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Source of Energy:: E B I (1-I) H

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Source of energy:


The material is about how to convert the vibration of the metal lattice of mercury, which have nuclear
magnetic moment and in resonance with a laser beam to detachment the last layer of electrons and convert them into
conduction electrons that provide electric power and an autonomous source of energy.

In nature all is about vibration and the atoms have a lot of it and I mean in the liquid state of the metal lattice.
Especially the mercury and also all the metals that have nuclear magnetic moment can be persuaded to transform that
kind of movement into electric energy. After that will be the same chemical element with the same chemical property
but with less or zero vibrations energy; the energy once released than Hg will no longer be charged with that energy.
The amount of vibration energy in the nucleus is about several MeV but the number of atoms is so large Avogadros
number: 6* 1026 into one kilomole of substance that mince the total vibration energy into 1 Kg of Hg is ~ 1011 Joule.
Brief history

Study of spectral lines with interferometers with high power resolution and in particular of the Fabry-Prot
Interferometer, allowed a very complex structure, called "structure hyperfine". Pauli showed that this structure must be
attributed to the interaction of electrons with the nucleus and especially the fact that certain atomic nuclei have a
"spin", i.e. a nuclear angular momentum equal to (h/2.) i = h i, where i is the number integer or half-integer, and
which is associated with "a nuclear magnetic moment" by an order of magnitude of a thousand times smaller than the
Bohr magnetron.
N = (B) /1840, at present their number is known, and spin magnetic moments which they are associated.
Nucleus isotopes of the same element have different nuclear spin values.
From the results obtained were dislodged the following rules:
1. When a nucleus is composed of an even number of protons and an even number of neutrons (nuclei
themselves even-even), nuclear spin or is null: i = 0. Examples: 42He, 126C, 168O;
2. When a nucleus is composed of an odd number of protons and an odd number of neutrons (odd-odd nuclei)
number or nuclear spin is integer. Examples: 21H, i = 1;
3. For all other nucleus (odd-even or even-odd) number i is an integer
Examples of even-odd nuclei: Mercury isotope 201, 20180Hg-> i = 3/2; 199 respectively 19980Hg-> i = 1/2;
Examples of odd-even nuclei: Hydrogen 11H, i = the majority of the nuclei are part of this last category.

The idea is to use resonance with a laser beam in order to detach the last layer of electrons and convert them
into conduction electrons. The nuclear magnetic moment numerical value of the Proton is P = (2.79278 +/- 2*10-5 N
(In metal lattice of its 201 Hg isotope will have nuclear magnetic moment = - 0.5602 for the 199 Hg 0.5059).
The potential energy of precession nucleus in case is the magnetic field strength B is given by the formula:
E = -cos and that is the nucleus energy:
EB = h B/2Where is the gyromagnetic ratio and B is the magnetic induction of the nucleus.
In the table for Hg (109) 4.7912 * 107 rad T-1 s-1 Hg for respectively;
Hg (201): -1.7776 * 107 rad T-1 s-1 and (B) = 1.44 * 10-3 * B0 where B0 is the magnetic field strength
H = 1.00 and the energy of vibration and rotation is: = (B)0 (1-I) h/2 respectively:
E = B0 I (1-I) h where I is the magnetic spin and B0 = 3.54 * 1014 T (Tesla) is the intensity of the
magnetic field of the nucleus. The result is energy in Joule for eV is also multiplied with 6.24 * 1018
For Hg (201) E = B0 I (1-I) h -1.7776 * 107 rad T-1 s-1 (-3/4) 3.54 *10 14 T 1.0544-34 Js 6.24 * 1018 = 3105192 eV;
We obtain s = 3.1 * 106 eV = 3.1 MeV for Hg (201) E = 2.8 MeV respectively for Hg (109) E = 3.2 MeV
Rotating magnetic moment can be exploited in the next experience; it is based on the rotating nuclei of atoms
of the metal of a sample of mercury. If the atom is excited into a resonance phenomenon using a linkage between the
nucleus and the electrons of an atom can rip and conduction electrons will produce AC power.
Complementary methods lead me to the following result; the resonance frequency is 233nm which makes it
possible breakage nucleus-electron excitation by photons.

The calculation of the amount of energy generated is obtained from the energy released from nuclear spin magnetic
moment is for i = 3/2 to 201 Hg ~ 3.1 MeV (13.2% spread in nature) 2.8MeV (199Hg) and i = 1/2 (17% spread in
nature) we get it: E = N * (3.1MeV *0.132 +2.8MeV*0.17) 1, 6 * 10-19 C => E = 4. 27 * 1011 J
(Where N is the number of atoms in a 1 kg of Hg). With Avogadros number: 6.022 * 1026 atoms are contained in a
mass of 200.6 kg with a density of 13600 Kg/m3 obtain 3.013 * 1024 atoms in a Kg of Hg. Whereas frequency is to be
carried out in a UV quartz filled with mercury according to drawing such cylinder has a diameter of ~10 mm and 10-20
mm and length (about 10-15g of Hg) from the ends of the copper bars has to be measured AC.

Advantages and conclusion

For comparison with 1 Kg of U235 is obtained through nuclear fission 192MeV per nucleon, respectively 7.5 * 1013J
thermal energy that is transformed with the yield below 82% (due to absorption of a neutron by 18% U235 there fissions
and turn into U236 isotope) into the respective heat E = 1.55 * 1011 Ws (Joule) per Kg (at a capacity of 900MW
consume annually 140Tone to produce 6 * 109 KWh with relatively high production costs) so the energy is even
greater times and costs are insignificant 10000 $1 kg of Hg respectively 100000 $1 kg of U235 in amounts of 0.72%
Uranium isotopes composition, without counting the atomic power plant and the costs of decommissioning of its ...
(and the major advantage of Hg is portability energy source suitable for use of laser diodes!) As a conclusion the future
is into atoms power in the new kind of extracting directly energy from metal lattice using the UV laser and even a
fraction of this amassing power is enough to motorize a car with the use of inexpensive laser diodes (initially for the
experiment I recommend an UV Laser into an continuous wave and nonlinear optic to obtain that frequency of at least
optical power 2 mW/gram of Hg according to my calculations that I could willingly provide to you on request if you
are interested in obtaining them).

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