COINTELPRO Affirmative - Northwestern 2015 6WS
COINTELPRO Affirmative - Northwestern 2015 6WS
COINTELPRO Affirmative - Northwestern 2015 6WS
We begin with an ending:
In 1971, the Counter Intelligence Program was terminated after the
infiltration, surveillance, and disruption of domestic political
organizations was exposed to the public. The official history has
rendered COINTELPRO a thing of the past, a ghost put to rest in our
new post-racial era but the program that wiretapped Martin Luther
King Jr. and planned the killings of countless Black Panthers did not
disappear, it simply became an absent presence, manifesting more
covertly despite its disavowal.
Glick 90lawyer, teacher, writer and activist who founded the Law Schools Community
Economic Development Clinic (Brian, Mar. 1990, The Face of COINTELPRO, South End
By discontinuing use of the term "COINTELPRO," the Bureau gave the appearance of acceding
to public and congressional pressure. In reality, it protected its capacity to continue precisely the
same activity under other names. Decentralization of covert operations vastly reduced the
volume of required reporting. It dispersed the remaining documentation to individual case files in diverse field offices,
and it purged those files of any caption suggesting domestic covert action. The Bureau's "sensitive techniques and operations" have
since been further insulated from public scrutiny. Scheduled
congressional hearings into the Bureau's mid1970s campaign against AIM were squelched by means of what turns out to have been yet
another FBI covert operation. The FOIA has been drastically narrowed, with thousands of files reclassified "top secret."
The Intelligence Identities Protection Act now makes it a federal crime to disclose" any information that identifies an individual as a
covert agent." This
confirm that the FBI's objective was to attack and "neutralize" these
The home of activist Patrisse Cullors was raided twice last year by law enforcement in Los
Angeles. During one raid, officers told Cullors they were looking for a suspect who had allegedly fled in the direction of her house.
But neither time did Cullors believe the officers had a strong rationale for invading her home. Instead, Cullors told Mic, she
believed the raids were devised by police in response to the public campaigning of Dignity and
Power Now, a grassroots organization Cullors founded that advocates on behalf of incarcerated
people in Los Angeles. She also believes similar surveillance methods are used to monitor many
black activists today. "Surveillance is a huge part of the state's role. Surveillance has been used
for a very long time, but some of the means, like social media account monitoring, are new,"
Cullors, who is also a cofounder of Black Lives Matter, told Mic. "Local enforcement surveils by
tracking the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, which allows law enforcement to show up at actions
before they begin." Mic has reached out to the Los Angeles Police Department for comment. Recent statements by FBI
deputy director Mark F. Giuliano may give credence assumptions like Cullors that black activists are being watched. During a press
conference on May 21 prior to the acquittal of Michael Brelo, a white Cleveland police officer involved in the shooting death of two
unarmed black people, Giuliano addressed the potential for continued protests in response to the verdict. "It's outsiders who tend
to stir the pot," Giuliano said. "If we have that intel we pass it directly on to the [Cleveland Police Department]. We have worked with
Ferguson, we've worked with Baltimore and we will work with the Cleveland PD on that very thing. That's what we bring to the
game." Mic has reached out to the FBI's Office of Public Affairs for comment. A history of black surveillance: The "game" Giuliano is
referencing namely, the intricate workings of what some law enforcement units, like New York Police Department, employ in
response to counterterrorism and protests is not novel. Black
DuBois and Louise Thompson Patterson have recently been made public, as part of the FB Eyes Digital Archive. But despite the
preponderance of evidence regarding state surveillance of activists in the past, it can be difficult to prove the existence of actions
many activists assume are taking place in the present. Potentially supporting their claims, however, are current surveillance
protocols of security firms and local police departments. In March, for example, the Intercept obtained documents revealing that
security members at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, monitored local Black Lives Matter activists by using a fake
Facebook account to "befriend them, and obtain their personal information and photographs without their knowledge." Mall of
America has previously declined to comment on the Facebook monitoring. Mic has reached out to Mall of America's public affairs
department for comment. While unconfirmed, measures that some activists assume are currently taking place, such as using
activists as informants in movements, have been reported before. The New York Times reported the FBI used an Austin-based
activist as an informant to provide details about potential protests leading up to the 2008 Republican National Convention in
Minnesota, for example, though the FBI has yet to confirm or deny the allegation. Personal
Interference: The public must consider the long history of state surveillance and suppression of
black movements as a specific problem of anti-black state violence and racial profiling. At stake
is the extent to which state surveillance measures, whether they mean social media monitoring
or following specific activists' actions, violate activists' First Amendment Rights, particularly the
right to peacefully protest. Keegan Stephan writes at AlterNet, "For the FBI to interfere with civic act through their
information-gathering techniques and by passing that information to police forces that cannot be trusted to use it without infringing
on people's First Amendment rights is a clear violation of the FBI's own mandate." Despite potential surveillance, activists are
determined to continue their work. Their continued quest for liberation should encourage contemporary activists following their
example. "These allegations will not curtail the movement and only provide further evidence of the embedded institutional
inequities," Monica Dennis, an organizer with Black Lives Matter in New York City, told Mic. "Furthermore, our
are rooted in the black radical traditions of resilience and creative resistance which simply
means we are capable of quickly adapting and shifting despite external efforts to disrupt our
Cyril 15 poet, activist, co-founder of the Media Action Grassroots Network, founder and executive director of the Center for Media Justice
(Malkia Amala Cyril, April 2015, Black America's State of Surveillance,, acui
complex and coded culturefrom jazz to spoken dialectsin order to navigate a world in which spying, from AT&T and Walmart to public benefits programs and beat cops on the block, is as much a part of our
built environment as the streets covered in our blood. In a recent address, New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton made it clear: 2015 will be one of the most significant years in the history of this
policing, also known as Total Information Awareness, is described as using advanced
technological tools and data analysis to preempt crime. It utilizes trends, patterns, sequences, and affinities found in data to make
determinations about when and where crimes will occur. This model is deceptive, however, because it presumes data inputs to
be neutral. They arent. In a racially discriminatory criminal justice system, surveillance
technologies reproduce injustice. Instead of reducing discrimination, predictive policing is a face
of what author Michelle Alexander calls the New Jim Crowa de facto system of separate and
unequal application of laws, police practices, conviction rates, sentencing terms, and conditions
of confinement that operate more as a system of social control by racial hierarchy than as crime
prevention or punishment. In New York City, the predictive policing approach in use is Broken Windows. This approach to policing places an undue focus on quality of life
crimeslike selling loose cigarettes, the kind of offense for which Eric Garner was choked to death. Without oversight, accountability, transparency, or rights, predictive policing is
just high-tech racial profilingindiscriminate data collection that drives discriminatory policing
practices. As local law enforcement agencies increasingly adopt surveillance technologies, they use them in three primary ways: to listen in on specific conversations on and offline; to observe daily
organization. It will be the year of technology, in which we literally will give to every member of this department technology that wouldve been unheard of even a few years ago.
movements of individuals and groups; and to observe data trends. Police departments like Brattons aim to use sophisticated technologies to do all three. They will use technologies like license plate readers,
which the Electronic Frontier Foundation found to be disproportionately used in communities of color and communities in the process of being gentrified. They will use facial recognition, biometric scanning
software, which the FBI has now rolled out as a national system, to be adopted by local police departments for any criminal justice purpose. They intend to use body and dashboard cameras, which have been
touted as an effective step toward accountability based on the results of one study, yet storage and archiving procedures, among many other issues, remain unclear. They will use Stingray cellphone interceptors.
According to the ACLU, Stingray technology is an invasive cellphone surveillance device that mimics cellphone towers and sends out signals to trick cellphones in the area into transmitting their locations and
identifying information. When used to track a suspects cellphone, they also gather information about the phones of countless bystanders who happen to be nearby. The same is true of domestic drones, which are
in increasing use by U.S. law enforcement to conduct routine aerial surveillance. While drones are currently unarmed, drone manufacturers are considering arming these remote-controlled aircraft with weapons
like rubber bullets, tasers, and tear gas. They will use fusion centers. Originally designed to increase interagency collaboration for the purposes of counterterrorism, these have instead become the local arm of the
intelligence community. According to Electronic Frontier Foundation, there are currently seventy-eight on record. They are the clearinghouse for increasingly used suspicious activity reportsdescribed as
official documentation of observed behavior reasonably indicative of pre-operational planning related to terrorism or other criminal activity. These reports and other collected data are often stored in massive
As anybody whos ever dealt with gang databases knows, its almost impossible
to get off a federal or state database, even when the data collected is incorrect or no longer true .
Predictive policing doesnt just lead to racial and religious profilingit relies on it. Just as stop
and frisk legitimized an initial, unwarranted contact between police and people of color, almost
90 percent of whom turn out to be innocent of any crime, suspicious activities reporting and the
dragnet approach of fusion centers target communities of color. One review of such reports
collected in Los Angeles shows approximately 75 percent were of people of color. This is the
future of policing in America, and it should terrify you as much as it terrifies me. Unfortunately, it probably doesnt, because my life is at far greater risk than the lives of white
Americans, especially those reporting on the issue in the media or advocating in the halls of power. One of the most terrifying aspects of high-tech
surveillance is the invisibility of those it disproportionately impacts . The NSA and FBI have engaged local law enforcement
databases like e-Verify and Prism.
agencies and electronic surveillance technologies to spy on Muslims living in the United States. According to FBI training materials uncovered by Wired in 2011, the bureau taught agents to treat mainstream
Muslims as supporters of terrorism, to view charitable donations by Muslims as a funding mechanism for combat, and to view Islam itself as a Death Star that must be destroyed if terrorism is to be contained.
From New York City to Chicago and beyond, local law enforcement agencies have expanded unlawful and covert racial and religious profiling against Muslims not suspected of any crime. There is no national
security reason to profile all Muslims. At the same time, almost 450,000 migrants are in detention facilities throughout the United States, including survivors of torture, asylum seekers, families with small
children, and the elderly. Undocumented migrant communities enjoy few legal protections, and are therefore subject to brutal policing practices, including illegal surveillance practices. According to the
Sentencing Project, of the more than 2 million people incarcerated in the United States, more than 60 percent are racial and ethnic minorities. But by far, the widest net is cast over black communities.
Black people alone represent 40 percent of those incarcerated. More black men are incarcerated
than were held in slavery in 1850, on the eve of the Civil War. Lest some misinterpret that
statistic as evidence of greater criminality, a 2012 study confirms that black defendants are at
least 30 percent more likely to be imprisoned than whites for the same crime. This is not a
broken system, it is a system working perfectly as intended, to the detriment of all. The NSA
could not have spied on millions of cellphones if it were not already spying on black people,
Muslims, and migrants. As surveillance technologies are increasingly adopted and integrated by
law enforcement agencies today, racial disparities are being made invisible by a media
environment that has failed to tell the story of surveillance in the context of structural racism .
Reporters love to tell the technology story. For some, its a sexier read. To me, freedom from repression and racism is far sexier than the newest gadget used to reinforce racial hierarchy. As civil rights protections
incredible time, when migrant activists have blocked deportation buses, and a movement for black lives has emerged, and when women, queer, and trans experiences have been placed right at the center. The
We can
help black lives matter by ensuring that technology is not used to cement a racial hierarchy that
leaves too many people like me dead or in jail. Our communities need partners, not gatekeepers .
