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com Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017

IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Effect of Degassing and Heat Treatment on
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of
Md Salman Ahmed1, Mohammed Abdul Mubin2, Md Abdullah3, Ashraf Shaik4, Mohammed Anwar5
1, 2, 3
B. Tech Students, 4Associate Professor, 5Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad
Abstract: In this present research study, A356.0 was systematically studied on mechanical properties in order to establish the
database for further investigation in degassing, heat treatment and microstructure. Because of specific microstructure and
characteristics, the heat treatment condition of A356.0 was explored through the observations of microstructure and the
measurement of micro-hardness. In the investigation of heat treatment, it was observed that the eutectic silicon was refined and
spheroidzed which is unlikely for conventional processing. This study shows the systematic approach to find the root cause of
major defects in aluminium alloy wheels which were identified as shrinkages, inclusions, porosity/gas holes and cracks etc using
defect diagnostic approach. As hydrogen forms gas holes and porosity in the aluminium castings the amount of hydrogen
present in the molten metal is studied by finding specific gravity of the samples collected. The general type of heat treatments
applied to aluminium and its alloys is preheating or homogenizing and also to reduce chemical segregation of cast structures
and to improve their work ability. Test of mechanical properties is done through various tests like hardness test, tensile test,
impact test, ductility Test.
Keywords: A356.0, Degassing, Heat Treatment, Mechanical Properties, Microstructure.

Molten Aluminium contains a large amount of dissolved iron, which should be expelled before it is poured into mold. This process
is called Degassing process. During the solidification of aluminium alloys dissolved hydrogen creates porosity that, if left
unchecked is detrimental to the mechanical properties of aluminium alloy casting. The inert gas when purged through the melt
collects the soluble hydrogen atom, allowing a hydrogen molecules to form the inside lower pressure of the collector gas bubbles.
Pure argon is frequently injected into liquid alloy through a submerged lance or bubbler, so that dissolved hydrogen enters the argon
bubble prior to discharge into the environment. Specimens of both before and after degassing process are collected and examined
for Chemical composition, K-Mold and Specific gravity. The general type of heat treatments applied to aluminium and its alloys is
preheating or homogenizing to reduce chemical segregation of cast structures and to improve their work ability. Annealing is done
to soften the strain-hardened (work-hardened) and heat treated alloy structures to relieve stresses and to stabilize properties and
dimensions. Solution heat treatments are to effect solid solution of alloying constituents and improve mechanical properties. Heat
treatment involves solutionzing furnace, Quenching tank and Ageing Furnace. Specimens are collected before and after degassing,
heat treatment. These collected Specimens are processed for surface preparation, grinding, cloth polishing and etching. Finally
specimens are observed under the microscope for its microstructure. Test of Mechanical properties is done through various tests like
Hardness, tensile, Impact, Fatigue, and Ductility.

Alloying elements, such as Si and Mg, adding in aluminium melt significantly increases the inclusion particles and develop a high
pore density in solidified castings. Rotary degasser as shown in fig 1 is used for degassing the impurities by passing the inert gas
argon in it. As the bubbles break the surface, aluminium is lost to oxidation by the furnace gases and entrapment in dross.
Additionally the use of chlorine creates environmental issues. One of the advantages of this technique is that flux may be injected
The Foseco metal degassing unit (MDU) has a graphite rotor, which will introduce inert gases near the bottom of the vessel which
generates very small bubbles and blends them with molten aluminium drawn into the rotor. As the bubbles float to the surface,
they enlarge with a decrease in pressure that attracts the dissolved hydrogen to the bubbles and into the bubbles that escape .

