Final Exam Paper
Final Exam Paper
Final Exam Paper
Organizational Behavior
Professor Humberd
Final Paper
1. Some leaders are born while others are created. There are lot of quotes about leaders
out there. There are lot of quotes about are leaders born or made. But, todays world
doesnt see you as a born or created leader, they see you as how emotionally
intelligent are you. Most leaders have to be emotionally intelligent. Emotional
Intelligence is one of the best skill to become a successful leader. Emotional
intelligence means managing our emotions and those around us (Ovans 2015). The
term emotional intelligence was coined by two UNH professors John D. Mayer, UNH
and Peter Salovey, Yale. In one article called How Emotional Intelligence Became a
Key Leadership Skill, Mayer defined this term, From a scientific (rather than a
popular) standpoint, emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately perceive your
own and others emotions; to understand the signals that emotions send about
relationships; and to manage your own and others emotions. It doesnt necessarily
include the qualities (like optimism, initiative, and self-confidence) that some popular
definitions ascribe to it (Ovans, 2015). Then the article talks about the 5 aspects of
emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy for
others, Social skills are very important. Self-awareness is knowing your strengths and
Another important factor is Leadership. Yahoo has gone through five CEOs in five
years (Helft 2015) which shows that there was something missing in the leaders they
hired to run the company. One of the CEOs even lied on his resume (Helft 2015). We
discussed briefly in class about leadership and what makes a good leader; the difference
between a leader and a manager. In the leadership slides, they show a clear difference
between leadership and management; leaders establish direction with a vision, while
managers bring order and consistency; leaders align resources and inspire workers to
complete the vision, while managers draw up plans, structures, and monitors results
(Leadership, Slide 4). Since Marissa Mayer got hired, she has been managing Yahoo, not
leading it. It seems like Yahoo hired her just because she was one the Googles first
employees. Mayers idea of making Yahoo a mobile platform also did not work out
because other apps and social media dominated it. I had read lot of articles about
effective leadership and one common thing that pops up is how emotionally intelligent
the leader is. This is what your leadership depends on. High IQ, Ivy League degree
doesnt matter when it comes to lead. Being an emotionally intelligent person helps you
learn about other people; it helps you being empathetic, make decisions in harder times,
etc. I think Marissa Mayer lacks some emotional intelligence.
3. Understanding organizational culture is very important. Organizational Culture is the
set of shared, takenforgranted implicit assumptions that a group holds and
determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments
(Textbook, p.32). Some of the basic functions of culture is giving members an
organizational identity, facilitate collective commitment, promote social system
stability, and shape behavior by helping members make sense of their surroundings
hire new people and some need to fire their current ones. The change of leadership
drastically changes the direction where both companies are heading. After they
merge, they have to come up with common organizational goals to achieve.
Successful merge depends on the selection and socialization of new employees into
the company. But at the end, it comes down to norms, values, beliefs that define
companies culture as independent, conservative, entrepreneurial, etc.
Reference Page
1. Forbes Article, How Emotional Intelligence Became a Key Leadership Skill by Andrea
Ovans, April 28, 2015
2. Forbes Article, The Last Days of Marissa Mayer? by Miguel Helft, Nov 19, 2015
3. Blackboard Slides
a. Leadership
b. Organizational Culture
c. Motivation
d. Communication
4. Textbook, Organizational Behavior by Angelo Kinicki and Mel Figate, 5th edition.