Circuits Hight Voltaje
Circuits Hight Voltaje
Circuits Hight Voltaje
Was Home Built using a "Magnetics" Ferrite Core # "42620" and a Bobbin
# "PCB2620-12".
The Primary Consists of a Dual 18 Turn Bifular wound coil using #26 AWG Wire.
It requires 2 layers, with "Nomex" Insulation between them, As well as a layer of
Nomex over the Primary.
The Secondary Consists of 8 Layers of 40 AWG Double Insulated Enamel wire with
aproximately 40 turns per layer,
Centered on each layer so there is a dead space on either side. This Prevents possible
Additionally a .003 Inch thick "Nomax Paper Insulation" is Placed between each
layers. Before Assembly, the Ferrite core is Gapped to 5/1000 of an inch.
"Nomex:" Is one of many Special Insulator types of paper used in the Transformer
Winding Industry.
Alternately you can use other Insulators such as "Fish Paper", Although they are Not
as Good.
With this Transformer Connected In the Circuit as Shown, Current draw is about 250
Ma at 12 volts With NO LOAD.
With the Diodes, Caps, SCR and T2 connected in a Compete Circuit, "The Current
draw can Exceed 2 Amps".
EVEN MORE POWER: A Bigger T1 Can be made Using a 42625 Core and a
PCB2625 Bobbin.
The Primary Consists of 14 Turns Bifular Wound on Two Layers.
Change the Secondary Wire to a 38 AWG, Double Insulated Wire and use about 45
turns per layer.
Fill the Bobbin with as Many layers as Possible, leaving a bit of Clearance between the
last layer and the ferrite core.
The Gap Remains the Same at 5/1000 of an inch.
This Results in a Faster Charging Time and a Higher Supply Voltage.
And a Final Couple of layers of Nomex are placed over top and Taped in place.
Total Turns, About 3,675 turns. But the Exact number of turns is Not All that Critical.
The Absolute Ideal is to "Pi" Wind the Secondary, But this Results in a Different
number of turns and only a few layers.
This Completed Transformer is than Submersed in Epoxy, (Ideally in a Plastic Form
to contain it around the transformer.)
and than placed in a "VACUUM CHAMBER" and Subjected to a high Vacuum of at
least 25 inches of Hg.
for at least 10 Minute. I usually Repeat this Vacuum Process Two or 3 Times.
The Reason for this is to Remove all Air Bubbles and have the Epoxy Totally Penitrate
between the Windings.
The Epoxy Surrounding the transformer sould be at leat 1/4 inch thick over the Outer
layer and 3/8 inch over the Ends.
"High-Voltage Zappers"
"It doesn't take much to generate enough high-voltage to curl your hair."
by Charles D. Rakes
The two circuits listed here are for the experimenter having a touch of Ben and Nikola's
fascination for working with high-voltage. But unlike those two brave pioneers who flirted
with lightning and gigantic spark coils, our high-voltage circuits are mild in comparison,
having outputs of less than 50 kilovolts (KV). Even so, don't ever become careless when
working with high voltage. To do so could be dangerous to your health and your good
nature. So please take care.
A circuit that generates a high voltage by discharging the energy stored in a large-value
capacitor through the primary winding of a high-turns-ratio step-up transformer is known a
a Capacitor-Discharge (CD) system. It's the same concept used by many of the highperformance auto-ignition systems to produce a super-hot spark. It's also the same kind of
system used by some of the top-of-the-line electric fence chargers. And let us not forget one
of the most popular persona-defense devices now on the market, the electronic Stun-Gun,
which also generates its zap with capacitor-discharge circuit.
Other Components
T1 = Step-down transformer, 48VAC, 300mA
T2 = Auto ignition coil, or substitute (see text)
CMOS type)
PNP transistor
NPN power transistor
NPN power transistor with heatsink
Other Components
T1 = Auto ignition coil (see text)
We will describe a laboratory pulse generator using an auto-ignition coil and capable of
delivering a train of pulses up to 30,000 volts. With a couple of minor circuit and
construction variations, the project is suitable for use as an electric-fence charger, operating
at a lower voltage, but capable of much higher output current.
