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Field Testing of Overcurrent Trip Units For Low Voltage Circuit Breakers Used in DC Applications

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Field Testing of Overcurrent Trip Units

for Low Voltage Circuit Breakers
Used in DC Applications
August, 1994
Effective October 1, 2008, this report has been made publicly available in accordance with Section 734.3(b)(3) and
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supersedes the export control restrictions and any proprietary licensed material notices embedded in the document
prior to publication.

Prepared by
Eddie L. Davis, Edan Engineering Corp.
Daniel L. Funk, Edan Engineering Corp.

Prepared for
Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center
1300 Harris Boulevard
Charlotte, North Carolina 28262
Operated by
Electric Power Research Institute
3412 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94304
EPRI Project Manager
Jim Sharkey
Nuclear Power Division

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operated by EPRI

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NMAC Tech Notes

This Tech Note investigates and
provides recommendations for
field testing the overcurrent trip
units of low voltage circuit
breakers used in direct current
(DC) applications. Although
industry guidance is available for
field testing low voltage circuit
breakers in alternating current (AC)
applications, guidance for testing
breakers used in DC circuits is
virtually nonexistent.
Fault theory and breaker operating
principles are discussed at a depth
necessary to technically
substantiate recommended
practices contained in this Tech
Note. The response of low voltage
circuit breaker overcurrent trip
units to AC and DC current is
compared to facilitate an
understanding of the issues and
concerns surrounding overcurrent
test methods for low voltage circuit
breakers used in dc applications.

The applicability of this information

to a test program for DC system
breakers is described in detail.
This Tech Note addresses whether
or not overcurrent test results
obtained using AC current are
representative of a breakers
performance under DC conditions.
This document demonstrates that
technically valid test results can be
obtained using either AC or DC test
The final recommendations
presented favor AC testing over DC
testing based on familiarity with
the test method and economic
considerations; however, it is
stressed that either test method
can yield technically acceptable
results. The potential benefits and
Iimitations of each test method, AC
or DC, should be understood
thoroughly before selecting a test
method or interpreting test results.

Table of Contents

Scope l
Background l
Comparison of DC to AC Characteristics
in Overcurrent Trip Units
Comparison of DC to AC Ratings of
Low Voltage Circuit Breakers l
Field Testing of Low Voltage Circuit Breakers
for DC Applications
Conclusions and Recommendations l
Bibliography l
Appendix A

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The scope of this document is limited to field testing issues associated with
low voltage circuit breaker used in DC applications. Low voltage circuit
breakers are generally defined as breakers rated for service in systems up to
600 VAC or 250 VDC. There are two main categories - molded case circuit
breakers (MCCBs) and low voltage power circuit breakers (LVPCBs). Both
breaker types are evaluated within the scope of this Tech Note. Breakers
equipped with solid-state trip units are not normally used in DC circuits and
are not discussed.
This Tech Note focuses on overcurrent testing. Accordingly, discussions are
primarily concerned with characterizing the response of low voltage circuit
breaker overcurrent trip units to different levels of DC overcurrent and
explaining how the expected response potentially affects field test methods.
Although other field inspections and tests are recommended for breaker
maintenance programs in addition to overcurrent testing, existing industry
guidance is considered adequate for these other inspections and tests, as
discussed in the Background section.
The discussion in this document is geared toward nuclear power plants.
Nuclear plants operate within strict safety and regulatory criteria and are
required to periodically demonstrate the operability of plant safety
equipment. The technical information presented, however, is applicable to
all low voltage circuit breakers used in DC applications.
An overcurrent test program for DC circuit breakers should consider the
Available time-current characteristic curves available from the
Available test equipment - AC or DC test equipment
Type of test - instantaneous or thermal trip unit
Acceptance criteria for the test
This Tech Note addresses the above program elements for the overload trip
test and the instantaneous trip test. It also provides a technical overview of
the differences between AC and DC current effects on MCCBs and LVPCBs.
The emphasis is on MCCBs because of their greater industry use in DC

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A straightforward solution to the issue regarding prudent methods of field

testing low voltage circuit breakers used in DC applications at nuclear power
plants has been elusive, primarily due to three factors:

