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NAAC Criteria Wise Assessment Indicators

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Assessment Indicators

Criteria 1 Curricular Aspects (150)

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators

1.1 Curriculum
Design and


Curriculum design is aligned with the institutional goals

and objectives.


Curriculum design and development is done through a

well defined process.


Curricula developed/ adopted have relevance to the

local/national/regional/global developmental needs.


Employability & entrepreneurship, pursuit of higher

knowledge, overall development of students are major
considerations in the design and development of the


Developing global competencies is evident in the

curriculum design.


Consultation with academic experts, industry/

employment sector /alumni / other stakeholders within
and outside the institution is effectively done for
developing the curricula.


Leadership is provided to affiliated colleges (if applicable)

for enriching the curriculum by encouraging skill
development, need based programmes, etc.


The institution offers a number of program options leading

to different degrees, diplomas and certificates (UG/ PG/
PG Diploma/ Diploma Certificate).


The curriculum offers a number of Choice Based Credit

System (CBCS) / elective options.


1.2. Academic


10. A number of new programs and program combinations

are developed/adopted to meet the needs of the students
and the society.

NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education

NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education


Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators
11. Options are available to students for additional/
supplementary / enrichment courses along with their
regular curricula. (Eg. UG degree + a Certificate PG degree
+ a diploma and so on).
12. The institution provides for inter-institutional credit
13. The institution follows a semester system.

1.3. Curriculum

14. The institution revises the curriculum at regular

intervals and analyses the impact.
15. The curriculum provides adequate scope for introducing
programmes in emerging thrust areas/interdisciplinary


16. All learners have access to value-added programmes,

including communication skills / soft skills.
17. Structured feedback from students is an essential
component in the curricular design and development

1.4. Feedback


18. The institution draws on the feedback from national and

international faculty.
19. Inputs from affiliated colleges are an essential part of the
feedback system (if applicable).


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Manual for Self-study Universities

Criteria 2 Teaching-learning and Evaluation (200)

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators

2.1. Student
and Profile


The admission process of the institution is widely

publicized and is transparent.


The institution has periodic reviews of its enrolment profile

and the outcomes are used for improvement of the process.

(10) 3. The institution has an inclusive admission policy catering

to diverse student groups.

2.2. Catering to


The institution implements the statutory reservation



The institution organises orientation programmes /

induction programmes for freshers.


The institution assesses the learning levels of the students,

after admission and designs programmes for advanced
learners and slow learners.


Analyses the academic growth of differently-abled students

and provides tutorials for needy students.


The institution fosters an inclusive academic ambience.


The institution meticulously plans and organizes its

teaching schedule.


2.3. Teachinglearning

10. Student centered methods are an integral part of the

pedagogy adopted by the faculty.
11. Experiential learning, participative learning, problem
solving methodologies are used.
12. The institution has formal linkages with national agencies
like NMEICT to promote blended learning.

13. Latest technologies are used by the faculty for effective

14. The learning environment is conducive for critical thinking,
creativity and scientific temper

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Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators
15. The institution follows a system of mentor-mentee to meet
the academic and personal needs of students.
16. The institution gives due recognition to innovative and
creative contributions of its faculty and students.
17. Projects / field experiences are integrated into the learning
18. Feedback on the evaluation of teachers is leveraged for
improvement of the quality of teaching-learning process.
19. The institution has adequate, well qualified faculty.

2.4. Teacher

20. Diversity in the recruitment of faculty is encouraged.

21. The institution facilitates the participation of its teachers
in teacher recharge programmes.
22. The institution ensures that teaching positions against
sanctioned posts are filled in reasonable time.

23. The institution adheres to UGC/ State Govt. norms for

faculty recruitment and promotion.
24. The institution organizes induction and in-service
academic development programmes for its faculty.
25. The institution attracts distinguished faculty for
appointment as emeritus / distinguished professors.
26. The faculty are encouraged to demonstrate creativity and
innovation in teaching.
27. The institution facilitates mobility of its faculty through
exchange programmes.

