Stone Age
Stone Age
Stone Age
1 Historical signicance
Modern Awash River, Ethiopia, descendant of the PalaeoAwash, source of the sediments in which the oldest Stone Age
tools have been found
which stone was widely used to make implements with 2 The Stone Age in archaeology
a sharp edge, a point, or a percussion surface. The period lasted roughly 3.4 million years, and ended between
2.1 Beginning of the Stone Age
6000 BC (or BCE) and 2000 BC (BCE) with the advent
of metalworking.[1]
During 2010, fossilised animal bones bearing marks from
Stone Age artifacts include tools used by modern humans stone tools were found in the Lower Awash Valley in
and by their predecessor species in the genus Homo, and Ethiopia. Discovered by an international team led by
possibly by the earlier partly contemporaneous genera Shannon McPherron, at 3.4 million years old they are
Australopithecus and Paranthropus. Bone tools were used the oldest indirect evidence of stone tool use ever found
The transition out of the Stone Age occurred between 6000 BCE and 2500 BCE for much of humanity living in North Africa and Eurasia. The rst evidence of human metallurgy dates to between the 5th
and 6th millennium BCE in the archaeological sites of
Majdanpek, Yarmovac, and Plonik in modern-day Serbia (a copper axe from 5500 BCE belonging to the Vinca
culture), though not conventionally considered part of the
Chalcolithic or Copper Age, this provides the earliest
known example of copper metallurgy.[10] Note the Rudna
Glava mine in Serbia. tzi the Iceman, a mummy from
about 3300 BCE carried with him a copper axe and a int
In regions such as Subsaharan Africa, the Stone Age was
followed directly by the Iron Age. The Middle East and
southeastern Asian regions progressed past Stone Age
technology around 6000 BCE. Europe, and the rest of
Asia became postStone Age societies by about 4000
BCE. The proto-Inca cultures of South America continued at a Stone Age level until around 2000 BCE, when
gold, copper and silver made their entrance, the rest following later. Australia remained in the Stone Age until
European contact in the 17th century. Stone tool manufacture continued even after the Stone Age ended in a
given area. In Europe and North America, millstones
were in use until well into the 20th century, and still are
in many parts of the world.
used stone for tools until European colonisation began.
The archaeologists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries CE, who adapted the three-age system to their
ideas, hoped to combine cultural anthropology and archaeology in such a way that a specic contemporaneous
tribe can be used to illustrate the way of life and beliefs
of the people exercising a specic Stone-Age technology.
As a description of people living today, the term stone age
is controversial. The Association of Social Anthropologists discourages this use, asserting:[11]
To describe any living group as 'primitive'
or 'Stone Age' inevitably implies that they are
living representatives of some earlier stage of
human development that the majority of humankind has left behind.
In addition to lithic analysis, the eld prehistorian utilizes a wide range of techniques derived from multiple
elds. The work of the archaeologist in determining the
paleocontext and relative sequence of the layers is supplemented by the eorts of the geologic specialist in identifying layers of rock over geologic time, of the paleontological specialist in identifying bones and animals, of the
palynologist in discovering and identifying plant species,
of the physicist and chemist in laboratories determining
dates by the carbon-14, potassium-argon and other methods. Study of the Stone Age has never been mainly about
stone tools and archaeology, which are only one form of
evidence. The chief focus has always been on the society
and the physical people who belonged to it.
Useful as it has been, the concept of the Stone Age has its
limitations. The date range of this period is ambiguous,
disputed, and variable according to the region in question. While it is possible to speak of a general 'stone
age' period for the whole of humanity, some groups never
developed metal-smelting technology, so remained in a
'stone age' until they encountered technologically developed cultures. The term was innovated to describe the
archaeological cultures of Europe. It may not always be The duo thus reinvented the Stone Age. In Sub-Saharan
the best in relation to regions such as some parts of the Africa, however, it was ended by the intrusion of the Iron
Indies and Oceania, where farmers or hunter-gatherers Age from the north. The Neolithic and the Bronze Age
O Benthic
Carbonate (per mil)
Vostok T (C)
The problem of the transitions in archaeology is a branch However, although the intermediate periods were gone,
of the general philosophic continuity problem, which the search for the transitions continued.
examines how discrete objects of any sort that are
contiguous in any way can be presumed to have a relationship of any sort. In archaeology, the relationship is 3 Chronology
one of causality. If Period B can be presumed to descend
from Period A, there must be a boundary between A and
B, the AB boundary. The problem is in the nature of
41 kyr cycle
100 kyr cycle
this boundary. If there is no distinct boundary, then the
population of A suddenly stopped using the customs charFive Million Years of
acteristic of A and suddenly started using those of B, an
Climate Change
unlikely scenario in the process of evolution. More real-8 From Sediment Cores
istically, a distinct border period, the A/B transition, exMillions of Years Ago
isted, in which the customs of A were gradually dropped
and those of B acquired. If transitions do not exist, then Time series plot of temperature over the previous 5 million years
there is no proof of any continuity between A and B.
