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School Truancy

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School truancy refers to pupils being absent from school without permission or valid reason. It can range from missing individual classes to being entirely absent from school. It is considered a type of social problem.

School truancy is defined as pupils being absent from school without any prior notice, official letters or logical and acceptable reasons of absence along the schooling session. It also applies to any pupil who comes to school but does not enter or attend any lessons.

Factors that can lead to school truancy include low interest in school subjects, lack of parental supervision and care, peer influence, weaknesses in academic ability, and desire for freedom and enjoyment outside of school.



What is meant by school truancy? School truancy is an act of misbehaviour which
breaks the school rules. This term of school truancy can be defined as pupils being absent
from school without any prior notice, official letters or logical and acceptable reasons of
absence along the schooling session. This term also applies to any pupil who comes to the
school not entering any of the lessons without a solid reason.
According to Kamus Dewan , playing truancy can be defined as getting away from the
responsibilities or tasks without permission or consent from the higher ups or school
administrators. Apart from that, school truancy also refers to pupils who come to school but
do not attend any of the class or all classes for the whole day.
School truancy is an act of misconduct that goes against the school rules and is a type
of social problem among teenagers especially the secondary school students. There are cases
of school truancy among primary school pupils but with lower percentage as there are more
secondary school students who are involved in this discipline and problem as compared to the
primary school ones. It is no doubt that social problems as such will lead the students closer to
criminal and juvenile cases. According to the cases shown and heard in mass media, many of
the school teenagers get involved with the serious criminal cases which are rooted from them
playing truant in school. School truancy starts with them loitering around in shopping malls or
secret places to smoking and eventually to criminal and juvenile cases.
It is often displayed in the mass media or television news that high school teenagers
have serious connection with criminal and social woes such as stealing, robbing, drug
addicting, drug pushing, relying and addicted on alcohol, smoking, free sex, fighting, bullying
and are trapped in love conflict to the extent that they would kill any person they displease.


Usually, things or situations happen for a reason or many reasons. Some events may be the
factors that lead to that particular situation. This applies to the involvement of secondary
school students in school truancy. Some of the factors that lead to school truancy are:
1. Low or no interest towards the teaching and learning session in school.
Those students who have little or no interest on particular subjects or lesson in school,
the tendency to play truant from the lesson or from the school is definitely high. For instance,
most secondary school students pay little attention and have almost no interest towards
subjects taught in school such as History, Mathematics, English, Geography and Science. A
closer look on the History subject that requires pupils to have good memory to memorise the
years of happenings in the previous decades and centuries as well as names of the well-known
figures that make the students uninterested to learn and to be in school. Other than that, highlevel curriculum requirement that are constantly changing put a heavy burden on the students
Apart from that, the weakness or minus value exists within the students selves. Quite
a wide number of situations of school truancy where those with lower intelligence and weaker
in studies are the popular individuals involved in school truancy. This is probably because
they feel timid and not confident that they are able to give competition to their friends who are
brighter and more intelligent. They give up a little too quickly in learning and they feel a
heavy stone put on their shoulders when they are forced to learn something that they have no
interest to and have no understanding in.
2. Lack of parental love, care and supervision.
In most cases, parents that give less attention and care towards their children either in
their daily lives or in their studies usually become the major factor on why school students are
playing truant in school. It is a normal thing to see where parents are too busy with their
responsibilities in their workplace until they keep their children out of their sight and out of
their care. Their children are no longer their priorities. Parents go out working as early as the
dawn and get back home when it is dusk or midnight. By the time they reach home, their
children have already slept. This is one of the reasons why high school teenagers feel that they
are neglected and that they are not important to their parents. With limited quality time spent