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)

Fig.1 Rotary Degassing Unit

Table I: Specifications of Circular Degassing Rotor

Flux feed Rotor Argon Cycle Gas H2 after degassing

rate speed gas flow time pressure
500- 600 12 mins
500 grms 25-30 lpm 2- 4 0.08-0.13cc/
/550 kgs bar 100 grms

A. Results and Discussions of Degassing

(a) (b)
Microstructure of A356.0
Fig. 2 (a) Microstructure before Degassing and (b) Microstructure after Degassing

Magnification shows the results of the metallographic investigation. The structure of base unmodified alloy is dendrite. Under the
influence of the shear forces caused by the rotation of the mixer a transformation of dendrite to a non dendrite structure of the
primary phase particle took place. Large elliptically shaped primary particle are formed and a coarsening of the structure is obvious.
An overview of the morphologies in fig shows the difference in the microstructure of before and after degassing. The microstructure
of before degassing has impurities in the form of porosity, holes and inclusions as shown in fig. 2(a), after degassing process the
impurities disappear from the liquid metal as shown in fig.2( b).

Table II: Test for Chemical Composition of A356.0 before degassing

Elements Al Si Mg Fe Cu Ti Na Pb Mn Ni Cr Sn
Wt (%) 91.81 7.36 0.400 0.009 0.002 0.153 0.0001 0.024 0.029 0.017 0.007 0.062

Table III: Test for Chemical composition of A356.0 after degassing

Elements Al Si Mg Fe Cu Ti Na Pb Mn Ni Cr Sn
Wt (%) 91.78 7.36 0.407 0.105 0.003 0.154 0.0001 0.025 0.020 0.018 0.007 0.068

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
At a room temperature of 20 ± 3oC this test is done by using Spectro Meter. Specimens are shown below

(a) (b)
Fig. 3(a) Specimen of A356.0 on Spectro Meter and (b) Specimen of A356.0 for Chemical Composition Test

Table IV: Test for Specific Gravity of A356.0 before degassing Table V: Test for Specific Gravity of A356.0 after degassing

Wt in Air Wt in Water Specific Wt in Air Wt in Water Specific

(grms) (grms) gravity (grms) (grms) gravity

103.74 39.17 2.648 106.64 39.17 2.654

Beaker with water and weighing machine is used for weighing the weights of specimens as shown in figure below
Formula: ρ = (WA ρL-WL ρA)/ (WA-WL)
WA =Weight in Air
ρL= Density of Liquid
WL=Weight in Liquid
ρA = Density of Air
Being a ratio of densities, specific gravity is a dimensionless quantity. Specific gravity varies with temperature and pressure;
reference and sample must be compared at the same temperature and pressure or be corrected to a standard reference temperature
and pressure. Substances with a specific gravity of 1 are neutrally buoyant in water. Those with SG greater than 1 are denser than
water and will, disregarding surface tension effects, sink in it. Those with an SG less than 1 are less dense than water and will float
on it. In scientific work, the relationship of mass to volume is usually expressed directly in terms of the density (mass per unit
volume) of the substance under study.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig.4 (a) Specimen of A356.0 for Specific Gravity test (b) RPT (Reduced Pressure Test) equipment and (c) Balance

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Table VI: Test of K-Mold of A356.0 before degassing Table VII: Test of K-Mold of A356.0 after degassing

Holes Inclusions Holes Inclusions

3/8 2/8 0/8 0/8

K-Mold is a fracture test method. Liquid metal is cast into a mold containing notches. An inclusion is a solid particle in liquid
aluminium alloy. It is usually non-metallic and can be of different nature depending on its source. In order to get a good quality
product, removing the inclusions become necessary by degassing process. The impurities like holes and inclusions are removed after
degassing process as shown in Table VII.

Fig.5 Specimen of A356.0 for Test of K-Mold


Heat treating is a group of Industrial and Metalworking processes used to alter the physical and sometimes chemical properties of a
material. Heat treatment techniques include Annealing, Case hardening, precipitation strengthening, tempering, normalizing and
quenching. Metallic materials consist of a Microstructure of small crystals called "grains" or Crystallites. The nature of the grains
(i.e. grain size and composition) is one of the most effective factors that can determine the overall mechanical behaviour of the
metal. Heat treating is often used to alter the mechanical properties of a metallic alloy, manipulating properties such as the hardness,
strength, toughness, ductility and elasticity.

