copper Metal)
Tmra is the end product of the metallurgical process of Copper ore. It
is available in the form of wires, sheets or rods of Copper which is
produced by an electrolytic process.




Saskta :

ulvaka, ulva, Srya, Sryasakh,Tmraka, Ravi

Names in other Languages:

Trmbu, Tmbu
Malayalam Chembu
Chempu (S.F.I.)
Nuhas, Miss, Tmba (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification: Metal


Origin and occurrence: Tmra, in native form, occurs as irregular platy dendrites,
crystals and compact mass and is most commonly associated with basic extrusive
igneous rocks. Such occurrences are very limited. Electrolytically refined Tmra is
produced mainly in smelter/ refinery plants at Khetri in Rajasthan and
Maubhandar-Ghatsheela in Jharkhand, where Copper ore occurs in abundance.
Native Tmra is comparatively less pure than electrolytically refined Copper,
which contains 99.50% to 100% Cu.
Native Tmra as well as electrolytically refined Copper generally contain
trace amounts of Gold, Silver, Zinc, Arsenic, Iron, Bismuth and Antimony.


Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).


Plates, wires or rods; can be bent by hand

Copper red
Copper red


Sp. Gr.


2.5 to 3.0
8 to 9

Chemical Properties:

Reaction with acids: Take about 5 g of finely powdered (150 mesh) Tmra
in a borosil test tube. Add 10 ml nitric acid. It gets completely dissolved in
the acid giving a blue solution. Add an excess of ammonia to this blue
solution. The colour of solution changes to deep azure blue.


Assay: Tmra should contain not less than 99.5% Copper (Cu)
(Appendix-3.1.9 & 3.2.2).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Tmra should not contain more than the stated
limits for the following: - Lead = 5 ppm, Arsenic = 1 ppm and Cadmium =
5 ppm (Appendix-3.2).


Other Elements: May contain the following within 20% of the stated
limits:- Zinc = 25 ppm, Silver = 10 ppm and Gold = 135 ppb (Appendix3.1 & 3.2).


odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.


Tmra is used in the form of bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of bhasma.



Definition: akaa is Borax mineral (Na2B4O7, 10 H2O), also known as Tincal.



: akaaka, aga, aka, Saubhgya

Names in other Languages:

Borax, Tincal
Takana Khra, Khadiyo Khra
Biligra, Belgr
Malayalam Pongaaram
Takaa Khra
Venkaram (S.F.I.)
Tankar, Suhaga (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification:

Borax (Sodium borate)


Origin and occurrence: akaa occurs as deposits from volcanic emanations

(fumaroles), hot springs and in dried up shallow basins (Playa) or saline lakes. It
occurs mostly in the waters of various saline lakes in the salt deposits that have
been formed through evaporation of such lakes. The origin of akaa involves
simple concentration and evaporation, which is accompanied by some chemical
and mineralogical transformations to give rise to akaa (borax). An evaporite
mineral, it occurs associated with halites, sulphates, carbonates and other borates
like ulexite and colemanite.
Economically workable deposits of akaa are not yet discovered in India,
and the domestic need is met by imports of crude borates, which are refined to
produce akaa and boric acid. Small quantity of akaa, since early times,
however, was being obtained from salt lakes in Leh district of Jammu and Kashmir
and Tibet, where it occurs today also. Non-exploitable occurrences of akaa are
known in Surendranagar district in Gujarat and Jaipur and Nagaur districts in


Physical properties
: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods
of determination as given in Appendix 1).


Crystalline lumps

Sp. Gr.


2 to 2.5
1.65 to 1.7
Sweetish alkaline


Optical properties.
Biaxial, Negative, with , 1.447, , 1.469 and , 1.472 (Appendix-2)


Chemical Properties:

Effect of Heat:

Heated on a burner flame using blowpipe, akaa bubbles up and

fuses to a clear glassy bead.

7.1.2 It colours the flame yellow due to sodium and when moistened with
sulphuric acid and alcohol, gives a green flame due to boron

Reaction with acids:

7.2.1 With hydrochloric acid - gives yellow colour solution in cold
condition and on boiling dissolves completely.
7.2.2 With sulphuric acid - gives colourless solution in cold condition and
on boiling dissolves completely.


Solubility in water: akaa is completely soluble in purified water

producing an alkaline solution as tested by a red litmus paper turning blue.


7.4.1 akaa should contain not less than 35% B2O3 (Boron trioxide)

akaa should contain not less than 15% Sodium (Na) (Appendix3.2.13).



Heavy metals and Arsenic: akaa should not contain more than the
stated limits for the following: - Arsenic = 5 ppm and Cadmium = 4 ppm

odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.




[Ref: AFI-Part-I; Appendix-II, odhana-19]

Prepare coarse powder of akaa and fry over heat source, collect when
completely dehydrated.

akaa has the following attributes:




Properties and Actions:

Rka, Ua, Tka, Sraka
Hdya, Balya, Sraka, Kapha nissraka, Dpana,
Str pupajanana, Mhagarbhapravartaka
Therapeutic Uses: Ksa (cough); vsa (Asthma); Vta roga (diseases due
to Vta doa); Sthvara via (poisoning by plant or mineral); dhmna
(flatulence with gurgling sound); Vraa (wound/ulcer)

Dose: 125 - 250 mg

Important Formulations: nandabhairava rasa, Candrmta rasa, Icchbhed rasa,
Saubhgya va, Tribhuvanakrti rasa.


(Copper Sulphate)

Definition: Tuttha is copper sulphate (Cu SO4, 5H2O), also known as blue vitriol,
copper vitriol, blue stone or chalcanthite mineral.



: Tutthaka

Names in other Languages:

Tunte, Tuntiy
Copper Sulphate, Blue vitriol
Nl Thoth, Tti
Malayalam Mayilthuththam
Mayil thuththam, Turken (S.F.I.)
Mailu tuttham, Melatutu
Tutia, Kabood (N.F.U.M.)


Broad Classification:

Hydrous cupric sulphate


Origin and occurrence: Tuttha occurs with other hydrated sulphates of copper
and iron in the oxidized form near surface zones of copper sulphide ore deposits. It
is found generally deposited with mine purified waters, often on the walls of
abandoned mine workings. Also, it is found in the zones of weathering of Copper
In India, natural occurrence of Tuttha, in abundance, is uncommon. A little
amount of Tuttha can be seen near copper mines in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
and Jharkhand. Mostly, commercially manufactured Tuttha as a chemical is used
for Ayurvedic formulations in the country.


Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).
Sp. Gr.


Crystalline lumps
Berlin or sky blue
2 to 2.5
2.12 to 2.30



Chemical Properties:


Effect of Heat:
6.1.1 On heating, partially evaporates giving brownish mass.

Heating with sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) gives black fused mass.


Heat on charcoal with sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and carbon, it

yields metallic copper as observed by its copper red colour.


Heat in closed tube, Tuttha gives off water, observed as droplets on

the upper internal wall of the tube (Appendix-3.4.5).


Solubility in purified water: Take about 10 g accurately weighed fine (150

mesh) powder of Tuttha in 250 ml beaker. Add 50 ml purified water to it.
Stir the solution till Tuttha powder stops dissolving. Put the beaker in sun
light till the solution gets completely dried up. Weigh the residue, if any. It
should not be more than 10% of the initial weight of the sample.That is,
solubility of Tuttha in purified water should not be less than 90%.


Assay: Tuttha should contain not less than 20% Copper (Appendix3.1.9 & 3.2.2).


Tuttha should contain not less than 15% Sulphur and not less than 50% SO4
(Appendix-3.1 & 3.3).


Heavy metals and Arsenic: Tuttha should not contain more than the
stated limits for the following: - Lead = 226 ppm, Arsenic = 4 ppm and
Cadmium = 97 ppm (Appendix-3.2).


Other elements: May contain the following within 20% of the stated
limits:- Iron 4 % when analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1.4).

odhana - Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.



[Ref: AFI-Part-I; Appendix-II, odhana-21]

i) Tuttha
ii) Rakta Candana kvtha
iii) Majih kvtha
iv) Var [Triphal] kvtha



1 Part
Q.S. for bhvan
Q.S. for bhvan
Q.S. for bhvan

Powder Tuttha, add quantity sufficient Rakta Candana Kvtha and grind
till complete moisture gets evaporated. Repeat the process for seven times.
The process of levigation is to be repeated in all other liquid media i.e.
Majih Kvtha and Var Kvtha individually for seven times each.



Tuttha has the following attributes:

Properties and Actions:


Kau, Kaya, Madhura

Laghu, Sara
Ua, ta
Kaphapittahara, Lekhana, Bhedana, Balya,
Tridoaghna, Rasyana, Rucikara, Vmaka, Varya,
Garaviahara, laghna, Cakuya, Amarhara,
Kaghna, Krakarmakara, Aroghna, Kmighna

Therapeutic Uses: Kmi (helminthiasis/worm infestation); Prameha

(increased frequency and turbidity of urine); Medoroga (obesity); la
(pain/colic); Kuha (diseases of the skin); vsa (Asthma); Amlapitta
(hyperacidity); Tvak roga (skin disease); vitra (Leucoderma /Vitiligo);
Ara (piles); Vraa (ulcer/wound); N Vraa (sinus); Netra roga (diseases
of eyes); Dua vraa (non-healing ulcer)


Dose: 15 - 30 mg


Important Formulations: Jtydi taila, Nitynanda rasa, Jtydi ghta, Mah

viagarbha taila, Kssdi ghta


Vaikrnta is Tourmaline, sodium aluminium borosilicate of the
formula [(Ca, Na)X(Mg, Al6)X{B3 Al2 Si6X(O,OH)30}]




Names in other Languages:
Turamali, Toramali


Broad Classification: Complex ring silicate of boron and aluminium.


Origin and occurrence: Vaikrnta occurs in granite pegatites, commonly in radial

crystal form. It also occurs in metamorphic rocks, mostly in schists and gneisses.
Vaikrnta is a common detrital heavy mineral in sedimentary rocks. Vaikrnta is a
wide spread mineral and used also as a Gemstone.
In India, it occurs in igneous and metamorphic terrains of Rajasthan,
Jharkhand, Bihar and Karnataka. In Rajasthan, it mainly occurs in Udaipur,
Bhilwara, Ajmer and Rajsamand districts. Vaikranta may be found associated with
topaz, spodumene, cassiterite, fluorite and apatite.



Physical properties: (Definition / explanation of technical terms and methods of

determination as given in Appendix 1).


Sp. Gr.


Crystalline prismatic
None, prismatic faces strongly striated vertically and
crystals rounded to barrel shaped
Brittle and often rather friable
7 to 7.5
3 to 3.2

Optical properties:
Uniaxial, negative, o 1.65 to 1.69, e 1.63 to 1.66, strong birefringence; dichroism
present, as seen in parallel polarized light (uncrossed), with change in colour when
a fragent is oriented at two positions, right angle to each other, by rotating the stage
of microscope (Appendix-2).



Chemical Properties:

Effect of Heat:
7.1.1 Pyroelectricity- When heated at one end, Vaikrnta crystal attracts
small bits of papers at the other end.
Heated before blowpipe, Vaikrnta swells up and does not fuse


Reaction with acids: Vaikrnta does not decompose by any acid.


7.3.1 Vaikrnta should contain not less than 6% B2O3 when analysed by
ICPA method (Appendix-3.2.14).


Vaikrnta should contain not less than 12 % ferric oxide (Fe2O3),

not less than 30% Alumina (Al2O3) and not less than 30% Silica
(SiO2) when analysed by gravimetric method (Appendix-3.1).

Heavy metals and Arsenic: Vaikrnta should not contain more than the
stated limits for the following: - Lead = 11 ppm, Arsenic = 4 ppm and
Cadmium = 2 ppm (Appendix-3.2).


odhana: Shall not be used in formulations without subjecting it to odhana.


Vaikrnta is used in the form of bhasma, the details of which are given in the
monograph of bhasma.







1.1.1 -Nessler Cylinders
Nessler cylinders which are used for comparative tests are matched tubes of clear colourless glass
with a uniform internal diameter and flat, transparent base. They comply with Indian Standard 4161-1967.
They are of transparent glass with a nominal capacity of 50 ml. The overall height is about 150 mm, the
external height to the 50 ml mark 110 to 124 mm, the thickness of the wall 1.0 to 1.5 mm and the thickness
of the base 1.5 to 3.0 mm. The external height to the 50 ml mark of the cylinder used for a test must not vary
by more than 1 mm.
1.1.2. -Sieves
Sieves for pharmacopoeial testing are constructed from wire cloth with square meshes, woven from
wire of brass, bronze, stainless steel or any other suitable material. The wires should be of uniform circular
cross-section and should not be coated or plated. There must be no reaction between the material of the sieve
and the substance being sifted.
Sieves conform to the following specifications
Approximate sieve number* Nominal mesh aperture size Tolerance average aperture size


3(9.9) **

* Sieve number is the number of meshes in a length of 2.54 cm. in each transverse direction parallel to the
** Figures in brackets refer to close tolerances, those without brackets relate to full tolerances.


1.1.3. -Thermometers
Unless otherwise specified, thermometers suitable for pharmacopoeial tests conform to
Indian Standard 4825-1968 and are standardised in accordance with the Indian Standard Method of
Calibrating Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers, 6274-1971.

The thermometers are of the mercury-in-glass type and are filled with a dried inert gas,
preferably nitrogen. They may be standardised for total immersion or for partial immersion. Each
thermometer should be employed according to the condition of immersion under which it was
standardised. In the selection of the thermometer it is essential to consider the conditions under
which it is to be used.

1.1.4. Ultra-Violet Lamp (For general purposes and for chromatography work)
An instrument consisting of mercury vapour lamp and a filter which gives an emission band
with maximum intensity at about 254 nm (near UV rays) and 366 nm (far UV rays) is used. To
ensure that the required emission is being given by the lamp, carry out the following test
Apply to a plate coated with silica gel G, 5 l of a 0.04 per cent w/v solution of sodium
salicylate in ethanol (95%) for lamps of maximum output at 254 nm and 5 l of a 0.2 per cent w/v
solution in ethanol (95%) for lamps of maximum output at 365 nm. Examine the spot in a position
normal to the radiation. The distance between the lamp and the plate under examination used in a
pharmacopoeial test should not exceed the distance used to carry out the above test.

1.1.5. -Volumetric Glassware

Volumetric apparatus is normally calibrated at 270. However, the temperature generally
specified for measurements of volume in the analytical operations of the pharmacopoeia, unless
otherwise stated, is 250. The discrepancy is inconsequential as long as the room temperature in the
laboratory is reasonably constant and is around 270.
Pharmacopoeial assays involving volumetric measurements require the use of accurately
calibrated glassware. Volumetric apparatus must be suitably designed to assure accuracy. The
design, construction and capacity of volumetric glassware should be in accordance with those laid
down by the Bureau of Indian Standards. The tolerances on capacity for volumetric flasks, pipettes
and burettes, as laid down in the relevant Indian Standards, are permisibile.

1.1.6. -Weights and Balances

Pharmacopoeial tests and assays require the use of analytical balances that vary in capacity,
sensitivity and reproducibility. The accuracy needed for a weighing should dictate the type of
balance. Where substances are to be accurately weighed, the weighing is to be performed so as to
limit the error to not more than 0.1 per cent. For example, a quantity of 50 mg is to be weighed to
the nearest 0.05 mg; a quantity of 0.1 g is to be weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg; and quantity of 10 g
is to be weighed to the nearest 10 mg. A balance should be chosen such that the value of three times
the standard deviation of the reproducibility of the balance, divided by the amount to be weighed,
does not exceed 0.001.

1.1.7. -Muslin Cloth

Muslin cloth is a cotton fabric where warp is 22 per cm1 and weft is 18 1 per centimeter.
Method: Take a cardboard or an aluminium plate with a centimeter square opening. Keep the plate
on the cloth to be used, so that the edges on the X or Y axis coincides with a warp or weft yarn in
the fabric.Count the number of the threads of both warp and weft within the opening.


2.1.1. - Microscopic Identification
Microscopic identification of the botanical ingredients is a standard for statutory purposes in
several solid and semi-solid compound formulations. Microscopic identification tests are confined
to those formulations where the botanical ingredients are not more than ten, and where they are
added in situ in powder form as Praksepa Dravys. Such comminuted ingredients lend
themselves for microscopic identification, as they are not drastically changed in cell structure or
contents while processing, and appear intact in microscopic slide preparations, after proper
Appropriate processing for separation and isolation of botanical debris from a formulation
without loss of debris, by hand picking, shifting, washing, sedimentation, density separation or by
floatation etc., are the preliminary steps. This is followed by clearing the debris in chemical
reagents, reacting it with suitable reagents and stains and finally mounting a little part on a slide in
a medium of suitable refractive index (see later part) that helps to show the unit structures in good
relief. Identification of the discrete, but disoriented units from the botanical ingredients in a
formulation will not be possible without proper isolation, and should not be attempted.
Monographs where the test is prescribed give both a relevant method of isolation and
diagnostic features specific to the expected ingredients in that formulation. Only a brief method
and a few of the characteristics for each ingredient are given, but an analyst may use other methods
of isolation and choose more characteristics to draw a correct conclusion.
Although monographs prescribe standards only for the Praksepa Dravyas, characteristics
from other ingredients that are processed into extracts or decoctions prior to their addition to a
formulation may also be seen in a slide preparation, giving rise to recognisable unique
characteristics. In addition, cell or tissue structures common to several ingredients added to a
formulation, and therefore not specific to any one of them, would also be present. Caution should
therefore be exercised so that such features are not construed as parts from adulterants or substitutes
or foreign parts. Proper study of the individual ingredients using authentic material and reference
to their monographs in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia for Single Drugs would help avoid errors of
this nature. Skill in the recognition of discrete and disoriented tissue components and the
knowledge required to ascribe them to their correct source should be acquired by the analyst.
Stains and Reagents for Microchemical Reactions
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia volumes on single drugs already include microchemical reactions
for ergastic substances and may be consulted in addition to the following for use on isolated debris:
Acetic acid: Dilute 6 ml of glacial acetic acid with 100 ml of distilled water; used for identification
of cystoliths, which dissolve with effervescence.
Aniline chloride solution: Dissolve 2 g in a mixture of 65 ml of 30 per cent ethyl alcohol and 15
ml distilled water and add 2 ml of conc. Hydrochloric acid. Lignified tissues are stained bright
Bismarck brown: Dissolve 1 g in 100 ml of 95 per cent of ethyl alcohol; used as a general stain
for macerated material (with Schultzes).

Breamers reagent: Dissolve 1 g of sodium tungstate and 2 g of sodium acetate in sufficient

quantity of water to make 10 ml yellowish to brown precipitates; indicate the presence of tannin.
Chlorinated soda solution (Bleaching solution): Dissolve 75 g of sodium carbonate in 125 ml of
distilled water; triturate 50 g of chlorinated lime (bleaching powder) in a mortar with 75 ml of
distilled water, adding it little by little. Mix the two liquids and shake occasionally for three or four
hours. Filter and store, protected from light. Used for lighting highly coloured material, by
warming in it and washing the tissues thoroughly.
Canada balsam (as a Mountant): Heat Canada balsam on a water bath until volatile matter is
removed and the residue sets to a hard mass on cooling. Dissolve residue in xylene to form a thin
syrupy liquid. Used for making permanent mounts of reference slides of selected debris.
Chloral hydrate solution: Dissolve 50 g of chloral hydrate in 20 ml of distilled water. A valuable
clarifying agent for rendering tissues transparent and clear, by freeing them from most of the
ergastic substances, but leaving calcium oxalate crystals unaffected.
Chloral iodine: Saturate chloral hydrate solution with iodine, leaving a few crystals undissolved;
useful for detecting minute grains of starch otherwise undetectable.
Chlorziniciodine (Iodinated zinc chloride solution): Dissolve 20 g of zinc chloride and 6.5 g of
potassium iodide in 10 ml of distilled water. Add 0.5 g of iodine and shake for about fifteen
minutes before filtering. Dilute if needed prior to use. Renders cellulosic walls bluish violet and
lignified walls yellowish brown to brown.
Chromic acid solution: 10 g of dissolved in 90 ml of dilute sulphuric acid: macerating agent
similar to Schultzes.
Corallin soda: Dissolve 5 g of corallin in 100 ml of 90 per cent ethyl alcohol. Dissolve 25 g of
sodium carbonate in 100 ml distilled water; keep the solutions separate and mix when required, by
adding 1 ml of the corallin solution to 20 ml of the aqueous sodium carbonate solution. Prepare
fresh each time, as the mixture will not keep for long. Used for staining sieve plates and callus
bright pink and imparts a reddish tinge to starch grains and lignified tissues.
Ammoniacal solution of Copper oxide (Cuoxam): Triturate 0.5 g of copper carbonate in a mortar
with 10 ml of distilled water and gradually add 10 ml of strong solution of ammonia (sp. gr. 0.880)
with continued stirring; used for dissolving cellulosic materials.
Eosin: 1 per cent solution in 90 per cent ethyl alcohol; stains cellulose and aleurone grains red.
Ferric chloride solution: A per cent solution ferric chloride in distilled water. Taninn containing
tissues coloured bluish or greenish black.
Glycerin: Pure or diluted as required with one or two volumes of distilled water. Used as a
general mountant.
Haematoxylin, Delafields: Prepare a saturated solution of ammonia alum. To 100 ml of this add
a solution of 1 g of Haematoxylin in 6 ml of ethyl alcohol (97 per cent). Leave the mixed solution
exposed to air and light in an unstopped bottle for three or four days. Filter and add to the filtrate
25 ml of glycerin and 25 ml of methyl alcohol. Allow the solution to stand exposed to light, till it
acquires a dark colour (about two months). Refilter and store as a stock solution. Dilute it 3 or 4
times volumes with distilled water. Stains cellulosic fibers blue; used only on water washed

Iodine water: Mix 1 volume of decinormal iodine with 4 volumes of distilled water. Stains starch
blue, and reveals crystalloids and globoids when present in aleurone grains.
Iodine and Potassium iodide solution: Dissolve 1 g of potassium iodide in 200 ml of distilled
water and 2 g of iodine; stains lignified walls yellow and cellulosic walls blue.
Lactophenol (Ammans Fluid): Phenol 20 g, lactic acid 20 g, glycerin 40 g, distilled water 20 ml
dissolve; reveals starch grains in polarised light with a well marked cross at hilum, and also
minute crystals of calcium oxalate as brightly polarising points of light.
Methylene blue: A solution in 25 ml of ethyl alcohol (95 per cent). A general stain for nucleus and
Millons reagent: Dissolve 1 volume of mercury in 9 volumes of fuming nitric acid (sp. Gr. 1.52),
keeping the mixture well cooled during reaction. Add equal volume distilled water when cool.
Stains proteins red.
Naphthol solution: Dissolve 10 g of Naphthol in 100 ml of ethyl alcohol; a specific stain for
detection of inulin; cells containing inulin turn deep reddish violet.
Pholorglucinol: 1 g of phloroglucinol dissolved in 100 ml of 90 per cent ethyl alcohol; mount
debris in a few drops, allow to react for a minute, draw off excess of reagent with a filter paper
strip, and add a drop of conc. hydrochloric acid to the slide; lignified tissues acquire a deep
purplish red colour; very effective on water washed material but not in chloral hydrate washed
Picric acid solution (Trinitrophenol Solution): A saturated aqueous solution made by dissolving
1 g of picric acid in 95 ml of distilled water; stains animal and insect tissues, a light to deep yellow;
in a solution with ethyl alcohol, aleurone grains and fungal hyphae are stained yellow.
Potash, Caustic: A 5 per cent aqueous solution; used to separate tenacious tissues of epidermis
and also laticiferous elements and vittae, both of which are stained brown.
Ruthenium red: Dissolve 0.008 g of ruthenium red in 10 ml of a 10 per cent solution of lead
acetate; (to be freshly prepared) used for identification of most kinds of mucilage containing tissues,
which turn pink. A 0.0008 g ruthenium red dissolved in 10 ml of distilled water and used
immediately stains cuticular tissues in debris to a light pink.
Safranin: A 1 per cent solution in ethyl alcohol 50 per cent; used to stain lignified cell walls deep
red, even after clearing with choral hydrate.
Schultzes Maceration fluid: Add isolated debris to 50 per cent conc. nitric acid in a test tube and
warm over water bath: add a few crystals of potassium chlorate while warming, till tissues soften;
cool, wash with water thoroughly and tease out for mounting hard tissues; isolated cell structures
are clearly revealed, but the structures are not useful for measurement of dimensions.
Sudan Red III: Dissolve 0.01 g of sudan red III in 5 ml of ethyl alcohol (90 per cent) and 5 ml of
pure glycerin; suberised walls of cork cells, and fatty material in cells are stained bright red..
Sulphovanadic acid (Mandelins reagent): Triturate 1 g of ammonium vandate with 100 ml conc.
sulphuric acid. Allow the deposit to subside and use the clear liquid. This is to be prepared fresh;

useful for identification of alkaloids, particularly strychnine which turns violet in the cells
containing it.
Refractive Indices of Certain Mountants
Chloral Hydrate solution
Olive oil
Castor oil
Clove oil
Cassia oil

1.44 to 1.48
1.46 to 1.47

2.1.2. Microscopical Methods of Examining Crude Vegetable Drugs

Methods of preparing specimens of crude materials of vegetable drugs for microscopical
studies vary, depending on the morphological groups of drugs to be examined and also on the
natures of the material i.e., entire, cut or powdered.
For examining leaves, herbs and flowers (entire or cut) under microscope, following
methods are employed for clarification:
A. Entire and cut materials
(i) Entire materials When examining entire leaves, herbs and flowers, take pieces of leaf
(margin and vein of leaves only), herbs (only leaf) and flowers (only calyx and corolla) in test tube.
Add a solution of caustic alkali or nitric acid to the test tube and boil for 1-2 minutes, pour the
contents into a porcelain dish, drain off the liquid, wash the material with water and leave for
sometimes. Remove the pieces of the material from the water with a spatula and put on the slide,
add a few drops of the solution of glycerol or chloral hydrate. Crush the material with scalpel and
cover with cover slip before examining.
(ii) Cut materials For examining cut leaves, herbs and flowers, take several pieces in a
test tube and employ the same methods as described for entire materials.
Other methods employed for clarification of the material (leaf and stem) are described
below :(a) Leaf Boil pieces of leaves in a test tube with chloral hydrate for several minutes until
completely clarified and then examine them in chloral hydrate solution. After clarification, leaf
pieces are divided into two parts with the help of a scalpel or needle, and carefully turn one part.
The leaf can be examined from both the dorsal and ventral surfaces.
(b) Stem To examine stem material (without leaf) boil pieces in a solution of caustic alkali
or in nitric acid. Remove the epidermis with a scalpel or a needle for examining the surface. For

examining pressed specimen of stem, take separate tissue and press them with a scalpel on the
B. Powder
For examining characters of the powder take sufficient amount of powder in Chloralhydrate solution on a slide and cover it with a cover slip, warm over a low flame for a short time.
A. Entire materials
For microscopical examination of fruit and seed take the specimens or outer coat of
seed or fruit and examine as described below :
(i) Outer Coat For examining the outer coat boil 3 or 4 seeds or fruits in caustic alkali
solution in a test tube for 1-2 minutes (outer coat specimens with intensive pigmentation are boiled
for longer period). After boiling, place the pieces on slide, remove the layers of the coat and
examine them after mounting in glycerol solution.
(ii) Section If fruits or seeds are too hard to cut then boil them for 15-30 minutes or more
depending on their hardness or keep them in moistening chamber or absorb in water and
chloroform solution or soften them with stem and then cut the specimen for examining purpose. For
cutting small, flat seeds (which are difficult to hold) place them in a pith or potato slit for section
cutting. Small, round or smooth seeds cannot be cut into section in the pith, then in such cases, they
may be embedded in paraffin wax blocks for section cutting. For this, a block of paraffin (0.6 0.5
1.5 cms. in size) is made and the seed is embedded in the block by making a cavity or a pit in the
block with a hot teasing needle. Cut the section with a sharp razor (through the object) together
with the paraffin, place them on to the slide, remove paraffin with a needle or wash it with xylene
and examine the section in chloral-hydrate solution.
B. Powder
For examining the structure of the cells of the seed coat and the cells of the embryo take a small
amount of powder of the material on a slide in glycerol and cover it with a cover slip and examine.
1. Starch For examining the presence of starch in the seed, take two specimens, one in iodine
solution and the other in water. With iodine solution starch turns blue. Shape and the structure of
starch grains can be seen in water and their size is measured.
When examining objects containing starch, prepare specimen by slightly warming in
chloral-hydrate solution.
2. Fixed Oil For examining the presence of fixed oil, prepare a specimen in a solution of Sudan
III droplets of fixed oil are coloured orange pink. When examining objects containing small amount
of fixed oil, prepare a specimen by slightly warming in chloral-hydrate solution, and when
examining objects containing large amount of fixed oil, then the powder is de-fatted and clarified as
Place 0.5 g. of the powder in a porcelain dish, add 5-10 ml. of dilute nitric acid
and boil for 1 minute, then strain off the liquid through a cloth, wash the residue with hot water and
return it to the porcelain dish with a spatula, boil it with 5-10 ml of caustic alkali solution for 1
minute and again strain it through the cloth and wash with water. Examine the residue in a glycerol

solution, after the treatment the structure of the layers of the coat and their cells can be seen very
3. Mucilage Prepare a specimen in Ruthenium Red and examine it under a low power microscope
or under dissecting microscope. Mucilage appears as pinkish-red or yellow coloured masses.
A. Entire material
Prepare transverse or longitudinal section of bark. To soften bark break it into pieces of
about 1-2 cm long and 0.5-1 cm wide and boil with in a test tube for 1-3 minutes. Soft pieces are
then straightened with a scalpel so as to have a exact transverse or longitudinal direction. Cut the
section with razor, moisten the surface of the bark with glycerol solution. Remove the sections with
a brush and place them on the slide. Thin pieces of the bark are cut by placing them in the pith
(potato or carrot). The sections are treated with various reagents before examining.
1. Lignified elements For testing lignin add several drops of phloroglucinol and a drop of
concentrated hydrochloric acid to the section on a slide then draw off the liquid, immerse the
section in chloral hydrate solution and cover with a cover slip (the specimen should not be heated);
the lignified elements are coloured crimson. Phloroglucinol can be substituted by saffranine, and
the lignified elements are coloured pink. The excessive stain can be washed out with acidified
2. Starch Starch is detected by treating with iodine solution.
3. Tannin Tannin is detected by treating with ferric ammonium sulphate solution (blue-black or
green black colour shows the presence of Tannin) or with potassium-bichromate solution (brown
colour indicates the presence of Tannin).
4. Anthraquinone derivatives Anthraquinone derivatives are detected by treating with alkali
solution (blood-red colour shows the presence of anthraquinone derivatives).
B. Cut materials
Prepare small pieces or scraping of bark and boil them for 3-5 minutes in a solution of caustic
alkali or potassium hydroxide or in nitric acid solution and then mount in glycerin for examination
on a slide covered with a cover slip.
C. Powder
Prepare specimen for examination by placing a little amount of powder on a slide, add 1-2
drops of phloroglucinol and a drop of concentrated hydrochloric acid, cover it with a cover slip,
draw off the liquid from one side of the slide with filter paper, and then apply 1-2 drops of chloralhydrate solution from the other side of the slide, lignified elements are stained crimson-red.
Specimen may also be prepared with caustic alkali or ferric ammonium sulphate for this purpose.
A. Entire materials
For anatomical examination of entire roots and rhizomes cut transverse and longitudinal
sections. For this, soften small pieces of roots without heating in glycerol solution for 1-3 days,

depending on their hardness. The softened roots are straightened with the help of a scalpel in the
right direction and then cut a section with the razor. First, cut thicker entire slices and then make
thin, smaller sections. Stain the entire slices with phloroglucinol and concentrated hydrochloric acid
or with safranin examine the specimen under a dissecting microscope. For micro-chemical test the
small and thin sections are examined under microscope, as follows:
1. Starch Starch is detected with iodine solution. For this, prepare specimen with water to
measure the granule of starch with an occular micrometer.
2. Inulin Inulin is detected with Molishs reagent. For this place a little powder on a slide and
apply 1-2 drops of naphthol and a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid, if inulin is present, the
powder will appear reddish-violet coloured. Starch also gives this test, so the test for inulin can be
done in the absence of starch.
3. Lignified elements Lignified elements (fibrovascular bundles, mechanical tissue etc.) are
detected with phloroglucinol and concentrated hydrochloric acid or safranine solution as mentioned
above for barks.
4. Fixed oil For fixed oil detection use Sudan IV, as mentioned above for fruits and seeds.
If required for tannin, anthraquinone derivatives test as mentioned above.
B. Cut material
Make small pieces or scrapping of roots or rhizomes and boil them for 3-5 minutes in caustic
alkali, or in nitric acid and then make pressed specimen and immerse them in glycerol.
Microchemical tests can be performed with scrapings for various chemicals as mentioned
C. Powder
Prepare several specimens of the powder on slides in chloral hydrate solution and perform the
above mentioned standard tests for detection of starch, fixed oil, inulin, lignified elements,
anthraquinone derivatives, tannins, mucilage, etc.
2.1.3. Types of Stomata
There are several types of stomata, distinguished by the form and arrangement of the
surrounding cells. The following descriptions apply to mature stomata.
1. Anomocytic (irregular-celled) Previously known as ranunculaceous. The stoma is surrounded
by a varying number of cells in no way differing form those of the epidermis generally.
2. Anisocytic (unequal-celled) Previously known as cruciferous or solanaceous. The stoma is
usually surrounded by three subsidiary cells, of which one is markedly smaller than the others.
3. Diacytic (cross-celled) previously known as caryophyllaceous. The stoma is accompanied by
two subsidiary cells whose common wall is at right angles to the guard cells.
4. Paracytic (parallel-celled) Previously known as rubiaceous. The stoma has one each side one
or more subsidiary cells parallel to the long axis of the pore and guard cells.

2.1.4. Determination of Stomatal Index

The stomatal index is the percentage of the number of stomata formed by the total number
of epidermal cells, including the stomata, each stoma being counted as one cell.
Place leaf fragments of about 5 5 mm in size in a test tube containing about 5 ml of
chloral hydrate solution and heat in a boiling water-bath for about 15 minutes or until the fragments
become transparent. Transfer a fragment to a microscopic slide and prepare the mount, the lower
epidermis uppermost, in chloral hydrate solution and put a small drop of glycerol-ethanol solution
on one side of the cover-glass to prevent the preparation from drying. Examine with a 40x objective
and a 6x eye piece, to which a microscopical drawing apparatus is attached. Mark on the drawing
paper a cross (x) for each epidermal cell and a circle (o) for each stoma. Calculate the result as
S x 100
Stomatal index =
S = the number of stomata in a given area of leaf ; and
E = the number of epidermal cells (including trichomes) in the same area of leaf.

Fig. 1 Various types of stomata

For each sample of leaf make not fewer than ten determinations and calculate
the average index.
2.1.5. Determination of Palisade Ratio
Palisade ratio is the average number of palisade cells under one epidermal cell.
Place leaf fragments of about 5 5 mm in size in a test-tube containing about 5 ml of
chloral hydrate solution and heat in a boiling water-bath for about 15 minutes or until the fragments
become transparent. Transfer a fragment to a microscopical slide and prepare the mount of the
upper epidermis in chloral hydrate solution and put a small drop of glycerol solution on one side of
the cover-glass to prevent the preparation from drying. Examine with a 40x objective and a 6x eye
piece, to which a microscopical drawing apparatus is attached. Trace four adjacent epidermal cells
on paper; focus gently downward to bring the palisade into view and trace sufficient palisade cells
to cover the area of the outlines of the four epidermal cells. Count the palisade cells under the four

epidermal cells. Where a cell is intersected, include it in the count only when more than half of it is
within the area of the epidermal cells. Calculate the average number of palisade cells beneath one
epidermal cell, dividing the count by 4; this is thePalisade ratio (See Fig. 2).
For each sample of leaf make not fewer than ten determinations and calculate
the average number.

Fig. 2 Palisade ratio= = 4.5
2.1.6. Determination of Vein-Islet Number
The mesophyll of a leaf is divided into small portions of photosynthetic tissue by
anastomosis of the veins and veinlets; such small portions or areas are termed Vein-Islets. The
number of vein-islets per square millimeter is termed the Vein-Islet number. This value has been
shown to be constant for any given species and, for full-grown leaves, to be unaffected by the age
of the plant or the size of the leaves. The vein-islet number has proved useful for the critical
distinction of certain nearly related species. The determination is carried out as follows :
For Whole or Cut leaves -Take pieces of leaf lamina with an area of not less than 4 square
millimeters from the central portion of the lamina and excluding the midrib and the margin of the
leaf. Clear the pieces of lamina by heating in a test tube containing chloral hydrate solution on a
boiling water-bath for 30 to 60 minutes or until clear and prepare a mount in glycerol-solution or, if
desired, stain with safranin solution and prepare the mount in Canada Balsam. Place the stage
micrometer on the microscope stage and examine with 4x objective and a 6x eye piece. Draw a line
representing 2 mm on a sheet of paper by means of a microscopical drawing apparatus and
construct a square on the line representing an area of 4 square millimeters. Move the paper so that
the square is seen in the centre of the field of the eyepiece. Place the slide with the cleared leaf
piece on the microscope stage and draw in the veins and veinlets included within the square,
completing the outlines of those vein-islets which overlap two adjacent sides of the square. Count
the number of vein-islets within the square including those overlapping on two adjacent sides and
excluding those intersected by the other two sides. The result obtained is the number of vein-islets
in 4 square millimeters. For each sample of leaf make not fewer than three determinations and
calculate the average number of vein-islets per square millimeter.
For Leaf Fragments having an area less than 4 square millimeters Take fragments of leaf
lamina each with an area of not less than 1 square millimeter, excluding the midrib and the margin
of the leaf. Clear and prepare a mount as stated above. Use a 10x objective and a 6x eyepiece and

draw a line representing 1 mm on a sheet of paper by means of a microscopial drawing apparatus

and construct a square on this line representing an area of 1 square millimetre. Carry out the rest of
the procedure as stated above. The result obtained is the number of vein-islets in 1 square
millimetre. For each sample of leaf make no less than 12 determinations and calculate the average
2.1.7. Determination of Stomatal Number
Place leaf fragments of about 5x5 mm in size in a test tube containing about 5 ml of chloral
hydrate solution and heat in a boiling water-bath for about 15 minutes or until the fragments
become transparent. Transfer a fragments to a microscopic slide and prepare the mount the lower
epidermis uppermost, in chloral hydrate solution and put a small drop of glycerol-ethanol solution
on one side of the cover glass to prevent the preparation from drying. Examine with a 40 x
objective and a 6x eye piece, to which a microscopical drawing apparatus is attached. Mark on the
drawing paper a cross (x) for each stomata and calculate the average number of stomata per square
millimeter for each surface of the leaf.
2.2.1. - Net Content
The content of the final or retail pack shall not be less than 98 percent of the declared net
2.2.2. - Foreign Matter
The sample shall be free from visible signs of mold growth, sliminess, stones, rodent
excreta, insects or any other noxious foreign matter when examined as given below.
Take a representative portion from a large container, or remove the entire contents of the
packing if 100 g or less, and spread in a thin layer in a suitable dish or tray. Examine in daylight
with unaided eye.Transfer suspected particles, if any, to a petri dish, and examine with 10x lens in
2.2.3. - Determination of Total Ash
Incinerate about 2 to 3 g accurately weighed, of the ground drug in a tared platinum or silica
dish at a temperature not exceeding 4500 until free from carbon, cool and weigh. If a carbon free
ash cannot be obtained in this way, exhaust the charred mass with hot water, collect the residue on
an ashless filter paper, incinerate the residue and filter paper, add the filtrate, evaporate to dryness,
and ignite at a temperature not exceeding 4500. Calculate the percentage of ash with reference to
the air-dried drug.
2.2.4. - Determination of Acid Insoluble Ash
To the crucible containing total ash, add 25 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid. Collect the
insoluble matter on an ashless filter paper (Whatman 41) and wash with hot water until the filtrate
is neutral. Transfer the filter paper containing the insoluble matter to the original crucible, dry on a
hot-plate and ignite to constant weight. Allow the residue to cool in a suitable desiccator for 30
minutes and weigh without delay. Calculate the content of acid-insoluble ash with reference to the
air-dried drug.


2.2.5. - Determination of Water Soluble Ash

Boil the ash for 5 minutes with 25 ml of water; collect insoluble matter in a Gooch crucible
or on an ashless filter paper, wash with hot water, and ignite for 15 minutes at a temperature not
exceeding 4500. Subtract the weight of the insoluble matter from the weight of the ash; the
difference in weight represents the water-soluble ash. Calculate the percentage of water-soluble ash
with reference to the air-dried drug.
2.2.6. - Determination of Sulphated Ash
Heat a silica or platinum crucible to redness for 10 minutes, allow to cool in a desiccator
and weigh. Put 1 to 2 g of the substance, accurately weighed, into the crucible, ignite gently at first,
until the substance is thoroughly charred. Cool, moisten the residue with 1 ml of sulphuric acid,
heat gently until white fumes are no longer evolved and ignite at 8000 250 until all black particles
have disappeared. Conduct the ignition in a place protected from air currents. Allow the crucible to
cool, add a few drops of sulphuric acid and heat. Ignite as before, allow to cool and weigh. Repeat
the operation until two successive weighing do not differ by more than 0.5 mg.
2.2.7. - Determination of Alcohol Soluble Extractive
Macerate 5 g of the air dried drug, coarsely powdered, with 100 ml of alcohol the specified
strength in a closed flask for twenty-four hours, shaking frequently during six hours and allow to
stand for eighteen hours. Filter rapidly, taking precautions against loss of solvent, evaporate 25 ml
of the filtrate to dryness in a tared flat bottomed shallow dish, and dry at 1050, to constant weight
and weigh. Calculate the percentage of alcohol-soluble extractive with reference to the air-dried
2.2.8. - Determination of Water Soluble Extractive
Proceed as directed for the determination of alcohol-soluble extractive, using chloroformwater instead of ethanol.
2.2.9. - Determination of Ether Soluble Extractive (Fixed Oil Content)
Transfer a suitably weighed quantity (depending on the fixed oil content) of the air-dried,
crushed drug to an extraction thimble, extract with solvent ether (or petroleum ether, b.p. 400 to
600) in a continuous extraction apparatus (Soxhlet extractor) for 6 hours. Filter the extract
quantitatively into a tared evaporating dish and evaporate off the solvent on a water bath. Dry the
residue at 1050 to constant weight. Calculate the percentage of ether-soluble extractive with
reference to the air-dried drug.
2.2.10. - Determination of Moisture Content (Loss on Drying)
Procedure set forth here determines the amount of volatile matter (i.e., water drying off
from the drug). For substances appearing to contain water as the only volatile constituent, the
procedure given below, is appropriately used.
Place about 10 g of drug (without preliminary drying) after accurately weighing (accurately
weighed to within 0.01 g) it in a tared evaporating dish. For example, for unground or unpowderd
drug, prepare about 10 g of the sample by cutting shredding so that the parts are about 3 mm in


Seeds and fruits, smaller than 3 mm should be cracked. Avoid the use of high speed mills in
preparing the samples, and exercise care that no appreciable amount of moisture is lost during
preparation and that the portion taken is representative of the official sample. After placing the
above said amount of the drug in the tared evaporating dish, dry at 1050 for 5 hours, and weigh.
Continue the drying and weighing at one hour interval until difference between two successive
weighing corresponds to not more than 0.25 per cent. Constant weight is reached when two
consecutive weighing after drying for 30 minutes and cooling for 30 minutes in a desiccator, show
not more than 0.01 g difference.
2.2.11. - Determination of Water Insoluble Matter
Take 10 gm of sample, add 200 ml hot distilled H2O and bring to boiling. Allow to cool to room
temperature. Filter through a tared gooch crucible having a bed of asbestos or sintered glass filter
Wash the residue with hot water till the filtrate is sugar-free (perform Molisch test). Dry the gooch
crucible or sintered glass filter at 135 20 C and weigh. Express as % insoluble matter.
(Ref :- I.S.I Handbook of Food Analysis (Part II) 1984 page10)
2.2.12. - Determination of Volatile Oil in Drugs
The determination of volatile oil in a drug is made by distilling the drug with a mixture of
water and glycerin, collecting the distillate in a graduated tube in which the aqueous portion of the
distillate is automatically separated and returned to the distilling flask, and measuring the volume of
the oil. The content of the volatile oil is expressed as a percentage v/w.
The apparatus consists of the following parts (see Fig.1). The clevengers apparatus
described below is recommended but any similar apparatus may be used provided that it permits
complete distillation of the volatile oil. All glass parts of the apparatus should be made of good
quality resistance glass.

