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E92t15 2015E

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2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

1. 13 months after the first labor a 24year-old patient complained of amenorrhea.

Pregnancy ended in Caesarian section because
of premature detachment of normally positioned placenta which resulted in blood loss at
the rate of 2000 ml due to disturbance of blood
clotting. Choose the most suitable investigation:
A. Estimation of gonadotropin rate
B. US of small pelvis
C. Progesteron assay
D. Computer tomography of head
E. Estimation of testosteron rate in blood serum
2. A 24-year-old primipara was hospitalised
with complaints of discharge of the amniotic
waters. The uterus is tonic on palpation. The
position of the fetus is longitudinal, it is pressed
with the head to pelvic outlet. Palpitation of
the fetus is rhythmical, 140 bpm, auscultated
on the left below the navel. Internal examination: cervix of the uterus is 2,5 cm long, dense,
the external opening is closed, light amniotic
waters are discharged. Point out the correct
component of the diagnosis:
A. Antenatal discharge of the amniotic waters
B. Early discharge of the amniotic waters
C. The beginning of the 1st stage of labour
D. The end of the 1st stage of labour
E. Pathological preterm labour
3. A patient was delivered to a surgical
department after a road accident with a closed
trauma of chest and right-sided rib fracture.
The patient was diagnosed with right-sided
pneumothorax; it is indicated to perform drainage of pleural cavity. Pleural puncture should
be made:
A. In the 2nd intercostal space along the middle
clavicular line
B. In the 6th intercostal space along the posterior axillary line
C. In the 7th intercostal space along the scapular
D. In the projection of pleural sinus
E. In the point of the greatest dullness on
4. A primagravida with pregnancy of 37-38
weeks complains of headache, nausea, pain in
epigastrium. Objectively: the skin is acyanotic.
Face is hydropic, there is short fibrillar twitching of blepharons, muscles of the face and
the inferior extremities. The stare is fixed. BP
- 200/110 mm Hg; sphygmus is of 92 bpm,
intense. Respiration rate is 32/min. Heart activity is rhythmical. Appreciable edemas of
the inferior extremities are present. Urine is
cloudy. What medication should be administered?

A. Droperidolum of 0,25% - 2,0 ml

B. Dibazolum (Bendazole hydrochloride) of
1% - 6,0 ml
C. Papaverine hydrochloride of 2% - 4,0 ml
D. Hexenalum of 1% - 2,0 ml
E. Pentaminum of 5% - 4,0 ml
5. A patient with high temperature came to
a first-aid post in the evening. The fact of
temporary disability was established. Indicate
the measure to be taken in this case:
A. The night duty doctor should issue a medical
certificate, which will be subsequently used for
issuing a sick list from the date of the previous
B. The sick list for 1 day should be issued
C. The sick list for up to 3 days should be issued
D. The sick list for 3 days should be issued
E. No document should be issued
6. A 10-year-old boy complains of pain in his
left eye and strong photophobia after he has
injured his left eye with a pencil at school. Left
eye examination revealed: blepharospasm, ciliary and conjunctival congestion, cornea is
transparent, other parts of eyeball have no
changes. Visus 0,9. Right eye is healthy, Visus
1,0. What additional method would you choose
first of all?
A. Staining test with 1% fluorescein
B. X-ray examination of orbit
C. Tonometria
D. Gonioscopia
E. Cornea sensation-test
7. An infant was born with body mass 3 kg and
body length 50 cm. Now he is 3 years old. His
brother is 7 years old, suffers from rheumatic
fever. Mother asked a doctor for a cardiac
check up of the 3-year-old son. Where is the
left relative heart border located?
A. 1 cm left from the left medioclavicular line
B. 1 cm right from the left medioclavicular line
C. Along the left medioclavicular line
D. 1 cm left from the left parasternal line
E. 1 cm right from the left parasternal line
8. A baby was born at 36 weeks of gestation.
Delivery was normal, by natural way. The baby
has a large cephalohematoma. The results of
blood count are: Hb- 120g/l, Er- 3, 5 1012 /l,
total serum bilirubin - 123 mmol/l, direct bilirubin - 11 mmol/l, indirect - 112 mmol/l. What
are the causes of hyperbilirubinemia in this
A. Erythrocyte hemolysis
B. Intravascular hemolysis
C. Disturbance of the conjugative function of
D. Bile condensing
E. Mechanical obstruction of the bile outflow
9. A patient has been hospitalised. The onset of
the disease was gradual: nausea, vomiting, dark
urine, cholic stool, yellowness of the skin and
scleras. The liver is enlarged by 3 cm. Jaundice

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

developed on the 14th day of the disease. The

liver diminished in size. What complication of
viral hepatitis caused deterioration of the patients condition?
A. Hepatic encephlopathy
B. Meningitis
C. Relapse of viral hepatitis
D. Cholangitis
E. Infectious-toxic shock
10. An 18-year-old patient was admitted
to a hospital with complaints of headache,
weakness, high fever, sore throat. Objectively:
enlargement of all groups of lymph nodes was
revealed. The liver is enlarged by 3 cm, spleen
- by 1 cm. In blood: leukocytosis, atypical
lymphocytes - 15%. What is the most probable
A. Infectious mononucleosis
B. Acute lymphoid leukosis
C. Diphtheria
D. Angina
E. Adenoviral infection
11. A 60-year-old woman, mother of 6 children,
developed a sudden onset of upper abdominal pain radiating to the back, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever and chills.
Subsequently, she noticed yellow discoloration of her sclera and skin. On physical examination the patient was found to be febrile with
temperature of 38, 9o C , along with right upper
quadrant tenderness. The most likely diagnosis
A. Choledocholithiasis
B. Benign biliary stricture
C. Malignant biliary stricture
D. Carcinoma of the head of the pancreas
E. Choledochal cyst
12. What juice is recommended to be included
in a complex drug and diet therapy for patients
suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcer and
high acidity of gastric juice to speed up ulcer
A. Potato, potato-carrot
B. Apple, apple-birch
C. Pumpkin
D. Cabbage, cabbage-carrot
E. Celery, parsley
13. A 40-year-old woman has been hospitalized
for attacks of asphyxia, cough with phlegm. She
has a 4-year history of the disease. The first
attack of asphyxia occurred during her stay in
the countryside. Further attacks occurred while cleaning the room. After 3 days of inpatient
treatment the patients condition has significantly improved. What is the most likely etiological factor?
A. Household allergens
B. Pollen
C. Infectious
D. Chemicals
E. Psychogenic

14. A 13-year-old girl complains of periodic

prickly pain in the heart region. Percussion revealed no changes of cardiac borders.
Auscultation revealed arrhythmic enhanced
heart sounds, extrasystole at the 20-25 cardiac impulse. ECG showed the sinus rhythm,
impaired repolarization, single supraventricular extrasystoles at rest. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
B. Rheumatism
C. Nonrheumatic carditis
D. Myocardial degeneration
E. Intoxication syndrome
15. A 24-year-old patient visited a doctor
complaining of enlargement of his submaxillary lymph nodes. Objectively: submaxillary,
axillary and inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged.
Chest X-ray shows: enlarged lymph nodes
of mediastinum. Blood test: erythrocytes 3, 4 1012 /l, Hb- 100 g/l, blood colour index
- 0,88, platelets - 190 109 /l, leucocytes 7, 5 109 /l, eosinophiles - 8%, band neutrophiles - 2%, segmented neutrophiles - 67%,
lymphocytes - 23%, ESR - 22 mm/h. What
test must be prescribed to verify the cause of
A. Open biopsy of lymph nodes
B. Ultrasonography of abdominal cavity
C. Mediastinum tomography
D. Puncture biopsy of lymph nodes
E. Sternal puncture
16. A 60-year-old woman has been suffering from arterial hypertension for 15 years.
After recurrent stroke she started complaining about unmotivated bad mood, problems
with attention concentration; she forgets to
close the entrance door, cannot recall events
of the past day. Computer tomography shows
areas of postinfarction changes in the cortical
postfrontal areas. What is the most probable
A. Vascular dementia
B. Alzheimers disease
C. Huntingtons disease
D. Picks disease
E. Dissociative amnesia
17. Clinic of a research instutute for occupational diseases examined a worker who works at
a concentration plant and diagnosed him with
chronic dust bronchitis. The case is investigated
by a commission including the representatives
of: the plant, medical unit, territorial sanitation
center, department of Social Insurance Fund,
trade union. According to the "regulation on
investigation of. . . ", the commission should be
headed by the representative of the following

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

A. Territorial sanitation center

B. Plant
C. Social Insurance Fund
D. Trade union
E. Medical unit
18. 4 days after a patient received a gunshot
wound of the middle third of the thigh soft tissues his condition suddenly began deteriorating. There are complaints of bursting pain in the
wound; pain increases during the last 12 hours.
Edema of skin and hypodermic tissue quickly
grows. Body temperature is 38, 2o C , heart rate
is 102/min. The wound edges gape, are dull in
color; the muscles, viable as of day before, now
protrude into the wound, look boiled, are dull
in colour, have dirty-grey coating and fall apart
when being held with forceps. What infection
has developed in the wound?
A. Anaerobic
B. Aerobic gram-negative
C. Putrid
D. Aerobic gram-positive
E. Diphtheria of wound
19. Bacterial analysis of air in a living space in
winter period by means of Krotovs apparatus
revealed that total number of microorganisms
in 1m3 of air was 7200. What is the allowed
number of microorganisms for the air to be
characterized as "pure"?
A. Up to 4500
B. Up to 2500
C. Up to 3500
D. Up to 5500
E. Up to 7500
20. Maximum permissible concentration of
carbon dioxide in the air is considered to be
a sanitary index of air purity in a classroom.
What concentration of carbon dioxide in the
air is accepted as a permissible maximum?
A. 0,1%
B. 0,05%
C. 0,15%
D. 0,2%
E. 0,3%
21. When examining the parameters of desk
natural lighting in a school class it was determined that: light angle is 25o , window angle is
3o , window-to-floor area ratio is 1:4, daylight factor is 0,5%, and window-head-to-roomdepth ratio is 2. What parameter does not
correspond to hygienic norms?
A. Daylight factor
B. Window angle
C. Window-to-floor area ratio
D. Window-head-to-room-depth ratio
E. Light angle
22. A 29-year-old patient works as a motor
mechanic. Anamnesis shows frequent exposure
to cold, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
attended by cough with relativly small amount
of mucopurulent sputum, subfebrility, someti-

mes joined by hemoptysis and pain in the right side of chest. Breathing is vesicular. X-ray
shows darkening and sharp decrease in size of
the lower lobe distinctly visible on the X-ray
image as a streak 2-3 cm wide situated at the
angle from lung root to the frontal costodiaphragmatic recess. The most likely diagnosis
A. Peripheral lung cancer
B. Bronchiectasis
C. Pneumonia
D. Middle lobe syndrome
E. Interlobular pleurisy
23. A 52-year-old patient, who has been suffering from angina pectoris for 2 weeks, has
more and more frequent pain attacks in the
area behind his sternum and his need for nitroglycerine increased. Objectively: the condition is of moderate severity. Skin is pale. Heart
sounds are weakened, rhythmic. Heart rate is
84 per minute. ECG shows no signs of focal
myocardial damage. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Progressive angina pectoris
B. First-time angina pectoris
C. Stable FC II angina pectoris
D. Variant angina pectoris
E. Acute cardiac infarction
24. An 8-year-old boy during preventive examination was determined to have changes in
his spine curvature in frontal plane: the right shoulder is lowered and flat, scapulae
angles are of different height due to the right scapula being shifted down. Waist triangles
are pronounced on the both sides; longitudinal
muscles of the back form muscle cushion on
the left. What type of posture is detected in the
A. Scoliotic
B. Kyphotic
C. Lordotic
D. Stooping
E. Corrected
25. A patient with cardiac infarction is on sick
leave with his medical certificate being continuously extended for 4 months according to a
standard procedure. The disease is progressing. The issue is put forward to refer the patient to the industrial injury assessment board.
Who among the medical staff of medical and
preventive treatment facility is authorized to
do this?
A. Medical expert committee
B. Attending medical doctor
C. Head doctor of hospital department
D. Deputy head doctor for assessment of
temporary disability
E. Head doctor
26. A 9-year-old boy has been suffering from
bronchoectasis since he was 3. Exacerbations
occur quite often, 3-4 times a year. Conservative therapy results in short periods of remi-

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

ssion. The disease is progressing, the child

has physical retardation. The childs skin is
pale, acrocyanotic, he has "watch glass"nail
deformation. Bronchography revealed saccular
bronchiectases of the lower lobe of his right
lung. What is the further treatment tactics?
A. Surgical treatment
B. Further conservative therapy
C. Physiotherapeutic treatment
D. Sanatorium-and-spa treatment
E. Tempering of the childs organism
27. A 29-year-old female patient complains of
dyspnea, heaviness and chest pain on the right, body temperature rise up to 37, 2o C . The
disease is associated with a chest trauma received 4 days ago. Objectively: skin is pale and
moist. Heart rate is 90 bpm, regular. Palpation
reveals a dull sound on the right, auscultation reveals significantly weakened vesicular
breathing. In blood: RBCs - 2, 8 1012 /l, colour
index - 0,9, Hb- 100 g/l, WBCs - 8, 0 109 /l, ESR
- 17 mm/h. What results of diagnostic puncture
of the pleural cavity can be expected?
A. Haemorrhagic punctate
B. Chylous liquid
C. Exudate
D. Transudate
E. Purulent punctate
28. A 54-year-old man had been drowning at
sea, when he was found and evacuated to the
shore. Objectively: unconscious, pale face, no
breathing can be auscultated, thready pulse.
Resuscitation measures allowed to save the
man. What complication can develop in him
in the nearest future?
A. Pulmonary edema
B. Respiratory arrest
C. Encephalopathy
D. Cardiac arrest
E. Bronchial spasm
29. A 7-year-old child complains of cramping
pain occuring after mental exertion, cold drinks and eating ice-cream. Instrumental examination allowed to diagnose biliary dyskinesia of
hypertensive type. What group of drugs should
be prescribed for treatment?

