1 Character Options
1 Character Options
1 Character Options
They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. So, naturally they became heroes.
Princess Leia Organa
C hapter One
Theres no mystical energy field that controls my destiny. Its all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.
Han Solo
During character creation only, you can spend any unused
skill dice (from the allotment of 7D) to acquire perks for your
character. The skill die cost is indicated in parenthesis ( )
after the name of the perk. You cant spend more than 3D
from your starting skill dice on perks, and most perks cant
be taken more than once.
Perks may be restricted and thus unavailable to certain
templates. Each perk has a Restricted Templates listing notating templates that cannot take that specific perk. Conversely,
perks also have a Recommended Templates listing which
notates templates that to which a particular perk is likely to
be applicable.
Aristocrat (1D)
Your name has some weight. When attempting to gain
access to a nobles residence, avoiding arrest, or any other
occasion where status is a factor you can try and draw on
your family. Once per session you can double the result of
any one bargain, con or command roll when attempting to
exploit your name.
Restricted Templates: Ewok, Exiled Tusken Raider, Hoojib.
Recommended Templates: Arrogant Noble, Gambler, Old
Immovable (2D)
You are never knocked down when stunned or wounded.
Additionally, if you are incapacitated, you can make a Moderate (15) stamina check to remain conscious. If you succeed,
you fall prone, but stay awake. All skill and attribute rolls are
reduced by 3D until healed.
Restricted Templates: Wookiee.
Recommended Templates: Bounty Hunter, Merc.
Perceptive (2D)
The gamemaster may reveal small clues to you that others
would miss. Once per session you may announce youre
studying an object or situation and the gamemaster may
reveal something that would be impossible for a normal
character to determine. If nothing is revealed this perk may
be used again.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any.
Sidekick (3D)
Youve got a boon companion willing to join in your adventures. This character only gets 12D to spend on attributes
and 5D to spend on starting skills. They normally only
receive 1-3 Skill Points per session, but never as many as
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any.
Reckless (2D)
Once per session you may throw caution to the wind taking extremely dangerous action that may result in your own
death. Your dodge, melee parry, and brawling parry die codes
are reduced by half (rounded up), however, your Strength
rolls are doubled when resisting damage for one round.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any.
Death Mark
Some people have a bounty on their head.
Theyre the lucky ones, because most
bounty hunters want their prey alive. Youre
not so lucky. Not only are you wanted by a
large underworld organization, such as the
Hutts, but they want you dead. Bounty
hunters and assassins are likely to plague
you at every step. You receive one Skill Point
per session if the bounty hunters trouble
you or your group.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Gambler,
Wealthy (1D)
Whether by hook or by crook, you came into some extra
cash. You begin play with an additional 5,000 credits to
spend as you wish.
Restricted Templates: Ewok, Exiled Tusken Raider, Hoojib.
Recommended Templates: Arrogant Noble, Gambler, Old
During character creation, you may select up to two snags,
but no snag can be taken more than once certain alien
species, Droids and perks may grant you extra ones at the
gamemasters discretion. Why would you do such a thing? If
one comes up in play your character earns 1 extra Skill Point.
However, characters may not earn more than one Skill Point
per snag per session regardless of how often it comes up.
Like perks, snags may be restricted to certain templates.
Each snag has a Restricted Templates listing notating templates that cannot take that specific snag. Conversely, snags
also have a Recommended Templates listing which notates
templates that to which a particular snag is likely to be applicable.
Youre either really old or really young. In addition to all
the social issues caused by your age, the gamemaster might
choose to impose a penalty (1D to 2D) to certain actions
usually certain Dexterity and Strength skills for older characters, perhaps some Knowledge and Perception skills for
Youre dirt poor and begin play with none of the normal
starting equipment associated with your Template. If your
Template provides any credits, you receive only 50 credits
instead of the amount listed. However you begin play with 5
Skill Points.
Restricted Templates: Ewok, Hoojib.
Recommended Templates: Jedi Hermit, Failed Jedi, Spice
Mine Fugitive.
One of your physical attributes is considered disabled. Perhaps you were tortured at the hands of the Empire and have
suffered permanent physical injury, rendering you weak and
frail. You may have lost the use of a limb rendering you
unable to complete some tasks. Select one of the three physical attributes (Dexterity, Mechanical or Strength). The difficulty for using any rolls associated with this attribute are
increased by +10. This doesnt include Strength rolls made to
resist damage. Earn a Skill Point each session if this causes
you great difficulty.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any.
