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Lab #3 Dynamics

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1.0 Abstract
The experiment is conducted to determine the natural frequency resonance of Spring-Dashpot
System in different damping conditions. The experiment was done by using Control Unit that
controls the Universal Vibration System Apparatus. This experiment was conducted at 4
conditions/cases, which are no damper, damper (open condition) positioned at 150mm of the
beam, damper (closed condition) positioned at 150mm of the beam and damper (closed condition)
positioned at 550mm of the beam. The experimental value is slightly different from the theoretical
value, but nevertheless it is considered as a success experiment. At no damped condition, the
natural frequency is 10.817 Hz. For the 3 other conditions that are mentioned above, the natural
frequency are the same as the no damped condition, but differs in the resonance frequency. The
damping constant for open damped at 150mm is 5 N.s/m while for the closed damped at 150mm I
15 N.s/m.

2.0 Table of Contents




1.0 Abstract

2.0 Table of Contents

3.0 List of Tables

4.0 List of Figures

5.0 Introduction

6.0 Theory


7.0 Apparatus


8.0 Experimental Procedures


9.0 Results
10.0 Discussion
11.0 Conclusions
12.0 References

3.0 List of Tables

Table 1 : No Damper
Table 2 : Open Damper at 150mm
Table 3 : Closed Damper at 150mm
Table 4 : Closed Damper at 550mm

4.0 List of Figures

Figure 1 : Development of Motion Equation
Figure 2 : Effect of Various Damping Factors
Figure 3 : Amplitude vibration decreases in an actual case due to effect of air viscous force
Figure 4 : Forces acting on a damped vibration case
Figure 5 : Machine Diagram
Figure 6 : Machine in Lab

5.0 Introduction
Vibration refers to the oscillation of a body or a mechanical system about its equilibrium
position. In general terms, vibrations are categorized as forced or free, and damped or undamped.
When the object is forced to vibrate at a particular frequency by a periodic input of force, the
vibration is said to be forced. If no external force are driving the system, the motion is referred to as
free vibration. Damped vibrations refer to a system in which energy is being removed by friction or
a viscous damper (resistance caused by the viscous drag or fluid). If damping is absent, the motion
is called undamped.
While objects which are free to vibrate will have one or more natural frequency at which
they vibrate, the object that is being forced to vibrate at its natural frequency, resonance will occur
and you will observe large amplitude vibrations. The resonant frequency is fo.
Forced vibration is a vibration that takes place under the excitation of external forces. The
system will vibrate at the excitation frequency when the excitation is oscillatory. Resonance will
occur if the frequency of excitation coincides with one of the natural frequencies of the system and
dangerously large oscillations may result. The failure of major structures such as bridges,
buildings, or airplane wings is an awesome possibility under resonance.
Based on our learning of the resonance, this phenomenon only occurs if the frequency of
the excitation coincides with the frequency of the system. As the reaction of the phenomenons
happen in a short time, we may need to define a suitable frequency interval to record the amplitude
that will occurs. From the theoretical value of the natural frequency, we may generate the
frequency of the system as we may need it for further progress of the experiment. Tabulate a table
that consists of frequency i.e. input frequency through the control unit, as variable value and
amplitude as responding values.

6.0 Theory

A spring-mass-damper system (damped) under free

general equation of motion is

vibration, the

Similarly, for horizontal motion,

Figure 1 : Development of Motion Equation

However, it is common for a damped system to have an external harmonic force acting on the
system. For example, unbalanced rotating motors will cause severe forces on the mounting
brackets. This system is called forced vibrations. A forced vibration is one
in which the system is excited by an external, time-varying force P, called
a forcing function. In this case,

In general, forcing functions are periodic, and since any periodic function can be expressed
as a Fourier series, it is convenient to look at a forcing function of the type
P(t) = Posint


P(t) = Pocost
Considering the sin term, the differential equation is

The solution of this differential equations consists of two parts, the complementary or homogenous
x(t) = xc(t) + xp(t)