Fig.1 Apparatus for volatile oil determination


The apparatus is cleaned before each distillation by washing successively with acetone and
water, then inverting it, filling it with chromic sulphuric acid mixture, after closing the open end at
G, and allowing to stand, and finally rinsing with water.

Method of determination
A suitable quantity of the coarsely powdered drug together with 75 ml of glycerin and 175
ml of water in the one litre distilling flask, and a few pieces of porous earthen ware and one filter
paper 15 cm cut into small strips, 7 to 12 mm wide, are also put in the distilling flask, which is then
connected to the still head. Before attaching the condenser, water is run into the graduated receiver,
keeping the tap T open until the water overflows, at P. Any air bubbles in the rubber tubing ab
are carefully removed by pressing the tube. The tap is then closed and the condenser attached. The
contents of the flask are now heated and stirred by frequent agitation until ebullition commences.
The distillation is continued at a rate, which keeps the lower end of the condenser cool. The flask is
rotated occasionally to wash down any material that adheres to its sides.
At the end of the specified time (3 to 4 hours) heating is discontinued, the apparatus is
allowed to cool for 10 minutes and the tap T is opened and the tube L1 lowered slowly; as soon as
the layer of the oil completely enters into the graduated part of the receiver the tap is closed and the
volume is read.
The tube L1 is then raised till the level of water in it is above the level of B, when the tap T
is slowly opened to return the oil to the bulb. The distillation is again continued for another hour
and the volume of oil is again read, after cooling the apparatus as before. If necessary, the
distillation is again continued until successive readings of the volatile oil do not differ.
The measured yield of volatile oil is taken to be the content of volatile oil in the drug. The
dimensions of the apparatus may be suitably modified in case of necessity.
2.2.13. - Special Processes Used in Alkaloidal Assays
2.2.13.a - Continuous extraction of drug
Where continuous extraction of a drug of any other substance is recommended in the
monograph, the process consists of percolating it with suitable solvent at a temperature
approximately that of the boiling point of the solvent. Any apparatus that permits the uniform
percolation of the drug and the continuous flow of the vapour of the solvent around the percolator
may be used. The type commonly known as the Soxhlet apparatus (see fig. 2) is suitable for this
2.2.13.b - Tests for complete extraction of alkaloids
Complete extraction is indicated by the following tests:
When extracting with an aqueous or alcoholic liquid - After extracting at least three
times with the liquid, add to a few drops of the next portion, after acidifying with 2 N hydrochloric
acid if necessary, 0.05 ml of potassium mercuri-iodide solution or for solanaceous alkaloids 0.05
ml of potassium iodobismuthate solution; no precipitate or turbidity, is produced.
When extracting with an immiscible solvent - After extracting at least three times with
the solvent, add to 1 to 2 ml of the next portion 1 to 2 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid, remove the
organic solvent by evaporation, transfer the aqueous residue to a test tube, and add 0.05 ml of

potassium mercuri-iodide solution for solanaceous alkaloids 0.05 ml of potassium iodobismuthate

solution or for emetine, 0.05 ml of iodine solution; not more than a very faint opalescenece is

Fig. 2 - Apparatus for the continuous extraction of Drugs (Soxhlet apparatus)

2.2.14. - Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC)
Thin-layer chromatography is a technique in which a solute undergoes distribution between
two phases, stationary phase acting through adsorption and a mobile phase in the form of a liquid.
The adsorbent is a relatively thin, uniform layer of dry finely powdered material applied to a glass,
plastic or metal sheet or plate. Precoated plates are most commonly used. Separation may also be
achieved on the basis of partition or a combination of partition and adsorption, depending on the
particular type of support, its preparation and its use with different solvent.
Identification can be effected by observation of spots of identical Rf value and about equal
magnitude obtained, respectively, with an unknown and a reference sample chromatographed on
the same plate. A visual comparison of the size and intensity of the spots usually serves for semiquantitative estimation.


(a) Flat glass plates of appropriate dimensions which allow the application at specified
points of the necessary quantities of the solution being examined and appropriate
reference solutions and which allow accommodation of the specified migration pathlength. The plates are prepared as described below; alternatively, commercially prepared
plates may be used.
(b) An aligning tray or a flat surface on which the plates can be aligned and rested when the
coating substance is applied.
(c) The adsorbent or coating substance consisting of finely divided adsorbent materials,
normally 5 m to 40 m in diameter is suitable for chromatography. It can be applied
directly to the plate or can be bonded to the plate by means of plaster of paris (Hydrated
Calcium Sulphate) or with any other suitable binders. The adsorbent may contain
fluorescing material to help in visualising spots that absorb ultra-violet light.
(d) A spreader which, when moved over the glass plate, will apply a uniform layer of
adsorbent of desired thickness over the entire surface of the plate.
(e) A storage rack to support the plates during drying and transportation.
(f) A developing chamber that can accommodate one or more plates and can be properly
closed and sealed. The chamber is fitted with a plate support rack that supports the
plates, back to back, with lid of the chamber in place.
(g) Graduated micro-pipettes capable of delivering microlitre quantities say 10 l and less.
(h) A reagent sprayer that will emit a fine spray and will not itself be attacked by the
(i) An ultra-violet light, suitable for observation at short (254 nm) and long (365 nm) ultraviolet wavelengths.
Preparation of plates
Unless otherwise specified in the monograph, the plates are prepared in the following
manner. Prepare a suspension of the coating substance in accordance with the instructions of the
supplier and, using the spreading device designed for the purpose, spread a uniform layer of the
suspension, 0.20 to 0.30 mm thick, on a flat glass plate 20 cm long. Allow the coated plates to dry
in air, heat at 1000 to 1050 for at least 1 hour (except in the case of plates prepared with cellulose
when heating for 10 minutes is normally sufficient) and allow to cool, protected from moisture.
Store the plates protected from moisture and use within 3 days of preparation. At the time of use,
dry the plates again, if necessary, as prescribed in the monographs. Now a days pre coated plates of
silica gel on glass/aluminium/ plastic sheets are also available.
Unless unsaturated conditions are prescribed, prepare the tank by lining the walls with
sheets of filter paper; pour into the tank, saturating the filter paper in the process, sufficient of the
mobile phase to form a layer of solvent 5 to 10 mm deep, close the tank and allow to stand for 1

hour at room temperature. Remove a narrow strip of the coating substance, about 5 mm wide, from
the vertical sides of the plate. Apply the solutions being examined in the form of circular spots
about 2 to 6 mm in diameter, or in the form of bands (10 to 20 mm x 2 to 6 mm unless otherwise
specified) on a line parallel with, and 20 mm from, one end of the plate, and not nearer than 20 mm
to the sides; the spots should be 15 mm apart. If necessary, the solutions may be applied in
portions, drying between applications. Mark the sides of the plate 15 cm, or the distance specified
in the monograph, from the starting line. Allow the solvent to evaporate and place the plate in the
tank, ensuring that it is as nearly vertical as possible and that the spots or bands are above the level
of the mobile phase. Close the tank and allow to stand at room temperature, until the mobile phase
has ascended to the marked line. Remove the plate and dry and visualise as directed in the
monograph; where a spraying technique is prescribed it is essential that the reagent be evenly
applied as a fine spray.
For two-dimensional chromatography dry the plate after the first development and carry out
the second development in a direction perpendicular to the first.
When the method prescribed in the monograph specifies protected from light or in
subdued light it is intended that the entire procedure is carried out under these conditions.
The phrases ultra-violet light (254 nm) and ultra-violet light (365 nm) indicate that the plate
should be examined under an ultra-violet light having a maximum output at about 254 or at about
365 nm, as the case may be.
The term secondary spot means any spot other than the principal spot. Similarly, a
secondary band is any band other than the principal band.
Rf Value
Measure and record the distance of each spot from the point of its application and calculate
the Rf value by dividing the distance travelled by the spots by the distance travelled by the front of
the mobile phase.
2.2.15. - Starch Estimation (Mont Gomery, 1957) [Spectrophotometric method]
Prepare 10 per cent homogenate of the plant tissue in 80 per cent ethanol. Centrifuge at
2000 rpm for 15 minutes. To the residue thus obtained, add 4 ml of distilled water, heat on a water
bath for 15 minutes and macerate with the help of glass rod. To each of the samples, add 3 ml of 52
per cent perchloric acid and centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant thus obtained
is made upto known volume (generally upto 10 ml or depending on the expected concentration of
starch). Take 0.1 ml aliquot, add 0.1 ml of 80 per cent phenol and 5 ml conc. sulphuric acid, cool
and then read the absorbance at 490 nm.
2.2.16. - Sugar Estimation (Mont Gomery, 1957) [Spectrophotometric Method]
Prepare 10 per cent homogenate of the plant tissue in 80 per cent ethanol. Centrifuge at
2000 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant obtained is made upto known volume (generally upto 10
ml or depending on the expected concentration of sugar). Take 0.1 ml aliquot, add 0.1 ml of 80 per
cent phenol and 5 ml conc. sulphuric acid, cool and then read the absorbance at 490 nm.


2.2.17. - Fatty Oil Estimation

To estimate fatty oils, extract accurately weighed air-dried powdered plant material with
petroleum ether (40-600) in a Soxhlet apparatus. Dry the extract over anhydrous sodium sulphate
and remove the solvent under vacuum at 400. Weigh the residue and calculate the percentage with
reference to the weight of plant material used.
2.2.18. - Test for Argemone Oil (Mustard Oil)
Take 2-3 drops of the oil in a dry test tube and mix successively with one drop of liquid
phenol and 2-4 ml of conc. Sulphuric acid and shake. A deep red colour develops with in 10-20
seconds if argemone oil is present as adulterant.
2.2.19. - Test for the Presence of Cottonseed oil (Halphen Test)
Take about 5ml of the oil in a test tube and add equal amount of Sulphur solution (1%
solution of Sulphur in carbon disulphide and then add an equal volume of amyl alcohol). Mix
thoroughly by shaking and heating gently in a water bath (70-80) for a few minutes with
occasional shaking until the carbon disulphide has boiled off and the sample stops foaming. Place
the tube in an oil bath or a saturated brine bath maintained at 110 to 115, and hold for 1 to 2 hours.
A red colour at the end of this period indicates the presence of cottonseed oil. This test is sensitive
to the extent of 0.5 percent of cottonseed oil in other oils.
2.2.20. - Test for Clove Oil -Alkali-Soluble Matter
Place 80 ml of a 5 per cent w/v solution of potassium hydroxide in a 150-ml flask with a
long neck, which is graduated in tenths of an ml and is of such diameter that not less than 15cm in
length has a capacity of 10ml. The flask before use is cleaned with Sulphuric acid and well rinsed
with water. Add 10ml of the oil, cleared by filtration if necessary, and shake thoroughly at fiveminute intervals for half an hour, at ambient temperature. Raise the undissolved portion of the oil
into the graduated part of the neck of the flask by gradual addition of more of the potassium
hydroxide solution; allow standing for not less than twenty-four hours, and read off the volume of
the undissolved portion of the oil. The undissolved portion of the oil measures not less than 1.0 ml
and not more than 1.5 ml.
2.2.21. - Test for Eucalyptus Oil
Determination of Cineole
Into a stout-walled test tube, about 15 mm in diameter and 80 mm in length place 3 g,
accurately weighed, of the oil preciously dried by shaking with anhydrous calcium chloride
together with 2.1 g, accurately weighed, of melted o-cresol. Insert a thermometer, graduated in
fifths of a degree, and stir the mixture well in order to induce crystallization; note the highest
reading of the thermometer. Warm three tube gently, until the contents are completely melted,
insert the tube through a bored cork into a wide-mouthed bottle which is to act as an air jacked;
allow to cool slowly, until crystallization commences, or until the temperature has fallen to the
point previously noted. Stir the contents of the tube vigorously with the thermometer, running the
latter on the side of the tube with an up and down motion in order to induce rapid crystallisatiojn
continue the string and rubbing a long as the temperature rises. Take the highest point as the
freezing point.
Remelt the mixture and repeat the determination of the freezing point until two consecutive
concordant results are obtained, because the first temperature noted is always lower than the true
freezing point.

Find the percentage w/w of cineole corresponding to the freezing-point from the table,
obtaining intermediate value, by interpolation (Table 2.1).
Table 2.1




w/w of

Freezing point
55. 20




w/w of

The o-cresol used must be pure and dry with a freezing-point not below 300. It is
hygroscopic, and should be stored in a small welt-stoppered bottle because the presence of moisture
may lower the results, even to the extent of 5 per cent.
2.2.22.- Determination of Acidity
(1) Standard Sodium Hydroxide solution 0.05 N
(2) Phenolpthalein indicator Dissolve 0.5 gm Phenolpthalein in 100 ml of
50% ethyl alcohol (v/v)
Take 10 gm of the sample in a suitable titration flask and dissolve in 75 ml of carbon dioxide free
water. Mix thoroughly. Titrate against standard sodium hydroxide solution using 4-6 drops of
phenolpthalein indicator till pink colour persists for 10 seconds.
Determine blank on water and indicator and correct the volume of sodium hydroxide solution used.


Acidity as formic acid (%) by weight = 0.23 X V
Where V = corrected volume of 0.05 N sod. Hydroxide used
M = weight in gm of the sample taken for test

2.2.23. Protein Estimation (Lowry et. al 1951)

Homogenise 100 mg plant metarial with 3 ml of 10% trichloroacetic acid. Centrifuge the
homogenate at 10,000 rpm. Discard the supernatant. Treat the pallets obtained after centrifugation
with 3 ml 1N sodium hydroxide, heat on water bath for 7 minutes and cool. Centrifuge the solution
again for five to ten minutes at 5000 rpm. To 0.5 ml of supernatant thus obtained after
centrifugation, add 5 ml reagent containing 100 parts of 2% solution of sodium carbonate and one
part of 2% solution of sodium potassium tartrate. Allow it so stand for ten to fifteen minutes. Then
add 5 ml Folin and Ciocalteus Phenol reagent (diluted with distilled water in ratio of 1:1) and
allow to stand for half-hour for development of colour and then finally measure the absorbance at
700 nm.
2.2.24. - Method for Alkaloid Estimation
Macerate the plant material with 2 per cent acetic acid in water, filter and concentrate the
filtrate under reduced pressure at 450 to one third of the original volume. Adjust the pH to 2 by 4 M
hydrochloric acid. The yellow precipitate will be separated from the solution (A). Dissolve in it 0.1
M to give solution (B). Add Mayer's reagent to the solution A and B to give precipitate of alkaloidMayers reagent complex. Dissolve it again in acetone - methanol - water (6 : 2 : 10) to give
solution. Pass this complex finally through Amberlite IRA 400 anion exchange resin (500 g) to give
an aqueous solution of alkaloid chlorides.
2.2.25. -Determination of Esters Boil a convenient quantity of alcohol (90%) thoroughly to
expel CO2 and neutralize it to solution of phenolphthalein. Dissolve about 2 g of the oil or ester,
accurately weighed, in 5 ml of the neutralized alcohol contained in a hard glass flask, and neutralize
the free acid in the solution with N/10 alcoholic KOH, using 0.2 ml of solution of phenolphthalein
as indicator. Add 20 ml of N/2 alcoholic KOH, attach the flask to a reflux condenser, boil on a
water bath for 1 hour, and immediately titrate the excess of alkali with N/2 H2SO4, using a further
0.5 ml of solution of phenolphthalein as indicator. Repeat the operation without the oil or ester. The
difference between the titrations is equivalent to the alkali required to saponify the esters.
Each ml of N/2 alcoholic KOH is equivalent to0.0981 g
0.0364 g
0.0981 g
0.0991 g
0.0761 g


Bornyl Acetate
Grlyceryl Triacetate
Linalyl Acetate
Menthyl Acetate
Menthyl Salicylate



Table 2.2 - Permissible Limits of Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal contents


Permissible limits
10 ppm
3 ppm
0.3 ppm
1 ppm

2.3.1. - Limit Test for Arsenic

In the limit test for arsenic, the amount of arsenic is expressed as arsenic, As ppm
A wide-mouthed bottle capable of holding about 120 ml is fitted with a rubber bung through
which passes a glass tube. The latter, made from ordinary glass tubing, has a total length of 200 mm
and an internal diameter of exactly 6.5 mm (external diameter about 8 mm). It is drawn out at one
end to a diameter of about 1 mm and a hole not less than 2 mm in diameter is blown in the side of
the tube, near the constricted part. When the bung is inserted in the bottle containing 70 ml of
liquid, the constricted end of the tube is above the surface of the liquid, and the hole in the side is
below the bottom of the bung. The upper end of the tube is cut off square, and is either slightly
rounded or ground smooth.
Two rubber bungs (about 25 mm x 25 mm), each with a hole bored centrally and true,
exactly 6.5 mm in diameter, are fitted with a rubber band or spring clip for holding them tightly
together. Alternatively the two bungs may be replaced by any suitable contrivance satisfying the
conditions described under the General Test.
Ammonium oxalate AsT: Ammonium oxalate which complies with the following additional test:
Heat 5 g with 15 ml of water, 5 ml of nitric acid AsT, and 10 ml of sulphuric acid AsT in
narrow necked, round-bottomed flask until frothing ceases, cool, and apply the General Test; no
visible stain is produced.
Arsenic solution, dilute, AsT:
Strong Arsenic solution AsT
Water sufficient to produce
Dilute arsenic solution, AsT must be freshly prepared.
1 ml contains 0.01 mg of arsenic, as.

1 ml
100 ml

Arsenic solution, strong, AsT:

Arsenic trioxide
Hydrochloric acid
Water sufficient to produce

0.132 g
50 ml
100 ml

Brominated hydrochloric acid AsT:

Bromine solution AsT
Hydrochloric acid AsT

1 ml
100 ml

Bromine solution AsT:

Potassium bromide
Water sufficient to produce

30 g
30 g
100 ml

It complies with the following test:

Evaporate 10 ml on a water-bath nearly to dryness, add 50 ml of purified water, 10 ml of
hydrochloric acid AsT and sufficient stannous chloride solution AsT to reduce the remaining
bromine and apply the General Test; the stain produced is not deeper than 1 ml standard stain,
showing that the proportion of arsenic present does not exceed 1 part per million.
Citric acid AsT: Citric acid which complies with the following additional tests: Dissolve 10 g in
50 ml of water add 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid AsT and apply the General Test; no visible
stain is produced.
Hydrochloric acid AsT: Hydrochloric acid diluted with water to contain about 32 per cent w/w of
hydrochloride acid and complying with the following additional tests:

Dilute 10 ml with sufficient water to produce 50 ml, add 5 ml of ammonium

thiocyanate solution and stir immediately; no colour is produced.
To 50 ml add 0.2 ml of bromine solution AsT, evaporate on a water-bath until
reduced to 16 ml adding more bromine solution AsT, if necessary, in order that an
excess, as indicated by the colour, may be present throughout the evaporation; add
50 ml of water and 5 drops of stannous chloride solution AsT, and apply the General
Test; the stain produced is not deeper than a 0.2 ml standard stain prepared with the
same acid, showing that the proportion of arsenic present does not exceed 0.05 part
per million.

Hydrochloric acid (constant-boiling composition) AsT : Boil hydrochloric acid AsT to constant
boiling Composition in the presence of hydrazine hydrate, using 1 ml of 10 per cent w/v solution
in water per litre of the acid.
*Mercuric Chloride Paper: Smooth white filter paper, not less than 25 mm in width, soaked in a
saturated solution of mercuric chloride, pressed to remove superfluous solution, and dried at about
600, in the dark. The grade of the filter paper is such that the weight is between 65 and 120 g per sq.
mm; the thickness in mm of 400 papers is approximately equal numerically, to the weight in g per
sq. mm.
Nitric acid AsT: Nitric acid which complies with the following additional test:
Heat 20 ml in a porcelain dish with 2 ml of sulphuric acid AsT, until white fumes are given
off. Cool, add 2 ml of water, and again heat until white fumes are given off; cool, add 50 ml of
water and 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid AsT, and apply the General Test; no visible stain is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*NOTE Murcuric chloride paper should be stored in a stoppered bottle in the dark. Paper which
has been exposed to sunlight or to the vapour of ammonia affords a lighter stain or no stain at all
when employed in the limit test for arsenic.

Potassium chlorate AsT: Potassium chlorate which complies with the following additional test:
Mix 5 g in the cold with 20 ml of water and 22 ml of hydrochloric acid AsT; when the first
reaction has subsided, heat gently to expel chlorine, remove the last traces with a few drops of
stannous chloride solution AsT, add 20 ml of water, and apply the General Test; no visible stain is
Potassium iodide AsT: Potassium iodide which complies with the following additional test:
Dissolve 10 g in 25 ml of hydrochloric acid AsT and 35 ml of water, add 2 drops of
stannous chloride solution AsT and apply the General Test; no visible stain is produced.
Sodium carbonate, anhydrous AsT: Anhydrous sodium carbonate which complies with the
following additional test:
Dissolve 5 g in 50 ml of water, add 20 ml of brominated hydrochloric acid AsT, remove the
excess of bromine with a few drops of stannous chloride solution AsT, and apply the General Test;
no visible stain is produced.
Sodium Salicylate: Of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.
Stannated hydrochloric acid AsT:
Stannous chloride solution AsT
Hydrochloric Acid AsT

1 ml
100 ml

Stannous Chloride solution AsT: Prepared from stannous chloride solution by adding an equal
volume of hydrochloric acid, boiling down to the original volume, and filtering through a finegrain filter paper.
It complies with the following test:
To 10 ml add 6 ml of water and 10 ml of hydrochloric acid AsT, distil and collect 16 ml. To
the distillate and 50 ml of water and 2 drops of stannuous chloride solution AsT and apply the
General Test; the stain produced is not deeper than a 1-ml standard stain, showing that the
proportion of arsenic present does not exceed 1 part per million.
Sulphuric acid AsT: Sulphuric acid which complies with the following additional test:
Dilute 10 g with 50 ml of water, add 0.2 ml of stannous chloride solution AsT, and apply
the General Test; no visible stain is produced.
Zinc AsT: Granulated Zinc which complies with following additional test:
Add 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid AsT to 50 ml of water, and apply the General
Test, using 10 of the zinc and allowing the action to continue for one hour; no visible stain is
produced (limit of arsenic). Repeat the test with the addition of 0.1 ml of dilute arsenic solution
AsT; a faint but distinct yellow stain is produced (test for sensitivity).


General Method of Testing - By a variable method of procedure suitable to the particular needs of
each substance, a solution is prepared from the substance being examined which may or may not
contain that substance, but contains the whole of the arsenic (if any) originally present in that
substance. This solution, referred to as the `test solution, is used in the actual test.
General Test - The glass tube is lightly packed with cotton wool, previously moistened with lead
acetate solution and dried, so that the upper surface of the cotton wool is not less than 25 mm
below the top of the tube. The upper end of the tube is then inserted into the narrow end of one of
the pair of rubber bungs, either to a depth of about 10 mm when the tube has a rounded-off end, or
so that the ground end of the tube is flush with the larger end of the bung. A piece of mercuric
chloride paper is placed flat on the top of the bung and the other bung placed over it and secured by
means of the rubber band or spring clip in such a manner that the borings of the two bungs (or the
upper bung and the glass tube) meet to form a true tube 6.5 mm in diameter interrupted by a
diaphragm of mercuric chloride paper.
Instead of this method of attaching the mercuric chloride paper, any other method may be
used provided (1) that the whole of the evolved gas passes through the paper; (2) that the portion of
the paper in contact with the gas is a circle 6.5 mm in diameter; and (3) that the paper is protected
from sunlight during the test. The test solution prepared as specified, is placed in the wide-mouthed
bottle, 1 g of potassium iodide AsT and 10 g of zinc AsT added, and the prepared glass tube is
placed quickly in position. The action is allowed to proceed for 40 minutes. The yellow stain which
is produced on the mercuric chloride paper if arsenic is present is compared by day light with the
standard stains produced by operating in a similar manner with known quantities of dilute arsenic
solution AsT. The comparison of the stains is made immediately at the completion of the test. The
standard stains used for comparison are freshly prepared; they fade on keeping.
By matching the depth of colour with standard stains, the proportion of arsenic in the
substance may be determined. A stain equivalent to the 1-ml standard stain, produced by operating
on 10 g of substance indicates that the proportion of arsenic is 1 part per million.
NOTE: (1) The action may be accelerated by placing the apparatus on a warm surface, care being
taken that the mercuric chloride paper remains dry throughout the test.
(2) The most suitable temperature for carrying out the test is generally about 400 but
because the rate of the evolution of the gas varies somewhat with different batches zinc
AsT, the temperature may be adjusted to obtain a regular, but not violent, evolution of
(3) The tube must be washed with hydrochloric acid AsT, rinsed with water and dried
between successive tests.
Standard Stains - Solutions are prepared by adding to 50 ml of water, 10 ml of stannated
hydrochloric acid AsT and quantities of dilute arsenic solutions AsT varying from 0.2 ml to 1 ml.
The resulting solutions, when treated as described in the General Test, yield stains on the mercuric
chloride paper referred to as the standard stains.
Preparation of the Test Solution
In the various methods of preparing the test solution given below, the quantities are so
arranged unless otherwise stated, that when the stain produced from the solution to be examined is
not deeper than the 1-ml standard stain, the proportion of arsenic present does not exceed the
permitted limit.

Ammonium chloride - Dissolve 2.5 g in 50 ml of water, and 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid

Boric acid - Dissolve 10 g with 2 g of citric acid AsT in 50 ml water, and add 12 ml of stannated
hydrochloric acid AsT.
Ferrous sulphate - Dissolve 5 g in 10 ml of water and 15 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid AsT
and disitil 20 ml; to the distillate add a few drops of bromine solution AsT. Add 2 ml of stannated
hydrochloric acid AsT, heat under a reflux condenser for one hour, cool, and add 10 ml of water
and 10 ml of hydrochloric acid AsT.
Glycerin - Dissolve 5 g in 50 ml of water, and add 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid AsT.
Hydrochloric acid - Mix 10 g with 40 ml of water and 1 ml of stannous chloride solution AsT.
Magnesium sulphate - Dissolve 5 g in 50 ml of water and add 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric
acid AsT.
Phosphoric acid - Dissolve 5 g in 50 ml of water and add 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid
Potassium iodide - Dissolve 5 g in 50 ml of water and add 2 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid
Sodium bicarbonate - Dissolve 5 g in 50 ml of water and add 15 ml of brominated hydrochloric
acid AsT, and remove the excess of bromine with a few drops of stannous chloride solution AsT.
Sodium hydroxide - Dissolve 2.5 g in 50 ml of water, add 16 ml of brominated hydrochloric acid
AsT, and remove the excess of bromine with a few drops of stannous chloride solution AsT.
2.3.2. - Limit Test for Chlorides
Dissolve the specified quantity of the substance in water or prepare a solution as directed in
the text and transfer to a Nessler cylinder. Add 10 ml of dilute nitric acid, except when nitric acid is
used in the preparation of the solution, dilute to 50 ml with water, and add 1 ml of silver nitrate
solution. Stir immediately with a glass rod and allow to stand for 5 minutes. The opalescence
produced is not greater than the standard opalescence, when viewed transversely.
Standard Opalescence
Place 1.0 ml of a 0.05845 per cent w/v solution of sodium chloride and 10 ml of dilute nitric
acid in a Nessler cylinder. Dilute to 50 ml with water and add 1 ml of silver nitrate solution. Stir
immediately with a glass rod and allow to stand for five minutes.
2.3.3. - Limit Test for Heavy Metals
The test for heavy metals is designed to determine the content of metallic impurities that are
coloured by sulphide ion, under specified conditions. The limit for heavy metals is indicated in the
individual monographs in terms of the parts of lead per million parts of the substance (by weight),
as determined by visual comparison of the colour produced by the substance with that of a control
prepared from a standard lead solution.
Determine the amount of heavy metals by one of the following methods and as directed in
the individual monographs. Method A is used for substances that yield clear colourless solutions

under the specified test conditions. Method B is used for substances that do not yield clear,
colourless solutions under the test conditions specified for method A, or for substances which, by
virtue of their complex nature, interfere with the precipitation of metals by sulphide ion. Method C
is used for substances that yield clear, colourless solutions with sodium hydroxide solution.
Special Reagents
Acetic acid Sp.: Acetic acid which complies with the following additional test : Make 25 ml
alkaline with dilute ammonia solution Sp., add 1 ml of potassium cyanide solution Sp., dilute to 50
ml with water and add two drops of sodium sulphide solution; no darkening is produced.
Dilute acetic acid Sp.: Dilute acetic acid, which complies with the following additional test
Evaporate 20 ml in a porcelain dish, nearly to dryness on a water-bath. Add to the residue 2 ml of
the acid and dilute with water to 25 ml, add 10 ml of hydrogen sulphide solution. Any dark colour
produced is not more than that of a control solution consisting of 2 ml of the acid and 4.0 ml of
standard lead solution diluted to 25 ml with water.
Ammonia solution Sp.: Strong ammonia solution which complies with the following additional
test: Evaporate 10 ml to dryness on a water-bath; to the residue add 1 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid
Sp. and evaporate to dryness. Dissolve the residue in 2 ml of dilute acetic acid Sp. Add sufficient
water to produce 25 ml.
Add 10 ml of hydrogen sulphide solution. Any darkening produced is not greater than in a
blank solution containing 2 ml of dilute acetic acid Sp. 1.0 ml of standard lead solution and
sufficient water to produce 25 ml.
Dilute ammonia solution Sp.: Dilute ammonia solution which complies with the following
additional test: To 20 ml add 1 ml of potassium cyanide solution Sp., dilute to 50 ml with water,
and add two drops of sodium sulphide solution; no darkening is produced.
Hydrochloric acid: Hydrochloric acid which complies with the following additional test:
Evaporate off the acid in a beaker to dryness on a water-bath. Dissolve the residue in 2 ml of dilute
acid Sp., dilute to 17 ml with water and add 10 ml of hydrogen sulphide solution; any darkening
produced is not greater than in a blank solution containing 2.0 ml of standard lead solution, 2 ml of
dilute acetic acid Sp. and dilute to 40 ml with water.
Dilute hydrochloric acid Sp.: Dilute hydrochloric acid, which complies with the following
additional test: Treat 10 ml of the acid in the manner described under Hydrochloric acid Sp.
Lead nitrate stock solution: Dissolve 0.1598 g of lead nitrate in 100 ml of water to which has
been added 1 ml of nitric acid, then dilute with water to 1000 ml. This solution must be prepared
and stored in polyethylene or glass containers free from soluble lead salts.
Standard lead solution: On the day of use, dilute 10.0 ml of lead nitrate stock solution with water
to 100.0 ml. Each ml of standard lead solution contains the equivalent of 10 g of lead. A control
comparison solution prepared with 2.0 ml of standard lead solution contains, when compared to a
solution representing 1.0 g of the substance being tested, the equivalent of 20 parts per million of
Nitric acid Sp.: Nitric acid which complies with the following additional test: Dilute 10 ml with 10
ml of water, make alkaline with ammonia solution Sp., add 1 ml of potassium cyanide solution Sp.,
dilute to 50 ml with water, and add two drops of sodium sulphide solution; no darkening is

Potassium cyanide solution Sp.: See Appendix 2.3.5.

Sulphuric acid Sp.: Sulphuric acid which complies with following additional test: Add 5 g to 20
ml of water make alkaline with ammonia solution Sp., add 1 ml of potassium cyanide solution Sp.,
dilute to 50 ml with water and add two drops of sodium sulphide solution; no darkening is
Method A
Standard solution - Into a 50 ml Nessler cylinder, pipette 2 ml of standard lead solution and dilute
with water to 25 ml. Adjust with dilute acetic acid Sp. or dilute ammonia solution Sp to a pH
between 3.0 and 4.0, dilute with water to about 35 ml, and mix.
Test solution - In to a 50 ml Nessler cylinder, place 25 ml of the solution prepared for the test as
directed in the individual monograph, or using the stated volume of acid when specified in the
individual monograph, dissolve and dilute with water to 25 ml the specified quantity of the
substance being tested. Adjust with dilute acetic acid Sp. or dilute ammonia solution Sp. to a pH
between 3.0 and 4.0, dilute with water to about 35 ml and mix.
Procedure - To each of the cylinders containing the standard solution and test solution,
respectively, add 10 ml of freshly prepared hydrogen sulphide solution, mix, dilute with water to 50
ml, allow to stand for five minutes, and view downwards over a white surface; the colour produced
in the test solution is not darker than that produced in the standard solution.
Method B
Standard solution - Proceed as directed under Method A.
Test solution - Weigh in a suitable crucible the quantity of the substance specified in individual
monograph, add sufficient sulphuric acid Sp. to wet the sample, and ignite carefully at a low
temperature until thoroughly charred. Add to the charred mass 2 ml of nitric acid Sp. and five drops
of sulphuric acid Sp. and heat cautiously until white fumes are no longer evolved. Ignite, preferably
in a muffle furnace, at 5000 to 6000 until the carbon is completely burnt off. Cool, add 4 ml of
hydrochloric acid Sp., cover, digest on a water bath for 15 minutes, uncover and slowly evaporate
to dryness on a water-bath. Moisten the residue with one drop of hydrochloric acid Sp., add 10 ml
of hot water and digest for two minutes. Add ammonia solution sp., dropwise, until the solution is
just alkaline to litmus paper, dilute with water to 25 ml and adjust with dilute acetic acid Sp. to a
pH between 3.0 and 4.0. Filter if necessary, rinse the crucible and the filter with 10 ml of water,
combine the filtrate and washings in a 50 ml Nessler cylinder, dilute with water, to about 35 ml,
and mix. Procedure: Proceed as directed under Method A.
Method C
Standard solution - Into a 50 ml Nessler cylinder, pipette 2 ml of standard lead solution, add 5 ml
of dilute sodium hydroxide solution., dilute with water to 50 ml and mix.
Test solution - Into a 50 ml Nessler cylinder, place 25 ml of the solution prepared for the test as
directed in the individual monograph; or, if not specified otherwise in the individual monograph,
dissolve the specified quantity in a mixture of 20 ml of water and 5 ml of dilute sodium hydroxide
solution. Dilute 50 ml with water and mix.


Procedure - To each of the cylinders containing the standard solution and the test solution,
respectively add 5 drops of sodium sulphide solution, mix, allow to stand for five minutes and view
downwards over a white surface; the colour produced in the test solution is not darker than that
produced in the standard solution.

2.3.4. - Limit Test for Iron

Standard Iron solution - Weigh accurately 0.1726 g of ferric ammonium sulphate and dissolve in
10 ml of 0.1 N sulphuric acid and sufficient water to produce 1000.0 ml. Each ml of this solution
contains 0.02 mg of Fe.
Dissolve the specified quantity of the substance being examined in 40 ml of water, or use 10
ml of the solution prescribed in the monograph, and transfer to a Nessler cylinder. Add 2 ml of a
20 per cent w/v solution of iron-free citric acid and 0.1 ml of thioglycollic acid, mix, make alkaline
with iron-free ammonia solution, dilute to 50 ml with water and allow to stand for five minutes.
Any colour produced is not more intense than the standard colour.
Standard colour - Dilute 2.0 ml of standard iron solution with 40 ml of water in a Nessler
cylinder. Add 2 ml of a 20 per cent w/v solution of iron-free citric acid and 0.1 ml of thioglycollic
acid, mix, make alkaline with iron-free ammonia solution, dilute to 50 ml with water and allow to
stand for five minutes.
2.3.5. - Limit Test for Lead
The following method is based on the extraction of lead by solutions of dithizone. All
reagents used for the test should have as low a content of lead as practicable. All reagent solutions
should be stored in containers of borosilicate glass. Glassware should be rinsed thoroughly with
warm dilute nitric acid, followed by water.
Special Reagents
(1) Ammonia-cyanide solution Sp.: Dissolve 2 g of potassium cyanide in 15 ml of strong
ammonia solution and dilute with water to 100 ml.
(2) Ammonium citrate solution Sp.: Dissolve 40 g of citric acid in 90 ml water. Add two drops
of phenol red solution then add slowly strong ammonia solution until the solution acquires a
reddish colour. Remove any lead present by extracting the solution with 20 ml quantities of
dithizone extraction solution until the dithizone solution retains its orange-green colour.
(3) Dilute standard lead solution: Dilute 10.0 ml of standard lead solution with sufficient 1 per
cent v/v solution of nitric acid to produce 100 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 1 g of lead
per ml.
(4) Dithizone extraction solution: Dissolve 30 mg of diphenylthiocarbazone in 1000 ml of
chloroform and add 5 ml of alcohol. Store the solution in a refrigerator. Before use, shake a
suitable volume of the solution with about half its volume of 1 per cent v/v solution of nitric
acid and discard the acid.
(5) Hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution Sp.: Dissolve 20 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride
in sufficient water to produce about 65 ml. Transfer to separator, add five drops of thymol blue

solution, add strong ammonia solution until the solution becomes yellow. Add 10 ml of a 4 per
cent w/v solution of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate and allow to stand for five minutes. Extract
with successive quantities, each of 10 ml, of chloroform until a 5 ml portion of the extract does
not assume a yellow colour when shaken with dilute copper sulphate solution. Add dilute
hydrochloric acid until the solution is pink and then dilute with sufficient water to produce 100
(6) Potassium cyanide solution Sp.: Dissolve 50 g of potassium cyanide in sufficient water to
produce 100 ml. Remove the lead from this solution by extraction with successive quantities,
each of 20 ml of dithizone extraction solution until the dithizone solution retains its orangegreen colour. Extract any dithizone remaining in the cyanide solution by shaking with
chloroform. Dilute this cyanide solution with sufficient water to produce a solution containing
10 g of potassium cyanide in each 100 ml.
(7) Standard dithizone solution: Dissolve 10 ml of diphenylthiocarbazone in 1000 ml of
chloroform. Store the solution in a glass-stoppered, lead-free bottle, protected from light and in
a refrigerator.
(8) Citrate-cyanide wash solution: To 50 ml of water add 50 ml of ammonium citrate solution Sp.
and 4 ml of potassium cyanide solution Sp., mix, and adjust the pH, if necessary, with strong
ammonia solution to 9.0.
(9) Buffer solution pH 2.5: To 25.0 ml of 0.2 M potassium hydrogen phthalate add 37.0 ml of 0.1
N hydrochloric acid, and dilute with sufficient water to produce 100.0 ml.
(10) Dithizone-carbon tetrachloride solution: Dissolve 10 mg of diphenylthiocarbazone in 1000
ml of carbon tetrachloride. Prepare this solution fresh for each determination.
(11) pH 2.5 wash solution: To 500 ml of a 1 per cent v/v nitric acid add strong ammonia solution
until the pH of the mixture is 2.5, then add 10 ml of buffer solution pH 2.5 and mix.
(12) Ammonia-cyanide wash solution: To 35 ml of pH 2.5 wash solution add 4 ml of ammoniacyanide solution Sp., and mix.
Transfer the volume of the prepared sample directed in the monograph to a separator and
unless otherwise directed in monograph, add 6 ml of ammonium citrate solution Sp., and 2 ml
hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution Sp., (For the determination of lead in iron salts use 10 ml of
ammonium citrate solution Sp.). Add two drops of phenol red solution and make the solution just
alkaline (red in colour) by the addition of strong ammonnia solution. Cool the solution if necessary,
and add 2 ml of potassium cyanide solution Sp. Immediately extract the solution with several
quantities each of 5 ml, of dithizone extraction solution, draining off each extract into another
separating funnel, until the dithizone extraction solution retains its green colour. Shake the combine
dithizone solutions for 30 seconds with 30 ml of a 1 per cent w/v solution of nitric acid and discard
the chloroform layer. Add to the solution exactly 5 ml of standard dithizone solution and 4 ml of
ammonia-cyanide solution Sp. and shake for 30 seconds; the colour of the chloroform layer is of no
deeper shade of violet than that of a control made with a volume of dilute standard lead solution
equivalent to the amount of lead permitted in the sample under examination.


2.3.6. - Limit Test for Sulphates

Barium sulphate reagent: Mix 15 ml of 0.5 M barium chloride, 55 ml of water, and 20 ml of
sulphate free alcohol, add 5 ml of a 0.0181 per cent w/v solution of potassium sulphate, dilute to
100 ml with water, and mix. Barium sulphate reagent must be freshly prepared.
0.5 M Barium chloride: Barium chloride dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml 122.1 g of
BaCl2, 2H2O.
Dissolve the specified quantity of the substance in water, or prepare a solution as directed in
the text, transfer to a Nessler cylinder, and add 2 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, except where
hydrochloric acid is used in the preparation of the solution. Dilute to 45 ml with water, add 5 ml of
barium sulphate reagent. Stir immediately with a glass rod, and allow to stand for five minutes. The
turbidity produced is not greater than the standard turbidity, when viewed transversely. Standard
turbidity: Place 1.0 ml of 0.1089 per cent w/v solution of potassium sulphate and 2 ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid in a Nessler cylinder,dilute to 45 ml with water, add 5 ml of barium sulphate
reagent, stir immediately with a glass rod and allow to stand for five minutes.
2.3.7. - Heavy Metals by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Atomic absorption spectrophotometry is used in the determination of heavy metal elements
and some nonmetal elements in the atomic state.
The light of characteristic wave length emitted from a cathodic discharge lamp is absorbed
when it passes through the atomic vapor generated from sample containing the element being
examined atomized to the ground state. The assay of the element being examined is tested by
determining the decreased degree of light intensity of radiation. Atomic absorption obeys the
general rule for absorption spectrophotometry. The assay is carried out by comparing the
abosorbance of the test preparation with that of the reference preparation.
An atomic absorption spectrophotometer consists of a light source, an atomic generator, a
monochromator and a detector system. Some are equipped with a background compensation system
and automatic sampling system, etc.
1. Light Source: A hollow-cathode discharge lamp is usually used. The cathode is made of the
element being examined.
2. Atomic Generator: There are four main types : flame atomizer, graphite furnace atomizer,
hydride-generated atomizer, cold vapor atomizer.
(1) Flame atomizer: It mainly consists of a nebulizer and a burner. Its function is to nebulize the
test solution into aerosol, which is mixed with combustion gas. And the mixture is introduced into
the flame generated by the burner. So that the substance being examined is to be dried, evaporated
to form the ground state atoms of the element being examined. The burning flame is generated by
different mixtures of gases, acetylene-air is mostly used. By modifying the proportion of
combustion gas, the temperature of the flame can be controlled and a better stability and a better
sensitivity can be obtained.

