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Newsletter - MAY 2015

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MAY 2015

Be such as you are and appear as you are. Mary Ward

Once again the public examination season is upon us: Years 11 and 12 are well underway and Year 13 commence
their examinations on 1st June. Year 13 had a nostalgic end to their time at Loreto donning their old school blazers
and looking immaculate in full school uniform. They also celebrated Leavers Mass on Friday 23rd May; we wish all
these pupils every success now and in the future.
I wish you all a restful and enjoyable half-term.

Mrs M Lynch


Friday 26th June - 7:30pm 10:30pm
The Parents Association have organised an alternative live music night with at least three
bands. Actual band names will be released very shortly but be assured it will be an event
not to miss.
Initially tickets will only be available to the girls who are in Years 9 & 10 and will be on sale
again after half term.
Loreto Parents' Association

We have started work on the School garden... green beans, strawberries, and radishes are planted, as well as some tomatoes, peppers and basil in the greenhouse. It's looking good, and as you can
see from the picture, some ducks have even taken up residence on
the pond! Please see Mrs Jolly if you're feeling green fingered and
want to get involved.

Year 9 students were very excited to meet award winning author Marcus Sedgwick, our Loreto Whole School Author 2015 this month. Marcus' book 'She is not invisible' is currently being read by our students in all years and
staff too! Marcus has won many awards for his writing over the years and was able to inspire the girls to consider
writing as a possible career.
In other news, our Year 8 girls are doing a wonderful job of
reading the shortlisted books on the Carnegie Award. To read
our girls reviews go to http://www.carnegiegreenaway.org.uk/
shadowing site. The winner will be announced next month.
In June some of our Year 8 students will be going to visit the
amazing British Library, and students will have the opportunity
to experiment with book binding, in their workshop called 'Make
a Book !'
Meanwhile, as always, there are lots of new books to read and
take home to enjoy this May half-term.
Happy reading !

Mrs Parkin, Librarian


Well it really was a trip of Awe and Wonder! We spent an amazing 5 days visiting
many of the incredible sights that Iceland has to offer. The trip focused around the
Golden Circle. Highlights included the Blue Lagoon, Thingveliir, the national park
where the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is clearly visible, the famous Geysir, Gullfoss and
Skogafoss waterfalls and Kerid a dramatic volcanic lake, and that was just a few things seen
in the first two days!! We stood at the base of
Mount Hekla, stayed in a hotel at the base of
Mount Katla (both active volcanoes!), visited the
black volcanic beaches of Reynishverfi and
toured a geothermal power station. We saw
seals, hung out with Icelandic ponies and held 2
hour old lambs! Iceland brings alive everything
that geography is about!! Cant wait to go again!

This half term has been largely dominated by preparation for examinations; we wish all our students well in them.
Year 9 enjoyed a talk by Marcus Sedgwick, author of our Whole School Read She is Not Invisible when he visited
the school. The Year 8 Reading Challenge group is now shadowing the Carnegie Medal shortlist and contributing
to the Loreto page on the Carnegie website.

PGL 15TH - 17TH MAY 2015

After torrential downpours that lasted all day last Thursday, the day before departure for Marchants Hill, everyone
was praying for some good weather for our trip. We were blessed as over the course of the three days the weather just got better and better. The short coach journey to Marchants Hill went well with only one minor hold up.
On arrival the girls all tucked into their packed lunches before we were taken on a leisurely stroll around the PGL
The Marchants Hill site is particularly beautiful, as you may have gathered if you have looked at the photographs
posted on our website or any taken by a member of Year 7. All the activities take place within the forest, so that
sunlight is never glaringly bright, rather dappled and gentle, providing natural protection. This makes for very attractive photographs.
The girls were on their best behaviour throughout and it was a pleasure to spend time with them. They were kept
active but they still had time to enjoy some rest and relaxation. Evening entertainment included some very
whacky robots and singing around the campfire. The learning objectives for the weekend were to strengthen
teamwork skills, as well as helping the girls to build self-confidence. All in all, these objectives were met as great
teamwork was evident wherever you looked. Well done Year 7. This experience will stand you in good stead to
move up into Year 8 in September. Thank you all for a wonderful weekend and thank you to all the staff who accompanied the trip, who gave so generously of their time.
I would like to wish everyone at Loreto all the best for the future as I move on to pastures new. I shall always
treasure my memories of Loreto, the happiest years of my teaching career so far.
Mrs L Hyslop, Head of Year 7