The Stone Age of Europe is characteristically in decit In 1859 Jens Jacob Worsaae rst proposed a division of
of known transitions. The 19th and early 20th-century the Stone Age into older and younger parts based on his
innovators of the modern three-age system recognized work with Danish kitchen middens that began in 1851.
the problem of the initial transition, the gap between In the subsequent decades this simple distinction develthe Paleolithic and the Neolithic. Louis Leakey provided oped into the archaeological periods of today. The major
something of an answer by proving that man evolved in subdivisions of the Three-age Stone Age cross two epoch
Africa. The Stone Age must have begun there to be car- boundaries on the geologic time scale:
ried repeatedly to Europe by migrant populations. The
The geologic PliocenePleistocene boundary
dierent phases of the Stone Age thus could appear there
(highly glaciated climate)
without transitions. The burden on African archaeologists became all the greater, because now they must nd
The Paleolithic period of archaeology
the missing transitions in Africa. The problem is dicult
The geologic PleistoceneHolocene boundary
and ongoing.
(modern climate)
After its adoption by the First Pan African Congress in
Mesolithic or Epipaleolithic period of archae1947, the Three-Stage Chronology was amended by the
Third Congress in 1955 to include a First Intermediate Period between Early and Middle, to encompass the
Neolithic period of archaeology
Fauresmith and Sangoan technologies, and the Second Intermediate Period between Middle and Later, to encom- The succession of these phases varies enormously from
pass the Magosian technology and others. The chrono- one region (and culture) to another.
Three-age chronology
Three-age chronology
The tools were formed by knocking pieces o a river pebble, or stones like it, with a hammerstone to obtain large
and small pieces with one or more sharp edges. The original stone is called a core; the resultant pieces, akes. Typically, but not necessarily, small pieces are detached from
a larger piece, in which case the larger piece may be called
the core and the smaller pieces the akes. The prevalent
usage, however, is to call all the results akes, which can
be confusing. A split in half is called bipolar aking.
Consequently, the method is often called core-andake. More recently, the tradition has been called small
ake since the akes were small compared to subsequent
Acheulean tools.[22]
The essence of the Oldowan is the making
and often immediate use of small akes.
Another naming scheme is Pebble Core Technology
Pebble cores are ... artifacts that have
been shaped by varying amounts of hardhammer percussion.
Various renements in the shape have been called choppers, discoids, polyhedrons, subspheroid, etc. To date no
reasons for the variants have been ascertained:[24]
From a functional standpoint, pebble
cores seem designed for no specic purpose.
However, they would not have been manufactured for no
Pebble cores can be useful in many cutting, scraping or chopping tasks, but ... they
are not particularly more ecient in such tasks
than a sharp-edged rock ....
According to this chronology Mode 1 was inherited by Homo from unknown Hominans, probably
Australopithecus and Paranthropus, who must have continued on with Mode 1 and then with Mode 2 until their
extinction no later than 1.1 mya. Meanwhile, living contemporaneously in the same regions H. habilis inherited
the tools around 2.3 mya. At about 1.9 mya H. erectus
came on stage and lived contemporaneously with the others. Mode 1 was now being shared by a number of Hominans over the same ranges, presumably subsisting in different niches, but the archaeology is not precise enough
to say which.
The whole point of their utility is that each is a sharpedged rock in locations where nature has not provided
any. There is additional evidence that Oldowan, or Mode
1, tools were utilized in percussion technology"; that is,
they were designed to be gripped at the blunt end and
strike something with the edge, from which use they were
given the name of choppers. Modern science has been
able to detect mammalian blood cells on Mode 1 tools
at Sterkfontein, Member 5 East, in South Africa. As the
blood must have come from a fresh kill, the tool users
are likely to have done the killing and used the tools for
butchering. Plant residues bonded to the silicon of some Oldowan out of Africa Tools of the Oldowan tradition rst came to archaeological attention in Europe,
tools conrm the use to chop plants.[25]
where, being intrusive and not well dened, compared
Although the exact species authoring the tools remains
to the Acheulean, they were puzzling to archaeologists.
