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MSC Fatigue

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MSC Software, the world leader

in simulation technology presents

MSC Fatigue

From aircrafts to cell phones, this state-of-the-art FE based Fatigue

& Damage Tolerance solver for CAE enables the quick and accurate
prediction of how long products will last under any combination of timedependent or frequency-dependent loading conditions.
MSC Fatigue is an advanced, full featured durability solution available in
the marketplace. Its advanced fatigue life estimation program allows users
to perform comprehensive fatigue analysis with the same FE results that
are used for stress analysis. The environment seamlessly enables CAE,
dynamic analysis and durability to be managed in one user friendly interface.
It includes advanced modules developed by MSC Software over a 20 year
period as well as more recent modules developed as part of the nCode
DesignLife suite of programs.

2 | MSC Software

Design Instead of Test

Tools inside MSC Fatigue can simulate
fatigue response of full body systems,
offering the possibility for test cycle
reductions and the associated cost savings.

Get It Right the First Time

Fatigue failures in the field result in
costly retrofits. With MSC Fatigue, the
effectiveness of proposed redesigns can be
established in advance.

Manage Fatigue & Durability Data

The durability process includes laboratory
and field testing, and Mechanical ComputerAided Engineering (MCAE) data handling in
addition to fatigue analysis.

Materials Information

Stress (total) Life

Fatigue Life Contours

Strain (initiiation) Life

Crack Propagation
Vibration Fatigue
Multiaxial Fatigue
Spot & Seam Weld
Wheels Fatigue
Software Strain Gauge

MSC Fatigue has the ability to store and

seamlessly manage all aspects of the
durability process.

Understand Fatigue Behavior

Reliability failures often result from an
inadequate understanding of the fatigue
process. MSC Fatigue a highly intuitive tool
to provide insights into the key drivers that
affect fatigue life.

Auditable and Repeatable Processes

MSC Fatigue is configured to run in a
similar way to Nastran using an editable text
batch file (cf BDF file). This leaves a useful
auditable trail as well as a convenient means
to run in batch mode.


Loading and/or
Test (Lab) Results



An Integrated
FE Based
Fatigue Design

Geometry & FEA

(Stress/Strain) Results

Sensitivity Analysis
+ Optimization

Damage Distributions

Tabular Results

Incorporate More Reliable Material

Because reliable materials data is
an essential part of any fatigue and
durability process, MSC Software offers a
comprehensive materials testing service.

Comprehensive Solution
MSC Software offers a complete solution
including advanced fatigue software
(MSC Fatigue), advance materials testing
facilities, and new with this release, a
comprehensive engineering analysis (for
fatigue) consulting service.

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 3

Geometry & Mesh


Mode Shape Analysis

Improve Productivity
MSC Nastran

MSC Fatigue offers the best-integrated durability solver for the MCAE market. It is the only
durability solver that seamlessly links to MSC Nastran, Adams and Patran. It is also the
only solver that can directly read Marcs non-linear results.
Using MSC Fatigue early in the design process reduces the high cost of testing and
prototyping to get your products to market faster with reliable warranties.

System-Level Simulation

MSC Fatigue is easy to learn and use. Resources include the Quick Start Guide, on-line help,
MSC Softwares excellent technical support and extensive documentation.

HCF, LCF & Crack Growth
FE Results support (Static, Transient,
Modal, FRF, PSD)

Fatigue Life Calculation

MSC Fatigue

4 | MSC Software


MSC Nastran









Advanced Analysis Modules (Multiaxial

Fatigue), Vibration Fatigue, Shaker
Fatigue, Welding (Spot & Seam),
Software Strain Gauge, Wheels,
Utilities, Fracture

Unique Optimization Capability


Load Scale Factor




Surface Finish/Treatments


Certainty of Survival

Test/Analysis Correlation
Duty Cycle (Multiple Analysis)