(2) Furnace atomizer: It consists of electric furnace and a power supply. Its function is to dry and
incinerate the substance being examined. During the stage of high temperature atomization, the
ground state atoms of the element being examined are to be formed. Graphite is commonly used as
the heater. Protection gas is introduced into the furnace to avoid oxidation and used to transfer the
sample vapor.
(3) Hydride-generated atomizer: It consists of hydride generator and atomic absorption cell. It is
used for the determination of the elements such as arsenic, selenium and antimony etc. Its function
is to reduce the element to be examined in acidic medium to the low-boiling and easily pyrolyzed
hydride. The hydride is then swept by a stream of carrier gas into the atomic absorption cell which
consists of quartz tube and heater etc., in which the hydride is pyrolyzed by heating to form the
ground-state atom.
(4) Cold vapor atomizer: It consists of a mercury vapor atomizer and an absorption cell. It is
suitable for the determination of mercury. Its function is to reduce the mercuric ion into mercury
vapor which is swept into the quartz absorption cell by carrier gas.
3. Monochromator: Its function is to separate the specified wavelength radiation from the
electromagnetic radiations erradiated from the light source. The optical path of the apparatus should
assure the good spectra resolution and has the ability to work well at the condition of narrow
spectral band (0.2 nm). The commonly used wavelength region is 190.0 - 900.0 nm.
4. Detector system: It consists of a detector, a signal processor and a recording system. It should
have relatively higher sensitivity and better stability and can follow the rapid change of the signal
5. Background compensation system: System employed for the correction of atmospheric effects
on the measuring system. Four principles can be utilized for background compensation: continuous
spectrum sources (a deuterium lamp is often used in the UV region), the Zeeman effect, the self
inversion phenomenon and the non resonance spectrum. In the analysis using atomic absorption
spectrophotometry, the interference to the determination caused by background and other reasons
should be noticed. Changes of some experimental conditions, such as the wavelength, the slit
width, the atomizing condition, etc., may affect the sensitivity, the stability and the interference. If
it is flame, the suitable wavelength, slit width and flame temperature, the addition of complexing
agents and releasing agents and the use of Standard addition method may eliminate interference. If
it is furnace, system, the selection of suitable background compensation system and the addition of
suitable matrix modifying agents, etc may remove the interference. Background compensation
method shall be selected as specified in the individual monograph.
Method (direct calibration method)
Prepare not less than 3 reference solutions of the element being examined of different
concentrations, covering the range recommended by the instrument manufacturer and add
separately the corresponding reagents as that for the test solution and prepare the blank reference
solution with the corresponding reagents. Measure the absorbances of the blank reference solution
and each reference solution of different concentrations separately, record the readings and prepare a
calibration curve with the average value of 3 readings of each concentration on the ordinate and the
corresponding concentration on the abscissa.
Prepare a test solution of the substance being examined as specified in the monograph,
adjust the concentration to fall within the concentration range of the reference solution. Measure the

absorbance 3 times, record the readings and calculate the average value. Interpolate the mean value
of the readings on the calibration curve to determine the concentration of the element.
When used in the test for impurities, prepare two test preparations of the same concentration
as specified in the monograph. To one of the test preparation add an amount of the reference
substance equivalent to the limit of the element specified in the monograph. Proceed as directed
above and measure this solution to give an appropriate reading a; then measure the test preparation
without the addition of the reference substance under the same condition and record the reading b;
b is not greater than (a-b).
2.3.8. - Determination of Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury and Copper
(1) Determination of Lead(Pb) (Graphite Oven Method):
Determination conditions: Reference condition: dry temperature: 100-1200, maintain 20 seconds;
ash temperature: 400-7500, maintain 20-25 seconds; atomic temperature: 1700-21000 , maintain 4-5
seconds; measurement wavelength: 283.3 nm; background calibration: deuterium lamp (D lamp) or
Zeeman effect.
Preparation of lead standard stock solution: Measure accurately a quantity of lead singleelement standard solution to prepare standard stock solution with 2 per cent nitric acid solution,
which containing 1 g per ml, stored at 0-50.
Preparation of calibration curve: Measure accurately a quantity of lead standard stock solutions
respectively, diluted with 2 per cent nitric acid solution to the concentration of 0, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80
ng per ml, respectively. Measure respectively accurately 1 ml the above solution, add respectively 1
ml of 1 per cent ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.2 per cent magnesium nitrate mix well,
pipette accurately 20 l to inject into the atomic generator of graphite oven and determine their
absorbance, then draw the calibration curve with absorbance as vertical axis and concentration as
horizontal ordinate.
Preparation of test solution
Weigh accurately 0.5 g of the coarse powder of the substance being examined, transfer into
a casparian flask, add 5-10 ml of the mixture of nitric acid and perchloric acid (4 : 1), add a small
hopper on the flask-top, macerate overnight, heat to slake on the electric hot plate, keep somewhatboiling, if brownish-black, add again a quantity of the above mixture, continuously heat till the
solution becomes clean and transparent, then raise temperature, heat continuously to thick smoke,
till white smoke disperse, the slaked solution becomes colourless and transparent or a little yellow,
cool, transfer it into a 50 ml volumetric flask, wash the container with 2 per cent nitric acid solution
add the washing solution into the same volumetric flask and dilute with the same solvent to the
volume, shake well. Prepare synchronously the reagent blank solution according to the above
Determination: Measure accurately 1 ml of the test solution and its corresponding reagent blank
solution respectively, add 1 ml of solution containing 1per cent ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
and 0.2 per cent magnesium nitrate, shake well, pipette accurately 10-20 l to determine their
absorbance according to the above method of Preparation of calibration curve. Calculate the
content of lead (Pd) in the test solution from the calibration curve.


(2) Determination of Cadmium (Cd) (Graphite Oven Method)

Determination conditions: Reference condition: dry temperature: 100-1200 , maintain 20 seconds;
ash temperature: 300-5000 , maintain 20-25 seconds; atomic temperature: 1500-19000, maintain 4-5
seconds; measurement wavelength: 228.8 nm; background calibration: deuterium lamp (D lamp) or
Zeeman effect.
Preparation of Cd standard stock solution: Measure accurately a quantity of Cd single-element
standard solution to prepare standard stock solution Cd with 2 per cent nitric acid, which containing
0.4 g per ml Cd, stored at 0-50.
Preparation of calibration curve: Measure accurately a quantity of cadmium standard stock
solutions, diluted to the concentration of 1.6, 3.2, 4.8, 6.4 and 8.0 ng per ml with 2 per cent nitric
acid, respectively. Pipette accurately 10 l the above solutions respectively, inject them into the
graphite oven, determine their absorbance, and then draw the calibration curve with absorbance as
vertical axis and concentration as horizontal ordinate.
Preparation of test solution: Reference to Preparation of test solution of Pb in the above.
Determination: Pipette accurately 10-20 l of the test solution and its corresponding reagent blank
solution respectively, determine their absorbance according to the above method of Preparation of
calibration curve. If interference occurs, weigh accurately respectively 1 ml of the standard
solution, blank solution and test solution, add 1 ml of a solution containing 1per cent ammonium
dihydrogen phosphate and 0.2 per cent magnesium nitrate, shake well, determine their absorbance
according to the method above, calculate the content of Cd in the test solution from the calibration
(3) Determination of Arsenic (As) (Hydride Method)
Determination conditions: Apparatus: suitable hydride generator device, reducing agent: a
solution containing 1 per cent sodium borohydride and 0.3 per cent sodium hydroxide; carrier
liquid: 1 per cent hydrochloric acid; carrier gas: nitrogen; measurement wavelength: 193.7 nm;
background calibration: deuterium lamp (D lamp) or Zeeman effect.
Preparation of As standard stock solution: Measure accurately a quantity of As single-element
standard solution to prepare standard stock solution with 2 per cent nitric acid solution, which
containis 1.0 g per ml As, stored at 0-50.
Preparation of calibration curve: Measure accurately proper quantity of arsenic standard stock
solutions, diluted with 2 per cent nitric acid to the concentration of 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 ng per ml
respectively. Accurately transfer 10 ml of each into 25 ml volumetric flask respectively, add 1 ml
of 25 per cent potassium iodide solution (prepared prior to use), shake well, add 1 ml of ascorbic
acid solution (prepared prior to use), shake well, dilute with hydrochloric acid solution (20-100) to
the volume, shake well, close the stopper and immerse the flask in a water bath at 800 for 3
minutes. Cool, transfer proper quantities of each solution respectively into the hydride generator
device, determine the absorbance, then plot the calibration curve with peak area (absorbance) as
vertical axis and concentration as horizontal ordinate.
Preparation of test solution: Reference to A or B method of Preparation of test solution of Pb
in the above.
Determination: Pipette accurately 10 ml of the test solution and its corresponding reagent blank
solution respectively, proceed as described under Preparation of calibration curve beginning at

the words add 1 ml of 25 per cent potassium iodide solution. Calculate the content of As in the
test solution from the calibration curve.
(4) Determination of Mercury (Hg) (Cold Absorption Method)
Determination conditions: Apparatus: suitable hydride generator device; reducing agent: a
solution containing 0.5 per cent sodium borohydride and 0.1 per cent sodium hydroxide; carrier
liquid: 1 per cent hydrochloric acid; carrier gas: nitrogen; measurement wavelength: 253.6 nm;
background calibration: deuterium lamp (D lamp) or Zeeman effect.
Preparation of mercury standard stock solution: Measure accurately a proper quantity of
mercury single-element standard solution to prepare standard stock solution with 2 per cent nitric
acid solution, which containing 1.0 g per ml Hg, stored at 0-50.
Preparation of calibration curve: Measure accurately 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 ml of mercury
standard stock solution, transfer into a 50 ml volumetric flask respectively, add 40 ml 4 per cent
sulphuric acid solution and 0.5 ml of 5 per cent potassium permanganate solution, shake well, drop
5 per cent hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution until the violet red just disappears, dilute with 4
per cent sulfuric acid solution to the volume, shake well. A quantity of each solution is injected to
the hydride generator device, determine the absorbance, then plot the calibration curve with peak
area (absorbance) as vertical axis and concentration as horizontal ordinate.
Preparation of test solution
Transfer 1 g of the coarse powder of the substance being examined, accurately weighed,
into a casparian flask, add 5-10 ml of the mixture solution of nitric acid and perchloric acid (4 : 1),
mix well, fix a small hopper on the flask-top, immerse overnight, heat to slake on the electric hot
plate at 120-1400 for 4-8 hours until slaking completely, cool, add a quantity of 4 per cent sulfuric
acid solution and 0.5 ml of 5 per cent potassium permanganate solution, shake well, drop 5 per
cent hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution until the violet red colour just disappears, dilute with 4
per cent sulphuric acid solutions to 25 ml, shake well, centrifugate if necessary, the supernatant is
used as the test solution. Prepare synchronally the reagent blank solute based on the same
Determination: Pipette accurately a quantity of the test solution and its corresponding reagent
blank solution, respectively, proceed as described under Preparation of calibration curve
beginning at the words add 1 ml of 25 per cent potassium iodide solution. Calculate the content
of mercury (Hg) in the test solution from the calibration curve.
(5) Determination of Copper(Cu) (Flame Method)
Determination conditions: Measurement wavelength: 324.7 nm; flame: air -acetylene flame;
background calibration: deuterium lamp or Zeeman effect.
Preparation of copper standard stock solution: Measure accurately a proper quantity of
copper single-element standard solution, to prepare the standard stock solution with 2 per cent
nitric acid solution, which containing 10 g per ml Cu, stored at 0-50.
Preparation of calibration curve: Measure accurately a quantity of copper standard stock
solutions, dilute with 2 per cent nitric acid to the concentrations of 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 g per
ml, respectively. Inject each standard solution into the flame and determine the absorbance,

respective, then plot the calibration curve with absorbance as vertical axis and concentration as
horizontal ordinate.
Preparation of test solution: Reference to Preparation of test solution of Pb in the above.
Determination: Pipette accurately quantities of the test solution and its corresponding reagent
blank solution respectively, proceed as described under Preparation of calibration curve.
Calculate the content of Cu in the test solution from the calibration curve.
2.3.9 Determination of Calcium Oxide
(1) Calibrated Brix spindle
(2) Brix Cylinder
(3) Conical flasks - 250 ml capacity
(4) Beakers 100 and 200 ml capacity
(5) Funnels
(6) Pipettes- calibrated at 10 ml
(1) EDTA solution Weigh accurately 6.6473 gm EDTA into a beaker , dissolve in distilled water
and make upto 1000 ml to obtain exactly M / 56 solution
(2) Ammonia Liquor
(3) Lead Subacetate
(4) Potassium Ferrocyanide powder
(5) Potassium iodide
(6) Eriochrome Black T weigh 0.1 eriochrome black T in a 100 ml volumetric flask and
dissolve the same in rectified spirit or absolute alcohol. Make upto volume and use as indicator
Make a 15 0 Brix solution of the sample. Transfer about 150 ml of the solution to a conical
flask. Clarify the solution with Lead subacetate. Transfer about 60 ml of the clarified solution to a
dry conical flask or flask previously rinsed with the clarified solution. Add Potassium Ferrocyanide
powder little by little till no further precipitate forms. Shake thoroughly and filter. Test the filterate
with Pot. Iodide.. Collect the lead free filterate in a conical flask Pipette out 10 ml of lead free
filterate in a clean conical flask previously rinsed with distilled water and dried. Add 5 6 drops of
liquor ammonia and 4-5 drops of indicator when a pink colour appears. Titrate against EDTA
solution shaking the flask after each addition of EDTA solution. The end point is indicated by a
sharp change of colour from red to blue. Note down the volume of the titrant
Calcium oxide mg / 100 gm = V X 100 mg per litre of diluted solution
(Ref :- I.S.I. Handbook of Food Analysis (Part II) 1984 page 9)
The following tests are designed for the estimation of the number of viable aerobic microorganisms present and for detecting the presence of designated microbial species in pharmaceutical

substances. The term growth is used to designate the presence and presumed proliferation of
viable micro-organisms.
Preliminary Testing
The methods given herein are invalid unless it is demonstrated that the test specimens to
which they are applied do not, of themselves, inhibit the multiplication under the test conditions of
micro-organisms that can be present. Therefore, prior to doing the tests, inoculate diluted
specimens of the substance being examined with separate viable cultures of Escherichia coli,
Salmonella species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. This is done by adding 1
ml of not less than 10-3 dilutions of a 24 h broth culture of the micro-organisms to the first dilution
(in buffer solution pH 7.2, fluid soyabean-casein digest medium or fluid lactose medium) of the test
material and following the test procedure. If the organisms fail to grow in the relevant medium the
procedure should be modified by (a) increasing the volume of diluent with the quantity of test
material remaining the same, or (b) incorporating a sufficient quantity of a suitable inactivating
agent in the diluents, or (c) combining the aforementioned modifications so as to permit growth of
the organisms in the media. If inhibitory substances are present in the sample, 0.5 per cent of soya
lecithin and 4 per cent of polysorbate 20 may be added to the culture medium. Alternatively, repeat
the test as described in the previous paragraph, using fluid casein digest-soya lecithin-polysorbate
20 medium to demonstrate neutralization of preservatives or other antimicrobial agents in the test
material. Where inhibitory substances are contained in the product and the latter is soluble, the
Membrane filtration method described under Total Aerobic Microbial Count may be used.
If in spite of incorporation of suitable inactivating agents and a substantial increase in the
volume of diluent it is still not possible to recover the viable cultures described above and where
the article is not suitable for applying the membrane filtration method it can be assumed that the
failure to isolate the inoculated organism may be due to the bactericidal activity of the product. This
may indicate that the article is not likely to be contaminated with the given species of microorganisms. However, monitoring should be continued to establish the spectrum of inhibition and
bactericidal activity of the article.
Culture media may be prepared as given below or dehydrated culture media may be used
provided that, when reconstituted as directed by the manufacturer, they have similar ingredients and
/ or yield media comparable to those obtained from the formulae given below.
Where agar is specified in a formula, use agar that has a moisture content of not more than
15 per cent. Where water is called for in a formula, use purified water. Unless otherwise indicated,
the media should be sterilized by heating in an autoclave at 1150 for 30 minutes.
In preparing media by the formulas given below, dissolve the soluble solids in the water,
using heat if necessary, to effect complete solution and add solutions of hydrochloric acid or
sodium hydroxide in quantities sufficient to yield the required pH in the medium when it is ready
for use. Determine the pH at 250 20.
Baird-Parker Agar Medium
Pancreatic digest of casein
Beef extract
Yeast extract
Lithium chloride



Sodium pyruvate
Water to

12.0 g
10.0 g
1000 ml

Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute. Sterilise, cool to between 450 and 500,
and add 10 ml of a one per cent w/v solution of sterile potassium tellurite and 50 ml of egg-yolk
emulsion. Mix intimately but gently and pour into plates. (Prepare the egg-yolk emulsion by
disinfecting the surface of whole shell eggs, aseptically cracking the eggs, and separating out intact
yolks into a sterile graduated cylinder. Add sterile saline solution, get a 3 to 7 ratio of egg-yolk to
saline. Add to a sterile blender cup, and mix at high speed for 5 seconds). Adjust the pH after
sterilization to 6.8 0.2.
Bismuth Sulphite Agar Medium
Solution (1)
Beef extract
Ferric citrate
Brilliant green
Water to



Dissolve with the aid of heat and sterilise by maintaining at 1150 for 30 minutes.
Solution (2)
Ammonium bismuth citrate
Sodium sulphite
Anhydrous disodium hydrogen Phosphate
Dextrose monohydrate
Water to



Mix, heat to boiling, cool to room temperature, add 1 volume of solution (2) to 10 volumes
of solution (1) previously melted and cooled to a temperature of 55 0 and pour.
Bismuth Sulphite Agar Medium should be stored at 20 to 80 for 5 days before use.
Brilliant Green Agar Medium
Yeast extract
Sodium chloride
Phenol red
Brilliant green
Water to




Mix, allow to stand for 15 minutes, sterilise by maintaining at 1150 for 30 minutes and mix
before pouring.
Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution pH 7.0
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Disodium hydrogen phosphate
Sodium chloride
Peptone (meat or casein)
Water to



0.1 to 1.0 per cent w/v polysorbate 20 or polysorbate 80 may be added. Sterilise by heating
in an autoclave at 1210 for 15 minutes.
Casein Soyabean Digest Agar Medium
Pancreatic digest of casein
Papaic digest of soyabean meal
Sodium chloride
Water to





Adjust the pH after sterilization to 7.30.2.

Cetrimide Agar Medium
Pancreatic digest of gelatin
Magnesium chloride
Potassium sulphate
Water to

Heat to boiling for 1 minute with shaking. Adjust the pH so that after sterilization it is 7.0 to
7.4. Sterilise at 1210 for 15 minutes.
Desoxycholate-Citrate Agar Medium
Beef extract
Trisodium citrate
Sodium thiosulphate
Ferric citrate
Sodium desoxycholate
Neutral red
Water to



Mix and allow to stand for 15 minutes. With continuous stirring, bring gently to the boil and
maintain at boiling point until solution is complete. Cool to 800, mix, pour and cool rapidly.

Care should be taken not to overheat Desoxycholate Citrate Agar during preparation. It
should not be remelted and the surface of the plates should be dried before use.
Fluid Casein Digest-Soya Lecithin-Polysorbate 20 Medium
Pancreatic digest of casein
Soya lecithin
Polysorbate 20
Water to



Dissolve the pancreatic digest of casein and soya lecithin in water, heating in a water-bath at
48 to 500 for about 30 minutes to effect solution. Add polysorbate 20, mix and dispense as desired.

Fluid Lactose Medium

Beef extract
Pancreatic digest of gelatin
Water to



Cool as quickly as possible after sterilization. Adjust the pH after sterilization to 6.9 0.2.
Lactose Broth Medium
Beef extract
Pancreatic digest of gelatin
Water to





Adjust the pH after sterilisation to 6.90.2.

Levine Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar Medium
Pancreatic digest of gelatin
Dibasic potassium phosphate
Eosin Y
Methylene blue
Water to

Dissolve the pancreatic digest of gelatin, dibasic potassium phosphate and agar in water
with warming and allow to cool. Just prior to use, liquefy the gelled agar solution and the remaining
ingredients, as solutions, in the following amounts and mix. For each 100 ml of the liquefied agar
solution use 5 ml of a 20 per cent w/v solution of lactose, and 2 ml of a 2 per cent w/v solution of
eosin Y, and 2 ml of a 0.33 per cent w/v solution of methylene blue. The finished medium may not
be clear. Adjust the pH after sterilisation to 7.10.2.


MacConkey Agar Medium

Pancreatic digest of gelatin
Peptone (meat and casein, equal parts)
Sodium chloride
Bile salts
Neutral red
Crystal violet
Water to



Boil the mixture of solids and water for 1 minute to effect solution. Adjust the pH after
sterilisation to 7.1 0.2.
MacConkey Broth Medium
Pancreatic digest of gelatin
Dehydrated ox bile
Bromocresol purple
Water to



Adjust the pH after sterilisation to 7.30.2.

Mannitol-Salt Agar Medium
Pancreatic digest of gelatin
Peptic digest of animal tissue
Beef extract
Sodium chloride
Phenol red
Water to



Mix, heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to effect solution. Adjust the pH
after sterilisation to 7.4 0.2.
Nutrient Agar Medium: Nutrient broth gelled by the addition of 1 to 2 per cent w/v of agar.
Nutrient Broth Medium
Beef extract
Sodium chloride
Water to



Dissolve with the aid of heat. Adjust the pH to 8.0 to 8.4 with 5M sodium hydroxide and
boil for 10 minutes. Filter, and sterilise by maintaining at 1150 for 30 minutes and adjust the pH to


Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Flourescein

Pancreatic digest of casein
Peptic digest of animal tissue
Anhydrous dibasic potassium phosphate
Magnesium sulphate hepta hydrate
Water to



Dissolve the solid components in water before adding glycerin. Heat with frequent agitation
and boil for 1 minute to effect solution. Adjust the pH after sterilisation to 7.2 0.2.
Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Pyocyanin
Pancreatic digest of gelatin
Anhydrous magnesium chloride
Anhydrous potassium sulphate
Water to



Dissolve the solid components in water before adding glycerin. Heat with frequent agitation
and boil for 1 minute to effect solution. Adjust the pH after sterilisation to 7.2 0.2.
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Medium
Mixture of equal parts of peptic
digest of animal tissue and
Pancreatic digest of casein
Water to


1000 ml

Mix, and boil to effect solution. Adjust the pH after sterilisation to 5.6 0.2.
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Medium with Antibiotics
To 1 liter of Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Medium add 0.1 g of benzylpenicillin sodium and
0.1 g of tetracycline or alternatively add 50 mg of chloramphenicol immediately before use.
Selenite F Broth
Disodium hydrogen phosphate
Sodium hydrogen selenite
Water to



Dissolve, distribute in sterile containers and sterilise by maintaining at 1000 for 30 minutes.


Fluid Selenite-Cystine Medium

Pancreatic digest of casein
Sodium phosphate
Sodium hydrogen selenite
Water to



Mix and heat to effect solution. Heat in flowing steam for 15 minutes. Adjust the final pH to
7.0 0.2. Do not sterilise.
Tetrathionate Broth Medium
Beef extract
Yeast extract
Sodium chloride
Calcium carbonate
Sodium thiosulphate
Water to



Dissolve the solids in water and heat the solution to boil. On the day of use, add a solution
prepared by dissolving 5 g of potassium iodide and 6 g of iodine in 20 ml of water.
Tetrathionate-Bile-Brilliant Green Broth Medium
Dehydrated ox bile
Sodium chloride
Calcium carbonate
Potassium tetrathionate
Brilliant green
Water to



Heat just to boiling; do not reheat. Adjust the pH so that after heating it is 7.0 0.2.
Triple Sugar-Iron Agar Medium
Beef extract
Yeast extract
Dextrose monohydrate
Ferrous sulphate
Sodium chloride
Sodium thiosulphate
Phenol red
Water to




Mix, allow standing for 15 minutes, bringing to boil and maintain at boiling point until
solution is complete, mix, distributing in tubes and sterilising by maintaining at 1150 for 30
minutes. Allow to stand in a sloped form with a butt about 2.5 cm long.
Urea Broth Medium
Potassium dihydrogen
Anhydrous disodium hydrogen
Yeast extract
Phenol red
Water to





Mix, sterilise by filtration and distribute aseptically in sterile containers.

Vogel-Johnson Agar Medium
Pancreatic digest of casein
Yeast extract
Dibasic potassium phosphate
Lithium chloride
Phenol red
Water to



Boil the solution of solids for 1 minute. Sterilise, cool to between 450 to 500 and add 20 ml of a 1
per cent w/v sterile solution of potassium tellurite. Adjust the pH after sterilisation to 7.0 0.2.
Xylose-Lysine-Desoxycholate Agar Medium
Sodium chloride
Yeast extract
Phenol red
Sodium desoxycholate
Sodium thiosulphate
Ferric ammonium citrate
Water to



Heat the mixture of solids and water, with swirling, just to the boiling point. Do not
overheat or sterilise. Transfer at once to a water-bath maintained at about 500 and pour into plates
as soon as the medium has cooled. Adjust the final pH to 7.4 0.2.
Sampling: Use 10 ml or 10 g specimens for each of the tests specified in the individual

Precautions: The microbial limit tests should be carried out under conditions designed to avoid
accidental contamination during the test. The precautions taken to avoid contamination must be
such that they do not adversely affect any micro-organisms that should be revealed in the test.
2.4.1. - Total Aerobic Microbial Count
Pretreat the sample of the product being examined as described below.
Water-soluble products: Dissolve 10 g or dilute 10 ml of the preparation being examined, unless
otherwise specified, in buffered sodium chloride-peptone solution pH 7.0 or any other suitable
medium shown to have no antimicrobial activity under the conditions of test and adjust the volume
to 100 ml with the same medium. If necessary, adjust the pH to about 7.
Products insoluble in water (non-fatty): Suspend 10 g or 10 ml of the preparation being
examined, unless otherwise specified, in buffered sodium chloride-peptone solution pH 7.0 or any
other suitable medium shown not to have antimicrobial activity under the conditions of the test and
dilute to 100 ml with the same medium. If necessary, divide the preparation being examined and
homogenize the suspension mechanically.
A suitable surface-active agent such as 0.1 per cent w/v of polysorbate 80 may be added to
assist the suspension of poorly wettable substances. If necessary, adjust the pH of the suspension to
about 7.
Fatty products: Homogenise 10 g or 10 ml of the preparation being examined, unless otherwise
specified, with 5 g of polysorbate 20 or polysorbate 80. If necessary, heat to not more than 400. Mix
carefully while maintaining the temperature in the water-bath or in an oven. Add 85 ml of buffered
sodium chloride-peptone solution pH 7.0 or any other suitable medium shown to have no
antimicrobial activity under the conditions of the test, heated to not more than 400 if necessary.
Maintain this temperature for the shortest time necessary for formation of an emulsion and in any
case for not more than 30 minutes. If necessary, adjust the pH to about 7.
Examination of the sample: Determine the total aerobic microbial count in the substance being
examined by any of the following methods.
Membrane filtration: Use membrane filters 50 mm in diameter and having a nominal pore size
not greater than 0.45 m the effectiveness of which in retaining bacteria has been established for
the type of preparation being examined.
Transfer 10 ml or a quantity of each dilution containing 1 g of the preparation being
examined to each of two membrane filters and filter immediately. If necessary, dilute the pretreated
preparation so that a colony count of 10 to 100 may be expected. Wash each membrane by filtering
through it three or more successive quantities, each of about 100 ml, of a suitable liquid such as
buffered sodium chloride-peptone solution pH 7.0. For fatty substances add to the liquid
polysorbate 20 or polysorbate 80. Transfer one of the membrane filters, intended for the
enumeration of bacteria, to the surface of a plate of casein soyabean digest agar and the other,
intended for the enumeration of fungi, to the surface of a plate of Sabouraud dextrose agar with
Incubate the plates for 5 days, unless a more reliable count is obtained in shorter time, at 300
to 35 in the test for bacteria and 200 to 250 in the test for fungi. Count the number of colonies that
are formed. Calculate the number of micro-organisms per g or per ml of the preparation being
examined, if necessary counting bacteria and fungi separately.


Plate count for bacteria: Using Petri dishes 9 to 10 cm in diameter, add to each dish a mixture of
1 ml of the pretreated preparation and about 15 ml of liquefied casein soyabean digest agar at not
more than 450. Alternatively, spread the pretreated preparation on the surface of the solidified
medium in a Petri dish of the same diameter. If necessary, dilute the pretreated preparation as
described above so that a colony count of not more than 300 may be expected. Prepare at least two
such Petri dishes using the same dilution and incubate at 300 to 350 for 5 days, unless a more
reliable count is obtained in a shorter time. Count the number of colonies that are formed. Calculate
the results using plates with the greatest number of colonies but taking 300 colonies per plate as the
maximum consistent with good evaluation.
Plate count for fungi: Proceed as described in the test for bacteria but use Sabouraud dextrose
agar with antibiotics in place of casein soyabean digest agar and incubate the plates at 200 to 250
for 5 days, unless a more reliable count is obtained in a shorter time. Calculate the results using
plates with not more than 100 colonies.
Multiple-tube or serial dilution method: In each of fourteen test-tubes of similar size place 9.0
ml of sterile fluid soyabean casein digest medium. Arrange twelve of the tubes in four sets of three
tubes each. Put aside one set of three tubes to serve as controls. Into each of three tubes of one set
(100) and into fourth tube (A) pipette 1 ml of the solution of suspension of the test specimen and
mix. From tube A pipette 1 ml of its contents into the one remaining tube (B) not included in the set
and mix. These two tubes contain 100 mg (or 100 l) and 10 mg (or 10 l) of the specimen
respectively. Into each of the second set (10) of three tubes pipette 1 ml from tube
A, and into each tube of the third set (1) pipette 1 ml from tube B. Discard the unused
contents of tube A and B. Close well and incubate all of the tubes. Following the incubation period,
examine the tubes for growth. The three control tubes remain clear. Observations in the tubes
containing the test specimen, when interpreted by reference to Table 2.3, indicate the most probable
number of micro-organisms per g or per ml of the test specimen.
Table 2.3 Most Probable Total Count by Multiple-Tube Or Serial Dilution Method
Observed combination of numbers
of tubes showing growth in each
No.of mg (or ml) of specimen per

Most probable number of microorganisms per g or per ml



(100 l)

(10 l)

(1 l)

















2.4.2. - Tests for Specified Micro-Organisms

Pretreatment of the sample being examined: Proceed as described under the test for total
aerobic microbial count but using lactose broth or any other suitable medium shown to have no
antimicrobial activity under the conditions of test in place of buffered sodium chloride-peptone
solution pH 7.0.
Escherichia coli : Place the prescribed quantity in a sterile screw-capped container, add 50 ml of
nutrient broth, shake, allow to stand for 1 hour (4 hours for gelatin) and shake again. Loosen the
cap and incubate at 37 0 for 18 to 24 hours.
Primary test: Add 1.0 ml of the enrichment culture to a tube containing 5 ml of MacConkey broth.
Incubate in a water-bath at 360 to 380 for 48 hours. If the contents of the tube show acid and gas
carry out the secondary test.
Secondary test: Add 0.1 ml of the contents of the tubes containing (a) 5 ml of MacConkey broth,
and (b) 5 ml of peptone water. Incubate in a water-bath at 43.50 to 44.50 for 24 hours and examine
tube (a) for acid and gas and tube (b) for indole. To test for indole, add 0.5 ml of Kovacs reagent,
shake well and allow to stand for 1 minute; if a red colour is produced in the reagent layer indole is
present. The presence of acid and gas and of indole in the secondary test indicates the presence of
Escherichia coli.
Carry out a control test by repeating the primary and secondary tests adding 1.0 ml of the
enrichment culture and a volume of broth containing 10 to 50 Escherichia coli (NCTC 9002)
organisms, prepared from a 24-hour culture in nutrient broth, to 5 ml of MacConkey broth. The test
is not valid unless the results indicate that the control contains Escherichia coli.
Alternative test: By means of an inoculating loop, streak a portion from the enrichment culture
(obtained in the previous test) on the surface of MacConkey agar medium. Cover and invert the
dishes and incubate. Upon examination, if none of the colonies are brick-red in colour and have a
surrounding zone of precipitated bile the sample meets the requirements of the test for the absence
of Escherichia coli.
If the colonies described above are found, transfer the suspect colonies individually to the
surface of Levine eosin-methylene blue agar medium, plated on Petri dishes. Cover and invert the
plates and incubate. Upon examination, if none of the colonies exhibits both a characteristic
metallic sheen under reflected light and a blue-black appearance under transmitted light, the sample
meets the requirements of the test for the absence of Escherichia coli. The presence of Escherichia
coli may be confirmed by further suitable cultural and biochemical tests.


Salmonella : Transfer a quantity of the pretreated preparation being examined containing 1 g or 1

ml of the product to 100 ml of nutrient broth in a sterile screw-capped jar, shake, allow to stand for
4 hours and shake again. Loosen the cap and incubate at 350 to 370 for 24 hours.
Primary test: Add 1.0 ml of the enrichment culture to each of the two tubes containing (a) 10 ml
of selenite F broth and (b) tetrathionate-bile-brilliant green broth and incubate at 360 to 380 for 48
hours. From each of these two cultures subculture on at least two of the following four agar media:
bismuth sulphate agar, brilliant green agar, deoxycholatecitrate agar and xylose-lysinedeoxycholate agar. Incubate the plates at 360 to 380 for 18 to 24 hours. Upon examination, if none
of the colonies conforms to the description given in Table 2.4, the sample meets the requirements
of the test for the absence of the genus Salmonella.
If any colonies conforming to the description in Table 2.4 are produced, carry out the
secondary test.
Secondary test: Subculture any colonies showing the characteristics given in Table 2.4 in triple
sugar-iron agar by first inoculating the surface of the slope and then making a stab culture with the
same inoculating needle, and at the same time inoculate a tube of urea broth. Incubate at 360 to 380
for 18 to 24 hours. The formation of acid and gas in the stab culture (with or without concomitant
blackening) and the absence of acidity from the surface growth in the triple sugar iron agar,
together with the absence of a red colour in the urea broth, indicate the presence of Salmonella. If
acid but no gas is produced in the stab culture, the identity of the organisms should be confirmed by
agglutination tests.
Carry out the control test by repeating the primary and secondary tests using 1.0 ml of the
enrichment culture and a volume of broth containing 10 to 50 Salmonella abony (NCTC 6017)
organisms, prepared from a 24-hour culture in nutrient broth, for the inoculation of the tubes (a)
and (b). The test is not valid unless the results indicate that the control contains Salmonella.
Table 2.4 Test for Salmonella

Description of colony

Bismuth sulphite agar

Black or green

Brilliant green agar

Small, transparent and colourless, or

opaque, pinkish or white (frequently
surrounded by a pink or red zone)

Deoxycholate-citrate agar

Colourless and opaque, with or without

black centers

Xylose-lysine-desoxy-cholate agar

Red with or without black centres

Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Pretreat the preparation being examined as described above and
inoculate 100 ml of fluid soyabean-casein digest medium with a quantity of the solution,
suspension or emulsion thus obtained containing 1 g or 1 ml of the preparation being examined.
Mix and incubate at 350 to 370 for 24 to 48 hours. Examine the medium for growth and if growth is
present, streak a portion of the medium on the surface of cetrimide agar medium, each plated on
Petri dishes. Cover and incubate at 350 to 370 for 18 to 24 hours.
If, upon examination, none of the plates contains colonies having the characteristics listed in
Table 3 for the media used, the sample meets the requirement for freedom from Pseudomonas

aeruginosa. If any colonies conforming to the description in Table 2.5 are produced, carry out the
oxidase and pigent tests.
Streak representative suspect colonies from the agar surface of cetrimide agar on the
surfaces of Pseudomonas agar medium for detection of fluorescein and Pseudomonas agar medium
for detection of pyocyanin contained in Petri dishes. Cover and invert the inoculated media and
incubate at 330 to 370 for not less than 3 days. Examine the streaked surfaces under ultra-violet
light. Examine the plates to determine whether colonies conforming to the description in Table 2.5
are present.
If growth of suspect colonies occurs, place 2 or 3 drops of a freshly prepared 1per cent w/v
solution of N,N,N1,N1-tetramethyl-4-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride on filter paper and smear
with the colony; if there is no development of a pink colour, changing to purple, the sample meets
the requirements of the test for the absence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Table 2.4 Tests for Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Cetrimide agar
Pseudomonas agar
medium for detection
of fluorescein
Pseudomonas agar
medium for detection
of pyocyanin

colourless to

in UV light

Oxidase test

Gram stain









Staphylococcus aureus: Proceed as described under Pseudomonas aeruginosa. If, upon

examination of the incubated plates, none of them contains colonies having the characteristics listed
in Table 4 for the media used, the sample meets the requirements for the absence of Staphylococcus
If growth occurs, carry out the coagulase test. Transfer representative suspect colonies from
the agar surface of any of the media listed in Table 2.5 to individual tubes, each containing 0.5 ml
of mammalian, preferably rabbit or horse, plasma with or without additives. Incubate in water-bath
at 370 examining the tubes at 3 hours and subsequently at suitable intervals up to 24 hours. If no
coagulation in any degree is observed, the sample meets the requirements of the test for the absence
of Staphylococcus aureus.
Table 2.5 Tests for Staphylococcus aureus
Selective medium

Characteristic colonial morphology

Gram stain

Vogel-Johnson agar

Black surrounded by yellow zones

Mannitol-salt agar

Yellow colonies with yellow zones

Baird-Parker agar

Black, shiny, surrounded by clear zones

of 2 to 5 mm

Positive cocci (in

Positive cocci (in
Positive cocci (in


Validity of the tests for total aerobic microbial count:

Grow the following test strains separately in tubes containing fluid soyabean-casein digest
medium at 300 to 350 for 18 to 24 hours or, for Candida albicans, at 200 for 48 hours.
Staphylococcus aureus
Bacillus subtilis
Escherichia coli
Candida albicans

(ATCC 6538; NCTC 10788)

(ATCC 6633; NCIB 8054)
(ATCC 8739; NCIB 8545)
(ATCC 2091; ATCC 10231)

Dilute portions of each of the cultures using buffered sodium chloride-peptone solution pH
7.0 to make test suspensions containing about 100 viable micro-organisms per ml. Use the
suspension of each of the micro-organisms separately as a control of the counting methods, in the
presence and absence of the preparation being examined, if necessary.
A count for any of the test organisms differing by not more than a factor of 10 from the
calculated value for the inoculum should be obtained. To test the sterility of the medium and of the
diluent and the aseptic performance of the test, carry out the total aerobic microbial count method
using sterile buffered sodium chloride-peptone solution pH 7.0 as the test preparation. There should
be no growth of micro-organisms.
Validity of the tests for specified micro-organisms: Grow separately the test strains of
Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in fluid soyabean-casein digest medium and
Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium at 300 to 350 for 18 to 24 hours. Dilute portions of
each of the cultures using buffered sodium chloride-peptone solution pH 7.0 to make test
suspensions containing about 103 viable micro-organisms per ml. Mix equal volume of each
suspension and use 0.4 ml (approximately 102 micro-organisms of each strain) as an inoculum in
the test for E. coli, Salmonella, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus, in the presence and absence of the
preparation being examined, if necessary. A positive result for the respective strain of microorganism should be obtained.
Microbial Contamination Limits


Permissible limits

Staphylococcus aureus/g.
Salmonella sp./g .
Pseudomonas aeruginosa/g
Escherichia coli
Total microbial plate count (TPC)
Total Yeast & Mould


*For topical use, the limit shall be 107/g.

Definition: For the purposes of the Pharmacopoeia, a pesticide is any substance or mixture of
substances intended for preventing, destroying or controlling any pest, unwanted species of plants
or animals causing harm during or otherwise interfering with the production, processing, storage,
transport or marketing of vegetable drugs. The item includes substances intended for use as growthregulators, defoliants or desiccants and any substance applied to crops either before or after harvest
to protect the commodity from deterioration during storage and transport.

Limits: Unless otherwise indicated in the monograph, the drug to be examined at least complies
with the limits indicated in Table -1, The limits applying to pesticides that are not listed in the table
and whose presence is suspected for any reason comply with the limits set by European Community
directives 76/895 and 90/642, including their annexes and successive updates. Limits for pesticides
that are not listed in Table.-1 nor in EC directives are calculated using the following expression:
MDD x 100
ADI = Acceptable Daily Intake, as published by FAO-WHO, in milligrams per
kilogram of body mass,
M = body mass in kilograms (60 kg),
MDD = daily dose of the drug, in kilograms.
If the drug is intended for the preparation of extracts, tinctures or other pharmaceutical
forms whose preparation method modifies the content of pesticides in the finished product, the
limits are calculated using the following expression:
ADI x M x E
MDD x 100
E = Extraction factor of the method of preparation, determined experimentally.
Higher limits can also be authorised, in exceptional cases, especially when a plant requires a
particular cultivation method or has a metabolism or a structure that gives rise to a higher than
normal content of pesticides.
The competent authority may grant total or partial exemption from the test when the
complete history (nature and quantity of the pesticides used, date of each treatment during
cultivation and after the harvest) of the treatment of the batch is known and can be checked
Method: For containers up to 1 kg, take one sample from the total content, thoroughly mixed,
sufficient for the tests. For containers between 1 kg and 5 kg, take three samples, equal in volume,
from the upper, middle and lower parts of the container, each being sufficient to carry out the tests.
Thoroughly mix the samples and take from the mixture an amount sufficient to carry out the tests.
For containers of more than 5 kg, take three samples, each of at least 250 g from the upper, middle
and lower parts of the container. Thoroughly mix the samples and take from the mixture an amount
sufficient to carry out the tests.
Size of sampling: If the number (n) of containers is three or fewer, take samples from each
container as indicated above under Method. If the number of containers is more than three, take
n+1 samples for containers as indicated under Method, rounding up to the nearest unit if necessary.


