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Computer Fundamental Syllabus

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Basics of Computer & its Applications

L-3, T-2, P-0, C-4

Course Code: BCH-104, BCP-104, BBA-204, AR-353, BAG-206, BJM-105, BFA-203,
BML-107, BRT-107, BCO-108, BBN-107, BSA-101, BCA-103, CSC-101, ICA-106, BCA107, BPH-204, DIP-106/206, BCS-301/401, ECS-101/201
Objective: To give the basic knowledge of Computer & its applications to the
Course Contents
Basics of Computer System: Definition, Characteristics of Computers, Basic
Applications of Computer, Generations of computers. Components of Computer
System: Central Processing Unit (CPU), input/output Devices, computer Memory:
primary and secondary memory, magnetic and optical storage devices, Concepts of
Hardware and Software. Introduction of number system.
(Lecture 8)
Using MS-Word: Overview of Word processor, Basics of Font type, size, color,
Effects like Bold, italic , underline, Subscript and superscript, Case changing options,
Inserting, deleting, undo and redo, Copy and Moving (cutting) text within a
document, Formatting Paragraphs and Lists Setting line spacing; single, Page
settings and margins including header and footer, Spelling and Grammatical checks,
Table and its options, Inserting rows or columns, merging and splitting cells,
Arithmetic Calculations in a Table, Working with pictures, Inserting Pictures from
Files, Using Drawings and WordArt; Lines and Shapes, Modifying Drawn Objects,
Formatting Drawn Objects, options for Creating and Modifying a WordArt Object.
(Lecture 8)
Using MS-Excel: Introduction to data, Cell address, Excel Data Types, Concept of
Hyperlink, Introduction to formatting, number, text and date formatting, Concept of
worksheet and workbook, Understanding formulas, Operators in Excel, Operators
Precedence, Understanding Functions, Common Excel Functions such as sum,
average, min, max, date, transpose, In, And, or, sqrt, power, upper, lower, Types of
graphics: Word art, auto shapes , Images, Introduction to charts, overview of
different types of charts available with Excel, Concept of print area, margins,
header, footer and other page setup options.
(Lecture 8)
Using MS-Power Point: Outline of an effective presentation, starting a New
Presentation Files, Saving work, creating new Slides, Working with textboxes.
Changing a slides Layout, Applying a theme, Changing Colors, fonts and effects,
Creating and managing custom Color & font theme, changing the background.
Managing slides master, Managing theme. Changing the font, font size, font color,
texts fill. Working with drawing tools, Applying shape or picture styles, Embed a
video, Link to a video, Size a video, Video playback options, Configuring a sound

playback, Assigning sound to an object, Adding a digital music sound track,

Transition effects and timings.
(Lecture 8)
Internet and its application
Introduction, Internet evolution, Working of Internet, Use of Internet. Overview of
World Wide Web (Web Server and Client), Introduction to Search engine and
Searching the Web, Downloading files Introduction to Web Browsers, Working with Email (creation and use of the same)

Images and their formats, Image editing- tools and techniques, Image capturing, digital image,
bit depth, resolution, color modes, aspect ratio., Printing of documents, print set up, print

(Lecture 8)
Text Books:
1. Sinha P.K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publishing.
2. OLeary Timothy, OLeary Linda, Microsoft Office2007,TMH Publication
3. Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book (Author: Adobe Creative Team) Adobe
Reference Books:
1. Leon A. & Leon M., Introductions to Computers, Vikas Publication.
2. Cyganski, Information Technology:Inside and outside, Pearson Education.
3. Norton Peter, Introductions to Computers, TMHPublication.
4. Price Michael, Office 2010 in Easy Steps ,TMH Publication.
*Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended

Computer Fundamental & MS-Office Lab

Lab Contents

L-0, T-0, P-4, C-2

The User Interface

Using Mouse and Moving Icons on the screen, The My Computer Icon, The Recycle
Bin, Status Bar, Start and Menu & Menu selection, Running an Application, Windows
Explorer Viewing of File, Folders and Directories, Creating and Renaming of files and
An Introduction to Word Processing, Opening Word Processing Package, the Menu
Bar, Using the Help, Using the Icons below menu bar, Opening Documents, Save
and Save AS, Page Setup, Printing of Documents, Display/Hiding of Paragraph Marks
and Inter Word Space, Moving Around in a Document, Scrolling the Document,
Scrolling by line/paragraph, Fast Scrolling and Moving Pages, Using a
Document/Help Wizard, Paragraph and Tab Setting, Text Selection, Cut, copy and
paste, Font and Size selection, Bold ,Italic and Underline, Alignment of Text: Center,
Left, right and Justify, Changing font, Size and Color, Paragraph indenting, Bullets
and Numbering, Use of Tab and Tab setting, Changing case, Opening and closing of
Multiple documents, Cut, Copy and Paste across the documents, Saving of Clip
boards, Draw Table, Changing cell Width and Height, Alignment of Text in Cell,
Delete/insertion of row and columns, Borders for Table.
Application/usage of Electronic Spread Sheet, Opening of Spread Sheet, The menu
bar, Creation of cells and addressing of cells, Enter texts numbers and dates,
Creation of tables Cell Height and Widths, Copying of cells, Providing Formulas,
Using basic functions / formalism a cell, Sum function, Average, Percentage, Other
basic functions
Spread sheets for Small accountings: Maintaining invoices/budgets, Totaling of
various transactions, maintaining daily and monthly sales reports.
MS-Power Point
Difference between presentation and document, Opening a Power Point
Presentation, Using Wizard for creating a presentation, Creation of Presentation:
Title, Text Creation, Fonts and Sizes, Bullets and indenting, Moving to Next Slide,
Selection of type of Slides, Importing text from word documents, The Slide manager,
Slide Designs, Background and Text colors, Making your own slide format, Footnotes
and slide numbering, Slide Manipulation and Slide Show, Using the Slide Show,

Printing the Slides and Handouts, Slide sorter, Title sorter. Making of a photo album,
linking of video & sound files.
Internet & Email
Surfing the Internet: Giving the URL address, Search, Moving Around in a web-site,
Printing or saving portion of web pages, Downloading.
Basic of electronic mail: Email addressing, Mailbox: Inbox and outbox, Viewing an
email, Sending an Email, Saving mails, Sending same mail to various users, Sending
soft copy as attachment, Enclosures to email, Sending a Portion of document as

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