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Swelling Test

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Swelling Test

The soil swell/collapse strains measured from these test methods can be used to develop estimates of
heave or settlement for a confined soil profile subject to one-dimensional heave or settlement, or
stress-induced settlement following wetting-induced heave/settlement. They can also be used to
estimate the pressure that would be necessary to prevent swelling. Selection of test method, loading,
and inundation sequences should, as closely as possible, simulate field conditions because relatively
small variations in unit weight and water content, or sequence of loading and wetting can significantly
alter the test results.
The test methods can be used to measure the magnitude of one-dimensional wetting-induced swell or
collapse (hydrocompression) under different vertical (axial) pressures, as well as the magnitude of
swell pressure and the magnitude of free swell. It can also be used to obtain data for stress-induced
compression following wetting-induced swell or collapse.
The methodologies to obtain heave and swell pressure better simulates the one-dimensional wettinginduced volume change behavior of compacted or natural soils in the field (ASTM D 4546 2008). One
of the changes in particular, describes wettingafter-loading that the subcommittee states that this test
procedure that is similar to the first-time wetting episode of compacted fills after construction.
Method A was completely changed it is now known as wetting-after-loading tests on multiple
specimens. The test method that can be used to measure 1-D wetting induced swelling or collapsing
strains over a range of varying vertical stresses. This test requires a four or more identical specimens
to be tested at varying applied loads to assess 36 the heave or collapse at different overburden
stresses and obtain the swell pressure of the sample.
Method B likewise was completely changed; it is now known as single point wetting-after-loading on a
single specimen. The specimen is loaded to the desired overburden stress or design stress and then
the sample is wetted. The axial deformation is recorded and the swelling/collapse strain is calculated.
Method C is no longer known as the constant volume swell test; it is now known as loading-afterwetting test. After a sample has been subjected to wetting induced collapse/swelling the sample is
then loaded to specified stress that would simulate the insitu addition of a structure or fill material. To
accomplish Method C, it requires either Method A or B to be performed first to achieve the wetting
induced strain.
The laboratory behavior now give an engineer the ability to understand the swelling/collapse strain of
a given strata over large ranges of overburden stresses, which is needed in design or litigation after
the occurrence of the heave or collapse.

Swelling Test
Swelling test method is performed based on ASTM D4546-One Dimesional Swell or Settlement
Potential of Cohesive Soils. These test methods cover three alternative laboratory methods for
determining the magnitude of swell or settlement of relatively undisturbed or compacted cohesive soil.
The test methods can be used to determine (a) the magnitude of swell or settlement under known
vertical (axial) pressure, or (b) the magnitude of vertical pressure needed to maintain no volume
change of laterally constrained, axially loaded specimens.

The following three alternative test methods require that a soil specimen be restrained laterally and loaded axially in
a consolidometer with access to free water.
Method AThe specimen is inundated and allowed to swell vertically at the seating pressure (pressure
of at least 1 kPa (20 lbf/ft2) applied by the weight of the top porous stone and load plate) until
primary swell is complete. The specimen is loaded after primary swell has occurred until its initial void
ratio/height is obtained.

Method BA vertical pressure exceeding the seating pressure is applied to the specimen before placement of free
water into the consolidometer. The magnitude of vertical pressure is usually equivalent to the in situ vertical
overburden pressure or structural loading, or both, but may vary depending on application of the test results. The
specimen is given access to free water. This may result in swell, swell then contraction, contraction, or contraction
then swell. The amount of swell or settlement is measured at the applied pressure after movement is negligible.
Method CThe specimen is maintained at constant height by adjustments in vertical pressure after the
specimen is inundated in free water to obtain swell pressure. A consolidation test is subsequently
performed in accordance with Test Method D 2435. Rebound data is used to estimate potential heave.
Apparatus and Materials
Porous Stones
Plastic Membrane, Aluminium Foil or Moist Paper Towel
Assemble the ring with the specimen recessed in the ring, dry filter paper if used, and air-dry
porous stones in the loading device. Enclose the specimen, ring, filter paper, if any, and porous
stones as soon as possible with a loose fitting plastic membrane, moist paper towel, or
aluminum foil to minimize change in specimen water content and volume due to evaporation.
This wrapping may be cut away and discarded at the time of specimen inundation.
Apply a seating pressure, s se, of at least 1 kPa (20 lbf/ft2). Within 5 min after application of s
se, adjust the extensometer deformation device for the initial or zero reading.
A graphical representation of results of the three alternative test methods shown in Fig. 2
includes corrections for consolidometer compressibility. These test methods are performed in
accordance with Test Method D 2435 except as follows:
Method AAfter the initial deformation reading at the seating pressure is recorded, inundate
the specimen and record deformations after various elapsed times. Readings at 0.1, 0.2, 0.5,
1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 15.0, and 30.0 min and 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, and 72 h are usually satisfactory.
Continue readings until primary swell is complete, as determined by the method illustrated in
Fig. 1. After completion of swell, apply a vertical pressure of approximately 5, 10, 20, 40, 80,
etc., kPa (100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, etc., lbf/ft2) with each pressure maintained constant in
accordance with 10.4 of Test Method D 2435.
Maintain pressure until the specimen is recompressed to its initial void ratio/height. The
duration of each load increment shall be equal and of a duration which assures 100 % primary
consolidation (see section 11.2 or 11.6 of Test Method D 2435).