31. A 46-year-old patient once took part in elimination of breakdown at an atomic power
plant. Currently he is being treated at an inpatient hospital unit. He was diagnosed with
progressing somatoform autonomic dysfunction. This disease relates to the following group
of ionizing radiation effects:
A. Somato-stochastic
B. Somatic
C. Genetic
D. Hormesis
E. Heterosis
32. A patient complains of fatigue, lack of
appetite, pain and burning sensation in the
tongue, numbness of the distal limbs, diarrhea.
Objectively: pale skin with lemon-yellow tint,
face puffiness, brown pigmentation in the form
of a "butterfly", bright red areas on the tongue.
The liver is 3 cm below the costal margin, soft.
Blood count: RBCs - 1, 5 1012 /l, colour index 1,2, WBCs - 3, 8109 /l, thrombocytes - 180109 /l,
eosinophiles - 0%, stab neutrophiles - 1%,
segmented neutrophiles - 58%, lymphocytes 38% monocytes - 3%, RBC macrocytosis. ESR
- 28 mm/h. What diagnosis are these presentations typical for?
A. B12 -deficiency anemia
B. Iron deficiency anemia
C. Aplastic anemia
D. Acute erythromyelosis
E. Chronic adrenal failure
33. A 25-year-old female patient complains of
marked weakness, sleepiness, blackouts, dizziness, taste disorder. The patient has a history of menorrhagia. Objectively: the patient has marked weakness, pale skin, cracks
in the corners of her mouth, peeling nails,
systolic apical murmur. Blood test results: RBC
- 3, 4 1012 /l, Hb- 70 g/l, colour index - 0,75,
platelets - 140 109 /l, WBC- 6, 2 109 /l. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic posthemorrhagic anemia
B. Acute leukemia
C. Acute posthemorrhagic anemia
D. B12 -deficiency anemia
E. Werlhofs disease

30. Caries morbidity rate is 89% among residents of a community. It is determined that
fluorine content in water is 0,1 mg/l. What
preventive measures should be taken?

34. A 39-year-old patient complains of morning

headache, appetite loss, nausea, morning vomiting, periodic nasal haemorrhages. The patient
had acute glomerulonephritis at the age of 15.
Examination revealed rise of arterial pressure
up to 220/130 mm Hg, skin haemorrhages on
his arms and legs, pallor of skin and mucous
membranes. What biochemical parameter is
the most important for making diagnosis in
this case?

A. Water fluorination
B. Tooth brushing
C. Fluorine inhalations
D. Sealant application
E. Introduce more vegetables to the diet

A. Blood creatinine
B. Blood bilirubin
C. Blood sodium
D. Uric acid
E. Fibrinogen

A. Antispasmodics and choleretics

B. Choleretics and cholekinetics
C. Sedatives and cholekinetics
D. Antioxydants
E. Antibiotics

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

35. A child was taken to a hospital with focal

changes in the skin folds. The child was anxious during examination, examination revealed
dry skin with solitary papulous elements and
ill-defined lichenification zones. Skin eruption was accompanied by strong itch. The child
usually feels better in summer, his condition
is getting worse in winter. The child has been
on bottle feeding since he was 2 months old.
He has a history of exudative diathesis. His
grandmother on his mothers side has bronchial asthma. What is the most likely diagnosis?

treatment is going to last for another 1-2

months. Who is authorised to extend the
duration of medical certificate for this patient?

A. Atopic dermatitis
B. Contact dermatitis
C. Seborrheal eczema
D. Strophulus
E. Urticaria

40. A 30-year-old woman complains of pain

in the heart area ("aching, piercing pain")
that arises primarily in the morning hours in
autumn and spring. Pain irradiates into the
neck, back, abdomen and is attended by rapid
heart rate and low vital tonus. This condition occurs independently from physical exertion. In the evening her condition improves.
Somatic and neurologic state and ECG have no
pathologies. What pathology is likely to result
in such clinical presentation?

36. An electro-gas welding operator working at a machine workshop performs welding

and cutting of metal, which is accompanied by
intense UV-radiation. His welding station is
equipped with effective mechanical ventilation. What occupational disease is most likely to
develop in the electro-gas welding operator?
A. Photoelectric ophthalmia
B. Heatstroke
C. Vegetative-vascular dystonia
D. Chronic overheating
E. Pneumoconiosis
37. 2 weeks after recovering from tonsillitis an
8-year-old boy developed edemas of face and
lower limbs. Objectively: the patient is in grave
condition, BP - 120/80 mm Hg. Urine is of dark
brown colour. Oliguria is present. On urine
analysis: specific gravity - 1,015, protein - 1,2
g/l, RBCs are leached and cover the whole vision field, granular casts - 1-2 in the vision field,
salts are represented by urates (large quantity).
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute glomerulonephritis with nephritic
B. Acute glomerulonephritis with nephrotic
C. Acute glomerulonephritis with nephrotic
syndrome, hematuria and hypertension
D. Acute glomerulonephritis with isolated
urinary syndrome
E. Nephrolithiasis
38. A 48-year-old patient has the following symptoms: diffuse enlargement of thyroid
gland, exophthalmus, weight loss up to 4 kg within 2 months, excessive sweating. Objectively:
heart rate 105/min, BP - 180/70 mm Hg. Stool is
normal. What therapy is advisable in the given
A. Mercazolil (Thiamazole)
B. Potassium iodide
C. Propranolol
D. Iodomarin
E. Thyroxin
39. A patient is on sick leave for 4 months
continuously from the date of injury. The

A. Medical advisory commission after medicosocial expert commission examination

B. Medical superintendent
C. Medical advisory commission after inpatient
D. District doctor by agreement with a
department chief
E. Medico-social expert commission

A. Somatized depression
B. Rest angina pectoris
C. Pseudoneurotic schizophrenia
D. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
E. Hypochondriacal depression
41. A 59-year-old female patient attended
a maternity welfare clinic with complains
of bloody discharge from the genital tracts.
Postmenopause is 12 years. Vaginal examination revealed that external genital organs
had signs of age involution, uterus cervix
was not erosive, small amount of bloody discharge came from the cervical canal. Uterus
is of normal size, uterine appendages are
unpalpable. Fornices were deep and painless.
What method should be applied for the diagnosis specification?
A. Separated diagnosic curretage
B. Laparoscopy
C. Puncture of abdominal cavity through
posterior vaginal fornix
D. Extensive colposcopy
E. Culdoscopy
42. A 41-year-old patient, a hunter, complains of heaviness in the right subcostal area.
No other complaints recorded. Anamnesis
states causeless urticaria and skin itching that
occurred 1 year ago. Objectively: liver margin
is rounded, painless, and can be palpated 3
cm below the costal arch. No other pathology
was detected during physical examination of
the patient. Body temperature is normal. X-ray
reveals a hemispherical protrusion in the right
cupula of the diaphragm. What disease can be
suspected in the given case?
A. Hydatid disease of liver
B. Liver abscess
C. Hepatocellular carcinoma
D. Metastatic tumor
E. Subdiaphragmatic abscess

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

43. A 14-year-old girl has been presenting with irritability and tearfulness for about a year.
A year ago she was also found to have diffuse
enlargement of the thyroid gland (II grade).
This condition was regarded as a pubertal
manifestation, the girl did not undergo any
treatment. The girls irritability gradually gave
place to a complete apathy. The girl got
puffy face, soft tissues pastosity, bradycardia,
constipations. Skin pallor and gland density
progressed, the skin got a waxen hue. What disease may be assumed?
A. Autoimmune thyroiditis
B. Diffuse toxic goiter
C. Thyroid carcinoma
D. Subacute thyroiditis
E. Juvenile basophilism
44. A 26-year-old woman, who delivered a child
7 months ago, has been suffering from nausea,
morning vomiting, sleepiness for the last 2
weeks. She breastfeeds the child, menstruation
is absent. She has not applied any contraceptives. What method should be applied in order
to specify her diagnosis?
A. Ultrasonic examination
B. X-ray of small pelvis
C. Palpation of mammary glands and pressingout of colostrum
D. Bimanual vaginal examination
E. Speculum examination
45. Over a current year among workers of an
institution 10% have not been ill a single time,
30% have been ill once, 15% - twice, 5% - 4
times, the rest - 5 and more times. What is the
percentage of workers belonging to the I health
A. 55%
B. 10%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 22%
46. A 34-year-old patient after vacation in
Crimea has developed severe pain in her
elbow joints, dyspnea and weakness. Body
temperature is 37, 6o C , skin pallor and
erythema on the cheeks and bridge of nose
are observed, lip mucosa is ulcerated. The joints are not visibly deformed, movement of the
right elbow joint is restricted. Pleura friction
sound is detected in the lungs on the right side
below the angle of scapula. Heart sounds are
dull, tachycardia, gallop rhythm, heart rate 114/min, BP - 100/60 mm Hg. The most likely
diagnosis is:
A. Systemic lupus erythematosus
B. Rheumatic carditis
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Infectious allergic myocarditis
E. Dry pleurisy
47. Several hours before, a 28-year-old patient suddenly developed acute headache and
repeated vomiting, then lost consciousness.

Objectively: focal neurological symptoms

were not found. Pronounced meningeal
symptoms were revealed. BP - 120/80 mm
Hg. According to clinical and liquorological findings the patient was diagnosed with subarachnoid haemorrhage. After administration of dehydrants the patients condition somewhat improved. What is the main
component of further emergency care?
A. Coagulants
B. Anticoagulants
C. Antiaggregants
D. Fibrinolytics
E. Corticosteroids
48. A 42-year-old man has undergone gastric
analysis. Free hydrochloric acid is absent
at all phases. On endoscopy: pallor, gastric
mucosa loss, gastric folds are smoothed out.
On microscopy: glands atrophy with intestinal
metaplasia. What disease can be characterized
by such presentation?
A. Chronic gastritis type A
B. Chronic gastritis type B
C. Chronic gastritis type C
D. Menetriers disease
E. Stomach cancer
49. A 24-year-old woman, teacher by profession, complains of dizziness and heart pain
irradiating to the left nipple. Pain is not associated with physical activity and cannot be relieved by nitroglycerin, it abates after taking
Valocordin and lasts for an hour or more. The
patient has a nearly 2-year history of this disease. Objectively: Heart rate - 76 bpm. BP
- 110/70 mm Hg. Heart borders are normal,
heart sounds are clear. The ECG shows respiratory arrhythmia. X-ray of the cervicothoracic
spine shows no pathology. Lungs, abdomen are
unremarkable. What changes in blood formula
can be expected?
A. No changes
B. Leukocytosis
C. Thrombocytopenia
D. Leukemic hiatus
E. Increased ESR
50. Chief physician of a polyclinic tasked a district doctor with determining the pathological prevalence of disease N in his district.
What document allows to estimate the disease
prevalence in the population of a medical district?
A. Prophylactic examinations register
B. Statistic coupons (+)
C. Statistic coupons (-)
D. Statistic coupons (+) and (-)
E. Vouchers for medical appointments
51. A 32-year-old woman complains of dizziness, headache, palpitation, tremor. For
the last several months she has been under
outpatient monitoring for increased arterial
pressure. Recently such attacks have become
more frequent and severe. Objectively: skin

