Aircraft Flaps
Aircraft Flaps
Aircraft Flaps
Aerodynamic Characteristics
Erik D. Olson
NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681
This paper lays out a comprehensive methodology for computing a low-speed, high-lift
polar, without requiring additional details about the aircraft design beyond what is typically
available at the conceptual design stage. Introducing low-order, physics-based aerodynamic
analyses allows the methodology to be more applicable to unconventional aircraft concepts
than traditional, fully-empirical methods. The methodology uses empirical relationships
for ap lift eectiveness, chord extension, drag-coecient increment and maximum lift
coecient of various types of ap systems as a function of ap deection, and combines
these increments with the characteristics of the unapped airfoils. Once the aerodynamic
characteristics of the apped sections are known, a vortex-lattice analysis calculates the
three-dimensional lift, drag and moment coecients of the whole aircraft conguration.
This paper details the results of two validation cases: a supercritical airfoil model with
several types of aps; and a 12-foot, full-span aircraft model with slats and double-slotted
cd , CD
cf , cs
cl , CL
clmax , CLmax
c l0
c l , C L
f , s
f , s
f , s
akeoff and landing performance requirements often place strong constraints on sizing of the wing and
engines during conceptual aircraft design, yet the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft
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with its aps deected and landing gear extended can be dicult to estimate accurately. In particular,
the maximum lift coecient is a dicult value to obtain accurately, even when comprehensive information
about the ap and slat geometry is available and the conguration is analyzed using higher-order analysis
methods.1, 2 Traditionally, designers have tended to rely on scaling of available historical data and test
results,3 but these are of limited use with newer unconventional congurations for which no full-scale data
are available. The research described herein seeks to ll this capability gap by providing a comprehensive
method for computing a low-speed, high-lift polar without greatly expanding the amount of detail about
the aircraft design required to perform the analysis. Introducing low-order, physics-based aerodynamic
analyses allows the methodology to be more applicable to unconventional aircraft concepts than traditional,
fully-empirical methods.
The methodology for the aerodynamics of an aircraft in the high-lift conguration involves building up the
total lift and drag curves in a quasi-three-dimensional manner. First, the shape of the two-dimensional section
lift-curve slope is determined from base (unapped) wing sectional characteristics; second, two-dimensional
increments to the section lift-curve slope due to ap deection are estimated based on information about
the ap type and basic geometry; and third, the three-dimensional aerodynamic coecients of the complete
aircraft are determined based on the base and incremental aerodynamic characteristics of the wing sections.
The following sections describe these stages in detail.
Figure 1 shows an idealized (linear) section lift curve; in reality the slope of the curve would decrease at
higher angles of attack approaching the maximum lift coecient. However, even though takeo and landing
performance is strongly constrained by the maximum lift coecient of the aircraft, the actual low-speed
operation of the aircraft takes place at more benign lift coecients where the lift curve is nearly linear.
Using this assumption, one can represent the lift curve of the section by three parameters: the lift-curve
slope, cl , the angle of attack at zero lift, l=0 (or alternatively, the zero-angle lift coecient, cl0 ), and
the maximum lift coecient, clmax . The DATCOM4 provides separate semi-empirical methods for the
calculation of these parameters.
Alternatively, the section aerodynamics may be determined directly using computational methods. In
this study, two dierent computational methods were evaluated for this purpose: XFoil,5 a two-dimensional
panel method for single-element airfoils coupled with an integral boundary-layer (IBL) analysis, and MSES,6
a two-dimensional Euler analysis for single- and multiple-element airfoils also coupled with an IBL analysis.
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Section III provides a comparison of DATCOM versus computational methods in the analysis of sectional
When a trailing-edge ap is extended, the following changes occur to the section lift-curve slope, as shown
in Fig. 2: the lift at zero angle of attack is increased by an increment f cl0 , the lift-curve slope changes
to a modied value of cl , and the maximum sectional lift coecient increases by an increment f clmax .