Method BApply a vertical pressure exceeding the seating pressure within 5 min of placing
the seating pressure. Read the deformation within 5 min of placing the vertical pressure. The
specimen is inundated immediately after the deformation is read and deformation recorded
after elapsed times similar to 12.3.1 until primary swell is complete.
Method CApply an initial stress, s 1, equivalent to the estimated vertical in situ pressure or
swell pressure within 5 min after placement of the seating pressure. Read the deformation
within 5 min after placing s1, and immediately inundate the specimen with water. Apply
increments of vertical stress as needed to prevent swell (see Note 14). Variations from the
deformation reading at the time the specimen is inundated at stress s1 shall be kept
preferably within 0.005 mm (0.0002 in.) and not more than 0.010 mm (0.0004 in.). Load the
specimen in accordance with 12.3.1, following no further tendency to swell (usually
overnight). Load increments shall be sufficient to define the maximum point of curvature on
the consolidation curve and to determine the slope of the virgin compression curve. The
rebound curve following consolidation shall also be determined as illustrated in Fig. 2 (Method

Figure 2. Void Ratio-Log Curves


Compute the initial void ratio or height, water content, wet and dry unit weights, and degree of saturation

Method AThe free swell at the seating pressure relative to the initial void ratio, eo, is
given as follows (see Fig. 2 (Method A)):

Dh = change in specimen height,
ho = initial specimen height,
ese = void ratio after stabilized swell at the seating pressure sse,
eo = initial void ratio,
gdo = dry unit weight at void ratio eo, and
gdse = dry unit weight at void ratio e se.

The percent heave at a vertical pressure, s, up to the swell pressure ssp, relative to eo
or an appropriate initial vertical pressure svo, is as follows (see Fig. 2 (Method A)):

e = void ratio at vertical pressure, and
gd = dry unit weight at void ratio e.

Method BThe percent heave at the vertical pressure sv o, applied following the seating pressure,
(see 4.1.2) relative to eo is given as follows (see Fig. 2 (Method B)):

ev o = void ratio after stabilized swell at the applied vertical pressure svo, and
gdvo = unit dry weight at void ratio evo.

s = s vo = 100 kPa (2000 lbf/ft2), and
ssp = swell pressure = 350 kPa (7300 lbf/ft2) for eo = 0.785.
Computations of settlement are similar if the specimen contracts at the applied vertical
pressure following access to water.

Method CThe swell pressure ssp (point 3, Fig. 2 (Method C)) shall be corrected
upward by a suitable construction procedure. Soil disturbance and the process of
adjusting vertical pressures may allow some volume expansion to occur, which reduces
the maximum observed swell pressure.

Draw a suitable curve parallel with the rebound (or recompression) curve for void ratios
greater than eo through the corrected swell pressure s8sp at the initial void ratio eo given by
point 3, Fig. 2 (Method C), to obtain the percent heave for any vertical pressure relative to
s8sp and e o within the range of test results.

Figure 3. Construction Detail for Method C

The percent settlement (negative percent heave) may be evaluated from the void ratio e2 exceeding the corrected
swell pressure, as follows:

e2 = 0.671, and
s2 = 2560 kPa (53 000 lbf/ft2).

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