The samples are to be analysed immediately to avoid possible degradation of the residues. If this is
not possible, the samples are stored in air-tight containers suitable for food contact, at a temperature
below 00, protected from light.
Reagents: All reagents and solvents are free from any contaminants, especially pesticides, that
might interfere with the analysis. It is often necessary to use special quality solvents or, if this is not
possible, solvents that have recently been re-distilled in an apparatus made entirely of glass. In any
case, suitable blank tests must be carried out.
Apparatus: Clean the apparatus and especially glassware to ensure that they are free from
pesticides, for example, soak for at least 16 h in a solution of phosphate-free detergent, rinse with
large quantities of distilled water and wash with acetone and hexane or heptane.
2.5.1. - Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Pesticide Residues
The analytical procedures used are validated according to the regulations in force. In particular,
they satisfy the following criteria:
- the chosen method, especially the purification steps, are suitable for the combination
pesticide residue/substance to be analysed and not susceptible to interference from coextractives; the limits of detection and quantification are measured for each pesticide-matrix
combination to be analysed.
- between 70 per cent to 110 per cent of each pesticide is recovered.
- the repeatability of the method is not less than the values indicated in Table 2.6.
- the reproducibility of the method is not less than the values indicated in Table 2.7.
- the concentration of test and reference solutions and the setting of the apparatus are such
that a linear response is obtained from the analytical detector.
Table -2.6
Limit (mg/kg)
Aldrin and Dieldrin (sum of )
Chlordane (sum of cis-, trans and Oxythlordane)
Cypermethrin (and isomers)
DDT (sum of p,p-DDT, o,p-DDT, p,p-DDE and p,p-TDE
Dithiocarbamates (as CS2)
Endosulfan (sum of isomers and Endosulfan sulphate)

Heptachlor (sum of Heptachlor and Heptachlorepoxide)

Hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (other than )
Lindane (-Hexachlorocyclohexane)
Piperonyl butoxide
Pyrethrins (sum of)
Quintozene (sum of quintozene, pentachloroaniline and methyl
pentachlorophenyl sulphide)


Table -2.7
Concentration of the
pesticide (mg/kg)

Repeatability (difference,

Reproducibility (difference,

2.5.2. - Test for Pesticides

Organochlorine, Organophosphorus and Pyrethroid Insecticides
The following methods may be used, in connection with the general method above,
depending on the substance being examined, it may be necessary to modify, sometimes extensively,
the procedure described hereafter. In any case, it may be necessary to use, in addition, another
column with a different polarity or another detection method (mass spectrometry) or a different
method (immunochemical methods) to confirm the results obtained.
This procedure is valid only for the analysis of samples of vegetable drugs containing less
than 15 per cent of water. Samples with a higher content of water may be dried, provided it has
been shown that the drying procedure does not affect significantly the pesticide content.
1. Extraction
To 10 g of the substance being examined, coarsely powdered, add 100 ml of acetone and
allow to stand for 20 min. Add 1 ml of a solution containing 1.8 g/ml of carbophenothion in
toluene.. Homogenise using a high-speed blender for 3 min. Filter and wash the filter cake with two
quantities, each of 25 ml, of acetone. Combine the filtrate and the washings and heat using a rotary
evaporator at a temperature not exceeding 400 C until the solvent has almost completely
evaporated. To the residue add a few milliliters of toluene and heat again until the acetone is
completely removed. Dissolve the residue in 8 ml of toluene. Filter through a membrane filter (45
m), rinse the flask and the filter with toluene and dilute to 10.0 ml with the same solvent (solution


2. Purification
2.1 Organochlorine, organophosphorus and pyrethroid insecticides:
Examine by size-exclusion chromatography.
The chromatographic procedure may be carried out using:
- a stainless steel column 0.30 m long and 7.8 mm in internal diameter packed with styre:edivinylbenzene copolymer (5 m).
- as mobile phase toluene at a flow rate of 1 ml/min.
Performance of the column: Inject 100 l of a solution containing 0.5 g/l of methyl red and 0.5 g/l
of oracet blue in toluene and proceed with the chromatography. The column is not suitable unless
the colour of the eluate changes from orange to blue at an elution volume of about 10.3 ml. If
necessary calibrate the column, using a solution containing, in toluene, at a suitable concentration,
the insecticide to be analysed with the lowest molecular mass (for example, dichlorvos) and that
with the highest molecular mass (for example, deltamethrin). Determine which fraction of the
eluate contains both insecticides.
Purification of the test solution: Inject a suitable volume of solution A (100 l to 500 l) and
proceed with the chromatography. Collect the fraction as determined above (solution B).
Organophosphorus insecticides are usually eluted between 8.8 ml and 10.9 ml. Organochlorine and
pyrethroid insecticides are usually eluted between 8.5 ml and 10.3 ml.
2.2 Organochlorine and pyrethroid insecticides: In a chromatography column, 0.10 m long and 5
mm in internal diameter, introduce a piece of defatted cotton and 0.5 g of silica gel treated as
follows: heat silica gel for chromatography in an oven at 1500 for at least 4 h. Allow to cool and
add dropwise a quantity of water corresponding to 1.5 per cent of the mass of silica gel used; shake
vigorously until agglomerates have disappeared and continue shaking for 2 h using a mechanical
shaker. Condition the column using 1.5 ml of hexane. Prepacked columns containing about 0.50 g
of a suitable silica gel may also be used provided they are previously validated.
Concentrate solution B in a current of helium for chromatography or oxygen-free nitrogen
almost to dryness and dilute to a suitable volume with toluene (200 l to 1 ml according to the
volume injected in the preparation of solution B). Transfer quantitatively onto the column and
proceed with the chromatography using 1.8 ml of toluene as the mobile phase. Collect the eluate
(solution C).
2.5.3. - Quantitative Analysis
A. Organophosphorus insecticides: Examine by gas chromatography, using carbophenothion as
internal standard. It may be necessary to use a second internal standard to identify possible
interference with the peak corresponding to carbophenothion.
Test solution: Concentrate solution B in a current of helium for chromatography almost to dryness
and dilute to 100 l with toluene.
Reference solution: Prepare at least three solutions in toluene containing the insecticides to be
determined and carbophenothion at concentrations suitable for plotting a calibration curve.
The chromatographic procedure may be carried out using:

- a fused-silica column 30 m long and 0.32 mm in internal diameter the internal wall of which
is covered with a layer 0.25 m thick of poly (dimethyl) siloxane.
- hydrogen for chromatography as the carrier gas. Other gases such as helium for
chromatography or nitrogen for chromatography may also be used provided the
chromatography is suitably validated.
- a phosphorus-nitrogen flame-ionisation detector or a atomic emission spectrometry detector.
Maintaining the temperature of the column at 800 for 1 min, then raising it at a rate of 300
/min to 1500, maintaining at 1500 for 3 min, then raising the temperature at a rate of 40/min to 2800
and maintaining at this temperature for 1 min and maintaining the temperature of the injector port
at 2500 and that of the detector at 2750. Inject the chosen volume of each solution. When the
chromatograms are recorded in the prescribed conditions, the relative retention times are
approximately those listed in Table 2.8 Calculate the content of each insecticide from the peak
areas and the concentrations of the solutions.
B. Organochlorine and Pyrethroid Insecticides: Examine by gas chromatography, using
carbophenothion as the internal standard. It may be necessary to use a second internal standard to
identify possible interference with the peak corresponding to carbophenothion.
Test solution: Concentrate solution C in a current of helium for chromatography or oxygen-free
nitrogen almost to dryness and dilute to 500 l with toluene.
Reference solution: Prepare at least three solutions in toluene containing the insecticides to be
determined and carbophenothion at concentrations suitable for plotting a calibration curve.
Table 2.8- Relative Retention Times of Pesticides
Relative retention times
The chromatographic procedure may be carried out using:
- a fused silica column 30 m long and 0.32 mm in internal diameter the internal wall of which
is covered with a layer 0.25 m thick of poly (dimethyl diphenyl) siloxane.
- hydrogen for chromatography as the carrier gas. Other gases such as helium for
chromatography or nitrogen for chromatography may also be used, provided the
chromatography is suitably validated.
- an electron-capture detector.
- a device allowing direct cold on-column injection.

maintaining the temperature of the column at 800 for 1 min, then raising it at a rate of 300/min to
1500, maintaining at 1500 for 3 min, then raising the temperature at a rate of 40/min to 2800 and
maintaining at this temperature for 1 min and maintaining the temperature of the injector port at
2500 and that of the detector at 2750. Inject the chosen volume of each solution. When the
chromatograms are recorded in the prescribed conditions, the relative retention times are
approximately those listed in Table 2.9. Calculate the content of each insecticide from the peak
areas and the concentrations of the solutions.
Table 2.9- Relative Retention Times of Insecticides

Relative retention times

1.47 and 1.49

*The substance shows several peaks.

Gas chromatography
difference in the distribution
phase is a carrier gas moving
applicable to substances or

(GC) is a chromatographic separation technique based on the

of species between two non-miscible phases in which the mobile
through or passing the stationary phase contained in a column. It is
their derivatives, which are volatilized under the temperatures

GC is based on mechanisms of adsorption, mass distribution or size exclusion.

The apparatus consists of an injector, a chromatographic column contained in an oven, a
detector and a data acquisition system (or an integrator or a chart recorder). The carrier gas flows
through the column at a controlled rate or pressure and then through the detector.

The chromatography is carried out either at a constant temperature or according to a given

temperature programme.
Direct injections of solutions are the usual mode of injection, unless otherwise prescribed in
the monograph. Injection may be carried out either directly at the head of the column using a
syringe or an injection valve, or into a vaporization chamber which may be equipped with a stream
Injections of vapour phase may be effected by static or dynamic head-space injection
Dynamic head-space (purge and trap) injection systems include a sparging device by which
volatile substances in solution are swept into an absorbent column maintained at a low temperature.
Retained substances are then desorbed into the mobile phase by rapid heating of the absorbent
Static head-space injection systems include a thermostatically controlled sample heating
chamber in which closed vials containing solid or liquid samples are placed for a fixed period of
time to allow the volatile components of the sample to reach equilibrium between the non-gaseous
phase and the vapour phase. After equilibrium has been established, a predetermined amount of the
head-space of the vial is flushed into the gas chromatograph.
Stationary Phases
Stationary phases are contained in columns, which may be:
- a capillary column of fused-silica close wall is coated with the stationary phase.
- a column packed with inert particles impregnated with the stationary phase.
- a column packed with solid stationary phase.
Capillary columns are 0.1 mm to 0.53 mm in internal diameter () and 5 to 6 m in length.
The liquid or stationary phase, which may be chemically bonded to the inner surface, is a film 0.1
m to 5.0 m thick.
Packed columns, made of glass or metal, are usually 1 m to 3 m in length with an internal
diameter () of 2 mm to 4 mm. Stationary phases usually consist of porous polymers or solid
supports impregnated with liquid phase.
Supports for analysis of polar compounds on columns packed with low-capacity, lowpolarity stationary phase must be inert to avoid peak tailing. The reactivity of support materials can
be reduced by silanising prior to coating with liquid phase. Acid-washed, flux-calcinated
diatomaceous earth is often used. Materials are available in various particle sizes, the most
commonly used particles are in the ranges of 150 m to 180 m and 125 m to 150 m.
Mobile Phases
Retention time and peak efficiency depend on the carrier gas flow rate; retention time is
directly proportional to column length and resolution is proportional to the square root of the
column length. For packed columns, the carrier gas flow rate is usually expressed in milliliters per
minute at atmospheric pressure and room temperature, flow rate is measured at the detector outlet,
either with a calibrated mechanical device or with a bubble tube, while the column is at operating

temperature. The linear velocity of the carrier gas through a packed column is inversely
proportional to the square root of the internal diameter of the column for a given flow volume.
Flow rates of 60 ml/min in a 4 mm internal diameter column and 15 ml/min in a 2 mm internal
diameter column, give identical linear velocities and thus similar retention times.
Helium or nitrogen is usually employed as the carrier gas for packed columns, whereas
commonly used carrier gases for capillary columns are nitrogen, helium and hydrogen.
Flame-ionisation detectors are usually employed but additional detectors which may be used
include: electron-capture, nitrogen-phosphorus, mass spectrometric, thermal conductivity, Fourier
transform infrared spectrophotometric and others, depending on the purpose of the analysis.
Equilibrate the column, the injector and the detector at the temperatures and the gas flow
rates specified in the monograph until a stable baseline is achieved. Prepare the test solution (s) and
the reference solutions (s) as prescribed. The solutions must be free from solid particles.
Criteria for assessing the suitability of the system are described in the chapter on
Chromatographic separation techniques. The extent to which adjustments of parameters of the
chromatographic system can be made to satisfy the criteria of system suitability are also given in
this chapter.
Caution: Aflatoxins are highly dangerous and extreme care should be exercised in handling
aflatoxin materials.
This test is provided to detect the possible presence of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in any
material of plant origin. Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, use the following
Zinc Acetate Aluminum Chloride Reagent: Dissolve 20 g of zinc acetate and 5 g of aluminum
chloride in sufficient water to make 100 ml.
Sodium Chloride Solution: Dissolve 5 g of sodium chloride in 50 ml of purified water.
Test Solution 1: Grind about 200 g of plant material to a fine powder. Transfer about 50 g of the
powdered material, accurately weighed, to a glass-stoppered flask. Add 200 ml of a mixture of
methanol and water (17: 3). Shake vigorously by mechanical means for not less than 30 minutes
and filter. [Note If the solution has interfering plant pigments, proceed as directed for Test
Solution 2.] Discard the first 50 ml of the filtrate and collect the next 40 ml portion. Transfer the
filtrate to a separatory funnel. Add 40 ml of sodium chloride solution and 25 ml of hexane and
shake for 1 minute. Allow the layers to separate and transfer the lower aqueous layer to a second
separatory funnel. Extract the aqueous layer in the separatory funnel twice, each time with 25 ml of
methylene chloride, by shaking for 1 minute. Allow the layers to separate each time, separate the
lower organic layer and collect the combined organic layers in a 125 ml conical flask. Evaporate
the organic solvent to dryness on a water bath. Cool the residue. If interferences exist in the residue,
proceed as directed for Cleanup Procedure; otherwise, dissolve the residue obtained above in 0.2
ml of a mixture of chloroform and acetonitrile (9.8 : 0.2) and shake by mechanical means if

Test Solution 2: Collect 100 ml of the filtrate from the start of the flow and transfer to a 250 ml
beaker. Add 20 ml of Zinc Acetate-Aluminum Chloride Reagent and 80 ml of water. Stir and allow
to stand for 5 minutes. Add 5 g of a suitable filtering aid, such as diatomaceous earth, mix and
filter. Discard the first 50 ml of the filtrate, and collect the next 80 ml portion. Proceed as directed
for Test Solution 1, beginning with Transfer the filtrate to a separatory funnel.
Cleanup Procedure: Place a medium-porosity sintered-glass disk or a glass wool plug at the
bottom of a 10 mm x 300 mm chromatographic tube. Prepare slurry of 2 g of silica gel with a
mixture of ethyl ether and hexane (3: 1), pour the slurry into the column and wash with 5 ml of the
same solvent mixture. Allow the absorbent to settle and add to the top of the column a layer of 1.5
g of anhydrous sodium sulfate. Dissolve the residue obtained above in 3 ml of methylene chloride
and transfer it to the column. Rinse the flask twice with 1 ml portions of methylene chloride,
transfer the rinses to the column and elute at a rate not greater than 1 ml per minute. Add
successively to the column 3 ml of hexane, 3 ml of diethyl ether and 3 ml of methylene chloride;
elute at a rate not greater than 3 ml per minute; and discard the eluates. Add to the column 6 mL of
a mixture of methylene chloride and acetone (9 : 1) and elute at a rate not greater than 1 ml per
minute, preferably without the aid of vacuum. Collect this eluate in a small vial, add a boiling chip
if necessary and evaporate to dryness on a water bath. Dissolve the residue in 0.2 ml of a mixture of
chloroform and acetonitrile (9.8 : 0.2) and shake by mechanical means if necessary.
Aflatoxin Solution: Dissolve accurately weighed quantities of aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin B2, aflatoxin
G1 and aflatoxin G2 in a mixture of chloroform and acetonitrile (9.8: 0.2) to obtain a solution
having concentrations of 0.5 g /per ml each for aflatoxin B1 and G1 and 0.1g per ml each for
aflatoxins for B2 and G2.
Procedure: Separately apply 2.5 l, 5 l, 7.5 l and 10 l of the Aflatoxin Solution and three 10 l
applications of either Test Solution 1 or Test Solution 2 to a suitable thin-layer chromatographic
plate coated with a 0.25-mm layer of chromatographic silica gel mixture. Superimpose 5 l of the
Aflatoxin Solution on one of the three 10 l applications of the Test Solution. Allow the spots to dry
and develop the chromatogram in an unsaturated chamber containing a solvent system consisting of
a mixture of chloroform, acetone and isopropyl alcohol (85:10:5) until the solvent front has moved
not less than 15 cm from the origin. Remove the plate from the developing chamber, mark the
solvent front and allow the plate to air-dry. Locate the spots on the plate by examination under UV
light at 365 nm: the four applications of the Aflatoxin Solution appear as four clearly separated blue
fluorescent spots; the spot obtained from the Test Solution that was superimposed on the Aflatoxin
Solution is no more intense than that of the corresponding Aflatoxin Solution; and no spot from any
of the other Test Solutions corresponds to any of the spots obtained from the applications of the
Aflatoxin Solution. If any spot of aflatoxins is obtained in the Test Solution, match the position of
each fluorescent spot of the Test Solution with those of the Aflatoxin Solution to identify the type of
aflatoxin present. The intensity of the aflatoxin spot, if present in the Test Solution, when compared
with that of the corresponding aflatoxin in the Aflatoxin Solution will give an approximate
concentration of aflatoxin in the Test Solution.
Permissible Limit of Aflatoxins*




Permissible Limit

0.5 ppm
0.5 ppm
0.1 ppm
0.1 ppm
*For Domestic use only

The refractive index () of a substance with reference to air is the ratio of the sine of the
angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction of a beam of light passing from air into the
substance. It varies with the wavelength of the light used in its measurement.
Unless otherwise prescribed, the refractive index is measured at 250 (0.5) with reference to
the wavelength of the D line of sodium ( 589.3 nm). The temperature should be carefully adjusted
and maintained since the refractive index varies significantly with temperature.
The Abbes refractometer is convenient for most measurements of refractive index but other
refractometer of equal or greater accuracy may be used. Commercial refractometers are normally
constructed for use with white light but are calibrated to give the refractive index in terms of the D
line of sodium light.
To achieve accuracy, the apparatus should be calibrated against distilled water which has a
refractive index of 1.3325 at 250 or against the reference liquids given in the Table 3.1.
Table 3.1



Carbon tetrachloride
* Reference index value for the D line of sodium, measured at 200
The cleanliness of the instrument should be checked frequently by determining the
refractive index of distilled water, which at 250 is 1.3325.
A. Weight per millilitre: The weight per millilitre of a liquid is the weight in g of 1 ml of a
liquid when weighed in air at 250, unless otherwise specified.
Select a thoroughly clean and dry pycnometer. Calibrate the pycnometer by filling it with
recently boiled and cooled water at 250 and weighing the contents. Assuming that the weight of 1
ml of water at 250 when weighed in air of density 0.0012 g per ml, is 0.99602 g. Calculate the
capacity of the pycnometer. (Ordinary deviations in the density of air from the value given do not
affect the result of a determination significantly). Adjust the temperature of the substance to be
examined, to about 200 and fill the pycnometer with it. Adjust the temperature of the filled
pycnometer to 250, remove any excess of the substance and weigh. Substract the tare weight of the
pycnometer from the filled weight of the pycnometer. Determine the weight per milliliter dividing

the weight in air, expressed in g, of the quantity of liquid which fills the pycnometer at the specified
temperature, by the capacity expressed in ml, of the pycnometer at the same temperature.
B. Specific gravity: The specific gravity of a liquid is the weight of a given volume of the liquid at
250 (unless otherwise specified) compared with the weight of an equal volume of water at the same
temperature, all weighing being taken in air.
Proceed as described under wt. per ml. Obtain the specific gravity of the liquid by dividing
the weight of the liquid contained in the pycnometer by the weight of water contained, both
determined at 250 unless otherwise directed in the individual monograph.
The pH value of an aqueous liquid may be defined as the common logarithum of the
reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration expressed in g per litre. Although this definition
provides a useful practical means for the quantitative indication of the acidity or alkalinity of a
solution, it is less satisfactory from a strictly theoretical point of view. No definition of pH as a
measurable quantity can have a simple meaning, which is also fundamental and exact.
The pH value of a liquid can be determined potentiometrically by means of the glass
electrode, a reference electrode and a pH meter either of the digital or analogue type.
3.2.1. Determination of Melting Range
The melting-range of a substance is the range between the corrected temperature at which
the substance begins to form droplets and the corrected temperature at which it completely melts, as
shown by formation of a meniscus.
(a) A capillary tube of soft glass, closed at one end, and having the following dimensions:
(i) thickness of the wall, about 0.10 to 0.15 mm.
(ii) length about 10 cm or any length suitable for apparatus used.
(iii) internal diameter 0.9 to 1.1 mm for substances melting below 1000 or 0.8 to 1.2
mm for substances melting above 1000.
Accurately standardized thermometers covering the range 100 to 3000 the length of two
degrees on the scale being not less than 0.8 mm. These thermometers are of the mercury-in-glass,
solid-stem type; the bulb is cylindrical in shape, and made of approved thermometric glass suitable
for the range of temperature covered; each thermometer is fitted with a safety chamber. The
smallest division on the thermometer scale should vary between 0.10 to 1.50 according to the
melting point of the substance under test.
The following form of heating apparatus is recommended.


A glass heating vessel of suitable, construction and capacity fitted with suitable stiring
device, capable of rapidly mixing the liquids.
Suitable liquids for use in the heating vessel:

Upto 1500

Sulphuric acid to which a small crystal of potassium nitrate or 4

Drops of nitric acid per 100 ml has been added

Upto 2000

A liquid paraffin of sufficiently high boiling range

Upto 2500

Seasame oil

Upto 3000

30 parts of potassium sulphate, dissolved by heating in 70

parts of sulphuric acid

Upto 3000

Any other apparatus or method, preferably, the electric method may be used subject to a
check by means of pure substances having melting temperature covering the ranges from 00 to 3000
and with suitable intervals.
The following substances are suitable for this purpose.
Caffeine (Dried at 1000)

Melting range
810 to 830
1140 to 1160
1340 to 1360
1640 to 166.50
1910 to 1930
2340 to 2370

Method I: Transfer a suitable quantity of the powdered and thoroughly dried substance to a dry
capillary tube and pack the powder by tapping the tube on a hard surface so as to form a tightly
packed column of 2 to 4 mm in height. Attach the capillary tube and its contents to a standardized
thermometer so that the closed end is at the level of the middle of the bulb; heat in a suitable
apparatus (preferably a round-bottom flask) fitted with an auxiliary thermometer regulating the rise
of temperature in the beginning to 30 per minute. When the temperature reached is below the lowest
figure of the range for the substance under examination, the heating of the apparatus is adjusted as
desired; if no other directions are given, the rate of rise of temperature should be kept at 10 to 20 per
minute. The statement determined by rapid heating means that the rate of rise of temperature is 50
per minute during the entire period of heating.
Unless otherwise directed, the temperature at which the substance forms droplets against the
side of the tube and the one at which it is completely melted as indicated by the formation of a
definite meniscus, are read.
The following emergent stem corrections should be applied to the temperature readings.
Before starting the determination of the melting temperature the auxiliary thermometer is
attached so that the bulb touches the standard thermometer at a point midway between the
graduation for the expected melting temperature and the surface of the heating material. When the
substance has melted, the temperature is read on the auxiliary thermometer. The correction figure to

be added to the temperature reading of the standardized thermometer is calculated from the
following formula
0.00015 N (Tt)
Where T is the temperature reading of the standardized thermometer.
t is the temperature reading of the auxiliary thermometer.
N is the number of degrees of the scale of the standardized thermometer between the surface of
the heating material and level of mercury.
The statement melting range, a0 to b0 means that the corrected temperature at which the material
forms droplets must be at least a0, and that the material must be completely melted at the corrected
temperature, b0.
Method II: The apparatus employed for this test is the same as described for method I except for
such details as are mentioned in the procedure given below
Procedure: A capillary tube open at both ends is used for this test. Melt the material under test at
as low a temperature as possible. Draw into the capillary a column of the material about 10 mm
high. Cool the charged tube in contact with ice for at least 2 hours. Attach the tube to the
thermometer by means of rubber band and adjust it in the heating vessel containing water so that
the upper edge of the material is 10 mm below the water level. Heat in the manner as prescribed in
Method I until the temperature is about 50 below the expected melting point and then regulate the
rate of rise of temperature to between 0.50 to 10 per minute. The temperature at which the material
is observed to rise in the capillary tube is the melting temperature of the substance.
3.2.2. - Determination of Congealing Range
The congealing temperature is that point at which there exists a mixture of the liquid (fused)
phase of a substance and a small but increasing proportion of the solid phase. It is distinct from the
freezing point which is the temperature at which the liquid and solid phase of a substance are in
equilibrium. In certain cases, this may happen over a range of temperatures.
The temperature at which a substance solidifies upon cooling is a useful index of its purity if heat is
liberated when solidification takes place.
The following method is applicable to substances that melt between 200 and 1500.
A test-tube (About 150 mm 25 mm) placed inside another test-tube (about 160 mm 40 mm) the
inner tube is closed by a stopper that carries a stirrer and a thermometer (About 175 mm long and
with 0.20 graduations) fixed so that the bulb is about 15 mm above the bottom of the tube. The
stirrer is made from a glass rod or other suitable material formed at one end into a loop of about 18
mm overall diameter at right angles to the rod. The inner tube with its jacket is supported centrally
in a 1-litre baker containing a suitable cooling liquid to within 20 mm of the top. The thermometer
is supported in the cooling bath.


Melt the substance, if a solid, at a temperature not more than 200 above its expected congealing
point, and pour it into the inner test-tube to a height of 50 to 57 mm. Assemble the apparatus with
the bulb of the thermometer immersed half-way between the top and bottom of the sample in the
test-tube. Fill the bath to almost 20 mm from the top of the tube with a suitable fluid at a
temperature 40 to 50 below the expected congealing point. If the substance is a liquid at room
temperature, carry out the determination using a bath temperature about 150 below the expected
congealing point. When the sample has cooled to about 50 above its expected congealing point stir
it continuously by moving the loop up and down between the top and bottom of the sample at a
regular rate of 20 complete cycles per minute. If necessary, congelation may be induced by
scratching the inner walls of the test-tube with the thermometer or by introducing a small amount of
the previously congealed substance under examination. Pronounced supercooling may result in
deviation from the normal pattern of temperature changes. If it happens, repeat the test introducing
small fragments of the solid substance under examination at 10 intervals when the temperature
approaches the expected congealing point.
Record the reading of the thermometer every 30 seconds and continue stirring only so long as the
temperature is falling. Stop the stirring when the temperature is constant to starts to rise slightly.
Continue recording the temperature for at least 3 minutes after the temperature again begins to fall
after remaining constant.
The congealing point will be mean of not less than four consecutive readings that lie within a range
of 0.20.
The boiling-range of a substance is the range of temperature within which the whole or a
specified portion of the substance distils.
The boiling-range is determined in a suitable apparatus, the salient features of which are
described below:
(a) Distillation flask: The flask shall be made of colourless transparent heat-resistant glass and
well annealed. It should have a spherical bulb having a capacity of about 130 ml. The side tube
slopes downwards in the same plane as the axis of the neck at angle of between 720 to 780. Other
important dimensional details are as under:
Internal diameter of neck

15 to 17 mm

Distance from top of neck to center of side tube

72 to 78 mm

Distance from the center of the side tube to surface

of the Liquid when the flask contains 100 ml liquid

87 to 93 mm

Internal diameter of side tube

3.5 to 4.5 mm

Length of side tube

97 to 103 mm

(b) Thermometer: Standardised thermometers calibrated for 100 mm immersion and suitable for
the purpose and covering the boiling range of the substance under examination shall be employed;

the smallest division on the thermometer scale may vary between 0.20 to 10 according to
(c) Draught Screen: suitable draught screen, rectangular in cross section with a hard asbestos
board about 6 mm thick closely fitting horizontally to the sides of the screen, should be used. The
asbestos board shall have a centrally cut circular hole, 110 mm in diameter. The asbestos board is
meant for ensuring that hot gases from the heat source do not come in contact with the sides or neck
of the flask.
(d) Asbestos Board: A 150 mm square asbestos board 6 mm thick provided with a circular hole
located centrally to hold the bottom of the flask, shall be used. For distillation of liquids boiling
below 600 the hole shall be 30 mm in diameter; for other liquid it should be 50 mm in diameter.
This board is to be placed on the hard asbestos board of the draught screen covering its 110 mm
(e) Condenser: A straight water-cooled glass condenser about 50 cm long shall be used.
Procedure: 100 ml of the liquid to be examined is placed in the distillation flask, and a few glass
beads or other suitable substance is added. The bulb of the flask is placed centrally over a circular
hole varying from 3 to 5 cm in diameter (according to the boiling range of the substance under
examination), in a suitable asbestos board. The thermometer is held concentrically in the neck of
the flask by means of a well fitting cork in such a manner that the bulb of the thermometer remains
just below the level of the opening of the side-tube. Heat the flask slowly in the beginning and
when distillation starts, adjust heating in such a manner that the liquid distils at a constant rate of 4
to 5 ml per minute. The temperature is read when the first drop runs from the condenser, and again
when the last quantity of liquid in the flask is evaporated.
The boiling ranges indicated, apply at a barometric pressure of 760 mm of mercury. If the
determination is made at some other barometric pressure, the following correction is added to the
temperatures read:
K- (760p)
Where p is the barometric pressure (in mm) read on a mercury barometer, without taking
into account the temperature of the air;
K is the boiling temperature constant for different liquids having different boiling ranges as
indicated below:
Observed Boiling range

Below 1000
1000 to 1400
1410 to 1900
1910 to 2400
above 2400


If the barometric pressure is below 760 mm of mercury the correction is added to the
observed boiling-range; if above, the correction is subtracted.
The statement distils between a0 and b0, , means that temperature at which the first drop
runs from the condenser is not less than a0 and that the temperature at which the liquid is
completely evaporated is not greater than b0.

Micro-methods of equal accuracy may be used.

A. Optical Rotation: Certain substances, in a pure state, in solution and in tinctures posses the
property of rotating the plane of polarized light, i.e., the incident light emerges in a plane forming
an angle with the plane of the incident light. These substances are said to be optically active and the
property of rotating the plane of polarized light is known as optical rotation. The optical rotation is
defined as the angle through which the plane of polarized light is rotated when polarized light
obtained from sodium or mercury vapour lamp passes through one decimeter thick layer of a liquid
or a solution of a substance at a temperature of 250 unless as otherwise stated in the monograph.
Substances are described as dextrorotatory or laevoretatory according to the clockwise or
anticlockwise rotation respectively of the plane of polarized light. Dextrorotation is designated by a
plus (+) sign and laevorotation by a minus (-) sign before the number indicating the degrees of
Apparatus: A polarimeter on which angular rotation accurate 0.050 can be read may be used.
Calibration: The apparatus may be checked by using a solution of previously dried sucrose and
measuring the optical rotation in a 2-din tube at 250 and using the concentrations indicated in Table.
(g/100 ml)

Angle of Rotation (+)

at 250



Procedure: For liquid substances, take a minimum of five readings of the rotation of the liquid and
also for an empty tube at the specified temperature. For a solid dissolve in a suitable solvent and
take five readings of the rotation of the solution and the solvent used. Calculate the average of each
set of five readings and find out the corrected optical rotation from the observed rotation and the
reading with the blank (average).
B. Specific Rotation : The apparatus and the procedure for this determination are the same as
those specified for optical rotation.
Specific rotation is denoted by the expression
t denotes the temperature of rotation; denotes the wave length of light used or the
characteristic spectral line. Specific rotations are expressed in terms of sodium light of wave length
589.3 mw (D line) and at a temperature of 250, unless otherwise specified.
Specific rotation of a substance may be calculated from the following formulae:
For liquid substances

[] = -----ld
For solutions of substances


a x 100
Where a is the corrected observed rotation in degrees
1 is the length of the polarimeter tube in decimeters.

D is the specific gravity of the liquid C is the concentration of

solution expressed as the number of g of the substance in 100 ml of
Viscosity is a property of a liquid, which is closely related to the resistance to flow.
In C.G.S. system, the dynamic viscosity (n) of a liquid is the tangential force in dryness per
square centimeter exerted in either of the two parallel planes placed, 1 cm apart when the space
between them is filled with the fluid and one of the plane is moving in its own plane with a velocity
of 1 cm per second relatively to the other. The unit of dynamic viscosity is the poise (abbreviated
p). The centi poise (abbreviated cp) is 1/100th of one poise.
While on the absolute scale, viscosity is measured in poise or centi poise, it is mot
convenient to use the kinematic scale in which the units are stokes (abbreviated S) and centi-stokes
(abbreviated CS). The centistokes is 1/100th of one stoke. The kinematic viscosity of a liquid is
equal to the quotient of the dynamic viscosity and the density of the liquid at the same temperature,
thus :

Kinematic Viscosity =

Dynamic Viscosity

Viscosity of liquid may be determined by any method that will measure the resistance to
shear offered by the liquid.
Absolute viscosity can be measured directly if accurate dimensions of the measuring
instruments are known but it is more common practice to calibrate the instrument with a liquid of
known viscosity and to determine the viscosity of the unknown fluid by comparison with that of the
Procedure: The liquid under test is filled in a U tube viscometer in accordance with the expected
viscosity of the liquid so that the fluid level stands within 0.2 mm of the filling mark of the
viscometer when the capillary is vertical and the specified temperature is attained by the test liquid.
The liquid is sucked or blown to the specified weight of the viscometer and the time taken for the
meniscus to pass the two specified marks is measured. The kinematic viscosity in centistokes is
calculated from the following equation:
Kinematic viscosity = kt

Where k = the constant of the viscometer tube determined by observation on liquids of

known kinematic viscosity; t = time in seconds for meniscus to pass through the two specified
Determination of total solids in Asava/ Aristha is generally required. Asava/ Aristha
containing sugar or honey should be examined by method 1, sugar or honey free Asava/ Aristha
and other material should be examined by method 2.
Method 1: Transfer accurately 50 ml of the clear Asava/ Aristha an evaporable dish and evaporate
to a thick extract on a water bath. Unless specified otherwise, extract the residue with 4 quantities,
each of 10 ml, of dehydrated ethanol with stirring and filter. Combine the filtrates to another
evaporating dish which have been dried to a constant weight and evaporate nearly to dryness on a
water bath, add accurately 1 g of diatomite (dry at 1050 for 3 hours and cooled in a desiccator for 30
min), stir thoroughly, dry at 1050 for 3 hours, cool the dish in a desiccator for 30 min, and weigh
immediately. Deduct the weight of diatomite added, the weight of residue should comply with the
requirements stated under the individual monograph.
Method 2: Transfer accurately 50 ml of the clear Asava/ Aristha to an evaporable dish, which has
been dried to a constant weight and evaporate to dryness on a water bath, then dry at 1050 for 3
hours. After cooling the dish containing the residue in a desiccator for 30 min, weigh it
immediately. The weight of residue should comply with the requirements stated under the
individual monograph.
Take 100 ml of distil water in a Nessler cylinder and add air-dried and coarsely powdered
drug up to saturation. Then stir the sample continuously by twirling the spatula (rounded end of a
microspatula) rapidly. After 1 minute, filter the solution using Hirsch funnel, evaporate the filtrate
to dryness in a tared flat bottomed shallow dish and dry at 1050 to constant weight and calculate the
solubility of the drug in water (wt. in mg/100ml).
The saponification value is the number of mg of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize
the fatty acids, resulting from the complete hydrolysis of 1 g of the oil or fat, when determined by
the following method:
Dissolve 35 to 40 g of potassium hydroxide in 20 ml water, and add sufficient alcohol to
make 1,000 ml. Allow it to stand overnight, and pour off the clear liquor.
Weigh accurately about 2 g of the substance in a tared 250 ml flask, add 25 ml of the
alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide, attach a reflux condenser and boil on a water-bath for
one hour, frequently rotating the contents of the flask cool and add 1 ml of solution of
phenolphthalein and titrate the excess of alkali with 0.5 N hydrochloric acid. Note the number of ml
required (a). Repeat the experiment with the same quantities of the same reagents in the manner
omitting the substance. Note the number of ml required (b) Calculate the saponification value from
the following formula:
(ba) 0.02805 1.000
Saponification Value = -----------------------------------W
Where W is the weight in g of the substance taken.


The Iodine value of a substance is the weight of iodine absorbed by 100 part by weight of
the substance, when determined by one of the following methods:Iodine Flasks - The Iodine flasks have a nominal capacity of 250 ml.
A. Iodine Monochloride Method - Place the substance accurately weighed, in dry iodine flask,
add 10 ml of carbon tetrachloride, and dissolve. Add 20 ml of iodine monochloride solution, insert
the stopper, previously moistened with solution of potassium iodine and allow to stand in a dark
place at a temperature of about 170 or thirty minutes. Add 15 ml of solution of potassium iodine and
100 ml water; shake, and titrate with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using solution of starch as
indicator. Note the number of ml required (a). At the same time carry out the operation in exactly
the same manner, but without the substance being tested, and note the number of ml of 0.1 N
sodium thiosulphate required (b).
Calculate the iodine value from the formula:(ba) 0.01269 100
Iodine value = ------------------------------------W
Where W is the weight in g of the substance taken.
The approximate weight, in g, of the substance to be taken may be calculated by dividing 20
by the highest expected iodine value. If more than half the available halogen is absorbed, the test
must be repeated, a smaller quantity of the substance being used.
Iodine Monochloride Solution: The solution may be prepared by either of the two following
Dissolve 13 g of iodine in a mixture of 300 ml of carbon tetrachloride and 700 ml of glacial
acetic acid. To 20 ml of this solution, add 15 ml of solution of potassium iodide and 100 ml of
water, and titrate the solution with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. Pass chlorine, washed and dried,
through the remainder of the iodine solution until the amount of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate required
for the titration is approximately, but more than, doubled.

Iodine trichloride
Carbon tetrachloride
Glacial acetic acid, sufficient to produce

300 ml
1000 ml

Dissolve the iodine trichloride in about 200 ml of glacial acetic acid, dissolve the iodine in
the carbon tetrachloride, mix the two solutions, and add sufficient glacial acetic acid to produce
1000 ml. Iodine Monochloride Solution should be kept in a stoppered bottle, protected from light
and stored in a cool place.
B. Pyridine Bromide Method - Place the substance, accurately weighed, in a dry iodine flask, add
10 ml of carbon tetrachloride and dissolve. Add 25 ml of pyridine bromide solution, allow to stand
for ten minutes in a dark place and complete the determination described under iodine
monochloride method, beginning with the words. Add 15 ml.

The approximate weight in gram, of the substance to be taken may be calculated by dividing
12.5 by the highest expected iodine value. If more than half the available halogen is absorbed the
test must be repeated, a small quantity of the substance being used.
Pyridine bromide Solution: Dissolve 8 g pyridine and 10 g of sulphuric acid in 20 ml of
glacial acetic acid, keeping the mixture cool. Add 8 g of bromine dissolved in 20 ml of glacial
acetic acid and dilute to 100 ml with glacial acetic acid.
Pyridine bromide Solution should be freshly prepared.
The acid value is the number of mg of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the free
acids in 1 g of the substance, when determined by the following method:
Weigh accurately about 10 g of the substance (1 to 5) in the case of a resin into a 250 ml
flask and add 50 ml of a mixture of equal volumes of alcohol and solvent ether, which has been
neutralized after the addition of 1 ml of solution of phenolphthalein. Heat gently on a water-bath, if
necessary until the substance has completely melted, titrate with 0.1 N potassium hydroxide,
shaking constantly until a pink colour which persists for fifteen seconds is obtained. Note the
number of ml required. Calculate the acid value from the following formula:
a 0.00561 1000
Acid Value = -------------------------------W
Where a is the number of ml of 0.1 N potassium hydroxide required and W is the weight
in g of the substance taken.
The peroxide value is the number of milliequivalents of active oxygen that expresses the
amount of peroxide contained in 1000 g of the substance.
Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, weigh 5 g of the substance being
examined, accurately weighed, into a 250-ml glass-stoppered conical flask, add 30 ml of a mixture
of 3 volumes of glacial acetic acid and 2 volumes of chloroform, swirl until dissolved and add
0.5ml volumes of saturated potassium iodide solution. Allow to stand for exactly 1 minute, with
occasional shaking, add 30 ml of water and titrate gradually, with continuous and vigorous shaking,
with 0.01M sodium thiosulphate until the yellow colour almost disappears. Add 0.5 ml of starch
solution and continue the titration, shaking vigorously until the blue colour just disappears (a ml).
Repeat the operation omitting the substance being examined (b ml). The volume of 0.01M sodium
thiosulphate in the blank determination must not exceed 0.1 ml.
Calculate the peroxide value from the expression
Peroxide value = 10 (a b)/W
Where W = weight, in g, of the substance.



The unsaponifiable matter consists of substances present in oils and fats, which are not
saponifiable by alkali hydroxides and are determined by extraction with an organic solvent of a
solution of the saponified substance being examined.
Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, introduce about 5 g of the
substance being examined, accurately weighed, into a 250-ml flask fitted with a reflux condenser.
Add a solution of 2 g of potassium hydroxide in 40 ml of ethanol (95per cent) and heat on a waterbath for 1 hour, shaking frequently. Transfer the contents of the flask to a separating funnel with the
aid of 100 ml of hot water and, while the liquid is still warm, shake very carefully with three
quantities, each of 100 ml, of peroxide-free ether. Combine the ether extracts in a second separating
funnel containing 40 ml of water, swirl gently for a few minute, allow to separate and reject the
lower layer. Wash the ether extract with two quantities, each of 40 ml, of water and with three
quantities, each of 40 ml, of a 3 per cent w/v solution of potassium hydroxide, each treatment being
followed by a washing with 40 ml of water. Finally, wash the ether layer with successive quantities,
each of 40 ml, of water until the aqueous layer is not alkaline to phenolphthalein solution. Transfer
the ether layer to a weighed flask, washing out the separating funnel with peroxide-free ether. Distil
off the ether and add to the residue 6 ml of acetone. Remove the solvent completely from the flask
with the aid of a gentle current of air. Dry at 1000 to 1050 for 30 minutes. Cool in a desiccator and
weigh the residue. Calculate the unsaponifiable matter as per cent w/w.
Dissolve the residue in 20 ml of ethanol (95per cent), previously neutralised to phenolphthalein
solution and titrate with 0.1M ethanolic potassium hydroxide. If the volume of 0.1M ethanolic
potassium hydroxide exceeds 0.2 ml, the amount weighed cannot be taken as the unsaponifiable
matter and the test must be repeated.
Take 22 ml of the alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution in a conical flask and add 1ml of
the sample of the oil to be tested. Boil in a water bath using an air or water cooled condenser till the
solution becomes clear and no oily drops are found on the sides of the flask. Take out the flask
from the water bath, transfer the contents to a wide mouthed warm test tube and carefully add 25ml
of boiling distilled water along the side of the test tube. Continue shaking the tube lightly from side
to side during the addition. The turbidity indicates presence of mineral oil, the depth of turbidity
depends on the percentage of mineral oil present.
The test depends upon the formation of a red colour when oxidized fat is treated with conc.
hydrochloric acid and a solution of phloroglucinol in ether. The compound in rancid fats
responsible for the colour reaction is epihydrin aldehyde. All oxidized fats respond to the Kreis test
and the intensity of the colour produced is roughly proportional to the degree of oxidative rancidity.
Mix 1 ml of melted fat and 1 ml of conc. hydrochloric acid in a test tube. Add 1 ml of a 1
per cent solution of phloroglucinol in diethyl ether and mix thoroughly with the fat-acid mixture. A
pink colour formation indicates that the fat is slightly oxidized while a red colour indicates that the
fat is definitely oxidized.

3.14. Determination of Reichert-Meissl and Polenske Value

The Reichert-Meissl value is the number of millitres of 0.1N aqueous sodium hydroxide solution
required to neutralize steam volatile water soluble fatty acids distilled from 5g of an oil/fat under
the prescribed conditions. It is a measure of water soluble steam volatile fatty acids chiefly butric
and caprole acids present in oil or fat.
The Polenske value is the number of millitres of 0.1N aqueous alkali solution required to
neutralize steam volatile water insoluble fatty acids distilled from 5 g of the oil/fat under the
prescribed conditions. It is a measure of the steam volatile and water insoluble fatty acids, chiefly
caprylic, capric and lauric acids present in oil and fat.
The material is saponified by heating with glycerol sodium hydroxide solution and then split by
treatment with dilute sulfuric acid. The volatile acids are immediately steam distilled. The soluble
volatile acids in the distillate are filtered out and estimated by titration with standard sodium
hydroxide solution.
a. Glycerine: Analytical reagent grade
b. Concentrated sodium hydroxide solution: 50 percent (w/w)
c. Pumice stone grains
d. Dilute sulfuric acid solution: Approximately 1.0 N
e. Sodium hydroxide solution: 0.1N solution in water, accurately standardized
f. Phenolphthalein indicator: Dissolve 0.1g of phenolphthalein in 100 ml of ethyl alcohol
g. Ethyl alcohol: 90% by volume and neutral to phenolphthalein
Weigh accurately 5 0.1 g of filtered oil or fat sample into a clean, dry, 300 ml distilling
flask. Add 20 g of glycerine and 2 ml of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution, and heat with
swirling over a flame until completely saponified, as shown by the mixture becoming perfectly
clear. Cool the content slightly and add 90 ml of boiling distilled water, which has been vigorously
boiled for about 15 min. After thorough mixing the solution should remain clear. If the solution is
not clear (indicating incomplete saponification) or is darker than light yellow (indicating overheating), repeat the saponification with a fresh sample of the oil or fat. If the sample is old , the
solution may some times be dark and not clear.
Add about 0.1 g of pumic stone grains, and 50 ml of dilute sulfuric acid solution.
Immediately connect the flask to the distillation apparatus. Heat very gently until the liberated fatty
acids melt and separate. Then set the flame so that 110 ml of distillate shall be collected within 19
to 21 min. The beginning of the distillation is to be taken as the moment when the first drop forms
in the still head. Collect the distallate in a graduated flask. The temperature of the issuing distillate
should be between 180 to 210.
When the distillate exactly reaches the 110 ml mark on the flask, remove the flame and
quickly replace the flask by a 25 ml measuring cylinder. Stopper the graduated flask and without
mixing place it in a water bath maintain at 150 for 10 min so that the 110 ml graduation mark is 1
cm below the water level in the bath. Remove the graduated flask from the cold water bath, dry the
outside and mix the content gently by inverting the flask 4 or 5 times without shaking. Avoid
wetting the stopper with the insoluble acids. Filter the liquid through a dry, 9 cm Whatman No.4
filter paper. The filtrate should be clear. Pipette 100 ml of the filtrate and add 5 drops of the

phenolophthalein solution, and titrate against standard 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution. Run a
Blank Test without the fat, but using the same quantities of the reagents.
Reichert-Meissl Value = (A-B) x N x 11
A = Volume in ml of standard sodium hydroxide solution required for the test;
B = Volume in ml of standard sodium hydroxide solution required for the blank;
N = Normality of standard sodium hydroxide solution.
After titrating the soluble volatile acids, detach the still head and rinse the condenser with
three successive 15 ml portions of cold distilled water passing each washing separately through the
measuring cylinder, 110 ml graduated flask and the filter paper and allow all of it to pass through.
Discard all the washings. Place the funnel on a clean conical flask. Dissolve the insoluble fatty
acids by three similar washings of the condenser, the measuring cylinder, the 110 ml flask with
stopper, and the filter paper with 15 ml portions of ethyl alcohol. Combine the alcoholic washings
in a clean flask, add 5 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, and titrate with standard (0.1N)
sodium hydroxide solution.
Polenske Value = 10 x V x N
V = Volume in ml of standard sodium hydroxide solution required for the test;
N = Normality of the standard sodium hydroxide solution.
The ethanol content of a liquid is expressed as the number of volumes of ethanol contained
in 100 volumes of the liquid, the volumes being measured at 24.90 to 25.10. This is known as the
percentage of ethanol by volume. The content may also be expressed in g of ethanol per 100 g of
the liquid. This is known as the percentage of ethanol by weight.
Use Method I or Method II, as appropriate, unless otherwise specified in the individual
Method I
Carry out the method for gas chromatography, using the following solutions. Solution (1)
contains 5.0 per cent v/v of ethanol and 5.0 per cent v/v of 1-propanol (internal standard). For
solution (2) dilute a volume of the preparation being examined with water to contain between 4.0
and 6.0 per cent v/v of ethanol. Prepare solution (3) in the same manner as solution (2) but adding
sufficient of the internal standard to produce a final concentration of 5.0 per cent v/v.
The chromatographic procedure may be carried out using a column (1.5 m x 4 mm) packed
with porous polymer beads (100 to 120 mesh) and maintained at 1500, with both the inlet port and
the detector at 1700, and nitrogen as the carrier gas.
Calculate the percentage content of ethanol from the areas of the peaks due to ethanol in the
chromatogram obtained with solutions (1) and (3).