This year the Sixth Form came up with the clever idea of creating a charity wristband with the slogan Give trafficking a red light to raise awareness of human trafficking. Jessica Midlane and the new Head Girl team have promoted the cause in a number of assemblies and all the proceeds will be going to Albania Hope, a charity run by
Loreto Sisters. The charity helps to support women in Albania who may be in danger of being trafficked or who
need support rebuilding their lives having escaped from human trafficking.
The name of the charity is Albania Hope, a charity run by the Loreto Sisters which provides support for women in Albania who may be in danger
of being trafficked or need support rebuilding their lives after having escaped from human trafficking. The wristbands are 2 each and there are
still some available. Please see Miss Ross or Mrs Wicks if you would like to
buy a wristband to support this great cause.

Year 8 have been raising money for Great Ormond Street Hospital over the Lenten period and raised just over
1,400. Each Form within the year group took part and organised their own fundraising activities, including a Irish
themed event which took place on Saint Patricks Day, buying and selling treats, a dance off event, the smarty tube
challenge and many other individual efforts were displayed. Alongside this they also organised and hosted the
Year 8 Recycled Fashion Show which was well attended and was a true reflection of the hard work and commitment that all Forms within the year group placed into their fundraising efforts. Well done Year 8 for your fantastic

The summer term got of to a great start for Year 11 Drama students who attended a performance of the National
Theatres outstanding play, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time at the Gielgud Theatre in the West
End. This production, adapted for the stage from Mark Haddons book of the same name, incorporates physical
theatre, skilful acting and a remarkable and innovative set design to portray the central characters perception of
the world around him.


This term has flown by and students are now in the midst of their exams. For the students who are moving on into
their next part of their journey I wish them well. Counselling is not an advice giving service, its about a journey of
processing events and experiences in life, in a safe, confidential, non-judgemental environment.
I am available: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9.30am to 3.35pm. Sessions are half an hour Lower school
or an hour for the Upper school. Referrals are made via Form Tutors Tutors, Heads of Year or yourself.
I leave you with a thought: The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. (B.B.
King). Have a good half term.
Deirdre Rigby, School Counsellor (MBACP)


On 21st May the Year 10 Product Design class went on a trip to IKEA in Milton Keynes. In lesson one, we finished researching products that we wanted to look at in more detail in the store. The class was mainly looking at coffee tables and lampshades, which included modular structures. When we
arrived at the store we began by briefly looking around and taking photographs of what we thought we could incorporate into our own designs.
While we were walking around we answered the questions that we could not
find out online about the products, for example: how it fits together or how
it is packaged.
We had lunch in the caf, and then afterwards we had time to look around the store to find other things we
wanted to buy. Overall the day was very useful for our coursework as now we have more knowledge about modular structures and flat packed furniture. It was also enjoyable for us students.
By Hannah Raymond-Jackson and Rhiannon Denham

County league athletics has started this term with some great results across many events. We have finished
the majority of competitions in 3rd/ 4th place and looking forward to the final 3 events after half term:
Tuesday 2nd June @ Gosling; Tuesday 9th June @ Westminster Lodge; Tuesday 16th June @ Gosling
District Athletics Champs is on Thursday 11th June @ Woodside Stadium, Watford. This will take place
throughout the day details will follow after half term.
GOOD LUCK to all our athletes who are taking part in the County Championships at Jarman Park on Saturday 6th June we will post results in the next newsletter and on the school website, maybe even twitter too!
We have had coaches visiting Loreto this half term both in lessons and working with the school teams. The
coaches have come from Kings Langley tennis club and you should have received either a hard copy flyer or
a flyer by Parentmail about what the club can offer it would be great if the sessions had encouraged a few girls
to take up tennis outside of school. Practices for tennis will continue after half term for the school team and also
for those who wish to come along and play with a friend. Please check the weekly bulletin and practice schedule
after half term.
We have had an amazing response to the yoga that has
started on Tuesdays after school. Loreto College is
working with Clarity Yoga and Active St. Albans to
provide free yoga sessions to any pupils in Years 7 to
13. Places still available just turn up!
Lessons will switch to rounders and tennis indoor lessons will be rounders and outdoor lessons will be tennis.
All pupils are required to wear Loreto skirt and t-shirt. Tracksuit top, (when necessary), white socks
and trainers.
Please continue to check the weekly bulletin and the notice boards for extra-curricular activities next half term.
These are now on sale. Please pay via Parentmail or money to the Bursar. The cost is 5.00 per DVD.
SPORTS DAY The countdown has begun . Its on Friday 10th July!!

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