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Ecpe Speaking Scoring Rubric (Condensed Version)

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ECPE speaking Scoring Rubric (Condensed Version)




Discourse and Interaction

(Development, Functional Range, and Listening

Linguistic Resources (Range and Accuracy)



Production of Independent, Spontaneous Speech

Summarizes concisely and accurately; little to no reliance on
written material
Provides coherent explanations without prompting on all topics
Presents decisions persuasively and appropriately for varying
Contribution to Extended Interaction
Consistently contributes appropriately to development of
interaction; very aware of listener
Recommendations are appropriate and supported with
Justifies position, regularly paraphrasing and elaborating to
explain and/or clarify
Communication breakdowns are rare
Listening Comprehension
Understands linguistic, sociolinguistic, and pragmatic
information in order to engage in extended, spontaneous

Uses broad range of vocabulary

Collocations, colloquial
language, idiomatic
expressions used accurately
and appropriately

Uses a wide variety of basic

and complex grammatical
structures accurately and
Uses a range of grammatical
structures that are
pragmatically appropriate

Production of Independent, Spontaneous Speech

Summarizes concisely and accurately; some reliance on written
Provides coherent explanations, usually without prompting, on
all concrete and most abstract topics
Usually presents decisions persuasively, and usually
appropriately for context
Contribution to Extended Interaction
Usually contributes appropriately to the development of the
interaction; very aware of listener
Provides recommendations that are almost always supported
with explanations and are appropriate to the context
Justifies position, frequently paraphrasing and elaborating to
explain and/or clarify statements
Communication breakdowns usually do not occur
Listening Comprehension
Almost always understands linguistic, sociolinguistic, and
pragmatic information in order to engage in extended,
spontaneous interaction

Usually uses a broad range of

Collocations, colloquial
language, and idiomatic
expressions are often used
and are usually accurate and
Occasionally uses secondary
meaning of words

Production of Independent, Spontaneous Speech

Adequately summarizes; may rely on written material
Elaborates, often without prompting, and provides coherent
explanations on almost all concrete and many abstract topics
Often presents decisions clearly, appropriately; may occasionally
show some limitations in ability to extend discourse and to
provide convincing explanations
Contribution to Extended Interaction
Often contributes appropriately to the development of
interaction; aware of listener; may occasionally rely on
interlocutors for continuation of discussion
Recommendations may require minor prompting for
supporting explanations; may occasionally be awkwardness to
appropriateness of word choices/phrasing
Justifies position adequately; usually able to paraphrase;
clarity of meaning may occasionally be lacking when providing
supporting details
Communication breakdowns may occur during challenging
speech events; usually repaired
Listening Comprehension
Usually understands linguistic and sociolinguistic information
and often understands the pragmatic information in order to
engage in extended, spontaneous interaction

Often uses moderate range

of vocabulary accurately and
Occasionally uses idiomatic
expressions and colloquial
Occasionally uses incorrect
collocations that may lead to

Delivery And
Fluent and articulate
Often uses rate of
speech and/or prosodic
features to add meaning,
aid listener, and/or
to shift style/register

Slips of the tongue may occur, often self-corrected; (fossilized)

errors may be present throughout discourse but do not impede

Usually uses a variety

of basic and complex
grammatical structures
accurately and usually
Usually uses grammatical
structures that are
pragmatically appropriate

Frequently fluent and

articulate; may require
minimal listener effort
Usually uses rate of
speech and/or prosodic
features to add meaning,
to aid listener, and/or
to shift style/register
Fluency may slightly
decline with challenging
speech events but this
rarely affects the flow of

Errors in vocabulary and/or grammar do not cause

miscommunication or interrupt the flow of discourse
Accuracy in vocabulary and/or grammar may decline with more
challenging speech events
Often uses a variety of basic
and complex grammatical
structures accurately and
Often uses a variety of
grammatical structures
that are pragmatically

Range of vocabulary and grammatical structures extends beyond

what has been provided orally and/or in writing
Gaps and/or errors in vocabulary and/or grammar, sometimes
self-corrected, frequently do not hinder communication, but may
rarely cause interruptions in communication flow
Accuracy in vocabulary and/or grammar often declines with an
increase in rate of speech and/or with more challenging speech

Often fluent, usually

articulate; may require
some listener effort
Pace usually consistent;
may occasionally be
relatively slow
Occasionally uses rate of
speech, and/or prosodic
features to add meaning,
aid listener, and/or
to shift style/register
An increase in rate of
delivery may occasionally
lead to a decrease in
clarity of speech or
Fluency may decline
with more challenging
speech events but this
does not stop the flow of



Discourse and Interaction

(Development, Functional Range, and Listening

Linguistic Resources (Range and Accuracy)



Production of Independent, Spontaneous Speech

Usually summarizes by repeating language already provided
Occasionally able, when prompted, to elaborate and provide
explanations on most concrete topics; explanations frequently
lack coherence and organization
Usually presents decisions by repeating language already
Contribution to Extended Interaction
Frequently relies on other participants to initiate, develop,
maintain discourse; rarely offers feedback or commentary
Usually able to recommend; occasionally able, when prompted,
to provide supporting explanations
Attempts to justify a position are usually unclear and repetitive
Communication breakdowns may occur during any speech
event and often are not repaired
Listening Comprehension
Limitations in comprehension may often result in interruptions
in exchange and in communication breakdowns

Limited range of vocabulary

Frequently uses vague and/or
inaccurate vocabulary

Frequent use of basic

structures (i.e., lack of
complex sentences) that
often contain errors

Production of Independent, Spontaneous Speech

Unable to summarize; merely reads information provided
Occasionally able, when prompted, to elaborate on concrete
and familiar topics; explanations usually lack organization
Usually able to present basic position on concrete topic; very
little elaboration; usually repeats language already produced
Contribution to Extended Interaction
Frequently unable to contribute to the development of discourse
on topics that have been provided; considerable reliance on
Usually able to state a recommendation or opinion but unable to
provide supporting explanation
Rarely able to justify and defend; attempts are almost always
unclear and repetitive
Almost always unable to repair communication breakdowns
Listening Comprehension
Extreme limitations in comprehension result in an inability to
engage in extended discourse

Very limited vocabulary

Regularly searches for words
Frequently uses vague

Delivery And
Listener effort frequently
Delivery is often slow and
Pausing and phrasing are
often incorrect, negatively
affecting intelligibility
Production may be word
by word, resulting in a
lack of sentence rhythm
and flat intonation
L1 influence may disrupt

Vocabulary and grammar structures used are typically repetitions of

what has been provided orally or in writing
Gaps and/or errors in vocabulary and grammar may disrupt effective
Uses only basic structures that
regularly contain errors

Regular gaps and/or errors in vocabulary, grammar, and/or delivery

Gaps and/or errors frequently prevent communication

Slow and halting delivery

Production is often word
by word, resulting in a
lack of sentence rhythm
and flat intonation
Errors in rhythm, stress,
and intonation disrupt
intelligibility, often
causing considerable
listener effort
L1 influence may disrupt

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