A lack of technical information regarding breaker performance

characteristics in dc applications


Cautious and noncommittal recommendations from manufacturers and

industry organizations


Little industry effort to resolve the issue due to the limited market for DC

Billions of MCCBs have been installed for AC applications. MCCBs for AC

applications are well understood and field test equipment is readily available
to verify that these breakers are functional. The National Electrical
Manufacture Association (NEMA) has issued AB4-1991, Guidelines for
Inspection and Preventive Maintenance of Molded Case Circuit Breakers Used
in Commercial and Industrial Applications, to assist users with field testing
methods. Although not explicitly stated in AB4- 1991, the test methods
described apply to AC MCCBs; DC applications are not addressed.
Virtually every building or facility contains MCCBs for AC circuit isolation
and system protection; however, few, if any, breakers may be installed for DC
applications. For example, a nuclear plant may have anywhere from
hundreds to thousands of MCCBs installed in AC systems, but only a few
dozen installed in DC systems. And, the number of DC LVPCBs will be
substantially less than the number of DC MCCBs. Frequently, the total
number of LVPCBs installed in the plants DC system is as few as four, if
any. These larger, more expensive breakers are typically used only as
battery output breakers.
NEMA AB4-1991 and EPRI NP-7410, Volume 3, Molded-Case Circuit
Breaker Maintenance, provide detailed information regarding maintenance,
inspection, and testing of MCCBs. Although these documents do not
explicitly address the unique characteristics of MCCBS used in DC
applications, the information in these documents is directly applicable to
MCCBs in DC applications for the following inspections or tests:
Overheating inspection
Enclosure inspection

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Mechanical operation inspection

Insulation resistance test
Insulated pole resistance test
Rated hold test
Auxiliary device tests
Additional guidance beyond that provided in existing industry documents or
manufacturers literature is needed for the overload trip test and the
instantaneous trip test for DC MCCBs. The purpose of this Tech Note is to
provide this additional information.

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Comparison of DC to AC Characteristics in Overcurrent

Trip Units

The tripping characteristics of low voltage circuit breakers are generally

provided by the manufacturers in the form of time-current characteristic
curves. A typical time-current curve is shown in Figure 1. The overcurrent
devices that provide the tripping function for each region of the curve are
discussed in the following sections.
3.1 MCCB Time Delay Trip Units
Time delay trip units protect against sustained overloads and incorporate an
intentional time delay in the tripping function. These units control the
breakers trip characteristics in the time delay trip region (see Figure 1). The
time delay trip function is normally achieved by a thermal trip unit, a
bimetal element consisting of two bonded strips of metal having different
rates of thermal expansion (see Figure 2). Line current passing through the
bimetal element, which is often part of the current carrying path, causes the
element to heat and deflect. If the bimetal element deflects sufficiently, it
trips the latch on the breaker trip mechanism.
The time needed for the bimetal to deflect and trip the circuit breaker varies
inversely with current. A longer time delay is allowed before tripping when a
light overload occurs and a quicker response occurs for heavy overloads. This
inverse-time delay response typically starts at about 125% of rated current
and extends to the instantaneous trip region.
For many MCCBs, thermal trip units are calibrated by the manufacturer and
are not adjustable. In some newer breakers, the time-current response is
The thermal response of the bimetal strip is directly related to the heat
energy dissipated in the bimetal element. This energy comes from resistive
heating of the element and is therefore a function of power, which in turn is a
function of the current flowing through the bimetal strip. Average power is
related to current by

The current in the above expression represents the effective current. In a DC

system, the effective current is the steady-state DC current. In an AC
system, current varies sinusoidally about the zero axis and alternately
reaches a positive and negative peak value (see Figure 3).

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Figure 2 - Typical Time-Current Characteristic Curve

Figure 1 - MCCB Thermal Trip Unit

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Figure 3 - Typical Alternating Current

The effective current for an AC signal is defined as the root-mean-square
(RMS) current and is related to the peak value by

The above relationship applies only to a single frequency sinusoidal AC

signal. AC current is normally defined in terms of RMS current rather than
its peak value (Appendix A contains a more detailed derivation of the
expression for RMS current). The same concept applies to voltage also. For
example, a 120 VAC power source has an RMS value of 120 VAC and a peak
value of about 170 VAC.
The RMS value of AC current is effectively equal to a DC current of the same
magnitude in terms of its power transmission and heating capability, hence
the term effective current. Based on this relationship, the bimetal strip will
respond in virtually the same manner regardless of whether the applied
current is AC or DC, provided that the AC RMS value equals the DC value.
Since the thermal response (deflection) of the bimetal strip is effectively the
same for AC RMS and DC current, the time delay trip characteristics
depicted by the breakers time-current characteristic curve represent the
breakerss performance in either AC or DC applications. Thus, test results
obtained using AC or DC test methods should also be equivalent.

