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Dma Radius Manager

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version 4.1

DMA Softlab LLC




GENERAL DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................9
ADMINISTRATION CONTROL PANEL (ACP)............................................................................11
Getting started..........................................................................................................................11
RADIUS authentication and accounting................................................................................12
Service plans.........................................................................................................................14
Example services..................................................................................................................18
Prepaid card system.................................................................................................................21
Before You begin...................................................................................................................21
Setting up the card services..................................................................................................21
Generating cards...................................................................................................................21
USER CONTROL PANEL (UCP).................................................................................................25
Getting started..........................................................................................................................25
Editing personal data.............................................................................................................26
Examining the traffic report....................................................................................................26
Listing the invoices................................................................................................................26
Using the refill cards..............................................................................................................26
Selecting services..................................................................................................................26
Purchasing prepaid credits....................................................................................................27
Account activation.................................................................................................................27
Hints for setting up the UCP..................................................................................................27
ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS.........................................................................................................29
Instant Access Services (IAS)...................................................................................................29
Self registration.........................................................................................................................32
Account verification...............................................................................................................33
Password recovery...................................................................................................................34
ADMINISTRATION CONTROL PANEL (ACP)............................................................................37
Description of menus................................................................................................................37
System / Home......................................................................................................................37
System / System settings......................................................................................................37
System / Logout.....................................................................................................................40
Users / List users...................................................................................................................40
Users / List users / Edit user..................................................................................................40
Users / List users / Edit user / Traffic report..........................................................................42
Users / List users / Edit user / Connection report..................................................................42
Users / List users / Edit user / Add credits.............................................................................43
Users / List users / Edit user / Add deposit............................................................................43
Users / List users / Edit user / Postpaid billing......................................................................43
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Users / List users / Edit user / List invoices...........................................................................44

Users / List users / Edit user / Change service......................................................................44
Users / List users / Edit user / Service history.......................................................................44
Users / List users / Edit user / Service history.......................................................................44
Users / List users / Edit user / Disconnect.............................................................................44
Users / List users / Edit user / Delete user............................................................................44
Users / Find users.................................................................................................................45
Users / New user...................................................................................................................46
Users / List user groups.........................................................................................................48
Users / New user group.........................................................................................................48
Users / Edit user group..........................................................................................................48
Services / List services..........................................................................................................48
Services / List services / Edit service....................................................................................49
Services / Edit service / Special accounting editor................................................................52
Services / Edit service / Dynamic data rate editor.................................................................52
Configuring the Mikrotik API...............................................................................................53
Special data rate restrictions..............................................................................................53
Services / New service..........................................................................................................53
Services / Scheduled changes..............................................................................................56
Services / Service change history.........................................................................................57
Managers / List managers.....................................................................................................57
Managers / List managers / Edit manager.............................................................................57
Managers / List managers / Edit manager / Financial information........................................58
Managers / New manager.....................................................................................................59
NAS / List NAS......................................................................................................................60
NAS / Edit NAS......................................................................................................................60
NAS / New NAS.....................................................................................................................61
AP / List access points...........................................................................................................61
AP / Edit acces point..............................................................................................................61
AP / New access point...........................................................................................................62
CMTS / List CMTS.................................................................................................................62
CMTS / Edit CMTS................................................................................................................63
CMTS / New CMTS...............................................................................................................63
IP pools / List pools................................................................................................................63
IP pools / Edit pool.................................................................................................................63
IP pools / New pool................................................................................................................63
Financials / Find invoices......................................................................................................64
Financials / Generate postpaid invoices................................................................................65
Card system / List card series...............................................................................................65
Card system / List classic prepaid cards...............................................................................66
Card system / List refill cards................................................................................................66
Card system / Find refill cards...............................................................................................66
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Card system / Generate cards...............................................................................................66

Card system / Card statistics.................................................................................................67
IAS / List IAS users................................................................................................................67
IAS / List IAS templates.........................................................................................................67
IAS / Edit IAS template..........................................................................................................67
IAS / New IAS template.........................................................................................................68
Reports / Online users...........................................................................................................69
Reports / Registered cable modems.....................................................................................69
Reports / Overall traffic report...............................................................................................69
Reports / Find traffic data......................................................................................................69
Reports / Traffic summary.....................................................................................................70
Reports / Connection report..................................................................................................70
Reports / Authentication log...................................................................................................70
Reports / Last syslog events.................................................................................................71
Reports / Browse syslog........................................................................................................71
Reports / System informations..............................................................................................71
Reports / System statistics....................................................................................................71
Tools / Bulk email...................................................................................................................71
Tools / Bulk SMS...................................................................................................................71
Tools / Start RADIUS server..................................................................................................71
Tools / Stop RADIUS server..................................................................................................72
Tools / Restart RADIUS server..............................................................................................72
Tools / Rebuild clients.conf....................................................................................................72
Tools / Start DHCP server......................................................................................................72
Tools / Stop DHCP server......................................................................................................72
Tools / Restart DHCP server..................................................................................................72
Tools / Rebuild dhcpd.conf....................................................................................................72
USER CONTROL PANEL (UCP).................................................................................................75
Description of menus................................................................................................................75
Traffic report..........................................................................................................................75
List invoices...........................................................................................................................75
Change password..................................................................................................................75
Redeem voucher...................................................................................................................75
Purchase credits....................................................................................................................75
Change service......................................................................................................................76
Edit account...........................................................................................................................76
Customizing the invoice form....................................................................................................81
Email templates........................................................................................................................82
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SMS templates..........................................................................................................................82
LEGAL NOTE..............................................................................................................................83

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DMA Radius Manager is an easy to use RADIUS and DOCSIS provisioning system. It is suitable
for ISPs, Internet cafes, airports and other places where public Internet access is available. The
system is running on Linux OS, utilizing a very stable FreeRadius 2.x RADIUS server with MySQL
database backend. The integrated software components ensure high stability and reliability.
Basic features:

RADIUS authentication, accounting (PPPoE, PPtP, L2tP, Hotspot)

DOCSIS provisioning (cable modems)
Traffic (download, upload, online time) and data rate control
Prepaid and postpaid billing, invoicing
Payment tracking
Financial reports
Prepaid card system and IAS
Online payments
Linu account synchronization (mailbox)
Special features:


Connection Tracking System (CTS)

Signal level monitoring (wireless, DOCSIS)
Automatic account registration
Instant Access Services (IAS)
Online payment gateway support
PayPal Express Checkout
PayPal Website Payments Standard
PayPal Website Payments Pro
DPS Payment Express

PayPal Express Checkout and Website Payments Standard work with premier and business
accounts, but PayPal Website Payments Pro requires US / UK Pro account or better.

NAS compatibility:
1. Mikrotik 2.8+. Use final releases only, RC versions are not recommended. The supported
main features are: PPPoE, PPtP, L2tP, Hotspot and Wireless Access List authentication and
2. Chillispot running on Linux or on a DD-WRT device. You can download the tested Linux
version from our download portal.
3. StarOS v2 or v3 server. Supported features: full PPPoE and partial RADIUS Wireless Access
List support.
4. Cisco NAS. Correct IOS version is required. VPDN, BBA GROUP and Virtual template
support is necessary to accept RADIUS authenticated PPPoE, PPtP and L2tP calls.
5. pfSense Hotspot server.

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CMTS compatibility:
Both routing and bridge mode CMTS devices are supported. A partial list of supported CMTS
Routing mode: Motorola BSR series, Cisco UBR series etc.
Bridge mode: Arris series etc.
Please note this is not a CMTS user manual. You can find the configuration details for your CMTS
in the manual which has been shipped with your device.
This manual consists of two main parts:
1. General description
2. Reference manual
To achieve the best results with DMA Radius Manager billing system we strongly recommend to
learn this user manual entirely.

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Radius Manager consists of the following main WEB interfaces:
1. ACP Administration Control Panel
2. UCP User Control Panel
There are some more WEB interfaces available in the system:
1. New user registration (self registration)
2. Purchase Instant Access Service (IAS)
3. Password recovery
The ACP is available for system administrators and resellers, while the UCP is designed for regular
users. In the UCP users can check their statistics, payments, refill the balance etc.
In the following chapters You will find detailed information about both Control Panels (CP) and extra

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Getting started
When You first time use DMA Radius Manager it is recommended to log into ACP. A Javascript
enabled WEB browser is required.
The default URL of ACP is:
The default login data are:
User name: admin
Password: 1111
If the login was successful You will see the main screen of the ACP:

You can access all system functions using the drop down menus.

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RADIUS authentication and accounting

Complete the following steps in ACP in order to enable the RADIUS authentication and

Define a new NAS

Define a new service
Register a new user account
Assign service to user account

Entering correct NAS parameters is required to accept RADIUS requests from a certain NAS. Access
the NAS / New NAS menu to begin this operation.
1. Enter the NAS name, IP address, NAS type, shared secret and NAS password (only for
StarOS). Radius Manager automatically updates raddb/clients.conf. Radius Manager restarts
FreeRadius automatically upon updating any NAS in ACP. FreeRadius restart also can be forced
from Linux shell or from ACP / Tools menu.
Click the Add NAS button to store the newly defined NAS.
2. The next step is to define the service plan. Select Services / New service. Enter the name of
the service. For the most simple service enter the following parameters:
Enable service: checked
Type of the service: Prepaid regular
Data rate: 512 / 128
This defines a simple prepaid service with 512 / 128 kbps data rate (download / upload) and unlimited
traffic and time.
Click the Store service button to save the service data.
3. To register a new account select Users / New user. The required data are:

User name: enter the name of the user

Enable user: checked
User type: regular
Password: enter the password
Service: select the previously defined service

Finally press the Add user button to store the account data.
Now if You select Users / List users, You can see the newly registered account in green color. This
color code represents an active account. You will also see the name of the service assigned to user
and the current limits. In our example there are no limits set for the user.
Now configure the PPP or Hotspot service in your Mikrotik NAS and try to authenticate (PPPoE /
PPtP / Hotspot) the newly registered user. If this operation fails, You can try the default username
and password combination (user / 1111). The default user is available in every new DMA Radius
Manager installation.
If You still cant get logged in, debug the RADIUS communication enabling the FreeRadius debug
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mode. First stop the running daemon (Fedora):

[root@localhost]# service radiusd stop
On Debian:
[root@localhost]# /etc/init.d/radiusd stop
Or use the universal method:
[root@localhost]# ps ax | grep radiusd
32442 ?
Ssl 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/radiusd
16715 pts/0 R+ 0:00 grep radiusd
[root@localhost]# kill 32442
Be sure to kill the correct process. In our example the PID is 32442.
Now start radiusd in debug mode:
[root@localhost]# radiusd X
You will see the following output if FreeRadius and MySQL are working properly:
Listening on authentication address * port 1812
Listening on accounting address * port 1813
Listening on command file /usr/local/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.sock
Listening on proxy address * port 1814
Ready to process requests.
If errors are present FreeRadius is not working properly. Consult the Installation Manual to locate and
fix FreeRadius related problems.
After a successful PPP or Hotspot authentication You have to see the active user and a newly
created simple queue for user (Queues / Simple queues) in Winbox. If the simple queue is not
present, the bandwidth limitation will not work (maybe You have enabled unlimited bandwidth in the
service definition.)
In ACP Reports / Online RADIUS users You have to see the authenticated users, the used online
time, session start time, used traffic and time etc. The used NAS is also available on this page.
The last thing You have to do is to test the remote disconnection function (POD = Packet of
Disconnect). Select the test user in ACP online user list and select Disconnect from the action
box. This command has to disconnect the user immediately. Check the Winbox log for the incoming
disconnection packet. The remote disconnection is available with all supported NAS types (except
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pfSense, it uses reauthentication instead of POD). If it is not working,You cannot enable the auto
disconnection function which will have impact on many Radius Manager features.

