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CE6306 QB

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Question Bank
1. Define Poisons Ratio

May/June 2009

2. What is thermal stress?

May/June 2009

3. Estimate the load carried by a bar if the axial stress is 10 N/mm2 and diameter of the bar is 10

Nov/Dec 2006

4. Give the relation between the modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity. May/June 2007.
5. Write the concepts used for finding stresses in compound bars.

May/June 2007.

6. Define the terms poissons ratio and bulk modulus.

Nov/Dec 2007.

7. Explain the effect of change of temperature in a composite bar.

Nov/Dec 2007.

8. Define the terms: Resilience and Modulus of Resilience.

May/June 2012.

9. State Hooke,s law.

May/June 2009

10.List out the various elastic constant.

May/June 2009

11. Define shear strain and volumetric strain.

Apl/May 2009.

12. Mention the relationship between the modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity, modulus of
elasticity and bulk modulus.

Apl/Mayj 2009.

13. State the principle of Superposition

Nov/Dec 2010.

14. Define shear stress

Nov/Dec 2010.

15. Define volumetric strain

Nov/Dec 2011.

16.What is proof resilience

Nov/Dec 2011.

17. Define Hooks law

May/June 2013.

18.Define the term modulus of resilience.

May/June 2013

19. Define Principal Stress.

20. Define Hydrostatic Pressure.


1. An alloy circular bar ABCD is 3m long is subjected to a tensile force of 50kN as shown in fig.
If the stress in the middle portion BC is not to exceed 150Mpa, then what would be its diameter?
Also find the length of the middle portion, if the total extension of the bar should not exceed by
3mm. Take E=100GPa. (12 Marks)

(Nov/Dec 2010)

2. Find the stresses in each section of the bar shown in fig and also find the total extension of the
bar. E = 2.1x105N/mm2 (16 Marks)

(Nov/Dec 2006)

3. Find the value of P and the change in length of each component and the total change in length
of the bar shown in fig.


4. A steel rod of 25mm diameter is placed inside a copper tube of 30mm internal diameter and
5mm thickness and the ends are rigidly connected. The assembly is subjected to a compressive
load of 250kN. Determine the stresses induced in the steel rod and copper tube. Take the
modulus of elasticity of steel and copper as 200GPa and 80GPa respectively. (10 Marks).
(NOV/DEC 2006).
5. An aluminum cylinder of diameter 60mm located inside a steel cylinder of internal diameter
60mm and wall thickness 15mm. The assembly is subjected to a compressive force of 200kN.
What are the forces carried and stresses developed in steel and aluminum? Take modulus of
elasticity for steel as 200GPa and aluminum as 50GPa. (8 Marks)

(Nov/Dec 2008)

6. A reinforced concrete column 500 mm x 500 mm in section is reinforced with 4 steel bars of
25 mm diameter; one in each corner, the column is carrying a load of 1000 kN. Find the stresses
in the concrete and steel bars. Take Esteel = 210x103N/mm2 and ECon = 14x103N/mm2. (Nov/Dec
7. A reinforced concrete circular column of 400 mm diameter has 4 steel bars of 20mm diameter
embedded in it. Find the maximum load which the column can carry, if the stresses in steel and
concrete are not to exceed 120MPa and 5MPa respectively. Take modulus of elasticity of steel as
18 times that of concrete.
8. A steel tube of 20mm internal diameter and 30mm external diameter encases a copper rod of
15mm diameter to which it is rigidly joined at each end. If the temperature of the assembly is
raised by 80 C. Calculate the stresses produced in the tube. ES=2x105N/mm2, EC=1x105N/mm2,
Co-efficient of linear expansion of steel and copper are 11x10-6 per C and 18x10-6 per C.
(MAY/JUNE 2009).
9. A steel tube 30mm external diameter and 25mm internal diameter encloses a gun metal rod
20mm diameter to which it is rigidly joined at each end. The temperature of the whole assembly
is raised to 150 C. Find the intensity of stress in the rod when the common temperature has
fallen to 20 C. The value of the youngs modulus for steel and gun metal are 2.1x105N/mm2 and
1x105N/mm2 respectively. The co-efficient of linear expansion for steel is 12x10-6/ C and for
gun metal 20x10-6/ C.

(MAY/JUNE 2009).

10. The composite bar shown in fig is rigidly fixed at the ends. An axial pull of P=15kN is
applied at B at 20 C. Find the stresses in each material at 80 C. Take s=11x10-6/ C, a=24x106

/ C, Es= 210kN/mm2, Ea= 70kN/mm2.