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Some fully magnetic MCCBs are also capable of providing a time delay trip
function, although this type of design is seldom used for DC applications.
Magnetic forces generated in the breakers coil are concentrated in a movable
iron core. In response to overcurrent, the core is drawn closer to the trip
mechanism armature until the magnetic force on the armature trips the
breaker. The trip time delay is obtained by use of a damping fluid which
slows movement of the iron core. AC and DC current can cause a different
response in this type of trip unit. The response of magnetic trip units is
discussed in the next section.
3.2 MCCB Instantaneous (Magnetic) Trip Units
Magnetic trip units protect against short circuits. They are often called
instantaneous trip units since they are actuated without any intentional time
delay. A magnetic trip unit consists of an electromagnet connected to the
breaker trip bar (see Figure 4). Line current passing through the magnetic
element results in an attractive force on the armature (a movable iron slug).
When a short circuit occurs, the magnetic force generated by the short circuit
current is strong enough to overcome internal spring tension. The armature
then moves and actuates the latch on the breaker trip mechanism. This
tripping action has no intentional built-in time delay; trip actuation is a
function of the short circuit current magnitude.

Figure 4 - Magnetic Trip Unit


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Magnetic trip units may be either adjustable or nonadjustable. MCCBs rated

below 150 amperes generally have nonadjustable magnetic trip units.
Breakers rated 225 amperes and above typically have adjustable magnetic
trip units. If an adjustment is possible, the magnetic pickup setting is
usually adjusted by a linkage that varies the spring tension on the magnet
The instantaneous trip function shown on time-current characteristic curves
starts with the vertical band that intersects the time delay region (see Figure
1). Trip times inside this vertical portion of the time-current curves are not
precisely defined because this region defines the transition from thermal
tripping to magnetic tripping. This transition region represents the setpoint
tolerance of the magnetic trip unit. Depending on the exact trip point of the
instantaneous unit, tripping within this transition region can be thermal,
with a short time delay, or magnetic, with no intentional delay. Beyond the
transition region is the instantaneous region. In this region, the magnetic
trip unit alone should cause the breaker to trip.
The instantaneous trip is distinctly different in nature than the thermal trip.
The instantaneous trip occurs in response to a magnetic force generated by
the current. Current flowing through the magnetic trip unit generates a
magnetic force on the trip armature according to the following expression for
a simple armature design:


Instantaneous magnitude of current

Number of effective turns in sensing coil

Magnetic permeability of air (4 x 10-7 Henries/meter)


Effective air gap distance in armature

Cross-sectional area of armature

Combined reluctance (resistance to magnetic force of all parts

of the armature and depends primarily on the armature geometric

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As shown in the above expression for a simple armature arrangement, the

force is a function of (1) the instantaneous current magnitude, (2) the
effective number of turns in the current coil, (3) the air gap distance between
the armature contacts, (4) the cross-sectional area of the armature, and (5)
the reluctance of the iron path in the armature. For a given MCCB design,
the only variable is current; the other parameters are design dependent and
are constant for a given breaker.
As shown, the magnetic force is proportional to the square of the
instantaneous current. With AC current, the magnetic force becomes larger
as the sinusoidal current varies from zero to its peak value, with the
maximum force created at the peak current value. Since the instantaneous
trip point depends on the magnetic force exerted on the trip armature of the
breaker, the trip point is dependent on the peak current and not the RMS
current over a finite period. Note that instantaneous DC current has no such
distinction between RMS and peak values (neglecting rise time and ripple).
Even though magnetic trip units react to the instantaneous value of AC
current, the trip characteristics are generally expressed in terms of RMS
current on MCCB time-current characteristic curves. Because the magnetic
trip unit will not respond the same to AC RMS and DC current, the breakers
performance under DC current is expected to vary by some amount from the
AC trip characteristics depicted by the time-current curve.
Remember that the peak and RMS value of AC current are related by the
Based on the foregoing discussion, one might expect that the
difference in instantaneous trip response between AC and DC current would
be about
i.e., a DC current might be about 1.41 times larger than an AC
RMS current to initiate an equivalent instantaneous trip. However, this
much of a difference will not generally be observed because:

The AC peak current is not a sustained value; it is only the peak of a

varying sinusoidal current; and


The DC current is a sustained value even though it is smaller than the AC

peak (assuming the DC current is equal in magnitude to the AC RMS

For these reasons, the effective difference between AC and DC currents on

the instantaneous trip response can vary from 10% to 40%, i.e., the value of
DC current that will initiate a trip will typically be 10% to 40% higher than
the AC RMS current that will trip the breaker. For example, a breaker that
trips at 1,000 amps AC RMS current should trip at about 1,200 amps DC
current if the conversion factor is 20%. The conversion factor between AC
and DC current for each to cause an equivalent instantaneous trip is not a