The system supports multiple resellers (managers). There is only one super user available in
the system (admin) while unlimited number of regular managers can be registered. The super user
cannot be deleted, while You can add, edit and delete regular managers freely.
When You add a new manager with function Managers / New manager, the following parameters
are definable: manager name, password, personal data and permissions.
Multiple resellers are useful in many situations. An example is explained below:
You have multiple NAS devices on multiple locations (different regions etc.) with one reseller in each
region. The local manager can register new account and refill account balance, but he cant delete
users and cant modify the user data. When a local manager refills an account, the action will be
logged and the super user can track the sold credits and the collected money.
Precise accounting is available for resellers: every credit and debit is trackable (in ACP / List invoices).
You can credit or debit a any manager in ACP / Manager / Edit manager form.

Service plans
One of the most complicated part of Radius Manager is the service plan system. In the service
editor You can set various properties of users. You can assign one service to multiple accounts.
You need to completely understand the structure of service plans before You can configure them
properly. Please read the following part carefully for a detailed explanation.
To define a new service select Services / New service.
Enter the name of the service.
Select the service type. The following service types are supported:
Prepaid regular Used by prepaid regular users.
Prepaid card or IAS Used by Classic Prepaid Cards and Instant Access Services (IAS). Refill
cards dont have services.
Postpaid Used by postpaid users. The billing period is freely definable, but monthly billing is
strongly recommended.
Email only When this is assigned to user, authentication is not possible (PPP / Hotspot), only a
new Linux account is created (if enabled in ACP / System settings) for storing emails, personal WEB
presentation etc.
Access list entry Special account type supporting Mikrotik and StarOS wireless access lists.
Select the correct capping type if the account requires capping:
Limit download Limits the available download Bytes.
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Limit upload Limit the available upload Bytes.

Limit total traffic Limit the available total traffic.
Limit expiration Used by classic date limited service plans (You can set the expiration date in
ACP / edit user form).
Limit online time Select this if You want to register a classic dialup service. It limits the available
online time (10 hours Internet etc.).
Reaching any active limit set in user details the session will be terminated immediately (automatic
Define a data rate for the service. Enter the download and upload data rates in kbps. Enter 0 if
You dont want to limit the data rate at all. For Cisco You can use policy maps if your Cisco doesnt
support the rate-limit directive.
Daily quotas are also supported. It is the daily available traffic and / or time for the user. Download
/ upload capping is not required to enable the daily quota system, but it requires remote
disconnection method. Enter a number larger than 0 to enable the daily quota.

Download quota per day Defines the daily available download traffic.
Upload quota per day Defines the daily available upload traffic.
Total quota per day Defines the daily available total traffic.
Time quota per day Defines the daily available online time.

In service definition You can also enable the burst mode (Mikrotik only). The parameters are:
Burst limit (DL / UL) Sets the burst limit for download and upload. This is the peak traffic the
user can achieve. Burst limit is always greater or equal than the nominal data rate.
Burst threshold (DL / UL) Sets the threshold for download and upload. If the account uses
higher data rate than this value, after a predefined time the data rate will be reduced to the nominal
Burst time (DL / UL) Defines the timeout after the data rate will drop if the client uses higher
data rate than the nominal. Experiment with this value. Some Mikrotik versions dont interpret the
value properly. Measure the time more times and add correction factor to it.
Priority Sets the priority for simple dynamic queue.
In the service You can also enter the IP pool name from which the user gets the IP address. Enter
the pool name which already exists in NAS (Mikrotik, Cisco). If the pool doesnt exist in NAS, the user
will not be able to authenticate (no IP address will be assigned).
Next disabled service gets activated if the account has been disabled.
Next expired service gets activated once the current service limits have been reached.
Next daily service gets activated once the daily quota has been exceeded.
The next service is useful in many situations. An example:
The user has a combined monthly service (1 GB / month) and You dont want to disable the
user in a middle of the month if he reaches the traffic limits. If You enable the Next expired service
the user can authenticate even if he has no more traffic available. The Next expired service can
force lower bandwidth or anything else You need.
Ignore static IP is used to ignore the static IP address defined in user details. Useful in next services
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to assign an IP from the expired pool (for static IP users).

Custom RADIUS attributes are designed for advanced system administrators to control the NAS
with special attributes.
Generate TFTP boot file is used by DOCSIS services. If enabled, the system will generate a new
TFTP boot file automatically if a service has been updated.
Advanced CM configuration is a DOCSIS option. It allows entering custom TFTP boot file directly
in the service definition form.
After entering the basic parameters the price definition follows. You have to define the price parameters
precisely if You want to generate invoices and use Radius Manager for financial accounting.
The first thing is to select the postpaid price calculation method. Uncheck the following checkboxes
if the current service is not postpaid. It is allowed to combine the various calculation methods:
Download traffic The price of the downloaded traffic will be added to the total price..
Upload traffic The price of the uploaded traffic will be added to the total price.
Online time The price of the used online time will be added to the total price.
Set the monthly checkbox for monthly accounts. Monthly accounts has the most complicated service
type. They are based on one month and can combine upload, download and / or total traffic limits. If
the user reaches one of these limits, the account will expire.
Select automatic renewal option to renew the accounts automatically. Postpaid accounts will be
renewed on a fixed day in every month (as defined in ACP / system settings), while prepaid accounts
on the day when they expire (if they have enough deposit available which covers the renewal cost).
In a same time an email / SMS notification will be sent for all renewed accounts.
Carry over remaining MBs is useful in account auto renewal: it will add the new traffic credit to
remaining value (if the user has not used all his traffic in the past month).
Reset counters if date has expired is a special option. It is useful if You have date capped service
with traffic capping enabled (combined monthly service). Enabling this option when You add credits
and the account expiry date has been reached, the system will reset the remaining credits to zero.
It is useful in situation when You offer for instance 10 GB for 3 months. If all 3 months have been
passed and the user has not used all his 10 GB, next time when he purchases credits he will get
again 10 GB and the new expiration date will be added to the current date.
There is one more special option used by combined monthly services: enable additional credits.
For instance You offer 1 GB / month. When a user reaches his traffic limit (1 GB) in the middle of the
month the accounts gets expired. The user can purchase additional MegaBytes, while the original
expiration date will remain unchanged.
Define the net unit price for the service. The system automatically calculates the gross price and
the VAT.
In a same manner set the price of the additional unit. It is used by monthly services only if additional
credits are enabled.
The time and date addition modes describe how the system adds time or calculates the new
expiration when adding credits:
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Reset online time or expiration date The time will be added to the current time. It is useful for
monthly accounts where You add 1 month to the current date.
Prolong online time or expiration date It is mainly used by dialup services where a user
purchases hours. The hours will be added to the remaining hours. For example he has bought 10
hours and left him 2 hours. When he buys again 10 hours he will have totally 12 hours available.
Prolong expiration date with correction Additional mode, with exception: if the date is in the
past the new expiry will be added to the current date instead of the original date.
Define the traffic addition mode:
Reset traffic counters When You add credits the system will reset the currently available
Bytes. It is useful for monthly, traffic limited accounts. For example the user has 1 GB / month
combined plan and the account has already expired (only the date, but he has 100 MB remaining
traffic). When he next time refills his account, the 100 MB will be lost and a new 1GB / month will be
Additive New traffic will be added to the remaining traffic.
Now define the credit addition units:
Expiration date unit Date unit for adding days or months.
Online time unit Time unit for adding minutes or hours.
Download traffic unit How many MBs to add at once. For MB based services enter value 1,
while for monthly combined services enter the available monthly traffic amount. For example, if You
offer 1 GB / month, enter 1024 here.
Upload traffic unit This is the same as the download traffic unit but it defines the upload.
Total traffic unit This is the same as the download traffic unit but it defines the total traffic.
Minimal base amount The minimal base traffic what user can purchase in UCP.
Minimal additional amount Define the minimal amount of additional traffic the user can
purchase in UCP at once.
The initial fields are used to set the initial data / time for self registered users. They are also used
by the account auto renewal function.
You can select the NAS devices where the current service is available. Managers who are allowed
to use the current service are also selectable here.
The Special accounting editor is accessible from ACP / Edit service screen. In special accounting
editor You can define the accounting rate for any period. Connections are also controllable.
The Dynamic data rate editor can be invoked from ACP / edit service. It is used to change the data
rate of online session on the fly. Only Mikrotik is currently supported.
Once You have defined the new service click the Store service to save it.