unknown, Mode 1 tools in Africa were manufactured and
The mystery would be elucidated by African archaeolused predominantly by Homo habilis. They cannot be said
ogy at Olduvai, but meanwhile, in the early 20th century,
to have developed these tools or to have contributed the
the term Pre-Acheulean came into use in climatology.
tradition to technology. They continued a tradition of yet
C.E.P, Brooks, a British climatologist working in the
unknown origin. As chimpanzees sometimes naturally
United States, used the term to describe a chalky boulder
use percussion to extract or prepare food in the wild, and
clay underlying a layer of gravel at Hoxne, central Engmay use either unmodied stones or stones that they have
land, where Acheulean tools had been found.[33] Whether
split, creating an Oldowan tool, the tradition may well be
any tools would be found in it and what type was not
far older than its current record.
known. Hugo Obermaier, a contemporary German arTowards the end of Oldowan in Africa a new species ap- chaeologist working in Spain, quipped:
peared over the range of Homo habilis: Homo erectus.
The earliest unambiguous evidence is a whole cranium,
Unfortunately, the stage of human indusKNM-ER 3733 (a nd identier) from Koobi Fora in
corresponds to these deposits cannot
An early skull fragment,
Kenya, dated to 1.78 mya.
identied. All we can say is that
KNM-ER 2598, dated to 1.9 mya, is considered a good
candidate also.
Transitions in paleoanthropology are
always hard to nd, if not impossible, but based on the
long-legged limb morphology shared by H. habilis and This uncertainty was claried by the subsequent excavaH. rudolfensis in East Africa, an evolution from one of tions at Olduvai; nevertheless, the term is still in use for
those two has been suggested.[28]
pre-Acheulean contexts, mainly across Eurasia, that are
The most immediate cause of the new adjustments ap- yet unspecied or uncertain but with the understanding
that they are or will turn out to be pebble-tool.[34]
pears to have been an increasing aridity in the region and
consequent contraction of parkland savanna, interspersed There are ample associations of Mode 2 with H. erectus in
with trees and groves, in favor of open grassland, dated Eurasia. H. erectus Mode 1 associations are scantier but
1.81.7 mya. During that transitional period the percent- they do exist, especially in the Far East. One strong piece
age of grazers among the fossil species increased from of evidence prevents the conclusion that only H. erectus
1525% to 45%, dispersing the food supply and requir- reached Eurasia: at Yiron, Israel, Mode 1 tools have been
ing a facility among the hunters to travel longer distances found dating to 2.4 mya,[35] about 0.5 my earlier than the
comfortably, which H. erectus obviously had.[29] The ul- known H. erectus nds. If the date is correct, either antimate proof is the dispersal of H. erectus across much other Hominan preceded H. erectus out of Africa or the
of Africa and Asia, substantially before the development earliest H. erectus has yet to be found.
of the Mode 2 technology and use of re ....[28] H. erectus After the initial appearance at Gona in Ethiopia at 2.7
carried Mode 1 tools over Eurasia.
mya, pebble tools date from 2.0 mya at Sterkfontein,
According to the current evidence (which may change at
any time) Mode 1 tools are documented from about 2.6
mya to about 1.5 mya in Africa,[30] and to 0.5 mya outside
of it.[31] The genus Homo is known from H. habilis and
H. rudolfensis from 2.3 to 2.0 mya, with the latest habilis
being an upper jaw from Koobi Fora, Kenya, from 1.4
mya. H. erectus is dated 1.80.6 mya.[32]
Three-age chronology
be found in Africa, or that, in fact, erectus did not originate in Africa after all but on the plains of Asia.[28] The
outcome of the issue waits for more substantial evidence.
Erectus was found also at Dmanisi, Georgia, from 1.75
mya in association with pebble tools.
Pebble tools are found the latest rst in southern Europe
and then in northern. They begin in the open areas of Italy
and Spain, the earliest dated to 1.6 mya at Pirro Nord,
Italy. The mountains of Italy are rising at a rapid rate
in the framework of geologic time; at 1.6 mya they were
lower and covered with grassland (as much of the highlands still are). Europe was otherwise mountainous and
covered over with dense forest, a formidable terrain for
warm-weather savanna dwellers. Similarly there is no evidence that the Mediterranean was passable at Gibraltar
or anywhere else to H. erectus or earlier hominans. They
might have reached Italy and Spain along the coasts.