Aero-spectrum loading definition

MSC Fatigue Packages

Life and Durability Analysis

Base MSC Fatigue


Optional MSC Fatigue

Advanced Modules

Optional Bundles

Optional GUI Product

MSC Fatigue Basic

Solver Package

MSC Fatigue Fracture

MSC Fatigue Advanced

Solver Package

Patran for MSC Fatigue

Includes Stress-Life, Strain-Life

(401), and Strain Gauge (406)

MSC Fatigue Vibration

Includes Fracture, Vibration,

Muliaxial, Wheels, Welds
and Utilities

MSC Fatigue Complete

Solver Package

MSC Fatigue Multiaxial

Includes Basic and Advanced

Solver Packages
(20033 + 20269)

MSC Fatigue Wheels

Includes only the Patran

license feature
No CAD Import or FEA Solver
Preferences Available

MSC Fatigue Welds

Includes Spot Weld (408)
and Seam Weld (10503)

MSC Fatigue Utilities

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 5

3 Major Principles of Fatigue Life Estimation

MSC Fatigue incorporates the three major principles of Fatigue
Life Estimation: Stress-Life, Strain-Life and Crack Growth.

The results of the

durability analysis
showed good correlation
with our physical test
results on an initial
prototype, giving us the
confidence to predict
service lives based on
the virtual prototype
As a result...we only
need one physical
prototype and are on
track to completing the
design in only one year.
Terry Ewanochko, Product Engineer
John Deere Welland

6 | MSC Software



This is the traditional Stress Life, or S-N

method, used for High Cycle Fatigue
applications (HCF - low load - long life) that
makes no distinction between initiation or
growth of a crack, but rather, predicts the
total life to failure.

This method is generally used for high

load-low life applications (Low Cycle
Fatigue - LCF), where material yield due to
the application of high loads is taken into
account. Sophisticated Strain-Life (e-N)
modeling provides a method for estimating
the life of a part to a user-defined
limit - generally the initiation of an
engineering crack.

Crack Growth
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)
is used to predict the progress of a crack
through a component to the point where
rapid fracture causes failure. The method
is widely used in the Aerospace industry
where demonstration of damage tolerance
is a design criterion.

Advanced Application Modules

MSC Fatigue predicts fatigue life from finite element (FE) models. MSC Fatigue
is fully modularized, enabling customization to suit your needs, and includes:

We evaluated MSC
Fatigue against several
commercial competitive
alternatives. We chose
MSC Fatigue was
because of its wide
range of analysis
capabilities and also
because it has a strong

MSC Fatigue Basic

MSC Fatigue Strain Gauge

Stress-life, Strain-Life, multi-axial

assessment, and safety factor analysis
based on linear elastic FEA.

Virtual strain gauges pasted on an

FE model for fatigue test/analysis

MSC Fatigue Vibration

MSC Fatigue Utilities

Frequency based (vibration) and time

domain (Modal Participation Factor)
methods are available for single and
multi input loading systems.

A number of advanced fatigue utilities

for load manipulation, graphical display,
and single shot fatigue analysis.

MSC Fatigue Shaker

MSC Fatigue Wheels

Sine sweep and PSD analysis of single

input loading systems.

A tool for managing rotating FE system

stress fields in order to compute
fatigue life.

MSC Fatigue Seam Weld

MSC Fatigue Multiaxial

Stress-Life, Strain-Life and safety factor

analysis based on linear elastic FEA.

Crack initiation and safety factor

analysis of components with multiaxial
stress states.

MSC Fatigue Spot Weld

Stress-life, Strain-Life, multi-axial
assessment, and safety factor analysis
based on linear elastic FEA.

MSC Fatigue Fracture

Crack growth analysis based on linear
elastic fracture mechanics including an
interface to NASA/FLAGRO.