11. A bar of 30mm in diameter was subjected to a tensile load of 54kN and measured extension
on 300mm gauge length was 0.112 mm and change in diameter was 0.00366 mm. Calculate the
Poissons ratio and the values of three elastic modulii.

(MAY/JUNE 2009).

12. A steal rod 5mm long and 25 mm in diameter is subjected to an axial tensile load of 50kN.
Determine the change in length, diameter and volume of the rod. Take E=2x105N/mm2 and


13. A 25mm diameter bar is subjected to an axial tensile load of 100 kN. Under the action of this
load a 200mm gauge length is found to extend 0.19 mm.Determine the modulus of elasticity of
the material. If in order to reduce the weight whilst keeping the external diameter constant, the
bar is bored axially to produce a hollow cylinder of uniform thickness, what is the maximum
diameter of bore possible given that the maximum allowable stress is 240MPa? The load can be
assumed to remain constant at 100kN. What will be the change in the outer diameter of the bar
under the above load? Taking 1/m=0.3, also calculate the bulk modulus and the shear modulus of
the material.

(APL/MAY 2010)

14. The modulus of rigidity of a material is 38 kN/mm . A 10mm diameter rod of the material is
subjected to an axial tensile force of 5kN and the change in its diameter is observed to be
0.002mm. Calculate the Poissons ratio, modulus of elasticity and bulk modulus of the material.
15. In an experiment, a bar of 30mm diameter is subjected to a pull of 60kN. The measured
extension on gauge length of 200mm is 0.09mm and the change in diameter is 0.0039 mm.
Calculate the Poissons ratio and the values of the three moduli.
16. For a given material, Youngs modulus is 120 GPa and modulus of rigidity is 40 GPa. Find
the bulk modulus and lateral contraction of a round bar of 50mm diameter and 2.5m long, when
stretched 2.5 mm, Take 1/m as 0.25.
17. A steel plate 300mm long, 60mm wide and 30mm deep is acted upon by the forces shown in
fig. Determine the change in volume. Take E=200 kN/mm2 and Poissons ratio=0.3.
18. A metallic bar 250mm x 50mm is loaded as shown in fig. Find the change in volume. Take
E=2x105 N/mm2 and 1/m =0.25. Also find the change that would be made in the 4MN load, in
order that there should be no change in the volume of the bar. (NON/DEC 2008)
19. The maximum extension produced by an unknown falling weight through a height of 40mm
in a vertical bar of length 3m and cross-sectional area of 500mm2 is 2.1mm. Determine the


instantaneous stress induced in the vertical bar and the value of unknown weight. Take
E=2x105N/mm2 (8)

(NON/DEC 2008)

20. A reinforced concrete column 500 mm 500 mm in section is reinforced with 4 steel bars of
25 mm diameter; one in each corner, the column is carrying a load of 1000 kN. Find the stresses
in the concrete and steel bars. Take E for steel =210 103 N/mm2 and E for concrete =14 103
N/mm2. (MAY/JUNE 2013)
21. A solid circular bar of diameter 20 mm when subjected to an axial tensile load of 40 kN,
The reduction in diameter of the rod was observed as 6.4 10-3 mm. The bulk modulus of the
material of the bar 67 GPa. Determining the following:
Youngs Modulus
Poissons ratio
(iii) Modulus of rigidity
Change in length per meter
Change in volume of the bar per metre length
(MAY/JUNE 2013)


1. Mention the different types of beams.
(MAY/JUNE 2009)
2. Draw the shear force diagram for a cantilever beam of span 4m and carrying a point load of
50kN at midspan.
(NOV/DEC 2006)
3. Draw the bending stress and shear stress distribution due to bending of beam with rectangular
cross section.
(NOV/DEC 2006)
4. What do you mean by shear force and bending moment?
(MAY/JUNE 2009)
5. State the relationship between the average shear stress and maximum shear stress in a
rectangular beam.
(MAY/JUNE 2009)
6. Write down relations for maximum shear force and bending moment in case of a cantilever
beam subjected to uniformly distributed load running over entire span. (MAY/JUNE 2007)
7. Mention any two assumptions made in theory of simple bending.
(MAY/JUNE 2007)
8. Sketch the bending moment diagram of a cantilever beam subjected to UDL over the entire
(NOV/DEC 2007)
9. Mention and sketch any two types of supports and cording for the beams.(APRIL/MAY
10. Sketch the bending stress as well as shear stress distribution for a beam of rectangular cross
(APRIL/MAY 2011)
11. A cantilever of length 4m carries a gradually varying load, zero at the free end to 2kN/m at
the fixed end. Draw the SF and BM diagrams for the cantilever
(APRIL/MAY 2010)
12. A circular beam of 100mm diameter is subjected to a shear force of 5kN. Calculate the
average shear stress.
13. Mention the various types of beams with respect to the support conditions.(NOV/DEC 2011)
14. What is meant by shear centre?
(NOV/DEC 2011)
1. A simply supported beam of span 8 m long is subjected to two concentrated loads of 24kN
and 48kN at 2m and 6m from left support respectively. In addition it carries a UDL of
36kN/m over the entire span. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. Mark the
salient points.
[MAY/JUNE 2009]
2. A simply supported beam of span 6 m and of I section has the top flange 40mm x 5mm.
Bottom flange of 60mm x 5mm total depth of 100mm and web thickness 5mm. It carries
and UDL of 2kN/m over the full span. Calculate the maximum tensile stress and maximum
compressive stress produced.
[MAY/JUNE 2009]