Applications for a high-voltage spike are numerous: electromagnetic and radio-frequency
interference (RFI) studies, electrostatic-discharge simulation; investigation of insulation
breakdown; flammability experiments; strobe effects; etc. A DC power supply or battery is
required, and pulse potential may be varied simply by changing the supply voltage. With a
12.6-volt input, the ignition-coil model delivers its maximum pulse, but a unique
multivibrator-driver circuit makes operation possible down to a supply voltage as low as
1.5 volts, yielding an output pulse of only a few hundred volts. Its pulse frequency is set by
a front-panel control, with a range from about 0.3Hz to 20 Hz.
An ignition coil, however, is not well adapted to the fence-charger application since its
output resistance is so high: typically 10,000 ohms. Thus its output pulse is strongly
dependent on loading. With a short fence, long sparks might be struck at risk of igniting
brush; while on the other hand, with a long fence, shunting by weeds or by dirt and
moisture may reduce its output voltage below and effective value. Hence for the fencecharger version the rate prf control must be omitted fro reason of safety.
No-load output of the fence-charger option is typically 4 Kv pk (kilovolts peak), or about
half that valuer when connected to a 1-mile fence. A car battery powers the fence-charger
model for about four months before recharging is needed (at recommended pulsing rate of
20 pulses/minute).
Two lamps mounted on the circuit board and visible through the see-through front panel are
important indicators of the unit's performance.
While a single jolt from an ignition coil is itself rarely traumatic, the resulting-reflex
muscle contraction could have unfortunate consequences. If a continuous train of pulses
causes you to involuntarily grasp the high-voltage conductor, for instance, you might not be
able to let go. On the other hand, if proper return circuit is not provided, an equally
distressing shock could be had by contact with the primary circuit. Because the ignition coil
is an autotransformer, the return circuit for the high-voltage pulse includes the power leads.
Therefore, one side of the power supply should, if possible, be Earth grounded. That
precaution besides shock by contact with the power leads, also precludes arcing within the
power supply itself as the high-voltage pulse seeks the shortest return path.
Applying that reasoning to the fence-charger option, we can see why a fixed pulse rate is
specified, as there is a strong likelihood of accidental human contact with the fence wire; a
rate of 60 pulses per minute or less being considered safe. Also, since there is a good
chance of personal contract with the power leads, a good ground connection is essential, as
with any electric-fence system. For maximum safety, we recommend a battery supply for
the fence-charger system.
If you should happen to reverse the power-supply lease to either project, the currentlimitation lamp, a large automotive bulb easily seen in the photos, lights brightly to warn
you . However, the equipments must not be allowed to remain in this condition for more
than a few seconds. Even if you never expect to make this mistake, the lamp should be
included because it limits excessive surge currents that could otherwise occur under some
operating conditions and which could blow the power transistor.
About the Circuit:
As shown in Fig. 1, free-running variable multivibrator Q1 and Q2 drive Darlington power
amplifier Q3, which makes and breaks the primary current to coil T1 as in an auto ignition
system. Duty, or "dwell" is a few milliseconds, and the high-voltage pulse is generated at
the end of the period when the circuit is broken and the field of T1 rapidly collapses trough
the winding.
An unconventional multivibrator circuit was developed to provide high saturation currents
over a wide range of supply voltages. In this design both transistors Q1 and Q2 conducting
at the same time and both cut off at the same time. Another unique feature; for safety in the
fence-charger application, the circuit is designed to automatically shut down if driver Q2
should fail to conduct for any reason (fluctuation of powersupply voltage, intermittent
connection, etc.)
Starting with both transistors cut off; C3 is discharging, its negative plate rising toward
ground at a rate determined by various series resistances; while its positive plate is held
near zero volts by a relatively low-resistance path through R6 and R7 and a resistor internal
When Q1 begins conducting, and its collector voltage has dropped far enough to start Q2
conducting also, then a positive-feedback action is initiated, forcing both transistors into
saturation. At the same time, power transistor Q3 is turned on by the current supplied
through R7.