MSC Fatigue Pre&Post

Pre & Post processor for setting up,
managing and displaying fatigue
analysis for non Patran customers.
(This module is not required for Patran

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 7

Post-Processing Functions
Various listing and post-processing functions
are also provided for investigating critical
locations and producing tables, and 2D and
3D plots. This includes the ability for rapid
re-analysis of critical nodes or elements to
investigate the effects of material or loading
changes or fatigue parameters without
re-solving the complete model.
Stress and strain component time histories
can be exported for correlation and further
analysis. A Fast Analysis option is provided
to more quickly identify critical locations
prior to a complete analysis. This option
utilizes a peak-valley slicing method to
shorten the loading time histories and
creates a set of most damaged locations for
subsequent analysis.
MSC Fatigue can directly use modal,
transient time history stress/strain data or
use static load cases (up to 500 with scaling
and offset features) in combination with
loading functions and perform the required
stress/strain superposition. Multiple events
and usage profiles can be analyzed with
relative ease with the Duty Cycle Analyzer.
Multiple materials and surface finishes can
be assigned to different parts of the model
by defining groups.

8 | MSC Software

Modifiable Loads Database with standard

time histories and capability for adding
time histories from ASCII file import, XY
point specification, Graphical Interaction,
and Waveform & Block definitions.
Modifiable Materials Database that has an
extensive library of S-N, E-N, Cyclic and
Component curves with import capability
from MSC Mvision.

Back calculations based on design life of:

Scale factor (stress concentration)
Residual stress
Probability of failure (design criterion)
Sensitivity studies of:
Multiple scale factors (stress

Material searches based on design life.

Multiple residual stress values

Results & What If Analysis

Multiple probabilities of failures (design


Results data is reported both in tabular form

and in results files for graphical display in
the results postprocessor. A single location
analyzer can be used for what if studies
after a global analysis has identified
critical locations.
Results data include:
Damage (reported in linear and log form)
Life (reported in linear and log form)
Life reported in user defined units
Multiaxial assessment parameters:
Factor of safety
Stress history output
Cycle and damage histogram plots

Surface finish/treatment
Mean stress correction methods
Change materials or surface finish/

MSC Fatigue Basic

MSC Fatigue uses stress or strain results from finite element (FE) models,
variations in loading, and cycling material properties to estimate life-to-failure.

Time History

Rainflow Cycle Counting

Both the traditional Stress-Life (S-N or total

life) and Strain-Life (E-N, local strain or
Crack Initiation) methods are available. With
minimal knowledge of fatigue analysis, users
can perform such evaluations directly in
their familiar FE modeling environment. The
intuitive interface and the speed at which
the fatigue analysis is performed enables
durability concerns to be moved up front in
the product development cycle, thus avoiding
costs due to re-designs, prototyping
and testing.

Damage Counting

Damage Histogram

Features Pertaining to both the

Stress-Life and Strain-Life methods

Fatigue Life

Stress-Life features include:

Statistical confidence parameters

Goodman, Gerber (tension only),

Interpolation-type mean stress correction
(Multi-Mean and Multi R-Ratio Curve,
Haigh Diagram, Bastonaire)

surface finish/treatment corrections

Welded Structure Analysis to BS7608

Palmgren-Miner linear damage summation

including Flexible Miners sum (>0, default
= 1.0)

Material and Component S-N Curves;

Interpolation-type S-N curves

Rainflow cycle counting

User-defined life units

FKM mean stress correction

Multi-axial stress state assessments

Strain-Life features include:

Factor of safety analysis

Neuber and Hoffmann Seeger

elastic-plastic correction

Stress/Strain tensor combination/

resolution - any individual component,
Maximum absolute principal, Signed von
Mises, Signed Tresca/Shear
Critical Plane Analysis
Scale Factors (stress concentration
Offsets - Static load cases
Results transformations - Global system
and Surface Resolved

Cyclic stress-strain tracking using

Masings hypothesis and material memory
Smith-Watson-Topper, Morrow, and
Interpolation-type mean stress correction
(Multi-Mean and Multi R-Ratio Curve)
Advanced biaxial corrections (for nonproportional loading) based on Parameter
Modification of Hoffman-Seeger

Up to 500 simultaneously applied

load case

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 9

MSC Fatigue Vibration

MSC Fatigue Vibration predicts the fatigue life of structures subjected to multiple
input random vibration loads.