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constant in which a single conversion factor can be applied to all MCCB sizes
and ratings. The difference between the two varies with frame size as well as
the minimum to maximum ratings within the frame size.
Design features that cause these variations include:
Assembly variations within the magnetic circuit
Spring constants
Air gap
Armature bias
Number of turns in sensing coil
Latch loads
Trip bar motion

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Another factor differentiating AC from DC current is the cycles of force

obtained from AC current. When exposed to AC overcurrents, the trip
armature may chatter, knocking the latch partially off with each electrical
cycle. Eventually with enough cycles, the latch is moved sufficiently to trip
the breaker. With DC current, there are no cycles; the magnetic force
generated by DC current must be sufficient to trip the armature latch with
its single forced motion.
3.3 Low Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Overcurrent Trip Units
LVPCBs typically utilize a magnetic electro-mechanical overcurrent trip
unit. The trip assembly usually consists of a magnet, a series coil that
carries the breaker primary current, and a moving armature. Depending on
the type of time-delay mechanism used by the device, the movement of the
armature may be delayed by either an oil dashpot (long-time delay) or a
ratchet gear or mechanical timer (short-time delay). Instantaneous trips
usually rely on a calibration spring to restrain the armature. Even though
the operating requirements are similar, the design of the overcurrent trip
unit varies widely among manufacturers.
The overcurrent trip unit function is similar to MCCBs, operating on an
inverse-time current delay principle; the higher the primary current through
the series coil, the faster the device trips the breaker. The instantaneous trip
occurs with no intentional time delay.
LVPCBs often allow a long-time delay and a short-time delay trip. The
long-time delay trip device typically consists of a trip armature, an oil
dashpot, and a common series coil. The series coil is common to the long-time
delay trip device, the short-time delay trip device, and the instantaneous trip
device. The armature is restrained by a calibration spring. When the
magnetic force produced by an overcurrent condition in the series coil
overcomes the restraining force of the calibration spring, the armature
moves, but is slowed by the flow of oil through an orifice in the oil dashpot
plunger. The time required to displace the plunger is inversely proportional
to the force attempting to move the armature. The armature then moves a
lever on the trip shaft which trips the breaker. Some designs use an air
diaphragm rather than an oil dashpot, but the end result is essentially the
same. The pickup point for this device can usually be varied from 80% to
160% of rated current.
The short-time trip delay device often consists of a trip armature, a ratchet
gear, and a common series coil. The trip armature is restrained by a
calibrating spring. When the magnetic force produced by an overcurrent
condition in the series coil overcomes the calibration spring force, the
armature is slowed by a ratchet gear, which produces an additional time


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delay. After this short time delay, the armature moves a lever on the trip
shaft which trips the breaker. Some designs use a mechanical timer or a
secondary armature interlocked with the long-time delay trip unit rather
than a ratchet gear arrangement. The pickup point of this device can usually
be varied from 200% to 1000% of rated current.
The instantaneous overcurrent trip device consists of a trip armature
restrained by a calibration spring and a common series coil. When the
magnetic force produced by an overcurrent condition in the series coil
overcomes the calibration spring force, the armature operates a lever on the
trip shaft which trips the breaker.
A comparison of AC to DC overcurrent response is similar to that described
for MCCB magnetic trip units because the trip elements of LVPCBs are
actuated by magnetic force. Although a time-delay function is included in the
design for LVPCB overcurrent trip units, the sensing element is unlike the
thermal trip unit in an MCCB. For this reason, a LVPCBs response may be
different for AC and DC overcurrents in both the time delay and the
instantaneous trip regions. Manufacturers usually performed extensive
testing of LVPCBs and the associated trip units during their development to
characterize the response to both AC and DC currents. This information is
reflected on the manufacturers time-current curves; they should be reviewed
to determine any variations in response between AC and DC.
LVPCB overcurrent trip units used in DC applications may have design
differences from those used in AC applications, even if the model number for
a given trip unit is the same for either application. In particular, the trip
unit calibration spring and the armature air gap may be adjusted for a DC
application. The net result of this design modification is that the DC
time-current curves may be almost identical in shape to the AC curves. A
review of the AC and DC time-current curves might prompt an interpretation
that the trip response to AC and DC currents is identical. However, the
previous discussion regarding the different response between AC and DC
currents in a magnetic trip unit still applies; in this case, the identical
characteristics possibly shown on the time-current curves was achieved by
varying the design depending on whether the application was AC or DC. The
manufacturer should be contacted to determine any design differences for
overcurrent trip units in AC or DC applications that might affect an
interpretation of the time-current curves. Also, the manufacturer should be
able to provide a DC to AC conversion factor to account for the different trip
response obtained with an AC test current on a DC trip unit.