2.5. Evaluation
Process and

28. The institution disseminates the evaluation processes to

all its stakeholders.
29. The institution adheres to the academic calendar for
conduct of examinations.
30. The institution ensures timely declaration of results. (for
Universities and Autonomous Colleges)


NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education

Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators

31. Reforms in the examination procedures and processes

have positively impacted the examination management
system. (for Universities and Autonomous Colleges)
32. Transparency and security of evaluation system is
33. Technology is effectively used in the examination
management process.
34. The institution has an effective mechanism for redressal
of grievances pertaining to examinations.
35. The graduate attributes of the institution are clearly
defined /articulated

2.6. Student
and Learning

36. The institution ensures that its various programmes and

activities help acheive the stated graduate attributes.
37. The institution encourages all its departments to clearly
state the learning outcomes of its programmes.


38. The acheivement of intended learning outcomes is central

to the pedagogical and assessment processes of the
39. The institution has mechanisms in place to analyze short
falls in achievement of learning outcomes and suggest
improvement measures.
40. New technologies are deployed by the institution to
enhance student learning.

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Manual for Self-study Universities

Criteria 3 Research, Consultancy and Extension (250)

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators

3.1. Promotion of



The institution facilitates its faculty to undertake research

by providing research funds (seed money).


Provision for research facilities in terms of laboratory

equipment, research journals and research incentives are
made available to the faculty.


The institution encourages and promotes a research culture

(eg. teaching work load remission, opportunitites for
attending conferences etc.).


The faculty are encouraged to undertake research by

colloborating with other research oraganizations/ industry.


Faculty are given due recognition for guiding research.


The institution has research committees for promoting and

directing research.


The institution encourages the establishment of specific

research units/ centers by funding agency / university.


The institution has a well defiend policy to promote

research in its affiliated / constituent colleges (for


Workshops/ training programmes/ sensitization

programmes are conducted by the institution to promote
a research culture on campus.

10. The institution facilitates researchers of eminence to visit

the campus as adjunct professors (for universities).
11. The institution has a good percentage of faculty who have
utilized sabbatical leave for pursuit of higher research in
premier institutions within the country and abroad.
3.2. Resource
for Research

12. Financial provisions are made in the institutions budget

for supporting students research projects.
13. The institution takes special efforts to encourage its faculty
to file patents.


NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education

Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators


14. Projects sponsored by the industry / corporate houses

are availed by the institution.
15. The institution receives quantum of research grants from
external agencies for major and minor projects.

3.3. Research

The institution has recognised Research Centres. (National

and international, eg. UGC, ICSSR, ICHR, ICPR, DST,

17. Efforts are made by the institution to improve its

infrastructure requirements to facilitate research.
18. The institution has a University Science Instrumentation
Centre (USIC) (for universities).


Residential facilities (with computer and internet

facilities) for research scholars, post-doctoral fellows,
research fellows of various academies and visiting
scientists (national/international) are available.


The institution has a specialized research centre/

workstation on-campus and off-campus to address the
special challenges of research programmes.

21. The institution has centres of national and international

22. Research facilities are enhanced through research projects.
3.4. Research
and Awards

23. Significant faculty involvement in research is evident.

24. The institution has an official Code of Ethics to check
malpractices and plagiarism in research.
25. Interdepartmental / interdisciplinary research projects
are undertaken.
26. The institution has instituted research awards.
27. Incentives are given to the faculty for receiving state,
national and international recognition for research

NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education


Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators


28. Research awards and recognition are received by the

faculty and students from reputed professional bodies and
29. Output in terms of M.Phil, Ph.D. students is significant.
30. The institution has received research recognition and
awards (including patents).
31. The institutions research has contributed to the industrys
requirements/ productivity.
32. A significant number of research articles are published in
reputed/ refereed journals.
33. The institution has published books and proceedings
based on research work of its faculty.
34. The institution is acclaimed for its research as evidenced
by metrics such as Citation Index, Impact Factor, h-index,
SNIP, SJR, etc.
35. The institution publicizes the expertise available for
consultancy services.

3.5. Consultancy

36. The institution renders consultancy services to industries.


37. The institution renders consultancy services to

Government / Non- Government organizations/
community/ public.
38. Resources (financial and material) are generated through
consultancy services of the institution.
39. Mutual benefits accrued due to consultancy.
40. The institution has an official policy for structured

3.6. Extension
Activities and

41. The conduct of extension activities is promoted by the

42. Need-based extension programmes are organised.
43. Students and faculty participate in extension programmes.
44. NSS/NCC activities are organised.


NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education

Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators
45. Awards and recognitions have been received for extension


46. The impact of extension activities on the community goes

through a cycle of evaluation, review and upgrading the
extension programmes.
47. Partnerships with industry, community and NGOs for
extension activities are established.
48. The institution has a mechanism to track the students
involvement in various social movements / activities
which promote citizenship roles.
49. The institution is cognisant of its Institutional Social
Responsibilities (ISR).
50. All constituents of the institution are made aware of its
51. The institution has linkages for various activities such as
faculty exchange, student placement, etc.

3.7. Collaborations

52. The linkages established by the institution have enhanced

its academic profile.
53. Specific examples of linkages to promote curriculum
development, internship, on-the-job training, faculty
exchange and development, research, etc.
54. The institution has MoUs with institutions of national/
international importance/other universities/ industries/
corporate houses etc.
55. Institute-industry interactions have resulted in the
establishment / creation of highly specialized laboratories
/ facilities.
56. The impact of the institutional collaborations are formally

NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education


Manual for Self-study Universities

Criteria 4 Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators

4.1. Physical


4.2. Library as a


The institution has adequate facilities for teachinglearning.


The institution provides necessary facilities for

laboratories. (Furniture, fixtures, equipment and good
laboratory practices)


The institution has adequate facilities for general computer

education of students.


Infrastructural facilities are augmented from time to time.


Infrastructure facilites are being utilised optimally.


Additional facilities for sports and extra- curricular

activities (gymnasium, swimming pool, auditorium etc.)
are provided.


Health services for students, teaching and non-teaching

are provided by the institution.


The institution facilitates active academic participation of

physically disabled students by providing the necessary


The library has adequte physical facilities such as reading

room, reprography, internet.

10. Number of book titles per student (in the central library)
excluding book bank is greater than 80.
11. The library is stocked with adequate number of journals
(national + international) and other library resources (i.e.
CDs/ cassettes, etc.).

Library resources are augmented every year with newer

editions and titles.

13. The library operations (issue of books, getting the

necessary references, etc) are effective and user-friendly.
14. The Library Advisory Committee is responsible for the
effective functioning of the library.


NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education

Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators
15. The library collects feedback from users and incorporates
the suggestions for its enhanced functioning.
16. The library is computerized and networked with other

4.3. IT

17. The institution frequently upgrades its IT facility and has

latest computing facilities hardware and software.
18. The faculties are provided with the requisite facilities for
preparation of computer aided teaching learning material.


19. The institution is connected with the National Knowledge

Network and other such facilities.
20. Budget provision is made for purchase, upgrading and
maintenance of computers.

4.4. Maintenance of

21. The institution has a budget for maintenance of the

facilities available on the campus physical facilities and
academic support facilities.

22. There are established procedures and systems for

maintaining and utilising physical and academic support
facilities library, sports complexes, computer, classrooms
23. The funds allocated for maintenance of infrastructure are
utilised in total for the planned activities.

NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education


Manual for Self-study Universities

Criterion 5 - Student Support and Progression (100)

Key Aspects
5.1 Student
Mentoring and


Assessment Indicators

The institution has an independent system for student

support and mentoring (for universities).


Adequate student welfare measures (scholarships,

freeships, insurance, etc.) are provided by the institution.


Personal enhancement and development schemes

coaching classes for competitive examinations, career
counseling, soft skill development, etc. are available to
the students.


Information about the institution is publicly accessible.


The institution has an international students cell to cater

to the requirements of foreign students (for universities).


Student participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular

activities is encouraged.


The institution has a placement cell which helps to identify

job opportunities and develop entrepreneurship skills.


On-campus interviews are an essential mechanism to

ensure student placement (for universities).


The Alumni Association contributes significantly to the

development plans of the institution.

10. The institution has a mechanism for timely redressal of

student greivanaces.
11. The institution has an anti-ragging committee which
monitors student interactions effectively.
12. Specific student support is provided for SC, ST, OBC, PWD
and economically weaker sections of society.
13. The institution has a mechanism for prevention of sexual
(gender) harassment.


NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education

Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators

5.2 Student

14. The progression of students in various programmes of

the institution is regularly monitored.
15. The institution makes special efforts to reduce its dropout
rate and increase its pass percentage.

16. The institution facilitates and monitors timely submission

of Ph.D./D.Litt./D.Sc. theses. (for universities)
17. The institution has a successful track record of students
appearing and qualifying in competitive examinations.
18. The institution has a range of games, extra-curricular
activities which contribute to overall development of

5.3 Student
and Activities

19. Feedback from students is used for planning and

developing support services.
20. Active student participation through Student Councils is

21. Students are represented on academic and administrative

bodies of the institution.
22. Institution facilitates for students to publish materials like
catalogues, wall magazines, institution magazines, etc. (for
Autonomous Colleges and Affiliated/Constituent Colleges)
23. Student participation in state, national and international
level sports events is encouraged.

NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education


Manual for Self-study Universities

Criteria 6 Governance, Leadership and Management (100)

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators

6.1. Institutional
Vision and


The vision, mission and goals of the institution are in tune

with the objectives of higher education.


The governance of the institution is reflective of an effective



The institution practices decentralization and participative



The institution provides academic leadership to its

affiliated colleges. (for Universities)


The institution formulates its strategic planning and

interacts with stakeholders.


The institution monitors and evaluates its policies and



The institution grooms leadership at various levels.


All decisions of the institution are governed by

management of facts, information and objectives.


Perspective plan document is an important component of

the institutions strategy development and deployment


6.2. Strategy

10. The institution has a well defined organisational structure

with effective processes developed for all its major
11. The institution has an effective feedback system involving
all stakeholders.

12. The institution has a well defined Quality Policy and

deployed with a systems perspective.
13. The institution has an action plan and schedules for its
future development.

13. The institution has an effective Grievance Redressal Cell.


NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education

Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators
15. Management and monitoring of the affiliated colleges is
effectively handled by the institution.
16. Student Satisfaction Survey is an integral input factor for
all policies of the institution.

6.3. Faculty

17. The institution takes sustained interest in recruitment and

promotion aspects of its employees.
18. The institution adheres to GOI/ State Govt. policies on
recruitment (access, equity, gender sensitivity and
physically disabled).

12. The institution has an effective welfare mechanism for

teaching and non-teaching staff.
20. The institution ensures transparent use of Performance
Appraisal Reports.

21. The institution conducts programmes to enhance the

competency of its faculty and non-teaching staff.
22. Performance budgeting is a core planning activity used
by the institution for informed decision making.
23. The institution incorporates gender auditing to enhance
24. Effective welfare mechanisms of the institutions are
available to its teaching and non-teaching staff.
25. The institution conducts programme for professional
development of its staff.
26. Impact of Academic Staff College programmes forms an
important feedback for improvement of programmes. (for

6.4. Financial
and Resource

27. The institution has adequate budgetary provisions for

academic and administrative activities.
28. Optimal utilization of budget is strictly adhered to by the

NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education


Manual for Self-study Universities

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators


29. Monitoring financial management practices through

internal audit is evidenced in the institutions financial
30. The institution maintains a Reserve and Corpus fund.
31. The institution has conducted internal and external audits
are regularly conducted.
32. The institution and leadeship takes initiatives for
mobilization of resources.
33. Academic audit of departments and its impact is an
important quality initiative of the institution.

6.5. Internal

34. The institution has an effective quality management and

enhancement systems.


35. The institution reviews its teaching learning process,

structure, methodologies of operations and learning
outcomes at periodic intervals.
36. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed
significantly to institutionalizing quality assurance
strategies and processes.
37. External members contribute significantly in the
functioning of the IQAC.
38. Autonomy to academic departments is encouraged.


NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education

Manual for Self-study Universities

Criteria 7 Innovations and Best Practices (100)

Key Aspects

Assessment Indicators

7.1. Environment
7.2. Innovations


Green audit.


Promotion of eco-friendly campus.


E-waste management.


Open ended peer team members to identify the

characteristics of the innovation.


Open ended peer team members to decide on the

efficacy of the practice.

7.3. Best Practices

NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education


Manual for Self-study Universities


NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education

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