Dwell is determined by the time constant R6 x C3. When the charging current of C3
diminishes below the value which will sustain conduction of Q1, then a regenerative action
is again established, this time cutting off all three transistors. It is that moment the high-
C1 = 470uF, 16V electrolytic
C2 = 10uF, 16V electrolytic
C3 = For lab model: 2uF/16V, for Fence
Charger: 10uF/16V electrolytic, axial
(see text)
C4 = 0.27 uF, 400V, film
C5 = 1000pF ceramic disk
C6 = 0.01uF ceramic disk
R1,R7 = 100 ohm
R2 = Selected (see text)
R3,R8 = 10K
R6 = For lab model: 470 ohms, for
Fence Charger: 150 ohms
R9 = 2.5 megohm pot (see text)
Additional Parts and Materials
T1 = For lab model: Wells C1819 or similar ignition coil; 1.6 ohm
10K secondary. For fence charger: 12V/1A transformer (see text)
NE1 = Neon glow lamp; type NE23 or equivalent
I1 = 12V/2A, automotive bulb, type 1156 or equivalent
Cabinet or case, PCB, solder lugs of various gauge with internal teeth,
cable to
power supply #14 to #18 gauge zip cord or whatever suits, spacers,
screws, nuts,
lockwashers, hookup wire, cable ties, solder, etc.
Additional parts for the fence charger only: two battery clips, Mueller
#46C or
the like; 1/2-inch pipe, 1-1/2 inch larger nipple, coupling, etc., for
grounding system.
Circuit Construction:
It is up to you how to house this project and the type of material to buy. You may choose to
build either version of the project in whatever kind of cabinet suits your needs. If you
decide to use wire-wrap construction however, the ground bus and all connections in the
power-amplifier circuit should be made with wire no smaller than #24 gauge. In the
author's prototypes, power transistor Q3 stands off the circuit board; but if space limitations
permit, a slight margin of safety is affordable by bolting it down flat so that the circuit
board provides a measure of heat dissipation.
Omit R2 from the circuit board and don't connect the supply conductor to the plus end of
T1 until ready to fire up. Also, leave the secondary leads unconnected for the fence charger.
In planning chassis layout, keep high-voltage output conductors well away from the circuit
board, especially in the version using an ignition coil as output transformer. A metallic or
otherwise conductive cabinet must be connected to the circuit common. Since a 30KV
pulse is capable of jumping a 1-inch gap, however, you may have some difficulty finding a
feedthrough insulator big enough to handle the high-voltage conductor. One way to meet
that requirement is to use a spark-plug wire, which may be passed through the cabinet wall
using only a grommet to prevent chafing. Or the neck of the coil itself may be used as a
remain in place. Solder other end of the wire to common at the circuit board or at one end
of the lugs on the transformer flanges.
High-Voltage Attenuator:
Before proceeding with test and adjustment, you may wish to provide yourself with some
means for measuring voltage pulses beyond the range of the oscilloscope. To that end, you
can build a 90-mega-ohm attenuator, as shown in Fig. 2. When used with a standard 10mega ohm probe, the device extends the vertical range of your scope by a factor of ten.
The attenuator consists of nine 10-mega-ohm resistors connected in series. A length of
spark-plug wire provides support for the resistor array and also serves to introduce
distributed capacitance for AC equalization. To preclude arcing, each end should extend an
inch or two beyond the terminal.
Once you have commissioned your pulse generator or fence charger, you can fine tune the
attenuator by adjusting the bus-wire gimmicks at either end of the spark-plug wire. That is
most easily done by generating a high-voltage pulse within the range of your oscilloscope
(say 1600 volts peak), measuring with only the 10-mega ohm probe; then, trimming the
length of the gimmicks to give the same deflection with the probe connected to the 90-meg
attenuator (setting the sensitivity 10 times higher, of course).