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Example services
In this chapter You can find details about the most commonly used services included in the
default system installation.
Prepaid MB download A standard prepaid service. The user pays for the Internet service in
advance and he can use the Internet while he has enough MegaBytes available. When the user
consumes all the available download traffic, the online session will be terminated and cant reconnect
while he the account is not refilled. You can also combine the traffic limitats (download, upload or total
In this service the Traffic addition mode is Additive and the Combined traffic unit is 1 MB. You
can also set the Minimal amount of MegaBytes the users can purchase at once. In this example it is
1 MB. You can increase the Minimal amount to 10 MB or enter any other value You like.
Prepaid online time This service limits the available online time. It is a classic prepaid dialup
tariff plan: the user pays in advance for the available online time. Limit online time is checked in the
service definition. When the user has no more time available he will get disconnected automatically
and cant reconnect while he hasnt purchased more time. The Time addition mode is set to Prolong
online time. The Online time unit is 1 hour. The Minimal amount is 1 hour.
Prepaid monthly This plan defines a monthly prepaid flat service. Only date capping is
Prepaid monthly 1 GB download It is a 1 GB / month capped service. The user purchases a
monthly Internet service and gets one month and 1 GB available traffic (calculated form the date of
the purchase).
The Limit download Bytes checkbox is set. The Monthly account checkbox selects monthly
account type. In this example the Additional credits are also enabled. When a user has no more
available traffic (initially he has got 1 GB) but the account date has not expired yet, the user can
purchase additional MegaBytes while the expiration date remains unchanged.
In UCP the system handles additional credits automatically. If additional credits are enabled and the
user selects the Purchase service option in the UCP, the system will notify him about the additional
credits mode.
Managers have to select the credit addition mode manually: normal or additional mode. New
combined month can added only if the current month has expired.
Prepaid monthly plans can begin on any day in the month. Example: The client purchases a monthly
service on september 13. He has to purchase a new monthly subscription again on october 13. The
old subscription will expire at 00:00 hours on october 13.
Only one combined month can be added at once. Why? If You offer a 1 GB / month combined
service and if You set amount = 2 when You refill an account, the account will get expired after 2
months and will have 2 GB traffic. This isnt limited anymore by the end of the month. If You need
to add multiple months at once turn off the Monthly account checkbox and set Limit expiration
checkbox. Set the Time addition mode to Additive. Now You can add (prolong) the subscription
by any number of months. The Time unit should be set to 1 month. With this setup You can add
multiple months at once. If You combine this service with traffic limits depending on the setup the
traffic will be added to the remaining value or to zero.
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Usual problem is when a user forgets to refill a monthly subscription and his service expires. In the
example managers cannot add a new monthly combines service before october 13. But what to do
in the period from 00:00 to normal business hours when the office is open and users can purchase
again a new monthly service?
The solution is the Money deposit system. Managers can enter deposit for any account. Users
can purchase additional credits in UCP any time, using their internal balance. They can renew their
monthly service when the current monthly service has expired. In our example the new monthly
service can be bought after 00:00 hours on october 13.
Automatic renewal is also available for prepaid accounts. The account should has enough deposit
which covers the monthly service fee. The system handles the renewals automatically and notifies
users by email / SMS.
In our example service a separate price is defined for the base unit (the price of the monthly service)
and for the additional MegaBytes. The Time unit is 1 month, the Download traffic unit is 1000 MB.
Time addition mode is Reset time, Traffic addition mode is set to Reset traffic counters. The
Minimal amount is 1 month.
Prepaid monthly flat + quotas This is a monthly service without traffic limitation. It has 1
month validity with limited daily usage (100 MB).
Postpaid traffic A standard postpaid service. The user can use the Internet service in the
whole month. The administrator will generate bill for the previous month the first period of the currentt
month. For instance, on december 1. the administrator will generate invoices for all postpaid users
for the past period (november month). You can print the generated invoices in the WEB browser and
deliver them to customers.
Postpaid users have a grace period (ACP / System settings) to pay their invoices. The system
administrator should check the banking account every day for the realised payments and enter the
payment date into Radius Manager. To accomplish this access the List invoices / Edit invoice
function. The system checks the generated postpaid invoices every day. If the grace period has
expired and the user still hasnt paid the service, the account will be disabled.
To create a postpaid service select Postpaid mode, disable traffic and time limitations. Set the
bandwidth freely.
Set the correct Price calculation method to fit your needs. In our example it is Download traffic.
When generating invoices the system will add the price of the downloaded MegaBytes to the total
price. You can also add the price of the uploaded traffic, the used hours or combine them (e.g. 100
MB download $10,00 + 10 MB upload $1,00 = $11,00 total).
Every started MegaByte (0.1 MB etc.) is calculated as one whole MegaByte.
It is important to define the postpaid service price precisely otherwise You will generate invoices with
incorrect sums.
Postpaid online time Postpaid hours are similar to postpaid MegaBytes, but the consumed
online time is used to calculate the total price. If the user has spent 30 hours online, he will get an
invoice with total price for 30 hours. The gross price of one hour is $1,18, thus the total price for the
30 hours will be: 30 x $1,18 = $35,40. Every started hour counts as one whole hour.

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Postpaid monthly flat A standard flat service. The user can use the Internet in the whole
month without limitations. He will get the invoice with a fixed fee. You need to enable the Monthly
service checkbox.
Postpaid monthly flat + quotas It is the same flat service as the previous, but it has 100 MB
daily download limit. Dont forget to enable the Monthly service checkbox.
You can create invoices for postpaid accounts based on used traffic and online time for any period,
not only for the past month (but monthly billing is strongly recommended).

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Prepaid card system

Radius Manager Pro and higher includes an integrated prepaid card system. The following card
types are supported:
1. Classic prepaid Users can authenticate by entering the card PIN code and password printed
on the card. Card accounts are similar to regular prepaid accounts: online time, traffic, expiration and
date capping is supported.
2. Refill Value only cards and cannot be used for authentication. The PIN code can be entered in
the UCP to increase the available balance of a prepaid regular account.

Before You begin

The first thing You have to do is to select the card type You need. Classic prepaid or refill?
For hotels, airports and other places with public Internet access generate classic prepaid
For Internet service providers refill cards are ideal. You can sell refill cards what registered users
redeem in UCP to increase the internal balance which can be used to purchase services any time.

Setting up the card services

To generate classic prepaid cards You have to define the card service first. Refill cards dont
require a service.
Select Service / New service in ACP. You can also use the predefined card services.
Select Prepaid card or IAS checkbox and set Time limit mode to Limit expiration. With this You
have defined a card service with predefined expiration date. The expiration date mode is selectable
in the card generator form.
Classic prepaid cards always should have limitations: online time, expiration, available traffic or any
combination of them. Expired cards are not reusable. Users have to purchase a new card in order to
use the Internet service again.
Define the additional options if required: bandwidth, daily quota, burst mode etc. Leave the price
definitions unchanged (use zero values).
Store the data and proceed to card generation.

Generating cards
Select Card system / Generate cards in the ACP to generate card series. The available
parameters are:
Card type Classic prepaid or Refill card.
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Quantity Amount of cards to generate.

Gross card value The value printed on the card. It also includes the VAT (if available).
Valid till The expiration date of card serie.
Classic prepaid cards If expiration limit is enabled in the service, after a specific date the
card cant be used for authentication.
Refill cards After a predefined date the card cannot be used to refill the balance.
Prefix Prefix for card serie.
PIN length Length of generated PIN codes.
Password length Length of generated passwords. Refill cards have no password. Blank passwords
are also allowed but not recommended.
SMS verification required Force users to verify their identity by SMS code.
User group Select the user group.
Associated service The service name for the new card serie. Available for classic prepaid cards
Download limit The available download traffic in MegaBytes. For classic prepaid cards only.
Upload limit The available upload traffic in MegaBytes. For classic prepaid cards only.
Total limit The available total traffic in MegaBytes. For classic prepaid cards only.
Online time limit The available online time in hours or minutes. For classic prepaid cards only.
Expiration Select the expiration date / time mode:
Defined by valid till Valid till field determines the fixed expiry date of card.
Calculated from card activation The available time is determined by the Available time
from card activation field.
Available time from card activation Enter the time available from the activation of the card.
Simultaneous use You can allow more than one connection in a same time for a specific card.
Useful for MB and online time limited cards. PfSense always requires Sim-use = 2 to allow the
reauthentication to check the validity of the account (for automatic disconnection).
Lets create an example classic prepaid card serie. We will generate cards which can be used 24
hours from the activation and hold 300 MB download traffic. The card expiration will be 2015-12-31.
Enter the following values:
Card type: Classic prepaid
Quantity: 5
Gross card value: $10
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Valid till: 2015-12-31

PIN length: 8
Password length: 4
Associated service: Card expiration + download limit
Download limit: 300 MB
Expiration mode: Calculated from card activation
Available time from card activation: 1 day
Simultaneous use: 1

Press the Generate cards button after You have entered the required parameters. On the next page
You will see the overview of parameters. If everything is correct, press Generate cards button again.
You can list the new card serie by accessing the Card system / List card series menu.
Click the CSV link in the table to export the card codes. The output will be similar to this:
000000000006; 22839965; 5264
000000000007; 49422662; 8575
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000000000008; 39749969; 0997

000000000009; 86978864; 2962
000000000010; 29341225; 0362
The first column is the card serial number. The second column is the secret card code (PIN).
The third column is the password (available for Classic prepaid cards only).
Sometimes it is required to disable or delete the complete card serie. The appropriate action is
available in the Action dropdown list.
Revoked cards arent deleted from the system; You can reactivate them later. In production
environment it is recommended to use the revoke / disable function instead of delete.

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Getting started
The default URL of the User Control Panel is http://yourhost/radiusmanager/user.php

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A valid user name and password is required to log into UCP. In new installation the default user
name and password combination is: user / 1111. If the login was successful the UCP home screen
will appear.
You can find the account overview on the home screen. The data are grouped in the following

General information
Personal data
Service data
Limits and quotas
WiFi details

Using the menu options the user can examine the invoices, check the traffic details, enter refill card
codes, purchase services and change the current service plan.

Editing personal data

Click Edit account to edit the account details (if the function is enabled in ACP / System

Examining the traffic report

Click the Traffic report link to access the traffic details. With this function the user can examine
his yearly, monthly and daily traffic data: login, logout, used time per session, uploaded, downloaded
and total traffic, MAC address of CPE, IP address, free periods etc.

Listing the invoices

Click the List invoices link to view the payments. It will list all payments for the current user,
including the invoice number, date of payment, added traffic and time, purchased credits and the
account balance.

Using the refill cards

Refill cards are designed to increase the internal balance. The available deposit is displayed in the
General information group. If the users needs to increase his deposit, he has to click the Redeem
voucher link and enter the correct refill card PIN code. After 3 unsuccessful tries the account gets
locked and only managers can unlock it.
Once the correct PIN code has been entered, the main UCP screen will reflect the new deposit
immediately. The user can also check the credit refills clicking the List invoices link.

Selecting services
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In Radius Manager UCP the user can select a prepaid service he would like to use (if service
selection is enabled in ACP / System settings).
Click the Change service link in the menu. It will list the available prepaid services. Select the
desired service and click the Change service. On the next screen the selection should be confirmed.
If the current service is not a monthly combined service, the service change will be completed
immediately, otherwise it will be scheduled to a date when a current service expires.

Purchasing prepaid credits

Radius Manager has a special feature: users can purchase prepaid services online, paying with
their internal balance or other supported payment methods. Complete the following steps to refill an
account in UCP:
1. Select Purchase credits.
2. On the next page You will see the current service description.
3. Enter the amount You want to purchase. For example, if it is a MegaByte service, enter the
amount of MegaBytes.
4. On the next page select the payment method.
5. Follow the on screen instructions. The system will add the purchased MegaBytes and / or time to
the account.
You can track all transactions in List invoices menu.
The term amount is universal and means the amount of the service. Thus, if the service is a
monthly service, You have to enter 1 to purchase a one month prepaid Internet service.
The user can purchase additional MegaBytes if the current month has not expired yet, but all available
prepaid traffic has been consumed. The system selects the refill mode automatically and displays a
message about the actual mode upon purchasing credits.

Account activation
Self registered and card accounts can be forced to verify their identity with entering a secret code
in UCP, sent by in SMS to a mobile phone. The function is configurable in ACP / System settings
and in prepaid card generator module.
If an unverified user logs into UCP, a verification link will appear beside the account status. Click on
this link to initiate the account verification procedure.

Hints for setting up the UCP

It is recommended to grant access to UCP even for unauthenticated users. This is very useful if
the user has no more available credits and cannot authenticate with Hotspot or PPP to examine the
statistics in UCP.
Complete the following steps to enable UCP access for expired users:
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1. In ACP register an account which will never expire (username info, password info).
2. Register an info service with predefined IP pool (pool name pool-info), without capping.
3. Assign the info service to info account.
4. For pool-info define a firewall rule in your router to permit access to Radius Manager server and
block all other Internet traffic.
You can also select the info service as next master service (in all capped services) to automatically
shift the expired users to pool-info.

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Instant Access Services (IAS)
Instant Access Services (IAS) are ideal for customers who need instant Internet access, but
dont want to register a regular account. IAS accounts are similar to prepaid cards: they have a PIN
code as username. The main advantage of IAS over the prepaid card is the simplicity: they can be
purchased online (CC, PayPal etc.), directly on the Hotspot login page.
The system currently supports the following payment gateways:

PayPal Express Checkout

PayPal Website Payments Pro
PayPal Website Payments Standard
DPS Payment Express

A typical Hotspot login screen is shown below.

