1ez39 1e
1ez39 1e
1ez39 1e
The procedure is similar to DDE (Dynamic Data
1 Summary Exchange) that is normally used; in connection
This Application Note describes the internal with this application the term DDE is therefore
transfer of ZVR measurement data in Excel, car- used as well.
ried out on the PC option of the ZVR, and the The Excel macros are written in VisualBasic syn-
evaluation of the data in Excel tables. To start the tax. For access to the DLLs with the RSIB librar-
data transfers, macros are implemented under ies a list of the functions contained in the DLLs is
Excel. required. This list forms the header of the macros.
Windows ZVR
2 Introduction with
As a basic requirement, option ZVR-B15 which iRMX
Excel macro ↔ DLL (RSIB)
enhances the ZVR by a PC function must be fit-
ted. This option allows further processing of the
measured data in the ZVR under DOS or Win- Firmware
dows 3.1 programs. The ZVR is however con- DDE job
API (data
trolled under a realtime operating system. Due to management)
the complex hierarchy of the software compo-
nents involved, the method of data exchange is of IEC
Parser ↔ RSIB PC
particular interest.
[1] O. Ostwald: 3-Port Measurements with Vector Order designation Type Frequency Order No.
Network Analyzer ZVR, Appl. Note 1EZ26_1E.
[2] H.-G. Krekels: Automatic Calibration of Vector Vector Network Analyzers (test sets included) *
Network Analyzer ZVR, Appl. Note 1EZ30_1E. 3-channel, unidirectional, ZVRL 9 kHz to 4 GHz 1043.0009.41
50 Ω, passive
[3] O. Ostwald: 4-Port Measurements with Vector 3-channel, bidirectional, ZVRE 9 kHz to 4 GHz 1043.0009.51
Network Analyzer ZVR, Appl. Note 1EZ25_1E. 50 Ω, passive
3-channel, bidirectional, ZVRE 300 kHz to 4 GHz 1043.0009.52
50 Ω, active
[4] T. Bednorz: Measurement Uncertainties for
4-channel, bidirectional, ZVR 9 kHz to 4 GHz 1043.0009.61
Vector Network Analysis, Appl. Note 1EZ29_1E. 50 Ω, passive
4-channel, bidirectional, ZVR 300 kHz to 4 GHz 1043.0009.62
[5] P. Kraus: Measurements on Frequency- 50 Ω, active
Converting DUTs using Vector Network Analyzer 3-channel, bidirectional, ZVCE 20 kHz to 8 GHz 1106.9020.50
ZVR, Appl. Note 1EZ32_1E. 50 Ω, active
4-channel, bidirectional, ZVC 20 kHz to 8 GHz 1106.9020.60
[6] J. Ganzert: Accessing Measurement Data and 50 Ω, active
Controlling the Vector Network Analyzer via DDE,
Appl. Note 1EZ33_1E. Alternative Test Sets *
75 Ω SWR Bridge for ZVRL (instead of 50 Ω) 1)
[7] J. Ganzert: File Transfer between Analyzers FSE 75 Ω, passive ZVR-A71 9 kHz to 4 GHz 1043.7690.18
or ZVR and PC using MS-DOS Interlink, Appl. 75 Ω SWR Bridge Pairs for ZVRE and ZVR (instead of 50 Ω) 1)
Note 1EZ34_1E. 75 Ω, passive ZVR-A75 9 kHz to 4 GHz 1043.7755.28
75 Ω, active ZVR-A76 300 kHz to 4 GHz 1043.7755.29
[8] O. Ostwald: Group and Phase Delay Mea-
surements with Vector Network Analyzer ZVR, Options
Appl. Note 1EZ35_1E. AutoKal ZVR-B1 0 to 8 GHz 1044.0625.02
Time Domain ZVR-B2 same as analyzer 1044.1009.02
[9] O. Ostwald: Multiport Measurements using Vec- Mixer Measurements 2) ZVR-B4 same as analyzer 1044.1215.02
tor Network Analyzer, Appl. Note 1EZ37_1E. Reference Channel Ports ZVR-B6 same as analyzer 1044.1415.02
Power Calibration 3) ZVR-B7 same as analyzer 1044.1544.02
3-Port Adapter ZVR-B8 0 to 4 GHz 1086.0000.02
[10] O. Ostwald: Frequently Asked Questions about
Virtual Embedding Net- ZVR-K9 same as analyzer 1106.8830.02
Vector Network Analyzer ZVR, Appl. Note works 4)
1EZ38_3E. 4-Port Adapter (2xSPDT) ZVR-B14 0 to 4 GHz 1106.7510.02
4-Port Adapter (SP3T) ZVR-B14 0 to 4 GHz 1106.7510.03
[11] A. Gleißner: Internal Data Transfer between
Windows 3.1 / Excel and Vector Network An a- Controller (German) 5) ZVR-B15 - 1044.0290.02
Controller (English) 5) ZVR-B15 - 1044.0290.03
lyzer ZVR, Appl. Note 1EZ39_1E.
Ethernet BNC for ZVR-B15 FSE-B16 - 1073.5973.02
Ethernet AUI for ZVR-B15 FSE-B16 - 1073.5973.03
[12] A. Gleißner: Power Calibration of Vector Network IEC/IEEE-Bus Interface for FSE-B17 - 1066.4017.02
Analyzer ZVR, Appl. Note 1EZ41_2E ZVR-B15
[13] O. Ostwald: Pulsed Measurements on GSM Generator Step Attenuator ZVR-B21 same as analyzer 1044.0025.11
Amplifier SMD ICs with Vector Analyzer ZVR,
Generator Step Attenuator ZVR-B22 same as analyzer 1044.0025.21
Appl. Note 1EZ42_1E. PORT 2 6)
Receiver Step Attenuator ZVR-B23 same as analyzer 1044.0025.12
[14] O. Ostwald: Zeitbereichsmessungen mit dem PORT 1
Netzwerkanalysator ZVR, Appl. Note 1EZ44_1D. Receiver Step Attenuator ZVR-B24 same as analyzer 1044.0025.22
External Measurements, ZVR-B25 10 Hz to 4 GHz 1044.0460.02
50 Ω
20 kHz to 8 GHz
To be ordered together with the analyzer.
Harmonics measurements included.
Power meter and sensor required.
Only for ZVR or ZVC with ZVR-B15.
DOS, Windows 3.11, keyboard and mouse included.
For ZVR or ZVC only.
Step attenuators required.
* Note:
Active test sets, in contrast to passive test sets, comprise internal bias networks,
eg to supply DUTs.