Selecting R2:
We had advised you during construction to omit one connection to the primary of T1 so that
you can now select R2 without energizing the power amplifier. Using clip leads, first
connect typical value shown in the parts list. Then connect your 'scope to the junction of R6
and R7, and apply power.
For the lab pulse-generator version, now set the 'RATE' control to maximum frequency and
select a value for R2 which gives a repetition rate of about 20Hz. For the fence-charger
model, select a value which gives the desired rate, but no higher than 60 times per minute.
Remember that the slower the rate, the longer between recharging.
Now turn the supply off and add the missing wire to the power-amplifier circuit. In the
author's lab-generator chassis layout, it is necessary to first loosen the coil in order to free
the circuit board. If you plan to test the unit with the circuit board loose, be sure to
temporarily replace the lugs grounding the coil case and cabinet. Place a cardboard sheet
under the circuit board to insulate it from accidental contact with the cabinet coating, etc..
The unit is now ready for a performance test.
Connect the high-voltage output to the 90-meg probe or whatever instrument you wish to
use to observe the high-voltage pulse. Turn the power supply on and gradually increase the
voltage (adjusting the lab-generator rate as desired), synchronizing the 'scope to display the
largest excursion. (When you don't know exactly what to expect, it's easy to be fooled into
syncing on the backswing or some other minor lobe.)
The unit should start working at a supply voltage of 1.5 to 3 volts, but it will shut itself
down if you vary the voltage too abruptly. If that happens, just tune the power off and then
back on again.
At a 12-volt input you should get a pulse of about 20 to 30Kv pk from the lab generator or
3.5 to 5Kv pk from the fence charger. In the latter version, proceed as follows to decide
which secondary lead should be grounded:
1. Turn power off and disconnect scope from both ends. Turn power back on, and using an
insulated tool (to avoid getting zapped), bring each end in turn to the transformer case,
leaving the opposite end free. One will probably draw a small arc and the other won't.
2. Turn power off and ground the one which drew the smaller arc. Connect the other to the
output feedthrough.
3. Reconnect the scope, apply power, observe polarity of output pulse. If you get a positive
pulse, reverse the primary connections. A negative pulse jumps a longer gap from a small
object (the fence wire) to a larger one (the victim) than does a positive pulse (believe it or
If you wish to view the current pulse, temporarily hook 0.1 to 0.2-ohm resistor in series
with the negative power-supply lead, and connect a 'scope across it (being careful to avoid
ground loops, as can arise through test connections or via the power-line safety ground).
With fence-charger option, if possible, simulate 1-mile wire by connecting a 0.015-uF,
2000-WVDC capacitor across its output. A rising waveform characteristic of an inductor
charging should be obtained--the abrupt drop at its trailing edge of course representing the
cutoff of Q3 and the generation of the high-voltage pulse.
With the lab-generator version, dwell is not critical thanks to the relatively low inductance
of the typical ignition-coil primary. In the fence-charger option, however, primary
inductance will probably be much higher and will vary considerably upon your choice of
transformer. 3. shows the current waveform typical of such a primary. If it ends too soon,
that is before the filed has reached its steady-state value (A), then maximum output
capability cannot be attained. If it ends too late (B), then average current consumption is
higher than necessary. To get optimum results (C), adjust the width by changing R6 as
If you know the exact value of the small resistor, given the peak voltage appearing across it
you can now calculate peak current (I=E/R). A typical value is 4 to 6 amps.
Buttoning Up:
Reinstall the circuit board, remembering to replace the lugs which ground the cabinet, pipe
coupling, T1, case, etc., and to secure the coil. Test the unit once more, then assemble the
If you're using the author's recommended cabinet with the pulse-generator option, leave the
high-voltage cable and nipple connected to the coil, passing the other end through the hole
in the cabinet top as you bring the top into place. Slide the front panel up into the cabinet
top. Now, close the cabinet by swinging the left side down. Moderate force is required to
push the coil nipple into the hole. Make sure tongues in the cabinet top engage the mating
slots in the bottom, and hold it together with one hand while installing the cabinet hardware
with the other. Turn the five bottom screws snug, but not tight.
