Krok!!2023 Jan
Krok!!2023 Jan
Krok!!2023 Jan
the area of her heart, palpitations, the genital tracts. What complication
shortness of breath, headache, swollen occurred in the patient?
eyelids, weight loss, and painful and A. Migraine
deformed joints in her limbs. The B. Dysmenorrhea
prognosis of her condition will be C. Somatoform autonomic
worse if which of the following organs dysfunction of hypotonic type
is affected? D. Posthemorrhagic anemia
A. Skin and joints E. Gastritis
B. Lungs
C. Gastrointestinal tract 36. A 68-year-old woman with
D. Kidneys congestive heart failure and left
E. Heart ventricular ejection fraction of < 40%
receives the following
34. Disease onset was acute. A child pharmacotherapy scheme: ramipril,
developed general weakness, pain in torasemidc, bisoprolol, clopidogrcl,
the joints, and elevated temperature. and digoxin. During one of her regular
Later these signs became accompanied examinations, frequent polymorphic
by itching skin rash manifested as ventricular extrasystoles were detected
erythematous spots 25 mm in size. The in the patient. What medicine should
rash gradually turned hemorrhagic. be removed from her therapy scheme?
Large joints are painful and swollen; A. Digoxin
pain attacks periodically occur in the B. Bisoprolol
paraumbilical area; there are signs of C. Clopidogrel
intestinal hemorrhage. What is the D. Torasemide
most likely diagnosis? E. Ramipril
A. Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch-
37. A 78-year-old man with a
Schonlcin purpura)
prostate adenoma underwent a
B. Scarlet fever
herniotomy for a direct inguinal
C. Rheumatism
hernia. After the surgery he presents
D. Streptococcal impetigo
with absent urination. Enlarged
E. Hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis
urinary bladder is detectable above the
patient’s pubis. What measures should
35. A 14-year-old girl came to a
be taken in this case?
general practitioner with complaints of
A. Apply cold to the urinary bladder
weakness, loss of appetite, headache,
rapid fatigability. Her last
B. Prescribe antispasmodics
menstruation was profuse and lasted
for 14 days after the previous delay of
C. Prescribe proserin (neostigmine)
2 months. Objectively, her skin is pale,
heart rate is 90/min., BP is 110/70 mm
D. Prescribe processing of the
Hg, Hb is 88 g/L. Rectal examination:
postoperative wound with UHF
the uterus and its appendages are
without changes, no discharge from
E. Bladder catheterization
2023-Jan-k2 medicine
her body weight is 94 kg, her body fetal respiratory distress syndrome.
mass index is 35.8 kg/m2. What type What medicine was she prescribed?
of obesity is it? A. Gynipral (hexoprenaline)
A. Alimentary-constitutive B. Dexamethasone
B. Gynoid C. Misoprostol
C. Android D. Oxytocin
D. Cerebral E. Progesterone
E. Dysplastic
83. A 22-year-old postparturient
80. A 55-year-old woman woman on the 12th day after the
complains of thyroid gland normal childbirth informs of fever up
enlargement that can be observed to 39°C for the last 3 days and pain in
throughout the last 2 years and a her right mammary gland. The right
discomfort during swallowing. mammary gland is enlarged, hot to
Objectively, she has signs of touch, tense, hyperemic, and painful.
hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland on Palpation reveals there a dense
palpation is dense, non-fused with the infiltration 8x8 cm with a fluctuation
surrounding tissues and mobile on in its center. What is the most likely
swallowing. The regional lymph nodes diagnosis?
are not enlarged. In the serum there are A. Postpartum period, day 12.
antithyroid antibodies detected. What infiltrative-purulent mastitis
is the most likely diagnosis? B. Postpartum period, day 12.