A. Results and Discussions of Heat Treatment

(a) (b)
Microstructure of A356.0
Fig.6 (a) Microstructure before Heat Treatment and (b) Microstructure after Heat Treatment

The microstructures of A356.0 and the T6 heat-treated specimens are shown in Fig. 6 (a) and (b).According to literature, the
original A356.0 has dendrite microstructure with very fine and rod-like eutectic phase which is rich in Mg and Fe. Fe is combining
with other elements to form irregular particles of AlFeSi or lamellar particles of Fe2si2al9 or FeAl3.Magnesium is instead present in
particles of Mg2Si or with aluminium in the form of Mg2Al3.
The morphology of the microstructure changes obviously after T6 heat treatment. The irregular eutectic phase was converted into
fine spheroidzed Si particles uniformly distributed in the Al matrix. When the A356.0 is solution treated at 5400C for 6 hours, all of
the precipitates will dissolve into a single phase. The subsequent quenching will form a supersaturated solid solution and trap excess
vacancies and dislocation loops which can later act as nucleation sites for precipitation. The precipitates can form slowly at room
temperature (natural aging). However, the precipitates will form more quickly at elevated temperatures, typically 100o C-200oC

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
(artificial aging).
As it can be seen from Fig 6 b, the morphology of A356.0 was completely changed into precipitated spheroidzed Si particles
embedded in an Al phase due to solid state diffusion phenomenon.T6 heat treatment which induce precipitation of soluble alloying
elements from the solid solutions significantly improving the mechanical properties. When the A356.0 is solution treated at 540oC
for 6 hours, all of the precipitates will dissolve into a single structure have completely disappeared.


A. Hardness Test
Hardness of the A356.0 was measured using a Standard Brinell hardness tester as per ASTM E10 -14 and ISO 6506 – 1:2005
standards. The Brinell hardness test is an indentation hardness test that can provide useful information about metallic materials. A
load (P) of 500kg is applied on the specimens for 30sec. The diameter of the Aluminum ball indenter (D) is 10mm and d=2.88mm.
The Brinell hardness number (BHN) is calculated for the A356.0 using formula given below. An average of five readings was taken
of each sample for hardness test.

Fig.7 Hardness Test Specimens

1) Result of Hardness Test: = 75 HB (Hardness Brinell)

B. Tensile Test
Standard test bars shown in fig were machined following ASTM B557-94 standard, with length of 155-160mm. diameters at two
ends and centre portion are 18mm and 12.8mm respectively. Experiments were done using a Zwick- 1475 materials testing machine.
Specimen was held at two ends by automatic hydraulic clamps, and the conditions were inputs from a computer. Cross-held speed
was 1mm/min and the gage length was set to 50.8 mm. The elongation measurement is used to calculate the engineering strain (ε),
using the following equation:

Where ΔL is the change in gauge length, L0 is the initial gauge length, and L is the final length. The force measurement is used to
calculate the engineering stress, σ, using the following equation:

Where, F is the tensile force and A is the nominal cross-section of the specimen. The machine does these calculations as the force
increases, so that the data points can be graphed into a stress-strain curve.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)

Fig.8 Stress Strain Curve Fig.9 Tension Test Specimen

Stress–strain curve showing typical yield behaviour for aluminium alloys. Stress (σ) is shown as a function of strain (ε).
Elastic (proportionality) limits
Offset yield strength (0.2% proof strength)

1) Results of Tensile Test: The tensile properties of A356.0 under different states are given in Table 8. The yield strength of Al
alloy A356.0 was only 128 MPa, which is a little lower than that of conventional alloys, but the tensile strength 254 MPa was
close to that of conventional one. It was noted that the elongation of Al alloy A356.0 was 13.3%, which is about 2~3 times of
the conventional alloys. After applying the T6 treatment, solid solution treatment at 540 °C for 12 hours and aging treatment at
155 °C for 12 hours, the elongation of A356.0 was reduced to 11.5%, however, the yield and tensile strength were dramatically
increased to 276 MPa and 341 MPa, respectively. That is, there is an improvement about 115% and 34% on yield and tensile
strength, respectively, although having a 14% reduction on elongation. It also indicated that the changes in mechanical
properties were limited as the aging duration was changed from 12 hours to 19 hours.