Method II
For preparations where the use of Industrial Methylated Spirit is permitted in the
monograph, determine the content of ethanol as described in Method I but using as solution (2) a
volume of the preparation being examined diluted with water to contain between 4.0 and 6.0 per
cent v/v of total ethanol and methanol.
Determine the concentration of methanol in the following manner. Carry out the
chromatographic procedure described under Method I but using the following solutions. Solution
(1) contains 0.25 per cent v/v of methanol and 0.25 per cent v/v of 1-propanol (internal standard).
For solution (2) dilute a volume of the preparation being examined with water to contain between
0.2 per cent and 0.3 per cent v/v of methanol. Prepare solution (3) in the same manner as solution
(2) but adding sufficient of the internal standard to produce a final concentration of 0.25 per cent
The sum of the contents of ethanol and methanol is within the range specified in the
individual monograph and the ration of the content of methanol to that of ethanol is commensurate
with Industrial Methylated Spirit having been used.
Method III
This method is intended only for certain liquid preparations containing ethanol. Where the
preparation contains dissolved substances that may distil along with ethanol Method III B or III C
must be followed.
The apparatus (see Fig. 3) consists of a round-bottomed flask (A) fitted with a distillation
head (B) with a steam trap and attached to a vertical condenser (C). A tube is fitted to the lower part
of the condenser and carries the distillate into the lower part of a 100-ml or 250-ml volumetric flask
(D). The volumetric flask is immersed in a beaker (E) containing a mixture of ice and water during
the distillation. A disc with a circular aperture, 6 cm in diameter, is placed under the distillation
flask (A) to reduce the risk of charring of any dissolved substances.
Method III A
Transfer 25 ml of the preparation being examined, accurately measured at 24.90 to 25.10, to
the distillation flask. Dilute with 150 ml of water and add a little pumice powder. Attach the
distillation head and condenser. Distil and collect not less than 90 ml of the distillate into a 100-ml
volumetric flask. Adjust the temperature to 24.90 to 25.10 and dilute to volume with distilled water
at 24.90 to 25.10. Determine the relative density at 24.90 to 25.10. The values indicated in column 2
of Table 3.2 are multiplied by 4 in order to obtain the percentage of ethanol by volume contained
in the preparation. If the specific gravity is found to be between two values, the percentage of
ethanol should be obtained by interpolation. After calculation of the ethanol content, report the
result to one decimal place.
NOTE (1) If excessive frothing is encountered during distillation, render the solution strongly
acid with phosphoric acid or treat with a small amount of liquid paraffin or silicone oil.
(2) The distillate should be clear or not more than slightly cloudy. If it is turbid or contains oily
drops, follow Method IIIC. When steam-volatile acids are present, make the solution just alkaline
with 1M sodium hydroxide using solid phenolphthalein as indicator before distillation.

Method III B
Follow this method or the following one if the preparation being examined contains
appreciable proportions of volatile materials other than ethanol and water.
Mix 25 ml of the preparation, accurately measured at 240 to 25.10, with about 100 ml of water in a
separating funnel. Saturate this mixture with sodium chloride, add about 100 ml of hexane and
shake vigorously for 2 to 3 minutes. Allow the mixture to stand for 15 to 20 minutes. Run the lower
layer into the distillation flask, wash the hexane layer in the separating funnel by shaking
vigorously with about 25 ml of sodium chloride solution, allow to separate and run the wash liquor
into the first saline solution. Make the mixed solutions just alkaline with 1M sodium hydroxide
using solid phenolphthalein as indicator, add a little pumice powder and 100 ml of water, distil 90
ml and determine the percentage v/v of ethanol by Method IIIA beginning at the words Adjust the

Fig.3. Apparatus for Determination of Ethanol by Distillation Method.


Table 3.2
Specific gravity at 250

Ethanol content*

* per cent v/v at 15.560.

Method III C
Transfer 25 ml of the preparation, accurately measured at 24.90 to 25.10, to the distillation
flask. Dilute with 150 ml of water and add a little pumice powder. Attach the distillation head and
condenser. Distil and collect about 100 ml. Transfer to a separating funnel and determine the
percentage v/v of ethanol by Method III B beginning at the words Saturate this mixture.


Acetate buffer 5.5 pH Dissolve 21.5 g of sodium acetate (AR) in 300 ml purified water
containing 2 ml glacial acetic acid and dilute to 1000 ml
Acetic Acid Contains approximately 33 per cent w/v of C2H4O2. Dilute 315 ml of glacial acetic
acid to 1000 ml with water.
Acetic Acid, Glacial CH3COOH =60.05.
Contains not less than 99.0 per cent w/w of C2H4O2. About 17.5 N in strength.
Description At temperature above its freezing point a clear colourless liquid, odour, pungent and
characteristic; crystallises when cooled to about 100 and does not completely re-melt until warmed
to about 150.
Solubility Miscible with water, with glycerin and most fixed and volatile oils.
Boiling range Between 1170 and 1190.
Congealing temperature Not lower than 14.80.
Wt. per ml At 250about 1.047 g.
Heavy metals Evaporate 5 ml to dryness in a porcelain dish on water-bath, warm the residue with
2 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid and water to make 25 ml; the limit of heavy metals is 10 parts per
million, Appendix 2.3.3.
Chloride 5 ml complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate 5 ml complies with the limit test for sulphates,
Certain aldehydic substances To 5 ml add 10 ml of mercuric chloride solution and make
alkaline with sodium hydroxide solution, allow to stand for five minutes and acidify with dilute
sulphuric acid; the solution does not show more than a faint turbidity.
Formic acid and oxidisable impurities Dilute 5 ml with 10 ml of water, to 5 ml of this solution
add 2.0 ml of 0.1 N potassium dichromate and 6 ml of sulphuric acid, and allow to stand for one
minute, add 25 ml of water, cool to 150, and add 1 ml of freshly prepared potassium iodide solution
and titrate the liberated iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as indicator.
Not less than 1 ml of 0.N sodium thiosulphate is required.
Odorous impurities Neutralise 1.5 ml with sodium hydroxide solution; the solution has no odour
other than a faint acetous odour.
Readily oxidisable impurities To 5 ml of the solution prepared for the test for Formic Acid and
Oxidisable Impurities, add 20 ml of water and 0.5 ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate; the pink
colour does not entirely disappear within half a minute.
Non-volatile matter Leaves not more than 0.01 per cent w/w of residue when evaporated to
dryness and dried to constant weight at 1050.

Assay Weigh accurately about 1 g into a stoppered flask containing 50 ml of water and titrate with
N sodium hydroxide, using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Each ml of sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.06005 g of C2H4O2.
Acetic Acid, Lead-Free Acetic acid which complies with following additional test, boil 25 ml
until the volume is reduced to about 15 ml, cool make alkaline with lead-free ammonia solution,
add 1 ml of lead free potassium cyanide solution, dilute to 50 ml with water, add 2 drops of sodium
sulphide solution; no darkening is produced.
Acetone Propan-2-one; (CH3)2CO = 58.08
Description Clear, colourless, mobile and volatile liquid; taste, pungent and sweetish; odour
characteristic; flammable.
Solubility Miscible with water, with alcohol, with solvent ether, and with chloroform, forming
clear solutions.
Distillation range Not less than 96.0 per cent distils between 55.50 and 570.
Acidity 10 ml diluted with 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water; does not require for
neutralisation more than 0.2 ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide, using phenolphthalein solution as
Alkalinty 10 ml diluted with 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water, is not alkaline to litmus
Methyl alcohol Dilute 10 ml with water to 100 ml. To 1 ml of the solution add 1 ml of water and
2 ml of potassium permanganate and phosphoric acid solution. Allow to stand for ten minutes and
add 2 ml of oxalic acid and sulphuric acid solution; to the colourless solution add 5 ml of
decolorised magenta solution and set aside for thirty minutes between 150 and 300; no colour is
Oxidisable substances To 20 ml add 0.1 ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate, and allow to stand
for fifteen minutes; the solution is not completely decolorised.
Water Shake 10 ml with 40 ml of carbon disulphide; a clear solution is produced.
Non-volatile matter When evaporated on a water-bath and dried to constant weight at 1050,
leaves not more than 0.01 per cent w/v residue.
Acetone Solution, Standard A 0.05 per cent v/v solution of acetone in water.
Description Clear, colourless, mobile, volatile liquid, odour, characteristic and spirituous; taste,
burning, readily volatilised even at low temperature, and boils at about 780, flammable. Alcohol
containing not less than 94.85 per cent v/v and not more than 95.2 per cent v/v of C2H5OH at
Solubility Miscible in all proportions with water, with chloroform and with solvent ether.


Acidity or alkalinity To 20 ml add five drops of phenolphthalein solution; the solution remains
colourless and requires not more than 2.0 ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide to produce a pink colour.
Specific gravity Between 0.8084 and 0.8104 at 250.
Clarity of solution Dilute 5 ml to 100 ml with water in glass cylinder; the solution remains clear
when examined against a black background. Cool to 100 for thirty minutes; the solution remains
Methanol To one drop add one of water, one drop of dilute phosphoric acid, and one drop of
potassium permanganate solution. Mix, allow to stand for one minute and add sodium bisulphite
solution dropwise, until the permanganate colour is discharged. If a brown colour remains, add one
drop of dilute phosphoric acid. To the colourless solution add 5 ml of freshly prepared
chromotropic acid solution and heat on a water-bath at 600 for ten minutes; no violet colour is
Foreign organic substances Clean a glass-stoppered cylinder thoroughly with hydrochloric acid,
rinse with water and finally rinse with the alcohol under examination. Put 20 ml in the cylinder,
cool to about 150 and then add from a carefully cleaned pipette 0.1 ml 0.1 N potassium
permanganate. Mix at once by inverting the stoppered cylinder and allow to stand at 150 for five
minutes; the pink colour does not entirely disappear.
Isopropyl alcohol and t-butyl alcohol To 1 ml add 2 ml of water and 10 ml of mercuric sulphate
solution and heat in a boiling water-bath; no precipitate is formed within three minutes.
Aldehydes and ketones Heat 100 ml of hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution in a loosely
stoppered flask on a water-bath for thirty minutes, cool, and if necessary, add sufficient 0.05 N
sodium hydroxide to restore the green colour. To 50 ml of this solution add 25 ml of the alcohol and
heat on a water bath for ten minutes in a loosely stoppered flask. Cool, transfer to a Nesseler
cylinder, and titrate with 0.05 N sodium hydroxide until the colour matches that of the remainder of
the hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution contained in a similar cylinder, both solutions being
viewed down the axis of the cylinder. Not more than 0.9 ml of 0.05 N sodium hydroxide is required.
Fusel oil constituents Mix 10 ml with 5 ml of water and 1 ml of glycerin and allow the mixture to
evaporate spontaneously from clean, odourless absorbent paper; no foreign odour is perceptible at
any stage of the evaporation.
Non-volatile matter Evaporate 40 ml in a tared dish on a water-bath and dry the residue at 105
for one hour; the weight of the residue does not exceed 1 mg.
Storage Store in tightly-closed containers, away from fire.
Labelling The label on the container states Flammable.
Alcohol, Aldehyde-free. Alcohol which complies with the following additional test :
Aldehyde To 25 ml, contained in 300 ml flask, add 75 ml of dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution,
heat on a water bath under a reflux condenser for twenty four hours, remove the alcohol by
distillation, dilute to 200 ml with a 2 per cent v/v solution of sulphuric acid, and set aside for twenty
four hours; no crystals are produced.
Alcohol, Sulphate-free. Shake alcohol with an excess of anion exchange resin for thirty minutes
and filter.

Ammonia, x N. Solutions of any normality xN may be prepared by diluting 75 x ml of strong

ammonia solution to 1000 ml with water.
Ammonia Solution, Iron-free Dilute ammonia solution which complies with the following
additional test:
Evaporate 5 ml nearly to dryness on a water-bath add 40 ml of water, 2 ml of 20 per cent w/v
solution of iron free citric acid and 2 drops of thioglycollic acid, mix, make alkaline with iron-free
ammonia solution and dilute to 50 ml with water, no pink colour is produced.
Ammonia buffer solutions 9.5 pH Dissolve 67.5 g ammonium chloride in 300 ml purified
water, add 570 ml ammonia solution and dilute to 1000 ml.
Ammonium Chloride Solution A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of ammonium chloride in water.
Ammonium molybdate -NH4Mo7O24.4H2O=1235.86
Analytical reagent grade of commerce.
White crystal or crystalline masses, sometimes with a yellowish or green tint.
Ammonium Thiocyanate NH4SCN = 76.12.
Description Colourless crystals.
Solubility Very soluble in water, forming a clear solution, readily soluble in alcohol.
Chloride Dissolve 1 g in 30 ml of solution of hydrogen peroxide, add 1 g of sodium hydroxide,
warm gently, rotate the flask until a vigorous reaction commences and allow to stand until the
reaction is complete; add a further 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution boil for two minutes, cool,
and add 10 ml of dilute nitric acid and 1 ml of silver nitrate solution; any opalescence produced is
not greater than that obtained by treating 0.2 ml of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid in the same manner.
Sulphated ash Moisten 1 g with sulphuric acid and ignite gently, again moisten with sulphuric
acid and ignite; the residue weighs not more than 2.0 mg.
Ammonium Thiocyanate, 0.1N NH4SCN = 76.12; 7.612 in 1000 ml. Dissolve about 8 g of
ammonium thiocyanate in 100o ml of water and standardise the solution as follows :
Pipette 30 ml of standardised 0.1 N silver nitrate into a glass stoppered flask, dilute with 50
ml of water then add 2 ml of nitric acid and 2 ml of ferric ammonium sulphate solution and titrate
with the ammonium thiocyanate solution to the first appearance of a red brown colour. Each ml of
0.1N silver nitrate is equivalent to 0.007612 g of NH4SCN.
Ammonium Thiocyanate Solution A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of ammonium thiocyanate
Aniline chloride solution To 100 ml of aniline, add 30 ml of hydrochloric acid. (10:3).
Anisaldehyde-Sulphuric Acid Reagent 0.5 ml anisaldehyde is mixed with 10 ml glacial acetic
acid, followed by 85 ml methanol and 5 ml concentrated sulphuric acid in that order.
The reagent has only limited stability and is no longer usable when the colour has turned to

Arsenomolybdic Acid Reagent -250 mg of ammonium molybdate was dissolved in 45 ml of

distilled water. To this, 2.1 ml of concentrated H2SO4 was added and mixed well. To this solution,
3mg of Na2ASO4.7 H2O dissolved in 25 ml of distilled water, mixed well and placed in incubator
maintained at 370 C for 24 h.
Borax - Sodium Tetraborate, Na2B4O7. 10H2O = 381.37.
Contains not less than 99.0 per cent and not more than the equivalent of 103.0 per cent of Na2B4O7.
Description Transparent, colourless crystals, or a white, crystalline powder; odourless, taste,
saline and alkaline. Effloresces in dry air, and on ignition, loses all its water of crystallisation.
Solubility Soluble in water, practically insoluble in alcohol.
Alkalinity A solution is alkaline to litmus solution.
Heavy metals Dissolve 1 g in 16 ml of water and 6 ml of N hydrochloric acid and add water to
make 25 ml; the limit of heavy metals is 20 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.3.
Iron 0.5 g complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Chlorides 1 g complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphates 1g complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6.
Assay Weigh accurately about 3 g and dissolve in 75 ml of water and titrate with 0.5 N
hydrochloric acid, using methyl red solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.5 N hydrochloric acid is
equivalent to 0.09534 g of Na2B4O7.10H2O.
Storage Preserve Borax in well-closed container.
Bromine Br2 =159.80.
Description Reddish-brown, fuming, corrosive liquid.
Solubility Slightly soluble in water, soluble in most organic solvents.
Iodine Boil 0.2 ml with 20 ml of water, 0.2 ml of N sulphuric acid and a small piece of marble
until the liquid is almost colourless. Cool, add one drop of liquefied phenol, allow to stand for two
minutes, and then add 0.2 g of potassium iodide and 1 ml of starch solution; no blue colour is
Sulphate Shake 3 ml with 30 ml of dilute ammonia solution and evaporate to dryness on a water
bath, the residue complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6.
Bromine Solution Dissolve 9.6 ml of bromine and 30 g of potassium bromide in sufficient water
to produce 100 ml.
Bromophenol Blue Indicator Dissolve 0.1 g of bromophenol blue in 3.0 ml of 0.05 N sodium
hydroxide solution and 5 ml of ethyl alcohol (90 percent by volume) by gently warming. Make up
the volume of the solution with ethyl alcohol (20 percent v/v) to 250 ml in a volumetric flask.
Canada Balsam Reagent General reagent grade of commerce.

Carbon Tetrachloride CCl4 = 153.82

Description Clear, colourless, volatile, liquid; odour, characteristic.
Solubility Practically insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol, and with solvent ether.
Distillation range Not less than 95 per cent distils between 760 and 770.
Wt. per ml At 200, 1.592 to 1.595 g.
Chloride, free acid Shake 20 ml with 20 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water for three minutes
and allow separation to take place; the aqueous layer complies with the following test :
Chloride To 10 ml add one drop of nitric acid and 0.2 ml of silver nitrate solution; no
opalescence is produced.
Free acid To 10 ml add a few drops of bromocresol purple solution; the colour produced does not
indicate more acidity than that indicated by the addition of the same quantity of the indicator to 10
ml of freshly boiled and cooled water.
Free chlorine Shake 10 ml with 5 ml of cadmium iodide solution and 1 ml of starch solution, no
blue colour is produced.
Oxidisable impurities Shake 20 ml for five minutes with a cold mixture of 10 ml of sulphuric
acid and 10 ml of 0.1 N potassium dichromate, dilute with 100 ml of water and add 3 g of
potassium iodide : the liberated iodine requires for decolourisation not less than 9 ml of 0.1 N
sodium thiosulphate.
Non-volatile matter Leaves on evaporation on a water-bath and drying to constant weight at 1050
not more than 0.002 per cent w/v of residue.
Caustic Alkali Solution, 5 per cent Dissolve 5 g of potassium or sodium hydroxide in water and
dilute to 100 ml.
Charcoal, Decolourising General purpose grade complying with the following test.
Decolourising powder Add 0.10 g to 50 ml of 0.006 per cent w/v solution of bromophenol blue
in ethanol (20 per cent) contained in a 250 ml flask, and mix. Allow to stand for five minutes, and
filter; the colour of the filtrate is not deeper than that of a solution prepared by diluting 1 ml of the
bromophenol blue solution with ethanol (20 per cent) to 50 ml.
Chloral Hydrate CCl3.CH(OH)2 = 165.40.
Description Colourless, transparent crystals, odour, pungent but not acrid; taste, pungent and
slightly bitter, volatilises slowly on exposure to air.
Solubility Very soluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol, in chloroform and in solvent ether.
Chloral alcoholate Warm 1 g with 6 ml of water and 0.5 ml of sodium hydroxide solution : filter,
add sufficient 0.1 N iodine to impart a deep brown colour, and set aside for one hour; no yellow
crystalline precipitate is produced and no smell of iodoform is perceptible.

Chloride 3 g complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Assay Weigh accurately about 4 g and dissolve in 10 ml of water and add 30 ml of N sodium
hydroxide. Allow the mixture to stand for two minutes, and then titrate with N sulphuric acid using
phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Titrate the neutralised liquid with 0.1 N silver nitrate using
solution of potassium chromate as indicator. Add two-fifteenth of the amount of 0.1 N silver nitrate
used to the amount of N sulphuric acid used in the first titration and deduct the figure so obtained
from the amount of N sodium hydroxide added. Each ml of N sodium hydroxide, obtained as
difference; is equivalent to 0.1654 g of C2H3Cl3O2.
Storage Store in tightly closed, light resistant containers in a cool place.
Chloral Hydrate Solution Dissolve 20 g of chloral hydrate in 5 ml of water with warming and
add 5 ml of glycerin.
Chloral Iodine Solution Add an excess of crystalline iodine with shaking to the chloral hydrate
solution, so that crystals of undissolved iodine remain on the bottom of bottle. Shake before use as
the iodine dissolves, and crystals of the iodine to the solution. Store in a bottle of amber glass in a
place protected from light.
Chloroform CHCl3 = 119.38
Description Colourles, volatile liquid; odour, characteristic. Taste, sweet and burning.
Solubility Slightly soluble in water; freely miscible with ethyl alcohol and with solvent ether.
Wt. per ml. : Between 1.474 and 1.478 g.
Boiling range A variable fraction, not exceeding 5 per cent v/v, distils below 600 and the
remainder distils between 500 to 620.
Acidity Shake 10 ml with 20 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water for three minutes, and allow to
separate. To a 5 ml portion of the aqueous layer add 0.1 ml of litmus solution; the colour produced
is not different from that produced on adding 0.1 ml of litmus solution to 5 ml of freshly boiled and
cooled water.
Chloride To another 5 ml portion of the aqueous layer obtained in the test for Acidity, add 5 ml of
water and 0.2 ml of silver nitrate solution; no opalescence is produced.
Free chlorine To another 10 ml portion of the aqueous layer, obtained in the test for Acidity, add
1 ml of cadmium iodide solution and two drops of starch solution; no blue colour is produced.
Aldehyde Shake 5 ml with 5 ml of water and 0.2 ml of alkaline potassium mercuri-iodide
solution in a stoppered bottle and set aside in the dark for fifteen minutes; not more than a pale
yellow colour is produced.
Decomposition products Place 20 ml of the chloroform in a glass-stoppered flask, previously
rinsed with sulphuric acid, add 15 ml of sulphuric acid and four drops of formaldehyde solution,
and shake the mixture frequently during half an hour and set aside for further half an hour, the flask
being protected from light during the test; the acid layer is not more than slightly coloured.
Foreign organic matter Shake 20 ml with 10 ml of sulphuric acid in a stoppered vessel
previously rinsed with sulphuric acid for five minutes and set aside in the dark for thirty minutes,

both the acid and chloroform layers remain colourless. To 2 ml of the acid layer add 5 ml of water;
the liquid remains colourless and clear, and has no unpleasent odour. Add a further 10 ml of water
and 0.2 ml of silver nitrate solution; no opalescence is produced.
Foreign odour Allow 10 ml to evaporate from a large piece of filter paper placed on a warm
plate; no foreign odour is detectable at any stage of the evaporation.
Non volatile matter Not more than 0.004 per cent w/v determined on 25 ml by evaporation and
drying at 1050.
Storage - Store in tightly-closed, glass-stoppered, light-resistant bottles.
Copper Sulphate CuSO4.5H2O = 249.68
Contains not less than 98.5 per cent and not more than the equivalent of 101.0 per cent of
Description Blue triclinic prisms or a blue, crystalline powder.
Solubility Soluble in water, very solube in boiling water, almost insoluble in alcohol; very slowly
soluble in glycerin.
Acidity and clarity of solution 1 g, dissolved in 20 ml of water, forms a clear blue solution,
which becomes green on the addition of 0.1 ml of methyl orange solution.
Iron To 5 g, add 25 ml of water, and 2 ml of nitric acid, boil and cool. Add excess of strong
ammonia solution, filter, and wash the residue with dilute ammonia solution mixed with four times
its volumes of water. Dissolve the residue, if any, on the filter with 2 ml of hydrochloric acid,
diluted with 10 ml of water; to the acid solutions add dilute ammonia solution till the precipitation
is complete; filter and wash; the residue after ignition weighs not more than 7 mg.
Copper Sulphate, Anhydrous CuSO4 =159.6
Prepared by heating copper sulphate to constant weight at about 2300.
Copper Sulphate Solution A10.0 per cent w/v solution of copper sulphate in water.
Cresol Red 4,4/, (3H-2, 1-Benzoxathiol-3 ylidene) di-O-cresol SS-dioxide; C12H8O5S = 382.4.
Gives a red colour in very strongly acid solutions, a yellow colour in less strongly acid and neutral
solutions, and a red colour in moderately alkaline solutions (pH ranges, 0.2 to 1.8, and 7.2 to 8.8).
Cresol Red Solution Warm 50 ml of cresol red with 2.65 ml of 0.05 M sodium hydroxide and 5
ml of ethanol (90 per cent); after solution is effected, add sufficient ethanol (20 per cent) to produce
250 ml.
Sensitivity A mixitue of 0.1 ml of the solution and 100 ml of carbon dioxide-free water to which
0.15 ml of 0.02 M sodium hydroxide has been added is purplish-red. Not more than 0.15 ml of 0.02
M hydrochloric acid is required to change the colour to yellow.
Diphenylamine barium sulphonate Dissolve 0.25 g in 100 ml water.


Disodium Ethylenediamine tetraacetate (Disodium Acetate) C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O = 372.2,

Analytical reagent grade.
Dragendorff s Reagent
Solution 1 Dissolve 0.85 g of bismuth oxy nitrate in 40 ml of water and 10 ml of acetic acid.
Solution 2 Dissolve 8 g of potassium iodide in 20 ml of water.
Mix equal volumes of solution 1 and 2, and to 10 ml of the resultant mixture add 100 ml of water
and 20 ml of acetic acid.
Dithizone-1,5-Diphenylthiocarbazone;Diphenylthiocarbazone; C6H5N:NCSNHNHC6H5= 56.32
Analytical Reagent grade of commerce.
Almost black powder; mp, about 1680, with decomposition.
Store in light-resistant containers.
Eosin Acid Red 87; Tetrabromofluorescein disodium salt; C20H6O5Br4Na2 =691.86.
Description Red powder, dissolves in water to yield a yellow to purplish-red solution with a
greenish-yellow fluorescence.
Solubility Soluble in water and in alcohol.
Chloride Dissolve 50 mg in 25 ml of water, add 1 ml of nitric acid, and filter; the filtrate
complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphated ash Not more than 24.0 per cent, calculated with reference to the substance dried at
1100 for two hours, Appendix 2.2.6.
EDTA solution 0.05 M Dissolve 18.6120 g of sodium salt of EDTA in purified water and make
up to 1000 ml.
Eosin Solution A 0.5 per cent w/v solution of eosin in water.
Eriochrome Black T Mordant Black 11; Sodium 2(1-hydroxy-2-naphthylazo) 5-nitro-2-naphtol4-sulphonate; C20H12N3NaO7S = 461.38.
Brownish black powder having a faint, metallic sheen, soluble in alcohol, in methyl alcohol and in
hot water.
Eriochrome Black T indicator 0.1per cent solution Dissolve 0.10 g indicator in 100 ml of
Ethyl Acetate CH3. CO2C2H5 = 88.11.
Analytical reagent grade.
A colourless liquid with a fruity odour; boiling point, about 770; weight per ml about 0.90g.
Ethyl Alcohol C2H5OH = 46.07.
Absolute Alcohol; Dehydrated Alcohol.

Description Clear, colourless, mobile, volatile liquid; odour, characteristic and spirituous; taste,
burning; hygroscopic. Readily volatilisable even at low temperature and boils at 780 and is
Solubility Miscible with water, with solvent ether and with chloroform.
Contains not less than 99.5 per cent w/w or 99.7 per cent v/v of C2H5OH.
Identification Acidity or Alkalinity: Clarity of Solution; Methanol; Foreign organic substances;
Isopropyl alcohol and butyl alcohol; Aldehydes and ketones; fusel oil constituents; Non-volatile
matter; complies with the requirements described under Alcohol.
Specific gravity Between 0.7871 and 0.7902, at 250.
Storage Store in tightly closed containers in a cool place away from fire and protected from
Labelling The label on the container states Flammable.
Fehlings Solution

Dissolve 69.278 g of CuSO4. 5H2O in water and make the volume up to 1 litre
Dissolve 100 g of sodium hydroxide and 340 g of Sodium potassium tartarate in water
and make the volume to 1 litre.

Mix equal volumes of A and B before the experiment.

Formaldehyde Solution Formalin; HCHO =30.03
Formaldehyde Solution is a solution of formaldehyde in water with methyl alcohol added to prevent
polymerisation. It contains not less than 34.0 per cent w/w and not more than 38.0 per cent w/w of
Description Colourless liquid; odour, characteristic, pungent and irritating; taste, burning. A
slight white cloudy deposit is formed on long standing, especially in the cold, due to the separation
of paraformaldehyde. This white deposit disappears on warming the solution.
Solubility Miscible with water, and with alcohol.
Acidity To 10 ml add 10 ml of carbon dioxide free water and titrate with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide
using bromothymol blue solutions as indicator; not more than 5 ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide is
Wt. per ml At 200, 1.079 to 1.094 g.
Assay Weigh accurately about 3 g and add to a mixture of 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution
and 50 ml of N sodium hydroxide, warm on a water-bath until effervescence ceases and titrate the
excess of alkali with N sulphuric acid using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Repeat the
experiment with the same quantities of the same reagents in the same manner omitting the
formaldehyde solution. The difference between the titrations represents the sodium hydroxide
required to neutralise the formic acid produced by the oxidation of the formaldehyde. Each ml of N
sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.03003 g of CH2O.

StoragePreserve Formaldehyde Solution in well-closed container preferably at a temperature not

below 150.
Formaldehyde Solution, Dilute Dilute 34 ml of formaldehyde solution with sufficient water to
produce 100 ml.
Folin Ciocalteu Reagent- Dilute commercially available Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (2N) with an
equal volume of distilled water. Transfer it in a brown bottle and store in a refrigerator (40). It
should be goldern in colour. Do not use it if it turns olive green.
Formic acid- HCOOH = 46.03
Description -Colourless liquid, odour, very pungent, highly corrosive; wt per ml. about 1.20 g,
contains about 90.0 per cent of HCOOH and is about 23.6 M in strength.
Assay - Weigh accurately, a conical flask containing 10ml of water, quickly add about 1ml of the
reagent being examined and weigh again. Add 50ml of water and titrate with 1M sodium hydroxide
using 0.5 ml of phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Each ml of 1M sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.04603 g of HCOOH.
Glycerine C3H8O3 = 82.09.
Description Clear, colorless, liquid of syrupy consistency; odourless, taste sweet followed by a
sensation of warmth. It is hygroscopic.
Solubility Miscible with water and with alcohol; practically insoluble in chloroform, in solvent
ether and in fixed oils.
Acidity To 50 ml of a 50 per cent w/v solution add 0.2 ml of dilute phenolphthalein solution; not
more than 0.2 ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide is required to produce a pink colour.
Wt. per ml Between 1.252 g and 1.257 g, corresponding to between 98.0 per cent and 100.0 per
cent w/w of C3H8O3.
Refractive index Between 1.470 and 1.475 determined at 200.
Arsenic Not more than 2 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.1.
Copper To 10 ml add 30 ml of water, and 1 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, and 10 ml of
hydrogen sulphide solution; no colour is produced.
Iron 10 g complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Heavy metals Not more than 5 parts per million, determined by Method A on a solution of 4 g in
2 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid and sufficient water to produce 25 ml, Appendix 2.3.3.
Sulphate 1 ml complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6.
Chloride 1 ml complies with the limit test for chloride, Appendix 2.3.2.
Acraldehyde and glucose Heat strongly; it assumes not more than a faint yellow, and not a pink
colour. Heat further; it burns with little or no charring and with no odour of burnt sugar.

Aldehydes and related substances To 12.5 ml of a 50 per cent w/v solution in a glass-stoppered
flask add 2.5 ml of water and 1 ml of decolorised magenta solution. Close the flask and allow to
stand for one hour. Any violet colour produced is not more intense than that produced by mixing
1.6 ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate and 250 ml of water.
Sugar Heat 5 g with 1 ml of dilute sulphuric acid for five minutes on a water-bath. Add 2 ml of
dilute sodium hydroxide solution and 1 ml of copper sulphate solution. A clear, blue coloured
solution is produced. Continue heating on the water-bath for five minutes. The solution remains
blue and no precipitate is formed.
Fatty acids and esters Mix 50 ml with 50 ml of freshly boiled water and 50.0 ml of 0.5N sodium
hydroxide, boil the mixture for five minutes. Cool, add a few drops of phenolphthalein solution and
titrate the excess alkali with 0.5 N hydrochloric acid. Perform a blank determination, not more than
1 ml of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide is consumed.
Sulphated ash Not more than 0.01 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Storage Store in tightly-closed containers.
Glycerin Solution Dilute 33 ml of glycerin to 100 ml with water and add a small piece of
camphor or liquid phenol.
n- Hexane - C6H14,= 86.18
Analytical reagent grade of commerce containing not less than 90.05 of n-Hexane.
Colourless, mobile, highly flammable liquid, bp 680; wt per ml, about 0.674 g.
Hydrochloric Acid HCl = 36.46
Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid
Description Clear, colourless, fuming liquid; odour, pungent.
Arsenic Not more than 1 part per million, Appendix 2.3.1.
Heavy metals Not more than 5 parts per million, determined by Method A on a solution prepared
in the following manner : Evaporate 3.5 ml to dryness on a water-bath, add 2 ml of dilute acetic
acid to the residue, and add water to make 25 ml, Appendix 2.3.3.
Bromide and iodide Dilute 5 ml with 10 ml of water, add 1 ml of chloroform, and add drop by
drop, with constant shaking, chlorinated lime solution; the chloroform layer does not become
brown or violet.
Sulphite Dilute 1 ml with 10 ml of water, and add 5 drops of barium chloride solution and 0.5 ml
of 0.001 N iodine; the colour of the iodine is not completely discharged.
Sulphate To 5 ml add 10 mg of sodium bicarbonate and evaporate to dryness on a water bath; the
residue, dissolved in water; complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix. 2.3.7.
Free chlorine Dilute 5 ml with 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water, add 1 ml of cadmium
iodide solution, and shake with 1 ml of chloroform; the chloroform layer does not become violet
within one minute.

Sulphated ash Not more than 0.01 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Assay Weigh accurately about 4 g into a stoppered flask containing 40 ml of water, and titrare
with N sodium hydroxide, using methyl orange solution as indicator. Each ml of N sodium
hydroxide is equivalent to 0.03646 g of HCl.
Storage Store in glass-stoppered containers at a temperature not exceeding 300.
Hydrochloric Acid, x N Solution of any normality x N may be prepared by diluting 84 x ml of
hydrochloric acid to 1000 ml with water.
Hydrochloric Acid (1 per cent w/v) Dilute 1 g of hydrochloric acid to 100 ml with water.
Dilute Hydrochloric Acid
Description Colourless liquid.
Arsenic, Heavy metals bromoide and iodide, Sulphate, free chlorine Complies with the tests
described under Hydrochloric Acid, when three times the quantity is taken for each test.
Assay Weigh accurately about 10 g and carry out the Assay described under Hydrochloric Acid.
Storage Store in stoppered containers of glass or other inert material, at temperature below 300.
Hydrochloric Acid, N HCl = 36.460
36.46 g in 1000 ml
Dilute 85 ml of hydrochloric acid with water to 1000 ml and standardise the solution as follows:
Weigh accurately about 1.5 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, previously heated at about 2700 for
one hour. Dissolve it in 100 ml of water and add two drops of methyl red solution. Add the acid
slowly from a burette with constant stirring, until the solution becomes faintly pink. Heat again to
boiling and titrate further as necessary until the faint pink colour no longer affected by continued
boiling. Each 0.5299 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate is equivalent to 1 ml of N hydrochloric acid.
Hydrochloric Acid, Iron-Free Hydrochloric acid, which complies with the following additional
test. Evaporate 5 ml on a water-bath nearly to dryness, add 40 ml of water, 2 ml of a 20 per cent
w/v solution of citric acid and two drops of thioglycollic acid, mix, make alkaline with dilute
ammonia solution, and dilute to 50 ml with water; no pink colour is produced.
Hydrogen Peroxide Solution (20 Vol.) H2O2 = 34.02
Analytical reagent grade of commerce or hydrogen peroxide solution (100 Vol.) diluted with 4
volumes of water.
A colourless liquid containing about 6 per cent w/v of H2O2; weight per ml, about 1.02 g.
Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride; Hydroxylammonium Chloride NH2OH.HCl = 69.49.
Contains not less than 97.0 per cent w/w of NH2OH. HCI.
Description Colourless crystals, or a white, crystalline powder.

Solubility Very soluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Free acid Dissolve 1.0 g in 50 ml of alcohol, add 3 drops of dimethyl yellow solution and titrate to
the full yellow colour with N sodium hydroxide; not more than 0.5 ml of N sodium hydroxide is
Sulphated ash Not more than 0.2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Assay Weigh accurately about 0.1 g and dissolve in 20 ml of water, add 5 g of ferric ammonium
sulphate dissolve in 20 ml of water, and 15 ml of dilute sulphuric acid, boil for five minutes, dilute
with 200 ml of water, and titrate with 0.1 N potassium permanganate. Each ml of 0.1 N potassium
permanganate is equivalent to 0.003475 g of NH2OH. HCl.
Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Solution Dissolve 1 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 50 ml
of water and add 50 ml of alcohol, 1 ml of bromophenol blue solution and 0.1 N sodium hydroxide
until the solution becomes green.
Mercuric Chloride HgCl2 =271.50.
Contains not less than 99.5 per cent of HgCl2;
Description Heavy, colourless or white, crystalline masses, or a white crystalline powder.
Solubility Soluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol.
Non-volatile matter When volatilised, leaves not more than 0.1 per cent of residue.
Assay Weigh accurately about 0.3 g and dissolve in 85 ml of water in a stoppered-flask, add 10
ml of calcium chloride solution, 10 ml of potassium iodide solution, 3 ml of formaldehyde solution
and 15 ml of sodium hydroxide solution, and shake continuously for two minutes. Add 20 ml of
acetic acid and 35 ml of 0.1 N iodine. Shake continuously for about ten minutes, or until the
precipitated mercury is completely redissolved, and titrate the excess of iodine with 0.1 N sodium
thiosulphate. Each ml of 0.1 N iodine is equivalent to 0.01357 g of HgCl2.
Mercuric Chloride, 0.2 M Dissolve 54.30 g of mercuric chloride in sufficient water to produce
1000 ml.
Mercuric Chloride Solution A 5.0 per cent w/v solution of mercuric chloride in water.
Mercuric Potassium Iodide Solution See Potassium - Mercuric Iodide solution.
Methyl Alcohol : Methanol : CH3OH = 32.04.
Description Clear, Colourless liquid with a characteristic odour.
Solubility Miscible with water, forming a clear colourless liquid.
Specific Gravity At 250, not more than 0.791.
Distillation range Not less than 95 per cent distils between 64.50 and 65.50.
Refractive Index At 200, 1.328 to 1.329.

Acetone Place 1 ml in a Nessler cylinder, add 19 ml of water, 2 ml of a 1 per cent w/v solution of
2-nitrobenzaldehyde in alcohol (50 per cent), 1 ml of 30 per cent w/v solution of sodium hydroxide
and allow to stand in the dark for fifteen minutes. The colour developed does not exceed that
produced by mixing 1 ml of standard acetone solution, 19 ml of water, 2 ml of the solution of 2nitrobenzaldehyde and 1 ml of the solution of sodium hydroxide and allowing to stand in the dark
for fifteen minutes.
Acidity To 5 ml add 5 ml of carbon dioxide-free water, and titrate with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide,
using bromothymol blue solution as indicator; not more than 0.1 ml is required.
Non-volatile matter When evaporated on a water-bath and dried to constant weight at 105,
leaves not more than 0.005 per cent w/v of residue.
Methyl Alcohol, Dehydrated Methyl alcohol, which complies with the following additional
Water Not more than 0.1 per cent w/w.
Methyl Orange Sodium-p-di methylamineazobenzene sulphate, C14H14O3N3SNa.
An orange-yellow powder or crystalline scales, slightly soluble in cold water; insoluble in alcohol;
readily soluble in hot water.
Methyl Orange Solution Dissolve 0.1 g of methyl orange in 80 ml of water and dilute to 100 ml
with alcohol.
Test for sensitivity A mixture of 0.1 ml of the methyl orange solution and 100 ml freshly boiled
and cooled water is yellow. Not more than 0.1 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid is required to change
the colour to red.
Colour change pH 3.0 (red) to pH 4.4 (yellow).
Methyl Red p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene-O-carboxylic acid, C15H15O2N3.
A dark red powder or violet crystals, sparingly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol.
Methyl red solution Dissolve 100 mg in 1.86 ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide and 50 ml of alcohol
and dilute to 100 ml with water.
Test for sensitivity A mixture of 0.1 ml of the methyl red solution and 100 ml of freshly boiled
and cooled water to which 0.05 ml of 0.02 N hydrochloric acid has been added is red. Not more
than 0.01 ml of 0.02 N sodium hydroxide is required to change the colour to yellow.
Colour change pH 4.4 (red) to pH 6.0 (yellow).
Molishs Reagent Prepare two solutions in separate bottles, with ground glass stoppers:
(a) Dissolve 2 g of -naphthol in 95 per cent alcohol and make upto 10 ml with alcohol (-naphthol
can be replaced by thymol or resorcinol). Store in a place protected from light. The solution can be
used for only a short period.
(b) Concentrated sulphuric acid.