In northern Europe pebble tools are found earliest at
Happisburgh, United Kingdom, from 0.8 mya. The
last traces are from Kents Cavern, dated 0.5 mya. By
that time H. erectus is regarded as having been extinct; however, a more modern version apparently had
evolved, Homo heidelbergensis, who must have inherited
the tools.[37] He also explains the last of the Acheulean in
Germany at 0.4 mya.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries archaeologists
worked on the assumptions that a succession of Hominans and cultures prevailed, that one replaced another.
Today the presence of multiple hominans living contemporaneously near each other for long periods is accepted
as proved true; moreover, by the time the previously assumed earliest culture arrived in northern Europe, the
rest of Africa and Eurasia had progressed to the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic, so that across the earth all
three were for a time contemporaneous. In any given region there was a progression from Oldowan to Acheulean,
Lower to Upper, no doubt.
Acheulean in Africa Main article: Acheulean
The end of Oldowan in Africa was brought on by the
appearance of Acheulean, or Mode 2, stone tools. The
earliest known instances are in the 1.71.6 mya layer
at Kokiselei, West Turkana, Kenya.[27] At Sterkfontein,
South Africa, they are in Member 5 West, 1.71.4
mya.[25] The 1.7 is a fairly certain, fairly standard date.
Mode 2 is often found in association with H. erectus. It
makes sense that the most advanced tools should have
been innovated by the most advanced Hominan; consequently, they are typically given credit for the innovation.
In North Africa, the presence of Mode 2 remains a mystery, as the oldest nds are from Thomas Quarry in
Morocco at 0.9 mya.[36] Archaeological attention, however, shifts to the Jordan Rift Valley, an extension of
the East African Rift Valley (the east bank of the Jordan is slowly sliding northward as East Africa is thrust
away from Africa). Evidence of use of the Nile Valley
is in decit, but Hominans could easily have reached the
palaeo-Jordan river from Ethiopia along the shores of the
Red Sea, one side or the other. A crossing would not have
been necessary, but it is more likely there than over a theA Mode 2 tool is a biface consisting of two concave oretical but unproven land bridge through either Gibraltar
surfaces intersecting to form a cutting edge all the way or Sicily.
around, except in the case of tools intended to feature a Meanwhile, Acheulean went on in Africa past the 1.0 mya
point. More work and planning go into the manufacture mark and also past the extinction of H. erectus there. The
of a Mode 2 tool. The manufacturer hits a slab o a larger last Acheulean in East Africa is at Olorgesailie, Kenya,
rock to use as a blank. Then large akes are struck o dated to about 0.9 mya. Its owner was still H. erectus,[36]
the blank and worked into bifaces by hard-hammer per- but in South Africa, Acheulean at Elandsfontein, 1.0
0.6 mya, is associated with Saldanha man, classied as
H. heidelbergensis, a more advanced, but not yet modern, descendant most likely of H. erectus. The Thoman
Quarry Hominans in Morocco similarly are most likely
Homo rhodesiensis,[39] in the same evolutionary status as
H. heidelbergensis.
Three-age chronology
tion of the archaeologists excavating the site. Microliths
were used in the manufacture of more ecient composite
tools, resulting in an intensication of hunting and shing and with increasing social activity the development
of more complex settlements, such as Lepenski Vir. Domestication of the dog as a hunting companion probably
dates to this period.
The earliest known battle occurred during the Mesolithic
period at a site in Egypt known as Cemetery 117.
3.1.5 Neolithic
Bradshaw rock paintings found in the north-west Kimberley region of Western Australia.
the Neolithic with newly settled people importing exotic gies, Oldowan and Acheulean, which produced Mode 1
goods over distances of many hundreds of miles.
and Mode 2 stone tools respectively. A distinct regional
is warranted, however, by the location and chronolThese facts show that there were sucient resources and
the sites and the exact typology.
co-operation to enable large groups to work on these
projects. To what extent this was a basis for the development of elites and social hierarchies is a matter of ongoing
debate.[53] Although some late Neolithic societies formed
complex stratied chiefdoms similar to Polynesian societies such as the Ancient Hawaiians, based on the societies of modern tribesmen at an equivalent technological
level, most Neolithic societies were relatively simple and
egalitarian.[54] A comparison of art in the two ages leads
some theorists to conclude that Neolithic cultures were
noticeably more hierarchical than the Paleolithic cultures
that preceded them.[55]
Three-stage chronology
The Earlier or Early Stone Age (ESA)
4 Material culture
4.1 Tools
Stone tools were made from a variety of stones. For example, int and chert were shaped (or chipped) for use
as cutting tools and weapons, while basalt and sandstone
were used for ground stone tools, such as quern-stones.