Together, we can change the cultural terrain that makes killing black people routine. We can
counter inequality by ensuring that both the technology and the police departments that use it
are democratized. We can change the story on surveillance to raise the voices of those who have been left out. There are no voiceless people, only
those that aint been heard yet. Lets birth a new norm in which the technological tools of the
twenty-first century create equity and justice for allso all bodies enjoy full and equal
protection, and the Jim Crow surveillance state exists no more.
decentralized power of the Internet makes that possible. But the Internet also makes possible the high-tech surveillance that threatens to drive structural racism in the twenty-first century.
welfare offices both through their influence on welfare policy and regulations and through the effect these myths have on worker
behavior. How
workers talk with (and implicitly frame clients) is prescribed by bureaucratic mandates
whose underlying assumptions reflect racialized myths antagonistic to poor women (Collins 1990;
Hays 2003; Roberts 1997). Workers own informal, discretionary conversations with clients reflected moralizing messages that were
also shaped by negative perceptions of poor women's sexuality. While workers talk expressing personal
judgments of
clients may seem more offensive than their bureaucratized language, both styles of speech
contribute to the dehumanization of welfare clients. The more subtle action of the bureaucratic
imperative should not be disregarded; both of these strategies reflect the widely accepted false
beliefs that poor women on welfare make careless or financially calculating reproductive
decisions and that woman-headed families are not legitimate. Just as the style of mainstream
U.S. talk on race has gradually become less overtly and personally racist, more subtle and
bureaucratized in its action (Bonilla-Silva 2006), so analogously has welfare office talk regarding
sexuality. By embedding conversations about sexual matters in bureaucratic talk about child
support enforcement and the family cap, these conversations are transformed from overtly intrusive discussions
of private issues into normalized outcomes of the need to ask for financial help . Women of other class
backgrounds would be unlikely to submit to these interrogations, but the United States current approach to
ensuring a social safety net allows this continued focus for poor women (Hays 2003). This analysis
demonstrates that negative ideas about poor women and their fertility and family formation
decisions persist in welfare policy and in its day-to-day implementation by caseworkers, but that they are
often veiled in bureaucratic language. Our findings regarding the apparent absence of differences in welfare office talk
related to the race or gender of workers or clients are congruent with recent work by welfare implementation scholar Watkins-Hayes
(2009), who observes that caseworkers attitudes and behaviors are not determined by their social group membership alone. Rather,
we observed workers fairly consistent application of an ideology of irresponsible fertility to clients regardless of clients races or
their own. We ascribe this
women's sexuality and childbearing extended to include all women on welfare, regardless of their individual races. Our findings are
based on data that are over 10 years old, and we cannot be certain that the same racialized discourses we identified are employed in
welfare offices today. However, scholars of race and policy such as Michelle Alexander (2010) have illuminated a pattern in which
systems of racial control in the US, which tend to be more overtly colorblind, emerge to
replace those that are overturned. In this analysis, which seems likely to extend to welfare office practices, it is probable
that these deep negative myths persist and continue to shape caseworker language, though they
may look slightly less racially influenced on the surface. We also noted differences among the three states
studied in both the amount and the style of conversations on reproductive decisions and relationships (see Table 1). Caseworkerclient interactions in Georgia were more likely than those in Texas or Michigan to include sexuality-related topics, however, these
conversations were less likely to involve discretionary moralizing by workers than those in other sampled states. In Texas, while
interactions were less likely than in Georgia or Michigan to include discussion of clients sexuality, when such discussions did occur,
they were quite likely to involve moralizing discourses in addition to bureaucratic language; such moralizing was also more likely in
Michigan than it was in Georgia. One possible explanation for these findings is that negative myths regarding poor women's fertility
have a tendency to enter welfare office conversations, and if they do not do so in bureaucratically mandated ways, they may be more
likely to do so through caseworkers personal moralizing. In states with explicit reproduction-related policies, like Georgia with its
family cap, workers were mandated to discuss sexuality-related topics, and thus did so more frequently. Absent such policies in
Michigan and Texas, conversations regarding sex and reproduction occurred less often, but because these conversations arose more
at workers discretion, they often included optional, personal moralizing. In light of these results, it is important to note that
individual welfare workers are not solely responsible for talking in ways that position clients negatively (Lindhorst, Meyers & Casey
2008). The actions of these workers reflect a structural reality: Across states and settings, caseworkers are required by law to discuss
aspects of the private sexual lives of poor women. Current welfare policy, informed by an ideology which positions poor women as
irresponsible in their fertility and illegitimate in their family formation, speaks through these workers. This study has implications
findings indicate the importance of careful theoretical attention to race and processes of
racialization in any study examining welfare. Roberts statement that race fuels the welfare debate
even when it is not mentioned (1997: 215) is exemplified by our finding that racialized myths regarding poor women's
sexuality enter the welfare interview across multiple dimensions of potential difference. This dehumanizing framing of
poor women was expressed both through workers optional moralizing talk about sexualityrelated issues and in their bureaucratized language. Regardless of caseworker race, client race, or racial pairing of
both for the theoretical framing of future research on welfare, and for the implementation and creation of welfare policy.
the worker-client dyad, these stereotypes affected workers language in welfare interviews. Viewed one way, this finding might be
considered null. However, a theoretical attunement to processes of racialization supports a more convincing interpretation:
and implementation in both obvious and subtle ways. Different training and supervision might decrease the
amount of discretionary moralizing done by caseworkers. However, such a solution would only address part of the problem.
Negative myths regarding poor women's sexuality not only shape workers optional talk, but may also play a role in welfare policy
itself. Thus, it is likely that these myths will continue to affect day-to-day talk in welfare offices even if they emerge through the less
obviously offensive bureaucratic language mandated by policy. This problem is sustained by tenacious stereotypes that act at many
levels. The
pervasiveness of these stereotypes means that attempts to challenge them must focus
on depths, not surfaces. To change the discretionary messages welfare workers give their clients, both their underlying
perceptions of poor women and women of color, and more critically, the perceptions of policy makers, must
be changed. This type of deep intervention will not proceed quickly or easily. It will require, at
minimum, the kind of open discussion of race and racism that is rare in the U.S. (Alexander 2010;
Bonilla-Silva 2006). However, such work has the potential to decrease the influence of negative myths
upon those who implement welfare policy as caseworkers as well as reframing these issues for those
who make it as elected representatives and those who shape it with participation as citizens.
privileges of citizenship, the 14th Amendment (1868) sought to abolish black fugitivity and dissipate the antagonism between it and
US citizenship. Grand as was the effort, such a revolution proved impossible. With
one of
the crucial legacies of race conscious laws, discriminatory punishments, and new forms of
everyday surveillance is its contribution to a statistical rhetoric of black criminality that
operates as a proxy for a national discourse on black inferiority.8 When the figures of the
welfare queen and drug warlord were vibrantly recirculated in the 1980s in connection with the
southern strategy of the Republican Party, they neither inaugurated the criminalization of blackness nor simply revived
crime statistics as well as make the case that northern blacks were also unfit for citizenship. As Kalil Muhammad notes,
a disreputable national tradition of racial animus. Recovering constitutional principle that posits an antagonism between the citizen
and the fugitive slave, the party refashioned black fugitivity in order to restore American citizenship in the post-civil rights Era.
Meanwhile, besides unearned advantages rooted in anothers disad- vantage, implications for the white family gaining a house might
involve a blend of race pride, guilt, animus, and avoidance. Whatever their shapes, lasting
State organized race crime typically manifests as slow violence a violence occur[ing]
gradually and out of sight, a violence of delayed destruction ... dispersed across
time and space, an attritional violence that is typically not viewed as violence at all
(Nixon, 2011: 2). I first grew aware of the personal and structural violence of state organized race crime
while studying the rise, fall, and repercussions of Jim Crow juvenile justice, a racially violent parental state
institution operating for most of the past century. Here state organized race crime targeted what WEB Du Bois (1916)
called the immortal child, a term he used to politicize child-welfare, stressing the linked fates of black youth and
communitiessocially, economically, and politically. While varyingly expressed in local contexts of social control, Jim Crow
juvenile jus- tice systems were commonly organized by white supremacist ideology, including a
widely held schema that whiteness was a proxy for amenability to civic integration, diminished
criminal culpability, and thus, the desert of preferential treatment. Such notions, bolstered by
racist social science and popular discourse (see Wesley, 1940), had to be combined with white
domination of parental state authority to be enforced and thus accomplish race-based (i.e. white) opportunity
hoarding and corresponding (nonwhite) underdevelopment. Racial domination of parental state values and
resourcesthe praxis of juvenile justicefacilitated improved life chances for white children and youth ,
and the families and communities they grew into, while institutionalizing social, economic, and political
underdevelopment of black youth and communities. For black civic leaders this systematic denial
of youth justice and associated community under-development amounted to
killing the seeds of a people, a harm literally maturing slowly over time, by
hobbling black youth and the race. Subjugation of black youth and communities through
Jim Crow juvenile justice was sometimes brutal, befitting usual uses of the term violence. It
involved over 200 state executions of black youth, including several where small bodies
unintended for killing devices made for macabre spectacles. In South Carolina, where 14-yearold George Stinney was electrocuted with great difficulty in 1941, descendants are still fighting to
prove his innocence today. Youth executions grew dramatically over the first half of the 20th century, as the liberal juvenile
court movement unfolded, a paradox traceable to the fact that black youth were increasingly overrepresented in these state killings,
and not the embryonic citizen imagined or embraced by state actors, particularly in the US South. There were plenty of lethal and
debilitating ordeals for black youth deserving more recognition today. The recent discovery of dozens of unmarked graves at
Floridas century-old Arthur Dozier Training School, lying in what had been the colored section, is forcing some reckoning with at
least the extreme racial violence of Jim Crow juvenile justice (Usborne, 2013). Yet the
African Americans, however, these events can carry their histories into
the present, not just as understandings of the continuity between past and present, but as
experiences of it. They are historical events, but the effectiveness of their history depends upon
their historians embodying them and imbricating them into the experience, and therefore
understanding, of the present. The embodying of these fragments may be relatively straightforward, but their fragmentary disjunction
is more problematic. Foucault promotes the discontinuities of events as a counter to the abstracting thrust of the "grand narrative" history that he
opposes. These radio fragments-in effect, fragments of life-are locations that witness the application of the microphysics of power to bodies, and it is in
this context that one must understand that power. The fragments
Positively, the discontinuity of events inherently denies any absolute hierarchy of evidential reliability. In the forementioned fragments, for instance,
the advertisements in the Charleston Mercury exist in archives which anyone can read. How they are interpreted and how they are integrated into a
history, of course, are not archived and not equally available to everyone. In essence, they are the product of the specific researcher's work. Similarly, in
Fragment 4, there is documentary evidence of the existence of a man called McKeever, his address, and his daytime occupation. Boyd's Directory of the
District of Columbia, an annually published list of the name, address, and occupation of each resident, regularly includes the names of both Samuel and
Eliza McKeever from 1883 until 1907, the last date Eliza's name appears. It also lists his daytime occupation variously as laborer; rags, junk, buyer; and,
in his later years, elevator operator. His nighttime occupation, of course, remains undocumented and exists only in oral history. Gladys-Marie
Fry has collected a fascinating number of Black oral histories about him, whose proliferating
details, through their imaginative power, act as authenticators by which belief is made into
truth. Such details include the thick rubber soles on his shoes, the burlap on the wheels of his cart, and his long dark cloak. Perhaps most vivid of all,
though, is the fact that one of the bodies he sold was that of his wife, whom he killed unwittingly in a dark street. Provided orally and not in the
traditional form of archives, these facts are not equally available to all. Gathering them involves becoming familiar with their circulation, gaining the
trust of those who own and use them, and offering assurances that neither the trust nor the knowledge will be abused. One cannot walk into this
knowledge as one walks into a library, and the fact that Fry is African American has much to do with her ability to gather it. These "weak" facts, weak
only because the social formation with access to them is disempowered, are effective because their truths are functional. They warn African Americans
of their vulnerability and lack of protection in white cities; the rubber shoes and muffled wheels command a vividness that, in turn, evokes a shudder
from the body of the listener, recalling the fear within the Black body in the street. One is also operating here within the realm of a situated logic: body
snatchers disguise their approach-not being able to hear or see them does not mean that they are not there. Equally, the knowledge of McKeever
mistakenly killing and selling his own wife carries the prophetic truth that Black people who collaborate with whites for selfish and short-term rewards
will inevitably end up not only harming their race but themselves. The
recording, and documenting information is an urgent concern of the power bloc, as information
remains essential to its social control. Selectively documenting others while excluding
them from the process of documentation is a strategy of disempowerment against
which effective history struggles. The knowledge of the power bloc, with all its technologies and institutionalization of
literacy and numeracy, of information collection, storage, and retrieval, necessarily produces more socially powerful truths than those of
disenfranchised social formations who are historically and systematically denied equal access to those technologies and institutions of knowledge.
