Injunctions: Temporary Injunction: These Type of Injunctions Are Granted
Injunctions: Temporary Injunction: These Type of Injunctions Are Granted
Injunctions: Temporary Injunction: These Type of Injunctions Are Granted
As per s.36 of the Specific relief Act Injunctions are granted at the
discretion of the court.The court will grant Injunction if the
following conditions are satisfied:
1. The plaintiff must establish a prima facie case.He is not
required to make out a clear title but he must establish that
there is a substantial question to be investigated and that
matters should be preserved in status quo until the
injunction is disposed of.
2. An irreparable injury would result if the injunction would be
refused and that there is no other remedy open to applicant
by which he could protect himself from the consequences of
the apprehended injury.
1 Gujrat Electricity board v Maheshkumar, AIR 1982 GUJ 289
2 AIR 2002 Guj 328
3 Gujrat Bottling Co.Ltd. v. Coca Cola Company (1995) 5 SCC 545
The conditions prerequisite to the applicability of this section are:1. There must be legal right express or implied in favour of the applicant;
2. Such a right should be violated or there should be threatened invasion;
3. Such a right should be an existing one;
4. The case should be fit for the exercise of courts discretion.
Inconvenience likely to result from granting injunction is greater than
that which is likely to arise from withholding it ,injunction shall not be
5. It shouldnt fall within the ambit of restraining provisions contained in
s.41 of Specific relief Act.
An AD-Interim Injunction is an Injunction which is either
granted ex-partee or without giving the defendant a change to
argue. It is given during the pendency of an application as
opposed to perpetual which is given during the pendency of the
suit. Usually in rent cases where the owner agrees that the
plaintiff/ is the tenant of the property in question,Injunction is
granted against the owner so that he does not disposes,sell or
remove the tenants from the property in question.
There is no straight-jacket formula for in grant for injunctions and
it depends from case to case and circumstances.
4 C.Kunhammad v.C.H.Ahamad Haji