Wood, bone, shell, antler (deer) and other materials were
widely used, as well. During the most recent part of
the period, sediments (such as clay) were used to make
Acheulean biface from Lake Langano area, Ethiopia.
pottery. Agriculture was developed and certain animals
a translation of Paleolithic, or with Paleolithic, or with were domesticated as well.
the Earlier Stone Age that originally meant what be- Some species of non-primates are able to use stone tools,
came the Paleolithic and Mesolithic. In the initial decades such as the sea otter, which breaks abalone shells with
of its denition by the Pan-African Congress of Prehis- them. Primates can both use and manufacture stone tools.
tory, it was parallel in Africa to the Upper and Middle This combination of abilities is more marked in apes and
Paleolithic. However, since then Radiocarbon dating has men, but only men, or more generally Hominans, depend
shown that the Middle Stone Age is in fact contempo- on tool use for survival.[61] The key anatomical and beraneous with the Middle Paleolithic.[56] The Early Stone havioral features required for tool manufacture, which are
Age therefore is contemporaneous with the Lower Pale- possessed only by Hominans, are the larger thumb and the
olithic and happens to include the same main technolo- ability to hold by means of an assortment of grips.[62]
4.4 Art
Main articles: Paleolithic diet and Paleolithic diet and Prehistoric art is visible in the artifacts. Prehistoric music
is inferred from found instruments, while parietal art can
be found on rocks of any kind. The latter are petroglyphs
Food sources of the Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers were and rock paintings. The art may or may not have had a
wild plants and animals harvested from the environment. religious function.
They liked animal organ meats, including the livers,
kidneys and brains. Large seeded legumes were part
of the human diet long before the agricultural revolution, as is evident from archaeobotanical nds from the
Mousterian layers of Kebara Cave, in Israel.[63] Moreover, recent evidence indicates that humans processed
and consumed wild cereal grains as far back as 23,000
years ago in the Upper Paleolithic.[64]
4.4.1 Petroglyphs
Main article: Petroglyph
Petroglyphs appeared in the Neolithic. A Petroglyph is an
intaglio abstract or symbolic image engraved on natural
stone by various methods, usually by prehistoric peoples.
They were a dominant form of pre-writing symbols. Petroglyphs have been discovered in dierent parts of the
world, including Asia (Bhimbetka, India), North America (Death Valley National Park), South America (Cumbe
Mayo, Peru), and Europe (Finnmark, Norway).
sometimes interpreted as calendar or almanac use, but the from the Stone Age indicate certain rituals and beliefs of
evidence remains interpretative.[66]
the people in those prehistoric times. It is now believed
Some scenes of the Mesolithic, however, can be typed that activities of the Stone Age humans went beyond the
and therefore, judging from their various modications, immediate requirements of procuring food, body coverare fairly clear. One of these is the battle scene between ings, and shelters. Specic rites relating to death and
organized bands of archers. For example, the marching burial were practiced, though certainly diering in style
Warriors, a rock painting at Cingle de la Mola, Castelln and execution between cultures.
in Spain, dated to about 7,0004,000 BCE, depicts about
50 bowmen in two groups marching or running in step
toward each other, each man carrying a bow in one hand
and a stful of arrows in the other. A le of ve men leads
one band, one of whom is a gure with a high crowned
hat. In other scenes elsewhere, the men wear headdresses and knee ornaments but otherwise ght nude.
Some scenes depict the dead and wounded, bristling with
arrows.[67] One is reminded of tzi the Iceman, a Copper
Age mummy revealed by an Alpine melting glacier, who
collapsed from loss of blood due to an arrow wound in
the back.
See also
Prehistoric warfare
Ice Age
List of Stone Age art
Timeline of the Stone Age
[5] Harmand, Sonia; et al. (21 May 2015). 3.3-million-yearold stone tools from Lomekwi 3, West Turkana, Kenya.
Nature 521: 310315. doi:10.1038/nature14464.
8 References
Barham, Lawrence; Mitchell, Peter (2008). The
First Africans: African Archaeology from the Earliest Toolmakers to Most Recent Foragers. Cambridge
World Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University
Belmaker, Miriam (March 2006). Community
Structure through Time: 'Ubeidiya, a Lower Pleistocene Site as a Case Study (Thesis) (PDF). Paleoanthropology Society.
Clark, J. Desmond (1970). The Prehistory of Africa.
Ancient People and Places, Volume 72. New York;
Washington: Praeger Publishers.
Deacon, Hilary John; Deacon, Janette (1999). Human beginnings in South Africa: uncovering the secrets of the Stone Age. Walnut Creek, Calif. [u.a.]:
Altamira Press.