The Hotspot login page contains the following items:

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1. User name and password fields

2. New account registration link (self registration)
3. Instant Access Service list
When a user decides to purchase an IAS, he has to click the appropriate IAS link and select the
payment method. Completing the checkout the system generates a PIN code and password which
can be used for Hotspot / PPP system authentication.
The IAS templates are definable in ACP. These are similar to regular prepaid card accounts, but
generated on the fly and not in advance (by managers). In IAS template the super user sets the
characteristics of accounts. When a user successfully purchases an IAS code, the system generates
a new IAS account based on a predefined template
All IAS accounts require an associated service (like regular and card accounts). Various caps can be
enabled: available online time, download, upload, total traffic etc.
You have to add the IAS HTTP server URL to walled garden list on the Hotspot server to grant
access the Radius Manager directly from the Hotspot login page, without authentication. PayPal
also should be added to walled garden in order to accept PayPal payments online. Internet access is
required for Radius Manager server in order to communicate with the payment gateways.
On a Mikrotik NAS the following PayPal URLs should be added to walled garden list:

www.sandbox.paypal.com (for testing)

developer.paypal.com (for testing)
www.paypal.com (for live system)
and the address of Radius Manager server

On Mikrotik v2.9 enter the following walled garden entries for PayPal and Radius Manager server
/ip hotspot walled-garden add dst-host=:^www\\.paypal\\.com\$ dst-port=443 action=allow
/ip hotspot walled-garden add dst-host=:^content\\.paypalobjects\\.com\$ dst-port=443
/ip hotspot walled-garden add dst-host=*.akamaiedge.net action=allow
On Mikrotik v3+ the following walled garden entries are required:
/ip hotspot walled-garden add dst-host=:^www\\.paypal\\.com\$ dst-port=443 action=allow
/ip hotspot walled-garden add dst-host=:^content\\.paypalobjects\\.com\$ dst-port=443
/ip hotspot walled-garden add dst-host=*.akamaiedge.net action=allow
The described setup is country dependent, PayPal uses different servers in different countries. For
detailed PayPal walled garden setup please visit the following page:
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The URL of IAS purchase page is:
Please consult the appropriate part of the reference manual for setting up the IAS templates.
It is recommended to run Credit Card processing on a HTTPS layer. Install Radius Manager
system on a SSL enabled WEB server if You want to accept payments online.

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Self registration
The self registration system helps You to create a fully automated Internet Service Provider
management system. With this feature the customers can register themselves in a fully automated
way. After a successful registration they can select services and purchase credits, like regular
(manager registered) users.
The self registration link is accessible from the Hotspot login page. An example screenshot of user
name self registration is available below.

When a user enters all the required information and accepted by the system, he will get redirected to
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the User Control Panel login page

The advantages of self registration are:
1. Register users without administrators
2. The users can purchase credits online, using the online payment gateways
The new user registration URL or the Radius Manager server IP should be added to the walled
garden in order to enable the self registration system.
The following self registration methods are supported:
1. Self registration by user name. The user name is freely definable.
The URL of the user name based registration is:
2. Self registration by mobile number. The user name is the mobile phone number. The password
is sent by an SMS.
The URL of the mobile number based registration is:

Account verification
Radius Manager self registration system has an advanced security measurement: email and
SMS account activation.
Radius Manager calls a HTTP / SMS gateway to send a verification code to mobile phone. PPP /
Hotspot login is disabled while user doesnt confirm the verification code.
The activation options (SMS, email) are configurable in ACP / system settings.

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Password recovery
DMA Radius Manager includes an automatized password recovery function: it delivers a password
verification code by email or SMS.
The URL of the password recovery is:
Any registered user can access the URL above. The parameters are:
User name The name of account.
New password activation method (email / SMS) Select the activation code sending method.
Email address Enter the registered email address if email verification mode has been selected.
Mobile number Enter the registered mobile number if SMS verification mode has been selected.
The number of sent SMS messages is limited.
Once the verification code has been delivered to the registered email address, the user has to click
the received URL to request a new password. In a next step the system emails the new password to
the same email address.
If SMS mode is selected and the verification code has been received, the user has to enter the
activation code on the following screen. If the entered code is valid, the system will generate and
send a new password to the same mobile number.

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The Administration Control Panel (ACP) is available for system administrators to configure the
system parameters, manage NAS devices, users, IAS templates, services, generate prepaid cards
and accomplish other common tasks.
The default ACP URL is:

Description of menus
System / Home
Navigates to home page.

System / System settings

This screen is used to define the global system parameters used by both the administration interface
(ACP) and user interface (UCP).
General settings:
Disconnection method (NAS / remote) Select a disconnection method to use:
1. NAS This disconnection mode is supported by Chillispot (DD-WRT), Mikrotik and
pfSense. It has some drawbacks: it cannot control the total traffic accounting (on certain NAS
devices, Mikrotik is supported from Radius Manager v 4.1), the daily quota and the special
accounting. If You want to use some of the listed features, switch to Remote disconnection
2. Remote Remote disconnection method is supported by Mikrotik, StarOS, Cisco and
Chillispot. It supports total traffic accounting, daily quota and special accounting.
On StarOS and Chillispot the remote disconnection has some limitations: Simultaneous-use
= 1 is required for every registered account. StarOS and Chillispot disconnects users based on
user name and not on IP address. If the same user name has multiple online sessions, only one
instance will be disconnected while the others will remain online. Pay attention to this.
Remote disconnection method is also required if You want to disconnect expired prepaid users
if special accounting is enabled.
NAS disconnection mode consumes less resource and easier to configure Remote method,
while Remote disconnection supports all Radius Manager features. Rmpoller should be
running constantly in order to enable the Remote disconnection method.
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Zero credits upon service change The counters will reset when a scheduled service change
occurs or the user selects a new service in UCP.
Hide limits in user list view (performance) Hide the traffic details in user list view to speed
up the listing.
Add new NAS to all services Enable all available NASs in new service.
Add new manager to all services Make the new service available for all managers.
Billing and payments:
Currency Set the default system currency.
VAT percent Define the global VAT percent.
Day to renew postpaid accounts Select a day to renew all postpaid accounts.
Beginning day of the billing period The beginning day of the monthly postpaid invoice.
Grace period Grace period for postpaid accounts. The deadline is calculated using the
following formula: invoice payment option = current date + grace period. The account will be
disabled automatically if the invoice has not been paid within the grace period.
Disable accounts due to unpaid invoices Disable RADIUS and UNIX accounts if the money
transfer has not been realized until the deadline.
Disable accounts due to expired contract Disable RADIUS and UNIX accounts if the
contract has expired.
Available payment gateways (internal / PayPal Website Payments Standard / PayPal Website
Payments Pro / PayPal Express Checkout / Netcash (Sage Pay) / Payfast / Authorize.net / DPS
Payment Express / 2Checkout) Enable the selected payment gateways.
Account settings:
Enable self registration Enable account self registration.
Name self registration requires (SMS activation / Email activation) Select the activation
method for name based self registered accounts.
Mobile self registration requires (SMS activation) Select the activation method for mobile
number based self registered accounts.
Self registration mandatory fields (first name / last name / address / city / ZIP / country / state
or province / phone / mobile / email / VAT ID) Required fields to complete the self registration.
Self registration allows (duplicate email address / duplicate mobile number) Enable duplicate
email addresses and / or mobile numbers for self registered accounts.
IAS mandatory fields (email / mobile) Select the mandatory fields for IAS pruchase.

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IAS registration allows (duplicate email address / duplicate mobile number) Enable duplicate
email addresses and / or mobile numbers for IAS accounts.
Self registration default sim-use Default sim-use value for self registered accounts.
IAS accounts require SMS verification Force SMS verification for IAS users.
Lock first seen MAC address The first detected MAC address will be locked to accounts.
Enable user data edit (UCP) Allow editing the personal details in UCP.
Enable service change (UCP) (never / only when expired / any time) Controls the service
selection in User Control Panel.
Enable password change (UCP) Enable changing the password in UCP.
Enable voucher redemption (UCP) Enable the Redeem voucher option in UCP.
Enable credit purchase (UCP) Enable the Purchase credits option in UCP.
Account synchronization
Synchronize Linux accounts If checked, the system will create / edit / delete regular Linux
accounts in sync with RADIUS users. This feature is useful if You want to synchronize a Linux
account based email server (sendmail, postfix etc.) with Radius Manager.
Disk quota management If checked, the disk quota will be set automatically for newly
registered Linux users (prerequisites are to enable the disk quotas and create the disk quota
template Linux user).
Disk quota template user The name of the Linux disk quota template user.
Synchronize account on (Localhost / Remote host using RSH) Remote Linux host
synchronization method.
Remote Linux host IP address or DNS name of remote host.
Notify manager upon self registration (email) New user registration notifications are sent
to system administrator.
Welcome message (email) Send welcome email to new users.
Welcome message (SMS) Send welcome SMS to new users.
New service activated (email) Send email when a new service has been activated.
Account renewal notification (email) Sending email when an account has been renewed.
Account expiry (email) Sending email alert to user when the account is going to expire.
Account expiry (SMS) Sending SMS alert to user when the account is going to expire.
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Alert level (fixed value / percentage) Select a warning system to use.

Download alert The remaining download MB or percentage to send an alert.
Upload alert The remaining upload MB or percentage to send an alert.
Total traffic alert The remaining total MB or percentage to send an alert.
Online time alert The remaining online time or percentage to send an alert.
Expiry alert The remaining days to send an alert.

System / Logout
Log out the current user.

Users / List users

List the registered accounts with traffic and time limits. You can select certain users, select all users
and clear the selection. The following actions are available for the selected users:
Enable Enable accounts.
Disable Disable accounts. Disabled users cannot authenticate (PPP / Hotspot) and cant
access the mailbox accounts. They can still log into User Control Panel.
Delete Delete the selected RADIUS and Linux accounts.
Disconnect Disconnect selected users or restart cable modems.
You can sort the list clicking the arrows in the header. Click the hash symbol (#) in the header to
open the column selector.

Users / List users / Edit user

Edit a user.
Enable Enable the account.
Verified The account is verified.
Email alerts Enable email alerts.
SMS alerts Enable SMS alerts.
Alert sent An account expiry alert has been sent (email).
Password Password entry field.
Confirm password Enter the same password again.

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Change password Initiate a password change.

MAC address CM MAC address of cable modem. Required by DOCSIS accounts.
IP address mode CM (IP pool / static IP) Used IP address mode for cable modem. IP pool mode
automatically assigns a free IP to CM, while in Static IP mode You can set the CM IP address
MAC address CPE MAC address of CPE device (LAN / WLAN card). When enabled, the system
will check the user name, password and the MAC address of the CPE upon login.
It is necessary to complete this field if You want to assign a static IP to a DOCSIS CPE.
Some WLAN devices (depending on the configuration see MAC cloning) will not emit the real MAC
address of the WLAN card. You have to configure the CPE properly in order to use this feature.
Allow this MAC only Enable MAC address checking.
IP address mode CPE (NAS pool or DHCP / IP pool / static IP) CPE IP address mode. The
address will be determined automatically if NAS pool or DHCP is selected. In IP pool mode RADIUS
server assigns the IP address to CPE, using the RADIUS IP pools. When Static IP is selected the
predefined static IP address will be assigned to CPE.
The MAC address should be set in order to use the DOCSIS CPE static IP mode.
Simultaneous use How many concurrent sessions are allowed for the current user (simultaneous
logins with a same user name). Leave this field empty or enter 0 for unlimited number of concurrent
First name First name of the user.
Last (family) name Last (family) name of the user.
Company name Company name.
Address Postal address of the user.
City City of the user.
ZIP ZIP code of the user.
Country Country of the user.
State State of the user.
Phone number Phone number of the user.
Mobile number Mobile number of the user.
Email address Email address for notifications. If You dont specify the email address, the system
will construct it automatically: [username]@[domain], where domain is defined in system_cfg.php
and in radiusmanager.cfg.