Table VIII: Tensile Properties under Different States

State of specimen Yield strength (mpa) Ultimate strength Elongation (%)

ASTM spec value 165-185 228-262 3.5-5.0
Al alloy 128 254 13..3
T6 treatment (aging 12 hr) 176 641 11.5
T6 treatment 280 343 10.8

Reduction of macro-defects: The hydrogen dissolution into aluminum alloys is increased significantly in a liquid state, and leads to
a large amount of gas porosity during solidification stage. However, A356.0 is formed and solidified in a semi-solid state. The
hydrogen dissolution is relatively decreased, leading to less gas porosity. Moreover, the shrinkage porosity is also reduced due to
lower forming temperatures.
Refinement of microstructure: The microstructure of A356.0 was refined via a specific process, either mechanical stirring or MHD
(Magneto Hydro Dynamics). The lattice space was about 10 µm. In addition, the distribution of eutectic silicon was uniform with a
particle size around 3~5 µm. Material with particle dispersion strengthening effect would be improved on strength significantly.

C. Toughness test
The Charpy impact test, also known as the Chirpy V-notch test, is standardized high strain-rate test which determines the amount of
energy absorbed by a material during fracture Specimen dimensions were 10×10×55 mm with a V-shape notch as shown in fig. 10,
based upon ASTM E8-96 standard. Tests were performed using a CHARPY-TINIUS OLSEN 64 Impact Testing machine with
impact energy of swinging Pendulum 358 Joules, impact speed 5.12 m/s and testing temperature 20 °C.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Table IX: Comparison of impact value under different states for A356.0 (T6 treatment: solution treatment 540oC /12 hr & Aging
temperature 155oC)

State of Impact
specimen value
ASTM spec 3.8
Al alloy 11.5
T6 treatment 4.0
(aging 19 hr)

Fig.10 Toughness Test Specimen

1) Results of Toughness Test: The toughness of A356.0 is listed in Table X. The impact was 11.5 Joule, which is much value of
Al-alloy A356.0 higher than that of conventional A356.0 with T6 treatment, having 3.8 Joule only. After applying T6 treatment
to Al-alloy A356.0 the impact value was dropped to 4 Joule, which is close to that of conventional alloys as compared to the
elongation with a slight reduction before and after T6 treatment.

Table X: Comparison of Crack Propagation under different States for A356.0 (Radius: 0.1R, Frequency: 3Hz)
State of specimen State of specimen Maximum load (KN) Load cycle Crack length
Al-Alloy 2.5 7,000 2.0
1 2.5 3000 -
1.5 7,000 1.5
2 Al-Alloy 1.5 1,300 2.0
1.2 5,300 2.5
3 2.5 22,500 1.0
T6 Treatment 2.0 3,000 2.5
Note: Solution condition: 540oC /12 hr and aging condition: 155oC /19 hr.

This obvious drop on toughness of A356.0 after T6 treatment might be related to strain rate under the test and fracture mechanism
of almost completely spheroidzed eutectic silicon Further study on improvement of toughness is required to be conducted for
reaching an optimum treatment conditions upon material strength and toughness