3. A simply supported beam of span 9 m carries uniformly distributed load of intensity 3kN/m
over a length of 4m from left support. In addition, the beam also carries two point loads of
10kN and 20kN at 4m and 7m respectively from the left support. Draw the shear force and
bending moment diagrams indicating the salient points.
[MAY/JUNE 2009]
4. Rolled steel joist 40mm deep and 150 mm wide has a flange thickness of 20 mm and web
thickness of 13mm. if the shear force at the cross section is 140 kN, calculate the maximum
intensity of shear stress and sketch the distribution of shear stress across the section.
[MAY/JUNE 2009]
5. Draw the SF and BM diagrams for the beam shown in figure below. Determine the points of

[NOV/DEC 2006]
6. A timber beam of rectangular section is to support a total load of 20kN uniformly
distributed over a span of 3.6m when the beam is simply supported. If the depth is twice the
width of the section and the stress in timber is not to exceed 3.5N/
, find the dimensions
of the cross section?
(NOV/DEC 2006)
7. For the simply supported beam load as shown in the figure below, draw the shear force
diagram and bending moment diagram. Also, obtain the maximum bending moment.

(MAY/JUNE 2007)


8. A cast iron beam of T-section as shown in the figure below. The beam is simply supported
on a span of 6m. The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 2kN/m on the entire
length (span). Determine the maximum tensile and maximum compressive stress.

(MAY/JUNE 2007)
9. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the simply supported beam shown in
the figure given below. Also, find the maximum bending moment and its position.

`[NOV/DEC 2007]






10. Two beams are simply supported over the same span and have the same flexural strength.
Compare the weights of these two beams, if one of them is solid and the other is hollow
circular with internal diameter half of the external diameter.
(NOV/DEC 2007)
11. (i) What do you mean by theory of simple bending? State the assumptions made in the
theory of simple bending.(4)
(ii) A beam of rectangular cross-section 50mm wide and 150mm deep is used as a
cantilever6m long and subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 2kN/m over the entire
length. Determine the bending stress at 50mm from the top fibre, at the mid-span of the
beam. Also, calculate the maximum bending stress.(12)
(NOV/DEC 2008)


12. Draw the SF and BM diagrams for the beam shown in the figure below. Also determine the
maximum bending moment and location of point of contra flexure.
13. A cast iron pipe 300mm internal diameter, metal thickness 15mm is supported at two points
6m apart. Find the maximum bending stress in the metal of the pipe when it is running full
of water. Assume the specific weight of cast iron and water as 72kN/
and 10kN/
(APRIL/MAY 2011)
14. A simply supported beam of length 5m carries a uniformly increasing load of 800N/m run at
one end to 1600N/m run at the other end. Draw the SF and BM diagrams for the beam. Also
calculate the position and magnitude of maximum bending moment. (APRIL/MAY 2009)
15. The shear force acting on a section of a beam is 50kN. The section of the beam is T-shaped
of dimensions 100mm x 100mm x 20mm as shown in the figure below. The moment of
inertia about the horizontal neutral axis is 314.221 x
. Calculate the shear stress at
the neutral axis and at the junction of the web and the flange.

(APRIL/MAY 2009)




16.. cantilever 1.5 m long carries a load of 2 tons at its free end, and another load of 1
tondistance of 0.5 m from the free end. Draw the shear stress and bending moment diagrams for
the cantilever beam.

(NOV/DEC 2010)

17.A simply supported beam of span 6m is carrying a uniformly distributed load of 2kN/m over
the entire span. Calculate the magnitude of the shear force and bending moment at every
section,2m from the support. Also draw the SFD and BMD.

(MAY/JUNE 2013)

18.State the assumptions made in theory of simple bending and derive the simple bending

(MAY/JUNE 2013)


1. Define Torsion.
2. Give Torsion formula.


3. Write the assumption for finding out the shear stress of a circular shaft subjected to torsion.
4. What do you mean by torsional rigidity of a shaft? Also, give the expression for finding power
transmitted by a shaft.
5. Express the strength of a solid shaft.