Methods for estimation of these three eects will be investigated in the following sections. Except where
otherwise noted, the methodology in this section follows the approach of Ref. 7.
Flap lift eectiveness is characterized as the change in lift coecient at zero angle of attack due to ap
deection. Glauerts linearized theory for thin airfoils with aps8 gives the following result for the theoretical
increment due to a given trailing-edge ap deection, f :
(f cl0 )theory = cl f
where is the rate of change of zero-lift angle of attack with ap deection, dened as follows:
c l
c l
where cl
is the rate of change of lift with ap deection at constant angle of attack and cl c
the rate of change of lift with angle of attack at constant ap deection. For a thin airfoil, is related to
the ap geometry as follows:
f sin f
= 1
f = cos1 2 1
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Figure 3 shows empirical curves of ap eectiveness factor for various types of ap systems as a function
of deection angle. These curves allow the conceptual designer to calculate the lift characteristics of representative ap systems under real-world conditions, but they do not require detailed information about the
geometry of the aps.
In addition to changing the camber and incidence of the base airfoil, slotted and Fowler aps also have
the benet of increasing the eective chord of the section through rearward motion of the ap segments.
Since the circulation has a larger chord length to operate on, the ap extension results in an additional
increase in lift coecient proportional to the ratio of the new and old chords. If one assumes that the base
section cl0 is not altered by the chord extension, the lift coecient increment with aps extended can be
determined for the extended chord and then referenced against the original chord as follows:
f cl0 = f cl0 + cl0
where c c + f c is the extended chord and f cl0 is the lift increment referenced against the extended
f cl0 = cl f
The value of is found from Eqs. (3) and (4) by replacing the original ap chord with the extended ap
chord, cf cf + f c. If known, the extended chord can be used directly in Eq. (6), or may be estimated
from the empirical curves shown in Fig. 4.
Lift-Curve Slope
Deection of trailing-edge aps has a number of dierent eects on the lift-curve slope of a section. The
potential-ow eect of ap deection decreases with increasing angle of attack, while viscous eects cause a
decrease in ap eectiveness at larger angles of attack. Finally, the chord extension of slotted aps causes
a proportional increase in cl . These eects are complex and dicult to determine accurately; however, a
rough estimate of the eects is provided in Ref. 7:
cl >0
1 sin2 f
(cl )f =0
This equation is appropriate for smaller angles of attack (0 < < 5 ), provided that the slot shape is well
optimized and stall has not occurred.
The eect of trailing-edge ap deection on wing maximum sectional lift coecient is strongly inuenced by
the stalling behavior of the base airfoil section. This stalling behavior is closely correlated with the leadingedge sharpness parameter, y, which is the dierence between the upper-surface ordinates at 6% chord and
0.15% chord, respectively, normalized by chord. Airfoils with sharp noses (y up to 1.5% chord) exhibit
leading-edge, or long-bubble stall behavior, in which a region of separated ow at the leading edge progresses
rearward as the angle of attack is increased, leading to stalling of the entire section. For these sections,
thin-airfoil theory nds that the increment in maximum lift coecient due to ap deection is related to the
theoretical lift increment:
sin f
f clmax = f cl0 theory
(f sin f )
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Figure 4. Flap chord extension as a function of deection for dierent ap types. Source: data from Ref. 7.
For practical ranges of ap chord ratio, Eq. (9) results in a f clmax which is about half of the theoretical lift
increment. Combining Eq. (9) with Eqs. (4) and (7) yields the following simple expression for the maximum
lift increment for airfoils with sharp noses (y < 1.5):
f clmax = cl f
sin f
As y increases above 1.5, the section displays a short-bubble stalling behavior and the maximum lift
increment increases approximately proportionally with y to the point where the stall is dominated by
trailing-edge stall. Beyond this value of y, the base section displays a separation behavior that is associated
with the pressure gradient near the trailing edge; therefore, the stall will be delayed by the local suction
produced by the initial deection of a trailing-edge ap.10 Beyond a certain ap angle, however, the load
induced at the airfoil nose will be high enough that stall will occur rst at the leading edge and the maximum
lift increment will behave in a manner similar to the sharp-nose airfoil relationship in Eq. (10).