Piccolo, Salvatore (2013). Ancient Stones: The
Prehistoric Dolmens of Sicily. Thornham/Norfolk
(UK): Brazen Head Publishing.
Rogers, Michael J.; Semaw, Sileshi (2009). From
Nothing to Something: The Appearance and Context of the Earliest Archaeological Record. In
Camps i Calbet, Marta; Chauhan, Parth R. Sourcebook of paleolithic transitions: methods, theories,
and interpretations. New York: Springer.
Schick, Kathy D.; Nicholas Toth (1993). Making Silent Stones Speak: Human Evolution and the
Dawn of Technology. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-671-69371-9. Cite uses deprecated parameter |coauthors= (help)
Shea, John J. (2010). Stone Age Visiting Cards Revisited: a Strategic Perspective on the Lithic Technology of Early Hominin Dispersal. In Fleagle,
John G.; Shea, John J.; Grine, Frederick E.; Boden,
Andrea L.; Leakey, Richard E,. Out of Africa I: the
First Hominin Colonization of Eurasia. Dordrecht;
Heidelberg; London; New York: Springer. pp. 47
Further reading
Scarre, Christopher (ed.) (1988). Past Worlds: The
Times Atlas of Archaeology. London: Times Books.
ISBN 0-7230-0306-8.
External links
Giusepi, Robert A. (2000). The Stone Age. History World International. Retrieved 22 February
Kowalski, D.R. Stone Age Hand-axes. Retrieved 22 February
Kowalski, D.R. Stone Age Habitats. Retrieved 22 February 2011.
PanAfrican Archaeological Association.
trieved 28 February 2011.
Stone Age Source: Contributors: Vicki Rosenzweig, Bryan Derksen, Tarquin,
Taw, Alex.tan, Rmhermen, SimonP, Peterlin~enwiki, BryceHarrington, Olivier, Frecklefoot, Patrick, Michael Hardy, Paul Barlow, Gdarin,
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Rosoft, EugeneZelenko, Discospinster, Rhobite, Mazi, Vsmith, Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters, Dbachmann, Grutter, Stbalbach, Bender235,
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SchftyThree, Hongooi, Oatmeal batman, Scwlong, Javier Arambel, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Sephiroth BCR, Yidisheryid, Rizzi,
Rrburke, Addshore, KnowledgeLord, Smooth O, Underbar dk, Dreadstar, Yom, Evlekis, Kahuroa, Risker, Risssa, ArglebargleIV, Serein
(renamed because of SUL), Rukario639, John, Euchiasmus, Scientizzle, Kipala, Heimstern, SilkTork, Thanos5150, Gobonobo, Jimd,
Jas131, IronGargoyle, Judge Howarth, A. Parrot, Mr Stephen, Dukemeiser, Skinsmoke, Dl2000, BranStark, Nonexistant User, Loki0074,
BananaFiend, Iridescent, Dekaels~enwiki, Laurens-af, Joseph Solis in Australia, Shoeofdeath, CapitalR, Courcelles, Tawkerbot2, Randroide, Fvasconcellos, Farouk92, JForget, Ale jrb, Sir Vicious, Dr.Bastedo, Baiji, AshLin, Ken Gallager, Lokal Prol, MrFish, Mike 7,
Mato, Hooded sonny, Gogo Dodo, Siberian Husky, JFreeman, Alexfrance250291, Marssociety, Tawkerbot4, Doug Weller, Christian75,
DumbBOT, Kozuch, Emils9, Aazn, Omicronpersei8, UberScienceNerd, Maziotis, Epbr123, Qwyrxian, N5iln, Mojo Hand, Marek69,
A3RO, James086, RickinBaltimore, Joymmart, J. W. Love, Kohlrabi, Natalie Erin, Escarbot, KevinWho, AntiVandalBot, Milton Stanley, Majorly, Luna Santin, Seaphoto, Crabula, Pro crast in a tor, TimVickers, Tmopkisn, Modernist, me Errante, Credema, Fireice,
Labongo, Myanw, Redsnapper511, JAnDbot, Tigga, Leuko, MER-C, Skomorokh, Fetchcomms, Andonic, East718, PhilKnight, Savant13,
Geniac, Magioladitis, 75pickup, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Silicon retina, JNW, SineWave, Kevinmon, TAP3AH, 28421u2232nfenfcenc,
Allstarecho, Schumi555, Cpl Syx, Fang 23, Vssun, DerHexer, Wguy00, WriterArtistDC, JosephCampisi, MartinBot, GimliDotNet, Arjun01, Rettetast, Juansidious, Anaxial, Hazzah!, CommonsDelinker, AlexiusHoratius, Dinkytown, J.delanoy, Darin-0, Snow Shoes, Virgil
