July 23-26, 2019 / 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
July 23-26, 2019 / 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
July 23-26, 2019 / 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
B.Performanc The learner will be The learner will be The learner will be The learner will be
e Standards able to understand able to understand able to understand able to understand
and appreciate the and appreciate the and appreciate the and appreciate the
elements and elements and elements and elements and
contexts of 21st contexts of 21st contexts of 21st contexts of 21st
century Philippine century Philippine century Philippine century Philippine
literature from the literature from the literature from the literature from the
regions through: regions through: regions through: regions through:
1. A written close 1. A written 1. A written 1. A written close
analysis and close analysis close analysis analysis and
critical and critical and critical critical
interpretation interpretation interpretation interpretation
of a literary of a literary of a literary of a literary
text in terms of text in terms text in terms text in terms
form and of form and of form and of form and
theme, with a theme, with a theme, with a theme, with a
description of description of description of description of
its context its context its context its context
derived from derived from derived from derived from
research; research; research; research;
2. An adaptation 2. An adaptation 2. An adaptation 2. An adaptation
of a text into of a text into of a text into of a text into
other creative other creative other creative other creative
forms using forms using forms using forms using
multimedia multimedia multimedia multimedia
C.Learning Explain the Infer literary Explain the
Competencies relationship of Situate the text meaning from literary,
/Objectives context with the in the context of literal language biographical,
text’s meaning the region and based on usage. linguistic and
the nation sociocultural
EN12lit-Ie-30 EN12Lit-Id-26 contexts and
EN12Lit-Ie-29 discuss how
they enhance
the text’s
meaning and
enrich the
II.CONTENT Study and Appreciation of literary texts from the different regions written in
different genres covering:
1. Regions in Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao
2. Major genres ( poetry, fiction, drama, creative nonfiction, as well as
hyperpoetry, blogs, mobile phone textutula, chick lit, speculative fiction,
flash fiction, etc.)
III.LEARNIN 21st Century 21st Century 21st Century 21st Century
G Literature book: Literature book: Literature book: Literature book:
RESOURCES pp. pp. pp. pp.
CG: pp. 1-2 CG: pp. 1-2 CG: pp. 1-2 CG: pp. 1-2
A. Before a Motivation: The students will The students will Pre-Reading:
lesson 1. Why do you present their Skit present works Precolonial Mexico
think history is to the class. during ‘after the and their culture
called “history” lesson’ yesterday. before and after
instead of the Spaniards
“herstory”? what came. Create a
does this reveal pretend travel
about the roots guide to
of history? precolonial
2. Do you Mexico, describing
think women’s landmarks,
voices, and their cultural practices,
perspectives, and religion.
Have been heard Photocopy this
and chronicled and give the
as faithfully as original version to
men’s your teacher. Look
perspectives? over all the travel
Why do you guides and discuss
think so? the one that was
3. What is the the best and why.
importance of
the female
B. During The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will Background
the present the epic tell a story entitled give her own Knowledge
lesson poem “The “Silk” by definition and Reading:
Odyssey” and Alessandro understanding “Malinche”
understand the Baricco. The about “The by Laura
meaning of the teacher will Strangeness of Esquivel
text. discuss the Beauty”.
context of the text
then compare it to
our culture and
C. After the Film Viewing Read the story Film Viewing: the Create a poster
lesson “The strangeness students will that has a Venn
of Beauty” by watch a short film. Diagram filled with
Lydia Minatoya. images about the
Make a short differences in
summary of the world view of
story based on Malinalli and
your own Cortes. In a short
understanding and Paragraph, discuss
on your own how these two
words. world views
somehow create a
certain behavior, a
way of interacting
with the world.
V. Assignment Group Assignment: Write an essay
(optional) Assignment: Skit Based on th short about the
In a small group, film that they difference
try to retell a watched, students between the
familiar story from will write a short colonizer and the
a different summary out of it colonized, and
perspective and in their own how two different
show this in the understanding and views of the world
form of a skit. For own words. create two
example, you different worlds.
could retell Noli Relate what you
Me Tangere from have learned from
the perspective of this text to your
Sisa or Maria experiences as a
Clara. Filipino.
VI. Remarks