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GRADE 11 LEARNING AREA 21st Century Literature from QUARTER FINALS
DAILY LESSON PLAN the Philippines and the World
TEACHING DATE January 21-25, 2019 TEACHER

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5

TOPIC Exam Result Discussing the 1st Pre-Test Overview of Selected Writers from World Literature
Performance Task for
the Finals
1. A. CONTENT The learner will be The learner will be able to The learner will The learner will be able to The learner will be able to
STANDARDS able to understand understand and appreciate be able to understand and appreciate understand and appreciate the
and appreciate the the elements and contexts understand and the elements and contexts of elements and contexts of 21st
elements and of 21st Century Philippine appreciate the 21st Century Philippine Century Philippine literature.
contexts of 21st literature. elements and literature.
Century Philippine contexts of 21st
literature. Century
B. The learner will be The learner will be able to The learner The learner will be able to The learner will be able to
PERFORMANCE able to demonstrate will be able to demonstrate understanding demonstrate understanding and
STANDARDS demonstrate understanding and demonstrate and appreciation of 21st appreciation of 21st Century
understanding and appreciation of 21st understanding Century Philippine literature Philippine literature from the
appreciation of Century Philippine and from the regions through: a regions through: a written close
21st Century literature from the regions appreciation of written close analysis and analysis and critical interpretation
Philippine literature through: a written close 21st Century critical interpretation of a of a literary text in terms of form
from the regions analysis and critical Philippine literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of
through: a written interpretation of a literary literature from and theme, with a its context derived from research.
close analysis and text in terms of form and the regions description of its context
critical theme, with a description through: a derived from research.
interpretation of a of its context derived from written close
literary text in research. analysis and
terms of form and critical
theme, with a interpretation
description of its of a literary
context derived text in terms of
from research. form and
theme, with a
description of
its context
derived from
C. LEARNING EN12Lit-IIa-22 EN12Lit-IIa-22 EN12Lit-IIa-22
COMPETENCIES/ identify representative identify representative texts identify representative texts and
OBJECTIVES texts and authors from and authors from Asia, authors from Asia, North
Asia, North America, North America, Europe, America, Europe, Latin America,
Europe, Latin America, Latin America, and Africa and Africa
and Africa EN12Lit-IIc-29 EN12Lit-IIc-29
situate the texts in the situate the texts in the context of
EN12Lit-Id-25 context of the region, the region, nation, and the world
Differentiate/compare and nation, and the world
contrast the various 21
century literary genres and
the ones from the earlier
genres/periods citing their
elements, structures and
II. CONTENT Test question World literature writers Pre-test Introduction to World English World Literature
answers/Test Literature
II. LEARNING Test papers Laptop, Smart TV, Laptop, Smart TV, PowerPoint
RESOURCES PowerPoint Presentation Presentation
A. REFERENCES 21st Century Literature 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from the
from the Philippines and the Philippines and the Philippines and the World, G.
the World, G. Chua & G. World, G. Chua & G. Ochoa Chua & G. Ochoa
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials pp.
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Distribute the test Inform the students that Inform the Ask the students about their Ask a volunteer to give a short
previous lesson or papers to the the final quarter will be students on prior knowledge on what is recap of the previous lesson on
presenting the new students. focused on world the importance literature? World Literature.
lesson literature. of a pre-test Ask the students to identify some
English writers in World
B. Establishing a Ask each student ‘Apart from Filipino writers, Facilitate the Introduce the new lesson on Ask the students to identify some
purpose for the to read a question can you give examples of class as they World Literature. English writers in World
lesson from the exam. Let other Asian writers/ work on the Ask the question: Literature.
the student answer authors?’ pre-test. What constitutes world
or ask someone …American… literature?
from the class British,,Russia etc.
whose answer is
correct to share
with the class.
C. Presenting Ask the class what Present examples literary Who are some of the Introduce William Shakespeare to
examples/ instances is wrong with the pieces that are considered exemplary writers of world the class, he is an English World
of the new lesson other choices. to be famous with the literature and what are some Literature writer.
learners---Harry Potter,Lord of their great works?
of the Rings…Cinderella.

D. Discussing new Let the students Inform them of the 1st Discuss and define what William Shakespeare (England)
concepts and recheck their scores performance task for the World Literature through was a poet and playwright
practicing new skills and answers. quarter. giving examples. considered as “the father of the
#1 modern English language”. He is
credited for pioneering the couplet
and the Shakespearean sonnet

E. Discussing new Group Discuss the Elements of What are the masterpiece/literary
concepts and activity(research),3 World Literature through piece of William Shakespeare that
practicing new skills members each recitation. you already read?
#2 *Each group will pick an Let the students give an What are the theme of that literary
author from a list that will example of Literary pieces piece?
be presented to them. that has a theme on love and
Research a short romace, family and Romeo and Juliet
background information marriages, Theme: Love and Romace
about the writer including individual struggles toward
an analysis of his/her success (Cinderella and
masterpiece/literary piece. underdog stories),
You will be presenting your humanitarian values, coping
output in front of the class. with tragedy, (wars, famine,
disasters, etc.), life cycles.
Rubrics: (novels, short
Content- 10 points
(plot,setting/s,theme and
Presentation- 15 pts.
Timeliness- 5 pts.

Criteria: (poetry)
Content- 10 points
(analysis, theme)
Presentation- 15 pts.
Timeliness- 5 pts.
F. Developing Discuss with the class the What is World Literature? What are the contribution of
mastery (Leads to deadline of submission. William Shakespeare to English
Formative World Literature?
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical ORAL RECITATION What is the Importance of English
applications of Ask the question: World Literature to your life as a
concepts and skills Do you appreciate world student?
in daily living literature? Elaborate your
H. Making Why is there a need for us What is the importance of
generalizations and to learn world literature? World Literature?
abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating Shakespeare, in his stage play As
Learning You Like It, popularized these
verses: “All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women
merely players; They have their
exits and their entrances, And one
man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.”

In a journal notebook, make an

interpretation of the possible
meanings of the verses.
J. Additional Submission of research
activities for will be on January 31,
application or 2019.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Master Teacher II

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