Valmont, Winampman, AlienZen, DarkFalls, LordAnubisBOT, Clerks, Balthazarduju, Canadian Scouter, AntiSpamBot, HiLo48, Loohcsnuf, NewEnglandYankee, Half-Blood Auror, In Transit, SJP, Largoplazo, KylieTastic, Cometstyles, Jamesofur, Bonadea, 619po, Podyte,
JavierMC, Specter01010, Devin.Callahan, CardinalDan, Idioma-bot, Oaxaca dan, Ariobarzan, Malik Shabazz, Deor, VolkovBot, ABF,
Jlaramee, Skjbe, Temp234, Je G., AlnoktaBOT, Jacroe, Ryan032, Philip Trueman, Mike Cline, TXiKiBoT, Oshwah, Technopat, Tonicblue, Rei-bot, Wiikipedian, Dendodge, LeaveSleaves, Rickito, Cremepu222, Liberal Classic, Itemirus, Falcon8765, Burntsauce, HiDrNick, AlleborgoBot, Spdhf, TheXenocide, SieBot, Arun11, Steorra, WereSpielChequers, Gfglegal, SheepNotGoats, Hertz1888, Caltas,
ConfuciusOrnis, Yintan, The very model of a minor general, Calabraxthis, Keilana, Happysailor, Flyer22 Reborn, UnrivaledShogun,
Yuanxu 0706, Oda Mari, Micke-sv, Oxymoron83, Harry-, Hello71, Benea, Steven Crossin, Lightmouse, Ks0stm, Juneythomas, Calatayudboy, Nordic Crusader, PerryTachett, Pinkadelica, Escape Orbit, Randy Kryn, TwinnedChimera, Floorwalker, Mr. Granger, Alfons berg,
Martarius, Apuldram, ClueBot, Avenged Eightfold, Fyyer, The Thing That Should Not Be, Gaia Octavia Agrippa, R000t, Photouploaded,
Drmies, Mild Bill Hiccup, CounterVandalismBot, Parkwells, Thegargoylevine, Phenylalanine, Puchiko, DragonBot, Excirial, Eeekster,
Jayantanth, Nownownow, Ember of Light, Tahmasp, Moberg, Thingg, Leungkh, Ranjithsutari, Versus22, Starlemusique, Yozer1, Johnuniq,
SoxBot III, DumZiBoT, BarretB, ChickenFURY, BodhisattvaBot, Stickee, Rror, Shoeofdeathisadouche, Avoided, Skarebo, NellieBly, Badgernet, Noctibus, ZooFari, Bobliang345, Stephen Poppitt, King Pickle, Addbot, ConCompS, Freakmighty, DOI bot, Tcncv, DaughterofSun,
Astraydagger, Kristinamwood, Fieldday-sunday, Hoboday, CanadianLinuxUser, Fluernutter, BabelStone, Download, EhsanQ, ChenzwBot, LinkFA-Bot, West.andrew.g, 5 albert square, Numbo3-bot, Ehrenkater, Tide rolls, Bluebusy, Albert galiza, Megaman en m, Legobot,
PlankBot, Luckas-bot, Pink!Teen, Tohd8BohaithuGh1, Sprachpeger, Fraggle81, Ojay123, Gobbleswoggler, Timothyhouse1, Inemanja,
IW.HG, Eric-Wester, JungleJoe, Magog the Ogre, Daveosaurus, AnomieBOT, Andrewrp, 1exec1, ThaddeusB, Jim1138, Piano non troppo,
AdjustShift, Thewanger, NickK, Cillian ood, Csigabi, Flewis, Materialscientist, ImperatorExercitus, Citation bot, Gilderoy8, Nika 243,
Bob Burkhardt, Yelloeyes, Maxis ftw, Frankenpuppy, Obersachsebot, MauritsBot, Xqbot, Timir2, Intelati, Cureden, Addihockey10, Capricorn42, Sungmanitu, Thermoproteus, Ultimation, RadiX, J04n, GrouchoBot, Abce2, Brandon5485, Arch27, Doulos Christos, GhalyBot,
Halubihalubi, Shadowjams, E0steven, Captain Weirdo the Great, Fortdj33, LucienBOT, Dger, Sebastiangarth, Bukovets, JohnL.Weber,
Robo37, HamburgerRadio, Citation bot 1, Harleh, Pinethicket, I dream of horses, Haaqfun, Jonesey95, MJ94, Calmer Waters, Icemerang,
Hoo man, Hantzen, Serols, SpaceFlight89, le ottante, Ronald0216, VinnyXY, Newgrounder, Tim1357,
, Abc518, Gamewizard71,
FoxBot, TrickyM, TobeBot, Jonkerz, Comet Tuttle, Pclaplante, Kmw2700, Defender of torch, Cowlibob, Joodeak, Mttcmbs, Xrmach,
Suusion of Yellow, PleaseStand, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, Fellisha123, Bmathews96, Onel5969, TheRealSimmonds, RjwilmsiBot, TjBot,
Shiftyfty, Hajatvrc, DASHBot, EmausBot, John of Reading, WikitanvirBot, JohnXCitizen, Gfoley4, Razor2988, RA0808, Nquinn91,