A. Thyroid cancer gangrenous mastitis
B. Acute thyroiditis C. Postpartum period, day 12.
C. Midlinc cervical cyst phlegmonous mastitis
D. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis D. Postpartum period, day 12. serous
E. Endemic goiter mastitis
E. Postpartum period, day 12.
81. . Children from a certain Lactostasis
township present with brittle teeth,
malocclusion, dental enamel erosions, 84. A 34-year-old woman after
and dental pigmentation that looks like rapidly changing her position from
yellow-brown spots. What is the likely horizontal to vertical suddenly paled,
cause of this presentation? fell down, her skin became moist, her
A. Low levels of sulfates in water limbs are cold, her pupils are dilated.
B. High levels of nitrates The pulse is rapid and blood pressure
C. Low levels of fluorine in water is 50/25 mm Hg. What condition has
D. High levels of sulfates in water likely developed in the patient?
E. High levels of fluorine in water A. Shock
B. Coma
82. A pregnant woman at 32 weeks C. Collapse
of gestation with the risk of preterm D. Morgagni-Adams-Stokes
labor undergoes a treatment to prevent syndrome
E. Ventricular fibrillation
2023-Jan-k2 medicine
level of the navel. What is the most auscultation there are bowel sounds
likely term of pregnancy in this with a metallic overtone, sounds of
woman? splashing and dripping. Make the
A. 16 weeks diagnosis:
B. 24 weeks A. Acute nonspecific colitis
C. 32 weeks B. Acute erosive gastritis
D. 8 weeks C. Acute destructive cholecystitis
E. 40 weeks D. Acute intestinal obstruction
E. Acute necrotizing pancreatitis
101. A 19-year-old student was
urgently hospitalized due to a marked 103. A 2.5-year-old child is ill for the
dyspnea and chest pain on the left. Her second day. The onset of the disease
body temperature is 38.8°C. She has was associated with the temperature up
been presenting with these signs for 3 to 37.8°C, a single bout of vomiting,
days. Respiratory rate is 42/min., and watery diarrhea up to 5 times per
shallow. Percussion sound is dull to day. During the second day, vomiting
the left from the center of the scapula, occurred twice, body temperature is
no respiration can be auscultated. The 38.0°C, the child has low appetite,
left heart border is displaced outwards watery diarrhea continues. The
by 3 cm. Embryocardia and heart rate treatment of the child should start with
of 110/min are observed. Palpation of the following:
the right subcostal area is painful. A. Prescribe polymyxin
What urgent measures should be taken B. Prescribe oral rehydration
in this case? C. Prescribe nifuroxazide
A. Administration of cardiac D. Prescribe ceftriaxone
glycosides E. Prescribe loperamide
B. Urgent thoracocentesis
C. Referral into the thoracic surgery 104. On the 3rd day after the artificial
unit abortion the woman was hospitalized
D. Prescription of penicillin into the gynecological department in a
antibiotics severe condition with signs of
E. Administration of furosemide intoxication, abdominal pain, and
purulent discharge from the vagina.
102. A 43-year-old woman Objectively, the patient’s condition is
complains of persistent abdominal severe, her body temperature is
pain with recurrent pain attacks, 38.8°C', pulse is 100/min., blood
nausea, repeated vomiting with pressure is 110/70 mm Hg, the uterus
stagnant bowel content, abdominal is soft, the uterine fundus is located at
distension, and flatulence. She has the level of the navel, there are positive
been presenting with these signs for 7 signs of peritoneal irritation. What is
hours. Pulse is 116/min. The tongue is the most likely diagnosis?
dry and brown. The abdomen is A. Pelviperitonitis
symmetrically distended, soft, painful. B. Acute metroendometritis
Percussion reveals tympanitis. On C. Uterine perforation
2023-Jan-k2 medicine
years, during which he has lost 12 kg. soft, the liver is +1 cm, the spleen is
Objectively: Ps — 92/min., blood The feces are yellow. The blood group
pressure — 100/70 mm Hg, body of the mother is A (II) Rh+. The blood
temperature — 374°C'. The abdomen group of the child is 0 (I) Rh+.
is soft and painful along the large Bilirubin levels on the 4th day are as
intestine. The sigmoid colon is spastic. follows: indirect — 140 mc mol/L,
In the blood: erythrocytes — 3.2 direct — 0, ALT — 25 mmol/L, AST
×1012/L, Hb — 92 g/L, leukocytes — — 18 mmol/L. Make the diagnosis:
10.6 •109/L, ESR — 32 mm/hour. A. Physiological jaundice
Irrigoscopy shows narrowing of the B. Hemolytic disease of the newborn
large intestine, no haustra, blurred C. Hemolytic anemia
margins, “lead-pipe” sign. What is the D. Congenital hepatitis
most likely diagnosis? E. Biliary atresia
A. Gastric carcinoma
B. Crohn’s disease New questions
C. Diverticular disease of the intestine
D. Ulcerative colitis 121. A 40-year-old patient presents
E. Amoebic dysentery with cough in the morning with
production of mucopurulent sputum
119. A 47-year-old woman, who 2 and elevated body temperature up to
days ago returned from Peru, 37°C. He has been smoking since he
complains of a pain and enlargement was 17 years old. Objectively,
of the lymph nodes in her right auscultation detects coarse respirations
inguinal region. She was diagnosed and diffuse dry crackles in the lungs.
