Sarah R. Hallinen: TH TH
Sarah R. Hallinen: TH TH
Sarah R. Hallinen: TH TH
48470 Denton Rd Apt 201, Belleville, MI 48111
(734) 751-4266
Salamanca, Spain
Canton, MI
Canton High School
Spanish II Teacher (Grades 9-12)
Taught five large sections (28-34 students) of Spanish II
Incorporated technology use to assist students including,, Google
Apps for Education, YouTube, and more
Collaborated with other world language teachers to update district common assessments to better align
with American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines
Plymouth, MI
East Middle School
7 & 8 Grade Spanish Teacher
Taught five large sections (28-36 students) of Spanish I and II, high-school level courses
Created a variety of assessments, lessons, and projects to encompass all learning styles, including skits,
games, posters, video projects, worksheets, cultural activities, and more
Worked with other world language teachers in the district in PLC groups, discussing differentiation in
the world language classroom and how to utilize Kagan cooperative learning strategies
Communicated with students and parents using a classroom website and Google Apps for Education
Member of the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) team. In 2014 and 2015 collaborated
with other East staff members to plan and execute the end of the year reward event, the Amazing Race
Ann Arbor, MI
Wines Elementary School
4 Grade Spanish Teacher, Ann Arbor Languages Partnership (A2LP)
Independently taught three fourth grade classes Spanish lessons twice weekly for one full semester
Second semester co-taught and collaborated with a teaching partner
Created all lesson materials and visual aids based off of A2LP lesson templates and guidelines
Through the program class trained on curriculum development and instructional strategies specific to
the elementary level
Collaborated with Wines elementary classroom teachers and A2LP staff during the process
Ann Arbor, MI
Forsythe Middle School
6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Student Teacher
Independently taught four large classes (26-33 students) at all levels for two months
Created lessons specifically focusing on accommodating special education students and the use of
technology in the classroom
Participated in all school staff meetings and professional development workshops
Created lesson and assessment materials for the updated 7th grade Spanish curriculum to meet the needs
of the incoming A2LP (Ann Arbor Languages Partnership) students, in collaboration with two other
Ann Arbor district teachers
Assisted in WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) after-school program events