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

is covered with clammy sweat, tremor of the

extremities is present. Heart rate - 110/min, BP
- 220/140 mm Hg. Heart sounds are weakened.
In blood: WBCs - 9, 8 109 /l, ESR - 22 mm/h.
Blood glucose - 9,8 millimole/l. What disease is
the most likely cause of this crisis?
A. Pheochromocytoma
B. Essential hypertension
C. Preeclampsia
D. Primary hyperaldosteronism
E. Diabetic glomerulosclerosis
52. A 45-year-old patient complains of pain
in the epigastric region, left subcostal area,
abdominal distension, diarrhea, loss of weight. He has been suffering from this condition
for 5 years. Objectively: tongue is moist with
white coating near the root; deep palpation of
abdomen reveals slight pain in the epigastric
region and -Robsons point. Liver is painless and protrudes 1 cm from the costal arch.
Spleen cannot be palpated. What disease can
be primarily suspected?
A. Chronic pancreatitis
B. Atrophic gastritis
C. Peptic stomach ulcer
D. Chronic cholecystitis
E. Chronic enteritis
53. A 58-year-old woman complains of
spontaneous bruises, weakness, bleeding gums,
dizziness. Objectively: the mucous membranes
and skin are pale with numerous hemorrhages
of various time of origin. Lymph nodes are not
enlarged. Heart rate - 100/min, BP- 110/70
mm Hg. There are no changes of internal
organs. Blood test results: RBC - 3,01012 /l,
b - 92 g/l, colour index - 0,9, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, WBC - 10109 /l, eosinophiles - 2%,
stab neutrophiles - 12%, segmented neutrophiles - 68%, lymphocytes - 11%, monocytes - 7%,
ESR - 12 mm/h. What laboratory test should be
determined additionally to make a diagnosis?
A. Platelets
B. Reticulocytes
C. Clotting time
D. Osmotic resistance of erythrocytes
E. Fibrinogen
54. After examination a 46-year-old patient was
diagnosed with left breast cancer T2N2M0, clinical group II-a. What will be the treatment
plan for this patient?
A. Radiation therapy + operation
B. Operation only
C. Operation + radiation therapy
D. Radiation therapy only
E. Chemotherapy only

55. In river-side urban community there was an

outbreak of hepatitis type A possibly spread by
water. What indexes of river water quality can
confirm this theory?

A. Coliphage number
B. Colibacillus index
C. Oxidability
D. Non-icteric leptospirosis agent
E. Fecal coliform bacteria index
56. A 25-year-old patient was delivered to
an infectious diseases unit on the 3rd day
of illness with complaints of headache, pain
in lumbar spine and gastrocnemius muscles,
high fever, chill. Objectively: condition of
moderate severity. Scleras are icteric. Pharynx
is hyperemic. Tongue is dry with dry brown
coating. Abdomen is distended. Liver is
enlarged by 2 cm. Spleen is not enlarged.
Palpation of muscles, especially gastrocnemius muscles, is painful. Urine is dark in colour.
Stool is normal in colour. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Leptospirosis
B. Viral hepatitis type A
C. Malaria
D. Infectious mononucleosis
E. Yersiniosis
57. A patient suffering from acute
posttraumatic pain received an injection of
morphine that brought him a significant relief.
Which of the following mechanisms of action
provided for antishock effect of morphine in
this patient?
A. Stimulation of opiate receptors
B. Block of central cholinergic receptors
C. Stimulation of benzodiazepine receptors
D. Inhibition of dopamine mediation
E. Intensification of GABA-ergic reactions
58. A 9-month-old child presents with fever,
cough, dyspnea. The symptoms appeared 5
days ago after a contact with a person having URTI. Objectively: the child is in grave
condition. Temperature of 38o C , cyanosis of
nasolabial triangle is present. Respiration rate
- 54/min, nasal flaring while breathing. There
was percussion dullness on the right below the
scapula angle, and tympanic sound over the
rest of lungs. Auscultation revealed bilateral fine moist rales (crackles) predominating on the
right. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute pneumonia
C. Acute laryngotracheitis
D. Acute bronchitis
E. Acute bronchiolitis
59. A 50-year-old patient complains about having pain attacks in the right subcostal area for
about a year. The pain arises mainly after
taking fatty food. Over the last week the
attacks occurred daily and became more painful. On the 3rd day of hospitalization the patient presented with icteritiousness of skin and
scleras, light-coloured feces and dark urine. In
blood: neutrophilic leukocytosis - 13, 1 109 /l,
ESR - 28 mm/h. What is the most likely diagnosis?

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

A. Chronic calculous cholecystitis

B. Chronic recurrent pancreatitis
C. Fatty degeneration of liver
D. Chronic cholangitis, exacerbation stage
E. Hypertensive dyskinesia of gallbladder

other day. Two days ago the patient arrived

from Africa. Objectively: pale skin, subicteric
sclera, significantly enlarged liver and spleen.
What is the cause of fever attacks in this disease?

60. A 52-year-old woman complains of face distortion. It appeared 2 days ago after exposure
to cold. Objectively: body temperature is
38, 2o C . Face asymmetry is present. Frontal
folds are flattened. Left eye is wider than the right one and cannot close. Left nasolabial fold is
flattened, mouth corner is lowered. Examination revealed no other pathology. Blood count:
leukocytes - 10 109 /l, ESR - 20 mm/h. What is
the most probable diagnosis?

A. Erythrocytic schizogony
B. Tissue schizogony
C. Exotoxin of a causative agent
D. Endotoxin of a causative agent
E. Gametocytes

A. Facial neuritis
B. Trigeminus neuralgia
C. Hemicrania (migraine)
D. Ischemic stroke
E. Brain tumour
61. A 28-year-old female patient with a six-year
history of Raynauds syndrome has recently
developed pain in the small joints of hands, difficult movement of food down the esophagus.
What disease can be suspected in this case?
A. Systemic scleroderma
B. Periarteritis nodosa
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus
E. Pseudotrichiniasis
62. An 8-year-old boy, who has been suffering from diabetes mellitus for 3 years, was
delivered to a hospital in a condition of
hyperglycemic coma. Primary dose of insulin
should be prescribed basing on the following
A. 0,1-0,2 units/kg of body mass per hour
B. 0,05 units/kg of body mass per hour
C. 0,2-0,3 units/kg of body mass per hour
D. 0,3-0,4 units/kg of body mass per hour
E. 0,4-0,5 units/kg of body mass per hour
63. A 43-year-old female patient complains of
rash on the skin of her right leg, pain, weakness,
body temperature rise up to 38o C . The disease
is acute. Objectively: there is an edema on the
skin of her right leg in the foot area, a welldefined bright red spot in the irregular shape
of flame tips, which is hot to touch. There are
isolated vesicles in the focus. What is your
provisional diagnosis?
A. Erysipelas
B. Microbial eczema
C. Contact dermatitis
D. Toxicoderma
E. Haemorrhagic vasculitis
64. A 47-year-old patient came to see a doctor
on the 7th day of disease. The disease is
acute: after the chill body temperature rose
to 40o C and lasted up to 7 hours, then dropped
abruptly, which caused profuse sweat. There
were three such attacks occurring once every

65. A 49-year-old patient 2 years ago was diagnosed with stage 1 silicosis. He complains of
increased dyspnea and pain in the infrascapular
regions. X-ray shows diffuse intensification
and distortion of lung pattern with numerous
nodular shadows 2-4 mm in diameter. Hardening of right interlobar pleura is detected. Lung
roots are hardened and expanded. What X-ray
type of pneumosclerosis does the patient have?
A. Nodular
B. Interstitial
C. Interstitial-nodular
D. Nodal
E. Tumor-like
66. A 24-year-old patient complains of general
weakness, dizziness, body temperature rise up to 37, 5o C , sore throat, neck edema,
enlargement of submaxillary lymph nodes.
Objectively: mucous membrane of oropharynx
is edematic and cyanotic, tonsils are enlarged
and covered with films that spread beyond
the tonsils and cannot be easily removed.
What is the leading mechanism of this illness
A. Action of bacterial exotoxin
B. Action of bacterial endotoxin
C. Allergic
D. Accumulation of suboxidated products
E. Bacteriemia
67. A 40-year-old woman with a history of
combined mitral valve disease with predominant stenosis complains of dyspnea, asthma
attacks at night, heart problems. At present,
she is unable to do even easy housework. What
is the optimal tactics of the patient treatment?
A. Mitral commissurotomy
B. Implantation of an artificial valve
C. Antiarrhythmia therapy
D. Treatment of heart failure
E. Antirheumatic therapy
68. A 30-year-old woman with a long history
of chronic pyelonephritis complains of considerable weakness, sleepiness, decrease in diuresis down to 100 ml per day. BP is 200/120
mm Hg. In blood: creatinine - 0,62 millimole/l,
hypoproteinemia, albumines - 32 g/l, potassium - 6,8 millimole/l, hypochromic anemia,
increased ESR. What is the first step in the
patient treatment tactics?

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

A. Haemodialysis
B. Antibacterial therapy
C. Enterosorption
D. Haemosorption
E. Blood transfusion
69. A 43-year-old patient had right-sided deep
vein thrombosis of iliofemoral segment 3 years
ago. Now he is suffering from the sense of
heaviness, edema of the lower right extremity. Objectively: moderate edema of shin, brown
induration of skin in the lower third of shin,
varix dilatation of superficial shin veins are
present. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Postthrombophlebitic syndrome, varicose
B. Acute thrombosis of right veins
C. Lymphedema of lower right extremity
D. Parkes-Weber syndrome
E. Acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins
70. A 28-year-old woman has bursting pain
in the lower abdomen during menstruation; chocolate-like discharges from vagina are
observed. It is known from the anamnesis that
the patient suffers from chronic adnexitis. Bimanual examination revealed a tumour-like
formation of heterogenous consistency 77 cm
large to the left from the uterus. The formation
is restrictedly movable, painful when moved.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Endometrioid cyst of the left ovary
B. Follicular cyst of the left ovary
C. Fibromatous node
D. Exacerbation of chronic adnexitis
E. Tumour of sigmoid colon
71. A 6-year-old child complains of frequent liquid stool and vomiting. On the 2nd day of
desease the child presented with inertness,
temperature rise up to 38, 2o C , heart rate 150 bpm, scaphoid abdomen, palpatory painful
sigmoid colon, defecation 10 times a day with
liquid, scarce stool with mucus and streaks of
green. What is a provisional diagnosis?
A. Shigellosis
B. Salmonellosis
C. Escherichiosis
D. Intestinal amebiasis
E. Yersiniosis
72. A 65-year-old patient complains of pain in
the lumbar spine, moderate disuria. He has
been suffering from this condition for about
half a year. Prostate volume is 45 cm3 (there
are hypoechogenic nodes in both lobes, capsule
invasion). Prostate-specific antigen is 60 ng/ml.
Prostate biopsy revealed an adenocarcinoma.
Which of the supplementary examination
methods will allow to determine the stage of
neoplastic process in this patient?
A. Computer tomography of small pelvis
B. Lumbar spine X-ray
C. Excretory urography
D. Bone scintigraphy
E. Chest X-ray

73. A 12-year-old cild has been hit on the

stomach. The patient is in moderately grave
condition, has a forced position in bed. The
skin is pale, heart rate - 122/min. Stress on
the left costal arch causes a slight pain. Weinert and Kulenkampff symptoms are positive.
Macroscopically the urine is unchanged. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Spleen rupture, abdominal bleeding
B. Left kidney rupture, retroperitoneal
C. Rupture of the pancreas
D. Liver rupture, abdominal bleeding
E. Rupture of a hollow organ, peritonitis
74. Establishments participating in medical
examinations include: medical and preventive treatment facility, hygiene and preventive
treatment facility, sociomedical expert committees, Ministry of Defence medical committees, Ministry of Domestic Affairs medical
committees, forensic medicine agency, etc.
Specify what service deals with sociomedical
assessment of temporary disability:
A. Medical and preventive treatment facility
B. Hygiene and preventive treatment facility
C. Sociomedical expert committees
D. Ministry of Defence medical committees
E. Ministry of Domestic Affairs medical committees
75. An unconscious 35-year-old patient has
been delivered by an ambulance to the intensive care unit. Objectively: the patient is in
semicoma. Moderate mydriasis is present. The
reaction of pupils to light is reduced. The patient is non-responsive to verbal instructions. BP
is150/100 mm Hg, tachycardia is present. Blood
contains methanol. What antidote should be
A. Ethanol
B. Unithiol
C. Thiamine chloride
D. Tavegil (Clemastine)
E. Naloxone
76. After lifting a load, a 36-year-old male patient has experienced a severe pain in the lumbar
region, which spread to the right leg and was
getting worse when he moved his foot or
coughed. Objectively: the long back muscles on
the right are strained. Achilles jerk is reduced
on the right. There is a pronounced tenderness
of paravertebral points in the lumbar region.
The straight leg raise (Lasegues sign) is positive on the right. What additional tests should
be performed in the first place?
A. Radiography of the spinal column
B. Computed tomography
C. Magnetic resonance tomography
D. Electromyography
E. Lumbar puncture
77. A patient is active, lively, fussy. He resists the examination. His speech is fast and
loud, his statements are spontaneous and