The maximum lift coecient for airfoils with short-bubble or trailing-edge stalling behavior (y 1.5)
may thus be determined by nding which of the two stalling mechanisms is dominant:
clmax =0 + f cl0
clmax = min
+ 1 c + c
f l0
The top term in Eq. (11) reects the one-to-one relationship between the lift increment and the increase in
maximum lift for airfoils experiencing trailing-edge stall at smaller ap deections, whereas the lower term
reects the increase in maximum lift for airfoils experiencing leading-edge stall at larger ap deections.
Ref. 7 suggests that this equation can be expected to give acceptable results for both plain and slotted aps,
including multi-element aps with or without Fowler motion.
Prole-Drag Increment
Basing f cl on Glauerts linear airfoil theory and accounting for chord extension, the minimum-prole-drag
increment can be expressed as
f cdp0 = kd cl f sin f + cdp0
where is dened as before. The prole-drag factor kd is an empirical function of the type of ap and the
deection angle, as shown in Fig. 5. This gure shows that the actual drag increment is on the order of 20
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Figure 5. Eect of trailing-edge ap deection on prole drag factor, kd . Source: data from Ref. 7.
to 25% of the theoretical drag increment for plain aps, and 8 to 15% for slotted aps. The high value of kd
for slotted aps at small deection angles is due to unfavorable slot ow and depends to a large extent on
the details of the ap system design.
Even airfoils with rounded noses will exhibit leading-edge stall at larger trailing-edge ap deection angles.
When leading-edge devices (either aps or slats) are deployed, the high suction peak near the leading edge
of the airfoil is alleviated, delaying the leading-edge separation to a higher angle of attack and increasing
the maximum lift coecient.10 However, a slat wake may interfere with the ow around trailing-edge aps
and the increment in clmax is up to 15% less than for the undeected case.
Leading-edge droop causes a loss in lift at zero angle of attack which can be derived from Glauerts thin
airfoil theory:
s sin s
s c l0 =
s c l
s = cos1 1 2
If one assumes that the loss of lift is entirely due to a change in the ideal angle of attack of the sectionthat
is, the angle at which the ow approaches the leading edge of the airfoil smoothly and causes no extreme
suction peak at the nosethen the change in maximum lift coecient can be derived from DATCOM data
to give
s c l
s clmax = 0.58
This relationship is valid for deection angles up to approximately 25 degrees. Leading-edge ap deection
has no appreciable eect on the lift-curve slope provided that the ap is not deected much more than 20
As in the case of plain leading-edge aps, extension of a slat results in a loss of lift at zero angle of attack.
However, a slat also increases the eective chord length; both eects are of the same order of magnitude and
one may assume that they cancel each other out. Assuming that the trailing-edge ap and the slat have been
designed together so that all parts of the system experience separation at nearly the same angle of attack,
the following expression may be used for the airfoil with slats deployed:
clmax = (1 ks )
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where ks is a factor taking into account the non-linearity of the lift curve at high lift and generally varies
between 0.03 and 0.15, with 0.07 as a reasonable average. The maximum lift of Krueger aps is very similar
to that of slats and Eq. (16) may be used in this case as well.
Three-Dimensional Aerodynamics
The nal step in the low-speed analysis is to calculate the three-dimensional aerodynamic coecients of the
complete aircraft based on the base and incremental aerodynamic characteristics of the wing sections. In
this methodology the Athena Vortex-Lattice (AVL) computer program11 is used. Given the two-dimensional
characteristics of the wing and tail sections, AVL can be run with either an ideal lift curve slope (cl = 2)
or with a lift-curve slope determined from DATCOM or from two-dimensional computational analysis; the
eect of this choice is examined in Section III.
