Week 7
Week 7
Week 7
Time & Dates SEPTEMBER 9-13, 2024 Quarter 1st SEM (1st Quarter)
A. References
Activity/Strategy The teacher will administer The class will be divided into 6 Group Activity The student will create their own The teacher will let the
(5 minutes). a pre-test (5 items only) groups; memoir (they write it in a bond student find their partner
Each group will create a 2-minute The teacher will divide the class paper. Using their creativity, they and construct an example
skit incorporating at least 4 into 3 groups and discuss and make a design for their paper to (1) of SIMILE,
different figures of speech; define the Biographical, make it attractive) METAPHOR,
Linguistic, and Sociocultural PERSONIFICATION,
context. HYPERBOLE,
Analysis (5 SOCRATIC METHOD How figures of speech Discuss the importance of the The teacher will call 2 students The teacher will let the
minutes). The teacher will call work in a three contexts. to share their experience while students share and read
somebody to share and conversation? writing their memoir. their examples and how
explain their answer. How it affects the The teacher will be the one to they come up it.
emotion of the choose the representative for
receiver of the each group to present their
message? output.
Abstraction (16 The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will play a video The teacher will let the students The teacher will discuss
minutes). following: rubrics for the activity. lesson discussing the literary read their output to the class. the FIGURES OF
Definition of Figures of contexts. SPEECH
Speech and the different
kinds of figures of speech.
Application (5 What will be the effect of What is the purpose why writers Why is it important to be aware How important cherishing those
minutes). using figures of speech in are fun of using figures of speech of different context in literature? moment through writing?
your literary work? to make a literary work?
Assessment (5 15 items quiz Each group will perform their 5 items quiz Through presentation, the teacher 10 item quiz.
minutes). prepared skit. will rate the output of the student
using the set rubrics.
Assignment/ Bring bond paper and pentel for Agreement.
Agreement (2 tomorrows activity. Bring 2pcs. of A4 Bond Paper
minutes). Fill-in and art materials for tomorrow’s
below any of the activity.
four purposes