Cabinet assembly of the fence-charger version is easier because you don't have to cope with
the coil neck or connections to the front-panel potentiometer. For outdoor use, however,
you will have to caulk seams against the weather. Silicone rubber is good for that purpose
because it can later be peeled off if servicing becomes necessary. Arcrylic rubber makes a
better seal, but because it sticks more tenaciously, it makes later disassembly more difficult.
Carefully apply a very thin bead first along the inside edges of the opening in the top front,
and install the front panel. Then, again very carefully and sparingly, apply a bead along the
slot in the cabinet bottom; and finally, assemble the top and bottom. Depending on your
skill in the application, there may be some squishing around the seams. Surplus material
around the outsde can be peeled off later, after the sealand has set.
Jacob's Ladder
"Build this exciting Jacob's Ladder and watch electric arcs ascend the ladder and
evaporate in space. It works from a clever 12,000-volt power supply. Author Robert
People have long been fascinated by electric arcs--and perhaps put off by them. They
show up as lightning, Tesla coil discharges, and long sparks that sting as you reach for the
doorknob on a cold, dry, winter day. This Jacob's Ladder project turns electric arcs into a
dramatic but harmless conversation piece.
If you build this project, you'll lean how a simple power supply operating from the 120-volt
AC line can produce 12,000 volts. In addition to powering the Jacob's Ladder, the supply
can power plasma displays, and it has even powered a light-duty, bench-type spot welder.
Perhaps you would like to know the origin of the term Jacob's Ladder. The Bible tells the
story of Jacob's dream about a ladder that extended from earth to heaven. Jacob, the son of
Isaac, was the father of the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. Among sailors, however,
a Jacob's Ladder is a long rope ladder that is hung over the side of a ship so the harbor pilot
can climb aboard.
Climbing Arcs:
The power supply for this project forms electric arcs across two diverging stainless steel
strips mounted in a protected case. The 16-inch long strips are mounted on insulating
Teflon blocks to eliminate possible leakage. The stainless steel strips are angled with
respect to each other so that the arcs form at the edges of the strips that are separated by
about 3/16 inch at their bases but the strips diverge to a distance of about 2 inches at their
upper ends.
The strips form a gap in the secondary winding of the output transformer. After power is
turned on, the air dielectric breaks down due to the "almost" short-circuit state across the
lower end of the gap, and an electric arc is formed.
As the arc heats up, thermal convection causes the arc to rise up the vee-shaped "ladder".
As the plasma arc ascends the ladder, its length in creases, thereby increasing the arc's
dynamic resistance and thus increasing power consumption and heat. This causes the arc to
stretch as it rises and extinguish when it reaches the top of the ladder. When the arc
extinguishes, the transformer output momentarily exists in an open circuit state until the
breakdown of the air dielectric produces another arc at the base of the ladder and the
sequence repeats.
The power supply for the Jacob's Ladder contains circuitry to protect persons and property
from electrical shock or fire hazard if the ladder strips should be shorted accidentally when
the ladder is operating.
Parts List:
All resistors
C1,C2 = 0.01uF, 1000V, ceramic
C3 = 390uF, 200V, electrolytic
C4 = 2.2uF, 250V, metalized polyester
C5 = 1000uF, 25V, electrolytic
C6 = 0.003uF, 50V, polyester film
C7 = 0.01uF, 50V, ceramic
leakage inductance caused by the loose magnetic coupling between the primary and
secondary circuits of transformer T2. This leakage inductance can be controlled to some
extent by placing air gaps between the cores, changing the reluctance of the magnetic
Safety Provisions:
Because this project is operated from the 120 volt AC line, fault and safety shutdown
provisions are included. They are provided by silicon controlled rectifier SCR1 connected
as shown in Fig. 1 with its anode in series with diode D3. When the gate current reaches a
specified threshold, the SCR is triggered on and latched by holding current through resistor
R4. Trigger pin 2 and Threshold pin 6 of IC1 are now clamped to ground, thus preventing
oscillation and turning off the circuit.