Nitric Acid Contains 70.0 per cent w/w of HNO3 (limits, 69.0 to 71.0). About 16 N in strength.
Description Clear, colourless, fuming liquid.
Wt. per ml. At 200, 1.41 to 1.42 g.
Copper and Zinc Dilute 1 ml with 20 ml of water, and add a slight excess of dilute ammonia
solution; the mixture does not become blue. Pass hydrogen sulphide; a precipitate is not produced.
Iron 0.5 ml of complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Lead Not more than 2 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.5.
Chloride 5 ml neutralised with dilute ammonia solution, complies with the limit test for chlorides,
Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphates To 2.5 ml add 10 mg of sodium bicarbonate and evaporate to dryness on a water-bath,
the residue dissolved in water, complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.7.
Sulphated ash Not more than 0.01 per cent w/w, Appendix 2.2.6.
Assay Weigh accurately about 4 g into a stoppered flask containing 40 ml of water, and titrate
with N Sodium hydroxide, using methyl orange solution as indicator. Each ml of N sodium
hydroxide is equivalent to 0.06301 g of HNO3.
Nitric Acid, x N Solutions of any normality XN may be prepared by diluting 63x ml of nitric acid
to 1000 ml with water.
Nitric Acid, Dilute Contains approximately 10 per cent w/w of HNO3. Dilute 106 ml of nitric
acid to 1000 ml with water.
Petroleum Light Petroleum Spirit.
Description Colourless, very volatile, highly flammable liquid obtained from petroleum,
consisting of a mixture of the lower members of the paraffin series of hydrocarbons and complying
with one or other of the following definitions :
Light Petroleum (Boiling range, 300 to 400).
Wt. per ml. At 200, 0.620 to 0.630 g.
Light Petroleum (Boiling range, 400 to 600).
Wt. per ml At 200, 0.630 to 0.650 g.
Light Petroleum (Boiling range, 600 to 800).
Wt. per ml. At 200, 0.670 to 0.690.
Light Petroleum (Boiling range, 800 to 1000).
Wt. per ml. At 200, 0.700 to 0.720

Light Petroleum (Boiling range, 1000 to 1200).

Wt. per ml At 200, 0.720 to 0.740 g.
Light Petroleum (Boiling range, 1200 to 1600).
Wt. per ml At 200, about 0.75 g.
Non-volatile matter When evaporated on a water-bath and dried at 1050, leaves not more than
0.002 per cent w/v of residue.
Patterns & Reeders indicators 0.1per cent solution Dissolve 0.01g indicator in 100 ml of
Phenolphthalein C20H14O4.
A white to yellowish-white powder, practically insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol.
Phenolpthalein indicator Dissolve 0.5 gm Phenolpthalein in 100 ml of
50% ethyl alcohol (v/v).

Phenolphthalein Solution Dissolve 0.10 g in 80 ml of alcohol and dilute to 100 ml with water.
Test for sensitivity To 0.1 ml of the phenolphthalein solution add 100 ml of freshly boiled and
cooled water, the solution is colourless. Not more than 0.2 ml of 0.02 N sodium hydroxide is
required to change the colour to pink.
Colour change pH 8.2 (colourless) to pH 10.0 (red)
Phloroglucinol 1 , 3 , 5 Trihydroxybenzene , C6H3(OH)3 . 2H2O.
Description White or yellowish crystals or a crystalline powder.
Solubility Slightly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol, and in solvent ether.
Melting range After drying at 1100 for one hour, 2150 to 2190.
Sulphated ash Not more than 0.1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Phloroglucinol should be kept protected from light.
Phosphoric Acid H3PO4 = 98.00.
(Orthophosphoric Acid; Concentrated Phosphoric Acid).
Description Clear and colourless syrupy liquid, corrosive.
Solubility Miscible with water and with alcohol.
Phosphoric Acid, x N Solutions of any normality, x N may be prepared by diluting 49 x g of
phosphoric acid with water to 1000 ml.

Phosphoric Acid, Dilute

Contains approximately 10 per cent w/v of H3PO4.
Dilute 69 ml of phosphoric acid to 1000 ml with water.
Potassium Chloride KCl = 74.55
Analytical reagent grade
Potassium Chromate K2CrO4 = 194.2
Analytical reagent grade
Potassium Chromate Solution A 5.0 per cent w/v solution of potassium chromate.
Gives a red precipitate with silver nitrate in neutral solutions.
Potassium Cupric-Tartrate Solution Cupric Tatrate Alkaline Solution: Fehlings Solution.

(1) Copper Solution Dissolve 34.66 g of carefully selected small crystals of copper
sulphate, showing no trace of efflorescence or of adhering moisture, in sufficient water to
make 500 ml. Keep this solution in small, well-stoppered bottles.

(2) Alkaline Tartrate Solution Dissolve 176 g of sodium potassium tartrate and 77 g of
sodium hydroxide in sufficient water to produce 500 ml.
Mix equal volumes of the solutions No. 1 and No. 2 at the time of using.
Potassium Dichromate K2Cr2O7 =294.18.
Contains not less than 99.8 per cent of K2Cr2O7.
Description Orange-red crystals or a crystalline powder.
Solubility Soluble in water
Chloride To 20 ml of a 5 per cent w/v solution in water and 10 ml nitric acid, warm to about
500and add a few drops of silver nitrate solution; not more than a faint opalescence is produced.
Assay Carry out the assay described under Potassium Chromate, using 2 g. Each ml of 0.1 N
sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.004904 g of K2Cr2O7.
Potassium Dichromate Solution A 7.0 per cent w/v solution of potassium dichromate in water.
Potassium Dichromate, Solution 0.1N K2Cr2O7 = 294.18, 4.903 g in 1000 ml.
Weigh accurately 4.903 g of potassium dichromate and dissolve in sufficient water to produce 1000

Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate - KH2PO4 = 136.1

Analytical reagent grade of commerce.
Potassium Ferrocyanide K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O =422.39.
Contains not less than 99.0 per cent of K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O.
Description Yellow, crystalline powder.
Solubility Soluble in water.
Acidity or Alkalinity A 10 per cent w/v solution in water is neutral to litmus paper.
Assay Weigh accurately about 1g and dissolve in 200 ml of water, add 10 ml of sulphuric acid
and titrate with 0.1 N potassium permanganate. Each ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate is
equivalent to 0.04224 g of K4Fe (CN)6. 3H2O.
Potassium Ferrocyanide Solution A 5.0 per cent w/v solution of potassium ferrocyanide in
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate CO2H. C6H4. CO2K =204.22.
Contains not less than 99.9 per cent and not more than the equivalent of 100.1 per cent of C8H5O4K
calculated with reference to the substance dried at 1100 for one hour.
Description White, crystalline powder.
Solubility Slowly soluble in water, forming clear, colourless solution.
Acidity A 2.0 per cent w/v solution in carbon dioxide free water gives with bromophenol blue
solution the grey colour indicative of pH 4.0.
Assay Weigh accurately about 9 g, dissolve in 100 ml of water and titrate with N sodium
hydroxide using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Each ml of N Sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.2042 g of C8H5O4K.
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate, 0.02 M Dissolve 4.084 g of Potassium hydrogen phthalate in
sufficient water to produce 1000 ml.
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate, 0.2 M Dissolve 40.84 g of potassium hydrogen phthalate in
sufficient water to produce 1000 ml.
Potassium Hydroxide Caustic Potash : KOH = 56.11
Contains not less than 85.0 per cent of total alkali, calculated as KOH and not more than 4.0 per
cent of K2CO3.
Description Dry white sticks, pellets or fused mass; hard, brittle and showing a crystalline
fracture; very deliquescent; strongly alkaline and corrosive.
Solubility Freely soluble in water, in alcohol and in glycerin; very soluble in boiling ethyl

Aluminium, iron and matter insoluble in hydrochloric acid Boil 5 g with 40 ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid, cool, make alkaline with dilute ammonia solution, boil, filter and wash the
residue with a 2.5 per cent w/v solution of ammonium nitrate; the insoluble residue, after ignition to
constant weight, weighs not more than 5 mg.
Chloride 0.5 g dissolved in water with the additon of 1.6 ml of nitric acid, complies with the limit
test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Heavy metals Dissolve 1 g in a mixture of 5 ml of water and 7 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid.
Heat to boiling, add 1 drop of phenolphthalein solution and dilute ammonia solution dropwise to
produce a faint pink colour. Add 2 ml of acetic acid and water to make 25 ml; the limit of heavy
metals is 30 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.3.
Sulphate Dissolve 1 g in water with the addition of 4.5 ml of hydrochloric acid; the solution
complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6.
Sodium To 3 ml of a 10 per cent w/v solution add 1 ml of water, 1.5 ml of alcohol, and 3 ml of
potassium antimonate solution and allow to stand; no white crystalline precipitate or sediment is
visible to the naked eye within fifteen minutes.
Assay Weigh accurately about 2 g, and dissolve in 25 ml of water, add 5 ml of barium chloride
solution, and titrate with N hydrochloric acid, using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. To the
solution in the flask add bromophenol blue solution, and continue the titration with N hydrochloric
acid. Each ml of N hydrochloric acid, used in the second titration in equivalent to 0.06911 g of
K2CO3 . Each ml of N hydrochloric acid, used in the combined titration is equivalent to 0.05611 g
of total alkali, calculated as KOH.
Storage Potassium Hydroxide should be kept in a well-closed container.
Potassium Hydroxide, x N Solution of any normality, x N, may be prepared by dissolving
56.11x g of potassium hydroxide in water and diluting to 1000 ml.
Potassium Hydroxide Solution Solution of Potash.
An aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide containing 5.0 per cent w/v of total alkali, calculated
as KOH (limits, 4.75 to 5.25).
Assay Titrate 20 ml with N sulphuric acid, using solution of methyl orange as indicator. Each ml
of N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.05611 g of total alkali, calculated as KOH.
Storage Potassium hydroxide solution should be kept in a well-closed container of lead-free glass
or of a suitable plastic.
Potassium Iodide KI = 166.00
Description Colourless crystals or white powder; odourless, taste, saline and slightly bitter.
Solubility Very soluble in water and in glycerin; soluble in alcohol.
Arsenic Not more than 2 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.1.
Heavy metals -Not more than 10 parts per million, determined on 2.0 g by Method A, Appendix

Barium Dissolve 0.5 g in 10 ml of water and add 1 ml of dilute sulphuric acid; no turbidity
develops within one minute.
Cyanides Dissolve 0.5 g in 5 ml of warm water, add one drop of ferrous sulphate solution and 0.5
ml of sodium hydroxide solution and acidify with hydrochloric acid; no blue colour is produced.
Iodates Dissolve 0.5 g in 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water, and add 2 drops of dilute
sulphuric acid and a drop of starch solution; no blue colour is produced within two minutes.
Assay Weigh accurately about 0.5 g, dissolve in about 10 ml of water and add 35 ml of
hydrochloric acid and 5 ml of chloroform. Titrate with 0.05 M potassium iodate until the purple
colour of iodine disappears from the chloroform. Add the last portion of the iodate solution dropwise and agitate vigorously and continuously. Allow to stand for five minutes. If any colour
develops in the chloroform layer continue the titration. Each ml of 0.05 M potassium iodate is
equivalent to 0.0166 mg of KI.
Storage Store in well-closed containers.
Potassium Iodide, M Dissolve 166.00 g of potassium iodide in sufficient water to produce 1000
Potassium Iodide and Starch Solution Dissolve 10 g of potassium iodide in sufficient water to
produce 95 ml and add 5 ml of starch solution.
Potassium Iodide and Starch solution must be recently prepared.
Potassium Iodide Solution A 10 per cent w/v solution of potassium iodide in water.
Potassium Iodobismuthate Solution Dissolve 100 g of tartaric acid in 400 ml of water and 8.5 g
of bismuth oxynitrate. Shake during one hour, add 200 ml of a 40 per cent w/v
Potassium Iodobismuthate Solution, Dilute Dissolve 100 g of tartaric acid in 500 ml of water
and add 50 ml of potassium iodobismuthate solution.
Potassium Mercuric-Iodide Solution Mayers Reagent.
Add 1.36 g of mercuric chloride dissolved in 60 ml of water to a solution of 5 g of potassium iodide
in 20 ml of water, mix and add sufficient water to produce 100 ml.
Potassium Mercuric-Iodide Solution, Alkaline (Nesslers Reagent)
To 3.5 g of potassium iodide add 1.25 g of mercuric chloride dissolved in 80 ml of water, add a
cold saturated solution of mercuric chloride in water, with constant stirring until a slight red
precipitate remains. Dissolve 12 g of sodium hydroxide in the solution, add a little more of the cold
saturated solution of mercuric chloride and sufficient water to produce 100 ml. Allow to stand and
decant the clear liquid.
Potassium Permanganate KMnO4 = 158.03
Description Dark purple, slender, prismatic crystals, having a metallic lustre, odourless; taste,
sweet and astringent.


Solubility Soluble in water; freely soluble in boiling water.

Chloride and Sulphate Dissolve 1 g in 50 ml of boiling water, heat on a water-bath, and add
gradually 4 ml or a sufficient quantity of alcohol until the meniscus is colour-less; filter. A 20 ml
portion of the filtrate complies with the limit test for chloride, Appendix 2.3.2., and another 20 ml
portion of the filtrate complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.7.
Assay Weigh accurately about 0.8 g, dissolve in water and dilute to 250 ml. Titrate with this
solution 25.0 ml of 0.1 N oxalic acid mixed with 25 ml of water and 5 ml of sulphuric acid. Keep
the temperature at about 700 throughout the entire titration. Each ml of 0.1 N oxalic acid is
equivalent to 0.00316 g of KMnO4.
Storage Store in well-closed containers.
Caution Great care should be observed in handling potassium permanganate, as dangerous
explosions are liable to occur if it is brought into contact with organic or other readily oxidisable
substance, either in solution or in the dry condition.
Potassium Permanganate Solution A 1.0 per cent w/v solution of potassium permanganate in
Potassium Permanganate, 0.1 N Solution 158.03. 3.161 g in 1000 ml
Dissolve about 3.3. g of potassium permanganate in 1000 ml of water, heat on a water-bath for one
hour and allow to stand for two days. Filter through glass wool and standardise the solution as
follows :
To an accurately measured volume of about 25 ml of the solution in a glass stoppered flask add 2 g
of potassium iodide followed by 10 ml of N sulphuric acid. Titrate the liberated iodine with
standardised 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, adding 3 ml of starch solution as the end point is
approached. Correct for a blank run on the same quantities of the same reagents. Each ml of 0.1 N
sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.003161 g of KMnO4.
Potassium Tellurite: K2 TeO3 (approx)
General reagent grade of commerce.
Purified Water H2O = 18.02.
Description Clear, colourless liquid, odourless, tasteless.
Purified water is prepareed from potable water by distillation, ion-exchange treatment, reverse
osmosis or any other suitable process. It contains no added substances.
pH Between 4.5 and 7.0 determined in a solution prepared by adding 0.3 ml of a saturated
solution of potassium chloride to 100 ml of the liquid being examined.
Carbon dioxide To 25 ml add 25 ml of calcium hydroxide solution, no turbidity is produced.
Chloride To 10 ml add 1 ml of dilute nitric acid and 0.2 ml of silver nitrate solution; no
opalescence is produced, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate To 10 ml add 0.1 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and 0.1 ml of barium chloride, the
solution remains clear for an hour, Appendix 2.3.6.

Nitrates and Nitrites To 50 ml add 18 ml of acetic acid and 2 ml of naphthylamine-sulphanilic

acid reagent. Add 0.12 g of zinc reducing mixture and shake several times. No pink colour develops
within fifteen minutes.
Ammonium To 20 ml add 1 ml of alkaline potassium mercuric-iodide solution and after five
minutes view in a Nessler cylinder placed on a white tile; the colour is not more intense than that
given on adding 1 ml of alkaline potassium mercuric-iodide solution to a solution containing 2.5 ml
of dilute ammonium chloride solution (Nesslers) 7.5 ml of the liquid being examined.
Calcium To 10 ml add 0.2 ml of dilute ammonia solution and 0.2 ml of ammonium oxalate
solution; the solution remains clear for an hour.
Heavy metals Adjust the pH of 40 ml to between 3.0 and 4.0 with dilute acetic acid, add 10 ml of
freshly prepared hydrogen sulphide solution and allow to stand for ten minutes; the colour of the
solution is not more than that of a mixture of 50 ml of the liquid being examined and the same
amount of dilute acetic acid added to the sample, Appendix 2.3.3.
Oxidisable matter To 100 ml add 10 ml of dilute sulphuric acid and 0.1 ml of 0.1 N potassium
permanganate and boil for five minutes. The solution remains faintly pink.
Total Solids Not more than 0.001 per cent w/v determined on 100 ml by evaporating on a water
bath and drying in an oven at 1050 for one hour.
Storage Store in tightly closed containers.
Resorcinol solution Dissolve 1 g resublimed resorcinol in 100 ml hydrochloric acid (sp gr 1.18
to 1.19 ).
Silver Nitrate Solution A freshly prepared 5.0 per cent w/v solution of silver nitrate in water.
Silver Nitrate, 0.1 N AgNO3 = 169. 87; 16.99 g in 1000 ml. Dissolve about 17 g in sufficient
water to produce 1000 ml and standardise the solution as follows:
Weigh accurately about 0.1 g of sodium chloride previously dried at 1100 for two hours and
dissolve in 5 ml of water. Add 5 ml of acetic acid, 50 ml of methyl alcohol and three drops of eosin
solution is equivalent to 1 ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate.
Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3 =84.01
Description White, crystalline powder or small, opaque, monoclinic crystals; odourless; taste,
Solubility Freely soluble in water; practically insoluble in alcohol.
Carbonate pH of a freshly prepared 5.0 per cent w/v solution in carbon dioxide-free water, not
more than 8.6.
Aluminium, calcium and insoluble matter Boil 10 g with 50 ml of water and 20 ml of dilute
ammonia solution, filter, and wash the residue with water; the residue, after ignition to constant
weight, not more than 1 mg.
Arsenic Not more than 2 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.1.


Iron Dissolve 2.5 g in 20 ml of water and 4 ml of iron-free hydrochloric acid, and dilute to 40 ml
with water; the solution complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Heavy metals Not more than 5 parts per million, determined by Method A on a solution prepared
in the following manner:
Mix 4.0 g with 5 ml of water and 10 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, heat to boiling, and maintain
the temperature for one minute. Add one drop of phenolphthalein solution and sufficient ammonia
solution drop wise to give the solution a faint pink colour. Cool and dilute to 25 ml with water,
Appendix 2.3.3.
Chlorides Dissolve 1.0 g in water with the addition of 2 ml of nitric acid; the solution complies
with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphates Dissolve 2 g in water with the addition of 2 ml of hydrochloric acid; the solution
complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6.
Ammonium compounds 1 g warmed with 10 ml of sodium hydroxide solution does not evolve
Assay Weigh accurately about 1 g, dissolve in 20 ml of water, and titrate with 0.5 N sulphuric
acid using methyl orange solutions as indicator. Each ml of 0.5 N sulphuric acid is equivalent to
0.042 g of NaHCO3.
Storage Store in well-closed containers.
Sodium Bicarbonate Solution A 5 per cnet w/v solution of sodium bicarbonate in water.
Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3. 10H2O =286.2.
Analytical reagent grade.
Sodium Chloride NaCl = 58.44
Analytical reagent grade.
Sodium Chloride Solution: Dissolve 5 g of sodium chloride in 50 ml of purified water.
Sodium Hydroxide NaOH = 40.00
Description White sticks, pellets, fused masses, or scales; dry, hard brittle and showing a
crystalline fracture, very deliquescent; strongly alkaline and corrosive.
Solubility Freely soluble in water and in alcohol.
Aluminium, iron and matter insoluble in hydrochloric acid Boil 5 g with 50 ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid, cool, make alkaline with dilute ammonia solution, boil, filter, and wash with a
2.5 per cent w/v solution of ammonium nitrate; the insoluble residue after ignition to constant
weight weighs not more than 5 mg.
Arsenic Not more than 4 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.1.


Heavy metals Not more than 30 parts per million, determined by Method A, Appendix 2.3.3. in a
solution prepared by dissolving 0.67 g in 5 ml of water and 7 ml of 3 N hydrochloric acid. Heat to
boiling, cool and dilute to 25 ml with water.
Potassium Acidify 5 ml of a 5 per cent w/v solution with acetic acid and add 3 drops of sodium
cobaltnitrite solution; no preciptitate is formed.
Chloride 0.5 g dissolved in water with the addition of 1.8 ml of nitric acid, complies with the
limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphates 1 g dissolved in water with the addition of 3.5 ml of hydrochloric acid complies with
the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6.
Assay Weigh accurately about 1.5 g and dissolve in about 40 ml of carbon dioxide-free water.
Cool and titrate with N sulphuric acid using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. When the pink
colour of the solution is discharged, record the volume of acid solution required, add methyl orange
solution and continue the titration until a persistent pink colour is produced. Each ml of N sulphuric
acid is equivalent to 0.040 g of total alkali calculated as NaOH and each ml of acid consumed in
the titration with methyl orange is equivalent to 0.106 g of Na2CO3.
Storage Store in tightly closed containers.
Sodium Hydroxide, x N Solutions of any normality, xN may be prepared by dissolving 40 x g of
sodium hydroxide in water and diluting to 1000 ml.
Sodium Hydroxide Solution A 20.0 per cent w/v solution of sodium hydroxide in water.
Sodium Hydroxide Solution, Dilute
A 5.0 per cent w/v solution of sodium hydroxide in water.
Sodium Potassium Tartrate Rochelle Salt COONa.CH(OH). CH(OH), COOK. 4H2O = 282.17
Contains not less than 99.0 per cent and not more than the equivalent of 104.0 per cent of
C4H4O6KNa. 4H2O.
Description Colourless crystals or a white, crystalline powder; odourless; taste saline and cooling.
It effloresces slightly in warm, dry air, the crystals are often coated with a white powder.
Solubility Soluble in water; practically insoluble in alcohol.
Acidity or Alkalinity Dissolve 1 g in 10 ml of recently boiled and cooled water, the solution
requires for neutralisation not more than 0.1 ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide or of 0.1 N hydrochloric
acid, using phenolphthalein solution as indicator.
Iron 0.5 g complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Chloride 0.5 g complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate 0.5 g complies with the limit test for sulphate, Appendix 2.3.6.
Assay Weigh accurately about 2 g and heat until carbonised, cool, and boil the residue with 50 ml
of water and 50 ml of 0.5 N sulphuric acid; filter, and wash the filter with water; titrate the excess

of acid in the filtrate and washings with 0.5 N sodium hydroxide, using methyl orange solution as
indicator. Each ml of 0.5 N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.07056 g of C4H4O6KNa. 4H2O.
Sodium Sulphate (anhydrous) Na2SO4 = 142.04
Analytical reagent grade of commerce.
White, crystalline powder of granules; hygroscopic.
Sodium Thiosulphate Na2S2O3. 5H2O =248.17.
Description Large colourless crystals or coarse, crystalline powder; odourless; taste, saline,
deliquescent in moist air and effloresces in dry air at temperature above 330.
Solubility Very soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol.
pH Between 6.0 and 8.4, determined in a 10 per cent w/v solution.
Arsenic Not more than 2 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.1.
Heavy metals Not more than 20 parts per million, determined by Method A, Appendix 2.3.3. in a
solution prepared in the following manner : Dissolve 1 g in 10 ml of water, slowly add 5 ml of
dilute hydrochloric acid and evaporate the mixture to dryness on a water-bath. Gently boil the
residue with 15 ml of water for two minutes, and filter. Heat the filtrate to boiling, and add
sufficient bromine solution to the hot filtrate to produce a clear solution and add a slight excess of
bromine solution. Boil the solution to expel the bromine completely, cool to room temperature, then
add a drop of phenolphthalein solution and sodium hydroxide solution until a slight pink colour is
produced. Add 2 ml of dilute acetic acid and dilute with water to 25 ml.
Calcium Dissolve 1 g in 20 ml of water, and add a few ml of ammonium oxalate solution; no
turbidity is produced.
Chloride Dissolve 0.25 g in 15 ml of 2N nitric acid and boil gently for three to four minutes, cool
and filter; the filtrate complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate and Sulphite Dissolve 0.25 g in 10 ml of water, to 3 ml of this solution add 2 ml of
iodine solution, and gradually add more iodine solution, dropwise until a very faint-persistant
yellow colour is procduced; the resulting solution complies with the limit test for sulphates,
Appendix 2.3.7.
Sulphide Dissolve 1 g in 10 ml of water and 10.00 ml of a freshly prepared 5 per cent w/v
solution of sodium nitroprusside; the solution does not become violet.
Assay Weigh accurately about 0.8 g and dissolve in 30 ml of water. Titrate with 0.1 N iodine,
using 3 ml of starch solution as indicator as the end-point is approached. Each ml of 0.1 iodine is
equivalent to 0.02482 g of Na2S2O3.5H2O.
Storage Store in tightly-closed containers.
Sodium Thiosulphate, 0.1 N Na2S2O3.5H2O. = 248.17, 24.82 g in 1000 ml.
Dissolve about 26 g of sodium thiosulphate and 0.2 g of sodium carbonate in carbon dioxide-free
water and dilute to 1000 ml with the same solvent. Standardise the solution as follows :

Dissolve 0.300 g of potassium bromate in sufficient water to produce 250 ml. To 50 ml of this
solution, add 2 g of potassium iodide and 3 ml of 2 N hydrochloric acid and titrate with the sodiumthiosulphate solution using starch solution, added towards the end of the titration, as indicator until
the blue colour is discharged. Each 0.002784 g of potassium bromate is equivalent to 1 ml of 0.1N
sodium thiosulphate. Note: Re-standardise 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate frequently.
Soxhlet Modification of Fehlings solution Prepare by mixing equal volumes of Solution A and
Solution B immediately before using.
Copper Sulphate Solution (Solution A) Dissolve 34.639 g of copper sulphate crystals
(CuSO4.5H2O)in water, dilute to 500ml and filter through glass wool or filter paper.
Potassium Sodium Tartrate (Rochelle Salt) Solution (Solution B) Dissolve 173 g of potassium
sodium tartrate and 50 g of sodium hydroxide in water, dilute to 500 ml. Let the solution stand for a
day and filter.
Standard Invert Sugar Solution Weigh accurately 0.95 g sucrose and dissolve it in 500 ml
water. Add 2 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid, boil gently for 30 minutes and keep aside for 24
hours. Neutralize with sodium carbonate and make the final volume to 1000 ml; 50 ml of this
solution contains 0.05 g invert sugar.
Stannous Chloride SnCl2. 2H2O =225.63.
Contains not less than 97.0 per cent of SnCl2. 2H2O.
Description Colourless crystals.
Solubility Soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid.
Arsenic- Dissolve 5.0 g in 10 ml of hydrochloric acid, heat to boiling and allow to stand for one
hour; the solution shows no darkening when compared with a freshly prepared solution of 5.0 g in
10 ml of hydrochloric acid.
Sulphate 5.0 g with the addition of 2 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, complies with the limit test
for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.7.
Assay Weigh accurately about 1.0 g and dissolve in 30 ml of hydrochloric acid in a stoppered
flask. Add 20 ml of water and 5 ml of chloroform and titrate rapidly with 0.05 M potassium iodate
until the chloroform layer is colourless. Each ml of 0.05 M potassium iodate is equivalent to
0.02256 g of SnCl2. 2H2O.
Stannous Chloride Solution May be prepared by either of the two methods given below :
Dissolve 330 g of stannous chloride in 100 ml of hydrochloric acid and add sufficient water to
produce 1000 ml.
Dilute 60 ml of hydrochloric acid with 20 ml of water, add 20 g of tin and heat gently until gas
ceases to be evolved; add sufficient water to produce 100 ml, allowing the undissolved tin to
remain in the solution.
Starch Soluble Starch, which has been treated with hydrochloric acid until after being washed, it
forms an almost clear liquid solution in hot water.
Description Fine, white powder.

Solubility Soluble in hot water, usually forming a slightly turbid solution.

Acidity or Alkalinity Shake 2 g with 20 ml of water for three minutes and filter; the filtrate is not
alkaline or more than fainthy acid to litmus paper.
Sensitivity Mix 1 g with a little cold water and add 200 ml boiling water. Add 5 ml of this
solution to 100 ml of water and add 0.05 ml of 0.1 N iodine. The deep blue colour is discharged by
0.05 ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate.
Ash Not more than 0.3 per cent, Appendix 2.3.
Starch Solution Triturate 0.5 g of soluble starch, with 5 ml of water, and add this, with constant
stirring, to sufficient water to produce about 100 ml. Boil for a few minutes, cool, and filter.
Solution of starch must be recently prepared.
Sulphamic Acid NH2SO3H =97.09.
Contains not less than 98.0 per cent of H3NO3S.
Description -White crystals or a white crystalline powder.
Solubility Readily soluble in water. Melting Range 2030 to 2050, with decomposition.
Sulphuric Acid H2SO4 = 98.08.
When no molarity is indicated use analytical reagent grade of commerce containing about 98 per
cent w/w of sulphuric acid. An oily, corrosive liquid weighing about 1.84 g per ml and about 18 M
in strength.
When solutions of molarity xM are required, they should be prepared by carefully adding 54 ml of
sulphuric acid to an equal volume of water and diluting with water to 1000 ml.
Solutions of sulphuric acid contain about 10 per cent w/v of H2SO4 per g mol.
Sulphuric Acid, Dilute Contains approximately 10 per cent w/w of H2SO4.
Dilute 57 ml of sulphuric acid to 1000 ml with water.
Sulphuric Acid, Chlorine-free Sulphuric acid which complies with the following additional test:
Chloride Mix 2 ml with 50 ml of water and add 1 ml of solution of silver nitrate, no opalescence
is produced.
Sulphuric Acid, Nitrogen-free-Sulphuric acid which contains not less than 98.0 per cent w/w of
H2SO4 and complies with the following additional test :
Nitrate Mix 45 ml with 5 ml of water, cool and add 8 mg of diphenyl benezidine; the solution is
colourless or not more than very pale blue.
Sulphuric acid + orthophosphoric acid mixture take 60 ml water, add 15 ml conc. sulphuric
acid and 15 ml H3PO4 cool and dilute to 1000 ml.

Tartaric Acid (CHOH. COOH)2 =150.1

Analytical reagent grade.
Thioglycollic Acid Mercapto acetic acid, HS. CH2COOH =92.11.
Contains not less than 89.0 per cent w/w of C2H4O2S, as determined by both parts of the Assay
described below :
Description Colourless or nearly colourless liquid; odour strong and upleasant.
Iron Mix 0.1 ml with 50 ml of water and render alkaline with strong ammonia solution; no pink
colour is produced.
Assay Weigh accurately about 0.4 g and dissolve in 20 ml of water and titrate with 0.1 N sodium
hydroxide using cresol red solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide is equivalent
to 0.009212 g of C2H4O2S.
To the above neutralised solution and 2 g of sodium bicarbonate and titrate with 0.1 N iodine. Each
ml of 0.1 N iodine is equivalent to 0.009212 g of C2H4O2S.
Triethanolamine 20per cent Solution 200 ml of triethanolamine, adds 800 ml water and make
up to 1000 ml.
Toluene -Methyl benzene,C6H5.CH3 =102.14.
Analytical grade reagent of commerce.
Clear, colourless liquid, odour, characteristic; bp about 1100, wt per ml, about 0.870 g.
Water See purified water.
Water, Ammonia-free Water, which has been boiled vigorously for a few minutes and protected
from the atomosphere during cooling and storage.
Xylenol Orange [3H-2,1-Benzoxathiol3-ylidene bis (6-hydroxy-5-methyl-m-phenylene)
methylenenitrilo] tetra acetic acid SS-dioxide or its tetra sodium salt.
Gives a reddish-purple colour with mercury, lead, zinc and contain other metal ions in acid
solution. When metal ions are absent, for example, in the presence of an excess of disodium
ethylenediamine tetraacetate, this solution is yellow.
Xylenol Orange Solution Dissolve 0.1 g of xylenol orange with 100 ml of water and filter, if
Zinc Acetate analytical grade reagent of commerce.
Zinc Acetate Aluminum Chloride Reagent: Dissolve 20 g of zinc acetate and 5 g of aluminum
chloride in sufficient water to make 100 ml.
Zinc acetate solution 0.05M - Dissolve 10.9690 g of zinc acetate in 50 ml purified water and few
drops of glacial acetic acid and dilute to 1000 ml.


Prepare a stock solution (1 mg/ml) of the extract in methanol. From the stock solution, take
suitable quantity of the extract into 25-ml volumetric flask and add 10 ml of water and 1.5 ml of
Folin Ciocalteau reagent. Keep the mixture for 5 min, and then add 4 ml of 20 per cent sodium
carbonate solution and make up to 25 ml with double distilled water.
Keep the mixture for 30 min and record absorbance at 765 nm. Calculate percentage of total
phenolics from calibration curve of gallic acid prepared by using the above procedure and express
total phenolics as percentage of gallic acid.
Defat 2 g of sample with 25 ml petroleum ether for 12 h. Boil the marc for 2 h with 300 ml
of double distilled water. Cool, dilute up to 500 ml and filter. Measure 25 ml of this infusion into 2litre porcelain dish; add 20 ml Indigo solution and 750 ml double distilled water. Titrate it with
0.1N potassium permanganate solution, 1 ml at a time, until blue solution changes to green.
Thereafter add drops wise until solution becomes golden yellow in colour.
Similarly, titrate mixture of 20-ml Indigo solution and 750 ml of double distilled water.
Calculate the difference between two titrations in ml.
Each ml of 0.1N potassium permanganate solution is equivalent to 0.004157 g of total
Method A:
Estimate total soluble and reducing sugars according to Nelson Somogyi photometric
method for the determination of glucose.
Preparation of calibration curve for d-glucose (Dextrose)
Dissolve accurately weighed 500 mg of dextrose in a 100-ml volumetric flask (5 mg / ml).
From the above stock solution pipette out aliquots of 0.05 ml to 0.3 ml in to 10- ml volumetric flask
and makeup the volume with double distilled water. Add 1 ml of alkaline reagent to each tube (25
parts of Reagent I + 1 part of Reagent II).
Reagent I: Dissolve 25 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate 25 g of Rochelle salt or sodium
potassium tartrate, 20 g of sodium bicarbonate and 200 g of anhydrous sodium sulphate in about
800 ml of water and dilute to 1 L.
Reagent II : Add 15 per cent copper sulphate containing concentrated sulphuric acid per 100 ml to
the tube. Mix the contents and heat for 20 min in a boiling water-bath. Then cool the tubes and add
the solution 1 ml of arsenomolybdic acid reagent (dissolve 250 mg of ammonium molybdate in 45
ml of purified water. To this, add 2.1 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid and mix well. To this
solution, dissolve 3 g of sodium arsenate in 25 ml of purified water, mix well and place in
incubator maintained at 37 C for 24 hr). Dilute the contents of the test tube to 10 ml by adding
purified water mix well and then read color intensity at 520 nm using a ultra violet visible

spectrophotometer. Record the absorbance and plot a standard curve of absorbance vs.
concentration. - Reducing sugars
For reducing sugars, weigh accurately 500 mg of the sample, dissolve in 100 ml of double
distilled water and make up the volume to 100 ml in a volumetric flask. Then follow method as
mentioned for the preparation of calibration curve. - Total sugars
Place 25 ml of the solution from the 100 ml stock solution prepared for the reducing sugars
in a 100 ml beaker. To this, add 5 ml of hydrochloric acid: purified water (1:1 v/v), mix well and
allow to stand at room temperature for 24 hr for inversion. Neutralize the sample with 5 N sodium
hydroxide and make up to 50 ml with purified water. From this diluted sample, use 1 ml of aliquot
for the estimation of total soluble sugars using the method described in preparation of calibration
curve for dextrose. - Non -reducing sugars
Non-reducing sugars are determined by subtracting the content of reducing sugars from the
amount of total sugars.
Preparation of reagent:
Fehlings solution:
A) Dissolve 69.278 g of copper sulphate in water and make the volume up to 1 liter.
B) Dissolve 100 g of sodium hydroxide and 340 g sodium potassium tartarate in purified water and
make the volume to 1 liter.
Mix equal volumes of A and B before the experiment.
Clarifying reagent:
Solution 1: Dissolve 21.9 g of zinc acetate and 3 ml of glacial acetic acid in purified water and
make the volume to 100 ml.
Solution II: Dissolve 10.6 g of potassium ferrocyanide in water and make up to 100 ml.
Reducing sugars: Take suitable amount of the sample and neutralize with sodium hydroxide
solution (10per cent in water). Evaporate the neutralized solution to half the volume on a water bath
at 500 to remove the alcohol. Cool the solution add 10 ml of the clarifying solution I followed by 10
ml of the clarifying solution II. Mix, filter through a dry filter paper and make up the volume to 100
ml. Take 10 ml of the Fehlings solution and from a burette and add sugar solution (above prepared
sample) in a drop wise manner and heat to boiling over the hot plate (maintained at 800) until the
mixture of Copper (Fehlings solution) appears to be nearly reduced. Add 3-5 drops of 1per cent
methylene blue and continue the titration till the blue colour is discharged. Note down the readings
and calculate the percentage of glucose.
Non-reducing sugars: Take suitable amount of the sample and neutralize with sodium hydroxide
solution (10per cent in water). Evaporate the neutralized solution to half the volume on a water bath

at 500C to remove the alcohol. Cool the solution add 10 ml of the clarifying solution I followed by
10 ml of the clarifying solution II. Mix, filter through a dry filter paper. To the Filter add 15 ml of
0.1 N hydrochloric acid. Cover with stopper and heat to boiling for two minutes. Add
phenolpthlein and neutralize with sodium hydroxide solution (10per cent). Transfer to 100 ml
volumetric flask and make the volume to 100 ml and perform the titration as done for the reducing
sugars. Calculate the percentage of the total sugars. Subtract the percentage of the reducing sugars
from the sugars to obtain non reducing sugars.
Resorcinol solution Dissolve 1 g resublimed resorcinol in 100 ml hydrochloric acid ( sp gr 1.18 to
1.19 ).
Ether sulphuric ether.
Procedure Transfer about 5 g of the honey sample into a mortar, using a pastle, mix the honey
with 10 ml of ether. Decant the ether extract into a porcelain dish. Repeat the extraction twice in the
same manner and collect the extract in the same dish. Allow the extracts to evaporate to dryness at
room temperature and add a large drop of freshly prepared resorcinol solution. The production of
cherry red colour appearing instantly indicates a positive reaction. Faint pink colour disappearing
after a short time or yellow to salmon pink colours indicate a negative reaction.
Aniline chloride solution To 100 ml of aniline, add 30 ml of hydrochloric acid. (10:3).
Procedure Place 5 g of the sample in a porcelain dish and add, while stirring, 2.5 ml of recently
prepared aniline chloride solution. In the presence of commercial invert sugar within one minute,
the reagent assumes orange red colour turning dark red. Yellow to salmon shades have no
Sulphur dioxide is determined by the modified Monier-Williams Method
The apparatus as assembled is shown below

Assembly for determination of Sulphur dioxide


(a) Sodium Carbonate Solution- 10 percent (m/v). aqueous
(b) Bromophenol Blue Indicator Dissolve 0.1 g of bromophenol blue in 3.0 ml of 0.05 N
sodium hydroxide solution and 5 ml of ethyl alcohol (90 percent by volume) by gently warming.
Make up the volume of the solution with ethyl alcohol (20 percent v/v) to 250 ml in a volumetric
(c) Hydrogen peroxide solution - Dilute a 30 percent (m/v) hydrogen peroxide solution with about
twice its volume of water and neutralize the free sulphuric acid that may be present in the hydrogen
peroxide solution with barium hydroxide solution, using bromophenol blue indicator solution.
Allow the precipitate of barium sulphate to settle, and filter. Determine the concentration of
hydrogen peroxide in the filtrate by titrating with standard potassium permanganate solution. Dilute
the filtrate with cold water so as to obtain a 3 percent (m/v) solution of hydrogen peroxide.
(d) Concentrated Hydrochloric acid - sp.gr. 1.16
(e) Carbon dioxide gas - from a cylinder.
(f) Standard sodium hydroxide solution -0.1 N, standardized at the time of the experiment using
bromophenol blue indicator solution.
Assemble the apparatus as shown above. Introduce into the flask C, 300 ml of water and 20 ml of
concentrated hydrochloric acid through the dropping funnel E. Run a steady current of cold water
through the condenser F. Boil the mixture contained in the flask G for a short time to expel the air
from the system in current of carbon dioxide gas previously passed through the wash bottle A.
Weigh accurately about 100 g of the material and mix with the minimum quantity of water so as to
make the diluted material easily flow down to the dropping funnel. Introduce the diluted material
into the flask C through the dropping funnel E. Wash the dropping funnel with a small quantity of
water and run the washing into the flask C. Again boil the mixture contained in the flask C in a
slow current of carbon dioxide gas (passed previously through the wash bottle A) for one hour.
Just before the end of the distillation, stop the flow of water in the condenser. (This causes the
condenser to become hot and drives over residual traces of sulphur dioxide retained in the
condenser.) When the delivery tube H, just above the Erlenmeyer flask j, becomes hot to touch,
remove the stopper J immediately. Wash the delivery tube H and the contents of the Peligot tube L
with water into Erlenmeyer flask. Cool the contents of the Erlenmeyer flask to room temperature,
add a few drops of bromophenol blue indicator and titrate with standard sodium hydroxide solution.
(Bromophenol blue is unaffected by carbon dioxide and gives a distinct change of color in cold
hydrogen peroxide solution).
Carry out a blank determination using 20 ml of Conc,. Hydrochloric acid diluted with 300 ml of
Sulphur dioxide, mg/kg = 0 .032000 (V-v) x1000x1000xN
V = volume in ml of standard sodium hydroxide solution required for the test with the material
v = volume in ml of standard sodium hydroxide solution required for the blank determination;
N = normality of standard sodium hydroxide solution; and
W = weight in g of the material taken for the test


Soxhlet Modification of Fehlings solution Prepare by mixing equal volumes of Solution A and
Solution B immediately before using.
Copper sulphate solution (Solution A) Dissolve 34.639 g of copper sulphate crystals
(CuSO4.5H2O)in water, dilute to 500ml and filter through glass wool or filter paper.
Standardization of copper sulphate solution Using separate pipettes, pipette accurately 5 ml of
Solution A and 5 ml of Solution B into a conical flask of 250 ml capacity. Heat this mixture to
boiling on an asbestos gauze and add standard invert sugar solution from a burette, about one
millilitre less than the expected volume which will reduce the Fehlings solution completely 48 ml.
Add one ml of methylene blue indicator while keeping the solution boiling. Complete the titration
within three minute, the end point being indicated by change of colour from blue to red. From the
volume of invert sugar solution used, calculate the strength(s) of the copper sulphate solution by
multiplying the titre value by 0.001 (mg/ml of the standard invert sugar solution). This would give
the quantity of invert sugar required to reduce the copper in 5 ml copper sulphate solution.
Potassium Sodium Tartrate (Rochelle Salt)Solution (Solution B) Dissolve 173 g of potassium
sodium tartrate and 50 g of sodium hydroxide in water, dilute to 500 ml. Let the solution stand for a
day and filter.
Hydrochloric acid Sp gr 1.18 at 20 0C (approximately 12 N).
Standard Invert Sugar Solution Weigh accurately 0.95 g sucrose and dissolve it in 500 ml
water. Add 2 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid, boil gently for 30 minutes and keep aside for 24
hours. Neutralize with sodium carbonate and make the final volume to 1000 ml; 50 ml of this
solution contains 0.05 g invert sugar.
Methylene Blue Indicator 0.02 per cent in water.
Procedure Place accurately weighed about one gram (W) of the prepared sample of honey into a
250 ml volumetric flask and dilute with about 150 ml of water. Mix thoroughly the contents of the
flask and make the volume to 250 ml with water. Using separate pipettes, take accurately 5 ml of
each of Solution A and Solution B, in a porcelain dish. Add about 12 ml of honey solution from a
burette and heat to boiling over an asbestos gauze. Add 1 ml of methylene blue indicator and while
keeping the solution boiling complete the titration, within three minutes, the end point being
indicated by change of colour from blue to red. Note the volume (H) in ml of honey solution
required for the titration.
Toatl reducing sugars, per cent by mass = 250 x 100 x S
S = strength of copper sulphate solution,
H = volume in ml of honey solution required for titration, and
M = mass in g of honey.