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Comparison of DC to AC Ratings of Low Voltage Circuit Breakers

Low voltage circuit breakers for DC applications are often identical in design
to standard AC breakers. Breakers designed for AC applications, but used in
DC systems, will generally have a higher continuous current capability
because of the absence of skin effect, hysteresis, and eddy currents. However,
for convenience, the manufacturer may provide the same current rating for
both applications.
The maximum current that a DC breaker can interrupt and the maximum
voltage that can be applied will be less than for an equivalent design AC
breaker because of the nature of DC current. Interruption of DC current is
distinctly different and is usually more difficult than interruption of AC
current at comparable voltages and currents. An AC current interrupter
does not have to develop a large voltage drop across the fault current arc
between the breaker contacts because the sinusoidal current passes through
zero during each half cycle. DC current does not pass through a current zero
and a DC current interrupter must develop an arc voltage drop greater than
the applied circuit voltage while current is flowing to force the fault current
to zero across the contacts. For this reason, the DC breaker must absorb
considerably more energy during the fault clearing process than an
equivalent AC breaker; a given breaker contact and arc chute design will
have a lower DC than AC voltage and current interrupting rating. For
example, a breaker rated for 65,000 RMS symmetrical amperes at 480 VAC
may only be rated for 10,000 amperes at 250 VDC.

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Field Testing of Low Voltage Circuit Breakers

for DC Applications

The engineering principles discussed in the preceding sections provide a

technical basis for understanding and implementing field test methods for
low voltage circuit breakers used in DC applications. By understanding how
these breakers respond to overcurrent, AC and DC, an effective test program
can be initiated for DC breakers using either AC or DC test equipment.
Either test method is capable of providing satisfactory field test results, if
conducted properly. Both AC and DC testing are discussed in the following
5.1 General Considerations
Overcurrent testing of DC breakers is fundamentally the same as testing AC
breakers; there is no technical reason to implement radically different
programs for AC and DC low voltage circuit breakers. For AC breakers,
standard industry practice is to perform an overload trip test and an
instantaneous trip test. Guidance for conducting these tests on MCCBs is
contained in NEMA AB4-1991 and EPRI 7410, Volume 3. Overload trip
testing is generally performed at 300% of rated current and acceptance
criteria for trip times are specified in NEMA AB4- 1991 (NOTE: Some plants
implement more restrictive acceptance criteria than is specified in NEMA
AB4-1991). Instantaneous trip testing is performed based on the low and
high tolerance limits specified by NEMA AB4-1991. LVPCB overcurrent
testing is substantially the same as that used for MCCBs with one possible
difference: some LVPCBs contain a short-time trip delay function that
should be tested in addition to the long-time delay and instantaneous
functions. Short-time trip delay units are typically tested at about 110% to
150% of their pickup value.
DC breakers should be tested in the same general manner and at the same
overcurrent points used to test similar breakers in AC applications. The
basis for this position is that low voltage circuit breaker trip characteristics
are either the same (thermal trip units) or differ only by a predictable and
measurable factor (magnetic trip units) under equivalent magnitudes of AC
or DC current.
Manufacturers time-current characteristic curves provide the expected
response of low voltage circuit breakers to various levels of overcurrent.
Depending on the method of circuit breaker certification and the
manufacturers intended market, available curves may apply to AC only, DC
only, or AC/DC. Before establishing test acceptance criteria for a Particular
DC application, the information provided by the manufacturers curves
should be fully understood.

