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Heaaling Numbers

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he Healing Codes are going to be organized by Systems, and this document will be updated as more

and more Healing Codes 'come through' from Divine Mother, Archangel Raphael, and Source.

I. The Central Nervous System

23 74 555 to heal headaches in general
58 33 554 to heal migraine
71 81 533 for back pain in general
71 91 334 for lumbago
87 47 838 for problems with the sciatic nerve
78 78 833 for prolapsed intervertebral disc
89 87 438 for a bulging or herniated intervertebral disc
23 31 443 for chronic pain in general
78 89 535 for first aid in strokes on the way to definitive treatment at hospital
88 21 233 for herpes viruses
33 45 634 for cellular damages of any sort
88 33 421 for hardness of hearing and deafness
87 89 114 for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
29 56 932 for dementia
II. For Psychological Concerns
84 72 723 for addiction
78 19 335 for eating disorder
33 49 586 for anxiety due to separation between mother and child; for homesickness
25 36 397 for the disease of alcohol and its abuses
25 37 536 for painful memories of the past, both conscious and subconscious (PTSD)
86 42 789 for children with remarkable behavioral disorders (see disclaimer)

III. The Head and Neck

13 14 335 for allergies, in general
35 41 553 for toothache
88 21 233 for herpes virus lesions
22 55 732 for sinuses

IV. The Eyes and Vision

77 78 176 for glaucoma, high pressure inside the eye

77 78 177 for cataract of the lens of the eye
13 78 887 for stye
44 37 224 for conjunctivitis
29 37 853 for improvement in vision

V. The Endocrine System

44 34 131 for diabetes and balancing of the insulin level
44 34 135 for diabetic ulcer/infection of the feet
31 22 778 to lose weight
86 86 694 for regulation of the thyroid gland

VI. The Heart and the Circulation

11 84 744 for the regulation of blood pressure, to use for high or low pressures equally
98 88 119 for myocardial infarction as first line of treatment on way to hospital
11 11 171 for anemia and for healthier blood

VII. The Blood

51 61 987 for multiple myeloma
40 69 997 for lymphoma
VIII. The Lungs and Breathing
21 22 413 for Asthma
84 72 723 for addiction (tobacco)
88 81 643 for inflammation of the lungs
31 27 459 for altitude sickness
IX. The Digestive System
83 33 889 for nausea
83 41 783 for motion sickness
87 47 988 for hepatitis of viral origin and other reasons
22 35 966 for hepatitis C
45 39 373 for pancreatitis and its sequelae
13 45 899 for stomach ache
45 45 899 for diarrhea

45 55 899 for constipation

25 35 896 for constipation that is chronic and long-standing
25 39 963 for colon cancer
42 53 899 for balancing purposes of an irritable bowel
33 37 899 for removal of parasites, worms, and also etheric attachments/parasites
35 87 225 for loss of appetite
31 22 778 to lose weight
78 83 434 for hemorrhoids
38 37 684 for bloating
86 66 431 for flatulence
25 59 963 for enteric fistulas of bowel to bladder, vagina, rectum, other bowel, and skin.

X. The Renal System

68 43 833 for kidney stones
63 34 831 for pyelitis, inflammation of kidney pelvis
76 42 688 for reinforcement of kidney function
87 33 478 for inflammation of the bladder
25 26 332 for interstitial cystitis

XI. The Female Reproductive Organs

11 12 121 for childbirth
11 32 899 for symptoms with menstruation, bloating, PMS, pain
31 31 798 pre-menopause, peri-menopause, and menopause trouble
88 21 233 for herpes virus
38 31 418 for removing warts

XII. The Male Reproductive Organs

88 21 233 for herpes virus
38 31 418 for removing warts

XIII. Bones, Joints, and Autoimmune Disorders

34 41 323 for arthritis and arthrosis
53 23 411 for equine sarcoids (not sure if this applies for human sarcoid too)
83 73 879 for rheumatic afflictions
43 14 223 for general inflammation
35 31 223 for purulent places of inflammation

44 34 135 for diabetic ulcer/infection of the feet

33 45 634 for cellular damages of any sort
78 43 149 for sprain
33 14 871 for psoriasis
20 06 391 for psoriatic arthritis
81 74 311 for eczema generally
XIV. Infectious Disease
88 21 233 for herpes virus
43 14 223 for general inflammation
35 31 223 for purulent places of inflammation
44 34 135 for diabetic ulcer/infection of the feet
38 89 332 for lowering of fever
33 45 634 for cellular damages of any sort
38 31 418 for removing warts
23 31 878 for chickenpox
86 42 789 for typical childhood conditions and illnesses (see disclaimer)
XV. Cancer
14 44 338 for all cancer, in general
33 45 634 for cellular damages of any sort
25 39 963 for colon cancer
40 69 997 for lymphoma