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

inconsequent. Specify the psychopathological

state of this patient:
A. Psychomotor agitation
B. Catatonic agitation
C. Delirium
D. Behavioral disorder
E. Paranoid syndrome
78. A 4-year-old boy was vaccinated in violation of his vaccination schedule. There
are complaints of pain in the throat during
swallowing, headache, inertness, fever. Objectively: the child is pale; anterior cervical lymph
nodes are enlarged; tonsils are swollen, with
cyanotic hyperemy, and covered with greywhite coating that cannot be removed; if it is
forcibly removed, tonsils bleed. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Oropharyngeal diphtheria
B. Lacunar tonsillitis
C. Pseudomembranous (Vincents) tonsillitis
D. Infectious mononucleosis
E. Follicular tonsillitis
79. A 26-year-old male patient complains of piercing pain during breathing, cough, dyspnea.
Objectively: to - 37, 3o C , respiration rate is
19/min, heart rate is 92/min; BP is 120/80 mm
Hg. Vesicular respiration is observed. In the
inferolateral parts of chest auscultation in both
inspiration and expiration phase revealed noise that was getting stronger at phonendoscope
pressing and could be still heard after cough.
ECG showed no pathological changes. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute pleuritis
B. Intercostal neuralgia
C. Subcutaneous emphysema
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax
E. Pericarditis sicca
80. A child is 3-week-old. Since his birth periodical vomiting is observed occuring several
minutes after feeding. Vomit mass does not
exceed previous feeding volume. Body mass is
appropriate to the childs age. What is the most
likely cause for the symptoms described?
A. Pylorospasm
B. Esophageal chalasia
C. Adrenogenital syndrome
D. Pylorostenosis
E. Esophageal achalasia
81. A 30-year-old parturient woman was delivered to a maternity hospital with full-term
pregnancy. She complains of severe lancinating pain in the uterus that started 1 hour ago,
nausea, vomiting, cold sweat. Anamnesis states
cesarean section 2 years ago. Uterine contractions stopped. Skin and mucous membranes are
pale. Heart rate is 100/min, BP is 90/60 mm Hg.
Uterus has no clear margins, is sharply painful.
No heartbeat can be auscultated in the fetus.
Moderate bloody discharge from the uterus
can be observed. Uterus cervix is 4 cm open.
Presenting part is not visible. The most likely


diagnosis is:
A. Uterine rupture
B. Initial uterine rupture
C. Threatened uterine rupture
D. Premature detachment of normally positioned placenta
E. Compression of inferior pudendal vein
82. A 26-year-old female patient has an 11year history of rheumatism. Four years ago
she suffered 2 rheumatic attacks. Over the last
6 months there have been paroxysms of atrial fibrillation every 2-3 months. What option
of antiarrhythmic therapy or tactics should be
A. Prophylactic administration of cordarone
B. Immediate hospitalization
C. Defibrillation
D. Lidocaine administration
E. Heparin administration
83. A 47-year-old female patient complains of
cough with purulent sputum, pain in the lower
left chest, periodical body temperature rise.
She has been suffering from this condition for
about 10 years. Objectively: "drumstick"distal
phalanges. What examination would be the
most informative for making a diagnosis?
A. Bronchography
B. Bronchoscopy
C. Survey radiograph of lungs
D. Pleural puncture
E. Bacteriological analysis of sputum
84. A patient is 60-year-old, retired, worked
as deputy director of a research institute.
Behavioural changes appeared 2 years ago
after the death of her husband: she stopped
looking after herself and leaving the house;
then she stopped to clean the apartment and
cook. Mental status: temporal disorientation.
The patient does not understand many of the
questions, is confused; does not know how
to cook soup or fasten a button. Her speech
is characterized by stumbling and logoclonia.
She does not recognize doctors, fellow patients. She cries a lot but can not explain the
reason for tears. What is the mechanism of this
A. Atrophy of the cerebral cortex
B. Atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels
C. Serotonin deficiency
D. Impaired conversion of dopamine to
E. Disorder of melatonin metabolism
85. An 8-year-old girl periodically has sudden
short-term heart pain, sensation of chest
compression, epigastric pain, dizziness, vomiting. Objectively: the patient is pale, respiratory
rate - 40/min, jugular pulse is present. Heart
rate - 185 bpm, of poor volume. BP - 75/40
mm Hg. ECG taken during an attack shows
ectopic P waves, QRS wave is not deformed.
At the end of an attack a compensatory pause
is observed. The most likely cause of the attack

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

A. Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
B. Sinus tachycardia
C. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
D. Complete AV-block
E. Atrial fibrillation
86. During examination a patient is unconscious, his skin is dry and hot, face hyperemia
is present. The patient has Kussmauls respiration, there is also smell of acetone in the
air. Symptoms of peritoneum irritation are
positive. Blood sugar is 33 millimole/l. What
emergency actions should be taken?
A. Intravenous infusion of short-acting insulin
B. Intravenous infusion of glucose along with
C. Introduction of long-acting insulin
D. Intravenous infusion of neohaemodesum
along with glutamic acid
E. Intravenous infusion of sodium chloride
87. A patient complains of evaginations in the
region of anus that appear during defecation
and need resetting. Examination with anoscope
revealed 1x1 cm large evaginations of mucosa
above the pectineal line. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
A. Internal hemorrhoids
B. Acute paraproctitis
C. External hemorrhoids
D. Anal fissure
E. 88. During the newborn infants examination redness of the skin was detected, which
occurred immediately after birth and became
the most pronounced on the second day of the
infants life. What provisional diagnosis can be
A. Simple erythema
B. Toxic erythema
C. Transient erythema
D. Erythema nodosum
E. Erythema anulare centrifugum
89. A baby was born by a young smoker. The
labour was complicated by uterine inertia, difficult delivery of the babys head and shoulders.
The babys Apgar score was 4. Which of the
following is a risk factor for a spinal cord
A. Difficult delivery of the head and shoulders
B. Young age of the mother
C. Pernicious habits
D. Uterine inertia
E. Chronic hypoxia
90. In order to study impact of microclimate on
the human organism it is necessary to make
systematic observation of air temperature
during the period of 3 days. Choose a device that will allow to make the most precise
temperature records:


A. Thermograph
B. Alcohol thermometer
C. Mercury thermometer
D. Augusts psychrometer
E. Assmann psychrometer
91. Against the background of angina a patient
has developed pain in tubular bones. Examination revealed generalized enlargement
of lymph nodes, hepatolienal syndrome,
sternalgia. In blood: RBCs - 3, 6 1012 /l, Hb87 g/l, thrombocytes - 45 109 /l, WBCs 13 109 /l, blasts - 87%, stab neutrophiles - 1%,
segmented neutrophiles - 7%, lymphocytes 5%, ESR - 55 mm/h. What is the most likely
A. Acute leukemia
B. Erythremia
C. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
D. Chronic myeloid leukemia
E. Multiple myeloma
92. For a long time to eradicate weeds on
agricultural lands herbicides retaining in environment have been used. Point out the most
probable way of herbicides reaching human
organism from soil:
A. Soil-plants-human
B. Soil-microorganisms-human
C. Soil-animals-human
D. Soil-protozoa-human
E. Soil-insects-human
93. A 52-year-old patient complains of pain in
the right part of her chest, dyspnea, cough with a lot of albuminoid sputum emitting foul
smell of "meat slops". Objectively: the patients condition is grave, cyanosis is observed,
breathing rate is 31/min, percussion sound
above the right lung is shortened, auscultation
revealed various moist rales (crackles). What is
the most probable diagnosis?
A. Lung gangrene
B. Lung abscess
C. Pleura empyema
D. Multiple bronchiectasis
E. Chronic pneumonia
94. A 15-year-old patient suffers from
headache, nasal haemorrhages, sense of lower
extremity coldness. Objectively: muscles of
shoulder girdle are developed, lower extremities are hypotrophied. Pulsation on the pedal
and femoral arteries is sharply dampened. BP
is 150/90 mm Hg, 90/60 in the legs. Systolic
murmur can be auscultated above carotid
arteries. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Aorta coarctation
B. Aorta aneurism
C. Aortal stenosis
D. Aortal insufficiency
E. Coarctation of pulmonary artery
95. A patient with frostbite of both feet was
delivered to an admission ward. What actions
should be taken?

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

A. To apply a bandage, to introduce vasodilating

B. To administer cardiac medications
C. To put feet into hot water
D. To rub feet with snow
E. To apply an alcohol compress
96. A patient in a clinical death condition is being resuscitated through mouth-to-mouth artificial pulmonary ventilation and external cardiac massage. A doctor noticed that air does not
flow into the patients airways and his head and
torso are positioned at the same level. Why is
artificial respiration not effective in the given
A. Tongue retraction
B. Low breathing volume
C. External cardiac massage
D. Probe is absent from stomach
E. The patients mouth is too small
97. Hygienic assessment of a sample taken
from the batch of grain revealed 2% of grains
infected with microscopic Fusarium fungi. On
the grounds of laboratory analyses this batch
of grain should be:
A. Sold without restrictions
B. Tested for toxicity
C. Used for forage production
D. Used for ethanol production
E. Destroyed
98. Residents of an industrial community situated near a plant suffer from increased
morbidity rate caused by nervous and endocrine system conditions and kidney diseases.
Blood test: decrease of sulfhydric groups
content in blood. The pathologies developed
can be caused by environment being polluted
by the following:
A. Mercury
B. Cadmium
C. Boron
D. Chromium
E. Lead
99. Various population groups mortality has
been studied for a long time; territorial distribution of population and resulting changes in
mortality trends are considered. What statstical
method can be applied?
A. Time series analysis
B. Standardized ratio analysis
C. Correlation and regression analysis
D. Assessment of parameter difference reliability
E. Analysis of relative values
100. A 45-year-old patient with urolithiasis had
an attack of renal colic. What is the mechanism
of the attack development?


A. Disturbed urine outflow from the kidney

B. Increase in urine specific gravity
C. Ureteric twists
D. Destruction of renal glomerules
E. Renal artery spasm
101. A 26-year-old woman has attended
maternity center complaining of her inability
to become pregnant despite 3 years of regular
sex life. Examination revealed the following: increased body weight; male-type pubic
hair; excessive pilosis of thighs; ovaries are
dense and enlarged; basal body temperature
is monophasic. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Ovaries sclerocystosis
B. Inflammation of uterine appendages
C. Adrenogenital syndrome
D. Premenstrual syndrome
E. Gonadal dysgenesis
102. A workshop resident doctor makes a list of workers, who are often ill, for special
supervision. He takes into account the number
of etiologically connected cases resulting in
temporary disability that occurred in the span
of a year for each worker. How many such cases
should a worker have to be included in this
A. 4 and more
B. 1 and more
C. 2 and more
D. 3 and more
E. 6 and more
103. A 28-year-old woman complains of
increased intermenstrual periods up to 2
months, hirsutism. Gynaecological examination revealed that the ovaries were enlarged,
painless, compact, uterus had no pecularities. Pelvic ultrasound revealed that the ovaries were 4-5 cm in diameter and had multiple
enlarged follicles on periphery. X-ray of skull
base showed that sellar region was dilated.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Stein-Leventhal syndrome (Polycystic ovary
B. Algodismenorrhea
C. Sheehans syndrome
D. Premenstrual syndrome
E. Morgagni-Stewart syndrome
104. A woman consulted a therapeutist
about fatigability, significant weight loss,
weakness, loss of appetite. She has been having
amenorrhea for 8 months. A year ago she born
a full-term child. Haemorrhage during labour
made up 2 l. She got blood and blood substitute transfusions. What is the most probable
A. Sheehans syndrome
B. Stein-Leventhal syndrome
C. Shereshevsky-Turners syndrome
D. Homological blood syndrome
E. Vegetovascular dystonia
105. The correlation between service record

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

and eosinophiles concentration in blood was

studied in workers at dyeing shops of textile factories. What index will be the most
informative for the analysis of this data?
A. Correlation factor
B. Students criterion
C. Standardized index
D. Fitting criterion
E. Sign index
106. A 39-year-old woman suffering from schizophrenia constantly strains to hear something insisting that "there is a phone connection in her brain and she hears her brothers
voice demanding that she come back home".
The patient is anxious, suspicious, constantly
looking around. Specify the psychopathologic
A. Hallucinatory
B. Anxiety
C. Paranoid
D. Paraphrenic
E. Depressive
107. A 3-month-old girl has rhinitis, dyspnea,
dry cough. She has been sick for 2 days.
Objectively: pale skin, acrocyanosis, hypopnoe;
breathing rate is 80/min; over the whole
pulmonary surface there is vesiculotympanitic
(bandbox) resonance observed with numerous
bubbling rales (crackles). The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Acute bronchiolitis
B. Pneumonia
C. Mucoviscidosis
D. Foreign body in airways
E. Acute bronchitis
108. A 30-year-old patient was hospitalised in
an intensive care unit with a diagnosis of multiple bee stings. Skin is pale and covered with
cold sweat. Pulse can be palpated only at the
carotid arteries and is 110/min; breating rate is
24/min, rhytmical, weakened. What drug must
be administered immediately?
A. Adrenaline hydrochloride intravenously
B. Prednisolone intravenously
C. Adrenaline hydrochloride intramuscularly
D. Dopamine intravenously
E. Tavegyl (Clemastine) intravenously
109. A 24-year-old patient complains of gaining
body mass and increased appetite. Objectively:
built of hypersthenic type, body mass index
is 33,2 kg/m2 , waist circumference is 100 cm.
Waist to hips circumference ratio is 0,95. What
is the provisional diagnosis?