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VAT ID VAT number.

Service Associated service name.
Download limit The available download Bytes.
Upload limit The available upload Bytes.
Total limit The available total Bytes (DL + UL).
Account expiry Account expiration date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Available online time Available online time (HH:MM:SS).
Deposit Available money deposit for the user (internal balance).
Contract ID Contract identification code.
Contract valid till Contract vailidity date.
Geolocation (lat., long.) GPS coordinates of user.
Comment Optional comment.
Language User language.
User group User group..
Account owner Owner of current account.
Password activation SMS sent How many times the user tried to retrieve the password.
Account verification SMS sent How many times was the verification code sent.
Verification code failed This counter increases every time when a user enters a wrong verification
PIN code failed This counter increases every time when a user enters a wrong PIN code to refill
his account.
Custom RADIUS attributes Define custom RADIUS attributes which will be sent in RADIUS
authentication responses.

Users / List users / Edit user / Traffic report

Here You can check the traffic report of the current user.

Users / List users / Edit user / Connection report

List TCP / UDP connections of the current user (if CTS module is available and enabled).
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Users / List users / Edit user / Add credits

Add prepaid credits and generate the invoice. For monthly accounts select the credit addition mode
(normal or additional). Select the payment mode (cash payment or bank transfer) and enter the
amount. The total price is calculated automatically upon entering the amount. You can also change
the total price manually if You want to offer a discount. You can define a remark text (which will
be printed on the invoice) and an internal comment. Negative amount can be used to cancel any
incorrect invoice.
Reverse calculation is also available if You check the Lock unit price and Lock amount
Clicking the Next button the confirmation screen will appear. You can review and modify the credit
data before confirming the payment. The modification of data is controllable by the Allow discount
prices flag in ACP / Edit manager form.
Clicking the Finish button You will get informed about a successful payment. You can view and print
the invoice using the WEB browsers print function.

Users / List users / Edit user / Add deposit

This function increases the users internal balance and generates the invoice. Select the payment
mode (cash or bank transfer), enter the gross price, the remark text (printed on the invoice) and the
internal comment (not printed on the invoice). A negative amount can be used to cancel an incorrect
invoice. Once the payment has been confirmed You can print the invoice from your WEB browser.

Users / List users / Edit user / Postpaid billing

Postpaid billing is a semi automated function for mass generating postpaid monthly invoices (the
period is definable freely, but one month period is strongly recommended).
The following postpaid billing methods are supported:
1. Traffic based billing (MegaBytes): The price is calculated using the download, upload or total
2. Online time based billing (classic dial-up): The price is based on the used online time.
3. Monthly billing: The price calculation formula is: total price = monthly base fee + added
The calculation parameters are definable in service definition.
First You have to enter the billing period (from and to date).
Clicking Next button will open a confirmation screen where You can select the payment method,
enter the item description (which will be printed on the invoice), edit the calculated net and gross
prices and enter an internal comment and remark text.
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Users / List users / Edit user / List invoices

You can list the invoices for the current user. The available invoice types are:

C Cash payment
T Bank transfer
O Online payment
I Internal transfer
P - Prepaid card
You can also view the internal balance, the remaining traffic and time. The total transactions are
calculated using the following formula:
Internal transactions are not included in the sum. Credit refills with cards are not included in the

Users / List users / Edit user / Change service

With this function administrators can assign new services to users. Two parameters are required: the
new service name and the date when the service change should occur.
You can change the prepaid service on a same day multiple times, but daily only one postpaid
service can be assigned to a certain user.

Users / List users / Edit user / Service history

This list is used to overview the service changes. You can see the request date, the user name, the
schedule date and the requested service name. If the Status flag shows completed, the service
has been changed successfully. You can click the cancel link to cancel a scheduled change.

Users / List users / Edit user / Service history

Click this option to view the RADIUS authentication log.

Users / List users / Edit user / Disconnect

Disconnects the current user from NAS (if POD is enabled in NAS) or restarts the DOCSIS compatible
cable modem.

Users / List users / Edit user / Delete user

Delete the current account from the system.
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Users / Find users

On this screen You can select the filtering criteria of user list view and initiate direct user editing.
Filter parameters:
User name or MAC Name of the user. You can search for all supported account types.
Account type (Regular / MAC / DOCSIS / classic prepaid card / instant access service / Mikrotik
access list / StarOS access list) Select the account type You want to include in the user list.
Service type (any / prepaid / postpaid / email / access list entry) Select the service type You
want to include in the user list.
Account status (any / active / expired / enabled / disabled) Select the status of accounts You
are looking for.
Usage information (any / used / unused) Display all users, or who have, or who dont have an
accounting information in the system.
Group Search users by group.
Owner Search users by account owner.
Service name Search users by service name.
MAC address CM Search the MAC address of cable modem.
MAC address CPE Search for MAC address of CPE.
Static CPE IP Search users by static CPE IP address.
First name First name of user.
Last (family) name Last name of user.
Company name Company name.
Address Postal address.
City City name.
ZIP ZIP code.
Country Country name.
State State name.
Phone number Search for phone number.
Mobile number Search for mobile number.
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Email Enter the email address You are looking for.

Contract ID Search for contract identification code.
Contract expiry List users based on contract expiry date.
Registration period List users registered in the given period.
Comment Filter the comments.
Edit user:
User name, MAC, PIN You can access the edit user screen for regular, Hotspot MAC, DOCSIS
and prepaid card users.

Users / New user

Register a new account. The parameters are:
User name or MAC address Set the name for regular user or a MAC address for Hotspot MAC
account. Mikrotik accepts MAC addresses in xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format, while StarOS requires
xxxxxxxxxxxx format. The allowed characters are definable in system_cfg.php.
Enabled Enable the account.
Account type (Regular / Hotspot MAC / DOCSIS / Mikrotik ACL / StarOS ACL) Select the type of
the new account:
Regular users have username and password.
MAC users have user name only (it is the MAC address of the LAN / WLAN card). The Mikrotik
Hotspot system will automatically log on Hotspot MAC users without requesting the user name
and password.
DOCSIS is used by DOCSIS cable modems.
Mikrotik ACL is used to allow the connection for a specific WLAN CPE (Mikrotik AP).
StarOS ACL is used to allow the connection for a specific WLAN CPE using (StarOS AP).
Password Password entry field.
Confirm password Enter the same password again.
MAC address CM MAC address of cable modem. Required by DOCSIS accounts.
IP address mode CM (IP pool / static IP) Used IP address mode for cable modem. IP pool mode
automatically assigns a free IP to CM, while in Static IP mode You can set the CM IP address
MAC address CPE MAC address of CPE device (LAN / WLAN card). When enabled, the system
will check the user name, password and the MAC address of the CPE upon login.
It is necessary to complete this field if You want to assign a static IP to a DOCSIS CPE.

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Some WLAN devices (depending on the configuration see MAC cloning) will not emit the real MAC
address of the WLAN card. You have to configure the CPE properly in order to use this feature.
Allow this MAC only Enable MAC address checking.
IP address mode CPE (NAS pool or DHCP / IP pool / static IP) CPE IP address mode. The
address will be determined automatically if NAS pool or DHCP is selected. In IP pool mode RADIUS
server assigns the IP address to CPE, using the RADIUS IP pools. When Static IP is selected the
predefined static IP address will be assigned to CPE.
The MAC address should be set in order to use the DOCSIS CPE static IP mode.
Simultaneous use How many concurrent sessions are allowed for the current user (simultaneous
logins with a same user name). Leave this field empty or enter 0 for unlimited number of concurrent
First name First name of the user.
Last (family) name Last (family) name of the user.
Company name Company name.
Address Postal address of the user.
City City of the user.
ZIP ZIP code of the user.
Country Country of the user.
State State of the user.
Phone number Phone number of the user.
Mobile number Mobile number of the user.
Email address Email address for notifications. If You dont specify the email address, the system
will construct it automatically: [username]@[domain], where domain is defined in system_cfg.php
and in radiusmanager.cfg.
VAT ID VAT number.
Service Associated service name.
Download limit The available download Bytes.
Upload limit The available upload Bytes.
Total limit The available total Bytes (DL + UL).
Account expiry Account expiration date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Available online time Available online time (HH:MM:SS).
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Deposit Available money deposit for the user (internal balance).

Contract ID Contract identification code.
Contract valid till Contract vailidity date.
Geolocation (lat., long.) GPS coordinates of user.
Comment Optional comment.
Language User language.
User group User group..
Custom RADIUS attributes Define custom RADIUS attributes which will be sent in RADIUS
authentication responses.

Users / List user groups

List the available user groups. You can select multiple groups and delete more groups at once. The
default group cannot be deleted. Click the group name to edit the parameters.

Users / New user group

Define a new user group. The parameters are:
Group name Enter the group name.
Description Optional description.

Users / Edit user group

Edit the selected user group. The available parameters are:
User group name Enter the group name.
Description Optional description.
Click the delete link to delete the selected user groups.

Services / List services

List the available service plans. You can select certain services, select or deselect all services. The
following actions are available for the selected services:
Enable Enable the selected services.
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Disable Disable the selected services. Disabled services are not listed in service selectors.
Delete Delete the selected services. The default service cannot be deleted. If an already assigned
service has been deleted, the default service will be assigned instead of it.