Procedure To 100 ml of the stock honey solution, add one ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid
and heat the solution to near boiling. Keep aside overnight. Neutralize this inverted honey solution
with sodium carbonate and determine the total reducing sugars as described as above.
Sucrose, per cent by mass = [(reducing sugars after inversion, per cent by mass) (reducing sugars
before inversion, per cent by mass)] x 0.95
Iodine Solution 0.05 N.
Sodium hydroxide solution 0.1 N.
Sulphuric Acid concentrated.
Standard Sodium Thiosulphate Solution 0.05 N.
Procedure Pipette 50 ml of honey solution in a 250 ml stoppered flask. Add 40 ml of iodine
solution and 25 ml of sodium hydroxide solution. Stopper the flask and keep in dark for 20
minutes. Acidify with 5 ml of sulphuric acid and titrate quickly the excess of iodine against
standard sodium thiosuphate solution. Conduct a blank using 50 ml of water instead of honey
Approximately glucose,
Per cent by mass (w) = (B S) x 0.004502 x 100
B = volume of sodium thiosulphate solution required for the blank,
S = volume of sodium thiosulphate solution required for the sample, and
a = mass of honey taken for test.
Fructose, per cent
By mass (x)
= Approximate total reducing sugars, per cent w
True glucose, per cent by mass (y) = w 0.012 x
True fructose,
Per cent by
mass (z) = Approximate reducing sugars, per cent y
True reducing sugars, per cent by mass = y+z

Fructose glucose ratio = True fructose, per cent by mass (z)

True glucose, per cent by mass (y)
Sample solution - Extract 5 g of avaleha with methanol (25 ml x 4), filter, pool, concentrate and
make up the volume to 25 ml with methanol.
Standard solution - Prepare a s0tock solution of curcumin (160 g/ml) by dissolving 4 mg of
accurately weighed curcumin in methanol and making up the volume to 25 ml with methanol.
Transfer the aliquots (0.4 1.4 ml) of stock solution to 10 ml volumetric flasks and make up the
volume with methanol to obtain standard solutions containing 6.4 to 22.4 g/ml curcumin,
Calibration curve - Apply 10 l of the standard solutions (64 to 224 ng) on a precoated TLC plate
of uniform thickness. Develop the plate in the solvent system toluene: ethyl acetate: methanol (5 :
0.5 : 1) to a distance of 10 cm. Scan the plate densitometrically at 429 nm. Record the peak area
and prepare the calibration curve by plotting peak area vs concentration of curcumin applied.
Estimation of curcumin in the drug - Apply 5 l of the test solution on a precoated silica gel 60
F254 TLC plate. Develop the plate in the solvent system toluene: ethyl acetate: methanol (5: 0.5: 1)
and record the chromatogram as described above for the calibration curve. Calculate the amount of
curcumin present in the sample from the calibration curve of curcumin.
5.2.1. -Determination of Aluminium
10 per cent sodium hydroxide solution Dissolve 10 g sodium hydroxide in 100 ml purified
EDTA solution 0.05 M Dissolve 18.6120 g of sodium salt of EDTA in purified water and make
up to 1000 ml.
Zinc acetate solution 0.05M - Dissolve 10.9690 g of zinc acetate in 50 ml purified water and few
drops of glacial acetic acid and dilute to 1000 ml.
Acetate buffer 5.5 pH Dissolve 21.5 g of sodium acetate (AR) in 300 ml purified water
containing 2 ml glacial acetic acid and dilute to 1000 ml
Xylenol orange indicator Dissolve 0.2 g of xylenol orange indicator in 100 ml purified water
with 2 ml acetic acid.
Take suitable aliquot from the stock solution in 250 ml beaker. Take 50 ml of 10 per cent
sodium hydroxide solution in another beaker. Neutralize the aliquot with sodium hydroxide
solution. Transfer the 10 per cent sodium hydroxide solution to aliquot with constant stirring. Add a
pinch of sodium carbonate into the solution. Boil the content on burner. Cool and filter through
Whatman 40 No. filter paper with pulp in 600 ml beaker. Wash the precipitate with hot water 6-8
times. Acidify the filtrate with dil. hydrochloric acid and adjust pH 5.5. Add, in excess normally 25
ml 0.05M EDTA solution. Add 25 ml acetate buffer solution. Boil the solution; cool and again
adjust pH 5 5.5. Add 5-6 drops of xylenol orange indicator. The colour changes from golden

yellow to orange red at the end point. Take 25 m l0.05 M EDTA solution and run a blank. Each of
1M EDTA is equivalent to 0.05098 g of Al2O3.
5.2.2. - Determination of Borax
Powder 5-6 g of drug and incinerated at 4500 for 3 hours to get it ash. Dissolve the ash in 20
ml. of purified water and left for 15 minutes, filter, wash the residue with 80 ml of purified water
for 4-5 washings. If necessary, shake the contents and titrate with 0.5N hydrochloric acid using
solution of methyl orange as an indicator. Each ml of 0.5N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to
0.09536 g of Na2 B4O7.10H2O.
5.2.3. - Determination of Calcium
20 per cent Potassium hydroxide solution Dissolve 200 g potassium hydroxide in purified
water and make up to 1000 ml.
Ammonia buffer solutions 9.5 pH Dissolve 67.5 g ammonium chloride in 300 ml purified
water, add 570 ml ammonia solution and dilute to 1000 ml.
EDTA (Ethylene Diethyl Tetra Acetic acid) solution 0.05 M Dissolve 18.6120 g of solution
salt of EDTA and in water and make up to 1000 ml.
Triethanolamine 20per cent Solution 200 ml of triethanolamine, adds 800 ml water and make
up to 1000 ml.
Eriochrome Black T indicator 0.1per cent solution Dissolve 0.10 g indicator in 100 ml of
Patterns & Reeders indicators 0.1per cent solution Dissolve 0.01g indicator in 100 ml of
Take one part of filtrate reserved from Iron (Fe) estimation. Add 5 ml Triethanolamine 20
per cent solution. Add a pinch of Hydroxylamine hydrochloride. Add 25-30 ml potassium
hydroxide 20 per cent solution. Add 4-5 drops of Patterns and Reeders indicator, which imparts
rose red colour. Titrate the solution against standard EDTA solution. The colour changes from rose
red to Prussian blue mark end point.
Each ml of 1M EDTA solution is equivalent to 0.04008 g Calcium.
5.2.4. - Determination of Copper(Cu)
Standard 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate solutions
Potassium iodide.
Starch 1per cent solution Dissolve 1 g in water, boil and make up 100 ml.


Take suitable aliquot from the stock solution in a beaker. Add approx. 1.0 g sodium
fluoride. Add ammonia solution and precipitate solution. Add acetic acid to dissolve the
precipitate. Boil and cool in water bath. Add approx 1.0 g potassium iodide. Titrate the liberated
iodine against 0.1 N sodium thoisulphate (hypo) solutions by adding starch solution as indicator.
The liberated iodine colour blackish brown changes to white at the end point. Calculate copper
value against 1 ml of hypo solution titrating against standard 1000 ppm copper solution.
Each ml of 1N Na2S2O3 solution is equivalent to 0.06357 g of Copper
5.2.5. - Determination of Iron (Fe)
Preparation of sample solution
Ignite a suitable quantity of the sample (in the presence of organic matter) in a crucible in a
muffle furnace at 500-5500 until the residue is free from organic matter. Moisten with 5-10 ml of
hydrochloric acid, boil for two min, add 30 ml of water, heat on the water bath for few min, filter
and wash thoroughly the residue with water and make up to volume in a volumentric flask.
Stannous chloride solution Dissolve 5 g stannous chloride (A.R) in 25 ml Conc. hydrochloric
acid and dilute to 100 ml (5 per cent solution).
Mercuric chloride saturated solution in water.
Sulphuric acid + orthophosphoric acid mixture take 60 ml water, add 15 ml conc. sulphuric
acid and 15 ml H3PO4 cool and dilute to 1000ml.
Diphenylamine barium sulphonate Dissolve 0.25 g in 100 ml water.
0.1 N Standard potassium dichromate solution - Dissolve 4.9035 g AR grade in water and dilute
to 1000 ml.
Take /withdraw a suitable aliquot from the stock solution in 250 ml in duplicate. Dilute to
about 100 ml with distilled water. Add 1-2 drops of methyl red indicator. Add 1-2 g ammonium
chloride. Add dil. Ammonium solution till brown precipitate appears. Boil the solution with ppt. for
4-5 minutes. Cool the content and filter through Whatman 41 no. filter paper. Wash the residue
with hot water 4-6 times. Dissolve the residue in dil. HCl in 250 ml beaker. Wash with hot water
and make the volume to 100 ml approx. Boil the solution on burner. Reduce the Fe3+ to Fe2+ by
adding stannous chloride solution drop wise till solution becomes colourless.
Add 1-2 drops of stannous chloride solution in excess. Cool the content in water. Add 1015 ml 10per cent solution of mercuric chloride. Add 25 ml acid mixture. Add 2-3 drops of
diphenylamine barium sulphonate indicator. Add distilled water, if required. Titrate against
standard potassium dichromate solution. Appearance of violet colour show end point.
Each ml of 1N K2Cr2O7 solution is equivalent to 0.05585 g Iron
Each ml of 1N K2Cr2O7 solution is equivalent to 0.7985 g Fe2O3


5.2.6. - Determination of Magnesium

Take another part of filtrate reserved from Fe estimation. Add 5 ml triethanolamine 20 per
cent solution. Add a pinch of hydroxylamine hydrochloride. Add 25-30 ml ammonia buffer 9.5 pH.
Add 4-5 drops of eriochrome black T indicator. The colour changes from rose red to blue marks the
end point.
Each ml of 1M EDTA solution is equivalent to 0.0409 g of MgO.
5.2.7. - Determination of Mercury
Powder 0.5 g drug and treat with 7 ml of conc. nitric acid and 15 ml of conc. sulphuric acid
in a kjeldahl flask; heat under reflux gently at first then strongly for 30 minutes. Cool and add 50
ml conc. nitric acid boil so as to remove the brown fumes. Continue the addition of nitric acid and
boiling until the liquid is colourless; cool, wash the condenser with 100 ml of water, remove the
flask and add 1.0 per cent potassium permangnate solution drop wise until pink colour persists.
Decolourize it by adding 6.0 per cent hydrogen peroxide drop wise to remove excess of potassium
permangnate followed by 3.0 ml of conc. nitric acid and titrate with 0.1N ammonium thiocyanate
solutions using ferric alum as indicator.
Each ml. of 0.1N NH4SCN solution is equivalent to 0.01003 g Mercury.
5.2.8. - Determination of Silica (SiO2)
Weigh 0.5 g (in case of high silica) or 1.0 g (low silica) finely powdered and dried sample
in a platinum crucible (W1). Add 4-5 g anhydrous sodium carbonate into the crucible. Mix
thoroughly and cover the crucible with lid, if necessary. Place the crucible in muffle furnace. Allow
the temperature to rise gradually to reach 900-9500 and keep on this temp. for about hour to
complete the fusion. Take out the crucible and allow cool at room temperature. Extract the cooled
mass in 25-30 ml dil hydrochloric acid in 250 ml beaker. Heat on hot plate/burner to dissolve the
contents. Wash the crucible with distilled water. Keep the beaker on water bath and allow dry the
mass. Dehydrate back and powder the mass. Take out the beaker and allow cooling at room
temperature. Add 25-30 ml hydrochloric acid dilute to 100 ml distilled water. Boil the content and
allow cool. Filter through Whatman no 40. filter paper. Wash the residue with hot water 6-8 times.
Place the residue along with filter paper in platinum crucible. Ignite at 900-9500 for 2-3 min. Allow
to cool and weigh as SiO2.
5.2.9. - Estimation of Sodium and Potassium by Flame Photometer
Preparation of Standard Solutions
Weigh 2.542 g of AR sodium chloride and dissolve in purified water and make upto 1000
ml in a volumetric flask. Dilute 1 ml of the stock solution to 100 ml. This gives standard of 1mg of
sodium per 100 ml (10 ppm). Prepare 20, 30, 40 and 50 ppm standard solution.
Weigh 1.9115g of AR potassium chloride and dissolve in purified water and make up to
1000 ml in a volumetric flask. Dilute 1ml of the stock solution to 100ml. This gives standard of
1mg of sodium per 100 ml (10 ppm). Prepare 20, 30, 40 and 50 ppm standard solution.
Preparation of Sample Solution
Weigh 10 g of sample in a preweighed silica dish and heat in a muffle furnace for 1hr at
600. Cool and dissolve the ash in purified water and make up to 100 ml in a volumetric flask.

Switch on the instrument first and then the pump. Keep distilled water for aspiration and
allow it to stand for 15 min (warming time). Open the glass cylinder and ignite the flame. Adjust
the instrument to zero.
Introduce the maximum concentration solution and adjust it to 100. Again introduce the
purified water so that instrument shows zero. Then introduce the standard solution in ascending
concentration. Note down the reading each time. Introduce the purified water for aspiration in
between the standard solutions. Introduce the sample solution and if it is within the range take the
reading. If it exceeds limit 100 then dilute the solution till the reading is within the range. Plot the
curve with concentration in ppm against reading obtained. Find out the concentration of the sample
solution. Take two or three readings and find out the average. Find out the concentration of sodium
and potassium.
5.2.10. - Determination of Sodium Chloride
Dissolve about 2-3g accurately weighed drug in 25 ml of purified water and left for 30
minutes, filter. Wash the filter paper completely with purified water and the filtrate is made 100 ml
in volumetric flask, make the solution homogeneous, titrate 25 ml of this solution with 0.1 N silver
nitrate solution using potassium chromate as indicator. The end point shows the light brick red
Each ml. of 0.1 N Ag NO3 solution is equivalent to 0.005845 g of NaCl.
5.2.11. - Determination of Sulphur
Carbon tetrachloride saturated with Bromine
Barium chloride 10 per cent solution in water.
Take 0.5 1 g powdered sample in 250 ml beaker. Add 10 ml carbon tetrachloride
saturated with bromine. Keep in cold condition in fume chamber over night. Add 10 15 ml conc.
nitric acid. Digest on water bath. Add 10 ml conc. hydrochloric acid, digest it to expel nitrate
fumes till syrupy mass. Cool and extract with hydrochloric acid, make volume to 100 ml. Boil and
filter through Whatman No 40. filter paper. Wash the residue with hot water. Filter through
Whatman 41 No. paper in 600 ml beaker. Acidify the filtrate with hydrochloric acid. Add 20 ml of
10 per cent Barium chloride solution. Stir the solution and digest on burner. Allow to settle BaSO4
precipitate over night. Filter the precipitate through Whatman No. 42 filter paper. Wash the
precipitate with water. Ignite the precipitate in muffle furnace in pre weighed platinum crucible up
to 8500. Allow to cool and weigh.
Each g of weight of precipitate is equivalent to 0.13734 g of Sulphur.
5.2.12. - Qualitative Reactions of Some Radicals
Sodium compounds, moistened with hydrochloric acid and introduced on a platinum wire
into the flame of a Bunsen burner, give a yellow colour to the flame.

Solutions of sodium salts yield, with solution of uranyl zinc acetate, a yellow crystalline
Potassium compounds moistened with hydrochloric acid and introduced on platinum wire
into the flame of a Bunsen burner, give a violde colour to the flame.
Moderately strong solutions of potassium salts, which have been previously ignited to
remove ammonium salts, give a white, crystalline precipitate with perchloric acid.
Solutions of potassium salts, which have been previously ignited to free them from
ammonium salts and from which iodine has been removed, give a yellow precipitate with solution
os sodium cobaltinitrte and acetic acid.
Solution of magnesium salts yield a white precipitate with solution of ammonium carbonate,
especially on boiling, but yield no precipitate in the presence of solution of ammonium chloride.
Solution of magnesium salts yield a white crystalline precipitate with solution of sodium
phosphate in the presence of ammonium salts and dilute ammonia solution.
Solution of magnesium salts yield with solution of sodium hydroxide a white precipitate
insoluble in excess of the reagent, but soluble in solution of ammonium chloride.
Carbonates and Bicarbonates
Carbonates and bicarbonates effervesce with dilute acids, liberating carbon doxide; the gas
is colourless and produces a wihte precipitate in solution of calcium hydroxide.
Solutions of carbonates produce a brownish-red precipitate with solution of mercuric chloride;
Solutions of bicarbonates produce a white precipitate.
Solutions of carbonates yield, with solution of silver nitrate, a with precipitate which
becomes yellow on the addition of an excess of the reagent and brown on boiling the mixture. The
precipitate is soluble in dilute ammonia solution and in dilute nitric acid.
Solutions of carbonates produce, at room temperature, a white precipitate with solution of
magnesium sulphate. Solutions of bicarbonates yield no precipitate with the reagent at room
temperature, but on boiling the mixture a white precipitate is formed.
Solutions of bicarbonates, on boiling, liberate carbon dioxide which produces a white
precipitate in solution of calcium hydroxide.
Solutions of sulphates yield, with solution of barium chloride, a white precipitate insoluble
in hydrochloric acid.
Solutions of sulphates yield, with solution of lead acetate, a white precipitate soluble in
solution of ammonium acetate and in solution of sodium hydroxide.

Chlorides, heated with manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid, yield chlorine, recognisable
by its odour and by giving a blue colour with potassium iodide and solution of starch.
Solutions of calcium salts yield, with solution of ammonium carbonate, a white precipitate
which after boiling and cooling the mixture, is insoluble in solution of ammonium chloride.


Weights and measures described in Ayurvedic classics and their metric equivalents adopted
by the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Committee
The following table of metric equivalents of
weights and measures, linear measures and Classical Unit
measurement of time used in the Ayurvedic classics
have been approved by the Ayurvedic
Pharmacopoeia committee in consultation with
Indian Standards Institution.
1. Yavodara
1/8 of "
0.24 cm
2. Agula
1.95 cm
22.86 cm
4. Aratni
10 "
41.91 cm
5. Hasta
45.72 cm
55.88 cm
Classical Unit
7. Vyama
182.88 cm
1 Ratti or Guj
8 Ratti or Gujs
12 Mas
2 Karas (Tolas)
2 uktis
(4 Karas or Tolas)
2 Palams
2 Prastis
2 Kuavas
2 Mnikas
4 Prasthas
4 hakas
2 Doas
2 rpas

=1 Ma
=1 Kara
=1 ukti
=1 Palam
=1 Prasrti
=1 Kuava
=1 Mnika
=1 Prastha
=1 haka
=1 Doa
=1 rpa
=1 Doi
=1 Khri

= 125 mg
= 12 g
= 24 g
= 48 g
= 96 g
= 192 g
= 384 g
= 768 g
= 3 kg 73 g
= 12kg 228 g
= 24kg 576 g
= 49kg 152 g


Equivalent (in
hours, minutes
& seconds)
2 Kaa
=1 Lava
2 Lavas
=1 Nimea
3 Nimeas
=1 Kaha
= 4.66 seconds
1 Ghati
= 24 Minutes
30 Kashas
=1 Kal
= 2 Minutes
20 seconds
20 Kal + 3
=1 Muhrta = 48 Minutes
30 Muhrtas =1 Ahortra
15 Ahortras =1 Paka
2 Pakas
=1 Msa

= 24 Hrs.
= 15 Days
= 30 Days/
4 Dois
= 196kg 608g
One Month
1 Palam
= 48 g
2 Msa
=1 tu
= 60 Days/
100 Palams
=1 Tula
= 4 kg 800 g
Two Months
20 Tulas
=1 Bhra
= 96 kg
3 tus
=1 Ayana
= 6 Months
2 Ayanas
=1 Samvatsara = 12 Months/
One Year
In case of liquids, the metric
equivalents would be the corresponding litre and
1 Ahortra of Devas
= 1 Year
1 Ahortra of Pitaras
= 1 Month



Measure of Mass (Weights)
1 Kilogram (Kg)
1 Gramme (g)
1Milligram (mg)
1 Microgram (g)

is the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram.

the 1000th part of 1 Kilogram.
the 1000th part of 1 gramme.
the 1000th part of 1 milligram.

Measures of capacity (Volumes)

1 Litre (1) is the volume occupied at its temperature of maximum density by a quantity of
water having a mass of 1 Kilogram.
1 Millilitre (ml) the 1000th part of 1 litre.
The accepted relation between the litre and the cubic centimetre is 1 litre 1000.027 cubic
Relation of capacity of Weight (Metric)
One litre of water at 200 weighs 997.18 grammes when weighed in air of density 0.0012 gramme
per millilitre against brass weights of density 84 grammes per millilitre.
Measures of Length
1 Metre (m) is the length of the International Prototype Metre at 0.
1 Centimetre (cm)
the 100th part of 1 metre.
1 Millimetre (mm) the 1000th part of 1 metre.
1 Micron ()
the 1000th part of 1 millimetre
1 Milliimicron (m) the 1000th part of micron


Aizoaceae- 54, 101,182,187
Ajaina satva- 226
Ajamo- 78
Ajavaan phulla- 226
Ajavana- 78
Ajmod- 78
Ajmoda Oova- 78
Ajmuda- 78
Ajowan- 78
Ajvaayan kaa Sat- 226
Ajvayana sat- 226
Ajya- 204
kagarua- 167
ksamsi- 12, 14
Akasa tamarai- 70
Akasa thamara- 70
Akasha garudagadde- 167
Akashagarudi- 167
Akharij 94, 96
Akujemudu- 127
Alaicha- 165
Alanine- 37
Albaspidin- 159
Alcohol - 308
Alcohol, Aldehyde-free - 309
Alcohol, Sulphate-free - 309
9-Aliphatic alcohols- 159
Alkaloid Estimation - 251
Alkaloid punarnavine - 102
Alkaloidal Assays - 245
Alkaloids 33, 58, 65, 81, 140, 146,
186, 192
Alkanes - 174
Alpinia calcarata Rosc. - 59
Alubakraapandu 43, 45
Alubalu 43, 45
Alubukhara 43, 45
luka 43, 45
Aluvaalu 43, 45
Amalbeda- 196
Amalbeda- 196
Amaranthaceae- 148
Amarpoi- 124
Ambha- 208

Aadu-tinna-paalai- 88
Aakaraadya- 182
Aalubaalu 43, 45
Aamaabhaaji - 63
Aapataa- 131
Aarai velyakhera -1
Aasotaro- 131
Aavanune- 220
Aazi Khair -1
A. bracteata Retz. - 88
A. dorsata- 214
A. florea- 214
A. indica- 214
A. integrifolia L.f. - 120
Absinth- 38
Absinthin- 39
Acacia pennata(L.) Willd.-1
Acalypha fruticosa Forsk. - 99
Acalypha indica L. - 63
Acalyphamide - 65
Acalyphine - 65
Acetate buffer 5.5 pH - 307
Acetic acid 233, 307
Acetic acid Sp. - 257
Acetic Acid, Glacial - 307
Acetic Acid, Lead-Free - 308
Acetone - 308
N-acetylnornuciferine- 89
Acidic polysaccharide- 149
Acidity - 250
dr -1
Adavi ishapugorulu- 189
Adiantaceae- 16
Adiantone - 17
Adiantoxide- 17
Adiantum capillus-veneris L. - 16
Adrisnuj- 175
Aduthinapalai- 88
Aechmandra epigaea Arn. - 167
Aesculetin- 189
Aflatoxins - 288

Afsanteen- 38
Agavaceae- 104
-Agrofuran - 130


Ambu- 208
Amentoflavone - 170
Amino acids- 37
Ammanpatchaiarisi- 23
Ammonia buffer solutions 9.5 pH- 310
Ammonia solution Sp. - 257
Ammonia Solution, Iron-free- 310
Ammonia, x N - 310
Ammoniacal solution of Copper oxide
(Cuoxam) - 234
Ammonia-cyanide solution Sp. - 259
Ammonia-cyanide wash solution- 260
Ammonium chloride- 255
Ammonium Chloride Solution - 310
Ammonium citrate solution Sp. - 259
Ammonium molybdate- 310
Ammonium oxalate AsT - 252
Ammonium Thiocyanate- 310
Ammonium Thiocyanate Solution- 310
Ammonium Thiocyanate, 0.1N- 310
Amomum subulatum Roxb. - 165
Amorphophallus sylvaticus(Roxb.)
Kunth -5
mragandhi-guggulu -3
Aumat- 139
- Amyrin - 74
-Amyrin- 74, 84, 174, 195
Analanm- 133
Anasapuveru- 171
Andamarine- 87
Anetaa- 106
Angeloylcumambrin B- 62
Angleloylajadin- 62
Aniline chloride solution- 233
Aniline chloride solution- 310
Anisaldehyde-Sulphuric Acid Reagent310
Anisoelol- 162
Anisomeles malabarica (L.) R. Br. ex
Sims- 160
Anisomelic acid- 162
Anisomelin- 162
Anisomelode- 162
Anisomelyl acetate- 162
Annashuppu- 171
Anogeissus latifolia Wall. -34, 36

Ansafal- 171
Antara gange- 70
Antara-Tamara- 70
Anthraquinone derivatives- 238
Anushappu- 171
Apa- 208
Apiaceae- 12, 14, 78
Apidae- 214
Apigenin- 116, 125, 170
3',4',5' apigenin- 114
Apigenin 5-glucoside- 46
Apigenin-7-rhamnoglucoside- 184
Apigenin-8-C-glucoside- 184
Apium graveolens L. - 78
Apta- 131
Apupaphalada- 120
Araya-sraa -5
Araaruta- 7
Araceae- 5, 70, 156
rroa - 7
Ararut- 7
Archangelone- 15
Are- 131
Arecaceae- 90, 191
Arecaceae- 90
Argemone Oil - 249
ri -1
Ari- 131
Aristolactam- 89
Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. - 88
Aristolochiaceae- 88,129
Aristolochic acid - 89
Arjunolic acid - 100
Aromadendrin- 53
Arsenic- 252
Arsenic solution, dilute, AsT- 252
Arsenic solution, strong, AsT- 252
Arsenomolybdic Acid Reagent -311
Arteglasin A- 62
Artemisia absinthium L. - 38
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk. - 120
Aruruttukkilangu- 7
Asaarun- 129
Asabarag- 160
Asanta- 131


Asarak- 160
-Asarone- 130
Asaroon- 129
Asarum europaeum L. - 129
Asclepiadaceae - 73,193
Ashta- 131
Ashtaa- 131
Asitakraskara- 173
Amariripu- 66
Asparagosides- 42
Asparagus- 41
Asparagus officinalis L. - 41
Asparagusic acid- 42
Asparasaponin I- 42
Asparasaponin II- 42
-Aspidin- 159
Aspidium filix-mas L. - 158
Asteraceae- 38,83,92,94,96,198
Asteraceae Chinnapatr- 61
Asthikhal - 9
Asthisamhta- 9
Asthma weed- 23
Astragalin- 17, 31
Asundro- 131
Atapatiyan- 73
Atibhatphala- 120
Atimukt- 106
Atimuktaka- 106
Atropine 76
Atu-tinlap- 88
Avanti- 83
Axle wood-34, 36
Ayamodakum- 78
Azulene- 39, 53
Baadiyaan- 171
Baadiyaan khataai- 171
Baadiyaane khataai- 171
Baakali-34, 36
Baara aliachi- 165
Bad elaach- 165
Badaa alaicha- 165
Badi dudhdi- 23
Badi ilaayachi- 165
Badi kateli- 26
Badi kateri- 26

Bagaura- 61
Bahnaree 152, 154
Bahuguni- 115
Bahukaaka- 127
Bahuvra 152, 154
Bahuvar 152, 154
Bainchaa- 163
Bainchi-kul- 163
Baird-Parker Agar Medium - 267
Bajar- 185
Bajni- 185
Bajra- 185
Bajri- 185
Balabhadr- 175
Balarakkasi-gidaa- 51
Balsamodendron caudata Mauch.-3
Baltang- 189
Baltanga- 189
Balukaasaaga- 187
Banajuani- 78
Banne- 131
Banni- 142
Bano Kundri- 19, 21
Bansang- 145
Banyamani- 78
Bara elachi- 165
Baraa-elaachi- 165
Barakherui- 23
Barre- 92
Bartang- 189
Bartung- 189
Basriookharad- 177
Bastard saffron 92, 94, 96
Bauhinia racemosa Lamk. - 131
Bauraj- 131
Bed Sada- 169
Bella -206
Bengal gram- 29
Benkar- 106
Bent- 191
Berbamine- 33
Berberidaceae- 32
Berberine- 33, 81
Berberis aristata DC. - 32


Bergenin - 138
Beta- 191
Betasu- 191
Bethagokhru- 56
Betulin- 116
Betulinic acid- 162, 174
Bh- nl- 150
Bhra- 66
Bhrigandh- 12, 14

Bone setter- 9
Bonjamani- 78
Boppayi- 47, 49
Boraginaceae 66, 152, 154, 177
Borajhanji- 70
Borax - 311
Boric acid- 255
Bornyl acetate- 62
Boromali- 106
Borthekera- 196
Bracteated birthwort- 88
Brassica campestris L. - 220
Brassicaceae- 220
Breamers reagent - 234
Bhadel- 165
Bhat Dugdhik - 23
Bhat el- 165
Bhat - 26
Bhatkaakr- 26
Brilliant Green Agar Medium - 268
Brominated hydrochloric acid AsT- 253
Bromine Solution- 311
Bromine solution AsT - 253
Bromophenol Blue Indicator- 311
Bryhoti- 26
Bryonia epigaea Rottler- 167
Bryonin - 168
Budi eleichi- 165
Buffer solution pH 2.5- 260
Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone
Solution pH 7.0 - 269
Bullrush millet- 185
3-n-butyl phthalide- 79
Buut- 29
Byakura- 26
C. aromaticus Benth. - 124
C. cordifolia Cogn, - 19, 21
C.indica W & A- 19, 21
C. myxa Roxb. 152, 154
C. obliqua Willd. 152, 154
1-Caffeylglucose- 17
-Cadinene- 62
Cadmium- 252
Caesalpiniaceae- 131

Bhtake - 12, 14
Bhadrail- 165
Bhagapatr- 68
Bhakhada- 56
Bhakhar- 56
Bhank- 26
Bhekal- 163
Bhisata- 182
Bhissata- 182
Bhonkar 152, 154
Bhrangaraja- 83
Bhuin Kumdda- 108
Bhursunga- 145
Bhurundi- 66
Bhushan- 169
Bhutakesi- 12, 14
Bhuvana- 208
Bignoniaceae- 135
Bjapatr - 16
Bilangra- 163
Bilikomme- 101
Bimb - 19, 21
Bimbik- 19, 21
Bimbu- 19, 21
Bincha- 163
Biochenin-A-7-glucoside- 31
Bis- 169
Bisauraa- 158
Bismarck brown- 233
Bismuth Sulphite Agar Medium - 268
Biswal -1
Bjr- 185
Bobbaasi- 47, 49
Bodi Ajamo- 78
Bonajain- 78


Calactin- 195
Calamenene- 62
Calamus rotang L. - 191
Calamus thwaitesii Becc. - 90
Caldera Bush- 86
Calotropagenin- 195
Calotropin- 195
Cambogin- 197
Campesterol- 17
Campesterol- 87
Campesterol- 93
Camphor - 60
Camphor- 210
Canada balsam (as a Mountant) - 234
Canada Balsam Reagent- 311
Caaka - 29
Candra- 210
Cane- 191
n- Caproic acid-53
Carbon Tetrachloride - 312
Cardenolides - 195
Carica papaya L. - 47, 49
Caricaceae- 47, 49
-Carotene - 48
Carmapatra - 202
- Carophyllene- 62
Carpaine 48, 50
Carpesanine - 50
Carthamin - 97
Carthamus tinctorius L. 92, 94, 96
Carvacrol- 125
-Caryophyllene- 125
Casein Soyabean Digest Agar Medium269
(+)-Catechin- 170
Caustic Alkali Solution, 5 per cent- 312
Celogenamide- 149
Celosia argentea L. - 148
Celosian- 149
Cenkalunir kilanku- 68
Cenkiluvai Ilai-3
Cenkotivel- 133
Cephalandra indica Naud. - 19, 21
Cephalandrine - 20
Cephalandrine A 20, 22
Cephalandrine B 20, 22

Ceruppatai- 177
Ceryl alcohol- 89
Cetrimide Agar Medium - 269
Chaachi bet- 191
Chaalmagraa- 180
Chaalmograa- 180
Chaarigehuli- 196
Chakka- 120
Chalcone- 138
Chalcone diglycoside- 130
Challe kaayi 152
Chamanti- 61
Chanaa- 29
Chandra kaasi soppa- 182
Chandramukhi- 61
Chandrasi koora- 182
Chane- 29
Chanya- 29
Charanai- 80
Charcoal, Decolourising- 312
Chary hannu 43, 45
Chatrakeara- 75
Chaulmugra- 180
Chaulmugraa- 180
Cheetaa- 133
Chekkera- 218
Chelubaaladgidh- 66
Chemmaram- 135
Chendurakam- 92
Chenna- 156
Chentukam 94, 96
Chepputhatteku- 177
Chepututaku- 129
Cheru vazhuthalai- 26
Cheru vazhuthina- 26
Cherupadi- 177
Cherychettu 43, 45
Chhagal bete-193
Chhevvu-kurti- 115
Chhikur- 142
Chholaa- 29
Chhonkar- 142
Chhotaa Kiraayataa- 115
Chhotaagokshru- 56
Chick pea- 29


Chikkachalli- 154
Chilgoja- 118
Chilgojha- 118
Chilgojhaa- 118
Chilgoza- 118
Chilgoza pine- 118
Chilgozaa- 118
Chilgozah- 118
Chini- 218
Chinna kuppi- 99
Chinni- 99
Chinnigida- 99
Chinni-Ka Jhar- 99
Chinnnimara- 99
Chirchitta- 75
Chiri- 118
Chirimaanu-34, 36
Chiritta- 75
Chirrigalgoja- 118
Chitra- 32
Chitraa- 32
Chittaratha- 59
Chitti benda- 51
Chloral Hydrate- 312
Chloral Hydrate Solution - 313
Chloral hydrate solution- 234
Chloral iodine- 234
Chloral Iodine Solution - 313
Chlorinated soda solution (Bleaching
solution) - 234
Chloroform - 313
Chlorogenic acid- 189
Chlorziniciodine (Iodinated zinc
chloride solution) - 234
Cholesterol- 93
Choti Jala-kumbhi- 70
Chromic acid solution- 234
Chrysanthemum- 61
Chrysanthemum indicum L.- 61
Chrysanthenine glucoside- 62
Chrysanthenone- 62
Chrysin 7-glucoside- 46
Chrysoeriol- 125
Chrysophanic acid- 189
Chunnaa- 29
Chural- 191

Chutakkapuram- 210
Chuvannakkoduveli- 133
Cicer arietinum L. - 29
Cilagoja- 118
Cineol 60, 166
1,8- cineole-125
1,8-cineol- 62
Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Nees &
Eberm. - 210
Cinnamomum Oil- 200
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume- 200
Cinnamon oil- 200
Cirsilineol- 87
Cirsimaritin- 125
Ciruceruppatai- 182
Cissus quadrangularis L. - 9
Citrate-cyanide wash solution- 260
Citric acid- 81, 188
Citric acid AsT- 253
Clarified butter- 204
Clarified Cows Butter- 204
Clove- 212
Clustered Hiptage- 106
Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt- 19, 21
Coldenia procumbens L. - 177
Coleus amboinicus Lour. - 124
Combretaceae-34, 36
Commiphora caudata Engl.-3
Common Asarbacca- 129
Common rattan- 191
1-Coumarylgalactose- 17
Coniferae- 118
Convolvulaceae- 108
Copper Sulphate - 314
Copper Sulphate, Anhydrous - 314
Corallin soda- 234
Corallocarpenoyl ester- 168
Corallocarpus epigaeus Benth. ex Hook.
f. - 167
Corallocarpuscalarolide- 168
Cordia dichotoma Forst. f. 152, 154
Cork Swallow-wort- 73
Coroglaucigenin- 195
Cottonseed oil - 249
6-O-(E)-p-coumaroyl glucopyranose164

Coumarin 13, 15
N-(P-coumaroyl) tryptamine- 93
Coumestan- 84
Country borage- 124
Crategolic acid- 125
Cresol Red - 314
Cresol Red Solution - 314
Cucurbitaceae- 19, 21, 167
Curcumene- 62
Curcumin - 342
Curry leaf- 145
Cyanidine-3-glucoside- 71
Cyanogenic glycoside- 31,65
Cycloart-25-en-3--24-diol- 128
Cycloartenol 121, 128
Cycloartenone 121
Cycloeucalenol- 128
Cyclonivuliaol - 128
p-Cymene- 125, 166
D. barbiflora- 158
D. blandtorchi- 158
D. marginata- 158
D. odontoloma- 158
D. schimperiane- 158
Dima pupa- 135
Dimacchada- 135
Drunis- 32
Drusit Taila - 200
Drvi- 32
Dpyaka- 78
Daalchini taila- 200
Daarhaldi- 32
Daaruchini taila- 200
Daaruhalada- 32
Daaruhaldar- 32
Daaruhaldi- 32
Daaruharidraa- 32
Daarunaj-akrabi- 198
Daemia extensa (Jacq.) R.Br.- 193
Dahan- 80
Daka- 208
Dalachini nune- 200
Dalcina taila- 200
Damm-ul-Akhwain- 104
Dandaa thohara- 127
Darhald- 32

Darhaldi- 32
Darunaj Aqrabi- 198
Darusita taila- 200
Daucosterol- 87
Demethoxysudachitin- 114
Dengaabheji- 26
Desmocarpin - 140
Desmodin- 140
Desmodium gangeticum DC. - 139
Desoxycholate-Citrate Agar Medium269
Dev- 160
Devakusuma - 212
Dextrin - 8
Dhaau-34, 36
Dhaauyaa gaachh-34, 36
Dhaavaa-34, 36
Dhaavado-34, 36
Dhaavdaa-34, 36
Dhar- 111
Dhauraa-34, 36
Dhav-34, 36
Dhava -34, 36
Dhaval-34, 36
Dhmrapatr- 88
Dhurandhara-34, 36
Di and sesquiterpenoids -copaene- 62
Diasarone-1- 130
Diasarone-2- 130
Dihydroasparagusic acid- 42
(2S)- 7,3'-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavan105
3',5'-dihydoxy-4'-methoxywogonin- 114
4, 5-dihydroxy-3,6,7-trimethoxyflavone162
Dikaamaali- 113
Dikaamaari- 113
Dikamali- 113
Dikemaali- 113
Dikkaamalli- 113
Dikkamali- 113
Dilk 152, 154
Dilute acetic acid Sp. - 257
Dilute ammonia solution Sp. - 257
Dilute Hydrochloric Acid- 319


Dilute hydrochloric acid Sp. - 257

Dilute standard lead solution- 259
2-(N,N-dimethyl amino)acetophenone140
Dinduge-34, 36
Dioleolinolein- 93, 119
Diosgenin 76, 102
Diosmetin 74, 109
Diosmetin-7-O- glucoside - 109
Diospyros embryopteris L. - 173
Diospyros peregrina Gurke- 173
Diphenylamine barium sulphonate - 314
Dipterocarpaceae- 137
Disodium Ethylenediamine tetraacetate
Diterpenoids- 162
Dithizone- 315
Dithizone extraction solution- 259
Dithizone-carbon tetrachloride solution260
dehydrowogonin 7-glucoside - 46
D-mandelonitril-- glucoside 44, 46
Dodda gejjalakai- 163
Dodda yalakki- 165
Dodee- 73
Dodi Shak- 73
Doduchallu- 154
Donda tige- 19, 21
Dorli- 26
Doronicum hookeri C.B.Clarke- 198
Dotriacont-22,25-diol-10-one- 168
Dotriacontane- 188
Dracaena cinnabari Balf. f. - 104
Dragendorff s Reagent - 315
Dragons blood- 104
Dropterin- 159
Dryopteridaceae- 158
Dryopteris filix mas (L.) Schott. - 158
Dudali- 23
Dudeli- 23
Dudhelo- 23
Dudhi- 23
Dudili- 23
Dudoli- 23
Dugdhik- 23
Dumparastramu- 59

Duserasag- 182
Duyi papata - 122
Dvpntara atvar - 41
Dvpntara Damanaka - 38
Dvpntara Tagara- 129
Dvijyg- 101
E. hysoppifolium (Willd.) Verd. - 115
E. littorale Blume- 115
E. pilulifera Auct. non L. - 23
Ebenaceae- 173
Edible pine- 118
EDTA solution 0.05 M- 315
Ekalipta- 222
Elavlukam 43, 45
Elavaaluka 43, 45
Ellagic acid - 37
Ellagotannins - 24
Ellu- 224
Elluenna- 224
Eluka 43, 45
-Elumene- 62
Emodin- 189
Enicoflavin- 116
Enicostemma axillare (Lam.) A.
Raynal. - 115
Eosin- 234, 315
Eosin Solution- 315
Epegenin - 181
Ephelic acid glycoside- 116
Epigaeusyl ester- 168
Eraakarka - 47, 49
Erandakaakadi- 47, 49
Erandakharbujaa- 47, 49
Ericaceae - 202
Eriochrome Black T- 315
Eriochrome Black T indicator 0.1per
cent solution- 315
Eriodyctol- 125
Errachitramulam- 133
Erythrocentaurine- 116
Escherichia coli - 277
Esculin- 184
Eskadantikura- 187

Esters - 251
Ethyl Acetate- 315
Ethyl Alcohol- 315
Ethyl salicylate- 125
Eucalyptus- 222
Eucalyptus globulus Labill- 222
Eucalyptus Oil- 222
Eugenia caryophyllus (Spreng) Sprague212
Eugenol- 125
Euphorbia hirta L. - 23
Euphorbia nivulia Buch.-Ham. - 127
Euphorbiaceae- 23, 63, 99, 127
European willow- 169
Euscaphic acid- 125
F. ramontchii Herit. - 163
Fabaceae- 29, 139, 150
Farnesene- 62
Fargesin- 62
Fatty Oil Estimation - 249
Fehlings Solution - 316
Ferric chloride solution- 234
Ficoidaceae- 101
Fiehes test - 338
Filicin - 159
Filixic acid- 159
Filmarone- 159
Fixed Oil 237
Flacourside - 164
Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr. - 163
Flacourtiaceae- 163, 180
-Flavaspidic acid- 159
Flavellagic acid- 37
Flavone- 162
Flavonoid 24, 31, 55, 109, 140, 186,
Flavonoid glycosides- 58
Flavonol glycosides - 172
Fluid Casein Digest-Soya LecithinPolysorbate 20 Medium - 270
Fluid Lactose Medium - 270
Fluid Selenite-Cystine Medium - 273
Foal foot- 129
Folin Ciocalteu Reagent- 317
Forest pepper- 80
Formaldehyde Solution - 316

Formaldehyde Solution, Dilute - 317

Formic acid- 317
Fragilin- 170
Fragrant Screwpine- 86
Friedelan-3-one- 10
Fructose glucose ratio - 341
G. arborea Roxb. - 113
G. molluginoides Wt. - 187
Gaabh- 173
Gaara- 173
Gab- 173
Gadabani- 101
Gadida gadapa- 88
Gai Ghia- 204
Gaija soppu- 101
Gakhura- 56
Galgoja- 118
Gallic acid 35, 155, 174
(+)-Gallocatechin- 170
Gallotannins- 37
Gandapuro - 202
Gandhamadan- 12, 14
Gandhaiph - 51
Gandhapra Patra Taila - 202
Gandhapura - 202
Gandhapura tailam - 202
Gandhapuraa kaa tel - 202
Gandhaprna taila - 202
Gandhapuro - 202
Gandharaajan- 113
Gandhibuti- 182
Gandibudi- 182
Gandibuti- 182
Gandpuro - 202
Ganger- 75
Gangetin- 140
Gangetinin- 140
Gangro- 75
Gantelu- 185
Gantia- 185
Garbanzol- 31
Garcinia pedunculata Roxb. - 196
Garcinol- 197
Gardenia gummifera L. f. - 113
Gardenin - 114
Gargari- 83


