Gamma-Ray Anisotropy Thermometers
Gamma-Ray Anisotropy Thermometers
Gamma-Ray Anisotropy Thermometers
It's one of the nuclear oriented thermometers that depends on the
property of the anisotropic emission of γ-quanta in the decay of
radioactive nucleiis which depends on the orientation of the nuclear
spins. It also considered a Primary Thermometer. The radiation
emitted by an ensemble of nuclei shows this anisotropy only if the
nuclei exhibit a preferential orientation. Such an orientation can be
achieved by strong magnetic fields. In order to produce the required
high magnetic field for the polarization of nuclear spins, the
radioactive isotopes are often imbedded in a ferromagnetic host
material. The magnetic field splits the degenerate levels of nuclei
with spin I into (2I + 1) sublevels. Since the direction of an emitted
γ-quantum depends on the particular sublevel occupied by the spin,
it is possible to determine the thermal occupation of the sublevels,
and thus the temperature via a measurement of the anisotropy of
the γ-emission.[2],[3
which describe the thermal occupation of the levels. The first two
:terms of the coefficients fk are given by
(f2 = - I + 13I + 1I2 m=-IIm2P(m
Of course, not all radioactive nuclei are equally suitable for nuclear
orientation thermometry. In most cases, the radioactive nuclei 60Co
or 54Mn are used. These two isotopes are particularly attractive since
all relevant parameters are well known and the lifetimes of the
intermediate states are short enough not to be influenced by spin-
flip processes. In both cases, the γ-quanta originate from a pure
electric quadropole transition (E2) of the nuclei. This means that the
multipole order is L = 2, and kmax is 4 for both isotopes, although the
spins of 54Mn and 60Co nuclei have the values I = 3 and I = 5,
In practice, one often uses cobalt single crystals that are doped with
small amounts of 60Co. Using a suitable shape, for example a
needle-like shape, oriented parallel to the c-axis of the crystal, one
can omit the use of an external magnetic field to orient the
ferromagnetic domains. Figure 12.11 shows two 60Co spectra
obtained with a NaI scintillation counter at two different
temperatures. The recording time was ten minutes for each
spectrum. The reduction in intensity of the two 60Co lines at low
temperatures is clearly visible. For comparison, a long-time
background counting rate (16 h) without the cobalt source was
taken in the same geometry. The result is also plotted in Fig. 12.11.
The 40K line appears in this spectrum at 1.45MeV, originating from
the natural radioactivity of the surroundings. The intensities of all
.the spectra have been normalized with respect to the counting time
: References
H. Marshak, Low-Temperature Nuclear Orientation, (N.J. Stone, H. Postma, eds.), (North- [3]
Holland, Amsterdam 1986), p. 769
(G. Schuster, D. Hechtfischer, B. Fellmuth, Rep. Prog. Phys. 57, 187 (1994 [622]