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Aridra Pravesha

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Aridra Pravesha

Gurubyo Namaha

Sarve Janaha

Aridra Pravesha –
Rainfall Prediction

The ancient Vedic method of weather forecast is

broadly done by analyzing following data:

1. Sun’s ingress into a Rashi / Nakshatra at any

point of time, like month, day etc.

2. Study of Nadi / Nakshatra Chakras.

3. Particularly the Monsoon / rainfall prediction is

done by analyses of a chart erected for the time
when the Sun enters “Aridra’ Nakshatra for the
prime city, mostly the capital of the country. The
lunar date, day, Lunar Nakshatra and planetary
combinations prevailing at that time give holistic
information about coming weather patterns.

Saptanadi Chakra

1. Saptanadi Chakra is very useful in prediction of

weather, especially for rainfall. There are two
variants based on two ancient sources of
Saptanadi Chakram: Narapati Jayacharyā and
Krishi-Parāshara and all later texts are based on
them. The original source of Saptanadi Chakra
was a Tantric text titled ‘Yāmaleeya-Svarodaya’.

2. There are 27 Nakshatra for the purpose of

astro-meteorology. Apart from these, the 28th
Nakshatra ‘Abhijit’ is also allotted a space
towards the end of Uttarashada.

3. These Nakshatras are subdivided into 7 Nadis

starting from ‘Krittika’ (3rd Nakshatra) as ‘Vat
Nadi’ followed by ‘Ativat’, ‘Dahan’, ‘Soumya’,
‘Neera’, ‘Jala’ and ‘Amrita’ and the sequence
continues as shown in the diagram below. The
sequence follows a serpentine pattern. This is
called ‘Saptanadi Chakra’

Saptanadi Chakra

4. Vat produces windy weather, Ativat produces

cold, Dahan increases temperature, and Soumya,
Neera, Jala and Amrita nadis are rain producing.

Parashara method of prediction

• Each Samvatsara has Nava Nayakas and a

particular planet as a ruler, another planet as a
minister, and another planet as ruler of cloud, and
depending on the formation of these grouping of
planets; one can study the amount of rainfall.

• The following chart gives the results of different

planets being the Ruler of the year.

• If the entry of Sun in Aridra Nakshatra happens

after sunset and before the next Sun rise, it is
good for rainfall and weather.

• All other times are considered inauspicious.

Solar entry in Aridra Nakshatra between sunrise
and 12 noon is especially bad and points towards
coming famine.

• Sun entering Ardra during late evening or night

indicates widespread and plentiful rainfall leading
to good crops and easy availability of food

Varahmihir’s Principles of Weather forecast:

•Aswini, Krittika, Rohini, Purvabhadra,

Uttarabhadra, Anuradha, Sravana, Punarvasu
and Pushya are masculine Nakshatras.

• Bharani, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Visakha, Purva,

Uttara, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshta, Aridra,
Dhanista, Purvashadha and Revati are feminine

• Satabhisha, Mrigasira and Moola are neutral.

• When the Sun and the Moon are in neutral

Nakshatras there will be winds.

• When they are in feminine Nakshatras there will

be lightning and thunderstorms.

• When the Sun occupies a feminine Nakshatra

and the Moon a masculine one or vice-versa
there will be rains.

• When many planets are in one Rashi, preferably

in one Nakshatra, it affects the weather.

• When many planets gather in one Rashi with

Mars and Sun joining them and Mars is with
Rahu, there can be a terrible downpour.

• When there is concentration of planets in one

Rashi, the weather begins to fluctuate and if
Moon joins them, there will be heavy downpour.

• When Mars transits from one Rashi into another

within two days there is a perceptible change in
weather and in the rainy season there will be
good rainfall. Mars is the most powerful planet
causing rainfall.

• Cancer, Pisces and Capricorn are full watery

signs; Taurus, Leo and Aquarius are half watery
signs; Aries, Libra and Scorpio are quarter watery
signs while Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius are non
watery signs.

• Moon and Venus are full-blown watery planets.

• During Dakshinayana malefic planets (Saturn,

Sun, and Mars) transiting through the Amrita, Jala
and Neera Nadi, would give rise to ordinary rains.

• If benefic planets transit the above

constellations, there will be plenty of rain.

Predictions for the Year 2011

For this we have to cast a chart when the Sun

enters Aridra Nakshatra. In this year Sun entered
Aridra Nakshatra at 1606 hrs on 22 June 2011
and the chart below is cast for New Delhi for that
day and time.

Lagna: Libra, Moon: P’Bhadra 2, Mars: Krittika 4,

Mercury: Aridra 4, Jupiter: Ashwini 3, Venus:
Rohini 4, Saturn: Hasta 2 and Rahu: Jyeshta 4 /
Ketu: Mrigashira 2

Placement in Saptanadi Chakra

Sun, Mercury & Saturn: Soumya Nadi, Moon:

Neera Nadi, Mars: Vat Nadi, Jupiter ,Venus &
Rahu: Ativat Nadi and Ketu: Dahan Nadi


1. For Kharanama Samvatsara, ruler of the year is

Moon, Mantri is Jupiter and Megadhipa is
Mercury and this combination should give heavy
rains and good harvest.

2. In the chart, Lagna is Libra, a quarter watery

sign and Lagna Lord is Venus is a full watery
planet. Due to its placement in 8th house the
rainfall may not be full / heavy. Also Lagna is in
Papakartari yoga surrounded by Rahu & Saturn.
Jupiter a benefic aspecting Lagna will bring some
relief. Eastern region will get good rains.

3. Moon being a watery planet posited in

Aquarius and Neera Nadi indicates plenty and
timely rainfall. In Navamsha chart, Moon though
posited in Navamsha Lagna and in Taurus, a half
watery sign, might not give enough rains because
of its placement in 8th Amsha vis-à-vis Rashi

4. The south west direction has as many as five

planets in Aridra Pravesha chart. Mars, Venus,
Ketu, Sun and Mercury there will give erratic
monsoon for the places in this direction. Kerala,
Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra may not have
good rains because malefic planets overweigh
benefic planets.

5. Mars and Saturn aspect on Rahu indicates

heavy rains for North eastern region.

6. As per Saptanadi Chakra, 5 planets in first

three Nadis (Vat, Ativat & Dahan), three in
Soumya Nadi and only one planet Moon in last
three Nadis (Neera, Jala & Amrita) indicates high
winds and arid conditions and we may not see
heavy rains during next one month.

7. Over the period of next three months we have

to watch the transit of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury
and Venus to gauge the total rainfall. Usually
charts are cast for ingress of Sun into different
sign and interpretation has to be made for each

Author’s Note

Mundane Astrology is a vast subject and

encompasses an array of topics like prediction of
weather, rainfall, earthquakes, national disasters
like floods / fires /major accidents, epidemics etc.
What I have touched upon is only the rainfall
aspect and serious students have to do
concerted and diligent research to master the
subject in toto. Following classic / books may be
used for reference:

1. Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira

2. Applied Astrology by KN Rao

3.Time Tested Techniques of Mundane

Astrology by MS Mehta and A Radhika

4. Astrology in Predicting Weather and

Earthquakes by BV Raman.

5. Mundane Astrology by KB Gopalakrishnan.

6. Raphael’s Mundane Astrology by Raphael

7. Mundane or National Astrology by HS Green

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I am a professional astrologer teaching the

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