Services / List services / Edit service

Use this option to edit a service.
Basic parameters:
Service name Define the service name.
Description Enter the service description, printed on prepaid cards.
Enable Enable the service. Disabled services are not assignable to users.
Available in UCP Enable listing the service in UCP.
Type of service (prepaid regular / prepaid card or IAS / postpaid / email / access list entry) Select
the service type. Prepaid regular services can be assigned to prepaid regular users. Prepaid
card services or IAS services can be assigned to classic prepaid cards and IAS templates.
Postpaid services can be assigned to postpaid users. Email accounts cannot be used for PPP /
Hotspot authentication; they are intended for Linux mailbox synchronization. Access list entries
can be used with Mikrotik and StarOS to allow connection for specific CPEs.
Limit download Enable the capping the download traffic.
Limit upload Enable the capping the upload traffic.
Limit total traffic Enable the capping the total traffic (download + upload).
Limit expiration Expiration date capping.
Limit online time Online time capping.
Data rate (DL / UL) Defines the download and upload data rate in kbps (0 = unlimited data
Cisco policy map (DL) Cisco download policy map name.
Cisco policy map (UL) Cisco upload policy map.
Download quota per day Daily download traffic in MegaBytes. Zero value disables the
Upload quota per day Daily upload traffic in MegaBytes. Zero value disables the feature.
Total quota per day Daily total traffic in MegaBytes. Zero value disables the feature.
Time quota per day Daily online time in HH:MM:SS format. Zero value disables the feature.
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Enable burst mode Check this option to enable the burst mode.
Burst limit (DL / UL) Burst limit for download and upload. This is the peak data rate the user
can achieve. Burst limit is always greater or equal than the nominal data rate.
Burst threshold (DL / UL) Threshold for download and upload. If the user exceeds this limit for
a predefined time, the data rate will be reduced to the nominal value (as set in Data rate). Enter
higher burst limit than the nominal data rate.
Burst time (DL / UL) Timeout after the limitation will begin if the client exceeds the threshold.
Priority Priority of packets.
IP pool name Select a specified IP pool via Framed-Pool RADIUS attribute. It is a Mikrotik
and Cisco specific feature.
Next disabled service Next service to use with disabled accounts.
Next expired service Selector for next expired service. It is activated if the master service
has expired.
It is very useful if a user account has expired, but You want to grant Internet access on reduced
data rate. Register a new, uncapped service with reduced data rate and select it from this
dropdown list.
Next daily service Selector for next daily service. Exceeding the daily quota activates the next
daily service.
Ignore static IP Ignore the static CPE IP assigned in Edit user form.
Custom RADIUS attributes User definable RADIUS attributes. The system sends custom
attributes in Access-accept message.
Generate TFTP boot file Generate DOCSIS compliant TFTP boot file. The TFTP file template
is located in config directory.
Advanced CM configuration Custom TFTP boot file.
Allowed NASs The service is available on the select NAS devices only.
Available for managers The service is available for the selected managers only.
Price definitions:
Postpaid price calculation (downloaded traffic / uploaded traffic / online time) Select the
traffic and / or time used in price calculation.
Monthly account Enable monthly account mode. It is required for auto renewal.
Automatic renewal Enable automatic account renewal (required by both prepaid and postpaid

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Postpaid monthly accounts are renewed on a specific day. The day is selectable in ACP /
System settings.
Prepaid monthly accounts are checked every day at midnight and renewed if:
1. The account is expired
2. The account has enough deposit to cover the service renewal fee
Carry over remaining MBs Do not reset the the traffic counters upon auto renewal.
Reset counters if date has expired Add new credits to zero balance if an account has been
expired (date) .
Enable additional credits Enables additional credit mode for monthly accounts.
Net unit price The price of one unit without VAT.
Gross unit price The price of one unit with VAT.
Net additional unit price This filed is used by monthly accounts. Users can purchase
additional credits if the date is expired, but the account has no more available traffic left. VAT is
not included.
Gross additional unit price Same as Net additional price, but with added VAT.
Date addition mode (reset expiration date / prolong expiration date / prolong expiration date
with correction) Determines how to add days to an account. Reset expiration date always
adds new days or months to the current date. It is used mainly by combined packages (1 month
+ x MB). Prolong expiration date adds days to the current expiration date. Prolong expiration
date with correction adds days to the current expiration date as available in the user profile, but
it will use the current date if expiration date is in the past.
Time addition mode (reset online time / prolong online time) Select how to add online time for
an account: always add to zero or add to remaining value.
Traffic addition mode (reset traffic counters / additive) Select how to add traffic for an account:
always add to zero or add to remaining value.
Expiration date unit (days / months) Defines the amount of one date unit (days or months).
Online time unit (minutes / hours) Defines the amount of one time unit.
Download traffic unit Defines the amount of one download traffic unit.
Upload traffic unit Defines the amount of one upload traffic unit.
Total traffic unit Defines the amount of one total traffic unit (download + upload).
Initial expiration date Defines the initial expiration. Used by self registration and auto
Initial online time amount Defines the initial online time. Used by self registration and auto
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Initial download traffic amount Defines the initial download traffic. Used by self registration
and auto renewal.
Initial upload traffic amount Defines the initial upload traffic users. Used by self registration
and auto renewal.
Initial total traffic amount Defines the initial total traffic.Used by self registration and auto
Minimal base amount Defines the minimal base amount what users can purchase.
Additional traffic unit Defines the additional traffic unit in MB.
Minimal additional amount Defines the minimal additional amount what users can
Special accounting and dynamic data rates are also available in the service plan. You can
click the Edit link to invoke the appropriate editor.
Use the Delete service to delete the current service.

Services / Edit service / Special accounting editor

With special accounting system You can create services with reduced or free accounting periods.
You can easily create a nightly service where only 50% traffic or time is logged.
Clicking the edit link under the special accounting on Edit service screen the editor window will
Here You can register, update and delete the special accounting intervals. Click the pencil icon to
open the edit form.
In the edit form You can set the start and end time of the interval, the ratio (time, download, upload),
select days of week and enable or disable the authentication in the specified interval.
Click the update button to store the changes.

Services / Edit service / Dynamic data rate editor

In Dynamic data rate editor You can define special intervals when a custom data rate will apply.
The data rate change is made on the fly, without reconnecting the user, with the help of Mikrotik
Clicking the edit link under the special data rates on Edit service screen the editor window will
Here You can create, update and delete the special data rate intervals. Click the pencil icon to open
the edit form.

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Here You can define the start and end time of the interval, the data rate (download, upload) and the
burst mode. You can also select days of week for the current interval.
Click the update button to store the changes.
In the next paragraph You will find detailed description how to configure the Mikrotik API in order to
use the special data rate system.
Configuring the Mikrotik API
Use Winbox to configure the API service in Mikrotik.
Enable the API service in Mikrotik (IP / Services, port 8728).
Register the API user in Mikrotik (user name api is recommended) . Radius Manager will use
this user to log into Mikrotik to change the data rate on the fly.
Enter the same user name and password in ACP / Edit NAS and enable the API.
If API is enabled and configured properly, You will see in the Winbox log how the API user logs in and
out in every 1-5 minutes (depending on radiusmanager.cfg).
API is available in Mikrotik v 3 or newer versions. Older versions are not capable of controlling the
data rate on the fly.

Special data rate restrictions

Do not add -1 suffix to user names, otherwise the system will not be able to identify the simple
dynamic queues and the special data rate feature will not function properly.

Services / New service

Use this function to register a new service.
Basic parameters:
Service name Define the service name.
Description Enter the service description, printed on prepaid cards.
Enable Enable the service. Disabled services are not assignable to users.
Available in UCP Enable listing the service in UCP.
Type of service (prepaid regular / prepaid card or IAS / postpaid / email / access list entry) Select
the service type. Prepaid regular services can be assigned to prepaid regular users. Prepaid
card services or IAS services can be assigned to classic prepaid cards and IAS templates.
Postpaid services can be assigned to postpaid users. Email accounts cannot be used for PPP /
Hotspot authentication; they are intended for Linux mailbox synchronization. Access list entries
can be used with Mikrotik and StarOS to allow connection for specific CPEs.
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Limit download Enable the capping the download traffic.

Limit upload Enable the capping the upload traffic.
Limit total traffic Enable the capping the total traffic (download + upload).
Limit expiration Expiration date capping.
Limit online time Online time capping.
Data rate (DL / UL) Defines the download and upload data rate in kbps (0 = unlimited data
Cisco policy map (DL) Cisco download policy map name.
Cisco policy map (UL) Cisco upload policy map.
Download quota per day Daily download traffic in MegaBytes. Zero value disables the
Upload quota per day Daily upload traffic in MegaBytes. Zero value disables the feature.
Total quota per day Daily total traffic in MegaBytes. Zero value disables the feature.
Time quota per day Daily online time in HH:MM:SS format. Zero value disables the feature.
Enable burst mode Check this option to enable the burst mode.
Burst limit (DL / UL) Burst limit for download and upload. This is the peak data rate the user
can achieve. Burst limit is always greater or equal than the nominal data rate.
Burst threshold (DL / UL) Threshold for download and upload. If the user exceeds this limit for
a predefined time, the data rate will be reduced to the nominal value (as set in Data rate). Enter
higher burst limit than the nominal data rate.
Burst time (DL / UL) Timeout after the limitation will begin if the client exceeds the threshold.
Priority Priority of packets.
IP pool name Select a specified IP pool via Framed-Pool RADIUS attribute. It is a Mikrotik
and Cisco specific feature.
Next disabled service Next service to use with disabled accounts.
Next expired service Selector for next expired service. It is activated if the master service
has expired.
It is very useful if a user account has expired, but You want to grant Internet access on reduced
data rate. Register a new, uncapped service with reduced data rate and select it from this
dropdown list.

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Next daily service Selector for next daily service. Exceeding the daily quota activates the next
daily service.
Ignore static IP Ignore the static CPE IP assigned in Edit user form.
Custom RADIUS attributes User definable RADIUS attributes. The system sends custom
attributes in Access-accept message.
Generate TFTP boot file Generate DOCSIS compliant TFTP boot file. The TFTP file template
is located in config directory.
Advanced CM configuration Custom TFTP boot file.
Allowed NASs The service is available on the select NAS devices only.
Available for managers The service is available for the selected managers only.
Price definitions:
Postpaid price calculation (downloaded traffic / uploaded traffic / online time) Select the
traffic and / or time used in price calculation.
Monthly account Enable monthly account mode. It is required for auto renewal.
Automatic renewal Enable automatic account renewal (required by both prepaid and postpaid
Postpaid monthly accounts are renewed on a specific day. The day is selectable in ACP /
System settings.
Prepaid monthly accounts are checked every day at midnight and renewed if:
1. The account is expired
2. The account has enough deposit to cover the service renewal fee
Carry over remaining MBs Do not reset the the traffic counters upon auto renewal.
Reset counters if date has expired Add new credits to zero balance if an account has been
expired (date) .
Enable additional credits Enables additional credit mode for monthly accounts.
Net unit price The price of one unit without VAT.
Gross unit price The price of one unit with VAT.
Net additional unit price This filed is used by monthly accounts. Users can purchase
additional credits if the date is expired, but the account has no more available traffic left. VAT is
not included.
Gross additional unit price Same as Net additional price, but with added VAT.

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Date addition mode (reset expiration date / prolong expiration date / prolong expiration date
with correction) Determines how to add days to an account. Reset expiration date always
adds new days or months to the current date. It is used mainly by combined packages (1 month
+ x MB). Prolong expiration date adds days to the current expiration date. Prolong expiration
date with correction adds days to the current expiration date as available in the user profile, but
it will use the current date if expiration date is in the past.
Time addition mode (reset online time / prolong online time) Select how to add online time for
an account: always add to zero or add to remaining value.
Traffic addition mode (reset traffic counters / additive) Select how to add traffic for an account:
always add to zero or add to remaining value.
Expiration date unit (days / months) Defines the amount of one date unit (days or months).
Online time unit (minutes / hours) Defines the amount of one time unit.
Download traffic unit Defines the amount of one download traffic unit.
Upload traffic unit Defines the amount of one upload traffic unit.
Total traffic unit Defines the amount of one total traffic unit (download + upload).
Initial expiration date Defines the initial expiration. Used by self registration and auto
Initial online time amount Defines the initial online time. Used by self registration and auto
Initial download traffic amount Defines the initial download traffic. Used by self registration
and auto renewal.
Initial upload traffic amount Defines the initial upload traffic users. Used by self registration
and auto renewal.
Initial total traffic amount Defines the initial total traffic.Used by self registration and auto
Minimal base amount Defines the minimal base amount what users can purchase.
Additional traffic unit Defines the additional traffic unit in MB.
Minimal additional amount Defines the minimal additional amount what users can

Services / Scheduled changes

Use this function to list the scheduled service changes. You can see the request date, the user
name, the schedule date, the requested service name and who have requested the service

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Services / Service change history

This list is used to check the activated services. You can see the request date, the user name, the
schedule date, the requested service name and who have requested the service change.
The status can be scheduled, completed or cancelled.