Dirlik solution

Typical vibration acceleration specifications

Moments from a PSD

It is important for designers to estimate

response at resonance for structures
subjected to random input loads and this
analysis is best performed in the frequency
domain using (PSDs) of input loading and
stress response. The Vibration Fatigue
module can perform fatigue analysis using
either direct external response PSDs
(where the stress solver is used to calculate
the PSDs) or PSDs calculated within the
Vibration module using, as input, the loading
PSDs and system transfer funcions. Transfer
functions can be computed for various
stress scalar values including
Principal Stresses.

Specific Features include:

The Vibration Fatigue Module

Palmgren-Miner linear damage

summation including flexible Miners sum
(>0, default=1.0)

The Vibraton Fatigue module uses the

S-N method to predict life (there is also
an indirect route using Strain-Life) and
a single shot analyzer that accepts a
measured or analytically determined
stress response PSD.

Mode 1

10 | MSC Software

Mode 2

Welded structure analysis to BS7608

Goodman and Gerber Mean stress
Probability Density Functions of Rainflow
cycles (various matrix (bin) sizes

simultaneously. A loading database is also

supplied to facilitate creation and storage
of these PSDs
PSD creation from time series data,
ASCII file import, graphical or XY point
specification, wave form definitions (sine,
triangular, square)
Data transformations

Stress/Strain Tensor combination/

resolution - Individual Components, Max
abs Principal, Signed Von Mises, Signed

Plots of PSDs and Rainflow data

FE Results transformations


Computation of Principal Stress response

PSDs at any locaton from transfer
functions and input loading PSDs

Narrow Band

Multiaxial Stress state assessments

(stress tensor mobility & biaxiality checks)

Multiple Analysis Methods

Kam & Do

Surface Finish/Treatment Corrections

Twenty FE load cases with associated
input load PSDs can be applied

Mode 3

Mode 4

Mode 5

MSC Fatigue Shaker

MSC Fatigue Shaker predicts the fatigue life of components subjected to a single input
random vibration load.

The MSC Fatigue

Vibration module
enabled us to design
our components more
accurately (with less
conservatism) than
the traditional Narrow
Band or Steinberg

Shaker table tests are widely specified

and are routinely used to proof test
components before sign-off. Typical input
loads could be displacement, velocity or
accelerations PSDs.

New Sine Sweep Capability

Multiaxial Stress state assessments
(stress tensor mobility & biaxiality checks)
Surface Finish/Treatment Corrections

Fatigue analysis is then performed in

the frequency domain rather than the
traditional time-based domain approach.
Both the input loads characterization and
the damage analysis are performed in the
frequency domain using Power Spectral
Densities (PSDs).

The Shaker Fatigue Module

The Shaker Fatigue module can perform
fatigue analysis using either direct external
response PSDs (where the stress solver
is used to calculate the PSDs) or PSDs
calculated within the Shaker module
using the input loading PSDs and system
transfer functions. Transfer functions can be
computed for various stress scalar values
including Principal stresses.

Is the highest possible frequency of loading greater

than one third of the 1st natural frequency?

Twenty FE load cases with associated

input load PSDs can be applied
simultaneously. A loading database
is also supplied to facilitate the
management of these PSDs.
PSD creation from time series data,
ASCII file import, graphical or XY point
specification, wave form definitions (sine,
triangular, square)

Multiple Analysis Methods

Data transformations


Rainflow cycle counting and Damage

histograms, Stress PSD CSV output

Narrow Bank

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 11

MSC Fatigue Spot Weld

MSC Fatigue Spot Weld is a module for predicting the fatigue life of spot-welded
sheet connections using static or dynamic FE results from MSC Nastran
or Adams with the S-N (total life) method.
Analysis of spot welds using MSC Fatigue
Spot Weld can help you produce optimized
designs and reduce prototyping and
testing costs.

