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Annotated Bibliography

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Brianne Robinson
Prof. Intiwiwat
20 June 2016

Annotated Bibliography
"Adolescent Self-Esteem and Gender: Exploring Relations to Sexual
Harassment, Body Image, Media Influence, and Emotional
Expression." Women and Language 28.1 (2005): 70. ProQuest.
Web. 30 June 2016.
This is an academic source that discusses the effects of social
media on the esteem of teenagers ranging from 5th to 12th grade.
It also breaks down the effects by gender.

I will quote this source when talking about how social media
affects our own opinions of ourselves and can prevent true selfdiscovery based on the fact that we are constantly looking for
the approval others.
While not much is known about the author, the document comes from
a reliable database that houses many informative essays,
dissertations and reports.

Chua, Celestine. "101 Important Questions To Ask Yourself." 101

Important Questions To Ask Yourself. N.p., n.d. Web. 30
June 2016
This article asks a total of 100 questions that everyone should
ask themselves when they evaluate themselves or self-discover.
I will use this in my journal when I talk about the questions one
should ask themselves when they evaluate themselves and how our
answer may be affected based on the worldly views and opinions we
get from social media.
This is a credible source
as one of the assignments
author, Ms. Chua, has one
in the world and has been
Business Insider.

because it was assigned on Blackboard

to complete by my teacher. Also the
of the top personal development blogs
featured by CNN, Channel News Asia and

Into the Wild. Dir. Sean Penn. Perf. Emile Hirch and William

(2007). N.p., 25 June 2007. Web. 29 June 2016.

This movie directed by Sean Penn is about a young man named,

Christopher McCandless who disowns all of his money and worldly
possessions in order to achieve a feeling of self-fulfillment and
achievement. However he becomes trapped in his own conquest to
discover himself and ultimately ends up dying of starvation due
to and error made by consuming a plant that prevents digestion.
This movie will help my paper because I will use many quotes and
references from the movie in my journal. I will connect the act
of Chris letting go of his earthly possessions to the idea of

extremism and how both are not good. On one hand being consumed
by your possessions can be detrimental as well as completely
rejecting what society has to offer.
While Sean Penn is not a very good producer, this movie
accurately displays the events of the book, which accurately
depicts the events of what happened to Chris McCandless.
Jung, Brian. "The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and
Individuals." Small Business. N.P., N.D. Web. 20 June 2016.
This is an academic source. This article from the Houston
Chronicle discusses the dangers
and negative effects of social
media on our society. The author, Brian Jung, lists a few reasons
as to why social media can be a detriment to many people. A few
of which are a false sense of connection, decreased productivity
and cyber-bullying.
While this article does not give me the quantity of information I
would like, it provides me with a strong quality of information
that will be useful to my journal. Being that my paper is about
the topic How do our possessions affect self-discovery, it
gives me valid points to use when I talk about the social media
aspect and how this generation is focused more on outside
influences to determine who they are rather than inward
The Houston Chronicle is the largest newspaper firm in Texas and
the third largest in the United States. Also Brian Jung, the
author holds a Doctor in Philosophy in English and graduated from
University of Wisconsin. He has written for various other
websites and also has his own blog called Guys Lit Wire.
Roberts, April Lee. "*Adventure as a Transformative Experience."
Order No. 3179033 The University of Utah, 2005. Ann Arbor:
ProQuest. Web. 29 June 2016
This dissertation by April Lee Roberts discusses many different
aspects of adventure. The author goes into great details about
how Adventure changes live biologically and socially. Her

subtopics range from subjects such as The Role of Adventure on

Psychology to The Six Archetypes to a Heros Journey.
This dissertation will be very helpful to me and will provide me
with a large amount of helpful quotes that I will be able to use
in my personal journal. Specifically, I will use content from her
chapters about the Human Experience on Adventure and Individual
Motivators, as these two chapter correlate well with my topic.
Ms. Robertss dissertation has been signed and approved by two
deans of the University of Utah Graduate School. Not only is she
reputable on her research she also gained firsthand experience on
many of the topics that she has talked about by taking her own
adventure for six years by living on a boat and traveling.

"Self Discovery." Destinys Odyssey. Drome, n.d. Web. 30 June

This Blog post summarizes the definition of self- discovery and
also includes the process in which one goes through selfdiscovery.
This will be very helpful to my journal because in my first entry
I am going to define what self- discovery actually means.
Providing a clear definition in my journal about my topic will
make the rest of my journal flow and will also allow my readers
understand my topic more.
This blog post is credible because it was posted on Blackboard as
a suggested website to use with one of our assignments.

Simmons, Alexander. "Defining Yourself Outside of the Box."

University WireFeb 03 2014. ProQuest. Web. 29 June 2016.
This academic source discusses the labels that we as humans put
on one another. Labels such as Jew, Black, Tall, Fat, Gay,

Transgendered, Conservative, Christian and Buddhist that confine

us to a certain human view or opinion. The author provides many
different perspectives on the definition we place on ourselves
and other people.
This academic source will be helpful to my journal. I will use
this resource in my first few paragraphs when I talk about
personal experiences and how labels has affected my view on
myself and how labels affect my process of self-discovery.
Though not much is known about the author, the database in where
his document is posted, is a credible and reputable source that
hold many informative essays, dissertations and reports.

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