The complementary solution is the general solution of the homogeneous equation as

presented in the damped free vibrations section. Recall, for an underdamped system, the solution
Since the forcing function is sin, the particular solution will be of the form
xp(t) = Dsin(t - )
Substituting the particular solution into the differential equation and take the appropriate derivatives
D[(k-m2)cos + c sin] sint
+ D[c cos - (k-m2)sin] cost = Posint
The sin and cos terms can be separated to get the two equations
D[(k-m2)cos + c sin] = Posint

cos - (k-m2)sin] = 0
Now the constants, D and , can be obtained as

The D and terms can also be written using n and terms, giving

To better understand the solution, it is convenient to consider the ration of the static deflection p,

to the dynamic deflection, D. This ratio can be calculated


A plot for several damping ratios, , is shown below.

Notice that when the external force frequency is close to the system natural frequency, systems
with low damping have large displacement amplitudes. This is commonly known as resonance.
The total solution for the underdamped case is

where the constants A and B must be determined from the initial conditions.

Figure 2 : Effect of Various Damping Factors

Amplitude of oscillation decreases with time and it finally dies out. Here we have to
consider effect of air viscous force on mass in order to simulate this problem more accurately.
Damping causes continuous energy loss to the system, as system loses its energy amplitude of
oscillation decreases.

Figure 3 : Amplitude vibration decreases in an actual case due to effect of air viscous force
Forces acting on mass in this case shown in figure below in blue arrows. Here spring force
and viscous(damping) forces are acting on the mass, damping force is proportional velocity of
mass with opposite sign of velocity.
Effect of air viscous force can be
represented as a single viscous dash
port as shown.

Figure 4 : Forces acting on a damped vibration case


Mathematical solution of this problem can be obtained by applying Newton's 2nd law of motion to
the system. The differential equation so obtained will be

It has got one more term compared to simple spring-mass system case, a term to incorporate
viscous force on mass.
In order to define the resonance of the system i.e. Spring-Dashpot System,we need to find
the natural frequency of the system in free vibration state. By that,we may know theoretically value
of the natural frequency. Next, the exciter will be used to give desired forced to the system. As we
know exciter is capable to generate different type of forcing signal e.g. sine, swept sine,
rectangular, triangular etc.
The effect of damping is to limit the maximum response amplitude and to reduce the
sharpness of resonance, which can be defined as occurring when the drive frequency equals the
natural frequency of the system, .


7.0 Apparatus
Universal system vibration apparatus (TM155) which includes:









Mechanical recorder


Unbalanced exciter


Control unit (TM150)

Figure 5 : Machine Diagram

Figure 6 : Machine in Lab


8.0 Experimental Procedure

In this experiment, 4 types of cases are to be examined:
(i) No damper
(ii) Damper (open condition) positioned at 150mm of the beam
(iii) Damper (closed condition) positioned at 150mm of the beam
(iv) Damper (closed condition) positioned at 550mm of the beam
1. The drum recorder and damper are assembled in line.
2. Chart paper and plotter pen is fitted.
3. The mechanical recorder is then tested, to ensure if the graph is being recorded clearly and
4. Distance b is taken from the following table.
5. The controller unit is switched on.
6. The frequency is first set on 5 Hz, followed by increasing 1Hz until 8 Hz.
7. The excited oscillation of each set frequency is plotted on the chart paper by the mechnanical
8. Once the reading is reached to 8 Hz, the increment is done by 0.1Hz until 9 Hz.
9. Step 6 is repeated for 9 Hz until the end.
10. Step 6-8 is repeated for 3 other cases as mentioned above.
Precaution: Each chart paper plotted is need to be labeled every time before proceeding the
frequency increment to avoid any mistakes during tabulation.


12.0 References
1. Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, 11th Edition In SI Units by R.C Hibbeler
Publisher : Pearson Prentice Hall
2. Theory of Damped Forced Vibration
3. Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, 2nd Edition In SI Edition by Pytel , Kiusalaas
Publisher : Thomson Learning


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