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Quantitative Aptitude: Trains

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Quantitative Aptitude

This chapter is basically an extension of the T i m e
and Distance". Therefore, we will use here the basic
concepts like Speed, Relative Speed already discussed
in the earlier chapter. Here, the focus will be exclusively on problems related to trains. The variables involved are again the sameTime, Distance and Speed.
Assumptions : For all purposes, unless otherwise
specifically mentioned, we will assume that the speed
at which the train(s) covers the distance or performs
the journey remains constant over the journey which
we call the average speed. The size of the person, telegraph post, pole etc. is negligible in comparison to the
length of the train or the platform.
Important General Cases :
(0 Time ft) taken by a train x metres long to cross
a stationary person or pole or signal post is equal to
the time taken by the train to cover the distance x
metres (equal to its own length) with its own speed (u).


1. A train, 300m long, passed a man, walking along
the line in the same direction at the rate of 3
km/hr in 33 seconds. The speed of the train is

2. Two trains started at the same time, one from A

to B and the other from B to A. If they arrived at
B and A respectively 4 hours and 9 hours after
they passed each other, the ratio of the speeds of
the two trains was
(3) 4 : 3
(4) 5 : 4
3. Two trains of equal length, running in opposite
directions, pass a pole in 18 and 12 seconds. The
trains will cross each other in
(1) 14.4 seconds
(2) 15.5 seconds
(3) 18.8 seconds
(4) 20.2 seconds
4. A moving train crosses a man standing on a platform and a bridge 300 metres long in 10 seconds
and 25 seconds respectively. What will be the time
taken by the train to cross a platform 200 metres

(1) 16 seconds

(2) 18 seconds

(3) 20 seconds
(4) 22 seconds
5. A train covers a distance of 3584 km in 2 days 8
hours. If it covers 1440 km on the first day and
1608 km on the second day, by how much does
the average speed of the train for the remaining
part of the journey differ from that for the entire
journey ?
(1) 3 km/hour more
(2) 3 km/hour less
(3) 4 km/hour more
(4) 5 km/hour less
6. A train, 150m long, passes a pole in 15 seconds
and another train of the same length travelling
in the opposite direction in 12 seconds. The speed
of the second train is
(3) 52 km./hr
(4) 54 km./hr
7. A train travelling at 48 km/hr crosses another
train, having half its length and travelling in opposite direction at 42 km/hr, in 12 seconds. It

also passes a railway platform in 45 seconds. The

length of the railway platform is
(2) 300m
(3) 350 m
(4) 400 m
8. Two trains 105 metres and 90 metres long, run at
the speeds of 45 km/hr and 72 km/hr respectively, in opposite directions on parallel tracks.
The time which they take to cross each other, is
(1)8 seconds
(2) 6 seconds
(3) 7 seconds
(4) 5 seconds
9. A train travelling at a speed of 30 m/sec crosses
a platform, 600 metres long, in 30 seconds. The
length (in metres) of train is
(1) 120
(2) 150
(3) 200
(4) 300
10. A train passes a platform 110 m long in 40 seconds and a boy standing on the platform in 30
seconds . The length of the train is
(2) 110 m
(3) 220 m
(4) 330 m
11. A train with a uniform speed passes a platform,
122 metres long, in 17 seconds and a bridge, 210
metres long, in 25 seconds. The speed of the train
(1) 46.5 km/hour
(2) 37.5 km/hour
(3) 37.6 km/hour
(4) 39.6 km/hour
12. A train passes a platform 90 metre long in 30
seconds and a man standing on the platform in
15 seconds. The speed of the train is :
(2) 14.6kmph
(3) 18.4 kmph
(4) 21.6 kmph
13. A train passes two persons walking in the same
direction at a speed of 3 km/hour and 5km/hour
respectively in 10 seconds and 11 seconds respectively. The speed of the train is
(1)28 km/hour
(2) 27 km/hour
(3) 25 km/hour
(4) 24 km/hour
14. A 360 metre long train crosses a signal post in 18
seconds. What is the speed of the train in km per
(1) 76
(2) 60
(3) 64
(4) 72
15. A train passes two bridges of lengths 800 m and
400 m in 100 seconds and 60 seconds respectively.
The length of the train is :
(2) 90 m
(3) 200 m
(4) 150 m
16. A train 300 metres long is running at a speed of
25 metres per second. It will cross a bridge of 200
metres in
(1) 5 seconds
(2) 10 seconds
(3) 20 seconds
(4) 25 seconds
17. A train is 125 m long. If the train takes 30 seconds to cross a tree by the railway line, then the
speed of the train is
(1)14 km/hr
(2) 15 km/hr
(3) 16 km/hr
(4) 12 km/hr

18. A train passes two bridges of lengths 800 m and

400 m in 100 seconds and 60 seconds respectively.
The length of the train is
(2) 90 m
(3) 200 m
(4) 150 m
19. A train takes 3 hours to run from one station to
another. If it reduces its speed by 12 km/hr, it
takes 45 minutes more for the journey. The distance between the stations is
(1)220 km
(2) 210 km
(3) 180 km
(4) 160 km
20. The length of a train and that of a platform are
equal. If with a speed of 90 km/hr the train crosses
the platform in one minute, then the length of
the train (in metres) is
(1) 500
(2) 600
(3) 750
(4) 900
21. A train travelling with a speed of 60 km/hr catches
another train travelling in the same direction and
then leaves it 120 m behind in 18 seconds. The
speed of the second train is
(1) 26 km/hr
(2) 35 km/hr
(3) 36 km/hr
(4) 63 km/hr
22. Two stations X and Y are 900km apart. A train
starts from X and moves towards Y at 70 km/hr.
Another train starts from Y at the same time
and moves towards X at 80 km/hr. How far from
X will they cross each other ?
(1)150 km
(2) 300 km
(3) 420 km
(4) 450 km
23. A train with a uniform speed crosses a pole in 2
seconds and a bridge of length 250m in 7 seconds. The length of the train is
(1) 150 m
(2) 120 m
(3) 100 m
(4) 80 m
24. A train, 300m long, passed a man, walking along
the line in the same direction at the rate of 3
km/hr in 33 seconds. The speed of the train is
(1)30 km/h
(2) 32 km/h

25. A train. 240 m long crosses a man walking along

the line in opposite direction at the rate of 3 kmph
in 10 seconds. The speed-of the train is
(1)63 kmph
(2) 75 kmph
(3) 83.4 kmph
(4) 86.4 kmph

6. (4)
16. (3)
21. (3)



8. (2)
13. (3)
18. (3)
23. (3)



10. (4)
15. (3)
20. (3)
25. (3)

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