Theres an organization or person and you must obey their
commands. Perhaps a Rebel general, perhaps a secret organization who gives you messages through a secure channel,
perhaps one of the other players. Get a Skill Point when such
a command causes you a problem. Disregarding the command cannot be one of the options.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any.
Former Imperial
Though you now serve the Alliance, you were once an
Imperial official and your loyalty is still in question. When
interacting with other members of the Rebellion, you are
treated with distrust and sometimes open hostility. Even
your fellow player characters might treat you with a cold
shoulder. You earn a Skill Point when your loyalty or former
military service comes into question.
Restricted Templates: Any Jedi template (except perhaps
the Disgraced Dark Jedi), any non-human template.
Recommended Templates: Arrogant Noble, Retired Imperial Captain, Old Senatorial.
Honor Code
You live by a creed and wont cross that line. Maybe you
wont fight an unarmed opponent and always make sure your
target knows its coming; or maybe youll never tell a lie. No
matter how you define it, the code has to mean something.
You earn one Skill Point whenever the code complicates your
(or your friends) success. This snag applies to all Jedi characters who follow the Jedi Code.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any Jedi template, Bounty
Hunter, Pirate.
Someone is looking for you and they want you alive.
Maybe you reneged on a debt, or perhaps you have no idea
why you are being hunted. Nonetheless, bounty hunters and
thugs seem to regularly come looking for you in hopes of collecting a reward. Sometimes they may just try to blackmail
you, other times its a kidnapping attempt. You receive one
Skill Point each time hunters trouble you.
Restricted Templates: Ewok, Exiled Tusken Raider Hoojib.
Recommended Template: Bounty Hunter, Gambler, Smuggler, Young Senatorial.
Known Jedi
Whether youve had a previous encounter with an Inquisitor or somehow survived Order 66, the Empire knows youre
a Jedi. They have records of you and those who hunt Jedi
(both Imperial and bounty hunters) are actively searching for
you. You receive one Skill Point per session when this complicates things for you.
Restricted Templates: Any non-Jedi template.
Recommended Templates: Any Jedi template.
Large Debt
You owe someone a lot. Maybe one of your deals went bad,
maybe you borrowed to buy that ship you always wanted. No
matter how it came about you are in debt. Most of your spare
money is going to go to pay this off and whoever you owe
will likely call on you from time to time to perform extra
favors for them as a friendly form of interest. Gain 1 Skill
Point for any adventure where your debtor gets involved in
your business.
Restricted Templates: Ewok, Exiled Tusken Raider Hoojib.
Recommended Template: Bounty Hunter, Gambler, Smuggler, Young Senatorial.
Low Born
You were born into a world of poverty. Education was not
an option; instead you began work at a young age. It was a
hard life and youve managed to escape it. Still, you lack the
proper social graces and your background is readily apparent. Earn 1 bonus Skill Point each session your upbringing
causes difficulty for you.
Restricted Templates: Ewok, Exiled Tusken Raider Hoojib.
Recommended Template: Kid, Outer Rim Scavenger, Spice
Mine Fugitive.
Poor Sense
You have some kind of sensory disorder like poor low light
vision, or an inability to read or shoot beyond 20 meters.
When this situation comes up, you get a Skill Point.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any
You have a special touch. Specifically the kind that breaks
machines. Youre no good with repulsion engines, alluvial
dampers, electronics, Droids, or any other technology. Probably because you grew up in a tree village or something. If its
a device, you cant trust it. Earn one Skill Point whenever the
gamemaster takes a free shot on you this way.
Restricted Templates: Acolyte of the Maker, Brash Pilot,
Tongue-Tied Engineer.
Recommended Templates: Ewok, Exiled Tusken Raider,
Hoojib, Tough Native.
Someone doesnt like you at all, and they are a credible
threat. Maybe they have more friends than you, maybe
theyre just bigger and meaner; either way you have your
own personal enemy. You earn a bonus Skill Point when they
complicate your life.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any
Youre a little unstable. Could be youre just really paranoid, or maybe just too obsessive. That fear of most everything could also be a problem. Then again maybe you really
are a Jedi Knight and everyone else is wrong. You earn one
Skill Point anytime your psychosis really gets in the way.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Acolyte of the Maker, Outlaw,
Quixotic Jedi.