by the parents with their children, teenagers are more sensitive and get easily emotional with
their parents.
Besides, the attitude of most parents who do not give any attention on their childrens
studies also will make the students feel neglected. They have no place to go to lament what is
inside their heart and what they encounter to the extent of them doing negative things to
attract their parents attention and focus on them. Starting from school truancy, they find
outsiders that teach them of the outside world and the fun it has to offer. Consequently, they
get involved with negative actions such as loitering around, smoking and many others to get
their parents attention. When these happen, they will feel more excited and entertained that
they forget their studies. If these students have played truant for three days consecutively, it is
a normal action for the school authorities to issue warning letters to be shown to the parents.
However, because of the professional commitment of the parents, they are not able to make it
to the school and have a sit with the teachers to discuss on their children. As a result, students
will continue to play truant since they feel that their parents pay no attention on them and
neglect them. Eventually, these students with conflict will continue to play truant and finally
are expelled from school. That is why the parents roles are important to overcome the
problem of school truancy. The attitude of the parents that do not care will contribute to even
more serious problems of school truancy.
3. Peer pressure .
If the students make the right choice in selecting their list of friends, the potential to do
disadvantageous and immoral activities will be lower. However, having to make wrong
selection of friends that are going to be with them in whatever situation, the tendency to do
immoral activities and get involved in criminal cases will be high. The influence of their
friends to play truant from school will have a solid impact in their minds. This is because at
this stage of development, high school teenagers tend to put more trust on their peers than on
their family and relations. They will blindly and confidently follow their friends offer and
suggestion to loiter around and play truant without thinking of the consequences that will
happen. Usually, these high school teenagers will vocalise a house of different reasons and
excuses on why the play truant. These kind of problematic teenagers will never think of the
impacts brought from them being absent from school as they play truant. Moreover, they are
easily influenced by their peers to play truant and being absent from school as they have their

own stand where playing truant and loitering around in shopping malls will calm and
tranquilise their minds.

4. Seeking for joy and pleasure.

For high school teenagers who are in their age of developing socially within their own
circle, it is a common thing for them to seek for joy and pleasure with their peers. They will
do anything it takes without thinking of their studies that they have left in school from playing
truant. If we take a look at the shopping malls or video games centre, majority of them will be
teenagers. Sometimes these teenagers come and loiter around at these places still wearing
their school uniform. They are having fun and seeking for pleasure without making
themselves aware of the outsiders who are watching their every step and action.
Usually, students who have the intention to play truant will bring their additional
outwears in their school bags. They will then change their clothes in any public toilets before
loitering around at these places. In todays situation, it is a norm to see teenagers, be it male
or female teenagers to loiter around during school hours. Some of the familiar spots for them
to loiter around are the recreational park, shopping malls, video games centre, watching
movies at the cinema or having relaxing time at their favourite places. For them, searching
for joy and pleasure are something that are more of their interest as compared to the boring
routine in school that have no entertainment at all.
5. Too rigid school rules
Some of the high school students assume that having school rules that are too rigid are
suffocating and pressuring them. H owever, in contrary, it is the school rules that have the
big impact in disciplining and shaping the students behaviour. If one particular student are
guilty of making mistakes and they are not given any punishment, they will eventually ignore
and forget about their studies.
Other than that, the attitude of the students themselves who are seldom completing
their homework given by the teacher are making them terrified to come to the school as they
are afraid of being scolded by the teachers. However, if they do not change their attitude, they
will continue to play truant from school and will regard the punishment given from their
actions as irrelevant and illogical. In certain cases, there are students who come late to school

having punishment by their teachers and they are making that as an excuse to play truant. In
their opinion, the punishment received is not equivalent to the crime or misbehaviour that they
have done. They do not realise that teachers do not simply punish students; they should have
thought of the pros and cons of their action in punishing the students.