with bubonic plague. What medicine Complete blood count: leukocytes —
should be prescribed to the contact 12 • 109 /L, ESR — 19 mm/hour.
persons for urgent prevention of this Bronchoscopy shows purulent
disease? catarrhal endobronchitis. Make the
A. Heterologous serum diagnosis:
B. Doxycycline A. Bronchial asthma
C. Fluconazole B. Pulmonary tuberculosis
D. Chloroquine C. Community-acquired pneumonia
E. Human immunoglobulin D. Chronic bronchitis
E. Lung cancer
120. A 5-day-old girl from the first
pregnancy was born with the weight of 122. A 30-year-old woman
3100 g and the length of 51 cm. Her complains of subfebrile body
Apgar score was 8/9. On the 3rd day temperature that persists for the last 3
she developed icteric skin. On the 4th weeks, loss of appetite and working
day of life her condition is satisfactory, ability, excessive sweating (especially
she suckles well, her voice is loud. The at night), malaise. Objectively, her
umbilical wound is clean. In the lungs pulmonary percussion indicates no
there is a puerile respiration, heart changes in the lungs, auscultation
sounds are sonorous. The abdomen is detects crackles in the projection of the
2023-Jan-k2 medicine
upper lobe of the right lung. X-ray E. 1.0 mL of tetanus anatoxin, 50000
shows a dense focus of moderate IU of anti-tetanus serum
intensity, 6 mm in diameter, in
segment S2. Make the provisional 125. A 15-year-old boy complains of
diagnosis: periodical headaches and fatigability.
A. Pulmonary tuberculoma On examination, the boy is active, his
B. Focal pulmonary tuberculosis psychoemotional development
C. Metastatic lung cancer corresponds with his age, his skin is
D. Peripheral lung cancer pale and clammy. No abnormalities of
E. Community-acquired pneumonia the internal organs were detected.
Blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg.
123. A 26-year-old man has an Noticeable is the excessive
external bleeding from a lacerated subcutaneous fat that is evenly
wound of the shin. Dark-red blood distributed throughout the body. The
flows from the wound in a steady doctor suspects obesity in the child.
stream. The total blood loss is What parameter should be measured
approximately 400 mL. What method first to confirm this diagnosis?
should be used to stop the blood loss A. Body mass to height ratio
during the preadmission stage? B. Body mass
A. Apply a clamp to the bleeding C. Obesity of family members
vessel D. Body mass index
B. Apply a tight bandage to the wound E. Thickness of subcutaneous fat
C. Apply a tourniquet below the site of
the bleeding 126. A premature newborn from the
D. Apply an arterial tourniquet to the first pregnancy was born at 37 weeks
thigh of gestation, with the weight of 2400 g
E. Press the femoral artery with your and the length of 51 cm. The infant is
finger anxious, has limb tremor, does not
suckle, exhibits respiratory
124. During agricultural work in the disturbances and hepatosplenomegaly.
field, a tractor driver received an open At the end of the first day of life the
trauma of the hand. The tractor driver child developed icteric skin and
has never completed the full course of mucosa. On the second day, skin
planned antitetanus immunization. rashes appeared: both separate vesicles
What should he be given for urgent and clusters of vesicles located over
specific prevention of tetanus in this the ribcage. Make the provisional
case? diagnosis:
A. 1.0 mL of tetanus anatoxin, 3000 A. Toxoplasmosis
IU of anti-tetanus serum B. Rubella
B. 0.5 mL of tetanus anatoxin, 3000 C. Congenital herpes infection
IU of anti-tetanus serum D. Vesiculopustulosis
C. No prevention is necessary E. Neonatal pemphigus
D. 3000 IU of anti-tetanus serum
2023-Jan-k2 medicine