Chapter 13 Beneficial Microorganisms
Chapter 13 Beneficial Microorganisms
Chapter 13 Beneficial Microorganisms
Beneficial Microorganisms
Kim M. Wilkinson and David P. Janos
Facing Page: The nitrogen-fixing bacteria rhizobia (Bradyrhizobium) form nodules on roots of legumesin this case, on a
native Acacia koa seedling in Hawaii. Photo by J.B. Friday.
Mutualistic Symbiosis
Symbiosis technically refers to two or more organisms living intimately interconnected. As a scientific
term, symbiosis can be mutualistic (both organisms
benefit), parasitic (one organism benefits and the other
is harmed), or commensal (one benefits, the other is
unaffected). In popular usage, however, symbiosis
is considered synonymous with mutualistic symbiosis
both organisms benefit. In this chapter, we employ
the popular usage to refer to nitrogen-fixing bacteria
and mycorrhizal fungi as microsymbiontsmicroorganisms that form a mutually beneficial partnership
with their plant hosts.
Figure 13.4Plants with established microsymbiont partnerships often have a better chance of survival after outplanting.
This photo shows a palm species, Bactris gasipaes; the plant on
the right has a mycorrhizal partnership in place and the same
age plant on the left does not. Photo by David P. Janos.
Beneficial Microorganisms
Although this manual is for tropical nurseries, some tropical regions have montane habitats and species, and so a broad
range of plant species and microsymbionts are mentioned in
this chapter. Not all species and microsymbiont partners are
present in a given region, so it is important to check about
native species needs before using microsymbionts.
Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for plant
growth. Nitrogen (N2) is abundant in the Earths atmosphere,
but the N2 gas must be converted to either nitrate (NO3-) or
ammonium (NH4+) ions before most plants can use it. In
nature, nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert (fix) N2 from the
air into a form usable to plants. When the growing roots of
a plant capable of forming a partnership with rhizobia come
in contact with a compatible strain of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soil or growing media, the rhizobia bacteria will enter
(infect) the roots. Nodules then form on the plants roots
where the contact occurred. The bacteria live and multiply
Figure 13.5The Nitrogen Cycle. All nitrogen in plants originates as an atmospheric gas, which is fixed by microorganisms (such
as rhizobia and Frankia), fixed by humans in fertilizers by an energy-intensive industrial process, or to a very minor extent fixed
by lightning or volcanism. The dashed lines in the diagram represent minor pathways; the solid lines represent major pathways.
Adapted from Brown and Johnson (1996) by Jim Marin.
Figure 13.6Because nitrogen-fixing species improve soil fertility on degraded lands, they are widely used for restoration and
sustainable agriculture. Examples of native Hawaiian legume species that form relationships with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia bacteria include Caesalpinia kavaiensis (Uhiuhi) (A) and Sophora chrysophylla (mmane)(B). Other nitrogen-fixing species are known
throughout much of the tropics, such as Samanea (C), Gliricidia (D), and Sesbania (E) species. Some nitrogen-fixing trees are considered
weeds outside their native range, such as Leucaena species (F). Photos A through E by J.B. Friday, and photo F by Tara Luna.
Table 13.1Plants that form partnerships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Adapted from NFTA (1989) and Wall (2000).
Plant family
Legume (Fabaceae)
Subfamily (notes)
Examples (genus)
(about 1,900 species; about 23% fix nitrogen)
(about 2,800 species; about 90% fix nitrogen)
Enterolobium, Leucaena,
Pithecellobium, Acacia, Albizia,
Prosopis, and Mimosa
(about 12,300 species; about 97% fix nitrogen)
Birch (Betulaceae)
She-oak (Casuarinaceae)
Buckthorn (Rhamnaceae)
Myrtle (Myricaceae)
Oleaster (Elaeagnaceae)
Rose (Rosaceae)
Cercocarpus, Chamaebatia,
Cowania, Purshia, and
Beneficial Microorganisms
Figure 13.9Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are commercially available as pure-culture inoculant (A), often in a carrier (B). Photo A
by Tara Luna, and photo B by Mike Evans.
Applying Inoculant
Inoculant for nitrogen-fixing bacteria is commonly
applied when seedlings are emerging, usually within 2
weeks of sowing, or just after cuttings have formed roots.
This helps ensure successful nodulation and maximizes
the benefits of using inoculants. The liquefied inoculant,
made from either nodules or cultured inoculant as per the
instructions in the previous sections, is then watered into
the growing media or soil in which seedlings are growing
(figure 13.10E).