D. Fatigue Test
Dimensions of specimens prepared according to ASTM E812-91 standard were the same as in the impact tests. An MTS-810.15
fatigue testing machine was to perform the 3-points bending tests with a 40mm span at the bottom. The maximum loading Fmax was
1.2~2.5 KN, radius 0.1R, frequency 3Hz, and loading frequency 7000~25000 cycles.
A series of fatigue tests, using impact test specimens, was conducted to investigate the fracture mechanism of A356.0 under
different loads. In the test a natural crack was initialized on the specimens, then following a fatigue test. If the specimen was not
broken off, an Optical Electron Microscope (OEM) was utilized to observe and measure the crack propagation with different
multiplication factors.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
1) Results of Toughness Test: The observed results are showed in Table 10.It indicates that Specimen 1 was as-cast A356.0 under
a fatigue load of 2.5 KN. A natural crack was appeared with 2.0mm in length as the fatigue frequency at 7,000 cycles. If the test
was continued under the same load, the test specimen was broken off at 300 cycles more. Crack propagation could not be
observed from this test Specimen 2 in Table 3 was also as-cast A356.0 under an initial fatigue load 1.5 KN. A natural crack
appeared with 1.5mm in length as the fatigue frequency at 7,000 cycles. The crack length propagated to 2.0mm as the test was
continued 1,300 cycles more under the same load. Then, the test was continued 5,300 cycles added under a new load 1.2 KN,
leading the crack with 2.5mm in length. Fig. 2 showed the crack propagation of Specimen 2 under the combination load. It was
evident that there were two segments with different width in the crack shown in Fig. 2(a). The wide one was formed via the
load 1.5 KN and the narrow one via 1.2 KN. Fig. 2(b) showed that the crack propagation was in the way of trans-granular, rather
than along the grain boundary.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig.11 Crack Propagation of A356.0 under Initial Load 1.5KN and 1.2 KN followed (a) ×100, (b) ×1000, Crack Propagation of
A356.0 with Heat Treatment (c) Fatigue Loads 2.5KN (×500) and (d) Fatigue Loads 2.5KN and then 2.0KN(×200)

This type of fracture mode led A356.0 with superior elongation and strength Fig.11 and in Table 3 was T6 treated A356.0, solid
solution treatment at 540 oC for 12 hours and aging treatment at 155oC for 12 hours, which showed a significant raise on the fatigue
property. A natural crack with 1.0mm in length only appeared as the fatigue frequency at 22,500 cycles under a fatigue load 2.5 KN.
The crack propagation also revealed the typical type of trans-granular fracture, shown in Fig.11(c). Following the test with a fatigue
load 2.0 KN, Fig.11 (d) showed that the crack propagation in accordance with the trans-granular fracture mode was more evident as
30,000 cycles more applied.

A number of key conclusions were derived from this study and are listed below. These conclusions have both fundamental and
practical implications for the metal casting industry:
After Degassing process the amount of hydrogen content is removed in the form of dross.
The microstructure’s before and after degassing process reveals that there is elimination in impurities like porosity, holes, inclusions
Through heat treatment process stresses are relieved and deformation of metal is minimized, Annealing process has produced a
refined microstructure. Quenching was done to produce martensite transformation; this will often produce a harder metal and aging
process designed to increase the strength of the metal. The microstructures before and after heat treatment are shown.
Raw materials used in this study were A356.0, which were categorized into two sets of ASTM specimens. One set underwent a T6
treatment, solid solution treatment at 540oC for 12 hours and aging treatment at 155o C for 12 hours, and an-other set was as-cast
without any treatment. Two sets of specimens were investigated under the same conditions for tensile, impact and fatigue testing.
The significant results were outlined as follows
It explored that both yield strength and ultimate tensile strength were substantially increased for T6 treated A356.0. The measured
yield strength and ultimate tensile strength were respectively about 115% and 34% greater than those of conventional alloys. It was
also observed that the elongation was 2~3 times larger than the ASTM specified data, also leading to improvements on the relative
fatigue properties.
It showed that the improvement on the mechanical proper-ties of A356.0 was correlated to the reduction of gas and shrinkage

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
porosity, refinement of microstructure, and spheroidization of eutectic silicon. That is, the mechanical properties were affected by
the shape and distribution of silicon inside the aluminum matrix. In general, a uniform distribution of silicon with refinement and
spheroidization would go towards to improvement on elongation, impact and fatigue due to lower interface energy. The
improvement on the impact and fatigue properties as compared to conventional A356.0 would be expected
According to the analysis of fracture mode via fatigue test, it can be concluded that the crack propagation was in the way of trans-
granular, which is a typical type of ductile fracture, rather than along the boundary between eutectic silicon and matrix. This
phenomenon was observed for A356.0 with either T6 treatment or not.

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