As the saying goes, there is no sickness without cure. The phenomenon of school
truancy by the school students should be overcome and abolished until deep in the roots of the
problem. Todays students are the scholars and leaders of the future. The nation is depending
fully on the outcome of the students who will be able to further develop and lead the society
and nation to its global level. We, the current generations are expecting that the inheritors of
the nation are among the individuals and human capitals that are highly disciplined and
dignified. Thus, there are no school authorities that are excluded in carrying the responsibility
and accountability to overcome this problem of school truancy. It is not impossible that the
nightmares will become reality if all sides are taking silent approach and do not try to take
action. It is everyones duty to pray and hope that this social and discipline problem can be
reduced and overcome. Therefore, the school authorities may carry out such measures to curb
the problem of school truancy within their area of responsibility:
1. Carrying out counselling session which involves school authorities, parents and
the students.
The school authorities may carry out the counselling session with parents and the
students as a measure to curb school truancy. It is an initiative of the school authorities to
carry out counselling session among the parents and students. Throughout the counselling
session carried out, the school authorities will sit together with parents and discuss on how
and what are the reasons that lead to the students play truant. The cooperation from parents
are utmost important in carrying out counselling session. Counselling session at the school
level is important in guiding and assisting students to overcome the problems that they are in.
These students should be made realise that school truancy will never guarantee their future as
it is supposed to be filled with beneficial activities.
Thus, every program carried out will be more meaningful if the counsellors and
guidance teachers who are qualified and experienced

are trained in stabilising the

implementation and effectiveness of the counselling session. The school authorities may also
plan and activate the Peer Programme (Program Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya) in reducing
and overcoming this problem. It is important to find mutual solution in developing and
nurturing quality generations of the future.
2. Parents roles
Parents roles are vital in overcome the problem of school truancy. All parents should
take care and pay attention as well as give cooperation to the school authorities in overcoming
the problem of school truancy. It is never wrong for parents to be stern and strict in educating
their children as to guarantee their own future. Parents should take care of their childrens
studies, who they are befriending with and supervise their childrens every action.
As parents, they should make it a daily habit to ask their children regarding their
studies and problems they face while learning and in school as well as spend some leisure
time to accompany their children to do revision. Apart from that, parents should give positive
advices to their children constantly. The parents should give advice to make sure that their
children remember to select friends who are good in moral and attitudes. The activities with
the family members are also encouraged to build stronger bond and so the children will not
feel ignored or neglected. It is important that the parents become the role model for their own
3. Conducting programmes that are of the students interests.
As additional initiative, the school administrators should plan and implement fun and
interest activities for the teaching and learning session. Multiple methods may be applied in
the learning techniques to give positive cognitive development to the students. Eventually,
activities that are of their interest will bring positive impact to them. For instance, the teaching
and learning sessions are not limited in the classroom only. The teachers may bring the
students outside of the classroom to attract their interest.
Teachers should apply the two-way approach in asking questions to the students or
students explaining on the topic learnt. This method is more effective as students will have
higher understanding on the lesson. Apart from that, the teaching and learning session should
be different and should cater the diverse level of achievement of the students. For weaker
students, they should be given full attention in the class so that they are not ignored and left

out. On the other hand, for brighter students, teachers should apply different techniques from
the techniques applied for the weaker ones.
Furthermore, various co-curricular activities may be conducted to provide
opportunities for these students to develop their ideas, talents or abilities in certain things. for
example, the camping activities that are full with challenges will ensure that these students are
having fun and being cooperative in participating in the activities. In similar activities as well,
beneficial and informative input are ready to be given to the students. thus, the school
authorities should think of and plan the curricular and co-curricular activities that are
interesting for the students.
4. The government should enforce rules and laws.
The school authorities may cooperate with the police to overcome the problem of
school truancy. With the power they have in hands, the school authorities will be able to work
together with the police as well as possible. For instance, placing police officers in certain
places such as the town area or at the shopping malls may help. These police officers may
capture the students who look suspicious when the school session is running. If they are
identified to be playing truant, the police administration may inform the school authorities and
pass the students to be given equivalent punishment. If the students are doing any crimes or
vandalism, they may be sent to the Juvenile School to be given punishment accordingly.
The school administrators should refer the problems of these students to the police. As
another initiative, the school administrators may invite the police officers to organise seminars
regarding laws and rules. Through this programme, a lot of input may be given and these
students should be given clear and explicit explanation on the laws and crimes. For instance,
if they are charged with crimes, they may be given punishment accordingly. Therefore, the
roles of the government in curbing this problem are vitally important.