The signal current for the gate of SCR1 is obtained from the capacitive connection to the
actual core of the output transformer T2. This connection is made by winding three to four
turns of insulated hookup wire around the core of transformer T2. In effect, it is a
capacitive wire pick-up probe. As long as output power is flowing between the output
connections of T2, the Jacob's Ladder will continue to operate.
If, for some reason, one of the output leads (vee strips) is grounded, a return current is
forced to flow by capacitive action between the core of transformer T2 through the
wrapped-wire pick-up probe. This current then turns on SCR1, shutting down the Jacob's
Building the Circuit:
The high-voltage power supply circuitry for the Jacob's Ladder can be built by point-topoint wiring methods on a 5-1/2X2-1/4 inch piece of standard perforated circuit boards
(holes spaced 0.10 inch on centers) or on a circuit board available from the source given in
the Parts List. Drill mounting holes in the four corners of the circuit board before inserting
any electronic components.
All of the electronic components with the exception of transformers T1 and T2 are
standard, off-the-shelf components available from electronics stores and mail-order
distributors. However, the transformers must be custom wound. Both transformers,
completely wound and tested, are available from the source given in the Parts List.
Alternatively, you can wind your own transformers if you have some experience in doing
this. Some useful information on winding these transformers and material selection is given
later in this article under the heading, "Winding the Transformers."
Refer to the schematic in Fig. 1 and parts layout diagram Fig. 2. The parts layout diagram
gives the approximate locations of all components except for switch S1 and transformer T2,
which are off-board components. There is nothing critical about parts placement, and
suggest layout of Fig. 2 is based on keeping interconnecting wiring as short as practical. Be
sure to make the gate connection go MOSFETs Q3 and Q4 as short and direct as possible.
Begin by inserting and soldering all components except MOSFETs Q3 and Q4. Observe the
correct polarities for all silicon diodes (D1 to D3), Zener diodes (D4 and D5), and
electrolytic capacitors (C3 and C5. If you wire point-to-point, do not trim the leads of the
components until you have made use of as many excess leads lengths as is practical to form
interconnections between components.
Then insert the TO-220 packaged MOSFETs Q3 and Q4 close to the outer edges of the
circuit board in the locations shown in Fig. 2, with their metal tabs are facing outward. In a
later step, the tabs of Q3 and Q4 will be fastened to the sides of a U-shaped channel that
functions both as a heat sink and as a support for the circuit board.
Carefully examen all the electronic components on the board to be sure that they are
correctly placed and oriented. Examen all solder joints to verify that there are no
inadvertent solder bridges or cold solder joints (a joint soldered too fast and does not adhere
properly). Make any corrections at this time before proceeding. Then set the completed
circuit board aside.
Product Enclosure:
Figure 3 illustrates the author's enclosure for the Jacob's Ladder project. It was designed to
meet two objectives: 1. to meet all reasonable safety requirements by providing adequate
insulation between people and flammable materials and the enclosed high-voltage circuitry,
while at the same time protecting the circuitry form dust and dirt. 2. to be simple enough to
be made by persons with minimal carpentry skills form materials readily available at
hardware and home-improvement stores.
Many variations on the author's enclosure design are possible including changes in exterior
and interior dimensions and the substitution of more expensive wood for the framing.
However, it is imperative that all provisions for ventilating both the circuitry and the vee
"ladder" to dissipate any heat buildup be followed, but make sure that those spaces are not
large enough to admit fingers or the small hands of curious children.
The overall case dimensions are 24 x 12.5 x 4 inches. The closed H-shaped frame was
made from 3/4-inch thick x 4-inch wide soft wood. Slots that are 1/8-inch wide and 1/4
deep were milled 1/8-inch in from each edge of the inside surfaces of the frame members to
accommodate protective transparent plastic covers on the front side and a metalized plastic
mirror on the back side. (These protective sheets could be fastened directly to the case
edges with screws.)