AVL models all lifting surfaces as at; all sections of a surface are parallel to the x-axis, and the
incidence and camber of lifting surfaces are modeled as a tilting of the control point normal vectors rather
than being reected in the physical shape of the surface. Along these lines, the deection of control surfaces
(such as aps, elevators, and ailerons) is also modeled as a tilting of control point normal vectors rather than
a physical deection of the surface. AVL is a linear code, so ap deections produce lift increments in a
manner consistent with Eq. (1). To account for the non-linear eects discussed previously, the empirical lift
eectiveness factor, from Eq. (5), is determined for each ap component and input to AVL as the ratio
between the eective and actual ap deections, referred to in the program as ap gain. The increment in
zero-lift drag is also added to the section information, while the increment in pitching-moment is calculated
by AVL.
The chordwise extension of slotted aps is modeled as a physical chord increase in the AVL geometry,
but for calculation of aerodynamic coecients the reference area remains unaected. This chord extension
can come from either historical data for dierent aps, as seen in Fig. 4, or from the actual chord extension
of the ap, if known. Since in this methodology slats have no inuence on lift, they are not modeled in
the AVL geometry, but are factored into the zero-lift drag of the section and are used in the calculation of
maximum sectional lift coecient.
In addition to the lift-curve slope, the zero-lift drag coecient from DATCOM and the ap drag increment
from Eq. (12) are input to AVL for each section of the wing and tails, with the program automatically
integrating the values to determine the total prole drag of each lifting surface. The methodology calculates
the drag of the fuselage using the FRICTION computer program12 which determines the prole drag of
aircraft components using empirical skin-friction drag of a at plate combined with empirical form factors
and adds it to the drag of the lifting surfaces to arrive at the drag of the complete aircraft.
The maximum lift coecient of the aircraft, CLmax , is calculated using the critical section method:13
for increasing values of angle of attack, the lift coecient at each location along the wing is compared to
the maximum lift coecient of that section and a stall is declared when the maximum lift coecient is rst
surpassed at any section. The maximum lift coecient for the aircraft is dened as the value achieved when
the stalling condition is reached. The critical section method is simple and computationally inexpensive; for
a highly-swept wing, however, the actual CLmax tends to be lower due to the eects of spanwise ow at
higher angles of attack, and studies have found that the critical section method can be optimistic in these
Validation of the methodology was performed for two dierent cases. First, a supercritical airfoil model
was used to test the validity of the two-dimensional aerodynamic analysis of the base section and associated
increments due to ap and slat deection. Second, a full-span, high-aspect-ratio transport model was used
to test the validity of the three-dimensional aerodynamic analysis.
The two-dimensional analysis methodology was validated using experimental results for a 9.3%-thick supercritical airfoil.15, 16 Test results are available for this airfoil for four dierent geometric congurations:
the base airfoil without aps or slats installed, and the same airfoil congured with a single-slotted ap, a
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double-slotted ap and slat combination, and a triple-slotted ap and slat combination. In this study the
rst three congurations were analyzed.
Figure 6(a) shows analysis results for the base airfoil using three dierent methods: DATCOM empirical
predictions, and MSES and XFoil analyses. The DATCOM predictions show good agreement for the liftcurve slope of the airfoil but under-predict the zero-angle lift coecient and the maximum lift coecient.
The DATCOM database is based on earlier airfoil designs, and newer supercritical airfoils tend to fall outside
the range of some of the correlating parameters, due in particular to the large amount of aft camber. The
estimate of zero-lift drag compares favorably with the experimental data, but DATCOM does not provide
methods for prole drag-due-to-lift or moment coecient so those comparisons are not included.
Both MSES and XFoil give accurate estimates of the lift curve, drag polar and moment-coecient curves
for the base airfoil. XFoil, being a panel code, is robust at high angles of attack and gives results up to and
past stall, whereas MSES tends to only return results up to the vicinity of the stall. Note that the data
points in Fig. 6(a) do not show a clear stalling point, but the nal data point exhibits a rapid drag increase
and appears to be close to the stall. If this is true, XFoil estimates maximum lift coecient accurately for
this case, whereas MSES slightly under-predicts it.