A. Alimentary constitutive obesity, I stage,

android type
B. Itsenko-Cushing hypothalamic obesity, II
stage, gynoid type
C. Alimentary constitutive obesity, III stage,
gynoid type
D. Alimentary constitutive obesity, II stage,
android type
E. Itsenko-Cushing hypothalamic obesity, I
stage, android type
110. A parturient woman is 27 year old, it was
her second labour, delivery was at full-term,
normal course. On the 3rd day of postpartum
period body temperature is 36, 8o C , heart rate
- 72/min, BP - 120/80 mm Hg. Mammary glands
are moderately swollen, nipples are clean.
Abdomen is soft and painless. Fundus of uterus
is 3 fingers below the umbilicus. Lochia are
bloody, moderate. What is the most probable
A. Physiological course of postpartum period
B. Subinvolution of uterus
C. Postpartum metroendometritis
D. Remnants of placental tissue after labour
E. Lactostasis
111. A 40-year-old patient suffers from
influenza. On the 5th day of illness there are
pain behind sternum, cough with sputum,
inertness. Temperature is 39, 5o C . Face is
pale. Mucosa of conjunctivas and pharynx is
hyperemic. Heart rate is 120/min, breathing
rate is 38/min. In the lower lung segments
shortening of percussion sound and moist rales
(crackles) can be detected. What additional
investigation should be performed first of all to
specify the diagnosis?
A. Lung X-ray
C. Heart US
D. Mantoux test
E. Spirography
112. A 45-year-old patient complains of body
temperature rise up to 40o C , general weakness,
headache, painfulness and spastic muscle
contractions around the wound in the shin. He
received this wound 5 days ago when working in his garden. He requested no medical
care back then. What wound infection can be
A. Tetanus
B. Anthrax
C. Erysipelas
D. Gram-positive
E. Gram-negative
113. A 60-year-old woman started feeling
weakness, vertigo, rapid fatigability during the
last year. Recently there have been dyspnea
and paresthesia observed. Objectively: skin
and mucous membranes are pale and icteric.
Lingual papillae are smoothed out. Liver and
spleen are situated at the edge of costal arch.
Blood test: Hb- 70 g/l, erythrocytes - 1, 71012 /l,
blood color index - 1,2, macrocytes. What drug

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

can be prescribed on pathogenetic grounds?

A. Vitamin B12
B. Vitamin B6
C. Ascorbic acid
D. Iron preparations
E. Vitamin B1
114. A 34-year-old patient complains of profuse
sweating at night, skin itching, weight loss
(9 kg within the last 3 months). Examination revealed malnutrition, skin pallor. Palpation of neck and inguinal areas revealed dense
elastic lymph nodes of about 1 cm in diameter,
nonmobile, non-adhering to skin. What is the
most probable diagnosis?
A. Lymphogranulomatosis
B. Chronic lymphadenitis
C. Lymphosarcoma
D. Burkitts lymphoma
E. Cancer metastases
115. A 57-year-old woman complains of having
a sensation of esophageal compresion, palpitation, breathing difficulties when eating solid
food, occasional vomiting with a full mouth,
"wet pillow"sign at night for the last 6 months.
Objectively: body tempearture - 39o C , height 168 cm, weight - 72 kg, heart rate - 76/min, BP120/80 mm Hg. X-ray revealed considerable dilation of esophagus and its constriction in the
cardial part. What pathology is most likely to
have caused dysphagia in this patient?
A. Achalasia cardiae
B. Primary esophagism
C. Hiatal hernia
D. Esophageal carcinoma
E. Reflux esophagitis
116. A 25-year-old man complains of pain
in the lower third of his left thigh, which
occurs both with and without physical exertion.
Possibility of trauma is denied by the patient.
Objectively: skin colour is normal; pastosity
and pain can be detected with deep palpation; knee joint mobility is reduced. X-ray of
distal femoral metaphysis shows an area of
destruction and spicule. Blood test: immature
cells, no signs of inflammation. The most likely
diagnosis is:
A. Osteogenic sarcoma
B. Osteitis fibrosa cystica
C. Chronic osteomyelitis
D. Multiple myeloma
E. Marble-bone disease
117. A 37-year-old woman complains of sharp
pains in her external genitalia, edema of the
vulvar lips, pain when walking. Objectively:
body temperature is 38, 7o C , heart rate is
98/min. Inside the right vulvar lip there is a
dense, painful, tumor-like growth 5,04,5 cm in
size; skin and mucosa of the external genitalia
are hyperemic, copious foul-smelling discharge
is observed. The most likely diagnosis is:


A. Acute bartholinitis
B. Furuncle of outer labia
C. Acute vulvovaginitis
D. Bartholins cyst
E. Carcinoma of vulva
118. In a rural health care area there is a case of
child dying during the first month of his life. To
analyse this situation, among other measures,
an expert assessment of medical records is
performed. What medical document should be
considered first?
A. Child development history
B. Infant development history
C. Vaccination card
D. Outpatient medical record
E. Childs medical record
119. Examination of placenta revealed a defect.
An obstetrician performed manual investigation of uterine cavity, uterine massage.
Prophylaxis of endometritis in the postpartum
period should involve the following actions:
A. Antibacterial therapy
B. Instrumental revision of uterine cavity
C. Haemostatic therapy
D. Contracting agents
E. Intrauterine instillation of dioxine
120. A 15-year-old boy has developed pain in
the area of his left knee joint. Objectively:
thigh soft tissues in the painful area are infiltrated, joint function is reduced. X-ray: there is
a focus of destruction in the left distal femoral
metaphysis, with periosteum detachment and
formation of Codman triangle in the bone
cortical layer at the margin of the defect. Chest
X-ray reveals numerous microfocal metastases.
What pathology is the most likely to cause such
A. Osteogenic sarcoma
B. Fibrosarcoma
C. Chondrosarcoma
D. Ewings sarcoma
E. Juxtacortical sarcoma
121. A 74-year-old man complains of pain in
the left foot and dark color of the 1st toe. He
has been sick for 6 days. Objectively: heart
rate is 84/min. Body temperature is 37, 8o C .
The left foot resembles "chicken claw"due
to soft tissues decreasing in volume, skin is
dark red. The 1st toe is black, small amount of
dark substance is being discharged from under
the nail. Pulse over the peripheral arteries of
extremity is absent. The most likely diagnosis
A. Gangrene
B. Phlegmon
C. Panaritium
D. Erysipelas
E. Erysipeloid
122. Head circumference of a 1-month-old boy
with signs of excitement is 37 cm, prefontanel
is 2x2 cm large. After feeding the child regurgitates small portions of milk; stool is normal

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

in its volume and composition. Muscle tone is

within norm. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Pylorospasm
B. Meningitis
C. Pylorostenosis
D. Microcephaly
E. Craniostenosis
123. A 49-year-old patient complains of difficulties when swallowing food, hoarse voice, weight loss. The patient has been suffering
from these symptoms for the last 3 months. The
symptoms are gradually progressing. Objectively: the patient is emaciated, supraclavicular
lymph nodes are enlarged. Esophagoscopy
revealed no pathologies of esophagus. What
investigation would be the most advisable in
the given case?
A. Computed tomogram of chest and mediastinum
B. Lungs X-ray
C. Multiplanar fluoroscopy of esophagus
D. Radioisotopic examination of chest and
E. US of mediastinum
124. A 36-year-old male patient complains of
having headache, obstructed nasal breathing,
purulent nasal discharge for 2 weeks. A month
before, he had his right maxillary premolar
filled. X-ray revealed an intense opacity of
the right maxillary sinus. Diagnostic puncture
revealed a large amount of thick malodorous
crumbly pus. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic suppurative odontogenic sinusitis
B. Acute purulent sinusitis
C. Chronic purulent sinusitis
D. Chronic atrophic sinusitis
E. Tumor of the maxillary sinus
125. During a surgical operation necessitated
by the patients suffering from autoimmune
thyroiditis with concomitant multinodular goiter the right lobe was removed and subtotal
resection of the left lobe was performed.
What should be prescribed to the patient for
postoperative hypothyroidism prevention?
A. L-thyroxin
B. Mercazolil (Thiamazole)
C. Iodomarin (Potassium iodide)
D. Lithium preparations
E. Insulin
126. A 54-year-old patient has been suffering
from diabetes mellitus for 5 years, with diet
being his only treatment. Within the last half
a year he lost 7 kg of body weight, complains of thirst, vertigo when raising from bed,
decrease of erectile function, frequent stool,
especially at night. Objectively: malnutrition,
dry skin. BP in lying position is 160/90 mm
Hg; BP in standing position is 170/85 mm Hg.
No edemas. Fasting plasma glucose level is
12 mmol/l. Glycated hemoglobin accounts for
11%. Albumin excreted with urine is 20 mg per
day. The most likely diagnosis is:


A. Diabetes mellitus type 2 with visceral

B. Diabetes mellitus type 1 with ketoacidosis
D. Diabetes mellitus type 2 with nephropathy
E. Diabetes mellitus type 2 with polyneuropathy
127. A young woman suffering from seborrhea
oleosa has numerous light-brown and white spots on the skin of her torso and
shoulders. The spots have clear margins,
branny desquamation, no itching. What provisional diagnosis can be made?
A. Pityriasis versicolor
B. Torso dermatophytosis
C. Seborrheic dermatitis
D. Pityriasis rosea
E. Vitiligo
128. 10 days after birth an infant developed
a sudden fever up to 38, 1o C . Objectively:
the skin of navel, abdomen and chest is
erythematous; there are multiple pea-sized
blisters with no infiltration at the base; single bright red moist erosions with epidermal
fragments on the periphery. What is your provisional diagnosis?
A. Epidemic pemphigus of newborn
B. Syphilitic pemphigus
C. Streptococcal impetigo
D. Vulgar impetigo
E. Atopic dermatitis
129. In a traffic accident two persons died. An
appointed forensic medical expert was called
on duty to another accident location; therefore,
according to the crininal law in force in Ukraine, an investigator called in the following specialist for examination of the location and bodies:
A. Nearest available medical doctor
B. Medical assistant
C. Surgical nurse
D. Nearest available dispensing chemist
E. Nearest available dental mechanic
130. A 35-year-old female patient has gained
20 kg weight within a year with the normal diet. She complains of chill, sleepiness, dyspnea.
The patients mother and sister are corpulent.
Objectively: height - 160 cm, weight - 92 kg,
BMI - 35,9. Obesity is uniform, there are no
striae. The face is amimic. The skin is dry. The
tongue is thickened. Heart sounds are muffled.
Heart rate - 56/min, BP - 140/100 mm Hg. The
patient has constipations, amenorrhea for 5
months. TSH - 28 mkME/l (normal rate - 0,325). Craniogram shows no pathology. What is
the etiology of obesity?
A. Hypothyroid
B. Hypo-ovarian
C. Hypothalamic-pituitary
D. Alimentary and constitutive
E. Hypercorticoid