XVI. Trauma, as in blunt and penetrating injury due to accidents

44 56 789 healing of open wounds (write in the air above the wound)
33 78 133 healing of severe injuries to the abdomen when surgery is not available
44 57 678 healing of open fractures when surgery is not immediately available
78 43 149 for sprain
19 19 311 for burns, also sunburn
18 19 811 for first aid for heat stroke thought along with other measures
33 14 993 for sunstroke
25 36 897 for pain in the location of surgery after everything is healed
31 27 459 for altitude sickness
XVII. Skin Conditions:

87 68 433 for relief from itching

22 33 311 for insect bites

XVIII. Healing Of A Spiritual Nature and Healing the Food One Consumes
24 46 713 Neutralizes genetically manipulated foods, or GMO
24 57 892 Neutralizes all toxic components introduced to food in processing
24 67 987 Neutralizes cost-saving additives to food for ease in production, not health
24 60 123 Makes fruits and vegetables ripen to full maturity for maximum health
42 67 982 Saves food which is almost mold-spoiled to be edible (will taste okay)
99 42 167 Neutralizes the effect of ethanol (EtOH, or alcohol). Use with caution where alcohol is
used to inhibit microbial growth in the food or medicine
THE WATER CODES--to balance the masculine and feminine energies, write these two numbers on
opposite sides of the water container 99 77 654 and 44 66 111---this creates a vortex which puts
healing into the water that one can drink to balance the energies within themselves and their family
and their place of work (write it on the coffee machine and the water cooler!)
33 37 899 for removal of parasites, worms, and also etheric attachments/parasites
76 76 893 for Fibromyalgia
Archangel Raphael says this for 86 42 789:
This code is safe for use in children--there is a safety feature in the energy--it won't be too much and
cannot cause harm.
It is a dual-purpose code, one for mental/behavioral concerns and the other for common childhood
FOR ADHD: continue all medications as prescribed by a physician because abrupt withdrawal can
have substantial consequences to the health of your child.
FOR SUSPECTED ADHD: there is no harm in the code use, but if no improvement is seen, please
take the child for a full medical work up.
To use the code correctly:
write the code on the chest area
had the person rest for at least one hour
no big strains, driving a vehicle of any kind--responsiveness is limited for several hours
This code may be used with the same directions for measles, german measles (Rubella),
ear/nose/throat pain attributable to inflammation, polio

Use your heart and your inner guidance

Practice until you feel you have the skill to apply these with maximum benefit
Ask for All Divine Assistance to help you every time, and to correct for any mistakes you might
accidentally make in using them.

I love you.
Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc

P.S. With all gratitude to Marc Gamma, Rilana Jaun, Contra Mary, Paulina Loftus, and Isabel Henn
personal communication, August 13, 2014, Isabel Henn (code for itching)
from Ross, September 4, 2014 (codes from then until September 30, 2014)
from Linda Jollo, personal communication, Altitude Sickness, number verified by both myself, and
Isabel Henn
86 42 789 Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma, in clouding disclaimer, personal
For completeness, this just came out at 1633 today, and is very helpful in 'how' to use the codes. It is
from Divine Mother herself.http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com//the-healing-codes-of-t/
For reference: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com//judith-kusel-pull
Posted by Reiki Doc at 5:22 AM
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Labels: Archangel Raphael Healing Codes, Divine Mother Healing Codes, Energy Medicine with
Codes, Healing codes, Healing Numbers, Isabel Henn, Marc Gamma, Reiki
ElanaJune 28, 2014 at 11:47 PM
This is really great..............What would you do for mono? with so much thanks xxoo
Reiki DocJune 29, 2014 at 6:41 AM
Until one for mono comes out i would do this: 33 45 634 for cellular damages of any sort
derekJuly 3, 2014 at 2:16 AM
Certainly good reading, shall do best to study the content for practice. keep up the great work my
friend. Namaste.
Reiki DocJuly 7, 2014 at 8:48 AM
thank you!
haozi xiaoJuly 7, 2014 at 6:17 AM
Thank you. Can I ask a question? If I draw the codes on others for healing purpose, do I need to get
Reiki DocAugust 1, 2014 at 9:27 AM
If they come to you for healing, you do not. It is like another 'Reiki Symbol' with numbers and only the
heart opening is needed to activate them, not an attunement. With practice, the numbers work very

well. It takes a certain energy from the heart to make them work correctly. Please use them as often
as you can, and share the results with us.
Reiki by RhondaJuly 31, 2014 at 7:28 PM
Will these codes work on animals?
Reiki DocAugust 1, 2014 at 9:27 AM
Isabel Henn got the numbers from Divine Mother in the first place to care for her sick dog. Yes. They
are a gift to all of creation.
KarenSeptember 18, 2014 at 11:09 AM
I've never done this, so forgive the silly question. The numbers, you write them on a sheet of paper
or draw the numbers above the affected area?
Reiki DocSeptember 20, 2014 at 4:39 PM
write them on you with a crystal or finger or pen. I also for my patients write them on a sticker and
stick it on them. Be mindful of the spaces, they are important.

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