Skill Inept
Theres a skill you just cant get the hang of. Only one skill
may be selected, it may not be a Force skill, and you may not
have this snag more than once. When making a skill roll using
this skill, your difficulty is increased by +10. You receive a
Skill Point each session that this complicates your life.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any
You are disorganized and tend to misplace things. You earn
one Skill Point whenever the gamemaster takes his one free
shot as youve misplaced the important item, or left your
blaster back in the starship.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Any
Unlucky in Love
Things just dont work out for some. Your love interest is
always dying, being kidnapped, betraying you, or even worse
dumping you. You earn a bonus Skill Point when your love
life falls apart in a meaningful way. You need to define a love
interest along with the gamemaster if you choose this.
Restricted Templates: None.
Recommended Templates: Gambler, Smuggler, Young Senatorial.
Presented below are several new skills. They are entirely
optional, and players should consult with their gamemaster
before spending starting skill dice or skill points in them or
attempting to use them during an adventure. Some of the
entries expand on skills already included in Star Wars: Classic
Adventures, others are completely new to the game.
Willpower (KNO)
Willpower is a characters strength of will and determination. It is used to resist intimidation (see the intimidation skill
below). It can also be used to resist intimidation from a command skill use, and certain persuasion (a con skill use)
attempts. Willpower is also used to resist Force powers.
Intimidation (PER)
Intimidation is a characters ability to scare or frighten others to force them to obey commands, reveal information they
wish to keep hidden, or otherwise do the bidding of the
intimidating character.
Intimidation is normally dependent upon a characters
physical presence, body language or force of will to be successful. Some characters use the threat of torture, pain or
other unpleasantness to intimidate others.
Characters resist intimidation with an opposed willpower
skill. Command and con can also be used to intimidate in
some situations.
The difficulty is modified for:
Intimidator is threatening target with physi5
cal violence (and is either armed or has superior strength).
Target is totally at the mercy of intimidator.
Target is in a position of greater strength.
Target cannot conceive of danger from intim+10
Time Taken: One round to several hours or longer.
Medicine (TEC)
Characters with this skill can perform complex medical
procedures such as surgery, operation of bacta tanks, and
the installation of cybernetic replacements and enhancements. A character may take the medicine skill during character generation at the cost of 3D in starting skill dice, but
the skill only starts at 1D. The medicine skill can also be purchased at 1D later for 10 Skill Points.
If a character has the medicine skill, he automatically has
6D in the first aid skill. The skill can later be advanced using
Skill Points like any other skill. Most medical Droids have this
The following two skills are modified from those found in
Star Wars: Classic Adventures.
Com-Scan (MEC)
This com-scan skill use is designed to be used with the
optional vehicle combat rules found on page XX. Other comscan uses ( e.g., for communications) are the same.
The com-scan skill can be used just like a Knowledge-based
skill to determine how much (or what kind) of information
the operator receives from a sensor sweep. Pick a difficulty
number based on the range of the target, if the player is scanning a planet, just pick a sensible difficulty number and have
the character roll:
Skill specialization reflects a character who has focused
his training within a given skill and become particularly proficient in that area. Perhaps when it comes to using their Droid
programming/repair skill, theyre really skilled when it comes
to repairing astromech Droids.
A player character may elect to spend 10 Skill Points to
select a specialization. When making a skill roll associated
with their specialization, they receive an additional 2D to
their roll. This is a bonus that does not effect Skill Point cost
when increasing the base skill which they specialized.
The gamemaster has the final say over whether or not a
specific specialization may be taken, but combat skills like
blaster, brawling or lightsaber dont have specializations.
Additionally, a character may only have one specialization
per skill group associated with an attribute and may never
specialize in Force Skills.
Because specializations require Skill Points to acquire,
they cannot be taken during character creation. There is no
specific list of specializations provided. Instead, both the
player and gamemaster should discuss the potential specialization before selecting it.
Skill specializations are meant to be very tightly focused
and shouldnt be too broad. For example, a character should
not be permitted to select a starship piloting specialization of
space transports, but may select YT-1300 transports. A
character wishing to select a specialization in gambling might
select Sabacc or Pazaak instead of the broader card
games. A character wishing to specialize in planetary systems would want to select Tatooine system or Hoth system instead of the Outer Rim Territories.