Power is always two-faced, always both productive and repressive, benign and selfish; it is most effective, however, when it puts forward its productive,
benign face and hides its repressive, selfish one. The benignity with which Boyd's Directory makes its facts open and freely available to all hides the
experiences, which strong knowledge systems overlook, that carry the effective truths of the
repression by which it denies other events, such as McKeever's nighttime job, the status of fact. Contrarily, then, it is these
Must the poetics of a free state anticipate the event and imagine life after man, rather than wait for the ever-retreating moment of
Jubilee? Must the future of abolition be first performed on the page? By retreating from the story of these two
girls, was I simply upholding the rules of the historical guild and the manufactured certainties of their killers, and by doing so,
hadnt I sealed their fate?32 Hadnt I too consigned them to oblivion? In the end, was it better to leave them as I found them? A
History of Failure If
it is not possible to undo the violence that inaugurates the sparse record of a
girls life or remedy her anonymity with a name or translate the commoditys speech, then to
what end does one tell such stories? How and why does one write a history of violence? Why revisit
the event or the nonevent of a girls death? The archive of slavery rests upon a founding violence. This
violence determines, regulates and organizes the kinds of statements that can be made about
slavery and as well it creates subjects and objects of power. 33 The archive yields no exhaustive
account of the girls life, but catalogues the statements that licensed her death. All the rest is a kind of
fiction: sprightly maiden, sulky bitch, Venus, girl. The economy of theft and the power over life, which defined
the slave trade, fabricated commodities and corpses. But cargo, inert masses, and things dont lend themselves to
representation, at least not easily? In Lose Your Mother I attempted to foreground the experience of the enslaved by tracing the
itinerary of a disappearance and by narrating stories which are impossible to tell. The goal was to expose and exploit the
incommensurability between the experience of the enslaved and the fictions of history, by which I mean the requirements of
narrative, the stuff of subjects and plots and ends. And
passed between two girls, but which no one among the crew observed or reported affirms what we already know to be true: The
archive is inseparable from the play of power that murdered Venus and her shipmate and exonerated the captain. And this
knowledge brings us no closer to an understanding of the lives of two captive girls or the violence that destroyed them and named
Is it possible to exceed or
negotiate the constitutive limits of the archive? By advancing a series of speculative arguments
the ruin: Venus. Nor can it explain why at this late date we still want to write stories about them.
and exploiting the capacities of the subjunctive (a grammatical mood that expresses doubts,
wishes, and possibilities), in fashioning a narrative, which is based upon archival research, and by that I mean a
critical reading of the archive that mimes the figurative dimensions of history, I intended both to
tell an impossible story and to amplify the impossibility of its telling. The conditional
temporality of what could have been, according to Lisa Lowe, symbolizes aptly the space of a
different kind of thinking, a space of productive attention to the scene of loss, a thinking with
twofold attention that seeks to encompass at once the positive objects and methods of history
and social science and the matters absent, entangled and unavailable by its methods .34 The
intention here isnt anything as miraculous as recovering the lives of the enslaved or redeeming
the dead, but rather laboring to paint as full a picture of the lives of the captives as possible. This
double gesture can be described as straining against the limits of the archive to write a
cultural history of the captive, and, at the same time, enacting the impossibility of representing
the lives of the captives precisely through the process of narration. The method guiding this writing practice
is best described as critical fabulation. Fabula denotes the basic elements of story, the building blocks of the narrative. A fabula,
according to Mieke Bal, is a series of logically and chronologically related events that are caused and experienced by actors. An
event is a transition from one state to another. Actors are agents that perform actions. (They are not necessarily human.) To act is to
cause or experience and event.35 By
playing with and rearranging the basic elements of the story, by representing the sequence of events in divergent stories and from contested points of view, I have
attempted to jeopardize the status of the event, to displace the received or authorized account,
and to imagine what might have happened or might have been said or might have been done. By
throwing into crisis what happened when and by exploiting the transparency of sources as
fictions of history, I wanted to make visible the production of disposable lives (in the Atlantic slave
trade and, as well, in the discipline of history), to describe the resistance of the object,36 if only by first
imagining it, and to listen for the mutters and oaths and cries of the commodity. By flattening
the levels of narrative discourse and confusing narrator and speakers, I hoped to illuminate the
contested character of history, narrative, event, and fact, to topple the hierar- chy of discourse,
and to engulf authorized speech in the clash of voices. The outcome of this method is a
recombinant narrative, which loops the strands of incommensurate accounts and which
weaves present, past, and future in retelling the girls story and in narrating the time of slavery as
our present.37 Narrative restraint, the refusal to fill in the gaps and provide closure, is a
requirement of this method, as is the imperative to respect black noise the shrieks, the moans,
the non- sense, and the opacity, which are always in excess of legibility and of the law and
which hint at and embody aspirations that are wildly utopian, derelict to capitalism, and
antithetical to its attendant discourse of Man.38 The intent of this practice is not to give voice to the
slave, but rather to imagine what cannot be verified, a realm of experience which is situated between
two zones of deathsocial and corporeal deathand to reckon with the precarious lives which
are visible only in the moment of their disappearance . It is an impossible writing which
attempts to say that which resists being said (since dead girls are unable to speak). It is a history of an
unrecoverable past; it is a narrative of what might have been or could have been; it is a history
written with and against the archive. Admittedly my own writing is unable to exceed the limits of
the sayable dictated by the archive. It depends upon the legal records, surgeons journals, ledgers, ship
manifests, and captains logs, and in this regard falters before the archives silence and reproduces it
omis- sions. The irreparable violence of the Atlantic slave trade resides precisely in all the stories
that we cannot know and that will never be recovered. This formidable obstacle or constitutive
impossibility defines the parameters of my work. The necessity of recounting Venuss death is
overshadowed by the inevitable failure of any attempt to represent her. I think this is a
productive tension and one unavoidable in narrating the lives of the subaltern, the
dispossessed, and the enslaved. In retelling the story of what happened on board the Recovery, I have
emphasized the incommensurability between the prevailing discourses and the event, amplified
the instability and discrepancy of the archive, flouted the realist illusion customary in the
writing of history, and produced a counter-history at the intersection of the fictive and the
historical. Counter-history, according to Gallagher and Greenblatt, opposes itself not only to dominant
narratives, but also to prevailing modes of historical thought and methods of research. 39 However,
the history of black counter-historical projects is one of failure, precisely because these accounts
have never been able to install themselves as history, but rather are insurgent, disruptive
narratives that are marginalized and derailed before they ever gain a footing. If this story of Venus
has any value at all it is in illuminating the way in which our age is tethered to hers. A relation which
others might describe as a kind of melancholia, but which I prefer to describe in terms of the afterlife of property, by
which I mean the detritus of lives with which we have yet to attend, a past that has yet to be
done, and the ongoing state of emergency in which black life remains in peril. For these reasons, I
have chosen to engage a set of dilemmas about representation, vio- lence, and social death, not
by using the form of a metahistorical discourse, but by performing the limits of writing history
through the act of narration. I have done so primarily because (1) my own narrative does not operate outside the economy
of statements that it subjects to critique; and (2) those existences relegated to the nonhistorical or deemed
waste exercise a claim on the present and demand us to imagine a future in which the afterlife of
slavery has ended. The necessity of trying to represent what we cannot, rather than leading to
pessimism or despair must be embraced as the impossibility that conditions our
knowledge of the past and animates our desire for a liberated future . My effort to
reconstruct the past is, as well, an attempt to describe obliquely the forms of violence licensed in
the present, that is, the forms of death unleashed in the name of freedom, security, civilization ,
and God/the good. Narrative is central to this effort because of the rela- tion it poses , explicit or
implied, between past, presents and futures.40 Wrestling with the girls claim on the present is a
way of naming our time, thinking our present, and envisioning the past which has created it.
Unfortunately I have not discovered a way of deranging the archive so that it might recall the content of a girls life or reveal a truer
picture, nor have I succeeded in prying open the dead book, which sealed her status as commodity. The random collection of details
of which I have made use are the same descriptions, verbatim quotes, and trial transcripts that consigned her to death and made
murder not much noticed, at least, according to the surgeon.41 The promiscuity of the archive begets a wide array of reading, but
none that are capable of resuscitating the girl. My account replicates the very order of violence that it writes against by placing yet
another demand upon the girl, by requiring that her life be made useful or instructive, by finding in it a lesson for our future or a
hope for history. We
all know better. It is much too late for the accounts of death to prevent other
deaths; and it is much too early for such scenes of death to halt other crimes. But in the
meantime, in the space of the interval, between too late and too early, between the no longer and
the not yet, our lives are coeval with the girls in the as-yet-incomplete project of freedom. In the
meantime, it is clear that her life and ours hang in the balance. So what does one do in the
meantime? What are the stories one tells in dark times? How can a narrative of defeat enable a
place for the living or envision an alternative future? Michel de Certeau notes that there are at least two
ways the historiographical operation can make a place for the living: one is attending to and
recruiting the past for the sake of the living, establishing who we are in relation to who we have
been; and the second entails interrogating the production of our knowledge about the past. 42
Along the lines sketched by de Certeau, Octavia Butlers Kindred offers a model for a practice.43 When Dana, the protagonist of
Butlers speculative fiction, travels from the twentieth century to the 1820s to encounter her enslaved foremother, Dana finds to her
surprise that she is not able to rescue her kin or escape the entangled relations of violence and domination, but instead comes to
accept that they have made her own existence possible. With this in mind, we must bear what cannot be borne :
the image of Venus in chains. We begin the story again, as always, in the wake of her disappearance and with the wild hope that our
efforts can return her to the world. The
conjunction of hope and defeat define this labor and leave open its
outcome. The task of writing the impossible, (not the fanciful or the utopian but histories
rendered unreal and fantastic44), has as its prerequisites the embrace of likely failure and the
readiness to accept the ongoing, unfinished and provisional character of this effort, particularly
when the arrangements of power occlude the very object that we desire to rescue. 45 Like Dana, we
too emerge from the encounter with a sense of incompleteness and with the recognition that
some part of the self is missing as a consequence of this engagement.
The role of the ballot is to vote for the team who best reads
emancipation into history otherwise the judge becomes a privileged
Arrianna Marie Conerly Coleman, 12/9/2010, M.A. Candidate @ University of Chicago, B.A.
@ UC-Berkeley, Camera-Ready Society: Exploring Our Complicity in a Surveilling Society,
I saw this tweet and was prompted to think. I own a computer with a webcam, with which I frequently videochat. On my laptop,
there is a program for that webcam through which I can take photographs. At the moment, I have about 300 photographs of myself
on that program. And when I go on Facebook, I have 486 pictures of myself tagged by friends and family. All told, Ive taken
thousands of photographs in my lifetime, and whenever I attend a social event, I carry the consciousness of the fact that there will be
a camera. On social media- particularly Twitter, I
sanctioned genocide in the United States. Enslaved Africans posed a threat because despite
being property, they were wholly human. In the face of dehumanization, enslaved Africans
retained their personhood, expressing their right to freedom in ways various and subversive. The police
forces in the South served to protect and retain property, not people . And even the classist
structures designed to retain the property of wealthy slaveowners in the South recognized the
necessity of the use of force against these stubbornly human slaves . [Antebellum Class Differentiation:
Property Ownership within the White and Black Elite Classes, Thoughts on Slavery in America in the 17th and 18th Centuries: ] In
the case of the First Nations, genocide, theft, broken treaties, and the denial of custodial rights
to children all resulted in the scattering and de-culturation of Indian societies . The United States
armed forces acted as informal police on reservations and at boarding schools for Indian children. Since the
arrival of the first Western European settlers in the 15th century, the use of force and surveillance has been to the detriment and
oppression of people of color. This
Cover Up (BPP)
FBI suppressed COINTEL program filesBlack Panther raid
Taylor 14founding partner of the Peoples Law Office (G. Flint, 12/03/2013, The FBI
COINTELPRO Program and the Fred Hampton Assassination, Huffington Post,
On December 4th it will be 44 years since a select unit of 14 Chicago Police officers, on special assignment to Cook County State's
Attorney Edward Hanrahan, executed a pre-dawn raid on a west side apartment that left Illinois Black Panther Party leaders Fred
Hampton and Mark Clark dead, several other young Panthers wounded, and the seven raid survivors arrested on bogus attempted
murder charges. The
physical evidence soon exposed the claims of a "shootout" that were made by
Hanrahan and his men to be blatant lies, and that the murderous reality was that the police fired
nearly 100 shots while the Panthers fired but one. But those lies were only the first layer of a
massive cover-up that was dismantled and exposed over the next eight years -- a cover-up
designed to suppress the central role of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and its
COINTELPRO program in the assassination. In the wake of the raid, the Minister of Defense for the Illinois Chapter
of the Black Panther Party, Bobby Rush, stood on the steps of the bullet riddled BPP apartment and declared that J. Edgar Hoover
and the FBI were responsible for the raid, but at that time there was no hard proof and it was dismissed by the media as mere
rhetoric. The first documentation that supported Rush's insightful allegation surfaced in March of 1971 when the Citizens
Commission to Investigate the FBI broke into a small FBI office in Media Pennsylvania and expropriated over 1000 FBI documents .