NOV/DEC 2007

6. Define polar modulus of a section.

7. What do you mean by the strength of the shaft? Compare the strength of solid and hollow
circular shafts.
8. Why hollow circular shafts are preferred when compared to solid circular shafts?
9. What is the power transmitted by circular shaft subjected to a torque of 700kN-m at 110rpm.
10. Find a torque which a shaft of 50mm diameter can transmit safely, if the allowable shaer
stress is 75N/mm2.
11. Find the minimum diameter of the shaft required to transmit a torque of 29820N-m, if the
maximum shear stress is not to exceed 45N/mm2.

NOV/DEC 2006

12. What is the maximum shear stress produced in a bolt of diameter 20mm when it is tightened
by a spanner which exerts a force of 50N with a radius of action of 150mm?
13. Differentiate open coiled helical spring from the close coiled helical spring and state the type
of stress induced in each spring due to an axial load.
14. Write the expressions for stiffness of a close coiled helical spring.


15. How will you find maximum shear stress induced in the wire of a close-coiled helical spring
carrying an axial load?

(MAY/JUNE 2007)

16. Give the expression for finding deflection of a closely coiled helical spring.
17. Define the term stiffness of a spring.
18. Write the equation for the deflection of an open coiled helical spring subjected to an axial
19. What is meant by spring constant (or) spring index?



20. A close coiled helical spring of 10mm in diameter having 10 complete turns, with mean
diameter 120mm is subjected to an axial load of 200N. Determine the maximum shear stress and
stiffness of the spring. Take G=9x104N/mm2.
21. What is the polar modulus value for a hollow circular section of 100mm external diameter
and 40mm internal diameter?
22. Compare closed and open coiled helical spring.

(MAY/JUNE 2009)

1. Calculate the power that can be transmitted at a 300rpm by a hollow steel shaft of 75mm
external diameter and 50mm internal diameter when the permissible shear stress for the steel is
70N/mm2 and the maximum torque is 1.3 times the mean. Compare the strength of this hollow
shaft with that of an solid shaft. The same material, weight and length of both the shafts are the

(MAY/JUNE 2009)

2. A hollow steel shaft of outside diameter 75mm is transmitting a power of 300kW at 2000rpm.
Find the thickness of the shaft, if the maximum shear stress is not to exceed 40N/mm 2.
(NOV/DEC 2006)
3. A solid cylindrical shaft is to transmit 300kW power at 100rpm. If the shear stress is not to
exceed 60 N/mm2, find its diameter. What percentage saving in weight would be obtained if this
shaft is replaced by a hollow one whose internal diameter equals to 0.6 of the external diameter,
the length, the material and maximum shear stress being the same? (MAY/JUNE 2007)
4. A Solid shaft is subjected to a torque of 1.6kN-m. Find the necessary diameter of the shaft, if
the allowable shear stress is 50MPa. The allowable twist is 1 for every 20 diameters length of
the shaft. Take C=80GPa. (NOV/DEC 2007)
5. Determine the dimensions of a hollow circular shaft with a diameter ratio of 3:4 which is to
transmit 60kW at 200rpm. The maximum shear stress in the shaft is limited to 70Gpa and the
angle of twist to 3.8 in a length of 4m. For the shaft material, the modulus of rigidity is 80GPa.
6. Find the diameter of a solid shaft to transmit 90kW at 160rpm, such that the shear stress is
limited to 60 N/mm2. The maximum torque is likely to exceed the mean torque by 20%. Also
find the permissible length of the shaft, if the twist is not to exceed 1 over the entire length.
Take rigidity modulus as 0.8x105N/mm2.(NOV/DEC2006)



7. A solid shaft is subjected to a torque of 45kN-m. If the angle of twist is 0.5 degree per meter
length of the shaft and shear stress is not to exceed 90MN/m2. Find (i) suitable diameter of the
shaft, (ii) final maximum shear stress and the angle of twist per meter length. Modulus of rigidity
= 80GN/m2.
8. A solid steel shaft has to transmit 100kW at 160rpm. Taking allowable shear stress as 70MPa,
find the suitable diameter of the shaft. The maximum torque transmitted in each revolution
exceeds the mean by 20%. (MAY/JUNE 2009).
9. Obtain a relation for the torque and power, a solid shaft can transmit.
10. A helical spring of circular cross section wire 18mm in diameter is loaded by a force of
500N. The mean coil diameter of the spring is 125mm. The modulus of rigidity is 80kN/mm 2.
Determine the maximum shear stress in the material of the spring. What number of coils must
the spring have for its deflection to be 6mm?