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5.2 AC Overcurrent Testing of MCCBS

Verifying that a DC MCCB responds properly to an AC test current confirms
that it is functional for its design purpose. The test methods described in
NEMA AB4-1991 or EPRI NP-7410, Volume 3, are adequate to verify the
breakers ability to respond to overcurrents in the thermal and instantaneous
trip regions. The acceptance criteria do not need to be modified simply
because the MCCBs are used in DC applications. The acceptance criteria
provided by NEMA AB4-1991 for AC applications are adequate to confirm
MCCB functionality.
As discussed previously, there are not significant design differences between
thermal-magnetic MCCBS used in AC or DC applications. Actually, most
MCCBs are developed for AC applications and are later tested and rated for
DC. The significance of this is that there are not fundamental design
differences between AC and DC MCCBs that will cause DC breakers to
respond in an unpredictable manner when tested with AC current.
Overcurrent test results obtained using AC test equipment can be directly
correlated to performance under DC conditions, provided that the expected
tripping characteristics for AC and DC current are clearly defined and well
When testing with AC current, the AC time-current characteristics must be
known. The test acceptance values should be based on the AC performance
characteristics and not the DC performance characteristics. The AC
time-current characteristics will certainly be known for AC and AC/DC rated
breakers; most time-current curves provided by manufacturers are based on
AC performance characteristics. Manufacturer assistance may be needed for
rare cases in which an MCCB has only a DC rating. Even in these cases, the
manufacturer should be able to provide AC time-current curves or DC/AC
conversion information.
The AC test equipment used should be capable of providing a zero DC offset
output current and the test current should not have a significant harmonic
content. DC offset of the AC waveform can occur if the voltage is at a value
other than zero when the circuit is closed; the resultant current is called the
asymmetrical current (see Figure 5). The offset can be as high as 20%; the
actual offset depends on the instantaneous voltage at the moment the test is
initiated. The effect of this offset is that the breaker may trip sooner than
expected since the current peak is higher than the expected symmetrical
When testing the instantaneous trip in accordance with NEMA AB4-1991 or
EPRI 7410, Volume 3, this offset can influence the test results in two ways:


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Figure 5 - Asymmetrical Test Current

A test current applied just below the low tolerance limit for the
instantaneous trip might initiate a breaker trip, falsely indicating a
tendency for premature tripping. Per NEMA AB4-1991, the low tolerance
is normally -30% below the minimum instantaneous trip point. Some
nuclear plants test with a smaller tolerance to assure that premature
tripping cannot occur; a smaller tolerance increases the likelihood of a
breaker trip due to asymmetrical test current.
A test current applied at the high tolerance limit is more likely to trip
because of the presence of offset. Thus, the offset might introduce enough
additional magnetic force to trip the breaker when the breaker might not
have otherwise met the acceptance criteria of NEMA AB4-1991 had the
current been only symmetrical.
The DC component of an asymmetrical current decays rapidly and is
generally gone within a few cycles. For this reason, asymmetrical current
will not measurably affect overcurrent testing of time-delay thermal trip
A DC offset in the AC test current may erroneously indicate a potential for
premature instantaneous tripping at the low end and the high end might
inappropriately appear to be acceptable. Because the AC trip response is
related to the DC trip response by a design-dependent conversion factor, any

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error in the AC test results will also be present in predictions of the DC trip
5.3 DC Overcurrent Testing of MCCBs
Commercially available DC test equipment can provide the necessay DC
current levels to verify the functionality of the thermal and instantaneous
trip units. The accuracy and repeatability of DC test equipment is similar to
that obtained with AC test equipment. The use of DC current to test DC
MCCBs does not guarantee a better correlation between field test results and
the factory calibration data represented by the time-current characteristic
curves. The following variations in field testing can cause differences from
the factory test results:
Rate of rise

Initial overshoot
In the instantaneous region, DC test equipment should deliver current with a
time constant of 8 ms or shorter to meet the criteria established by UL-489,
Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures. A longer time
constant may yield results different than the manufacturers predictions.
When testing MCCBs with a DC current source, particular care must be
taken to ensure that the correct time-current characteristic curves are used.
Many MCCBs mainly have AC time-current characteristic curves and
manufacturers provide conversion factors to adjust the instantaneous trip
region for DC applications. As discussed previously, the thermal trip region
usually does not require any adjustment for DC testing since AC RMS
current is equivalent to DC current of the same magnitude.
The manufacturer should be consulted to confirm that the information
provided on the time-current curves is applicable. Not all manufacturers
time-current characteristic tunes readily indicate a difference between AC
and DC in the instantaneous region. For example, one manufacturer
provides the same curves for AC and DC applications; however, another
document must be consulted to determine the correction factor to apply to the
instantaneous region for DC applications. Other manufacturers provide the
conversion information directly on the time-current curves. Also, each
manufacturer may provide a different conversion factor for each MCCB
model and rating, ranging from as low as 10% to as high as 40%.