Managers / List managers

Using this option You can list the managers registered in the system. You can select certain managers,
select and deselect all managers. The following actions are available with the selected managers:
Enable Enable the selected managers.
Disable Disable the selected managers. Disabled managers cannot log into ACP.
Delete Delete the selected managers. The default manager (admin) cannot be deleted.

Managers / List managers / Edit manager

Use this function to edit the manager details.
Enable Enable the current manager.
Password Enter a new password. The Allowed characters are defined in system_cfg.php.
Confirm password Enter the same password again.
Change password Click to enable changing the password.
First name First name of manager.
Last (family) name Family name of manager.
Company name Company name.
Address Postal address.
City City name.
ZIP ZIP code.
Country Select a country.
State Select a state.
Phone number Enter the phone number.
Mobile number Enter the mobile number.
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Email Enter the email address.

VAT ID Enter the VAT identifier.
Language Select the manager language.
Comment Optional comment.

List users Can list users.

Register users Can register new users.
Edit users Can edit basic user data (name, address etc.).
Edit privileged user data Allows editing privileged fields (credits, static IP).
Delete users Can delete users.

List managers Can list managers.

Register managers Can register new managers.
Edit managers Can edit managers.
Delete managers Can delete managers.

List services Can list services.

Register services Can register new services.
Edit services Can edit services.
Delete services Can delete services.

Billing functions Can generate invoices.

Allow negative balance Can refill prepaid accounts even if the reseller account is in negative
Allow discount prices Can form the service price freely (discount).
Enable canceling invoices Enable canceling invoices (enter negative amount in Add credits
form to cancel an invoice).

Access invoices Can access invoicing functions.

Access all invoices Can access all invoices not only the own ones.
Shown invoice totals Display the totals in List invoices view.
Edit invoices Can enter the payment date for postpaid invoices.

Access all users Can access all users in the system.

List online users Can list online users.
Disconnect users Can disconnect users.

Card system and IAS Can access prepaid card and IAS system.
Connection report Can access CTS functions.
Overall traffic report Can access traffic report.
Maintain APs Can access AP functions.

Click the Update manager button to store the manager data.

Managers / List managers / Edit manager / Financial information

Here You can see the account balance of current manager.
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Available balance The balance of current manager. This field is read only.
Amount Enter the amount to credit or debit the manager.
Payment type (cash / bank transfer) Select the payment type.

Managers / New manager

Use this function to register a new manager.
Enable Enable the current manager.
Password Enter a new password. The Allowed characters are defined in system_cfg.php.
Confirm password Enter the same password again.
Change password Click to enable changing the password.
First name First name of manager.
Last (family) name Family name of manager.
Company name Company name.
Address Postal address.
City City name.
ZIP ZIP code.
Country Select a country.
State Select a state.
Phone number Enter the phone number.
Mobile number Enter the mobile number.
Email Enter the email address.
VAT ID Enter the VAT identifier.
Language Select the manager language.
Comment Optional comment.
List users Can list users.
Register users Can register new users.
Edit users Can edit basic user data (name, address etc.).
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Edit privileged user data Allows editing privileged fields (credits, static IP).
Delete users Can delete users.

List managers Can list managers.

Register managers Can register new managers.
Edit managers Can edit managers.
Delete managers Can delete managers.

List services Can list services.

Register services Can register new services.
Edit services Can edit services.
Delete services Can delete services.

Billing functions Can generate invoices.

Allow negative balance Can refill prepaid accounts even if the reseller account is in negative
Allow discount prices Can form the service price freely (discount).
Enable canceling invoices Enable canceling invoices (enter negative amount in Add credits
form to cancel an invoice).

Access invoices Can access invoicing functions.

Access all invoices Can access all invoices not only the own ones.
Shown invoice totals Display the totals in List invoices view.
Edit invoices Can enter the payment date for postpaid invoices.

Access all users Can access all users in the system.

List online users Can list online users.
Disconnect users Can disconnect users.

Card system and IAS Can access prepaid card and IAS system.
Connection report Can access CTS functions.
Overall traffic report Can access traffic report.
Maintain APs Can access AP functions.

Click the Add manager button to store the new manager data.

NAS / List NAS

List the registered NAS (Network Access Server) devices.

NAS / Edit NAS

Clicking the NAS name in the list You can edit its parameters:
NAS name Name of the NAS.
IP address IP address of the NAS.
Type (Mikrotik / StarOS / Chillispot / Cisco / pfSense / other) Type of the NAS.
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Secret The RADIUS secret for NAS.

Password StarOS password.
Enable Mikrotik API Enable Mikrotik API. It is required by the dynamic data rate system.
API user name Mikrotik API user name.
API password Mikrotik API password.
Cisco bandwidth support (None / Rate limit / Policy map) Select a Cisco bandwidth control
Description Optional comment.


Register a new NAS in the system. The available fields are:
NAS name Name of the NAS.
IP address IP address of the NAS.
Type (Mikrotik / StarOS / Chillispot / Cisco / pfSense / other) Type of the NAS.
Secret The RADIUS secret for NAS.
Password StarOS password.
Enable Mikrotik API Enable Mikrotik API. It is required by the dynamic data rate system.
API user name Mikrotik API user name.
API password Mikrotik API password.
Cisco bandwidth support (None / Rate limit / Policy map) Select a Cisco bandwidth control
Description Optional comment.

AP / List access points

List the registered Access points (AP) in the system.

AP / Edit acces point

Clicking the AP name in the list You can edit the following parameters:

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Enable Enable the AP. The system reads information from an active AP only (SNMP or API).
Name Enter the name of the AP.
IP address Enter the IP address of the AP.
Access mode (SNMP / Mikrotik API) Select the access mode. SNMP supports only wireless
signal level, but the access is more stable and faster than Mikrotik API. Mikrotik API supports
wireless signal level, CCQ and SNR, but the setup is complicated. The recommended access
mode is SNMP.
SNMP community Enter the SNMP community string as defined in the AP. Required by SNMP
API username Enter the Mikrotik API user name. Required by Mikrotik API mode.
API password Enter the Mikrotik API password. Required by Mikrotik API mode.
Description Optional description.

AP / New access point

Register new access point. The available parameters are:
Enable Enable the AP. The system reads information from an active AP only (SNMP or API).
Name Enter the name of the AP.
IP address Enter the IP address of the AP.
Access mode (SNMP / Mikrotik API) Select the access mode. SNMP supports only wireless
signal level, but the access is more stable and faster than Mikrotik API. Mikrotik API supports
wireless signal level, CCQ and SNR, but the setup is complicated. The recommended access
mode is SNMP.
SNMP community Enter the SNMP community string as defined in the AP. Required by SNMP
API username Enter the Mikrotik API user name. Required by Mikrotik API mode.
API password Enter the Mikrotik API password. Required by Mikrotik API mode.
Description Optional description.


List all registered CMTS devices in the system.

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You can edit the following CMTS parameters:
Name Name of the CMTS.
IP address IP address of the CMTS.
SNMP community The SNMP community string as defined in the CMTS.
Description Optional description.


Use this function to define a new CMTS. The parameters are:
Name Name of the CMTS.
IP address IP address of the CMTS.
SNMP community The SNMP community string as defined in the CMTS.
Description Optional description.

IP pools / List pools

List the available IP pools.

IP pools / Edit pool

Edit the following parameters of the IP pool:
Pool name Enter the IP pool name.
First IP Set the first address of the IP pool.
Last IP Set the last address of the IP pool.
Next pool Select the next pool (cascaded pool).
Description Optional description.

IP pools / New pool

Define new IP pool. The parameters are:
Type (DOCSIS / RADIUS) Select the IP pool type. DOCSIS is used by CMTS only, while RADIUS
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is required by RADIUS IP pool support.

Pool name Enter the IP pool name.
First IP Set the first address of the IP pool.
Last IP Set the last address of the IP pool.
Next pool Select the next pool (cascaded pool).
Description Optional description.

Financials / Find invoices

Filter and list the invoices. The filter parameters are:
From date Enter a date from where You want to list the invoices.
To date Enter a date to which You want to list the invoices.
From invoice number Starting invoice number.
To invoice number Ending invoice number.
Payment gateway transaction ID Find the online payment gateway transaction ID.
Issued by User account / manager name who has issued the invoice.
Issued to User account name who has received the invoice.
Account owner Manager name who owns the accounts.
Comment Search comments.
Type (all transactions / only invoices) Select the records to display.
Postpaid payment status (any / unpaid / Grace period expired) Select which postpaid invoices
to show.
Transaction of (users / managers) List transactions of users and managers (resellers).
Payment type (cash / bank transfer / internal transfer / credit refill with card / PayPal Website Payments
Standard / PayPal Website Payments Pro / PayPal Express Checkout / Netcash / Authorize.net /
DPS Payment Express / 2Checkout / Payfast) Payment method filter.
In invoice list You can display and print any invoice clicking the icon in the Action column.
Click the invoice number to edit the invoice. The available fields are:
Payment completed on Enter the date when the money transfer has been realized. It is used to
disable the users due to unpaid invoice (if option is enabled in System settings).
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Comment An internal, optional comment.

Financials / Generate postpaid invoices

A classic batch billing function for postpaid accounts. You can generate and print thousands of
invoices in two steps.
First, enter the billing parameters:
From date Beginning of billing period.
To date End of billing period.
User group Generate invoices for the selected group only.
Include inactive accounts Generate invoices for inactive accounts.
Include disabled accounts Generate invoices for disabled accounts.
Payment type (Cash / Bank transfer) Select the payment type.
After confirmation the system will begin to generate the invoices for all postpaid users matching the
preset criteria. Once the operation has been completed, You can browse and print the generated
invoices in ACP / Financials / Find invoices menu.

Card system / List card series

List the available Refill and Classic Prepaid card series. CSV and PDF export is available.
CSV export can be used to transfer the complete card serie to a 3rd party printing application.
PDF export feature generates A4 sheets. PDF export is perfect for smaller series. You can customize
the amount of PIN codes per page, the position, the typeface, the font size, the background picture
etc. in system_cfg.php.
You can select certain serie, select and deselect all card series. The available operations are:
Revoke series Disable the selected series.
Activate series Enable the selected series.
Delete series Delete the selected series.
Deleting cards is not recommended. When You generate a new serie the system can reassign
the old, deleted PIN code again. Pay attention to this. Use the Revoke series instead of deleting
the cards.

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Card system / List classic prepaid cards

List the classic prepaid cards registered in the system.

Card system / List refill cards

List the available refill cards.

Card system / Find refill cards

Find refill cards using the following parameters:
PIN PIN code of refill card.
Series Serie number of refill card.
Activated by Name of the user who has activated the refill card.
Activated on Date of activation.
Status (any / active / expired / revoked) Select the status of the cards to list.