Verifying the Nitrogen-Fixing Partnership
After 2 to 6 weeks, the noticeable signs in the following list
should appear and are indications that the plant has formed
a symbiotic partnership with nitrogen-fixing bacteria:
Plants begin to grow well and are deep green despite
the absence of added nitrogen fertilizer (figure
Root systems give off a faint but distinctive ammonialike scent.
Nodules are visible on the root system.
When a nodule is broken open, its inside is pink, red,
or brown (for rhizobia) (figure 13.11B), or yellow or
white (for Frankia).
Beneficial Microorganisms
Management Considerations
As with any nursery practice, becoming familiar
with the application and management of nitrogen-fixing
microsymbionts is a learning process. Several factors are
of primary concern to the nursery manager when using
inoculants for nitrogen-fixing bacteria:
TimingEnsure the inoculant is applied when
seedlings have just emerged or when cuttings have
formed new roots to ensure successful nodulation and
maximize the benefits of using inoculants.
Fertilization and MicronutrientsThe use of nitrogen-fixing bacterial inoculant requires some adjustments in fertilization. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer will
inhibit formation of the partnership. If an optimal
partnership is formed, the application of nitrogen
may be eliminated from nitrogen-fixing plants and
they may need to be isolated from nonnitrogen-fixing
species to implement this change in fertilization.
Some nutrients, including calcium, potassium, molybdenum, and iron, are necessary to facilitate nodulation. These nutrients need to be incorporated into the
growing medium. Phosphorus is also necessary for
nodulation, supplied from the growing medium or,
better yet, through mycorrhizal partnerships.
Water QualityExcessive chlorine in water is detrimental to rhizobia and Frankia. The water supply
may need to be tested and a chlorine filter obtained
if excessive chlorine is a problem in the water supply. As an alternative, chlorine will evaporate if clean
water is left to stand uncovered in a container for 24
hours before use.
Sourcing InoculantsLocating appropriate sources
of viable inoculants (either cultured or obtained
as nodules) matched to native species may require
some research and time but benefits of successful
inoculation are well worth the effort.
Client EducationMake sure nursery clients
and people outplanting the plants understand the
nitrogen-fixing bacteria so they appreciate the presence of nodules and are careful not to expose root
systems to full sun. Also, educate clients so they
know that only some species of plants can form this
partnershipotherwise some might think all species
can fix nitrogen.
Outplanting Site ConsiderationsAfter nodules
form, rhizobia are enclosed and usually less affected
by soil conditions such as pH or aluminum toxicity
than are other beneficial microorganisms such as
mycorrhizal fungi. In very harsh outplanting conditions (such as extremely low pH in some rehabilitation sites), however, the rhizobia are not likely to
spread in the soil, and so might not be available
to spread to subsequent cohorts of the outplanted
species. Therefore, inoculating subsequent crops in
the nursery before outplanting on the same site is
Tripartite Symbiosis
Most plants that form partnerships with nitrogen-fixing
bacteria also require mycorrhizal partners. When a nitrogenfixing plant has effective partnerships with both nitrogenfixing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, this is called tripartite symbiosis because three partners exist (a host plant and
two microsymbionts) (figure 13.12). When working with
both types of microsymbionts, simply apply each inoculant
separately, as described in the sections of this chapter.
Several studies have shown that legumes may need to
first form arbuscular mycorrhizae before they can form
Mycorrhizal Fungi
Unlike nitrogen-fixing bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi form
partnerships with nearly all plant families and forest trees.
Myco means fungus and rhiza means root; the
word mycorrhizae means fungus-roots. Most of the
worlds plants depend on their partnership with mycorrhizal fungi to grow and thrive. The host plants roots provide
a substrate for the fungi and supply food in the form of
simple carbohydrates. In exchange, the mycorrhizal fungi
offer the following benefits to the host plant:
Increased Water and Nutrient UptakeMycorrhizal
fungi help plants absorb mineral nutrients, especially
nitrogen, phosphorus, and several micronutrients
such as zinc and copper. The fungal hyphae extend
out into the soil far beyond the hosts roots, expanding the mineral- and water-absorbing surface area for
the host plant. Researchers estimate that mycorrhizal
fungus hyphae can explore volumes of soil hundreds
to thousands of times greater than roots can alone.
Stress and Disease ProtectionMycorrhizal fungi
protect the plant host in several ways. With ectomycorrhizal fungi, for example, a fungus sheath (called a
mantle) completely covers fragile root tips and acts
Tropical Nursery Manual
Figure 13.13The three types of mycorrhizal fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (A). Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi (B)the
mantles of ECM may be visible to the unaided eye, although ECM on Eucalyptus can be inconspicuous. Ericoid mycorrhizal (ERM) fungi (C).