These documents exposed the FBI's super-secret and profoundly illegal COINTELPRO program
and its focus in the 1960s on the black liberation movement and its leaders. Citing the assassinated
Malcolm X as an example, Hoover directed all of the Bureau's Offices to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, and otherwise
neutralize" African American organizations and leaders including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Nation of Islam, Martin Luther King, Stokley Carmichael, and H. Rap Brown. In Chicago,
the first major breakthrough came in 1973 when U.S. Attorney James Thompson revealed that Chicago Black Panther Party Chief of
Security William O'Neal was a paid informant for the FBI. At that time I was a young lawyer working with my colleagues at the
People's Law Office on a civil rights lawsuit that we had filed on behalf of the Hampton and Clark families and the survivors of the
December 4th raid. We
quickly subpoenaed the Chicago FBI's Black Panther Party files and a grand
total of 33 documents were produced. However, an honest Assistant U.S. Attorney included in those documents an
FBI memorandum that incorporated a detailed floor plan of the interior of the BPP apartment which specifically identified the bed
on which Hampton slept. The face of the memo also revealed that the floor plan, together with other important information designed
to be utilized in a police raid, was based on information communicated by O'Neal to his FBI control agent who later supplied it to
State's Attorney Hanrahan before the raid. We
produced O'Neal's control file. In it was yet another smoking gun -- memos to and from FBI headquarters and the Chicago office that
requested and approved payment of a $300 bonus to reward O'Neal for the floor plan. According to the memos, O'Neal's
information was of "tremendous value" and, in the words of O'Neal's COINTELPRO supervisor, made the raid a "success." That
same month, on April 23, 1976, the Church Committee released its Final Staff Report on the FBI and CIA's rampant domestic
illegalities which included a chapter entitled "The FBI's Covert Action Plan to Destroy the Black Panther Party." The chapter
concluded by highlighting the Hampton raid as a COINTELPRO operation and quoting from the bonus documents that we had
obtained only weeks before.
The Judge, an ardent supporter of the FBI, exonerated the FBI and its
Justice Department lawyers of any wrongdoing in suppressing the documents and later
dismissed O'Neal and the other FBI defendants from the case. In April of 1979 the Seventh Circuit Court of
Appeals, in a landmark decision, overturned the trial judge, finding that the FBI defendants and their government lawyers
"obstructed justice" by suppressing the BPP files. Most significantly, the Court of Appeals also concluded that there was "serious
evidence" to support the conclusion that the FBI, Hanrahan, and his men, in planning and executing the raid, had participated in a
"conspiracy designed to subvert and eliminate the Black Panther Party and its members," thereby suppressing a "vital radical Black
political organization." The
Cover Up (General)
FBI tried to smooth over COINTELPROrepackaged into new FBI
and cover-ups
Glick 90lawyer, teacher, writer and activist who founded the Law Schools Community
Economic Development Clinic (Brian, Mar. 1990, The Face of COINTELPRO, South End
By discontinuing use of the term "COINTELPRO," the Bureau gave the appearance of acceding
to public and congressional pressure. In reality, it protected its capacity to continue precisely the
same activity under other names. Decentralization of covert operations vastly reduced the
volume of required reporting. It dispersed the remaining documentation to individual case files in diverse field offices,
and it purged those files of any caption suggesting domestic covert action. The Bureau's "sensitive techniques and operations" have
since been further insulated from public scrutiny. Scheduled
congressional hearings into the Bureau's mid1970s campaign against AIM were squelched by means of what turns out to have been yet
another FBI covert operation. The FOIA has been drastically narrowed, with thousands of files reclassified "top secret."
The Intelligence Identities Protection Act now makes it a federal crime to disclose" any information that identifies an individual as a
covert agent." This
confirm that the FBI's objective was to attack and "neutralize" these
groups" Mainstream media coverage of these revelations elicited a flurry of congressional
investigations and hearings. Publicly exposed, the FBI tried to scapegoat the whistle blower . Its
inhouse investigation found Varelli "unreliable" and held his false reports of CISPES terrorism responsible for the entire FBI
operation. The
The crisis was eventually resolved through what historian Howard Zinn describes as a complex
process of consolidation, based on the need to satisfy a disillusioned public that the system
was criticizing and correcting itself.18 In this process, the U.S. Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) was amended over President Nixons veto to provide some degree of genuine public
access to FBI documents. Lawsuits under the FOIA forced the Bureau to release some
COINTELPRO files to major news media. By 1975, both houses of Cognress had launched formal
inquiries into government intelligence activities. The agencies under congressional
investigation were allowed to withhold most of their files and to edit the Senate Committees
reports before publication.19 The House Committees report, including an ac-count of FBI and
CIA obstruction of its inquiry, was suppressed al-together after part was leaked to the press.20
Still, pressure to promote the appearance of genuine reform was so great that the FBI had to
divulge an unprecedented, detailed account of many of its domestic covert operations. Many
important files continue to be withheld, and others have been destroyed.21 Former operatives
report that the most heinous and embarrassing actions were never committed to writing.22
Officials with broad personal knowledge of COINTELPRO have been silenced, most notably
William C. Sullivan, who created the program and ran it throughout the 1960s. Sullivan was
killed in an uninvestigated 1977 hunting accident shortly after giving extensive information to
a grand jury investigating the FBI, but before he could testify publicly. 23 Never-theless, a great
deal has been learned about COINTELPRO.
Current Surveillance
Marginalized communities are disproportionately targeted by
Eubanks 14 -- professor in the Department of Womens, Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University at Albany, SUNY, and fellow at
the Rockefeller Institute of Government (Virginia Eubanks, January 15, 2014, Want to Predict the Future of Surveillance? Ask Poor Communities.,, acui
A decade ago, I sat talking to a young mother on welfare about her experiences with
technology. When our conversation turned to Electronic Benefit Transfer cards (EBT), Dorothy*
said, Theyre great. Except [Social Services] uses them as a tracking device . I must have looked shocked, because
But I wasnt surprised.
she explained that her caseworker routinely looked at her EBT purchase records. Poor women are the test subjects for surveillance technology, Dorothy told me ruefully, and you
should pay attention to what happens to us. Youre next.
surveillance future. The revelations that are so scandalous to the middle-class data profiling, PRISM, tapped cellphonesare old news to millions of low-income
Americans, immigrants, and communities of color. To be smart about surveillance in the New Year, we must learn from the experiences of marginalized people in the U.S. and in
association are not random, and who we know online is affected by offline forms of residential, educational, and occupational segregation. This year, for example, UC San Diego
sociologist Kevin Lewis found that online dating leads to fewer interracial connections, compared to offline ways of meeting. Pepper Miller has reported that sometimes, African
Americans will temporarily block white Facebook friends so that they can have open, honest discussions about race with black friends. Because of the persistence of
segregation in our offline and online lives, algorithms and search strings that filter big data looking for patterns, that begin as neutral code, nevertheless end up producing race,
Groups of like subjects are then targeted for different, and often unequal,
forms of supervision, discipline and surveillance, with marginalized communities singled out for
more aggressive scrutiny. Welfare recipients like Dorothy are more vulnerable to surveillance
because they are members of a group that is seen as an appropriate target for intrusive
programs. Persistent stereotypes of poor women, especially women of color, as inherently
suspicious, fraudulent, and wasteful provide ideological support for invasive welfare programs
that track their financial and social behavior. Immigrant communities are more likely to be the
site of biometric data collection than native-born communities because they have less political
power to resist it. As panicked as mainstream America is about the government collecting cellphone meta-data, imagine the hue and cry if police officers scanned
class, and gender-specific results.
the fingerprints of white, middle-class Americans on the street, as has happened to day laborers in Los Angeles, according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Marginalized
people are in the dubious position of being both on the cutting edge of surveillance, and stuck in its backwaters. Some forms of surveillance, like filmed police interrogations, are
Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs) that send pain-inducing tones over long distances, and stun cuffs that deliver 80,000 volts to detainees via remote control allow users to avoid
direct responsibility for the human suffering they cause. Many of these technologies are first developed for the U.S. military to deploy in the global south, and later tested for
civilian purposes on marginal communities in the United States. LRADs, for example, were developed by San Diego-based military contractor American Technology Corporation
designed for the military carry expectations about the dangerousness of the public, and can be
in response to the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000, and then famously used to disburse G20 protestors in Pittsburgh in 2009.
used over-aggressively in community policing and crowd control. To a technology designed for
counter-terrorism, everyone looks like a bad guy.
targeted whites and nonwhites, journalists and researchers have shown that some of the
programs most controversialand life-threateningtargeting focused on African Americans, or
what the FBI categorized as Black Nationalist Groups. The lions share of COINTELPRO
targeting fell upon the Black Panther Party. The agency also targeted mainstream civil rights groups, like the
NAACP, Congress for Racial Equality, and Southern Christian Leadership Conference, as well as mainstream civil rights leaders like
Martin Luther King Jr. Other minority groups, including those representing Arab Americans, Filipino Americans, Latinos, and
Native Americans, also found themselves under COINTELPROs watch. Though
known about the parameters used to define algorithms that search PRISM data or a combination of PRISM and other commercial
data. As privacy advocates have argued, characteristics that define everyday behavior of some ethnic and racial minorities the use
of cash versus credit, purchase of a pre-paid cellphone, or mobility (e.g., moving residence frequently) may also be used as
parameters to identify likely terrorist activity. Until there is greater transparency in the nature of data analysis, including the
possibility to examine and assess the accuracy of the analysis of telecommunications records, email communications, and other
commercial data, ethnic and racial minorities will remain at risk of discriminatory data profiling.
Ten years ago, on Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday, my mother, a former Black Panther, died from complications of sickle cell
anemia. Weeks before she died, the FBI came knocking at our door, demanding that my mother testify in a secret trial proceeding
against other former Panthers or face arrest. My mother, unable to walk, refused. The detectives told my mother as they left that
they would be watching her. They didnt get to do that. My mother died just two weeks later. My mother was not the only black
person to come under the watchful eye of American law enforcement for perceived and actual dissidence. Nor is dissidence always a
requirement for being subject to spying. Files
time for
journalists to tell a new story that does not start the clock when privileged classes learn they are
targets of surveillance. We need to understand that data has historically been overused to repress
dissidence, monitor perceived criminality, and perpetually maintain an impoverished
underclass. In an era of big data, the Internet has increased the speed and secrecy of data collection. Thanks to new surveillance
technologies, law enforcement agencies are now able to collect massive amounts of indiscriminate data. Yet legal protections and
policies have not caught up to this technological advance. Concerned advocates see mass surveillance as the problem and protecting
privacy as the goal. Targeted surveillance is an obvious answerit may be discriminatory, but it helps protect the privacy perceived
as an earned privilege of the inherently innocent. The
a racially discriminatory
criminal justice system, surveillance technologies reproduce injustice. Instead of reducing discrimination,
predictive policing is a face of what author Michelle Alexander calls the New Jim Crowa de
facto system of separate and unequal application of laws, police practices, conviction rates,
sentencing terms, and conditions of confinement that operate more as a system of social control
by racial hierarchy than as crime prevention or punishment. In New York City, the predictive policing
approach in use is Broken Windows. This approach to policing places an undue focus on quality of life crimeslike selling loose
cigarettes, the kind of offense for which Eric Garner was choked to death. Without oversight, accountability, transparency, or rights,
predictive policing is just high-tech racial profilingindiscriminate data collection that drives discriminatory policing practices. As
local law enforcement agencies increasingly adopt surveillance technologies, they use them in three primary ways: to listen in on
specific conversations on and offline; to observe daily movements of individuals and groups; and to observe data trends. Police
Cointelpro still exists and was heavily involved in Ferguson
King 14Professional activist and prominent contributor in Black Lives Matter (Shaun, Oct.