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

131. A 45-year-old patient has been suffering from essential hypertension for 10 years.
After hot bath he suddenly developed sharp
headache and recurrent vomiting. Objectively: pronounced meningeal symptoms; BP
is 180/110 mm Hg. He was hospitalised in a
neurology unit. What additional tests should
be primarily prescribed?
A. Lumbar puncture, cerebrospinal fluid test
B. Ventriculopuncture
C. Echoencephalography
D. Rheoencephalography
E. Electroencephalography
132. A 77-years-old patient complains of inability to urinate and bursting pain above his
pubis. Acute onset of his condition occurred
12 hours ago. Objectively: overfilled urinary
bladder can be palpated above the pubis. On
rectal examination: prostate is enlarged, denseelastic, with clear margins and no nodules.
Interlobar sulcus is pronounced. US examination: prostate volume is 120 cm3 , it protrudes
into urinary bladder cavity, parenchyma is
homogeneous. Prostate specific antigen is 5
ng/ml. What disease is the most likely to cause
acute urinary retention?
A. Prostatic hyperplasia
B. Prostate cancer
C. Prostate sclerosis
D. Prostate tuberculosis
E. Acute prostatitis
133. A patient with uterine fibromyoma sized up to 8-9 weeks of pregnancy consulted
a gynaecologist about acute pain in the lower
abdomen. Examination revealed pronounced
positive symptoms of peritoneal irritation, high leukocytosis. Vaginal examination revealed
that the uterus was enlarged up to 9 weeks of
pregnancy due to the fibromatous nodes, one
of which was mobile and extremely painful.
Appendages were not palpable. Discharges
were mucous, coming in moderate amounts.
What is the treatment tactics?
A. Urgent surgery (laparotomy)
B. Surveillance and spasmolytic therapy
C. Fractional diagnostic curettage of the uterine
D. Surgical laparoscopy
E. Surveillance and antibacterial therapy
134. A 4-month-old child was admitted to
a surgical department 8 hours after the first
attack of anxiety. The attacks happen every
10 minutes and last for 2-3 minutes, vomiting occurred once. Objectively: the childs
condition is grave. Abdomen is soft, palpation reveals a tumour-like formation in the right
iliac area. After rectal examination the doctors
finger was stained with blood. What is the most
probable diagnosis?


A. Ileocecal invagination
B. Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
C. Wilms tumour
D. Helminthic invasion
E. Pylorostenosis
135. A 68-year-old patient complains of
pain, slight swelling and creaking in the distal joints of her fingers and knee joints.
She has been suffering from this condition
for 4 years. Objectively: thickening of knee
and interphalangeal joints, restricted mobility of these joints. Blood test: leukocytes 5, 4 109 /l, ESR - 12 mm/h, fibrinogen - 3,5
g/l; Rheumatoid factor - 1:32; anti-streptolysin
O - 160 units; seromucoid - 0,20 units.; CRP+.
What mechanism of development is likely for
this condition?
A. Glycosaminoglycanes synthesis disruption
B. Rheumatoid factor development
C. Native DNA antibodies hyperproduction
D. Increased uric acid sunthesis
E. Immune reaction to streptococcosis
136. A 30-year-old male patient consulted a
family doctor 2 months after he had been
operated for an open fracture of brachial bone.
Objectively: the patients condition is satisfactory; in the area of the operative wound
there is a fistula with some purulent discharge,
redness, fluctuation. X-ray image shows brachial bone destruction with sequestra. What
complication arose in the postoperative period?
A. Posttraumatic osteomyelitis
B. Hematogenic osteomyelitis
C. Wound abscess
D. Posttraumatic phlegmon
E. Suture sinus
137. A 40-year-old female patient complains of
having a bulge on the anterior surface of neck
for 5 years. Objectively: Heart rate - 72 bpm,
arterial pressure - 110/70 mm Hg, in the right
lobe of thyroid gland palpation reveals a mobile 4x2 cm node, the left lobe is not palpable, the
basal metabolic rate is 6%. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Nodular euthyroid goiter
B. Nodular hyperthyroid goiter
C. Riedels thyroiditis
D. Mixed euthyroid goiter
E. The median cervical cyst
138. Estimation of community health level
involved analysis of a report on diseases registered among the population of catchment area
(reporting form 12). What index is calculated
basing on this report?
A. Common morbidity rate
B. Index of pathological affection
C. Index of morbidity with temporary disability
D. Index of hospitalized morbidity
E. Index of basic non-epidemic morbidity
139. A tractor driver with the record of servi-

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

ce of 24 years has undergone palestesiometry

test (Vibration Sensitivity Measurement).
Test revealed increased vibration sensitivity
threshold at the frequencies of 63-125-259 Hz
to 25 dB. Dynamometry is 20 kg on the right
and 16 kg on the left. Cold stimulus test is positive, time of hand temeperature restoration is
52 minutes. Blanching at pressure symptom is
positive and equals 21. Hypesthesia of upper
and lower limbs is observed and can be classified as "gloves"and "socks"polyneuritic pattern.
Make the provisional diagnosis.
A. Vibration disease, I stage, caused by combined vibration
B. Vibration disease, I stage, caused by local
C. Vibration disease, II stage, caused by combined vibration
D. Vibration disease, II stage, caused by local
E. Vibration disease, I stage, caused by general
140. A patients X-ray image (anteroposterior
projection) shows deformation of lung pattern,
pneumofibrosis, reticular (honeycomb) lung
pattern of lower pulmonary segments, cylindric
and fusiform lumps. The most likely diagnosis
A. Multiple bronchiectasis
B. Right lung abscess
C. Non-hospital-acquired pneumonia
D. Lungs maldevelopment
E. Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis
141. A 41-year-old patient with Addisons disease had influenza. After that he
developed adynamia, depression, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea and hypoglycemia. BP
is 75/50 mm Hg. Blood test: decreased
content of corticosterone, hydrocortisone,
13-oxycorticosteroids, 17-oxycorticosteroids.
What condition has developed in the patient?
A. Acute adrenal gland insufficiency
B. Acute gastritis
C. Acute enterocolitis
D. Collapse
E. Diabetes mellitus
142. After a contact with chemicals a plant
worker has suddenly developed stridor, voice hoarseness, barking cough, progressing dyspnea. Objective examination reveals
acrocyanosis. What is your provisional diagnosis?
A. Laryngeal edema
B. Laryngeal carcinoma
D. Pulmonary atelectasis
E. Pneumothorax
143. A 58-year-old patient complains of general
weakness, weight loss up to 10 kg within the
last 1,5 months, progressive pain in the small
of the back, raise of blood pressure to 220/160
mm Hg, subfebrile body temperature. Objecti-


vely: tuberous slightly movable lump can be

palpated in the right subcostal area; veins
of spermatic cord and scrotum are dilated.
Blood test: Hb - 86 g/l, ESR - 44 mm/h. Urine test: specific gravity - 1020, proteine - 0,99
g/l, erythrocytes - all field of vision, leukocytes
- 4-6 in the field of vision. The provisional diagnosis is:
A. Kidney tumor
B. Urolithiasis
C. Acute pyelonephritis
D. Acute glomerulonephritis
E. Nephroptosis
144. A 58-year-old patient complains of
headache in the occipital region, nausea, choking, opplotentes. The presentations appeared
after a physical exertion. Objectively: the patient is excited. Face is hyperemic. Skin is pale.
Heart sounds are regular, the 2nd aortic sound
is accentuated. BP - 240/120 mm Hg, heart
rate - 92/min. Auscultation reveals some fine
moist rales (crackles) in the lower parts of the
lungs. Liver is not enlarged. ECG shows signs
of hypertrophy and left ventricular overload.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Complicated hypertensic crisis
B. Acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary
C. Bronchial asthma exacerbation
D. Uncomplicated hypertensic crisis
E. Community-acquired pneumonia
145. A 37-year-old patient complains of pain
in the lumbar spine, which increases during
walking, limited mobility, edema of the right side of abdomen. Focal tuberculosis is recorded
in the anamnesis. X-ray shows destruction
of adjacent surfaces of the bodies of the 12 lumbar vertebrae, vertebral bodies height
is decreased, intervertebral fissure cannot be
detected. Abdominal US reveals a growth
15x20 cm in size in the retroperitoneal space
and echo signs of liquid. What diagnosis can be
A. Lumbar tuberculous spondylitis
B. Fracture of the 1-2 lumbar vertebrae body
C. Metastatic damage of vertebral column
D. Lumbar spondylolisthesis
E. Osteochondrosis
146. A 45-year-old patient (14-year-long work
record as a house painter) upon the contact
with synthetic paint develops skin reddening, edema, severe itching and oozing lesions
on her face. Symptoms disappear after the
contact with this chemical substance stops
but even the smell of paint alone is enough
to make them reappear each time. Each
recurrence is characterised by increased severity of symptoms. What provisional diagnosis can
be made?

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i


A. Professional eczema
B. Simple contact dermatitis
C. Allergic contact dermatitis
D. Urticaria
E. Toxicodermia

A. Pyloric stenosis
B. Penetration of gastric ulcer
C. Functional pyloric spasm
D. Foreign body in the stomach (bezoar)
E. Malignization of gastric ulcer

147. In cold season a patient was delivered to

a hospital. He was rescued from drowning in a
body of water. There was no contact of his airways with water. The patient is anxious, pale,
complains of pain and numbness of limbs, has
cold shivering. Breathing rate is 22/min, BP
is 120/90 mm Hg, heart rate is 110/min, rectal
temperature is 34, 5o C . What kind of warming
should be prescribed to the patient?

151. A 5-year-old child has body temperature

risen up to febrile numbers, suffers from
inertness, weakness. Examination revealed
hemorrhage on the skin of limbs and torso.
Enlargement of cervical and axillary lymph
nodes can be detected. The liver is 4 cm below
the costal arch; the spleen is 6 cm below
the costal arch. Blood test: erythrocytes 2, 3 1012 /l, Hb- 60 g/l, platelets - 40 109 /l,
leukocytes - 32, 8 109 /l, eosinophiles - 1%,
band neutrophiles - 1%, segmented neutrophiles - 12%, lymphocytes - 46%, monocytes - 1%,
blasts - 40%, Dukes bleeding time test result is
9 min. What examination is necessary to make
the diagnosis?

A. Passive warming
B. Infusion of 37O c solutions
C. Hot compresses
D. Heat bath
E. Hemodialysis with blood warming
148. Survey radiograph of a 52-year-old worker
of an agglomeration plant (28 years of experience, the concentration of metal dust is 22-37
mg/m3 ) shows mildly pronounced interstitial fibrosis with diffused contrast well-defined small
nodular shadows. The patient has no complaints. Pulmonary function is not compromised.
What is the provisional diagnosis?
A. Siderosis
B. Silicosis
C. Anthraco-silicatosis
D. Silicatosis
E. Anthracosis
149. A week before, a 65-year-old male patient
suffered an acute myocardial infarction. His
general condition has deteriorated: he complains of dyspnea at rest, pronounced weakness.
Objectively: edema of the lower extremities,
ascites is present. Heart borders are extended,
paradoxical pulse is 2 cm displaced from the
apex beat to the left. What is the most likely
A. Acute cardiac aneurysm
B. Recurrent myocardial infarction
C. Acute pericarditis
D. Cardiosclerotic aneurysm
E. Pulmonary embolism
150. A 60-year-old patient complains of nearly
permanent sensation of heaviness and fullness
in the epigastrium, that increases after eating,
foul-smelling eructation, occasional vomiting
with food consumed 1-2 days ago, weight loss.
12 years ago he was first found to have an ulcer
of pyloric channel. The patient has taken ranitidine for periodic hunger pain. The patients
condition has been deteriorating over the last
3 months. Objectively: splashing sound in the
epigastrium is present. What kind of complication is it?

