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Culminating Performance Standard: Power Standard:: Making A Critical Interpretation of Two Literary Texts Through

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Grade: 11 Semester: 2nd Semester

Core Subject Title: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World No. of Hours: 40 hours
Core Subject Description: This course aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21 st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World encompassing their various
dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts and traditions.
Prerequisites (If needed):
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21 st literature of the world through an adaptation of a text into other creative forms
using multimedia
Power Standard: Analyze various dimensions of Philippine literary history from Pre-Colonial to Contemporary.

4th Quarter
Content Content Performance Standards Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Access Highest Enabling
Standards Assessment Technique Strategy to Use in
Developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess
RBT Level WW QA PC Enabling Teaching
General Strategy

Mapping the The learner The learner Writing a close Making a

Features of The learner will be able to will be able analysis and critical critical
Philippine will be able demonstrate to interpretation of
Literature to understanding demonstrat literary texts and
a. Geographic understand and e doing an adaptation of two literary
, linguistic, and appreciation understandi of texts through:
and ethnic appreciate of 21st ng and these require
dimensions the elements Century appreciation from the learner the ability
of the and contexts Philippine of 21st to:
Philippine of 21st literature from Century
literary century the regions Philippine
history Philippine through: literature
from pre- literature from the
colonial to from the regions
contempor regions. through:
1. a written 2. 1. Make a 1. identify the K 1. Analyze D Creating Critique Problem- Close
close analysis Critique geographic, national paper Solving Reading and
and critical paper of linguistic, and issues Analysis
interpretation two literary ethnic dimensions affecting
of a literary texts in of Philippine literary people and
text in terms terms history from pre- society
of form and geographic colonial to the through
theme, with a ,linguistic, contemporary recognizing
description of and ethnic the various
its context dimensions dimensions of
derived from of the Philippine
research Philippine literary history
literary from Pre-
history Colonial to
from pre- Contemporary
colonial to
b. Canonical contempor
authors ary 4.Appreciate the U 4.Produce a D Creating Making a Problem-
and works contributions of the literary text Literary Solving Graphic
of canonical Filipino valuing the Text Organizer
Philippine writers to the canonical
National development of Filipino writers Think, Pair
Artists national literature to the and Share
Literature. development
of national

Performance Task: You were hired by a corporate firm to design a wall mural that will depict the richness of Philippine culture and its literary history. The room where you mural will be fund is meant to house
some priceless precolonial artifacts that will be available for the firm’s new public museum. The firm has specifically asked to heavily incorporate the scenes in the epic Bantugan and moments in the story of
Bidasari in painting the walls. These two stories need to blend, so that the room will not only be appealing historically, but also aesthetically because this room will be available to the public, your painting must be
visually appealing, cohesive, and organized.

Literal Transfer Task: The learner can respond to national and global issues through a comprehensive critical analysis and interpretation of texts.

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