20, Echoes of COINTELPRO in Ferguson, Daily Kos,
When Mike Brown was killed by Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson on Saturday, August 9, in Ferguson, Missouri, the outrage
from the community was palpable and started within seconds of the shooting. Not only did dozens of people see or hear the
shooting, which took place at the peak of a hot, sunny day, but hundreds of gathering people witnessed Brown's lifeless body laying
in the middle of the street for four more hours. Protests of raw grief and despair didn't come a few days later, but started that very
day on Canfield Drivevery much fueled by the horrific wails from Brown's parents, friends, and relatives. As soon as the protests
began, something else happened and it has devolved into a much uglier narrative than one could have imagined over two months
ago when Brown was killed. It's as if we've gone back in time. Police and government tactics to intimidate, criminalize, humiliate,
and undermine activists started on Day 1 in Ferguson and have only gotten worse, and the tactics used echo those of an earlier era.
Officially started in 1956 by the FBI, COINTELPRO (short for counterintelligence program)
subversively investigated
and undermined virtually every prominent African-American leader in the country for 15 years.
A veritable Who's Who of leaders, ranging from Malcolm X to Fannie Lou Hamer to Jackie
Robinson to Martin Luther and Coretta Scott King were investigated and interfered with on the
deepest levels. Undercover agents spied on leaders, federal informants were planted inside of
their organizations, disinformation was often deliberately spread with the intention of sowing
discord and strife between leaders and organizations. To this day, huge volumes of the
COINTELPRO documents are redacted, fueling speculation on just what they may be hiding 40 years later. While the
program was officially ended in 1971, echoes of COINTELPRO are reverberating in Ferguson, Missouri,
today and leaders on the ground and supporters around the world report feeling the attempts to
discredit them are constant. Read on for more ....While rumors of FBI involvement in Ferguson
existed for weeks, it wasn't until this Reuters report was released that the FBI was actively
meeting with St. Louis officials "two to three times per week " that it was fully confirmed. Since
then, instances of COINTELPRO-like activities by local police and government officials appear
to have had a dramatic uptick. What you will see below is a regularly updated list of documented cases of police abuse,
humiliation, misinformation, outright lies, coercion, informants, plants, and more. This list will be updated regularly. August 9
Just hours after Brown was killed, angry police dogs, in a throwback to the civil rights movement, were brought to the site of the
shooting to intimidate protestors. August 10 St. Louis Police Chief John Belmar, the day after Mike Brown's death, holds a press
conference about the shooting and tells a fundamental lie about how far Mike Brown's body was found from Darren Wilson's SUV.
In his press conference, on two separate occasions,
the requests were made, he said they were made verbally and that the department didn't
document them. Not one media outlet to date has reported pressing a request for access to this footage. August 18 The
St. Louis County medical examiner decided not to release its autopsy report on Brown to the
public, but did choose to leak that traces of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, were found
in his system. Not only can traces of THC remain in the body for over 40 days, but marijuana is usually recognized as a calming
agent and not something that makes someone more aggressive. In spite of the reality that its presence in Brown's body could be
completely irrelevant, this basic fact was released anyway. - Christine Byers of the St. Louis Dispatch claims a police source told her
that twelve eyewitnesses have backed up Darren Wilson's story of being attacked. It's her most shared tweet ever. Conservative
media across the country, including Rush Limbaugh, take her tweet as the truth and run with it. Her tweet on this is still live today.
Activists have reported a modern day Cointelpro
Moore 6/3 -- Senior Editor at Mic and co-managing editor of The Feminist Wire (Darnell L. Moore, June 3, 2015, Why Some Black
Activists Believe They're Being Watched by the Government,, acui
The home of activist Patrisse Cullors was raided twice last year by law enforcement in Los
Angeles. During one raid, officers told Cullors they were looking for a suspect who had allegedly fled in the direction of her house.
But neither time did Cullors believe the officers had a strong rationale for invading her home. Instead, Cullors told Mic, she
believed the raids were devised by police in response to the public campaigning of Dignity and
Power Now, a grassroots organization Cullors founded that advocates on behalf of incarcerated
people in Los Angeles. She also believes similar surveillance methods are used to monitor many
black activists today. "Surveillance is a huge part of the state's role. Surveillance has been used
for a very long time, but some of the means, like social media account monitoring, are new,"
Cullors, who is also a cofounder of Black Lives Matter, told Mic. "Local enforcement surveils by
tracking the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, which allows law enforcement to show up at actions
before they begin." Mic has reached out to the Los Angeles Police Department for comment. Recent statements by FBI
deputy director Mark F. Giuliano may give credence assumptions like Cullors that black activists are being watched. During a press
conference on May 21 prior to the acquittal of Michael Brelo, a white Cleveland police officer involved in the shooting death of two
unarmed black people, Giuliano addressed the potential for continued protests in response to the verdict. "It's outsiders who tend
to stir the pot," Giuliano said. "If we have that intel we pass it directly on to the [Cleveland Police Department]. We have worked with
Ferguson, we've worked with Baltimore and we will work with the Cleveland PD on that very thing. That's what we bring to the
game." Mic has reached out to the FBI's Office of Public Affairs for comment. A history of black surveillance: The "game" Giuliano is
referencing namely, the intricate workings of what some law enforcement units, like New York Police Department, employ in
response to counterterrorism and protests is not novel. Black
on the National Day of Protest to End Police Brutality in October 2014. After her arrest, she recalled learning about a private
Facebook group created by police officers in Tennessee and those supportive of police called "Police Lives Matter." "Police and their
family members were constantly making threats and mean-spirited jokes [aimed at activists] on their page," Henderson told Mic.
She said one police officer made a meme of her, which meant her image had been shared among other officers and that they would
now know her by name and likeness. She obtained another meme of a different image of herself shortly after, and became more
convinced that activists were being watched. Henderson
Interference: The public must consider the long history of state surveillance and suppression of
black movements as a specific problem of anti-black state violence and racial profiling. At stake
is the extent to which state surveillance measures, whether they mean social media monitoring
or following specific activists' actions, violate activists' First Amendment Rights, particularly the
right to peacefully protest. Keegan Stephan writes at AlterNet, "For the FBI to interfere with civic act through their
information-gathering techniques and by passing that information to police forces that cannot be trusted to use it without infringing
on people's First Amendment rights is a clear violation of the FBI's own mandate." Despite potential surveillance, activists are
determined to continue their work. Their continued quest for liberation should encourage contemporary activists following their
example. "These allegations will not curtail the movement and only provide further evidence of the embedded institutional
inequities," Monica Dennis, an organizer with Black Lives Matter in New York City, told Mic. "Furthermore, our
are rooted in the black radical traditions of resilience and creative resistance which simply
means we are capable of quickly adapting and shifting despite external efforts to disrupt our
Government surveillance programs, most infamously the FBIs COINTELPRO, targeted Black
Americans fighting against segregation and structural racism in the 1950s and 60s.
COINTELPRO, short for Counter Intelligence Program, was started in 1956 by the FBI and
continued until 1971. The program was a systemic attempt to infiltrate, spy on, and disrupt
activists in the name of national security. While it initially focused on the Communist Party, in
the 1960s its focus expanded to include a wide swathe of activists, with a strong focus on the
Black Panther Party and civil rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. FBI papers show
that in 1962 the FBI started and rapidly continued to gravitate toward Dr. King. This was
ostensibly because the FBI believed black organizing was being influenced by communism. In
1963 FBI Assistant Director William Sullivan recommended increased coverage of communist
influence on the Negro. However, the FBIs goal in targeting Dr. King was clear: to find
avenues of approach aimed at neutralizing King as an effective Negro leader, because the FBI
was concerned that he might become a messiah. The FBI subjected Dr. King to a variety of
tactics, including bugging his hotel rooms, photographic surveillance, and physical observation
of Kings movements by FBI agents. The FBI's actions went beyond spying on Dr. King, however.
Using information gained from that surveillance, the FBI sent him anonymous letters
attempting to blackmail him into suicide. The agency also attempted to break up his marriage
by sending selectively edited personal moments he shared with friends and women to his wife.
The FBI also specifically targeted the Black Panther Party with the intention of destroying it.
They infiltrated the Party with informants and subjected members to repeated interviews.
Agents sent anonymous letters encouraging violence between street gangs and the Panthers in
various cities, which resulted in the killings of four BPP members and numerous beatings and
shootings, as well as letters sowing internal dissension in the Panther Party. The agency also
worked with police departments to harass local branches of the Party through raids and vehicle
stops. In one of the most disturbing examples of this, the FBI provided information to the
Chicago Police Department that aided in a raid on BPP leader Fred Hamptons apartment. The
raid ended with the Chicago Police shooting Hampton dead. The FBI was not alone in targeting
civil rights leaders. The NSA also engaged in domestic spying that included Dr. King. In an eerily
prescient statement, Senator Walter Mondale said he was concerned that the NSA could be
used by President 'A' in the future to spy upon the American people, to chill and interrupt
political dissent. The Church Committee was created in response to these and other public
scandals, and was charged with getting to the bottom of the government's surveillance
overreach. In response to its findings, Congress passed new laws to provide privacy safeguards,
including the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. But ever since these safeguards were put in
place, the intelligence community has tried to weaken or operate around them. The NSA
revelations show the urgent need to reform the laws governing surveillance and to rein in the
intelligence community. Today were responding to those domestic surveillance abuses by an
unrestrained intelligence branch. The overreach weve seen in the past underscores the need for
reform. Especially during Black History Month, lets not forget the speech-stifling history of US
government spying that has targeted communities of color.
Fusion Centers
Fusion center surveillance regimes disproportionately monitor black
Monahan 11Professor of Communication Studies at The University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill (Torin, The Future of Security? Surveillance Operations at Homeland Security
Fusion Centers , Social Justice/Global Options, Vol. 37, No. 2/3 (120-121), Imperial Obama: A
Kinder, Gentler Empire?, 2010-11, pp. 88)//FJ
Given the secretive nature of fusion centers, including their resistance to freedom of information
requests (German and Stanley, 2008; Stokes, 2008), the primary way in which the public has
learned about their activities is through leaked or unintentionally disseminated documents. For
instance, a "terrorism threat assessment" produced by Virginia's fusion center surfaced in 2009
and sparked outrage because it identified students at colleges and universities- especially at
historically black universities- as posing a potential terrorist threat (Sizemore,
2009). In the report, universities were targeted because of their diversity, which is seen as
threatening because it might inspire "radical ization." The report says: "Richmond's history
as the capital city of the Confederacy, combined with the city's current demographic
concentration ofAfrican- American residents, contributes to the continued presence of racebased extremist groups. .[and student groups] are recognized as a radicalization node for almost
every type of extremist group" (Virginia Fusion Center, 2009: 9). Although the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) and others have rightly decried the racial-profiling implications of such
biased claims being codified in an official document, the report itself supports the interpretation
that minority students will be and probably have been targeted for surveillance. The
report argues: "In order to detect and deter terrorist attacks, it is essential that information
regarding suspected terrorists and suspicious activity in Virginia be closely monitored and
reported in a timely manner" (Ibid: 4). Other groups identified as potential threats by the
Virginia fusion center were environmentalists, militia members, and students at Regent
University, the Christian university founded by evangelical preacher Pat Robertson (Sizemore,
effort to exempt fusion centers from freedom of information requests. For example,
according to a police official, Virginia legislators were coerced into passing a 2008 law that
exempted its fusion center from the Freedom of Information Act; in this instance, federal
officials threatened to withhold classified intelligence from the state's fusion center and police if
they did not pass such a law (German and Stanley, 2008). Another tactic used by fusion center
representatives to thwart open-records requests is to claim that there is no "material product"
for them to turn over because they only "access," rather than "retain," information (Hylton,
centers may be contributing to similar practices today makes it all the more
important to subject them to public scrutiny and oversight
Disengagement is privilege those on welfare dont have a choice
Eubanks 14 -- professor in the Department of Womens, Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University at Albany, SUNY, and fellow at
the Rockefeller Institute of Government (Virginia Eubanks, January 15, 2014, Want to Predict the Future of Surveillance? Ask Poor Communities.,, acui
If people remain concerned about the impact of surveillance on their lives they may voluntarily withdraw from the digital world.