(MAY/JUNE 2009)

11. A close coiled helical spring is to have a stiffness of 1.5N/mm of compression under a
maximum load of 60N. The maximum shearing stress produced in the wire of the spring is
125N/mm2. The solid length of the spring is 50mm. Find the diameter of coil, diameter of wire
and number of coils. C=4.5x104N/mm2.

(NOV/DEC 2006)

12. A closely coiled helical spring of round steel wire 10mm in diameter having 10 complete
turns with a mean diameter of 12cm is subjected to an axial load of 250N. Determine (i) the
deflection of the spring (ii) max. shear stress in the wire (iii) stiffness of the spring (iv) frequency
of vibration. Take C=0.8x105N/mm2.

(MAY/JUNE 2007).

13. A closely coiled helical spring of round steel wire 5mm in diameter having 12 complete coils
of 50mm mean diameter is subjected to an axial load of 150N. Find the deflection of the spring
and the maximum shearing stress in the material. Modulus of rigidity (C) = 80GPa. Also, find
stiffness of the spring.


14. A close coiled helical spring is required to absorb 2250joules of energy. Determine the
diameter of the wire, the mean coil diameter of the spring and the number of coils necessary if (i)
the maximum stress is not to exceed 400MPa, (ii) the maximum compression of the spring is
limited to 250mm and (iii) the mean diameter of the spring is eight times the wire diameter. For
the spring material, rigidity of modulus is 70GPa.
15. A close-coiled helical spring is to have a stiffness of 1 kN/mm of compression under a
maximum load of 45N and maximum shearing stress of 126 MPa. The solid length of the spring



(i.e. when the coils are touching) is to be 45mm. Find the diameter of the wire and mean
diameter of the coil required. Take G=42x103N/mm2.
16. A closely coiled helical spring having 12 coils of wire diameter 16mm and made with coil
diameter 250mm is subjected to an axial load of 300N. Find axial deflection, strain energy stored
and torsional shear stress. Modulus of rigidity=80 GN/m2.
17. A closely coiled helical spring is made up of 10mm diameter steel wire having 10 coils with
80 mm mean diameter. If the spring is subjected to an axial twist of 10kN-mm, determine the
bending stress and increase in the number of turns. Take E as 200 GPa.
18. Derive an equation for deflection of an open coiled helical spring.
19.A hollow shaft with diameter ratio 3/5 is required to transmit 450 kW at 120rpm.The shearing
stress in the shaft must not exceed 60N/mm2 and twist in a length of 2.5 m is not to exceed 1o.
Calculate the minimum external diameter of the shaft= 80 kN/mm2.

(MAY/JUNE 2013)

20. Derive a relation for deflection of a closed coiled helical spring subjected to an axial
downward load W.

(MAY/JUNE 2013)



Part A
1. A cantilever beam of spring 2m is carrying a point load of 20kN at its free end. Calculate the
slope at the free end. Assume EI = 12x103 kN-m2.
2. Calculate the maximum deflection of a SSB carrying a poni load of 100kN at mid span. Span
= 6m, EI = 20000 kN/m2


3. What is the maximum deflection in a SSB subjected to uniformly distributed load over the
entire span?

(MAY/JUNE 2007).

4. Write the equation giving maximum deflection in case of a SSB subjected to UDL over the
entire span.

(NOV/DEC 2007).

5. State the expression for slope and deflection at the free end of a cantilever beam of length L
subjected to a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length.


6. What is the relation between slope, deflection and radius of curvature of a beam?
7. Calculate the effective length of a long column whose actual length is 4m, when (a) both ends
are fixed (b) one end is fixed while the other end is free.
8. Find the critical load of an Eulers column having 4m length, 50mm x 100mm cross section
and hinged at both ends. E = 200kN/mm2.


9. What is crippling load? Give the effective length of columns when both ends hionged and
when both ends fixed.

(MAY/JUNE 2007).

10. Give the equivalent length of a column for any two end conditions.

(NOV/DEC 2007)

11. Define equivalent length of column and slenderness ratio.

12. What is slenderness ratio?

(MAY/JUNE 2009)

13. Write the equivalent length of the column with (a) one end is fixed and other end is free (b)
both ends are fixed.

(MAY/JUNE 2009)

14. What are the assumptions made in Eulers column theory?

(MAY/JUNE 2013)

15. Describe the double integration method.

(MAY/JUNE 2013)
What is slenderness ratio of column?
(MAY/JUNE 2013)
16. A cantilever beam of spring 2m is carrying a point load of 20kN at its free end. Calculate the
slope at the free end. Assume EI = 12x103 kN-m2.
17. Calculate the maximum deflection of a SSB carrying a point load of 100kN at mid span.
Span = 6m, EI = 20000 kN/m2




18. What is the maximum deflection in a SSB subjected to uniformly distributed load over the
entire span?

(MAY/JUNE 2007).