Palmgren-Miner linear damage summation

Flexible Miners sum (>0, default=1.0)
Spot weld S-N curves - Includes Generic
Spot Weld (S-N curves for nugget & sheet)
Add, create or modify materials data

The MSC Fatigue Spot Weld Module

Modern automotive structures can have
4000-6000 spot welds & approximately 80%
of automotive body durability problems
are associated with spot welds. Tooling
costs for spot welds are high & the need
for rapid & accurate predictions of fatigue
life on spot welds early in the design stage
is very important. Besides the structural
importance, durability of spot welds can also
have an important effect of perceived quality
of a part or component.
MSC Fatigue Spot Weld supports results
from 3 commonly used modeling methods &
uses the Rupp, Storzel & Grubisic algorithm
for computing stresses in each spot-weld
nugget & in adjacent sheets.

Graphical & tabular reports of Life &

Damage in linear & log form
User Defined Units for Life reporting
Automatic extraction of Spot Weld
Analysis Groups

By flange thickness pairs

Polar plots of stress for nugget & sheets


Weld diameter extracted


Stress Time history output

150 analysis groups

No limit on spot welds per group
500 load channels

Spot welds modeled as stiff beams. The

method requires attention to align the
spot weld nodes on each flange but is
suitable for application to large models
as local mesh refinement around the spot
weld is not required.
MSC Nastran CWELD elements. The
power & modeling flexibility afforded by
CWELD element is utilized. The CWELD
allows users to model spot welds
between dissimilar flange meshes of
any refinement. CWELD results are used
directly by MSC Fatigue Spot Weld.
Spot welds modeled using CHEX/
MPC. This method also allows users to
model spot welds between dissimilar
flange meshes. MSC Fatigue computes
equivalent bar forces automatically and
posts fatigue results on the faces of the
CHEX elements.

12 | MSC Software

Polar plots of life/damage for nugget &


Capabilities of the Spot Weld

Analysis of welds joining two metal sheets
Three sheet correction
Weld nugget & sheet fatigue life
user configurable number of fatigue
calculations performed per spot weld.
Rainflow cycle counting - various matrix
(bin) sizes (32, 64, 128)
Statistical Confidence parameters

Damage & cycle histogram plotsFailure

location nugget, top or bottom sheet

MSC Fatigue Seam Weld

MSC Fatigue includes, as standard, the traditional weld classification approach (BS5400/
BS7608 etc.) for the fatigue design of weldment details as well as the more modern
structural stress approach.

The Weld Classification Approach

Where a welded
configuration used
to take one week to
analyze it, now takes
just four hours.

Using this type of approach, there is no

requirement to model the weld detail.
Instead, component S-N curves are used,
which have the weld classification detail
(loading and geometry) built into the S-N
detail. This approach can, however, be
awkward and time consuming to implement
for thin sheet styles commonly used for
automotive manufacturing because the level
of integration with FE is minimal.
To overcome these limitations, MSC Fatigue
uses a method developed by Fermer et al.
(Ref: SAE 982311) to compute equivalent
structural stress in the weld.


Weld root and weld throat failure

Additional weld types for brazing and
lazer welds
Interpolation between bending and
tension S-N curves rather than just using
one or the other
Users can define the bending ratio
threshold to effect the start of the
Faster solver also capable of multithreading (parallel processing)
Native 64 bit solver (on 64 bit machines)
Seam weld solver benefits from expanded
duty-cycle capability

Available Weld Configurations

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 13

MSC Fatigue Fracture

Crack Growth Analysis

MSC Fatigue Fracture uses stress results from finite element (FE) models, variations
in loading & cyclic material properties to estimate crack propagation rates & times.
Traditional linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) is used to determine
crack growth.