Gilliom suggests we might even see a hipster social trend where disengagement becomes a form of cache. But digital
disconnection can simply be an excuse for maintaining ignorance; many people dont have the
option to disengage. For example, public assistance applicants must sign a personal information
disclosure statement to permit social services to share their social security number, criminal
history, personal, financial, medical and family information with other public agencies and
private companies. Technically, you can refuse to sign and withhold your social security number.
But if you do not sign, you cannot access food stamps, transportation vouchers, cash assistance,
childcare, emergency housing assistance, and other basic necessities for survival, or even talk to
a caseworker about available community resources.
(1AC Card?)Surveillance regime relies on the constant construction of
racial threatsthe logic that caused surveillance of black radicalism
has been imposed on surveillance of Muslims.
Kumar, Professor of Media Studies and Middle East Studies @
Rutgers University, 15
(Deepa, and Arun Kundnani, who teaches at New York University, Race, surveillance, and
empire, International Socialist Review Issue 96,
The following month, Jeremy Scahill and Ryan Devereaux published another story for The
Intercept, which revealed that under the Obama administration the number of people on the
National Counterterrorism Centers no-fly list had increased tenfold to 47,000. Leaked classified
documents showed that the NCC maintains a database of terrorism suspects worldwidethe
Terrorist Identities Datamart Environmentwhich contained a million names by 2013, double
the number four years earlier, and increasingly includes biometric data. This database includes
20,800 persons within the United States who are disproportionately concentrated in Dearborn,
Michigan, with its significant Arab American population.2 By any objective standard, these were
major news stories that ought to have attracted as much attention as the earlier revelations. Yet
the stories barely registered in the corporate media landscape. The tech community, which
had earlier expressed outrage at the NSAs mass digital surveillance, seemed to be indifferent
when details emerged of the targeted surveillance of Muslims. The explanation for this reaction
is not hard to find. While many object to the US government collecting private data on
ordinary people, Muslims tend to be seen as reasonable targets of suspicion. A July
2014 poll for the Arab American Institute found that 42 percent of Americans think it is
justifiable for law enforcement agencies to profile Arab Americans or American Muslims.3 In
what follows, we argue that the debate on national security surveillance that has emerged in the
United States since the summer of 2013 is woefully inadequate, due to its failure to place
questions of race and empire at the center of its analysis. It is racist ideas that form the basis for
the ways national security surveillance is organized and deployed, racist fears that are whipped
up to legitimize this surveillance to the American public, and the disproportionately targeted
racialized groups that have been most effective in making sense of it and organizing opposition.
This is as true today as it has been historically: race and state surveillance are intertwined in the
history of US capitalism. Likewise, we argue that the history of national security surveillance in
the United States is inseparable from the history of US colonialism and empire. The argument
is divided into two parts. The first identifies a number of moments in the history of national
security surveillance in North America, tracing its imbrication with race, empire, and capital,
from the settler-colonial period through to the neoliberal era. Our focus here is on how race as a
sociopolitical category is produced and reproduced historically in the United States through
systems of surveillance. We show how throughout the history of the United States the systematic
collection of information has been interwoven with mechanisms of racial oppression. From
Anglo settler-colonialism, the establishment of the plantation system, the postCivil War
reconstruction era, the US conquest of the Philippines, and the emergence of the national
security state in the post-World War II era, to neoliberalism in the post-Civil Rights era,
racialized surveillance has enabled the consolidation of capital and empire. It is, however,
important to note that the production of the racial other at these various moments is
conjunctural and heterogenous. That is, the racialization of Native Americans, for instance,
during the settler-colonial period took different forms from the racialization of African
Americans. Further, the dominant construction of Blackness under slavery is different from the
construction of Blackness in the neoliberal era; these ideological shifts are the product of
specific historic conditions. In short, empire and capital, at various moments, determine who
will be targeted by state surveillance, in what ways, and for how long. In the second part, we
turn our attention to the current conjuncture in which the politics of the War on Terror shape
national security surveillance practices. The intensive surveillance of Muslim Americans has
been carried out by a vast security apparatus that has also been used against dissident
movements such as Occupy Wall Street and environmental rights activists, who represent a
threat to the neoliberal order. This is not new; the process of targeting dissenters has been a
constant feature of American history. For instance, the Alien and Sedition Acts of the late 1790s
were passed by the Federalist government against the Jeffersonian sympathizers of the French
Revolution. The British hanged Nathan Hale because he spied for Washingtons army in the
American Revolution. State surveillance regimes have always sought to monitor and penalize a
wide range of dissenters, radicals, and revolutionaries. Race was a factor in some but by no
means all of these cases. Our focus here is on the production of racialized others as security
threats and the ways this helps to stabilize capitalist social relations. Further, the current system
of mass surveillance of Muslims is analogous to and overlaps with other systems of
racialized security surveillance that feed the mass deportation of immigrants under the
Obama administration and that disproportionately target African Americans, contributing to
their mass incarceration and what Michelle Alexander refers to as the New Jim Crow.4 We
argue that racialized groupings are produced in the very act of collecting information about
certain groups deemed as threats by the national security statethe Brown terrorist, the
Black and Brown drug dealer and user, and the immigrant who threatens to steal jobs. We
conclude that security has become one of the primary means through which racism is
ideologically reproduced in the post-racial, neoliberal era. Drawing on W. E. B. Duboiss
notion of the psychological wage, we argue that neoliberalism has been legitimized in part
through racialized notions of security that offer a new psychological wage as compensation for
the decline of the social wage and its reallocation to homeland security.
through surveillanceanother scene of the states production of racial subjects. Since all racisms are socially and politically
constructed rather than resting on the reality of any biological race, it is perfectly possible for cultural markers associated with
Muslimness (forms of dress, rituals, languages, etc.) to be turned into racial signifiers.58 This
racial underpinnings of the War on Terror sustain not just domestic repression but
foreign abusesthe wars vast death toll in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and elsewhere
could not be sustained without the dehumanization of its Muslim victims. As before, racism at
home goes hand in hand with empire abroad. Counterinsurgency thinking that informed the strategies
used in Iraq and Afghanistan in the face of popular insurrection are also brought home to be deployed in relation to Muslim
American populations. Winning hearts and minds, the counterinsurgency slogan first introduced by British colonialists in Malaya,
and then adopted by the US military in Vietnam, reappears as the phrase that state planners invoke to prevent extremism among
young Muslims in the United States. Counterinsurgency in this context means total surveillance of Muslim populations, and building
law enforcement agency partnerships with good Muslims, those who are willing to praise US policy and become sources of
information on dissenters, making life very difficult for bad Muslims or those who refuse (in ways reminiscent of the good and
bad Indians). It is a way of ensuring that the knowledge Muslims tend to have of how US foreign policy harms the Middle East,
Africa, and Asia is not shared with others. The
the radicalization model claims to be able to predict which individuals are not
terrorists now but might be at some later date. Behavioral, cultural, and ideological signals are assumed to reveal
who is at risk of turning into a terrorist at some point in the future.59 For example, in the FBIs radicalization model, such things as
growing a beard, starting to wear traditional Islamic clothing, and becoming alienated from ones former life are listed as indicators,
as is increased activity in a pro-Muslim social group or political cause.60 Thus,
Official acceptance of the model of radicalization implies a need for mass surveillance of Muslim
populations and collection of as much data as possible on every aspect of their lives in order to try to spot the
supposed warning signs that the models list. And this is exactly the approach that law enforcement agencies introduced. At the New
York Police Department, for instance, the instrumentalizing of radicalization models led to the mass, warrantless surveillance of
every aspect of Muslim life. Dozens of mosques in New York and New Jersey and hundreds more hot spots, such as restaurants,
cafs, bookshops, community organizations, and student associations were listed as potential security risks. Undercover officers and
informants eavesdropped at these locations of interest to listen for radical political and religious opinions. A NYPD Moroccan
Initiative compiled a list of every known Moroccan taxi driver. Muslims who changed their names to sound more traditionally
American or who adopted Arabic names were investigated and catalogued in secret NYPD intelligence files. It is clear that none of
this activity was based on investigating reasonable suspicions of criminal activity. This surveillance produced no criminal leads
between 2006 and 2012, and probably did not before or after.61 As of 2008, the FBI had a roster of 15,000 paid informants62 and,
according to Senator Dianne Feinstein of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the bureau had 10,000 counterterrorism intelligence
analysts in 2013.63 The proportion of these informants and analysts who are assigned to Muslim populations in the United States is
unknown but is likely to be substantial. The
Genealogy/Counterhistory Good
Counterhistory is key the constitutive unraveling of modernity
requires that we understand how to navigate the contradictory,
unsettled narratives we are presented with
Brown 1 (Wendy, First Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley.
Politics Out of History (2001), Princeton University Press)
What, other than anarchy or free fall, is harbored by the destabilization of constitutive cultural or
political narratives? When funda mental premises of an order begin to erode, or simply begin to
be exposed as fundamental premises, what reactive political formations emergeand what
anxieties, tensions, or binds do they carry? These studies examine political theoretical practices in an era of
profound political disorientation. They are concerned with how we navigate within the tattered narratives
of modernity, and especially of liberalism, in our time. Working from the presumption that
certain crucial collective stories in modernity have been disturbed or undermined in recent
decades, they presume as well that such stories remain those by which we live, even in their
broken and less-than-legitimate-or- legitimating form. I do not argue that the constitutive
narratives of modernity are be hind us, nor that they have been superseded by other narratives.
Rather, in casting certain critical features of modern regimes as trou bled yet persistent, I suggest that their troubled condition has
signifi cant political implications for contemporary practices of political jus tice. For example, while
From each of the narratives, considered more fully below, that have grown unstable in our time, certain
key political signifiers emerge that provide the terms through which the chapters of this book are orga nized:
morality (as the basis for political values and judgments), desire (as potentially emancipatory in its aim), power (as logical in its
organi zation and mechanics), conviction (as the basis for knowledge and political action), and progress (as the basis for political
futurity). My purpose with these terms is not simply to counsel their rejection or replacement; rather the aim is to
develop a
critical understanding of their binding function in a certain political and epistemological story,
of how this function has been disrupted as the story itself begins to stutter and fragment, and of
what kinds of troubling political forma tion such a disruption provokes. However, this undertaking is not
only retrospective and critical: these studies also consider what political and intellectual possibilities might be generated from our
current predicament. When
about the very capacity to grasp our condition and craft our future. Two
lack of direct evidence of the WHO's intention to spread AIDS may indicate either
that the intention did not exist or that it has been successfully hidden. Black Liberation Radio
has no doubts about its position in this dilemma. Interpretation depends upon the construction
of relationships. Events, objects, statements do not carry their own meaning but are made to
mean by the relations in which they are involved. I am here referring to the double process of articulation that
Stuart Hall identifies as central to the making of meaning in "On Postmodernism..." The one side of articulation is a process of
flexible linking while the other is that of speaking or of disseminating the meaning that is produced by the linkage. The fact that
white civilian hospitals use Black bodies for research may be linked to medical science, in which case, the Blackness of the bodies
does not mean anything; or, on the other hand, it may be linked to the Chemical and Biological Warfare Department's search for an
"ethnic weapon," in which case, it means everything. For instance, one of the "facts" of the Tuskegee experiment was the observation
that Blacks appeared to be more susceptible than whites to syphilis, and there was interest in discovering if this was the case, and if
so, why. Articulated
with and in the humane discourse of medicine, this "interest" easily leads to
the conclusion that such a physiological difference could be used to devise treatments for Blacks
and, thus, minimize the relative difference in the health of Blacks and whites. However, when this
is articulated with the facts that "health differences" between whites and Blacks are increasing ,
not decreasing-the differential spread of AIDS is joined, for example, by differences in life expectancy, infant mortality, and
hypertension-and when these linked "facts" are articulated within a knowledge of genocidal strategy, the original "fact" means
something very different. Facts
Only broken, non-linear narration can approach the way that slavery
continues to rupture into the present
Coleman 13 (Taiyon Jeanette, Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Minnesota. Out of
the Frying Pan and into the Fire: Narrative Past-Time as a Temporal Site of Racialized Identity
Deconstruction (May 2013), University of Minnesota)
Racialized, foundational, and cumulative, cultural, and social identities and their arbitrary signs and symbol relationships of
meanings were established in the past and continue to act upon the present. If
new, different meanings can occur. Consider the breach in the African American Diaspora subject context: the Atlantic
Slave Trade, the institutions of slavery in the Americas, Jim Crow, segregation, violence and repression, legacies of difference,
notions of inferiority, and any type of experience which denotes otherness.34 These
novel asks readers to reconsider the very systemic and raced notions of
the motivations and methods perpetuation the institution of American Slavery, its participants,
and its tie to an American racial identity and past that actively defined, at one time, successful
US citizenship. Critical work in this area is interdisciplinary and groundbreaking in its
scholarship and structural format, being oppositional not only in its topic but also in its
formation when considering these breaches in the African and African American Diaspora
identities and experiences. These breaks are systemic to the very experience of African peoples
in the Diaspora of the Americas, and the interdisciplinary aesthetics of the Africa and African
American Diaspora has always disrupted constructions of identity, reality, and time,
especially when dominant narratives of national identity have rendered Africans
and African Americans historically and generationally invisible. My project contributes to
these discussions through arguing that the formation of non-linear time in a novel of the African Diaspora
is simultaneously a structural device for textual analysis and a methodology of ascertaining and
comprehending marginalized identities and experiences outside of the text. The
breaking of time in the text and the subjects of breaching metaphorically and allegorically
represents the physical, mental, and spatial events that affected, collectively, African and African
American people.