19. Write the equation giving maximum deflection in case of a SSB subjected to UDL over the
entire span.

(NOV/DEC 2007).

20. State the expression for slope and deflection at the free end of a cantilever beam of length L
subjected to a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length.


21. What is the relation between slope, deflection and radius of curvature of a beam?
22. Define the point of contra flexture.
23.What is meant by shear flow?

(MAY/JUNE 2013)
(MAY/JUNE 2013)

1. A simply supported beam is loaded as shown in fig. is 200mm wide and 400mm deep. Find
the slopes at the supports, deflections under loads and location and magnitude of the maximum
deflection. Take E=2x104N/mm2.
2. Find the slope & deflection of a given simply supported beam with UDL over the entire span
of the beam using moment area method.(APL/MAY 2009).
3. A beam is simply supported at its ends over a span of 10m and carries two concentrated loads
of 100kN and 60kN at a distance of 2m and 5m respectively from the left support. Calculate (i)
slope at the lefty support (ii) slope & deflection under the 100kN load. Assume EI=36x104 kNm2 .
4. A beam AB of length 8m is simply supported at its ends and carries two point loads of 50kN
and 40kN at a distance of 2m and 5m respectively from left support A. Determine deflection
under each load, maximum deflection and the position at which maximum deflection occurs.
Take E=2x105N/mm2 and I=85x106mm4.(MAY/JUNE 2007)
5. A beam is loaded as shown in fig. Determine the deflection under the load points. Take
E=200GPa and I=160x106mm4.
6. A SSB of span 8m is subjected to concentrated loads of 24kN, 48kN and 72kN at 2m, 4m, and
6m from left support respectively. Calculate the slope and deflection at the centre and also find
maximum deflection.(MAY/JUNE 2009).
7. A beam simply supported over a span of 10m carries a point load of 40kN, 20kN and 60kN at
2m, 5m and 9m from the right hand support respectively. Determine the maximum deflection of
the beam. Take E=0.2 MN/mm2 and I=45200 cm4.


8. In the beam shown in fig. Determine the slope at the left end C and the deflection at 1m from
the left end. Take EI=0.65 MN-m2.
9. A beam is simply supported at its ends over a span of 10m and carries two concentrated loads
of 100kN and 60kN at a distance of 2m and 5m respectively from the left support. Calculate (i)
slope at the left support 9ii) slope and deflection under the 100kN load. Assume EI = 36x10 4 kNm2.(MAY/JUNE2006).
10. Find the maximum deflection of the beam shown in fig. EI = 1x10 11kN/mm2. Use
Macaulays method.




11. For the cantilever beam is shown in fig. Find the deflection and slope at the free end. EI =
10000 kN/m2.







12. A hollow cylindrical column of 150mm external diameter and 15mm thick, 3m long is
hinged at one end and fixed at the other end. Find the ratio of Euler and Rankines critical load.
Take E = 8x104N/mm2, fC = 550 N/mm2 and Rankines constant as 1/1600.(NOV/DEC2008)
13. Write the expressions for Eulers critical load of long columns for different end conditions.
14. A column of circular section has 150mm diameter and 3m length. Both ends of the column
are fixed. The column carries a load of 100kN at an eccentricity of 15mm from the geometrical
axis of the column. Find the maximum compressive stress in the column section. Find also the








=1x105N/mm2.(APL/MAY 2009)