Analysis of the airfoil with a single-slotted ap was performed using XFoil results for the base airfoil
combined with the empirical ap increments described previously, as well as using direct analysis of the
airfoil and ap geometry in MSES (Fig. 6(b)). Both the empirical curves and MSES give good results for the
lift increment due to ap deection. Both methods predict a maximum lift coecient just over 2.5 but again
the data do not indicate a clear stalling point so the experimental maximum lift coecient is unknown. The
drag coecient increment added to the XFoil analysis gives a reasonable estimate of the total drag with the
ap deected, but since it is not a function of angle of attack the shape of the drag polar diers from the
experimental results. Both analysis methods over-estimate the nose-down pitching-moment increment of the
trailing-edge ap deection. The ability of the two-dimensional methods to calculate the moment-coecient
increment, however, is not relevant here because this increment is calculated by AVL in the full methodology.
Finally, the airfoil with double-slotted ap and slat was analyzed using XFoil only, combined with the
empirical ap increments, since MSES would not converge for this case (Fig. 6(c)). The empirical curves give
an accurate estimate of the lift increment, but somewhat overestimate the drag increment due to ap deection. Contrary to the single-slotted ap case, the moment-coecient increment is greatly underestimated
for the double-slotted case.
Table 1 gives a summary of the maximum lift coecient calculated by the dierent methods compared
to the experimental results for each case. The symbol indicates values for which the actual stall point
is not clear from the data. The combination of XFoil with empirical ap increments provides reasonably
accurate results for cases where the maximum lift coecient can be determined from the data.
Table 1. Maximum lift coecient results9.3% supercritical airfoil, Mach 0.201, Rec = 2.83 106
Analysis method
Base airfoil
Double-slotted w/ slat
As a validation case for the three-dimensional analysis of an aircraft with aps, the EET AR1217, 18 model
was used. This model is a 12-foot full-span aircraft conguration with a supercritical wing, full-span slats,
and part-span double-slotted aps with a cutout for the engine (Fig. 7). The model also can be equipped
with a movable horizontal tail, ow-through nacelles, and landing gear, but these were not installed for the
test cases used in this study.
An OpenVSP19 model of the EET AR12 was constructed using the published planform shape, airfoil
coordinates, twist distribution, and fuselage cross-section shapes (Fig. 8). The OpenVSP model was then
converted to an AVL model using an in-house automated conversion routine; ap and slat denitions were
added to the AVL model during this conversion process. Since both the chord extension and ap gain are
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functions of the trailing-edge deection, separate AVL models were required for the cruise wing (aps stowed)
and the takeo and landing congurations, as illustrated in Fig. 9. The AVL model uses a cruciform fuselage
model with no wake shedding that produces a moment in both the longitudinal and directional axes but
near-zero lift and side forces for the fuselage. The wing surface includes a connecting section that carries
the lift from the side of body across the fuselage centerline but is uncambered to correct for the poor lifting
eciency of the fuselage. The combination of a non-lifting fuselage with a wing carry-through was found
to produce the best match between the predicted and experimental lift curves compared to other modeling
Validation results are shown in Fig. 10 for the three cases: cruise, takeo and landing. In each case the
incidence angle of the horizontal tail was kept xed at zero degrees. Since the vortex-lattice analysis is linear,
the lift curves do not capture the eects of stall. However, the maximum lift coecient of the conguration
was calculated using the critical section method, with the overall lift curve calculated by the combination of
DATCOM plus AVL, and with the sectional maximum lift coecients calculated by XFoil. Table 2 compares
the results of this analysis with experimental measurements.