Card system / Generate cards

Select this function to generate scratch cards. The parameters are:
Card type (classic prepaid / refill) There are two card types available:
1. Classic prepaid cards They has predefined traffic and / or online time limits. Users can
authenticate (Hotspot, PPP) using the card PIN code and password.
2. Refill cards They have a value only. Users cannot authenticate with refill cards. They are
used to refill regular accounts in UCP.
Quantity The number of cards to generate. Enter an amount what your system can handle easily.
On fast server You can generate millions of cards in one step without getting a PHP timeout error.
Gross card value Enter the value of card with VAT (this will be the final price of the card).
Valid till Enter the expiration date. After this date nobody can use the card serie.
Prefix Prefix for card serie.
PIN length Ente the length of generated PIN codes.
Password length The password length is definable for each card serie. Only Classic prepaid cards
have password. Blank passwords are allowed, but not recommended.
SMS verification required Force user identity verification by SMS (secret code is sent to mobile
phone upon activation).
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User group The generated cards will belong to the selected group.
Associated service Select the service used by the generated classic prepaid cards.
Download limit Download limit for classic prepaid cards.
Upload limit Upload limit for classic prepaid cards.
Total limit Total traffic limit for classic prepaid cards.
Online time limit Online time limit for classic prepaid cards.
Expiration (Defined by valid till / Calculated from card activation) Select the account expiration
mode. If Defined by valid till is selected, the account will expire on the date specified by the Valid
till field. If You choose Calculated from card activation, the generated cards will expire after a
predefined time which is calculated from the first use of the card.
Available time from card activation Sets the time amount for Calculated from card activation
Simultaneous use Defines how many concurrent connections are allowed for a certain Classic
prepaid card. For regular use enter 1. Enter 2 if You are using pfSense, otherwise the reauthentication
function will not work.

Card system / Card statistics

Display the card statistics.

IAS / List IAS users

List all IAS users available in the system.

IAS / List IAS templates

Use this option to list the Instant Access Service templates available in the system. Click the IAS
template name to edit the parameters.

IAS / Edit IAS template

Edit the IAS template. The available parameters are:
IAS template name Instant Access Service template name.
Enable IAS Enable the IAS template. Only enabled IAS services can be purchased.
Price Gross price of IAS.
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Service name Associated service.

Download limit IAS download limit.
Upload limit IAS upload limit.
Total limit IAS total limit.
Expiration Expiration date for IAS (fixed date).
Online time limit Available online time for IAS.
Expiration (Defined by expiration date / Calculated from account activation) Select the IAS
expiration method.
Available time from account activation Defines the available time calculated from the IAS
Simultaneous use Defines how many concurrent connections are allowed for a certain IAS
account. For regular use enter 1. Enter 2 if You are using pfSense, otherwise the reauthentication
function will not work.

IAS / New IAS template

Define new IAS template. The fields are:
IAS template name Instant Access Service template name.
Enable IAS Enable the IAS template. Only enabled IAS services can be purchased.
Price Gross price of IAS.
Service name Associated service.
Download limit IAS download limit.
Upload limit IAS upload limit.
Total limit IAS total limit.
Expiration Expiration date for IAS (fixed date).
Online time limit Available online time for IAS.
Expiration (Defined by expiration date / Calculated from account activation) Select the IAS
expiration method.
Available time from account activation Defines the available time calculated from the IAS
Simultaneous use Defines how many concurrent connections are allowed for a certain IAS
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account. For regular use enter 1. Enter 2 if You are using pfSense, otherwise the reauthentication
function will not work.

Reports / Online users

Display the online user list. The available actions are:
Disconnect Remotely disconnect the selected users from a NAS.
Close sessions Close the selected sessions, without disconnecting the users.
You can sort the list clicking the arrows in the header. Click the hash symbol (#) in the header to
open the column selector.

Reports / Registered cable modems

List the registered cable modems. This list is updated in every 5 minutes (controlled by a
cron job).
The available actions are:
Restart CM Restart the selected cable modems.
You can sort the list clicking the arrows in the header. Click hash symbol (#) in the header to open
the column selector.

Reports / Overall traffic report

Display traffic report for all users.

Reports / Find traffic data

Filter the traffic details using the following parameters:
User name Search by user name.
Framed IP address Search by IP address.
Calling station ID Search by MAC address.
NAS Search by NAS.
AP Search by Access Point name.
In selecteded interval only Enable this checkbox to use the specified traffic interval.

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From date Beginning of interval.

To date End of interval.
You can also leave all fields blank or combine them. Joker character is not allowed.

Reports / Traffic summary

Use this function to overview the used traffic for all users in a given period. The generated report is
CSV exportable.
From Beginning date of report.
To Ending date of report.
NAS Filter by NAS.
AP Filter by Access Point.

Reports / Connection report

Filter and display the connection details. Parameters are:
User name Name of the user.
Source IP and port Source IP address and port of the connection.
Destination IP and port Destination IP address and port of the connection.
Protocol (any / TCP / UDP) Select the used protocol.
From date Beginning date of list.
To date Ending date of list.
From time Beginning time of list.
To time Ending time of list.

Reports / Authentication log

Filter and display the RADIUS authentication log. The filter parameters are:
User name Show log for this user only.
NAS name Show log for this NAS only.

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Reports / Last syslog events

Display the last 50 system log events.

Reports / Browse syslog

Browse all system log events.

Reports / System informations

Display license information, registration and module details.

Reports / System statistics

Display the account statistics.

Tools / Bulk email

Use this function to send bulk emails to all registered users. If the email address isnt specified for
a certain user, the system will construct the email address from the user name and the default
domain name (as defined in system_cfg.php).
The available fields are:
Group Only the selected group will receive the message.
Subject Subject of message.
Message Text of message.

Tools / Bulk SMS

Use this function to send bulk SMS to all registered users.
The available fields are:
Group Only the selected group will receive the message.
Message Text of message.

Tools / Start RADIUS server

Select this option to start the RADIUS server.
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Tools / Stop RADIUS server

Select this option to stop the RADIUS server.

Tools / Restart RADIUS server

Select this option to restart the RADIUS server.

Tools / Rebuild clients.conf

Synchronize raddb/clients.conf with the registered NAS devices.

Tools / Start DHCP server

Select this option to start the DHCP server.

Tools / Stop DHCP server

Select this option to stop the DHCP server.

Tools / Restart DHCP server

Select this option to restart the DHCP server.

Tools / Rebuild dhcpd.conf

Synchronize /etc/dhcpd.conf with the registered CM accounts.

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The User Control Panel (UCP) is available for regular users to check the traffic details, personal
data, invoices etc.
The default URL of UCP is:

Description of menus
Navigate to home page. An account overview is available here.

Traffic report
Users can check their traffic details in a well organized form.

List invoices
Users can examine the invoices.

Change password
With this function users can change the password (both UCP and Internet access). They have to
enter the old password and the new password two times to complete the operation.

Redeem voucher
Users can enter the refill card PIN code to increase the internal balance. After three unsuccessful
attempts the system disables the function.

Purchase credits
Users can purchase credits with internal balance or any available online payment gateway. Clicking
the Purchase service the system will show the current service details. The users have to enter the
amount of units and click the Next button.
After selecting the payment mode and completing the order the system updates the account balance
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immediately. The new credit data will be available on the home page.
Monthly combined accounts are special case: only one combined month can be purchased at
once. If a monthly combined account has not expired yet (date), users can purchase additional
MegaBytes only.

Change service
Users can choose which prepaid service to use. They can select a new service form the list. After
confirmation the system will change the service immediately.

Edit account
With this function users can edit their personal details (if enabled in ACP / System settings). The
available fields are:
First name First name of the user.
Last (family) name Last name of the user.
Address Address of the user.
City City of the user.
ZIP ZIP code of the user.
Country Country of the user.
State State of the user.
Phone Phone number.
Mobile Mobile number.
Email Email address.
Company Company name.
VAT id VAT identification number.
Language Select the used language.

Logs out the current user from the UCP.

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Customizing the invoice form

Invoice form customization is a very easy procedure. An UTF-8 compatible HTML or text editor is
required. The file name of the invoice is invoice_tpl.htm, the logo image name is invoice-logo.gif.
The following tags can be used on the invoice form:

{MANAGERNAME} Manager who has generated the invoice.

{FULLNAME} Full name of customer.
{USERNAME} User name of customer.
{ADDRESS} Address of customer.
{CITY} City of customer.
{ZIP} ZIP code of customer.
{COUNTRY} Country of customer.
{STATE} State of customer.
{PHONE} Phone number of customer.
{MOBILE} Mobile number of customer.
{VATID} VAT identifier of customer.
{INVID} Invoice number.
{YEAR1} Invoice creation year.
{MONTH1} Invoice creation month.
{DAY1} Invoice creation day.
{YEAR2} Payment option year.
{MONTH2} Payment option month.
{DAY2} Payment option day.
{SERVICE} Service name.
{AMOUNT} Amount of sold service.
{NETPRICE} Unit price without VAT.
{VATPERCENT} VAT in percents.
{PRICE} The price of service without VAT.
{VAT} VAT amount.
{TOTALPRICE} Total price with or without VAT.
{CURRENCY} Currency code.
{PAYMODE} Payment mode (cash or money transfer).
{REMARK} Remark field.
{GWTRANSID} Online payment gateway transaction id.

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Email templates
Radius Manager can send various email notifications for users and managers. The messages
are sent in plain text format, HTML is not supported. The following email templates are available in
lang directory:
mailaccrenewed_tpl.txt The user receives this email after his account has been renewed.
mailaccrenewfail_tpl.txt The user receives this email after an unsuccessful auto renewal.
mailaccverify_tpl.txt This template is used for account activation.
mailforgotpsw_tpl.txt Verification email for password recovery.
mailiasreg_tpl.txt Sent for managers when a new IAS account has been registered.
mailnewpsw_tpl.txt Email message containing the new password.
mailselfreg_tpl.txt Notifies managers about new self registered accounts.
mailsrvchg_tpl.txt This email is sent upon changing the current service.
mailwarnexp_tpl.txt Alert message sent when an account is going to expire (date).
mailwarntraff_tpl.txt Alert message sent when an account is going to expire (traffic, online
mailwelcomeuser_tpl.txt Welcome message for new users.
You can customize the templates with any UTF-8 compatible text editor.

SMS templates
Radius Manager can send various SMS notifications for users. The messages are sent in plain
text format. The following SMS templates are available in lang directory:
smsaccverify_tpl.txt Template used for account activation.
smspsw_tpl.txt SMS message containing the new password.
smspswact_tpl.txt Verification SMS for password recovery.
smsselfregact_tpl.txt Self registered account activation code.
smswarnexp_tpl.txt Alert message sent when an account is going to expire (date).
smswarntraff_tpl.txt Alert message sent when an account is going to expire (traffic, online
smswelcomeuser_tpl.txt Welcome message for new users.
You can customize the templates with any UTF-8 compatible text editor.

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Radius Manager software and trademark are Copyright DMA Softlab LLC. All right reserved.
ionCube is Copyright ionCube Ltd.
MikroTik is a registered trademark of MikroTikls corporation.
FreeRadius is Copyright The FreeRADIUS server project. Licensed under GPL.
Chillispot is Copyright Mondru AB. Licensed under GPL.
StarOS is a trademark of Valemount Networks Corporation.
MySql is released under the GNU General Public License.
Cisco is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.

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