The effective history, constituted by the interplay of these fragments, has characteristics that
clearly differentiate it from official history and that official history might use to discredit it. Its
motivation is not objective but explicitly political. It knows that the truth that it seeks is not
merely lying overlooked and unnoticed by official history, but rather that the truth has been
deliberately hidden, and that hiding it is another application of the racial power that would
cultivate the AIDS virus in a Black woman's body. The effectiveness of a genocidal strategy
depends directly upon the success of it remaining hidden. The stolen fragments, forming the
material of this history, effectively render the hidden visible. There is no need to understand
them in terms of their explicit contextual relations-the rest of the documents from which they
are extracted are discarded as valueless. In fact, in general, the document as a whole is not interpreted and not
included in the counterhistory. Occasionally, when the discards are "included" in the counterhistory, they are typically treated as
"evidence" of a white cover-up. The London Times report detailing the coincidence of AIDS and the WHO's vaccination campaign in
Africa pointedly includes the statement that "no blame can be attached to the WHO." When Zears Miles reads this out over the
radio, Kantako's laughter is both delighted and skeptical. The lack of direct evidence of the WHO's intention to spread AIDS may
indicate either that the intention did not exist or that it has been successfully hidden. Black Liberation Radio has no doubts about its
position in this dilemma. Interpretation
For targeted
communities, there is little to no expectation of privacy from government or corporate
surveillance. Instead, we are watched, either as criminals or as consumers. We do not expect policies to protect us. Instead, weve birthed a complex and coded culturefrom jazz to spoken dialects
inherently innocent. The trouble is, targeted surveillance frequently includes the indiscriminate collection of the private data of people targeted by race but not involved in any crime.
in order to navigate a world in which spying, from AT&T and Walmart to public benefits programs and beat cops on the block, is as much a part of our built environment as the streets covered in our blood. In a
recent address, New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton made it clear: 2015 will be one of the most significant years in the history of this organization. It will be the year of technology, in which we literally
City, the predictive policing approach in use is Broken Windows. This approach to policing places an undue focus on quality of life crimeslike selling loose cigarettes, the kind of offense for which Eric Garner
increasingly adopt surveillance technologies, they use them in three primary ways: to listen in on specific conversations on and offline; to observe daily movements of individuals and groups; and to observe data
trends. Police departments like Brattons aim to use sophisticated technologies to do all three. They will use technologies like license plate readers, which the Electronic Frontier Foundation found to be
disproportionately used in communities of color and communities in the process of being gentrified. They will use facial recognition, biometric scanning software, which the FBI has now rolled out as a national
system, to be adopted by local police departments for any criminal justice purpose. They intend to use body and dashboard cameras, which have been touted as an effective step toward accountability based on
the results of one study, yet storage and archiving procedures, among many other issues, remain unclear. They will use Stingray cellphone interceptors. According to the ACLU, Stingray technology is an invasive
cellphone surveillance device that mimics cellphone towers and sends out signals to trick cellphones in the area into transmitting their locations and identifying information. When used to track a suspects
cellphone, they also gather information about the phones of countless bystanders who happen to be nearby. The same is true of domestic drones, which are in increasing use by U.S. law enforcement to conduct
routine aerial surveillance. While drones are currently unarmed, drone manufacturers are considering arming these remote-controlled aircraft with weapons like rubber bullets, tasers, and tear gas. They will use
fusion centers. Originally designed to increase interagency collaboration for the purposes of counterterrorism, these have instead become the local arm of the intelligence community. According to Electronic
Frontier Foundation, there are currently seventy-eight on record. They are the clearinghouse for increasingly used suspicious activity reportsdescribed as official documentation of observed behavior
anybody whos ever dealt with gang databases knows, its almost impossible to get off a federal
or state database, even when the data collected is incorrect or no longer true . Predictive policing
doesnt just lead to racial and religious profilingit relies on it. Just as stop and frisk legitimized
an initial, unwarranted contact between police and people of color, almost 90 percent of whom
turn out to be innocent of any crime, suspicious activities reporting and the dragnet approach of
fusion centers target communities of color. One review of such reports collected in Los Angeles
shows approximately 75 percent were of people of color. This is the future of policing in
America, and it should terrify you as much as it terrifies me. Unfortunately, it probably doesnt, because my life is at far greater risk than the lives of white Americans, especially those reporting on the
issue in the media or advocating in the halls of power. One of the most terrifying aspects of high-tech surveillance is the
invisibility of those it disproportionately impacts. The NSA and FBI have engaged local law enforcement agencies and electronic surveillance
reasonably indicative of pre-operational planning related to terrorism or other criminal activity. These reports and other collected data are often stored in massive databases like e-Verify and Prism.
technologies to spy on Muslims living in the United States. According to FBI training materials uncovered by Wired in 2011, the bureau taught agents to treat mainstream Muslims as supporters of terrorism, to
view charitable donations by Muslims as a funding mechanism for combat, and to view Islam itself as a Death Star that must be destroyed if terrorism is to be contained. From New York City to Chicago and
beyond, local law enforcement agencies have expanded unlawful and covert racial and religious profiling against Muslims not suspected of any crime. There is no national security reason to profile all Muslims. At
the same time, almost 450,000 migrants are in detention facilities throughout the United States, including survivors of torture, asylum seekers, families with small children, and the elderly. Undocumented
migrant communities enjoy few legal protections, and are therefore subject to brutal policing practices, including illegal surveillance practices. According to the Sentencing Project, of the more than 2 million
people incarcerated in the United States, more than 60 percent are racial and ethnic minorities. But by far, the widest net is cast over black communities.
represent 40 percent of those incarcerated. More black men are incarcerated than were held in
slavery in 1850, on the eve of the Civil War. Lest some misinterpret that statistic as evidence of
greater criminality, a 2012 study confirms that black defendants are at least 30 percent more
likely to be imprisoned than whites for the same crime. This is not a broken system, it is a
system working perfectly as intended, to the detriment of all. The NSA could not have spied on
millions of cellphones if it were not already spying on black people, Muslims, and migrants . As
surveillance technologies are increasingly adopted and integrated by law enforcement agencies
today, racial disparities are being made invisible by a media environment that has failed to tell
the story of surveillance in the context of structural racism . Reporters love to tell the technology story. For some, its a sexier read. To me,
freedom from repression and racism is far sexier than the newest gadget used to reinforce racial hierarchy. As civil rights protections catch up with the technological terrain, reporting needs to catch up, too.
Many journalists still focus their reporting on the technological trends and not the racial
hierarchies that these trends are enforcing. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, Everything we see is a shadow cast
by that which we do not see. Journalists have an obligation to tell the stories that are hidden from view. We are living in an incredible time, when migrant activists have blocked
deportation buses, and a movement for black lives has emerged, and when women, queer, and trans experiences have been placed right at the center. The decentralized power of the Internet makes that possible.
By attending to the
differences in approach across these works, I develop a polyvalent definition of genealogy, arguing that
the political and theoretical implications and differences of each approach hinge on several
interlinked things. First, they hinge on whether slavery is historicized as the cornerstone of an essentially racist and unethical
genealogical practices and the perceived ontology of contemporary American blackness are at stake.
state, or an aberration within an America that is essentially democratic in its conception and essence, if deeply flawed in its
practices; and consequently, whether the project espouses an investment in the assimilation of African Americans into a normative,
middle-class American dream of progress.24 However, the works in which slavery is figured as an aberration lean heavily, if
implicitly, on deep-seated black Christian narratives that promise a telos of redemption in the form of racial justice and harmony;
thus, Hartmans work, which emplots slavery as constitutive and ongoing, confronts and rebuts a long intellectual and theological
tradition that chooses America.25 This confrontation correlates with the quest for certainty, which manifests in the African
American Exodus narrative as a deep faith in Gods alliance with enslaved black Americans and their progeny as well as the
inevitability of their ultimate redemption in the Promised Land of the future. But this quest for certainty seems to be displaced, in
more secular contemporary African American performative returns, by faith in legitimate scholarly or empirical methods to reveal
of each approach
hinge on how deep the belief is in the possibilities of empirical access to, and certainty about, the
ancestral past for purposes of rewriting the narratives of impossibility and loss that
emerge from the rupture of the Middle Passage, they also hinge on the faith each author has for
redemptive and implicitly theological teleology. This question, in turn, folds into the way that the
a hitherto unknowable past and thus to present the potential to discern it. Thus, secondly, if the implications
knowability of the past and inevitability (and thus knowability) of the future are conceived 24
This distinction might also be articulated as a disjuncture between ways of conceiving of
slaverys relationship to temporality: the aberration view of slavery I describe tends to conceive of slavery as an
historically discrete event, while the cornerstone view tends to articulate it as a temporally fluid
paradigm that bleeds into the present in various psychic and socio-political-economic structures
to circumscribe black life. 25 See Glaude 2000 pgs 97-98 and 164-65. I suggest that Hartman may well see this
choice as being one between American hegemony and the well-being of actual black Americans.