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5.4 Testing Considerations for DC LVPCBs

Overcurrent testing of DC LVPCBs follows the same principles and rationale
as discussed for MCCBs. Satisfactory test results can be obtained using AC
or DC test methods. Based on the technical discussion provided in the
previous sections, acceptable performance can be demonstrated using AC test
equipment and testing to the manufacturers time-current characteristic
curves. The AC and DC time-current curves for a particular trip unit should
be reviewed for any variations in response. As discussed previously, a
LVPCB overcurrent trip unit may have some design differences between AC
and DC applications. The manufacturer should be contacted to determine
the appropriate conversion factor to apply for AC testing of a DC LVPCB.
For example, one manufacturer states that an AC test current should be
reduced by 5% to obtain results equivalent to a DC current.
5.5 Acceptance Testing of New Breakers
As stated in the Scope section, the emphasis of this Tech Note is on field
testing of LVCBs used in DC applications. However, the technical
information provided is certainly applicable to acceptance testing of new
breakers also. The chief difference between acceptance and field testing is
that acceptance testing is frequently used to verify design attributes whereas
field testing as established by NEMA AB4-1991 is intended only to confirm
breaker functionality. This difference usually shows up in the test
tolerances; acceptance testing for design verification may have tighter
tolerances than allowed for field testing per NEMA AB4-1991. Despite the
potentially tighter tolerances for acceptance testing, either AC or DC testing
of breakers used in DC applications can provide satisfactory results. The
technical rationale is the same as discussed for field testing.

Field Testing Low Voltage Circuit Breakers


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Conclusions and Recommendations

This Tech Note provides an overview of the theory and application of

overcurrent testing methods for low voltage circuit breakers used in DC
applications. Industry standards and manufacturers published literature do
not provide clear and consistent recommendations in this area. Industry
standards from the following organizations were evaluated as part of this
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA)
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Military Standards (MIL STDs)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Additionally, investigations included consultation with key manufacturers,
test equipment vendors and users.
Key conclusions and recommendations reached by this Tech Note are
summarized below:

The response of low voltage circuit breakers to AC and DC overcurrent is

readily characterized:
Thermal trip units used in MCCBs will respond equally to a DC current or AC RMS current of the same magnitude.
Magnetic trip units used in MCCBs and LVPCBs may respond differently to AC RMS and DC current. The AC RMS and DC current that
will produce equivalent tripping characteristics are related by a
manufacturer-specified conversion factor.


Overcurrent testing of low voltage circuit breakers used in DC applications

may be accomplished using either AC or DC test methods. Technically
valid verification of breaker functionality can be obtained using either
method as long as the user fully understands and accounts for the
inherent potential differences in a breakers response to AC or DC

Field Testing Low Voltage Circuit Breakers


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NMAC Tech Notes

The purchase of DC test equipment solely for the purpose of testing DC

system breakers is not recommended. The initial and recurring expense
associated with equipment purchase, separate test procedures,
additional training, and equipment upkeep is not justifiable given that
technically valid test results can be obtained using AC test equipment.
Similarly, if DC test equipment is already owned and in use, there is no
compelling reason to switch to AC testing.
The acceptance criteria described in this Tech Note for testing DC low
voltage circuit breakers are based on NEMA AB4-1991. The acceptance
criteria in NEMA AB4-1991 are generally considered adequate for
verifying the functionality of AC MCCBs. By understanding the
difference in breaker trip response for AC and DC currents, the NEMA
AB4-1991 acceptance criteria can be applied with equal validity to DC

When testing DC breakers with AC equipment:

The acceptance criteria should be based on the breakers AC trip
characteristics. If desired, DC equivalent performance can be determined using the manufacturer-specified conversion factors. The conversion factor used for a specific breaker model and size should be
confirmed by the manufacturer.
The instantaneous trip test should be conducted using test equipment capable of providing a zero DC offset output current. A DC offset may result in erroneous test results.


When testing DC breakers with DC equipment:

The acceptance criteria should be based on the breakers DC trip
characteristics. Users should consult with the manufacturer to confirm the DC characteristics since most time-current curves are based
on AC applications.
Test equipment rise time, ripple, and overshoot may impact test result accuracy. Users should confirm that DC test equipment provides current with a sufficiently short rise time to meet the original
test criteria established by UL-489.



In addition to overcurrent testing, other inspections and tests are

recommended for low voltage circuit breakers to ensure continued high
reliability. With regard to these other inspections and tests, existing
industry and manufacturers guidance for AC breakers is considered
adequate for DC breakers.

Field Testing Low Voltage Circuit Breakers

EPRI Licensed Material

NMAC Tech Notes


ANSI/IEEE C37. 13-1981, IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power

Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures.