Both AM and ERM can only be seen on plant roots with the aid of a microscope. Photos A and B by Michael A. Castellano, and photo C by
Efren Cazares.
Mycorrhizal fungi are not one size fits all, but they
often are one size fits many. Also, one plant can partner simultaneously with several species of mycorrhizal
fungi, and a plant may change partners over time as it
grows and adapts to its environment (Amaranthus 2010).
Table 13.2Plants and their mycorrhizal partners. Adapted
from Castellano and Molina (1990) and Wang and Qiu (2006).
Mycorrhizal fungi
mycorrhizal (AM)
More than 80% of the worlds plant families
including most tropical trees, herbs, and
AM and ECM
Ericoid mycorrhizal
Figure 13.15In this microscope photo (400 times magnification), a tropical tree root has been clarified and stained with a blue
dye so that an AM fungus vesicle within the walls of a root cortical cell is clearly visible (A). Vesicles are places where AM fungi
store excess energy-rich materials, such as lipids. Vesicles always are attached to AM fungus filament (a hypha), which distinguishes
them from the spore-bearing structures of some root-parasitic fungi. Although AM fungi are visible only under a microscope, nursery
workers may observe differences in plant growth of inoculated versus noninoculated plants. A mosaic pattern of nutrient deficiencies
as shown by these mahogany (Swietenia species) seedlings, may indicate that some plants have formed successful partnerships while
others have not (B). Photo A by David P. Janos, and photo B by Tara Luna.
Inoculation effectiveness has been shown to differ considerably between different products so it is wise to test before
purchasing large quantities of a specific product. Laboratories can provide a live spore count per volume, which is the
best measure of inoculum vigor.
Verifying the Effectiveness of AM Fungi Inoculation
To verify the effectiveness of AM fungi inoculation,
roots must be stained and examined under a microscope
(figure 13.15A). This verification can often be done through
a soil scientist at a local agricultural extension office. After
some practice, nursery staff may get a feel for when inoculation is successful, because noninoculated plants often
grow more slowly and may have higher incidence of root
rot issues. The plants also may exhibit signs of phosphorus
deficiency (a frequent consequence of lack of mycorrhiza),
indicated by purple coloration of leaves or other symptoms
(figure 13.15B).
Table 13.3Tropical families and genera with ectomycorrhizal associations. Adapted from Brundrett (2009).
Allosyncarpia, Agonis, Angophora, Baeckea, Eucalyptus, Leptospermum, Melaleuca, Tristania, and Tristaniopsis
Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae
Fabaceae: Papilionoideae
Fabaceae: Mimosoideae
Phyllanthaceae (Euphorbiaceae)
Anisoptera, Dipterocarpus, Hopea, Marquesia, Monotes, Shorea, Vateria, Vateriopsis, and Vatica
Pure-Culture Inoculum
ECM fungi are available commercially as pure cultures,
usually in a peat-based carrier (figure 13.18). The quality
of commercial sources varies, however, so it is important
to verify vigor by testing formation of mycorrhizae. Most
commercial sources contain several different species of
Figure 13.17Inoculating tree seedlings with ectomycorrhizal fungi. Two applications 2 to 3 weeks apart are recommended
to ensure even inoculation. Photo by Michael A. Castellano.
ECM fungi. Commercial inoculum can be purchased separately and mixed into the growing medium as per the
instructions on the product and before filling containers.
In some areas, bales of growing medium with inoculum
already premixed may be purchased. It is important to
inquire if selected strains to match site needs are available
through suppliers.
Figure 13.20A native Hawaiian Ericoid, Vaccinium reticulatum, helo, growing on a recent lava flow. Partnerships
with ericoid mycorrhizal fungi enable these plants to survive
and thrive in harsh conditions. Photo by Kim M. Wilkinson.
ery can then expand into collecting and processing its own
inoculant sources. Monitor the effectiveness of inoculation
and keep records of crop development. See Chapter 20,
Discovering Ways to Improve Nursery Practices and Plant
Quality, to learn more about how to create some small trials
and experiments.
Although mycorrhizal fungi are not very specialized,
different strains of mycorrhizae are believed to perform
differently for given site challenges. Some select or pureculture inoculants may support high productivity in certain site conditions but may be less productive than native
strains on other sites. For example, some strains may be
more beneficial if lack of nutrients is the main challenge
while others may be particularly helpful to their hosts in
withstanding soil pathogens or even heavy metals. If possible, working with several strains for diversity in the
field may be a good safeguard, especially because plants
can partner with multiple strains simultaneously and can
change partners if necessary to adapt to site conditions.
