Very Important Notes
Very Important Notes
Very Important Notes
For instance, the 2nd house represents money, earning, wealth, assets, accumulation of
resources because it represents the "gains" of the self (1st house). Likewise, the 11th house
represents the gains of the career (10th house), and the 8th house represents the gains of
the spouse (7th house), etc.
the 12th house represents debts, expenses, isolation, illnesses because it represents the
"losses" of the self (1st house). Likewise, the 6th house represents conflicts and loss of
relationship (7th house), and the 3rd house represents communication and networking with
others or the loss of one's private inner life (4th house).
By understanding this fundamental logic, we can see how many of the common indications
of the houses are derived. This method is called "Bhavat Bhavam" which literally means
from "house to house." By reflecting on this principle, we can continually deepen our
understanding of the houses.
Another use of Bhavat Bhavam is to take the same house number and add it to itself. For
instance, the 3rd from the 3rd is the 5th house (always count from the house itself as 1).
The 5th house shares similar indications to the 3rd house, like writing and the fine arts,
because it is the 3rd from the 3rd. Likewise, the 9th house shares similar indications to the
11th house, like financial gains, because it is the 11th from the 11th. This house-to-house
principle can be extended to every house and reveals that there is a harmonic relationship
between such houses.
When first analyzing a chart it's very helpful to see which of the four house groupings or
triads that the planets are clustered in. This is another important first glance method that
will immediately tell us something about the person.
Here are descriptions for each of the four triads:
The Fire or Dharma Houses (1, 5, 9) - Keywords: Spiritual and Inspiration. These are
houses of purpose and meaning. They relate to the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
respectively. Dharma is translated as "duty" or "purpose," and if there are clusters of
planets in these houses then the person will generally make the most progress if they have
a sense of meaning or purpose. This person will value personal growth, inspiration, creative
expression, and ethics. He or she could also be self-righteous, idealistic and dogmatic.
The Earth or Artha Houses (2, 6, 10) - Keywords: Physical and Resources. These are
houses of material work and manifesting what you value. They relate to the signs Taurus,
Virgo, and Capricorn. Artha is translated as "resources," and if there are clusters of planets
in these houses then the personal will generally be practical, productive, and work-oriented.
This person will value material security, accumulating resources and generating wealth. He
or she could also be materialistic, superficial, and "fussy."
The Air or Kama Houses (3, 7, 11) - Keywords: Social and Desire. These are houses of
relationship, communication, and networking. They relate to the signs Gemini, Libra, and
Aquarius. Kama is translated as "desire," and if there are clusters of planets in these houses
then the person will generally have strong desires for relationship, social involvement, and
to be well connected. This person will value sharing information and ideas. He or she could
also be scattered, unfocused and pulled by many desires.
The Water or Moksha Houses (4, 8, 12) - Keywords: Emotional and Mystical. These are
houses of the mind, feelings, and perceptions and are the most subtle, deep, and hidden
houses. They relate to the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Moksha is translated as
"liberation" and if there are clusters of planets in these houses then the person will generally
be interested in psychological transformation, deep thinking, and the path of liberation. This
person will value psychology, altered states of awareness, occult studies, metaphysics and
mysticism. He or she could also be dreamy, impractical, and unproductive.
The sequence of the houses through the zodiac represent a developmental pattern. In other
words, the highest house number in each triad represents the fullest and most powerful
expression of that triad. For instance, the 9th house is the fullest expression of the
Fire/Dharma houses (1, 5, 9); the 10th house is the fullest expression of the Earth/Artha
houses (2, 6, 10); the 11th house is the fullest expression of the Air/Kama houses (3, 7,
11); and the 12th house is the fullest expression of the Water/Moksha houses (4, 8, 12).
The Cardinal or Angular houses are the houses 1, 4, 7, 10. They are equivalent to the
powerful Angular or Kendra houses that we've already discussed.
The Fixed or Succedent houses are the houses 2, 5, 8, 11, and are also called Panapara in
Sanskrit. They are the 2nd houses from the Cardinal houses so they represent the "gains" of
the Cardinal houses.
The Mutable or Cadent houses are the houses 3, 6, 9, 12, and are also called Apoklima in
Sanskrit. They are the 12th houses from the Cardinal houses so they represent the "losses"
of the Cardinal houses. Cadent literally means to "fall away."
When first analyzing a chart it's also very helpful to see which of the three house groupings
are the planets clustered. This is another important first glance method that will
immediately tell us something about the person.
Here are descriptions for each of the three house groupings:
The Cardinal, Angular or Kendra Houses (1, 4, 7, 10) - Keywords: Initiating Power.
When planets are clustered in these houses they are in an active, dynamic, creative phase
and are able to manifest power. The person will be outgoing, strong, assertive and good at
initiating projects. He or she could also be aggressive, impulsive, and insensitive. These are
the strongest house placements and relate to the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and
Capricorn. The 4th house is the weakest in this group because it's also a moksha house. The
10th house is the strongest.
The Fixed, Succedent or Panapara Houses (2, 5, 8, 11) - Keywords: Stabilizing
Resources. When planets are clustered in these houses they are in an accumulating,
consolidating, sustaining phase and are able to establish security. The person will be stable,
able to persevere, earn money and maintain a project. He or she could also be possessive,
rigid, and conservative. These are moderately strong house placements and relate to the
Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The 8th house is the weakest and most
malefic house in this group because it's also a moksha and dusthana house. The 11th house
is the strongest.
The Mutable, Cadent or Apoklima Houses (3, 6, 9, 12) - Keywords: Adapting to Change.
When planets are clustered in these houses they are in dispersive, unstable, dissolution
phase and are able to manage change. This person will be flexible, adaptable, introspective,
sensitive, and good at assessing and modifying a project. He or she could also be unreliable,
impressionable, insecure, and indecisive. These are the weakest house placements and
relate to the Mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. The 12th house is the
weakest and most malefic in this group because it's also a moksha and dusthana house. The
9th house is the strongest.
These three house groupings are used for basic chart interpretation as discussed in this
lesson. The fire (Dharma) houses 1, 5, 9 are also called the trinal houses.