15. Find the Euler critical load for a hollow cylindrical cast iron column 150mm external
diameter, 20mm wall thickness, if kit is 6m long with hinged at both ends. Assume youngs
modulus of cast iron as 80kN/mm2. Compare this load with that given by Rankine formula.
Using Rankine Constants = 1/1600 and 567 N/mm2.(MAY/JUNE 2009)
16. A 1.2m long column has a circular cross section of 45mm diameter, one of the ends of the
column is fixed in direction and position and other end is free. Taking FOS as 3, calculate the sfe
load using (i) Rankines formula, take yield stress = 560 N/mm2 and = 1/1600 for pinned ends.
(ii) Eulers formula, youngs modulus for cast iron = 1.2x105mm2.(MAY/JUNE 2007)
17. An I Section joist 400mm x 200mmx 20mm and 6m long is used as a strut with both ends
fixed. What is Eulers crippling load for the column? Take E=200GPa.9NOV/DEC 2007).
18. Find Eulers crippling load for a hollow cylindrical cast iron column of 20mm external
diameter, 25mm thick and 6m long hinged at both ends. Compare the load with crushing load
calculated from Rankines formula. fC = 550 N/mm2, Rankines constant = 1/1600, E =
19. A hollow cast-iron column with fixed ends supports an axial load of 1MN. If the external
diameter is 25cm and length is 450cm, deduce the internal diameter of the column, using
Rankines formula assuming a working stress of 100 N/mm2 and the value of constant for cast
iron as 1/6400.
20. The external and internal diameters of a hollow cast iron column are 50mm and 40mm
respectively. If the length of this column is 3m and both of its ends are fixed, determine the
crippling load using Euler formula taking E = 100GPa. Also determine the Rankine load for the
column assuming fC = 550MPa and = 1/1600. (MAY/JUNE 2009).
21. Find the Euler critical load for a hollow cylindrical cast iron column 150mm external
diameter, 20mm wall thickness if it is 6m long with hinged at both ends. Assume youngs
modulus of cast iron as 80kN/mm2. Compare this load with that given by Rankine formula.
Uisng Rankine Constants = 1/1600 and 567 N/mm2.(MAY/JUNE 2006).
22.A horizontal of the beam of length l and flexural rigidity EI carries a point load W at its
midspan. The beam is rigidly fixed at its left end and partially fixed and its right end in such a
way that the fixing moment at the rigidly fixed left end is Wl/b.If the supports are at the same
level, Determine the fixing moment and slope at the right end. (MAY/JUNE 2013).



UNIT-V Thin, Thick cylinder & Spheres

1. A spherical shell of 1,m diameter is subjected to an internal pressure of 0.5 N/mm2. Find the
thickness if the allowable stress in the material of the shell is 75 N/mm2.
2. A cylindrical pipe of diameter 1.5m and thickness 1.5cm is subjected to an internal fluid
pressure of 1.2 N/mm2. Determine the longitudinal stress developed in the pipe.
3. A spherical shell of 1m internal diameter undergoes a diametric strain of 10-4 due to internal
pressure. What is the corresponding change in its internal volume?
4. A thin cylinder closed at both ends is subjected to an internal pressure of 2Mpa. Its internal
diameter is 1m and the wall thickness is 10mm. What is the maximum shear stress in the cylinder
5. List out the modes of failure in thin cylindrical shell due to an internal pressure.
6. A storage tank of internal dia 280 mm is subjected to an internal pressure of 2.5 Mpa. Find the
thickness of the tank, if the hoop and longitudinal stresses are 75Mpa and 45Mpa respectively.
7. A boiler of 800 mm diameter is made up of 10 mm thick plates. If the boiler is subjected to an
internal pressure of 2.5 Mpa, determine circumferential and longitudinal stress.
8. Find the thickness of the pipe due to internal pressure of 10 N/mm2 if the permissible stress is
120 N/mm2. The diameter of pipe is 750mm.
9. Differentiate Thin cylinder and Thick cylinder.
10. Distinguish between spherical shell and cylindrical shell.
11. Define Hoop Stress and longitudinal stress.
12. Define principal stress and principal plane.
13.Define circumferential and hoop stress .
14. Define Principal stresses and principal plane.

(MAY/JUNE 2013).
(MAY/JUNE 2013).

15. The principal stress at a point are 100 N/mm2 (tensile) and 50 N/mm2 (compressive)
respectively. Calculate the maximum shear stress at this point.
16. How will you find major principal stress and minor principal stress? Also mention how to
locate the direction of principal planes.
17. What is Mohrs circle method?