According to Prof.


Fatimah Yusof who is the leader of the


Programme, Faculty of Psychology Education and Human Development in UKM, she states
that nowadays teenagers are easily exposed to the sophistication of the outside world such as
the modern gadgets, pampered with wealth or parents put too much trust on their children to
the extent that they are ignorant towards their childrens studies or daily outside activities.

There are some parents who transfer their responsibilities as parents and to take care and
educate their children to the babysitters and nannies from the early age of their children. That
is why, for teenagers who feel that they are neglected, they take easy path by doing behaviour
that breaks the school rules and consequently give negative impacts to them.
Prof. Dr. Fatimah Yusof adds that, teenagers nowadays tend to act on something
without long and serious thinking and they just follow their instinct and desire. She assumes
that these students can still be moulded and shaped as long as they have ample education and
attention from the elders. In addition, she also laments some of the reasons why teenagers
nowadays are easily involved and influenced in the problem of school truancy. The probable
reasons are as follows:
1. The desire to know and to try
It is a common thing among teenagers nowadays, they have high curiosity and the
desire to try something new is unstoppable within them. They are easily influenced especially
with the challenges of todays world, complete with modern and sophisticated electronic
gadgets. Besides, there are many video games in the shopping malls, entertainment, watching
movies at the cinema and many more that they can explore and enjoy in this modern era.
These facilities as such drive them to explore something new and unfamiliar to them. Thus,
the supervision and attention from all sides is essential in overcoming this teenagers problem.

2. Peer influence
We know that peer influence is one major reason for the students to play truant in
school. At this stage, the teenagers souls are in a war and they desire freedom. Therefore, if
they choose the wrong step in making friends, negative attitudes will grow inside them.
Problematic students are easier to be influenced by their peers influence to play truant. They
are tricked with their friends words that searching for enjoyment outside will help them to
forget the problems they have in school and at home. They have to expectation on what will
happen if they play truant in school.
3. They thirst enjoyment and freedom.
Teenagers nowadays have the desire to enjoy and to be free from any problems. They
think that everything they have they can get it outside and not at home. This is even more

convincing if they have many siblings with unpleasant condition of the house. Plus, they have
the desire to try, hence the desire to seek for outside pleasure and enjoyment. If they seek for
pleasure and enjoyment outside until late midnight, the reasons of school truancy will exist.
They do something without thinking of their future.
4. The attitude of the family members.
One of the main reasons why teenagers play truant in school is the attitude of their
own family members. Some parents are too busy working without paying attention to their
children. They go out early for work and get back home when everyone is sleeping. Limited
time quality also is the reason why teenagers nowadays feel that they are neglected and
ignored. Apart from that, their parents attitude who play little role as the educators at home
make the teenagers seek for enjoyment outside. Some parents only know how to give
materialistic matters to their children without paying attention to their studies.

In the process of building a high performance school with less discipline problems, the
organisation of the school leadership should be solid in the management and administration of
the school. Apart from that, teachers should be able to create positive and conducive learning
environment and be able to fulfil the moral values so that students will be able to learn in a
calm and positive way. All parties should put their hands together in curbing this problem of
discipline. If this is not overcome early, it may be uncontrollable in the future. Therefore, all
parties should tackle this issue as fast as possible and do not ever ignore or neglect students as
these are some reasons why they have the dare to play truant in school. They act that way
because they want to attract attention of the parents, of the teachers and the school authorities.
Nowadays, school truancy is the problem which tests on the credibility of the school.
At the side of the students, they are like walking towards failure and they are in the verge of
destroying their future as they get themselves involved with the problem of school truancy.
This serious phenomenon is not incurable as long as every party is cooperating. With strong
and solid cooperation from every party, this phenomenon will be reduced. Therefore, all
parties should put their hands together to seek for the solution to overcome this problem.

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