A. Myelogram
B. Lymph nodes biopsy
C. US of abdominal cavity
D. Detection of hepatitis markers
E. Investigation of platelets dynamic functions
152. A child from primipregnancy was born in
a term labor and has body weight of 4000 g
and body length of 57 cm. When born, he was
nonresponsive to examination. Diagniosis is diffuse. Heart rate is 80/min. What resuscitation
measures should be prescribed?
A. Begin ALV with mask
B. Introduce 100% oxygen
C. Intubate and begin ALV
D. Tactile stimulation
E. Administer naloxone
153. A 20-year-old patient was delivered to a
surgical unit complaining of an incised wound
on his right forearm that has been bleeding
for 1,5 days. Suffers from general weakness,
vertigo, cold sweat, opplotentes. Skin and visible mucous membranes are pale. Heart rate is
110/min, BP is 100/70 mm Hg. Blood test: Hb
is 100 g/l, erythrocytes 2, 5 1012 /l. What is the
cause for the paients general condition?
A. Posthemorrhagic anemia
B. Aplastic anemia
C. Wound infection
D. Concomitant disease
E. Acute trombophlebitis
154. A 20-year-old parturient woman has the I
labor stage. The pregnancy is full-term. Labors
occur every 3 minutes and last for 55 seconds.
Fetus presentation is polar, the head is pressed
to the small pelvis entrance. Heart rate of the
fetus is 150/min, distinct and rhythmic. Vagina examination: uterus cervix is smoothed out;
mouth of the womb is 2 cm open; fetal bladder
is intact; the head is presented over the I plane
of small pelvis; moderate mucous-bloody discharge is observed. What phase of the I labor
stage is it?

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i


A. Latent
B. Active
C. Slowing-down
D. Physiological preliminary period
E. Primary uterine inertia

A. Echocardiography
B. Electrocardiography
C. X-ray
D. Phonocardiography
E. Rheography

155. A 23-year-old woman after stress has

developed thirst, polydipsia, polyuria, weight
loss, increasing fatigue. Later she developed
nausea and somnolence, lost consciousness
and was hospitalised. Glycemia is 27 mmol/l,
acetone in urine is sharply positive. Treatment
for ketoacidotic coma was initiated. When
would it be advisable to start preventive
treatment of hypoglycemia by introduction of
5% glucose solution?

159. A 64-year-old patient has been hospitalised with complaints of progressive jaundice
that developed over 3 weeks ago without pain
syndrome, general weakness, loss of appetite.
Objectively: temperature is 36, 8o C , heart rate
is 78/min, abdomen is soft and painless, peritoneum irritation symptoms are not detected,
palpation reveals sharply enlarged tense
gallbladder. What disease can be characterised with these symptoms?

A. After glycemia rate drops to 13-14 mmol/l

B. 2 hours after beginning of insulinotherapy
C. When patient becomes conscious
D. After glycemia rate becomes normal
E. If glycemia decreases with the rate over 5
mmol/l per hour

A. Cancer of pancreas head

B. Duodenal ulcer
C. Acute cholecystitis
D. Chronic cholecystitis
E. Cholecystitis caused by lambliasis

156. A 53-year-old woman complains of weight

loss up to 10 kg within the last 2 years, liquid
foul-smelling stool two times a day that poorly
washes off the toilet, periodic bouts of nausea,
girdle pain in the upper abdomen. Objectively: pain in Gubergrits zone (on the right from
navel) and Mayo-Robsons point. Biochemical
blood analysis: glucose - 3,2 mmol/l, bilirubin 16,5 micromole/l, crude protein - 56,4 g/l. Urine
diastase - 426 g/h/l. D-xylose test (oral administration of 25 g of d-xylose) after 5 hours
reveals 3 g of xylose in urine. The most likely
diagnosis is:
A. Pancreatitis. Malabsorption syndrome
B. Pseudomembranous colitis
C. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
D. Irritable bowel syndrome
E. Chronic gastritis
157. A 23-year-old patient after intake of brake
fluid has developed anuria that has been lasting
for 5 days already. Creatinine level increased up
to 0,769 mmol/l. What treatment tactics should
be chosen in the given case?
A. Hemodialysis
B. Detoxification therapy
C. Antidotal therapy
D. Diuretics
E. Plasmapheresis
158. A 15-year-old teenager has undergone
medical examination in military recruitment
center. The following was revealed: interval
systolic murmur at the cardiac apex, accent
of the II heart sound over the pulmonary
artery, tachycardia. What additional examination method will be the most informative for
determining diagnosis?

160. A 22-year-old woman on a reduced diet,

vegetarian, attended a hospital with complaints of distorted smell and taste perception and
lesions in the angles of her mouth. Objectively: sclera is distinctly blue. Diagnosis: irondeficiency anemia. What clinical syndrome is
expressed primarily?
A. Sideropenic
B. Anemic
C. Hemorrhagic
D. Hemolytic
E. Myelodysplasic
161. A 15-year-old patient complains of
excessive body weight, headache, irritability,
rapid fatigability. Significant increase of body
weight occurred at the age of 14. Objectively:
weight is 90 kg; height is 160 sm, proportional
body built. Fatty tissue is distributed evenly.
There are thin pink striae (stretch marks) on
the thighs, abdomen and mammary glands. BP
- 145/90 mm Hg. Provisional diagnosis is:
A. Pubertate dyspituitarism
B. Alimentary constitutive obesity
C. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
D. Itsenko-Cushings disease
E. Cushings syndrome
162. A 6-year-old girl attended a general practitioner with her mother. The child complains
of burning pain and itching in her external
genitalia. The girl was taking antibiotics the
day before due to her suffering from acute
bronchitis. On examination: external genitalia
are swollen, hyperemic, there is white deposit
accumulated in the folds. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Candidal vulvovaginitis
B. Trichomoniasis
C. Nonspecific vulvitis
D. Helminthic invasion
E. Herpes vulvitis
163. A 44-year-old man complains of dyspnea

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

with sensation of lack of air on inhale, palpitations occurring during slight physical exertion, and shin edemas that appear in evening and resolve in morning. His condition has
been lasting for 5 months already, deterioration is gradual. What method of instrumental
diagnostics allows to verify decrease of systolic
function in this patient?
A. Echocardiography
B. Electrocardiography
C. Computed tomogram
D. Phonocardiography
E. Holter blood pressure monitoring
164. When playing in a kindergarten a 3year-old child sudenly developed dyspnea,
paroxysmal compulsive dry cough. The face
is cyanotic, the eyes are tearful. Vomiting
occurred several times. Breathing is weakened
over the whole right side of the chest. The
provisional diagnosis is:
A. Foreign body
B. Obstructive bronchitis
C. Bronchial asthma
D. Hysteria fit
E. Stenosing laryngotracheitis
165. A patient with otopyosis is in sharply
headache, vomiting, febrile temperature,
general hyperesthesia. Meningeal symptoms
and stagnant optic disks are observed. There
is no focal symptoms. Liquor is turbid, blood
pressure is high, albuminocytological dissociation occurs with neutrophils. What disease
can be suspected?
A. Secondary purulent meningitis
B. Meningoencephalitis
C. Serous meningitis
D. Primary purulent meningitis
E. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
166. A 25-year-old patient is not married and
has sexual relations with several partners. During the last 3 months he noticed small amount of
mucoserous secretions produced from urethra.
Subjectively: periodical itching or burning pain
in urethra. Two months ago pain in knee join
developed. Possibility of trauma or exposure
to cold is denied by the patient. During the
last week eye discomfort is noted - lacrimation
and itching. What provisional diagnosis can be
A. Reactive arthritis
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Seasonal pollinosis
D. Bacterial nonspecific urethral conjunctivitis
E. URTI with conjunctiva and joints affected
167. A 19-year-old patient complains of severe
pain in axillary crease. Condition onset was a
week ago after her swimming in cold river and
epilation. The next day painful "boil"appeared
that was becoming larger every day and
became a plum-sized tumor. Upon examination nodular conical growths joined together


are detected, the skin covering them is bluishred in colour. Some nodules have fistulous
openings producing thick purulent mass. Body
temperature is 38, 5O c, general malaise. The
most likely diagnosis is:
A. Hydradenitis
B. Carbuncle
C. Cutaneous tuberculosis
D. Necrotizing ulcerative trichophytosis
E. Pyoderma chancriformis
168. A patient complains of weight gain, chill,
edemas, xeroderma, somnolence, difficulties
with focusing. Objectively: height is 165 cm;
weight is 90 kg; body proportions are of female
type, to - 35, 8o C , heart rate - 58/min, BP 105/60 mm Hg. Heart sounds are weakened,
bradycardia is observed. Other internal organs
have no changes. Thyroid gland cannot be
palpated. Milk secretion from mammary
glands is observed. Hormone investigation
revealed increased levels of thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH) and prolactin, and decreased
level of thyroxine (T4). Which one is the cause
for obesity?
A. Primary hypothyroidism
B. Secondary hypothyroidism
C. Prolactinoma
D. Hypopituitarism
E. Adiposogenital dystrophy
169. A 54-year-old patient complains of
weakness, jaundice, itching skin. Disease onset
was 1,5 months ago: fever up to 39o C appeared
at first, with progressive jaundice developed 2
weeks later. On hospitalisation jaundice was
severely progressed. Liver cannot be palpated.
Gallbladder is enlarged and painless. Blood
bilirubin is 190 micromole/l (accounting for
direct bilirubin). Stool is acholic. What is the
most likely jaundice genesis in this patient?
A. Mechanical jaundice
B. Hepatocellular jaundice
C. Hemolytic jaundice
D. Caroli syndrome
E. Gilberts syndrome
170. A 22-year-old patient complains
of 8-months-long delay of menstruation.
Anamnesis: menarche since the age of 12,5.
Since the age of 18 menstruations are irregular.
No pregnancies. Mammary glands have normal
development; when the nipples are pressed,
milk drops are discharged. On gynecological
examination: moderate uterus hypoplasia. On
hormonal examination: prolactin level exceeds
the norm two times. On computed tomogram
of the sellar region: a space-occupying lesion
4 mm in diameter is detected. The most likely
diagnosis is:

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i


A. Pituitary tumor
B. Lactation amenorrhea
C. SteinLeventhal syndrome (Polycystic ovary
D. Sheehans syndrome
E. Cushings disease

175. An emergency doctor has diagnosed a 32year-old woman with generalized convulsive
status epilepticus. The deterioration in the patients condition is caused by a sudden gap in the
epilepsy treatment. Specify the doctors further

171. A 2-year-old child in a satisfactory condition periodically presents with moderate proteinuria, microhematuria. US results: the left kidney is undetectable, the right one is enlarged,
there are signs of double pyelocaliceal system.
What investigation is required to specify the

A. Hospitalization in the intensive care unit

B. Hospitalization in the department of
C. Hospitalization in the department of
D. Outpatient monitoring by a neuropathologist
E. Outpatient monitoring by a neurosurgeon

A. Excretory urography
B. Micturating cystography
C. Retrograde urography
D. Doppler study of renal vessels
E. Radioisotope renal scan

176. A 19-year-old patient complains of

dyspnea during physical exertion. He often has
bronchitis and pneumonia. Cardiac murmur
has been observed since his childhood. On
auscultation: there is splitting of II heart sound
over pulmonary arteria, systolic murmur in the
third intercostal space near the left sternum
margin. ECG test shows right bundle-branch
block. What is the provisional diagnosis?

172. For the last 3 years a 12-year-old boy has

been suffering from stomachache, abdominal
distension, nausea, periodical liquid fatty stool,
grey in color, with rotten smell. On palpation:
pain in the epigastrium, Desjardins pancreatic
point and Chauffards triangle; positive MayoRobsons sign. Insufficiency of pancreas exocrine function is suspected. What method is the
most informative for pancreas exocrine function assessment?
A. Detection of elastase-1 in feces
B. Determining tripsin content in blood serum
C. Pancreas echography
D. Determining amylase content in blood and
E. Scatological test
173. A 34-year-old patient was delivered to
a first-aid center with open fracture of the
lower leg bones. Upon examination bleeding
is stated: blood flows in pulsating bursts. What
actions should be taken at this stage of medical
A. Apply tourniquet to the thigh proximally to
the place of hemorrhage and deliver the patient
to operating room
B. Provide immobilization and deliver the
patient to a hospital
C. Apply tourniquet to the thigh distally to the
place of hemorrhage and deliver the patient to
operating room
D. Apply pressure dressing to stop hemorrhage
and deliver the patient to operating room
E. Deliver the patient to operating room
174. A 26-year-old patient with affective bipolar disorder has developed a condition manifested by mood improvement, behavioural
and sexual hyperactivity, verbosity, active body
language, reduced need for sleep. Which of the
following drugs are most effective in this case?
A. Neuroleptics with a sedative effect
B. Antidepressants with an activating effect
C. Neuroleptics with an activating effect
D. Tranquilizers
E. Antidepressants with a sedative effect