Slightsmile, Tommy2010, Wikipelli, Dcirovic, ZroBot, , Zap Rowsdower, David J Johnson, Jay-Sebastos, TyA, Brandmeister, L Kensington, Photofem, MonoAV, Donner60, CountMacula, Pun, Quadruplum, ChuispastonBot, VictorianMutant, DASHBotAV, ClueBot NG, Prohistorygeek, Uziw, This lousy T-shirt, Tideat, McGrowski, Muon, Rezabot, Widr, Wllmevans, PatHadley, Darrend67, 0987oiuy, Helpful Pixie Bot, Qaewsd, Editking612, Electriccatsh2, Titodutta, Calabe1992, Gob Lofa, Hopekatienom, Seistho,
Bellardoo, BG19bot, Smallerjim, Goddamcaptchacode, MusikAnimal, , Sowsnek, FiveColourMap, CimanyD,
Cowsgobob, Jinglearceus, Lmarcell14, Chip123456, A Timelord, Teammm, Zhaofeng Li, ChrisGualtieri, Codeh, TacticalTurtleneck, Eu-
roCarGT, Titchybear, Verryniceguy2, Dexbot, T v shah, Lugia2453, Ak5791, Frosty, Schiltron, Darth Sitges, PizzaHutCreeper, Ruby
Murray, Tentinator, AnthonyJ Lock, DavidLeighEllis, Emily2117, Ugog Nizdast, Laurenmathews123, Ginsuloft, Pratheshsum, Xspike15,
Manul, Noyster, Lizia7, Meganesia, Kimboslicee, JaconaFrere, Dinorexcoolio, Monkbot, Supermariolink777, Braden12345, Iluhrs, Owen
minns, Flingbong, HMSLavender, 115ash, Alpha Monarch, Oinksgiant2000, Ninafundisha, DangerousJXD, Speedytacos, Surajbryan,
Jessica Simpson03,
, Johanna, Guillame Heavensburg, MacPoli1, Addemf, Aset34, GeneralizationsAreBad, Nokia loomia 630,
KasparBot, 3 of Diamonds, Yusdu14, Happypoos, MXfurry, Basuza.majumdar, Wikiass123, Mannermauler, N120pA, CLCStudent, Calipachanguero, Valentine Westing, Fares Castro02, Blablablaxox123, Quaavious, Kailey 2001 and Anonymous: 1102
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File:Awashrivermap.png Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work, Elevation data from SRTM, drainage basin from GTOPO [1], all other features from Vector Map. Rand McNally
New International Atlas (1993) used as reference. Original artist: Kmusser
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File:Bradshaw_rock_paintings.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: Bradshaw Art Original artist: TimJN1
File:Canto_tallado_2-Guelmim-Es_Semara.jpg Source:
2-Guelmim-Es_Semara.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Jos-Manuel Benito lvarez (Espaa) >
Locutus Borg
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CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Transferred from it.wikipedia to Commons by Memorato. Original artist: Spiccolo at Italian Wikipedia
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License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: svg-version of Five_Myr_Climate_Change.png; original image by User:Dragons ight, based on
data (gure 4?) from Lisiecki and Raymo (2005) Original artist: Dragons ight (Robert A. Rohde), svg by Jo
File:Ggantija_Temples_(1).jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Dmitri Lytov using CommonsHelper. Original artist:
Norum at English Wikipedia
File:National_park_stone_tools.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. National Park Service, Mississippi River Mussels: Tools From Mussel Shells Original artist: ?
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License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Original artist: Melka Kunture Museum
File:Paulnabrone.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: User Kglavin on en.wikipedia
File:Raedera.png Source: License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors:
Own work Original artist: Jos-Manuel Benito
File:Skara_Brae_house_9.jpg Source: License: CCBY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Wknight94
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Contributors: Rei-artur Original artist: Nicholas Moreau
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