The bottom of the case and the back of the lower circuit/transformer compartment is
covered by an L-shaped aluminum plate that serves as the vertical support for the circuit
board and output transformer. Holes drilled in the bottom of this plate permit circuit
ventilation and access to the on-board trimmer potentiometer R3 and R5. Another hole id
formed in the back of the plate for mounting on-off pull switch S1.
Figure 4 provides general information on the sizes and shapes of the principal wood and
aluminum parts. Notice the holes drilled in the top member of the frame for cooling the
ladder compartment. The author's prototype frame was made by assembling the wooden
frame with screws after the clear 1/8-inch plastic front windows and rear mirror were cut to
fit the milled slots.
The transparent plastic cover for the ladder compartment was cut 1-inch shorter than the
inside dimensions of the frame to provide a bottom opening for ventilation. This ventilation
slot is important and should be there regardless of any dimensional changes you might want
to make in the frame. The cover for the circuit compartment protects that compartment
completely. It is transparent plastic in the prototype so that the circuitry could be seen, but it
could be opaque.
Project Metalwork:
No hole sizes or location dimensions are given here for the enclosure components. Those
are left to the builder's judgment. Cut and form the U-shaped aluminum channel from No.
22 gauge sheet aluminum, as shown in Figure 4. Drill hole in both ends of the channel
along the centerline. Then, using the drilled holes in the circuit board as a guide, centerpunch and drill four holes for mounting the circuit board to the channel. (These can be
omitted if you elect to bond the circuit board to the channel with hot plastic glue drops.)
Cut the L-shaped panel as shown in Figure 4 from No 22 gauge sheet aluminum. Before
bending the front lip of folding the plate, drill 1-inch diameter holes for circuit cooling and
access to trimmer potentiometers R3 and R5. Above the fold line, drill another hole for the
linecord (powercord), large enough to admit a rubber or plastic grommet, and drill a hole to
accommodate chain-pull switch S1. Then bend the flat plate 90 along the fold line and
bend up the front lip.
Drill two holes evenly spaced within 2 inches of the ends of the stainless steel "ladder"
strips, and bend those 2-inch long sections approximately 90 with respect to the rest of the
strips. Note: Stainless steel was selected for the ladder strips because the electric arcs will
not cause the strips to oxidize or corrode, and tests showed that stainless steel permits easier
starting of the arcs than other metals.
Insulator Blocks:
The two metal strips that form the "ladder" must be mounted on insulators that have high
dielectric strength. The insulators in the prototype were made from Teflon blocks that
measure 1-1/4x1x3/4 inch high. This material can be drilled and tapped, and it is strong
enough to withstand the heat created by electric arcs. Individual Teflon blocks are available
from the source in the Parts List.
Project Assembly:
With the completed circuit board inserted in the channel, elevated slightly above the bottom
of the channel, mark, centerpunch and drill the holes in each side wall for fastening the tabs
of MOSFETs Q3 and Q4. Be sure to deburr and perhaps countersink slightly the holes in
the channel so that the tabs on the MOSFETs will be clamped securely against the channel
walls. Cut and trim the ends of two 3-inch lengths of insulated, stranded linecord to the
circuit board, as shown in Fig. 2, to make the connections with the linecord. Insert and
solder the ends of the wires on on-off switch S1.
Attach the circuit board to the U-channel with screws and nuts, using several nuts as
standoffs to isolate the circuit board from the channel. Align the tabs of MOSFETs Q3 and
Q4 with the holes in the sidewalls of the channel, insert insulating mica washers with a film
of silicone grease between each tab and the channel walls, and fasten them with screws and
Cut a 2-1/2 inch square of phenolic laminate or circuit board stock between the base of
transformer T2 and the bottom of the channel. Bond the transformer to the insulator and
channel base with epoxy or hot glue.
Drill two holes through the wooden frame member between the two compartments, and
insulating blocks. Drill a singe hole in the opposite sides of each block and fasten the ladder
as shown in Fig. 3.
Then attach the insulation blocks and strips to the frame member with screws. Fasten the
bent metal strips so that they are offset by about 30, as shown in Fig. 3. The base strips are
diagonal across the insulator blocks so that the corner edges are separated by about 3/16
inch. The upper ends of the strips should be about 2 inches apart.