The nursery can do a little research or work with a specialist to help with the following tasks:
Select optimal mycorrhizal partners for the species
and outplanting sites.
Determine the most appropriate sources of inoculant
and evaluate their effectiveness in the nursery.
Design outplanting trials to evaluate plant vigor and
survival and modify the inoculant sources if improvements are needed.
Figure 13.21Four-month-old guava seedlings (Psidium guajava) in the nursery in a low fertility (about 8 ppm available phosphorus) lowland tropical acid clay soil; the plant on the right has a mycorrhizal partnership in place while the plant on the left does not (A).
Even with abundant phosphorus fertilization, lack of mycorrhizal fungi can slow plant growth. The photo shows lychee (Litchi chinensis)
air layers grown for 16 months in 25 gal pots of a soil-free medium after cutting from the source trees (B). Although phosphorus fertilization
did not affect growth, AM fungus inoculation with field-collected inoculant improved shoot growth by 39 percent (see Janos and others
2001). Photos by David P. Janos.
Beneficial Microorganisms
The authors thank the following people for sharing their assistance and expertise while this chapter was being developed:
Mike Amaranthus, Grants Pass, OR. Microbiologist; Adjunct Associate Professor, Oregon State University; President, Mycorrhizal
Applications, Inc.
Mitiku Habte, Honolulu, HI. Professor of Soil Science, University of
Hawaii at Mnoa Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences.
Harold Keyser, Kahului, HI. Maui County Administrator, University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture and Human
Resources (CTAHR).
Jim Trappe, Corvallis, OR. Professor, Oregon State University,
Department of Forest Science.
Kenneth Mudge, Ithaca, NY. Associate Professor, Cornell University Department of Horticulture.
Amaranthus, M. 2010. Personal communication. Grants Pass,
OR. Microbiologist; Adjunct Associate Professor, Oregon State
University; President, Mycorrhizal Applications, Inc.
Baker, P.J.; Scowcroft, P.G.; Ewel, J.J. 2009. Koa (Acacia koa) ecology and silviculture. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-211. Albany, CA:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest
Research Station. 129 p.
Brown, L.; Johnson, J.W. 1996. Nitrogen and the hydrologic
cycle. Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet AEX-463-96.
Tropical Nursery Manual
Read, D.J. 1996. The structure and function of the Ericoid mycorrhizal root. Annals of Botany. 77: 365374.
Schmidt, L. 2000. Guide to handling of tropical and subtropical
forest seed. Humlebaek, Denmark: Danida Forest Seed Centre.
511 p.
Schmidt, L. 2007. Tropical forest seed. Berlin, Germany: SpringerVerlag. 409 p.
Singleton, P.W.; Somasegaran, P.; Nakao, P.; Keyser, H.H.; Hoben,
H.J.; Ferguson, P.I. 1990. Applied BNF technology: a practical
guide for extension specialists. Module Number 3: Introduction
to rhizobia. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii-Mnoa,
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. 13 p.
technology/rhizobia.PDF. (April 2012).
Smith, S.E.; Read, D.J. 1997. Mycorrhizal symbiosis. 2nd ed. San
Diego: Academic Press. 605 p.
Wall, L. 2000. The actinorhizal symbiosis. Journal of Plant
Growth Regulation. 19: 167182.
Wang, B.; Y.L. Qiu. 2006. Phylogenetic distribution and evolution of mycorrhizas in land plants. Mycorrhiza. 16: 299363.
Wilkinson, K.M.; Elevitch, C.R. 2003. Growing koa: a Hawaiian
legacy tree. Holualoa, HI: Permanent Agriculture Resources.
Additional Reading
Alexander, I.; Selosse, M.A. 2009. Mycorrhizas in tropical forests:
a neglected research imperative. New Phytologist. 182: 1416.
Brundrett, M.C. 2008. Mycorrhizal associations: the Web
resource. http://mycorrhizas.
info/info.html. (February 2013).
Dawson, J.O. 2009. Ecology of Actinorhizal plants. In: Pawlowski,
K., ed.; Newton, W.E. series ed. Nitrogen-fixing Actinorhizal
symbioses. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer: 199227.
Chapter 8.
Margulis, L.; Sagan, D. 1997. Microcosmos: four billion years of
evolution from our microbial ancestors. Berkley, CA: University
of California Press. 301 p.
Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association (NFTA). 1989. Why nitrogen fixing trees? NFTA 89-03: 1-2. Morrilton, AR: Forest, Farm
and Community Tree Network (FACT Net), Winrock International.
Beneficial Microorganisms