Part B
1. A cylindrical shell 3m long which is closed at the ends has an internal diameter of 1 m and a
wall thickness of 15mm. Calculate the circumferential and longitudinal stresses and find the
changes in dimensions of the shell, if it is subjected to an internal pressure of 1.5MPa. Take
E=200Gpa and 1/m=0.3 (NOV/DEC 2011)
2. A boiler is subjected to an internal steam pressure of 2 N/mm2. The thickness of boiler plate is
2.0 cm and permissible tensile stress is 120 N/mm2. Find out the maximum diameter, when
efficiency of longitudinal joint is 90% and circumference joint is 40%.(16 Marks)
3. A steel cylindrical shell 3m long which is closed at its ends, had an internal diameter of
1.5mm and a wall thickness of 20mm. Calculate the circumferential and longitudinal stress
induced and also the change in dimensions of the shell if it is subjected to an internal pressure of
1 N/mm2. Assume the modulus of elasticity and Poissons ratio for steel as 200 kN/mm2 and 0.3
respectively. (16 Marks)
4. A cylindrical vessel 2m long and 500 mm in diameter with 10mm thick plates is subjected to
an internal pressure of 2Mpa. Calculate the change in volume of the vessel. Take E=200Gpa and
poissons ratio = 0.3 for the vessel material. (NOV/DEC 2010)
5. A cylindrical shell is 1.5m diameter and 4m long closed at both ends is subjected to internal
pressure of 3 N/mm2. Maximum circumferential stress is not to exceed 150 N/mm2. Find the
changes in diameter, length and volume of the cylinder. Assume the E = 2x105 N/mm2,
1/m=0.25. (MAY/JUNE 2009)
6. A shell 4.50 m long, 900mm in diameter is subjected to an internal pressure of 1.1 N/mm2. If
the thickness of shell is 8.5mm, find the circumferential and longitudinal stresses. Find also
maximum shear stress and changes in the dimensions of shell. Take E = 2.1x105 N/mm2,
1/m=0.33 (APR/MAY 2008)
7. A cylinder has an internal diameter of 230 mm, wall thickness 5 mm and is 1m long. It is
found to change in internal volume by 12x 10-6 m3 when filled with a liquid at a pressure P.
Taking E=200GPa and Poissons ratio = 0.25, determine the stresses in the cylinder, the changes
in its length and internal diameter.
8. A thin cylinder is 3.5 m long, 90 cm in diameter, and thickness of the metal is 12 mm. It is
subjected to an internal pressure of 2.8 N/mm2.calculate the change in dimensions of the cylinder
and maximum intensity of shear stress induced. Given E= 200 GPa and Poissons ratio =0.3.



(MAY/JUNE 2013)
9. At a point in a strained material, there is a horizontal tensile stress of 100N/mm2 and an
unknown vertical stress. There is also a shear stress of 30 N/mm2 on these planes. On a plane
inclined at 30 to the vertical, the normal stress is found to be 90 N/mm2 tensile. Find the
unknown vertical stress and also principal stresses and maximum shear stress.(APR/MAY 2010)
10. An elemental cube is subjected to tensile stresses of 30 kN/mm2 and 10 kN/mm2 acting on
two mutually perpendicular planes and a shear stress of 10 N/mm2 on these planes. Draw the
Mohrs circle for stresses, determine the magnitude and directions of principal stresses and also
the greatest shear stress.(16 Marks)
11. At a point in a strained material, the principal stresses are 100 N/mm2 (tensile) and 40 N/mm2
(compressive). Determine analytically the resultant stress in magnitude and direction on a plane
inclined at 60 to the axis of major principal stress. What is the maximum intensity of shear
stress in the material at that point? (MAY/JUNE 2007)
12. A plane element in a boiler is subjected to tensile stresses of 400 MPa on one plane and 200
MPa on the other at right angles to the former. Each of the above stresses is accompanied by a
shear stress of 100 MPa. Determine the principal stresses and their directions. Also, find
maximum shear stress. (NOV/DEC 2007)
13. At a point with in a body there are two mutually perpendicular stresses of 80 N/mm 2 and 40
N/mm2 of tensile in nature. Each stress is accompanied by a shear stress of 60 N/mm2. Determine
the normal, shear and resultant stress on an oblique plane at an angle of 45 with the axis of the
major principal stress. (MAY/JUNE 2009)
14. A point in a strained material is subjected to mutually perpendicular stress of 600 N/mm 2
(tensile) and 400 N/mm2 (compressive). It is also subjected to a shear stress of 100 N/mm2. Draw
Mohrs circle, and find the principal stresses and maximum shear. (16 Marks)
15. A material is subjected to two mutually perpendicular direct stresses of 80 Mpa tensile and
50 MPa compressive, together with a shear stress of 30 MPa. The shear couple acting on planes
carrying the 80MPa stress is clockwise in effect. Find (i) principal stresses (ii) the maximum
shear stress (iii) the normal stresses on the plane of maximum shear (iv) the stresses on a plane at
20 counter clockwise to the plane on which the 50 MPa stress acts. (16 Marks)



16. The normal stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions are 110 N/mm2 and 47 N/mm2
both tensile. The complementary shear stresses in these directions are of intensity 63 N/mm2.
Find the principal stresses and its planes. (16 Marks)
17. The normal stress at a point on two mutually perpendicular planes are 140 MPa (Tensile) and
100MPa (Compressive).determine the shear stress on these planes if the maximum principal
stress is limited to150 MPa(Tensile).Determine the following:
(i) Minimum principal stress
(ii) Maximum shear stress and its planes
(iii) Normal,shear and resultant stresses on a plane which is inclined at 30o anticlockwise to X
plane.(MAY/JUNE 2013).



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