ANSI/IEEE C37. 14-1979, Standard for Low-Voltage DC Power Circuit

Breakers Used in Enclosures.


ANSI C37. 17-1979, American National Standard for Trip Devices for AC
and General Purpose DC Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers.


ANSI/IEEE Standard 242-1986, IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection

and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE
Buff Book).


IEEE 946-1992, IEEE Recommened Practice for the Design of DC

Auxiliary Power Systems for Generating Stations.


EPRI NP-7410, Volume 1, Part 1, Circuit Breaker Maintenance,

Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers, ABB K-Line Models, August 1992.


EPRI NP-7410, Volume 1, Part 2, Circuit Breaker Maintenance,

Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers, GE AK Models, July 1992.


EPRI NP-7410, Volume 1, Part 4, Circuit Breaker Maintenance,

Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers, Westinghouse Model DS, September 1992.


EPRI NP-7410, Volume 3, Breaker Maintenance, Molded-Case Circuit

Breakers, September 1991.


NEMA Standards Publication No. AB 1-1986, Molded Case Circuit

Breakers and Molded Case Switches.


NEMA Standards Publication No. AB 3-1984, Molded Case Circuit

Breakers and Their Application.


NEMA Standards Publication No. AB 4-1991, Guidelines for Inspection

and Preventive Maintenance of Molded Case Circuit Breakers Used in
Commercial and Industrial Applications.


UL 489, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures,

1988 Edition.


Carl T. A. Johnk, Engineering Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, John

Wiley & Sons, 1975.


James W. Nilsson, Electric Circuits, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,


Field Testing Low Voltage Circuit Breakers


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NMAC Tech Notes

16. Square D Company Letter dated March 23, 1994, George Gregory to Eddie
Davis, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers in dc Circuits.
17. Square D Circuit Breaker Application Guide SD390, 9/88, Determining
Current Carrying Capacity in Special Applications.

Square D Catalog Class 601, Thermal-Magnetic /Magnetic Only Molded

Case Circuit Breakers, September 1991.

19. William D. Stevenson, Jr., Elements of Power System Analysis,

McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1982.



Westinghouse Electric Corporation letter dated September 2, 1992, J. C.

Wilson to Tom Fetterman, AC vs DC Trip Response, Molded Case


Telephone Call Report ELD-036-94, Eddie Davis to George Gregory, dated

March 22, 1994.


Telephone Call Report ELD-064-94, Eddie Davis to Dean Sigmon, dated

May 20, 1994.

Field Testing Low Voltage Circuit Breakers

EPRI Licensed Material

NMAC Tech Notes

Appendix A Comparison of RMS AC Current to DC Current

An MCCB thermal trip unit is expected to have an essentially identical
response regardless of whether the applied current is AC or DC, provided
that the RMS value of the AC current is equal in magnitude to the DC
current. This appendix provides a technical overview of AC and DC currents
with regard to their ability to deliver power to a resistive load such as a
thermal trip unit. The effective value of a single frequency sinusoidal AC
current capable of providing the same energy as a DC current is calculated.
The power delivered by a DC current,

, through a resistance, R, is given by

The power delivered at any instant in time by an AC current through the

same resistance, R, is given by


The lower case letters for power and current above indicate that these are the
values at a particular instant in time.
represents the peak value of the
sinusoidal current. The cosine term is present due to the sinusoidal nature of
the current which may be out of phase with the applied voltage by the phase
angle q. In summary, the power delivered at any instant in time by a
sinusoidal AC current can be expressed as

The average power associated with a sinusoidal current is the average of the
instantaneous power over one complete period, T. In equation form, the
average power is expressed by integrating the instantaneous power starting
at some time,
, over a full period,
+ T.


Field Testing Low Voltage Circuit Breakers


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This integral can be simplified by expanding the squared cosine function by

the trigonometric identity

Using this identity, the expression for instantaneous AC power is given by:

Returning to the integral relationship for the average power, the second term
in the above expression will integrate to zero since it is symmetrical about
the zero axis over one complete period. Thus, the average power in a
sinusoidal circuit is given by

Solving the integral yields

Now, we can return to the original question regarding the required

relationship between AC and DC current to provide the same power. If the
DC power equals the AC power, then



Field Testing Low Voltage Circuit Breakers

EPRI Licensed Material

NMAC Tech Notes

Simplifying this equality yields

The peak AC current,

, divided by
is called the AC RMS current.
Notice the AC and DC currents supply the same power when the magnitude
of the DC current equals the AC RMS current.

Field Testing Low Voltage Circuit Breakers


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