A. Interatrial septum defect

B. Open arterial duct
C. Coarctation of aorta
D. Aortic stenosis
E. Mitral valve insufficiency
177. A 30-year-old patient was in a car accident.
He is unconscious, pale, has thready pulse. In
the middle third of the right thigh there is
an extensive laceration with ongoing profuse
external arterial bleeding. What urgent actions
must be taken to save the life of the patient?
A. Tourniquet above the wound of the right
B. Tourniquet below the wound of the right
C. Artificial lung ventilation
D. Precordial thump
E. Plaster bar
178. A 75-year-old male patient complains of
slight pain in the right iliac region. The abdominal pain arose 6 days ago and was accompanied by nausea. Surgical examination revealed
moist tongue, heart rate - 76 bpm. BP - 130/80
mm Hg. Abdomen is soft, slightly painful in
the right iliac region on deep palpation, the
symptoms of the peritoneum irritation are
doubtful. In blood: RBCs - 4, 0 1012 /l, Hb135 g/l, WBCs - 9, 5 109 /l, stab neutrophiles
- 5%, segmentonuclear - 52%, lymphocytes 38%, monocytes - 5%, ESR - 20 mm/h. Specify
the doctors further tactics:
A. Emergency operation for acute appendicitis
B. Hospitalization, dynamic surveillance
C. Send the patient home
D. Refer the patient to a district therapist
E. Administration of additional examination:
abdominal ultrasound, x-ray contrast study of
the gastrointestinal tract
179. On the 10th day postpartum a puerperant
woman complains of pain and heaviness in

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

the left mammary gland. Body temperature is

38, 8o C , Ps- 94 bpm. The left mammary gland is
edematic, the supero-external quadrant of skin
is hyperemic. Fluctuation symptom is absent.
The nipples discharge drops of milk when
pressed. What is a doctors further tactics?
A. Antibiotic therapy, immobilization and
expression of breast milk
B. Compress to both mammary glands
C. Inhibition of lactation
D. Physiotherapy
E. Opening of the abscess and drainage of the
mammary gland
180. An 8-year-old child was hospitalized
for fever up to 39, 8o C , inertness, moderate
headache, vomiting. Examination revealed
meningeal symptoms. Lumbar puncture was
performed. The obtained fluid had raised
opening pressure, it was transparent, with
the cell count of 450 cells per 1 mcL (mainly lymphocytes - 90%), glucose level of 2,6
mmol/l. What causative agent might have
caused the disease in the child?
A. Enterovirus
B. Meningococcus
C. Kochs bacillus
D. Staphylococcus
E. Pneumococcus
181. A 25-year-old patient during selfexamination detected a tumor in the upper
external quadrant of the right mammary gland.
On palpation: painless, dense, mobile growth 2
cm in diameter is detected in the mammary
gland; no changes in the peripheral lymph
nodes are observed. On mammary glands US:
in the upper external quadrant of the right
mammary gland there is a space-occupying
lesion of increased echogenicity 2118 mm in
size. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Fibrous adenoma
B. Lacteal cyst
C. Diffuse mastopathy
D. Breast cancer
E. Mastitis
182. A 20-year-old woman complains of feeling
of air shortage, lingering dull pain in the heart
area, irritability. Objectively: general condition
is satisfactory, heart rate lability, BP is 130/60
mm Hg. ECG reveals disruption of repolarization proceses. The patient is diagnosed with
somatoform autonomic dysfunction of cardial type. Specify the conditions of the patient
A. Out-patient treatment
B. In-patient treatment in therapeutics
C. In-patient treatment in cardiology
D. In-patient treatment in cardiac surgery
E. In-patient treatment in psychiatric


183. A 70-year-old patient consulted a doctor

about arrhythmic cardiac activity, dyspnea.
Objectively: BP - 150/90 mm Hg, extrasystole
arrhythmia (10-12 beats per minute), left
ventricular systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction at the rate of 42%). Which of antiarrhythmic drugs should be administered as
initial therapy in this case?
A. Amiodarone
B. Flecainide
C. Encainide
D. Moracizine
E. Digoxin
184. A 45-year-old male patient complains of
acute pain in his right side irradiating to the
right thigh and crotch. The patient claims also
to have frequent urination with urine which
resembles a "meat slops"in color. The patient
has no previous history of this condition. There
is costovertebral angle tenderness on the right
(positive Pasternatskys symptom). What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Urolithiasis
B. Acute appendicitis
C. Acute pyelonephritis
D. Acute cholecystitis. Renal colic
E. Acute pancreatitis
185. A 38-year-old man works within the
range of ionizing radiation. At a routine medical examination he presents no problems. In
blood: RBCs - 4, 5 1012 /l, Hb- 80 g/l, WBCs 2, 8 109 /l, thrombocytes - 30 109 /l. Decide if
this person can work with sources of ionizing
A. Working with radioactive substances and
other sources of ionizing radiation is contraindicated
B. The patient is allowed to work with radioactive substances
C. The patient can only work with radioactive
substances of low activity
D. The patient can be allowed to work after an
extended medical examination
E. The patient is allowed to work with radioactive substances for the limited period of time
186. A maternity patient breastfeeding for 1,5
weeks has attended a doctor. She considers
the onset of her disease to be when proportional breast engorgement occurred. Mammary
glands are painful. Body temperature is
36, 6o C . Expression of breast milk is hindered.
The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Lactostasis
B. Infiltrative mastitis
C. Suppurative mastitis
D. Chronic cystic mastitis
E. Gangrenous mastitis
187. A 12-year-old girl complains of general
weakness, rise of body temperature up to
38, 2o C , pain and swelling of knee joints, feeling of cardiac rhythm disruption. The chi-

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i


ld had tonsillitis 3 weeks ago. The knee joints are swollen, local raise of temperature is
observed, mobility is reduced. Heart sounds
are weakened, extrasystole is present; at the
cardiac apex systolic noise can be auscultated,
which is not conducted to the left axillary region. ESR is 38 mm/h. CRP 2+. AntistreptolysinO titers are 400. The most likely disease is:

ultrastructural change of ciliated epithelium.

What is the basis of the given syndrome?

A. Acute rheumatic fever

B. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
C. Non-rheumatic carditis
D. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
E. Reactive arthritis

192. A newborn infant (the first labor, lasted

for 26 hours) is 1-day-old, postmature; body
weight is 3850 g; body length is 52 cm. Delivery was performed by applying obstetrical
forceps in sincipital presentation, Apgar score
is 1/3. The face is bluish-pale. The head is
thrown back; severe birth trauma is present; the
infant is excitable, shrill "cerebral scream"is
present; the eyes are half-open; facial expression is attentive; hyperesthesia, hypersthenia and
readiness for convulsions are present. Liquor
has high content of erythrocytes, lymphocytic
cytosis occurs. The most likely diagnosis is:

188. A 60-year-old man has a diet consisting of

unvaried food staples: mostly cereals, potato,
pasta; few vegetables and little fats (especially
animal fats). During medical examination he
complains of deterioration of his twilight vision. This condition can be caused by lack of:
A. Retinol
B. Amino acids
C. Fats
D. Calcium
E. Carbohydrates
189. A 45-year-old patient was hospitalised
in surgical in-patient unit with intermuscular
phlegmon of the right thigh on the 6th day from
the onset of disease. Abscess formed under the
fascia lata was diagnosed, lanced and widely
drained, necrotic tissues were removed. Antibiotic therapy with cephalosporines and the
III generation fluoroquinolones was prescribed, as well as immune corrective and detoxification infusion therapy (2,5 liters per day), diuresis stimulation, UV irradiation of blood and
plasmapheresis. What is the main component
of sepsis prevention?
A. Surgical invasion
B. General antibiotic therapy
C. Topical antibiotic therapy
D. Immune correction therapy
E. Detoxification therapy
190. An Rh-negative woman with 32-weeklong term of pregnancy has been examined. It was observed that Rh-antibodies titer had increased four times within the last
2 weeks and was 1:64. First two pregnancies
ended in antenatal death of fetus caused by
hemolytic disease. What tactics of pregnancy
management should be chosen?
A. Preterm delivery
B. Delivery at 37 weeks term
C. Rh-antibody test in 2 weeks; if Rh-antibodies
increase in number conduct delivery
D. Introduction of anti-Rh immunoglobulin
E. US examination to determine signs of fetal
191. A 2-year-old child has been suffering
since birth from recurring inflammatory diseases of lungs, purulent pansinusites, hearing deterioration, multiple cylindrical bronchiectases. Dextrocardia is observed. On biopsy:

A. Primary ciliary diskinesia

B. Proteoglycans insufficiency
C. Surfactant deficit
D. Muscle cells atony
E. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency

A. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
B. Epidural hemorrhage
C. Subdural hemorrhage
D. Intraventricular hemorrhage
E. Intracerebral hemorrhage
193. A 74-year-old patient visited a urologist
with complaints of pain above the pubis and
inability to urinate for 8 hours. At home he
had taken antispasmodics and had a warm bath
but no improvement occurred. Objectively:
abdomen is soft and painful above the pubis;
dullness of percussion sound is observed above
the pubis. Murphys (Pasternatskis) punch sign
is negative on the both sides. What condition
does the patient have?
A. Acute urinary retention
B. Paradoxal ischuria
C. Shronic urinary retention
D. Anuria
E. Oliguria
194. A 37-year-old patient has been undergoing
treatment of diskogenic lumbosacral radiculitis
for a month. There is skin numbness observed
at the lateral surface of the right lower extremity, Achilles jerk is absent. MRI of lumbar spine
revealed intervertebral disk L5 -S1 prolapse up
to 8 mm. Choose the further tactics for patient
A. Surgical extraction of intervertebral disk
B. Conservative treatment
C. Stabilizing spinal surgery
D. Corset
E. Manual therapy
195. A 40-year-old patient complains of
constant moderate pain in the lumbar spine
and significantly reduced mobility. The patient has been suffering from this condition for
the last 7 years since pain appeared first in the
sacrum area. X-ray: ankylosis of sacroiliac articulation, significant narrowing of intervertebral
joint fissures of lumbar vertebrae and calcification of spinal ligaments. What pathology is

2 Medicine ( i, ii ) 2015 i

most likely to cause such X-ray image?

A. Ankylosing spondylitis
B. Spinal tuberculosis
C. Spinal osteochondrosis
D. Vertebral osteochondropathy
E. Rheumatoid arthritis
196. A 7-year-old child became ill again 2
weeks after he had tonsillitis. There are the
following complaints: temperature rise up to
38o C , hemorrhagic rash on the extremities,
enlargement of the ankle joints. Blood test:
hemoglobin is 120 g/l, platelets are 170 109 /l,
ESR is 30 mm/h. Urine test: proteinuria up
to 0,7 g/l, cylinders - 5-6 in the field of vision, erythrocytes - 8-10 in the field of vision.
What mechanism of hemorrhagic syndrome is
present in the given case?
A. Vessel wall damage caused by immune
B. Platelet dysfunction
C. Suppression of hematopoietic stem cells
D. Decrease of adhesive-aggregative function
of platelets
E. Vessel wall damage caused by bacteria
197. A 48-year-old patient was delivered to a
hospital in-patient unit with uterine bleeding
that occurred after the 2-week-long delay of
menstruation. Anamnesis states single birth.
Examination of the uterine cervix with mirrors
revealed no pathologies. On bimanual examination: uterus is of normal size, painless, mobile; uterine appendages have no changes. Discharge is bloody and copious. What primary
hemostatic measure should be taken in the given case?
A. Fractional curettage of uterine cavity
B. Hormonal hemostasis
C. Hemostatics
D. Uterine tamponade
E. Uterotonics


198. A 30-year-old woman complains of

irregular copious painful menstruations, pain
irradiates to the rectum. Anamnesis states 10year-long infertility. On bimanual examination:
uterus is of normal size; uterine appendages
on the both sides are corded, with rectricted
mobility, painful; there are dense nodular painful growths detected in the posterior fornix. A
doctor suspects endometriosis. What method
allows to verify this diagnosis?
A. Laparoscopy
B. Diagnostic curettage of uterine cavity
C. Paracentesis of posterior fornix
D. Uterine probing
E. Hysteroscopy
199. A 14-year-old girl complains of tooth
caries; the tooth should be filled. Anamnesis
states that artificial mitral valve was installed 2
years ago due to mitral insifficiency. What antibacterial drug should be prescribed to prevent
infective endocarditis?
A. Amoxicillin
B. Lincomycin
C. Ceftriaxone
D. Erythromycin
E. Midecamycin
200. A 30-year-old woman complains of infertility during her 10-year-long married life.
Menstruations occur since she was 14 and are
irregular, with delays up to a month and longer.
Body mass is excessive. Hirsutism is observed.
On bimanual examination: uterine body is
decreased in size; ovaries are increased in size, dense, painless, and mobile. The most likely
diagnosis is:
A. SteinLeventhal syndrome (Polycystic ovary
B. Follicular cyst of ovaries
C. Genital endometriosis
D. Genital tuberculosis
E. Inflammatory tumor of ovaries

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