Fasten the channel with transformer T2 and the circuit board to the L-shaped panel with
screws and nuts, as shown in Fig. 3. Complete the installation of switch S1 and the linecord
with a grommet, and complete all soldering. Be sure the L-shaped metal panel is hard-wire
connected to the earth ground by means of the green wire within the three-wire power-cord.
Assemble the enclosure with its plastic covers and aluminum base plate. The Jacob's
Ladder is now complete.
Adjusting the Ladder:
Carefully examine your work to be sure that there are no inadvertent short circuits of cold
solder joints. The circuit is now ready for testing. First, adjust potentiometer R5 as follows:
1. Disconnect one end of R1 to Q3.
2. Connect an oscilloscope to the Q4 gate.
3. Plug in power cord and turn on power.
4. Adjust R5 for a period of 40nS so 15-volt squarewaves are symmetrical.
5. Shut off power, reconnect R1, and connect the oscilloscope to the Q4
Please Note: don't ask for additional information. This is all there is. Don't email me or
leave messages in regards to this project in the "Message Forum"; they will be deleted
without prior notification. NO I don't sell a kit, NO I don't have a pcb either. The
'suggested' parts lay-out diagram refers to perforated board. Meaning, you do point-to-point
wiring and soldering.
However, on the positive side, I may try to put a kit together with all parts and maybe a pcb
if there is enough interest.
If your an adventurist, you could wind a small transformer for any of these
units below.
This would allow for higher efficiency and more current draw.
On the "Low Power" Stun-gun, Current draw is about 80 Ma at 9 volts.
On the "More Power" Stun-gun, Current draw is about 225 Ma at 9 volts.
With dual batteries, Better yet, 6 to 8 "AA" cells
My stun gun:
I chose thyristor (SCR) version. I made a voltage converter with a MOSFET, because
"children's" push-pull converters with bipolar transistors used in commercial stun guns
have an efficiency of around 20%. The effectiveness of my converter is about 75%.
Working frequency is about 80 - 120kHz. As a second stage switch I used a thyristor with a
gate driven by 4 glow neon lamps in the series (their ignition voltage is about 95V, a total
of 380V). Pulse repetition rate is about 30 - 50Hz. Inverter transformer is on ferrite EE core
with cross-section of the the middle column 20 to 25 mm2. The air gap is in the middle
column of the core and is about 0.5 mm thick. Primary has 2x 12 turns of wire diameter of
0.4 mm, a secondary is 700 turns of wire 0.1 mm. Secondary is is wound in several layers,
which are isolated from each other - otherwise the wire enamel can break down under such
voltage. Secondary polarity must be observed! HV pulse transformer with voltage of many
kV can be hard to make. You can use the high voltage transformer for Xenon strobe lamps
ingition. I used 2 such transformers with primaries in parallel and secondaries in series. The
stun gun has two electrodes: one called test, which are closer to each other. Among them he
discharge forms during no-load operation. Discharge limits the maximum voltage and also
serves to deter an attacker. Second, the main electrodes facing forward. The distance
between them is considerably larger than the distance between the test ones. From those
electrodes the current flows into the body of attacking people :). Stun gun can be powered
by 6 cells 1.5 V or 6 to 7 cells 1.2 V (NiCd or NiMH). Very suitable are 2 cells of Li-ion or
Li-pol connected in series (2x 3.6 - 3.7 V). The stun gun draws a high current around 1.5 A
from the battery, so ordinary 9V battery can not be used.
Instructions for the production of this device is intended only to demonstrate the
principle of its function. The device is not intended for use on any persons or animals.
Output voltage can cause serious injury or death. Capacitors can remain charged even
after switching off and disconnecting the battery. The device does not belong to
children. All experiments with the stun gun you do at your own risk. The author of
this website does not take any responsibility for your harm. You do everything on your
own risk and responsibility.
Testing in breadboard
Test the assembled module with attached transformer (transformer is used for ignition of
Xe lamp: 190V / 6kV)