Garudphala- 180
Gathi tagara- 129
Gaultheria fragrantissima Wall. - 202
Gaura-34, 36
Gava Ghee- 204
Gava Ghrit- 204
Gaya Ghee- 204
Gaya ka ghee- 204
Genkwanin - 116
Genkwanin 5-glucoside- 46
Gentiana kurroo Royle- 175
Gentianaceae- 115, 175
Gentianic acid - 176
Gentianine- 116
Gentiocrucine- 116
Germacrene-D- 62
Ghanasra- 210
Ghee- 204
Ghetkochu- 156
Ghilodi- 19, 21
Ghimasak- 54
Gholam- 19, 21
Ghrta- 204
Gilaas 43, 45
Gingely oil- 224
Girij- 175
Gisekia pharnaceoides L. - 187
Glinus lotoides L. - 182
Glucose- 93
2-O-glucosides- 55
Glycerine- 234, 317
Glycerine Solution - 318
Gobor sitha - 122
Goda-cani- 101
Godnimb- 145
Goghta - 204
Gokura - 56
Gokuraka- 56
Gokharaa- 56
Gokhru- 56
Gokhuree- 56
Gokshra- 56
Gokshur- 56

Gokshura- 56
Gokshuraka- 56
Gondali- 70
Gondri lota- 177
Goplakarka- 47, 49
Gopakaa- 163
Gornimb- 145
Governors plum- 163
Grmachatraka - 54
Gram- 29
Grampu- 212
Granthimla - 59
Granthi-pdik- 158
Guda -206
Guggilam- 137
Gugulsterones - 4
Guladud - 61
Guldaaudi- 61
Gule-dawoodi- 61
Gulvidi- 115
Gummy Gardenia- 113
Gundaa 152
Gundaavada 152
Gunobar- 118
Guttiferae- 196
H. laurifolia (Dennst.) Sleummer. - 180
H. wightiana Blume- 180
Haadabhanga gachha- 9
Haadjodaa- 9
Haadsaankal- 9
Haathishundaa- 66
Haathisudhaan- 66
Haathisundha- 66
Haathisuondha- 66
Hadajoda- 9
Hadjoda- 9
Haematoxylin, Delafields- 234
Haladvel- 106
Haliyoon- 41
Halphen Test - 249
Halyun- 41
Hamsapadu- 177
Hanspadi- 16


Hydrogen Peroxide Solution- 319

p-Hydroxybenzoic acid- 87
2-Hydroxychalcone - 105
4-hydroxychalcone-4-O--Dglucopyranoside - 138
7-hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxy-4methoxybenzyl) chroman- 105
Hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution
Sp. 259, 320
Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride;
Hydroxylammonium Chloride- 319
12-hydroxy-3-oxo-olenano-28,13lactone - 138
Ilaayachi badi- 165
IIaikkalli- 127
Ilakalli- 127
Illicium verum Hook. f. - 171
Imas- 29
Indian Acalypha- 63
Indian barberry- 32
Indian borage- 124
Indian Gaub- 173
Indian gentian- 175
Indian Jack fruit- 120
Indian Nightshade- 26
Indian Turnsole- 66
Indian-Wintergreen - 202
Indicine N-oxide - 67
Indigofera aspalathoides Vahl ex DC. 150
Indioside - 28
Indvara - 68
Indramaris- 63
Inulin - 239
Iodine and Potassium iodide solution235
Iodine water - 235
Ipomoea tridentata (L.) Roth. - 108
Irippanpul- 108
Iruvi- 158
Iso-absinthin- 39
trans & cis-Isoasarones- 130
Isohydnocarpine methoxyhydnocarpin-

Hansraaja- 16
Harbaraa- 29
Harimantha- 29
Harinahada- 135
Haritamajar - 63
Harjora- 9
Hasapadsad- 16
Hastiu - 66
Hatapochha- 129
Hathichikar- 56
Havisya- 204
Hebba alasu- 120
Heel kalan- 165
Heggullu- 26
Heliotrine - 67
Heliotropium indicum L. - 66
Hemakedara- 124
Hemaml- 80
n-heptacosane- 136
Hexadeca aspidinol- 159
n- Hexane - 318
Higunik- 113
Hikke- 160
Hikua- 41
Hillua- 41
Himhv- 210
Himabluka- 210
Hinesol--D-fucopyranoside - 95
Hiptage benghalensis L. - 106
Hiraadakhana- 104
Hiraadokhi- 104
Holetupare- 173
Honey- 214
Humulene- 62
Hunmunaki- 163
Hydnocarpin- 181
Hydnocarpus pentandra (Buch.-Ham.)
Oken- 180
Hydrochloric Acid 257, 318, 319
Hydrochloric acid (constant-boiling
composition) AsT- 253
Hydrochloric acid AsT- 253
Hydrochloric Acid, Iron-Free- 319
Hydrochloric Acid, N- 319


Isopentacosanoic acid- 10
2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol- 226
Isoquercitrin- 17, 31, 132, 170
Isorhamnetin- 31
Isorhamnetin-3-gentiotrioside- 58
Isorhamnetin-3-O--D-glucoside- 170
Isoshinanolone- 134
Isoswertisin-5-O-glucoside- 116
Isoterrestrosin B- 58
Isovalaraldehyde- 53
Isovitexin- 116
Ivy gourd- 19, 21
Iya kozhundu -1
Jvan- 73
Jvant - 73
Jack-fruit tree- 120
Jal- 208
Jala - 208
Jala- 208
Jalakumbh - 70
Jalakumbhi- 70
Jalakumbhi- 70
Jalashamkhala- 70
Jammi- 142
Jand- 142
Jangali isabgola- 189
Jangli-kalimirch- 80
Jatrorhizine- 33
Javaain sara- 226
Jeddu betta- 90
Jenetuppa- 214
Jhand- 142
Jhartam 94, 96
Jimasaka- 54
Jivanti- 73
Jiwanti- 73
Juaani saram- 226
Jui - 122
Kaadumenagu- 80
Kaalaa Hansraja - 16

Kaalaavaalaa- 51
Kaalo hansaraaj- 16
Kaandvel- 9
Kaankod- 163
Kaaphoraa- 210
Kaapur- 210
Kabandha- 208
Kabanni- 142
Kabba- 137
Kachnal- 131
Kadalai- 29
Kadale- 29
Kada-todali- 80
Kadavi Ghilodi- 19, 21
Kadavinai- 167
Kadhi Patta- 145
Kadhilimdo- 145
Kadhinim- 145
Kadi Patta- 145
Kadu- 175
Kadu manthara- 131
Kaduguennai- 220
Kadukavatha- 180
Kadukuenna- 220
Kaduva Taila- 220
Kadvi naahi- 167
Kadvi naai- 115
Kadvinai- 167
Kaempferol- 65
Kaempferol-3-glucoside - 31
Kaempferol-3-glucuronide- 17
Kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside- 17
Kaiarya- 145
Kaiarya- 145
Kainchi kakudi- 19, 21
Kaka toddali- 80
Kakaiyaa- 163
Kaker- 163
Kakra - 122
Klaskandha- 173
Kalowalo- 51
Kalsarji- 83
Kambu- 185
Kampanitirai- 175


Kampu- 185
Kanabhaturi- 19, 21
Kanaveguchettu- 163
Kanchana- 131
Kandamurgarittam- 104
Kandregu- 163
Kandwaari vaddi- 26
Kanghu- 163
Kanja- 80
Kankata- 163
Kankra - 122
Kannikurukka- 124
Kantal- 120
Kaakgulma - 75
Kanthal- 120
Kantheikoli- 163
Kapparillaku- 124
Kapur- 210
Kapura - 210
Karad- 92
Karadihanni- 175
Karadu- 148
Karafs- 78
Karampu- 212
Karaphs - 78
Karayampoovu- 212
Kardai 92, 94, 96
Kardi- 92, 94, 96
Kariaphulli- 145
Karibaevu- 145
Karibandit- 115
Karinguva- 113
Karinkuvvalam- 68
Karivempu- 145
Karivemu- 145
Karivepaku- 145
Kariveppu- 145
Karmaasu- 47, 49
Karpooree- 160
Karpoorvallee- 160
Irattai Peymarutti- 160
Karpram- 210
Karpur- 210
Karpura- 210
Karpra - 210

Karpuraamu- 210
Karpurahalli- 124
Karpuram- 210
Karpuravalli- 124
Kartum- 92
Karumatti- 47, 49
Karunai- 167
Karunkuvalam- 68
Karusakaya -1
Karutankilanku- 167
Karuvpaai Ea- 200
Karuva patte enna- 200
Karuveppilei- 145
Kashur-gul- 189
Kasmal- 32
Kasube 94, 96
Kataai- 26,163
Katahal- 120
Katahala- 120
Katal- 29,120
Katalai- 29
Kate gokhru- 56
Kath sigu- 127
Katha pengu - 122
Kathachmpa - 122
Kathal- 120
Kathar- 120
Kathhekirubanagida- 88
Kattatti- 173
Katthohar- 127
Kattumilagu- 80
Kaugulma - 80
Kat-ukala- 163
Kaukapittha- 180
Kaunh- 167
Kaupatra- 129
Katusneha- 220
Katutaila- 220
Kausumbha 94, 96
Kavikattai- 173
Kedagi- 86
Keeldaaru- 158
Kempacitramulam- 133
Kempu chitramula- 133


Kendu- 173
Keora- 86
Keori- 86
Keahantr- 142
Kesandara- 83
Kearja- 83
Ketak - 86
Ketaka- 86
Ketoki- 86
Kevadaa- 86
Kevda- 86
Kevdaa- 86
Kewado- 86
Kewda- 86
Kewdaa- 86
Keya- 86
Khadiravall -1
Khajoti- 63
Khar-e-khasak khurd- 56
Kheejado- 142
Kheerakhodee- 73
Khejra- 142
Khervelya -1
Khokali- 99
Khokli- 63
Khoonkharaabaa- 104
Khunkhaaraa- 104
Khunkharaabaa- 104
Kia- 86
Kidaamaari- 88
Kidemaar- 88
Klla- 208
Kirakanda- 167
Kiramar- 88
Kirambu Tailam- 212
Kirigulia- 26
Kitmaar- 88
Kitmaari- 88
Kamr - 88
Ktri- 88
Kokd- 38
Kodi- 180
Kodikki- 66

Koditamarai- 70
Koenidine - 146
Koenigine- 146
Koenimbine- 146
Kolakannaru- 139
Kolakuponna- 139
Kolaponna- 139
Kollamkova kizhang- 167
Konda papata - 122
Kondakkadalai- 29
Kosundra- 131
Kothuk- 182
Kotivel- 133
Kova- 19, 21
Kovai- 19, 21
Koval- 19, 21
Kadaik- 16
Ksaudra- 214
Kuraka- 56
Kuchai -1
Kudapayal- 70
Kukurchuda - 122
Kumrvetra - 90
Kumaari bettha- 90
Kumbhik- 70
Kunduri- 19, 21
Kunduru- 19, 21
Kunru- 19, 21
Kupaaimeni - 63
Kuppameni- 63
Kuppi- 63
Kuppichettu- 63
Kuppigida- 63
Kuppinta- 63
Kuraik- 148
Kuraa- 148
Kuradu- 148
Kurukkathi- 106
Kuruntotti- 51
Kusam- 92
Kusharta- 173
Kusubbi 94, 96
Kusubeegida- 92

Kusum- 92, 94, 96

Kusum phool 94, 96
Kusuma- 92
Kusumb 94, 96
Kusumbaa- 92
Kusumbha 92, 94, 96
Kusumbi- 92
Kusumbo 92, 94, 96
Kusumekalu- 92
Kusumulu 94, 96
Kuyimpu 92, 94, 96
L. europeaum- 75
Laanpadi- 148
Labanga- 212
Lactophenol (Ammans Fluid) - 235
Lactose Broth Medium 270
L aghu haritamajar - 99
Laghu-Kupp- 99
Laghupatra varbh - 101
Lahra- 185
Lal chitra- 133
Lal chitrak- 133
Lal-chita- 133
Lal-chitrak- 133
Lamiaceae- 124,160, 210, 216, 226
Lan- 212
Land caltrops- 56
Lasora 152, 154
Lasuda 152, 154
Latakhadira -1
Laung- 212
Lauraceae- 210
Lavang- 212
Lavanga enne- 212
Lavanga Taila - 212
Lavangalu- 212
Laving- 212
Lavyaankudi- 26
Lead - 252
Lead nitrate stock solution- 257
Lead wort- 133
Leguminosae Mimosaceae- 142
Leptadenia reticulata W. & A. - 73
Levine Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar
Medium - 270
Light Petroleum- 322, 323

Lignan glucoside - 93
Lignans sesamin- 62
Lignified elements- 238
Liliaceae- 41,111
Limonene 79, 166
Limri- 80
Linoleic-53, 119
Lisodaa 152, 154
Lohita kr- 104
Lohitanirysa - 104
Long- 212
Lonpadi- 148
Lopez tree- 80
Lucenin- 71
Lumanika- 163
Lupeol- 2,195
Luteolin- 74, 109, 125, 189
Luteolin -7-O- glucoside - 109
Luteolin-7-O-glucoside- 93
Lycium barbarum L. - 75
M. koenigii. Spreng- 145
M. lotoides Kuntz. - 182
Maadhavi- 106
Maadhavivasantadhuti- 106
Maadhivilataa- 106
Maakaatendu- 173
Maaladi- 113
Maamejvaa- 115
Maamijvaa- 115
MacConkey Agar Medium - 271
MacConkey Broth Medium- 271
Machino - 202
Machipatri- 38
Macrocylic diterpenes- 162
Madagaskara plum- 163
Madh- 214
Mdhav - 106
Mdhalata- 106
Madhu - 214
Madhumaalati- 106
Madhuree- 160
Madhvika- 214
Madnu- 169
Magnesium sulphate - 256
Magnoflorine- 89
Magnoliaceae- 171

Melon tree- 47, 49

Mentha- 216
Menthol- 216
Mercuric Chloride - 320
Mercuric Chloride Paper- 253
Mercuric Chloride Solution- 320
Mercuric Chloride, 0.2 M- 320
Mercuric Potassium Iodide Solution- 320
Mercury- 252
Merremia tridentata (L.) Hall. f. - 108
6-methoxygenkwanin- 125
Methyl 6-O-(E)-p-coumaroyl
glucopyranoside- 164
Methyl Alcohol- 320
Methyl Alcohol, Dehydrated - 321
Methyl cinnamate - 60
Methyl eptenone - 53
Methyl Orange- 321
Methyl Orange Solution- 321
Methyl Red- 321
Methylene blue- 235
tri-O-Methylwedelolactone- 84
Milagaranai- 80
Milagu- 80
Millons reagent- 235
Mimosa pennata L. -1
Mimosaceae -1
Minandi- 218
Mirapagandra- 80
Mirchiakand- 167
Mirri- 118
Mirrigalgoj- 118
Mitha cherry 43, 45
Mitha neem- 145
Mogali- 86
Mogili- 86
Molishs Reagent- 321
Mollugo cerviana Seringe- 54
Mollugo hirta Thub- 182
Mollugocin A and B- 184
Mollugogenol - 184
Monochoria vaginalis Presl. - 68
Monoglucoside- 93
Monoterpenoids myrcene- 62
Moovilai- 139

Mahu- 66
Mahadvyghr- 26
Mahanimbine- 146
Mahu- 214
Maiden-hair fern- 16
Malabaric acid- 162
Malampulvan- 135
Malchang- 169
Male fern- 158
Malpighiaceae- 106
Maltose- 93
Malukkanniram-34, 36
Malvaceae- 51
Mmajjaka- 115
Manalkirai- 187
Mancha Kanda-5
Mandarum- 131
Mangarvallee- 9
Manger- 80
Manichidr- 111
Manjalkarilaamkanni- 83
Mannakkannunni- 83
Manneli- 150
Mannitol-Salt Agar Medium- 271
Manupasupu- 32
Maradarisina- 32
Maramaanja- 32
Maranta arundinacea L. - 7
Marantaceae- 7
Marotti- 180
Mastaru- 38
Mastiyaaraa- 38
Matairesinol- 93
Matsyik- 218
Matsyapatrik - 108
Mattari- 185
Mau- 214
Mauritius plum- 163
Mdhukarka- 47, 49
Mea-jihv- 189
Med - 111
Meda- 111
Medaa- 111
Medhaa- 111
Meghapupa- 208

Moraceae- 120
Moramamsi- 12, 14
Moshipatri- 38
Moteveldode- 165
Mothe elaayachi- 165
Mothi dudhi- 23
Mothi elichi- 165
Mothi naayati- 23
Moto-elachi- 165
Moupinamide- 58
Mubaraka- 16
Mucilage - 238
Muconine murrayacine- 146
Mukkutummudu- 73
Muktajhuri- 63
Muktavarc- 63
Mukuta manjari- 63
Mlaphalada- 120
Mulappumarutu- 137
Mullamkatti- 26
Mullumastige- 80
Mullumuntala- 135
Munik- 208
Mur- 12, 14
Mura- 12, 14
Muramaansi- 12, 14
Murelchonne- 139
Muripindi- 63
Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng- 145
Murudonda- 167
Mustard Oil- 220
Mutiyarkunthal- 108
Muttapayal- 70
Myrcene- 125, 166
Myricetin -35, 37
Myristodilinolein- 93
Myristone- 188
Myristo-oleo-linolein- 93
Myrtaceae- 212, 222
Naadihingu- 113
Naagdanti- 66
Naahi Kand- 167
Naahikand- 167
Naai- 115
Naalla Hamsapadu- 16

Naay- 115
Naayato- 23
Nhigu - 113
Ngajihv- 115
Nhik- 167
Nhikanda- 167
Nagadonda- 167
Nh - 115
Nakachana- 63
Nakkera 152, 154
Nalehullu- 160
Nalennai- 224
Nallakova- 19, 21
Nalleru- 9
Nallerutige- 9
Nanubalu- 23
Naphthaquinones- 134
Naphthol solution- 235
Narasingha- 145
Narcissin- 170
Narivilee 152, 154
Naruvari 152, 154
Naruvili 152, 154
Naruviri 152, 154
Nattarattai- 59
Natural Camphor- 210
Navarayilla- 124
Neellu- 208
Neerganjimara- 169
Neeru- 208
Neggilumullu- 56
Neglu- 56
Nei- 204
Nela vempali- 150
Nelapalai- 23
Neosa pine- 118
Neosakuranine- 46
Neoza- 118
Nerinzil- 56
Nerolidol- 166
Nerunjee- 56
Nerunji- 56
Netar- 191
Neyyi- 204
Nhana gokhru- 56

Nicotiflorin- 17
Nikocaka - 118
Nila- 150
Nilagiri- 222
Nilagiri- 222
Nilagiri enne- 222
Nilagiri taila- 222
NilagiriTailam- 222
Nilampala- 38
Nilgiri tail- 222
Nra- 208
Nirati Muthu- 180
Niridi- 180
Nirkanca- 68
Nirubuduki- 70
Nirudu- 180
Nitric Acid - 322
Nitric acid AsT- 253
Nitric acid Sp. - 257
Nitric Acid, Dilute- 322
Nitric Acid, x N- 322
n-Nonacosane- 136
Nonapeptide - 149
Norwedelic acid- 84
Norwedelolactone- 84
Nuranji vamu- 78
Nutrient Agar Medium- 271
Nutrient Broth Medium- 271
Nuvvulanune- 224
Ocimum kilimandscharicum Guerke210
n-Octacosanol- 136
Octadecadienoic -2
Oddalinine- 81
Oil of wintergreen - 202
Okharadi- 182
Oleanolic acid- 125
Oleanolic acid- 184
Oleic-53, 119, 153
Oleo-dilinolein- 93, 119
Oleum Gaultheriale - 202
Oma- 78
Omakki- 78
Oman- 78

Orientin - 55
Orila- 139
Ohopamaphal- 19, 21
Ovaa- 124
Ovaapaan- 124
Ovaa phul- 226
Ovatodiolide- 162
2,3,19,23-Oxalacetic acid- 125
Oxalic acid - 188
7-Oxo-onocer-8-ene-3,21-diol- 10
Oxyberberine- 33
P. fascicularis Lamk. - 86
P. rosea L. - 133
P. spicatum Roem and Schult- 185
P. spicigera L. - 142
P. tectorius Soland. ex Parkinson- 86
P. tomentosa Roxb. - 122
P. typhoideum Rich. - 185
Paan- 124
Paani- 208
Paani- 208
Paanicikaa- 173
Paaniri- 88
Paatalai Kayyaantakarai- 83
Paatharchur- 124
Paavatlegida - 122
Paccha guntagalijeru- 83
Pacchare- 131
Pada- 54
Pala- 120
Planik- 175
Palagunda- 7
Palalkkodi- 73
Palatige- 73
Palisade Ratio -240
Palleru- 56
Palmatine- 33
Palmitic 53, 119, 153
Palmitic and pentadecanoic acids-2
Palmito-dilinolein- 93, 119
Palmito-oleolinolein- 93, 119
Panachchi- 173
Panachi- 173
Panampuvatti- 163
Pananchi- 173


Panasa - 120
Panchadhara- 218
Panchasara- 218
Panckirai- 187
Pandanaceae- 86
Pandanus odoratissimus Roxb. - 86
Pandra veda muska- 169
Pani- 208
Panikkurukka- 124
Pnya- 208
Pankharaaj- 158
Pannaikkeerai- 148
Panumbus- 163
Papaayaa- 47, 49
Papadi - 122
Ppa - 122
Papai- 47, 49
Papain - 48
Papaiyu- 47, 49
Papari - 122
Papat - 122
Ppaa - 122
Papata kammi - 122
Papaya- 47, 49
Papeyaa- 47, 49
Papita- 47, 49
Papitaa- 47, 49
Pappaay- 47, 49
Pappadi - 122
Pappali- 47, 49
Pappar mulli- 26
Pappiyaa- 47, 49
Prasika tagara- 129
Parayavn - 124
Parampu- 142
Paringi- 47, 49
Parpadangam- 54
Parpataka- 54
Parpatakamu- 54
Parpatakapullu- 54
Parrot seed- 92
Parsiaoshan- 16
Pasu Nei- 204
Pasu Ney- 204
Paterchur- 124

Ptha- 208
Patharchura- 124
Patrasaki- 63
Patrasnuh - 127
Patta Karie- 127
Pattaajvaayana- 124
Patterns & Reeders indicators 0.1per
cent solution - 323
Pvaka 94, 96
Pvakam - 92
Pavati - 122
Pavatta - 122
Pavattai - 122
Pavetta indica var. tomentosa Hook.- 122
Pavonene- 53
Pavonenol- 53
Pavonia odorata Willd. - 51
Pawpaw- 47, 49
Paya- 208
Pearl millet- 185
Pectin- 81
Pedaliaceae- 224
Pedda elakulu- 165
Peddayelaki- 165
Pedunculol - 197
Pemu- 191
Penduletin- 62
Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.) Stapf&
C.E. Hubb- 185
Penova- 124
1-Pentadecene - 95
Pentylbenzene- 79
Peppermin- Satva - 216
Peramutti- 51
Perelam- 165
Pergularia daemia (Forsskal) Choiv.- 193
Peri-elav- 165
Periya elam- 165
Persimon- 173
Perundumbai- 160
Petroleum Light- 322
pH 2.5 wash solution- 260
Phanas- 120

Phanasa- 120
Phanus- 120
-Phellandrene- 39
Phenolphthalein- 323
Phenolphthalein Solution- 323
Phenolpthalein indicator- 323
Phenylanine- 37
Phloroglucinol- 323
Pholorglucinol- 235
Phosphoric Acid- 323
Phosphoric Acid, Dilute - 324
Phosphoric Acid, x N- 323
Physcion - 87
Piatagara - 129
Picchila lomaa- 51
Picric acid solution (Trinitrophenol
Solution) - 235
Pilaabhangraa- 83
-Pinene 39, 53, 79, 125, 166
-Pinene- 39, 79, 125, 166
Piperidine- 87
Pipermint- 216
Pirampu- 191
Pirandai- 9
Pirangi- 47, 49
Piranta- 9
Pistia stratiotes L. - 70
Pitabhgarja- 83
Pta-kcanra - 131
Ptapupaka- 131
Pitikarunai - 156
Pitta Sag- 54
Plantaginaceae- 189
Plantaginin- 189
Plantago lanceolata L. - 189
Plavu- 16
Plumbagic acid- 134
Plumbaginaceae- 133
Plumbago indica L. - 133
Poaceae (Graminae) 185, 206
Polygonatum cirrhifolium Royle- 111
Polypodiaceae- 16
Pomolic acid- 125
Ponoso- 120
Pontederia vaginalis Burm.f- 68

Pontederiaceae- 68
Poospala- 145
Populnin- 31
Potable Water- 208
Potadontari -1
Potash, Caustic- 235
Potassium chlorate AsT - 254
Potassium Chloride - 324
Potassium Chromate- 324
Potassium Chromate Solution- 324
Potassium Cupric-Tartrate Solution- 324
Potassium cyanide solution Sp. - 260
Potassium cyanide solution Sp.- 257
Potassium Dichromate- 324
Potassium Dichromate Solution- 324
Potassium Dichromate, Solution 0.1N324
Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate - 325
Potassium Ferrocyanide - 325
Potassium Ferrocyanide Solution- 325
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate- 325
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate, 0.02 M325
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate, 0.2 M325
Potassium Hydroxide- 325
Potassium Hydroxide Solution - 326
Potassium Hydroxide, x N - 326
Potassium iodide - 256
Potassium Iodide - 326
Potassium Iodide and Starch Solution- 327
Potassium iodide AsT- 254
Potassium Iodide Solution - 327
Potassium Iodide, M 327
Potassium Iodobismuthate Solution - 327
Potassium Iodobismuthate Solution,
Dilute - 327
Potassium Mercuric-Iodide Solution - 327
Potassium Mercuric-Iodide Solution,
Alkaline (Nesslers Reagent) - 327
Potassium Permanganate - 327
Potassium Permanganate Solution - 328
Potassium Permanganate, 0.1 N Solution
- 328
Potassium Tellurite - 328
Prasrin Keralya- 108


Rakto chita- 133

Randhuni- 78
Ranga agyachit- 133
Rangachitaparu- 133
Rasi tel- 224
Rato-chatro- 133
Reddivarinanubalu- 23
Resin- 81, 102
Resorcinol solution - 329
Rhee- 118
Rhyncocarpa epigaea Naud- 167
Ribwort- 189
Ringani- 26
Riyaahi Kapphur- 210
Roda rayana- 135
Rogan- dalachini- 200
Rogan Eucalyptus- 222
Rogana Sarsafa- 220
Rogana taila- 224
Roheda- 135
Rohida- 135
Rohido- 135
Rohira- 135
Rohitaka - 135
Rohituka tree- 135
Romaara- 191
Rosaceae 43, 45
Rosy flowered lead wort- 133
Rubiaceae 113, 122
Rukuna- 129
Rung- 212
Rutaceae- 80
Ruthenium red- 235
Rutin- 17,76,170
S. indicum L. - 26
Saakhu- 137
Saal- 137
Saalam- 137
Saalapaani- 139
Saalvan- 139
Saalvriksham- 137
Saasive- 220
Saasve- 220
Sabar- 127
Sabinene - 166
Sabinyl acetate- 39

Prasni- 70
Procyandin- 37
Prosopis cineraria Druce- 142
Protein Estimation - 251
Protensein- 31
Protium caudatum W. & A. -3
Protodioscin saponin C- 58
Protodiscin saponin C- 28
Prototribestin- 58
Prunasin- 44, 46
Prunus avium L. 43, 45
Pseudomonas aeruginosa - 278
Pseudomonas Agar Medium for
Detection of Flourescein - 272
Pseudomonas Agar Medium for
Detection of Pyocyanin- 272
Pterocarpan- 140
Pukara- 208
Pulivanchi- 196
Pulladi- 139
Pullaprabbali- 196
Puncture vine- 56
Purified Water - 328
Puruni saga- 101
Pushwari - 12, 14
Pusparasa- 214
Puspasava- 214
Putikatada- 163
Putiri chunda- 26
Putregu- 163
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids - 67
Qarnful- 212
Quercetin- 17, 31, 35, 76, 125, 132
Quinic acid- 37
Quinine- 65
Quinones - 134
Qurtum- 92
Raalchaavriksha- 137
Raffinose- 93
Ragatpiti- 106
Rajapupa- 86
Rakta Citraka - 133
Rakta-chita- 133
Raktaphal- 19, 21

Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Medium- 272

Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Medium with
Antibiotics- 272
Saccharopine- 42
Saccharum officinarum L. -206
S-acetyl dihydroasparagusic acid- 42
Sada Kanchana- 131
Safed Kulanjana- 59
Safflower 92, 94, 96
Safranin- 235
Sahad- 214
Sain- 142
Sajja- 185
Sajjai- 185
Sajjalu- 185
Sakalapriya- 29
kareta- 73
Sakhara- 218
Sakhuaa- 137
Sakkara- 218
Sakkare- 218
Saktuphala- 142
Sala- 137
la - 137
lapar - 139
Salicaceae- 169
Salicin- 170
Salicortin- 170
Salila- 208
Salira- 208
Salix alba L- 169
Salka parga- 158
am - 142
Salmonella - 278
Saloparnni- 139
Salpan- 139
Salpatri- 139
Saltree- 137
Salva- 137
Salvingenin- 125
Sameravo- 139
Sami- 142
Sangalu- 29
akuphalik- 142
Sanna Bettamu- 191

Saponarin- 116
Saponin glycosides - 42
Saponins- 35, 102, 186, 192
Sarakhsa- 158
Sarasiya Tail- 220
Sarate- 56
Sariah- 220
Sarishaa- 220
Sarivan- 139
arkar - 218
Sarkara -206
Sarkkarai- 218
Sarpih- 204
Sarapa Taila - 220
Sarsasapogenin glycoside- 42
Sarso ka Saka- 220
Sarvan- 139
Sat-ajavayan- 226
Saunder- 142
Saurabhanimba - 145
Savolikkoti- 108
Schultzes Maceration fluid- 235
Screwpine- 86
Scutellarin- 189
Sebesten 152, 154
Sehua- 127
Selenite F Broth- 272
Selinidin- 15
-Selinen- 79
-Salinene- 125
Selinum vaginatum C.B. Clarke- 12, 14
elu 152, 154
Sendurakam- 92
Senturakam- 92
Senturkam 94, 96
Serpana- 38
Sesamum indicum L. - 224
Sesamum Oil- 224
Sesquiterpene lactones - 62
Shaakar- 218
Shaal tree- 137
Shaalgaach- 137
Shaaluaagachha- 137
Shaalvriksh- 137
Shaalvriksh- 137
Shala- 137

- Sitosterol glucosides- 184

Sivanar vayambu- 150
Sivanarvembu- 150
iva-nl - 150
Skimmianine- 81
lemtaka 152, 154
lpadrikanda - 156
Sodium bicarbonate - 256
Sodium Bicarbonate - 329
Sodium Bicarbonate Solution - 330
Sodium Carbonate- 330
Sodium carbonate, anhydrous AsT- 254
Sodium Chloride- 330
Sodium Chloride Solution 288, 330
Sodium hydroxide 256, 330
Sodium Hydroxide Solution- 331
Sodium Hydroxide Solution, Dilute- 331
Sodium Hydroxide, x N - 331
Sodium Potassium Tartrate- 331
Sodium Salicylate- 254
Sodium Sulphate (anhydrous) - 332
Sodium Thiosulphate- 332
Sodium Thiosulphate, 0.1 N- 332
Sogade- 115
Solafuranone- 28
Solanaceae- 26, 75
Solanum anguivi Lam. - 26
Somanaadikaayam- 113
onitavar- 104
Sorisha Tela- 220
Sottaikala- 163
Soxhlet Modification of Fehlings
solution -333
Sperage- 41
Sphrjaka- 173
Sphtakr - 158
Spiked millet- 185
Spirostanol glucoside- 42
Sprk- 160
Spkk - 160
Spunge tree- 142
rihastini- 66
Sriprasna- 212
rvraka- 148

Shalpaani- 139
Shalpurni- 139
Shalwan- 139
Shami- 142
Shevanti- 61
Shikimic acid- 37
Shirsiche Taila- 220
Shiva-malli- 150
Shiva-nimba- 150
Shorea robusta Gaertn. - 137
Shoreaphenol- 138
Shushunishaak- 148
Siguri -1
Sij- 127
Sikt- 218
-Silenene- 62
Silver Nitrate Solution - 329
Silver Nitrate, 0.1 N - 329
Silver spiked cocks comb- 148
Sihik- 26
Simlu- 32
Sinni-maram- 99
iralakar- 38
Siravaari- 148
Siriportlagida- 189
Sirivlik- 148
Siriyaari- 148
Sit- 218
Sitaampu- 106
Sitakda- 75
itaiva- 210
Sitasavaram- 108
Sita tavakra- 7
itavra- 148
Sitivra- 148
itivraka - 148
-sitosterol-2, 10, 17, 20, 22, 42, 53, 73,
87, 89, 93, 121, 136, 153, 155, 157, 162,
Sitosterol glucoside- 125
-Sitosterol glucoside 174, 184


ukans - 167
Sukla- 218
Sulfuretin- 184
Sulphamic Acid- 334
Sulphate esters of 1-coumarylglucose- 17
Sulphovanadic acid (Mandelins
reagent) - 235
Sulphur dioxide - 338
Sulphuric acid + orthophosphoric acid
mixture - 334
Sulphuric Acid- 334
Sulphuric acid AsT- 254
Sulphuric acid Sp. - 257
Sulphuric Acid, Chlorine-free- 334
Sulphuric Acid, Nitrogen-free- 334
Sumlu- 32
Surabhinimba- 145
Surali- 148
Suranti- 180
Suravaali- 148
Suravaali- 148
Suravaali- 148
Sushunimaak- 148
Suira ka- 90
Sutrgrapatr- 111
vadatr- 56
Svdukaaka- 56
vetakulajana- 59
Sveta veda muska- 169
veta veda muka- 169
veta vetasa - 169
Sweet Cherry 43, 45
Swertiamarin- 116
Swertisin- 116
Sylswertisin-5-O-glucoside- 116
Sylswertisioside- 116
Synantherias sylvatica Schott Gen.
Aocja -5
Syzygium aromaticum Merril & Perry212
Taalampu- 86
Tagar ganthoda- 129
Taila - 224
Tailapara Taila - 222
Tailaparna- 222

gapup- 88
Sruvavka - 163
Standard dithizone solution - 260
Standard Invert Sugar Solution-333
Standard lead solution- 257
Standard Stains - 255
Stannated hydrochloric acid AsT- 254
Stannous Chloride solution AsT- 254
Stannous Chloride Solution-333
Stannous Chloride-333
Staphylococcus aureus - 279
Star Anise of China- 171
Starch - 237
Starch Estimation - 248
Starch Soluble - 333
Starch Solution - 334
Stearic -53, 119, 153
Stearo-dilinolein- 93, 119
Stearo-oleolinolein- 93, 119
Steroid glucosides- 42
Steroid glycosides - 178
Steroidal saponins 28, 58, 112
Sterols- 65, 159
Sthlail - 165
Sthir- 139
Stigmast-4-en-3,6-dione- 87
Stigmasterol- 17, 74, 87
7 Stigmasterol- 93
Stigmasterol 3-O-beta-Dglucopyranoside - 69
Stomatal Index - 240
Stomatal Number - 242
Subhra- 218
Succinic acid- 188
Scigucch- 41
Scipupa- 86
Sucrose - 341
Sudan Red III- 235
Sugandh- 160
Sugandha-bala- 51
Sugandhapatra taila- 222
Sugandhi bach- 59
Sugandhidru- 38
Sugar- 218
Sugar Estimation - 248


Taja taila- 200

Takkola - 171
Takkolpputtil- 171
Tal taila- 224
Talai- 86
Talaneeli- 108
Tambu- 142
Tannin 186, 238
Tannin rich foliage 143
Tannir- 208
Tanu tvak taila- 200
Taraxerol- 10
Tartaric Acid - 335
Tartaric acid- 188
Taur- 131
Tavakira- 7
Taxifolin- 125
Tazampu- 86
Tazha- 86
Tazhai- 86
Tecomella undulata (Sm.) Seem. - 135
Tecomin (veratroyl -D-glucoside) - 136
Tectochrysin- 46
Tejana- 191
Tekkit- 66
Tela Kuccha- 19, 21
Telkkat- 66
Telkodukkai- 66
Tella iswari- 88
Tella mulaka- 26
Tellagalijeru- 101
Tellamanga- 113
Temburni- 173
Temru- 173
Ten- 214
Tendu- 173
Tepari- 127
Terkkat- 66
-Terpinene- 166
-Terpinene- 166
-Terpinene- 125
Terpinenol- 166
-Terpineol- 166
-Terpineol- 166
Terreside A and B- 58

Terrestriamide - 58
Terrestroneoside- 58
Terrestroside F- 58
Terrestrosin- 58
Terrestrosin J- 58
Tetracosanol- 188
Tetrahydropalmitine- 33
Tetrathionate Broth Medium- 273
Tetrathionate-Bile-Brilliant Green Broth
Medium- 273
Thaale hou- 86
Thaikal- 196
The Greater Cardamom- 165
Then- 214
Thn- 214
Thioglycollic Acid- 335
Thor- 127
Thor veta- 191
Thorkantalo- 127
Thujone- 39
Thymol- 125, 226
Thymus vulgaris L. - 226
Tidbaghuri- 26
Tidbhagnri- 26
Tikka malli- 113
Tikul- 196
Tikur- 196
Til taila- 224
Tila tail- 224
Tila Taila - 224
Tilataila- 224
Tilli taila- 224
Timbaravo- 173
Tindoran- 19, 21
Tinduka - 173
Tirunitripachcha- 38
Titaveen- 38
T-murolol- 62
Toddalia aculeata Pers. - 80
Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. - 80
Toddaline - 81
Tokaapaanaa- 70
Toluene- 335
Tonde balli- 19, 21
Tondlee- 19, 21
Toop- 204


Toratti- 180
Tormentic acid- 125
Toroni- 59
Total reducing sugars - 340
Toya- 208
Tryam - 175
Tryanti- 175
Tryantik- 175
Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague- 226
Trailing coldenia- 177
Trayama- 175
Trayamana- 175
Trayman- 175
Traymana- 175
Triacontane 20, 22, 188
n-Triacontane- 136
n-Triacontanol- 87,136
Trianthema decandra L. - 101
Tribulosaponin A and B- 58
Tribulosin- 58
Tribulus terrestris L. - 56
Tribulusamide A- 58
Triethanolamine 20per cent Solution- 335
Trikaaka- 56
Trilinolein- 93
Triolein - 119
Tripak - 177
Tripakshi- 177
Tripar- 139
Triple Sugar-Iron Agar Medium- 273
Tripukh- 177
Tripunkhi- 177
Triterpenic acid - 162
Triterpenoids 10, 24, 162, 174, 195
Tanya- 86
Tultuli- 101
Tumbi- 173
Tumbika- 173
Tumiki- 173
Tundpora- 80
Tu- 19, 21
Tuga- 142
Tuppa - 204

Tuvaraka - 180
Tvak taila- 200
Typhonium trilobatum Schott- 156
Ubhi ringni- 26
Ubhimo ringni- 26
Udaka- 208
Unicha- 163
Upana- 129
Urea Broth Medium - 274
Ursolic acid- 125
and - 182
Uasundara- 54
Uzarigenin- 195
Vaaluchi-bhaaji- 187
Vaamu satva- 226
Vadagunda - 154
Vadh- 160
Vaginatin - 15
Vaginidin- 15
Vaginol- 15
Vahillic acid- 134
Vahni- 142
Vahniikham- 92
Vaincha- 163
Vjimantha- 29
Vajrnna - 185
Vajr- 127
Vajravall- 9
Valiya chural- 90
Valiya elam- 165
Valjawain- 78
Valuka- 187
Vluk- 187
Vluka 43, 45
Vluk-ka - 187
Vamu-aku- 124
Vanavntka- 26


Vanbhantaa- 26
Vanchi- 90
Vanchi Kanto- 63
Vanni- 142
Vanya-avagola - 189
Vanya-iadgola- 189
Vri- 208
Vripar- 70
Varhmbu- 208
Varuam- 208
Vastrarajana 94, 96
Vastrarajana- 92
Vavankataku- 163
Vein-Islet Number - 241
Vellai caranai- 101
Vellam-206, 208
Vellanagai-34, 36
Vellanamai-34, 36
Vellanava-34, 36
Vellari- 115
Vellaruku- 115
Vellutha thazhuthama- 101
Veranisatins 172
Vet- 191
Veta- 90,191
Vetra - 191
Vetraka- 191
Vicenin - 71
Vicenin 2- 184
Vidrigandh- 139
Vikakata- 163
Vikamkath- 163
Vikankata- 163
Vilayati afsantin- 38
Viral- 173
Visanika - 193
Vitaceae- 9
Vitexin- 55, 184
Vogel-Johnson Agar Medium - 274
Volatile fatty acid - 143
Vrikshamroti- 180
Vntmlaphala - 196
Vcikakanda - 198

Vruvalu- 38
Vyaakud- 26
Water- 208, 335
Water lettuce- 70
Water, Ammonia-free- 335
Wedelia calendulacea Less- 83
Wedelia chinensis Merril- 83
West Indian Arrowroot- 7
White Pavetta - 122
White willow- 169
Wild orange tree- 80
Wiry indigo- 150
Wollelu- 224
Worm wood- 38
Xylenol Orange- 335
Xylenol Orange Solution- 335
Xylose-Lysine-Desoxycholate Agar
Medium - 274
Yaliya nzerinigal- 163
Yamaani sattva- 226
Yamani- 78
Yamni ghanasara- 226
Yavngandh- 124
Yavn satva - 226
Yavaan sara- 226
Yela kalli- 127
Yukeliptus- 222
Zakum- 127
Zarishk- 32
Zarishka- 32
Zeylanone- 134
Zinc Acetate Aluminum Chloride
Reagent - 288
Zinc Acetate Aluminum Chloride
Reagent- 335
Zinc Acetate- 335
Zinc acetate solution 0.05M- 335
Zinc AsT- 254
Zingiberaceae- 59, 165
Zygophyllaceae- 56


The term Rasa refers to the direct and immediate action of a drug when it comes in
contact with the sense organ of taste i.e. tongue. The existence of different types of rasas
(tastes) in different substances is attributed to their varying pancabhautika composition. The
Rasa of different substances have definite relationship to the increase or decrease of Dosha
and they have certain actions in the body. The drugs are selected keeping in view their rasas
(taste) and the predominate doshas in the body of the patient. There are six types of rasas
(tastes). In other contexts the word rasa also applied to nutrition to the end product of
digestion of food, to the first dhatu (tissue) and to the principal metal drug Mercury etc.
1. Madura Sweet
4. Katu (Pungent)

2. Amla Sour
5. Tikta Bitter

3. Lavana salty
6. Kashaya Astringent

The term guna refers to the physico-chemical and also the pharmacodynamic
properties of drugs and dietary articles which are responsible for the action of the respective
drugs/diets in the body. A total of 41 gunas are described in Ayurveda but out of these twenty
are more important.
1. Guru Heaviness
3. Sheet Cold
5. Snigdha Unctuousness
7. Manda Dullness
9. Sthira Immobility
11. Mrdu Softness
13. Vishada Clarity
15. Shlakshana Smoothness
17. Shkshama Fineness
19. Sandra Densness

2. Laghu Lightness
4. Ushna Hot
6. Ruksha Non unctuousness or dryness
8. Teelshana Sharpness
10. Chala Mobility
12. Kathina Hardness
14. Picchila Sliminess
16. Khara Roughness
18. Sthla Bulkiness
20. Drava Fluidity

Vipaka is the action of the drug after it has undergone digestive and assimilative
transformations. The Vipaka of a drug overcomes the action of rasa (taste) but is itself
overcome by virya; vipaka refers to drug metabolism i.e. action of a drug through drug
metabolism. The texts describe three kinds of drug metabolism viz. Katu (pungent) amla
(sour) madhura (sweet) responsible in turn for increase in vata, pitta and kapha respectively.
Virya refers to the potency of a drug/drug action such an action is not accounted for
the rasa, guna or vipaka of a drug. According to the most commonly held view virya is of
two kinds: usna (literal meaning; hot) and sita (literal meaning: cold).


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