ESC Block 7 March 2016
ESC Block 7 March 2016
ESC Block 7 March 2016
Duration: 4 Weeks
(4 week Strength Peak)
The purpose of this phase is to build on the work capacity we
have built up for the first 2 months of the year. We will
continue with a 4 day per week structure, but will shift away
from a Heavy-Light approach into Volume-Intensity
approach. While each lift will now be trained heavy twice
per week, the overall training volume is down and some
recovery should take place during week 1, provided you
dont start out too heavy.
For those of you that will be competing in the Starting
Strength Classic, then you should obviously be prioritizing
the Press instead of the Bench Press. However, if you want
to prioritize the Bench Press in this cycle, you may do so.
The structure of this 5-week phase is virtually the same
throughout. Pay attention to the minor details of the
sets/reps/% on the primary barbell lifts. This is what
changes week to week. There is also some minor
fluctuation in the assistance work, but this isnt critical if you
want to sub in your own favorites.
Weeks 1 - 4
Monday Intensity Press, Volume Bench
Press 2 x 3+
Bench Press 3 x 5
Close Grip Bench press 2 x 5-8
Tuesday Intensity Squat, Deadlift
Back Squat 2 x 3
Deadlift 1 x 3
Rack Pull 1 x 5-8 alternated with Deficit Deadlift 1 x 5
Row Variant BB Row, DB Row, T-Bar Row, Machine
Row, etc 3-5 x 8-12
Wednesday Very Light Recovery Cardio