The Mitzvah of Sipur Yetziat Mitzraim
The Mitzvah of Sipur Yetziat Mitzraim
The Mitzvah of Sipur Yetziat Mitzraim
There are many mitzvot, practices, and traditions that relate to the first night of
Pesach. The most central is the mitzvah of sipur yetziat Mitzraim, the recounting of the
story of the exodus from Egypt. Acharonim ask a fundamental question regarding the
mitzvah of sipur yetziat Mitzraim. The Mishna, Berachot 12b, as well as the Haggadah,
record a dispute between Ben Zoma and Chachamim as to whether there is an obligation
to mention the exodus from Egypt on a nightly basis (zechirat yetziat Mitzraim).
Rambam, Hichot Keri'at Sh'ma 1:3, rules in accordance with Ben Zoma that there is a
mitzvah to mention the exodus on a nightly basis. If in fact, there is such a mitzvah, what
is added by having an additional mitzvah on the first night of Pesach of sipur yetziat
Mitzraim. Isn’t this already a nightly obligation?