Table 2. Maximum lift coecient resultsEET AR12 model, Mach 0.168, Rec = 1.37 106
Analysis method
Cruise wing
Takeo aps
Landing aps
For the cruise wing (Fig. 10(a)), the lift curve and drag polar match well in the pre-stall region. The
pitching-moment prediction is not as good and there is signicant dierence in the slope of the curve compared
to experimental results. The maximum lift coecient is over-predicted by 33%, but as noted previously the
critical section method can be expected to be optimistic for a swept wing.
For the takeo conguration (Fig. 10(b)), the predicted lift curve matches well at moderate angles of
attack, but there is a much larger dierence at lower angles of attack. In the experimental data there is an
unexpectedly low lift increment and non-linearity in the lift curve at near-zero angles of attack, suggesting
that the combination of takeo ap geometry and deection was not particularly ideal at those conditions.
The dierences between the predicted and experimental lift curves in this region can therefore be expected,
because the empirical curves for ap eectiveness assume a well-optimized ap design. The drag polar underestimates the induced-drag eects of the ap deection, but the method gives a reasonable approximation
of the drag coecient at moderate angles of attack. The prediction of maximum lift coecient compares
favorably with the data. At moderate angles of attack, the slope of the pitching-moment curve is inaccurate
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The classical DATCOM predictions proved to be somewhat inadequate for the prediction of the lift curve
and maximum lift coecient of the airfoils used in this study. The predictions are based on empirical curve
ts to airfoil existing at the time, and newer supercritical airfoil designs are not part of the database. Shape
parameters for supercritical airfoils, particularly the location of the maximum camber, are not properly
captured. Analysis of sectional aerodynamics using XFoil produced good agreement with experimental data;
being a panel method, it is very robust at high angles of attack and predicts clmax fairly well with the
caveat that the onset of stall tends to occur more gradually than in the experimental data. Analysis with
MSES also produced good agreement with experimental data but it was more dicult to produce converged
solutions at high angle of attack in order to capture the stall point.
For prediction of the aerodynamics of the full aircraft in the cruise conguration, vortex-lattice analysis
compared favorably with experimental data. The lift curve was accurately modeled although the predicted
CLmax was optimistic; this was as expected due to the importance of spanwise ow near stall for a swept
wing. Both the zero-lift drag coecient and the induced drag were matched well. The moment coecient
of the full conguration at zero lift was fairly accurate but the slope of the moment coecient curve with
angle of attack was not well predicted.
For the takeo ap setting, the increment due to ap deection was predicted well except at low angles
of attack where the experimental results seem to indicate a non-linearity that is not captured in the current methodology. The induced-drag eects of ap deection were somewhat under-predicted; in contrast,
moment-coecient eects were notably over-predicted. For the landing ap setting, the predictions of the
lift curve and drag polar compared well to the data, although the moment-coecient increments were again
over-predicted. For both the takeo and landing ap settings, the predicted CLmax compared well with the
experimental data.
Plans exist to extend this methodology using higher-order aerodynamic methods such as a panel method
and Euler analysis. Similar to the current methodology, empirical ap eectiveness factors can be used to
dene an eective ap deection that takes into account the viscous eects without the need for a fullyviscous solution. The advantage of a full three-dimensional analysis is that it would enable the use of the
pressure-dierence rule for the prediction of CLmax , which has been shown to produce robust and accurate
predictions of wing stall.20 The primary disadvantage of a three-dimensional analysis would be that the ap
and slat surface shapes would need to be dened in detail, rather than the more basic information, such as
ap chord fraction, that is needed to perform a vortex-lattice analysis.
This work was conducted as part of the NASA Aeronautical Sciences Project, led by James D. Heidmann,
within the Multi-Disciplinary Design, Analysis and Optimization element, led by Jerey S. Robinson and
Jerey K. Viken. The author wishes to thank Andrew S. Hahn and Mathias Wintzer for their technical and
editorial assistance.
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18 Morgan, H. L, Jr. and Paulson, J. W., Low-Speed Aerodynamic Performance of a High-Aspect-Ratio Supercritical-Wing
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20 Valarezo, W. O. and Chin, V. D., Method for the Prediction of Wing Maximum Lift, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 31,
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