29 in each project. The three works diverge with respect to how genealogy, a means of furnishing evidence and filling gaping blanks,
is construed: as a mechanism to facilitate successful reconstruction, or a processual investigation that points to the fundamental but
generative nature of impossibility and loss. I develop my discussion of this divergence into definitions of genealogy as an object and
genealogy as a process. Ultimately I argue that the projects that exhibit strong conviction in certainty and knowability tend to reflect
conservative values and normative yearnings that contain some potentially antiblack undertones, while performative, critical race
studies methodologies that acknowledge and seek to render productive absence and loss and suspect notions of inevitability and
teleology altogether lean toward a more rigorous analysis of the persistence of antiblack racism, as well as of black liberation
struggle, its failings, and its urgent necessity. I demonstrate in this chapter that the
undertakings by African-Americans
take place against the backdrop of the Middle Passage, slavery, limited access to citizenship, Jim
Crow, Civil Rights and Black Power, and systemic anti-black racism, as well as the histories of
other groups and there is a lengthy, multifaceted, and deeply entrenched history of
institutional and state-sanctioned meddling in and compromising black Americans
subjecthood: their legal and citizenship statuses; their sociallyand legally-recognized degree of
humanity. This occurs by way of law, medicine, public policy, science, and common sense,
among other arenas, and affects a multitude of issues ranging from reproductive freedom, to
the documentation of enslaved people as nameless property, to, quite simply, the powerful
collective awareness of this past all of which results in a deeply intertwined, highly
fraught relationship between blackness, the state, and genealogy projects that take
both literal and conceptual forms. These performative returns are undertaken with the goal
of being able to stake a claim that feels concrete, legitimate, and personal on ones
heritage. And place plays an important role; frequently a central objective is to establish a connection with the relevant
homeland, in this case Africa, that is often configured as a kind of return to this point of mythologized origin. In Middle
Passages, James Campbell examines a genealogy of literal journeys to Africa taken by African Americans over nearly two and a half
centuries. He argues that these
Off Case
Purely legalistic solutions fail to address the fundamental narrative of
Cunningham and Browning 4 Chair of Department of Sociology at Brandeis University, Ph.D. in Sociology from
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, specializes in the legacy of racial contention and Ph.D. in sociology from Brandeis University, respectively,
(David Cunningham and Barb Browning, September 2004, The Emergence of Worthy Targets: Official Frames and Deviance Narratives within the
FBI, Sociological Forum, Vol. 19, No.3, p. 348 350), acui
frames emerging from within policing agencies have tangible consequences for those perceived
as challengers to the status quo. Noakes (1998) importantly notes that such power-holding agencies are "active
signifying agents engaged in the construction and maintenance of official frames," and we use
the case of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) counterintelligence program
(COINTELPRO) against the New Left between 1968 and 1971 to show how intraagency processes served to constitute
and reproduce these frames as bases for action. Specifically, our analysis of the FBI demonstrates how official frames are negotiated and
acted upon within power-holding organizations. To the extent that they are employed to maintain the political status quo, these official frames contain
implicit or explicit narratives of deviance that serve to demonize actors and organizations
engaged in counter-hegemonic activities. But these frames, even when explicitly articulated by
visible authorities, are not static, nor do they necessarily translate directly into predictable forms
of action, repressive or otherwise. The key is that the frames are constructed and negotiated
within the repressing agency and shaped by the specific interests and motivations of
organizational actors, which in turn are tied to the structure of the organization itself. Focusing on these
While recent studies (Noakes, 2000; Zuo and Benford, 1995) have examined how these frames are constructed and promoted, we extend this work to analyze how
intra-organizational processes moves us beyond the assumption of a simple relationship between frame construction and subsequent action, thereby strengthening our
policing agencies, such strategies have significant implications both for workers (whose upward mobility within the organization is often a function of their performance) as well
as for those consequently targeted as criminal or otherwise deviant (Waegel, 1981). In the following sections, we analyze how such intra-organizational processes played out
within the particular case of the FBI's COINTELPROs. Following Wilson's (1978) study of the FBI's investigative mission, we assert that the bureau's counterintelligence tasks
were shaped by the organizational priorities and procedures defined by its central actors, whose established mandates created incentives for agents to successfully carry out this
The ability to reproduce centrally defined official frames was especially important in
counterintelligence work, where, in contrast with criminal investigations that focused on perpetrators of specific criminal acts, agents
needed to identify a steady stream of suspects that matched often-nebulous classes of subversive
threats. Here, we demonstrate how the hierarchical structure of the bureau created a context where field
agents subject to organizational controls were "encouraged" to validate the countersubversive
frames constructed by central actors within the FBI. In the absence of political activity (subversive or otherwise) by New Left targets,
field agents were able to reproduce the frame by drawing upon observable signals of deviance that could serve as a basis to act against a wide range of New Left adherents. In
we examine the structure of the FBI itself to understand the goals and functioning of its
COINTELPROs, and then illustrate the emergence of two central official frames-subversion and
hate-that shaped the selection of COINTELPRO targets and actions. Finally, and most
important, we demonstrate that the looming threat of organizational sanctions provided
incentives for agents in the field to reproduce these official frames. Using the case of the FBI's counterintelligence
the next section,
activities against the New Left group Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), we show how field agents drew upon particular culturally resonant signals of deviance to
demonize and subsequently act against SDS members even in the absence of threatening political activity.
Cap K
Cap and race are intertwined but not causal perm is best
Cunningham and Browning 4 Chair of Department of Sociology at Brandeis University, Ph.D. in Sociology from
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, specializes in the legacy of racial contention and Ph.D. in sociology from Brandeis University, respectively,
(David Cunningham and Barb Browning, September 2004, The Emergence of Worthy Targets: Official Frames and Deviance Narratives within the
FBI, Sociological Forum, Vol. 19, No.3, p. 356 - 357), acui
This hate-based frame was employed again 3 years later against individuals and organizations
tied to the civil rights and black power movements. As discussed above, various members of the
civil rights movement, including Martin Luther King Jr., had been surveilled and harassed since
the 1950s, though such actions were always justified within the bureau's traditional
communist/subversiveness frame. In this sense, the civil rights movement had been
characterized within the FBI as threatening to the status quo through its ostensible
connections to communist interests, which in the absence of tangible evidence,
was justified through a racist assumption that intellectually deficient black
activists would be easily manipulable by the presumably more savvy Communist
Party (O'Reilly, 1989; Powers, 1987:324). Civil rights activity, therefore, became subversive through its susceptibility to
exploitation by established subversive (e.g., communist) threats. The framing of black activists as subversive shifted considerably
and groups tied to the civil rights and black power movements were now worthy
counterintelligence targets through their ostensible engagement in, or advocacy of, "hate"
activities. As with the treatment of white hate groups after 1964, no mention was made of communist connections; instead,
with the initiation of COINTELPRO-Black Nationalist/Hate Groups in 1967. Consistent with the program's title,
members of the movement were targeted "to counter their propensity for violence and civil disorder" due to their "pernicious
background,... duplicity, and devious maneuvers" (FBI Memo from Director to 23 field offices, 8/25/67). Note the continued role of
race in the narrative driving this particular frame. While
practices directed against black, brown, yellow, and red people are an
integral element of U. S. history, including present day American culture and society. This means not simply that
Americans have inherited racist attitudes and prejudices, but, more importantly, that institutional forms of racism are embedded in
American society in both visible and invisible ways. These institutional forms exist not only in remnants of de jure job, housing, and
educational discrimination and political gerrymandering. They also manifest themselves in a de facto labor market segmentation,
produced by the exclusion of large numbers of peoples of color from the socioeconomic mainstream. (This exclusion results from
limited educational opportunities, devastated families, a disproportionate presence in the prison population, and widespread police
brutality. ) It
also should be evident that past Marxist conceptions of racism have often
prevented U. S. socialist movements from engaging in antiracist activity in a
serious and consistent manner. In addition, black suspicion of white-dominated political
movements (no matter how progressive) as well as the distance between these movements and the daily
experiences of peoples of color have made it even more difficult to fight racism effectively .
Furthermore, the disproportionate white middle-class composition of contemporary democratic
socialist organizations creates cultural barriers to the participation by peoples of color. Yet this very
participation is a vital precondition for greater white sensitivity to antiracist struggle and to white acknowledgment of just how
crucial antiracist struggle is to the U. S. socialist movement. Progressive
of trust can be created only within concrete contexts of struggle. This interracial interaction
guarantees neither love nor friendship. Yet it can yield more understanding and the realization of two
overlapping goals-- democratic socialism and antiracism. While engaging in antiracist struggles, democratic socialists
democracy for people around the world; it also will put socialists in daily contact with peoples of color in common struggle.
can also enter into a dialogue on the power relationships and misconceptions that often emerge in multiracial movements for social
justice in a racist society. Honest and trusting coalition
antiracist struggle is both an ethical imperative and political necessity for
democratic socialists. It is even more urgent as once again racist policies and Third World intervention become more
acceptable to many Americans. A more effective democratic socialist movement engaged in antiracist and antiimperialist struggle
can help turn the tide. It depends on how well we understand the past and present, how courageously we act, and how true we
remain to our democratic socialist ideals of freedom, equality, and democracy.
and liberal
fundamentalists" who "simply and somewhat penitently" urge us to "'go back to class'" could also be directed at
Ken's conclusion. Ken writes, "Crafting a political left that does not merely reflect existing racial divisions
starts with the relatively mundane proposition that it is possible to make a persuasive appeal to the given interests of working and
unemployed women and men, regardless of race, in support of a program for economic justice." On this one, I side with Eric, rather
than Tim and Ken. Standing on the left depends on whose left side we're talking about. My left might be your right and vice versa,
because it depends on what direction we're facing, and what direction depends on which identities we're assuming and affirming.
Eric adds, "Even in less dismissive [than Tim's] accounts of new social movements based not on class but on identities formed by
histories of injustice, there is a striking a priori sense of voluntarism about the investment in this cause or that movement or the
other issue--as though determining the most fundamental issue were a matter of the writer's strength of feeling rather than a studied
or analytical sense of the ever-unstable balance of forces in a hegemonic bloc at a given moment." I agree, but I'll risk mangling what
Eric says by putting it more crassly. Touting
K of Politics
Focus on hyper-commercialized political spectacle effaces the
complexity of social problems and sanctions ongoing violence
Karlberg 6 (Michael, Department of Communication at Western Washington University.
Western Liberal Democracy as New World Order? (2006), The Bahai World,
Perspective Exclusion and Issue Reduction In addition to the problem of money, political
the expense of ones opponent unless there is a winner and a loser. As a result, political competition reduces complex issues into
problem is exacerbated by the hyper-commercialized media sectors that are emerging in most
Western societiesproducts of the political economy discussed above. These are driven by the logic of
manufacturing mass audiences in order to sell them to advertisers. The cheapest, and therefore
most profitable, way to manufacture a mass audience is through the construction of spectacle
including partisan political spectacle. Political coverage is thus reduced to a formula of
sound-bite politics in which emotionally charged sloganeering becomes the ticket into the public
sphere. As a result, simplistic political mantras echo throughout the public sphere, distorting the
complex nature of the issues at hand, constraining public perceptions, and aggravating partisan
divisions. In such a climate, it is virtually impossible to solve complex, multidimensional, social, and environmental problems. A closely related consequence of this
competitive model is the exclusion and inhibition of diverse voices who avoid or withdraw from the
arena of public service because of its simplistic and hostile atmosphere. Such an atmosphere does not
binary oppositions in which only one perspective can prevail. This is what Blondel calls the curse of oversimplification.25
attract individuals who, by nature or nurture or some combination of the two, are neither inclined toward nor comfortable with
simplistic adversarial debateeven though they may have important contributions to offer. Partisan mudslinging aside, adversarial
debate does not elicit the best reasoning even among the most confident individuals. Such conditions can entirely silence less
confident and less aggressiveor simply more thoughtful and caringindividuals.
social problems, from poverty to crime to drug dependency to domestic abuse, also
require long-term strategies and commitments. Sustained investments in education, the strengthening of families,
the creation of economic opportunities, the cultivation of ethical codes and moral values, and other approaches that yield results
across generations, are required. Yet the
first brush it seems like smart politics: avoid a Clintonesque botch and give yourself some time
to get support before taking on the gay issues. In fact, as a person as well as a lesbian, I find myself worrying more
about health care and the economy than the ability of LGBT people to serve openly in the military. But just how should we
be ranking identity politics in this grab bag moment of crisis and transition? The classic
approach to politics is to rank priorities and measure the finite bowl of political capital. If
Obama pushes hard on a green new deal, he likely won't have much left for universal health
care. If he backs off of serious economic regulation, then he might get more support for social
programs from Republicans. Because gay civil rights struggles affect fewer individuals and relate
to less quantifiable harms, it's hard to justify putting them at the top of the list. The
alternative is to reject the ranked priorities political model altogether. There is little evidence
that sway and support is finite in the American political system. Political capital relates to the
actions of the leader, yes, but can be infinitely large or non-existent at any point in time. In some
ways, the more you get done, the more the bowl of capital swells. Ranking America's
problems to conserve political influence is a narrow minded approach to solving
this crisis. Putting banks at the top of the list avoids the plight of large employers (like car companies - as much as we love to
Obama staffers say the delay is necessary to allow for consensus building. The move raises a number of questions and concerns.
hate their executives). Sending health care and other social programs to second or third place, leaves those immediately affected by
the crisis with nothing to fall back on. Finally, ignoring
tax burdens on gay couples, denies benefits to gay spouses in many employment situations and polarizes social conservatives and
social liberals in a time when consensus is essential. The first years of the Obama presidency cannot be about determining who and
what matters and who and what doesn't. There should be no ranking of political promises and political objectives. As President of
the United States, we expect Obama to be able to multitask. As LGBT people, we should not stop fighting for the end of DADT, but
also the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act and the implementation of hate crime legislation that recognizes LGBT victims.
Identity politics do not need to fall to the back burner just because times are tough. Working towards full LGBT rights should, and
hopefully will, remain a priority for all of us.