Crack Growth Modeling

MSC Fatigue Fracture provides
sophisticated crack growth modeling for
estimating life to grow a crack through a

structure. Features include:

Kitagawa minimum crack sizing
Fracture toughness failure criterion
Mean stress correction
Rain flow cycle counting with
cycle re-ordering
Initial and final crack length specifications
Plane stress correction
Notch effects modeling
Retardation and closure effects modeling
Modified Paris law modeling based on
effective stress intensity range
User-defined life units
Fracture mechanics triangle solutions
(stress stress intensity crack length)
Graphical interface to NASA/FLAGRO
(via Patran or MSC Fatigue Pre & Post)
Stress tensor combination/resolution
Models and results can be imported in a
variety of ways: Patran neutral and external
(nod, ele, els) results file MSC Nastran OP2
and XDB file Marc, ABAQUS, ANSYS and
SDRC results files
Fracture analysis is performed using stress

14 | MSC Software

results from FE models that define the

nominal or far field stress, which can be
defined as a single location or averaged
from an area on the model. Manual input
is also possible with no reliance on an FE
model. Results access features include FE
results data from:
Patran database (linear static and
transient results)

MSC Nastran, ANSYS, ABAQUS, Marc,

and any other Patran supported analysis
Multiple FE load cases with associated
time variations can be defined and applied
simultaneously. A time history database is
supplied to facilitate creation and storage of
these files.

Possible Results
Interactive XY plot of crack growth during
the analysis
Final crack length versus life curve
Final crack growth rate curve
Life interpolation due to different initial
and final crack sizes
Stress history output
Tabular listing of life:

crack size,


growth rate


stress range


Apparent DK


Effective DK


Current overload K

A materials database manager stores and

manipulates a library of cyclic material
properties. Features include:


Residual K


K at crack closure

Approximately 200 materials (metals)



K from static fracture


Effective stress ratio

Add, create, or modify your own or

supplied materials data (Imperial & SI
units supported)

Sensitivity studies of:


Multiple initial crack sizes

Graphical display of:


Multiple final crack sizes

Apparent stress intensity (DK)


Cyclic material parameters

Effective stress intensity (DK)


Mean stress

Threshold ratio DK plots


Crack type



Compliance Function Library

Various crack geometries are supported for
determining the K-solution which include:
Standard specimens


Surface crack at a hole in tension

Elliptical, semi-elliptical cracks in plates


Surface cracks in tension


Surface cracks in bending


Single edge crack in tension


Embedded cracks in tension


Single edge crack in pure bending


Embedded cracks in bending


Double edge crack in tension



Center cracked plate in tension

Surface and embedded cracks in

combined loading


Center cracked square plate

in tension


Cracks at corners

Quarter elliptical corner crack in



Quarter elliptical corner crack at a

hole in tension


Cracks in solid cylinders


Circumferential crack in tension


Straight crack in tension


Semi-circular crack in tension


Crack at thread in tension

Three-point bend specimen


Compact tension specimen


Round compact tension specimen


Wedge opening load specimen


Quarter circular corner crack

tension specimen

Cracks at holes

Single crack at a hole in tension


Double crack at a hole in tension


Straight crack in bending


Semi-circular crack in bending

Cracks in hollow cylinders


Internal surface crack under a

hoop stress


Circumferential crack in thin-walled

tube in tension

Cracks in welded plate joints


Weld toe surface cracks in tension


Weld toe surface cracks in bending


Weld toe embedded cracks in

tensionWeld toe embedded cracks
in bending


Surface cracks in combined tension

and bending

Cracks in welded tubular joints

Cracks at spot welds in tension
User parametric definitions

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 15

MSC Fatigue Strain-Gauge

Virtual Strain Gauges

MSC Fatigue Strain Gauge allows the creation of virtual Software Strain Gauges
within an MSC Nastran finite element (FE) model. These gauges can be used
to produce analytical response time histories from the FE model under the effect
of multiple time varying applying loads.

Software Strain Gauges

Strain Gauge Definitions

The MSC Fatigue Strain Gauge

The Software Strain Gauges are defined

as FE groups, each containing from one to
three elements. All standard strain gauge
definitions are supported in both planar and
stacked formulations. User defined gauges
may also be created, with definitions stored
in a gauge definition file.

Stress and strain time histories may be

extracted at any point on the FE model
surface, based on either standard or
user-defined strain gauge definitions. The
results obtained from the Software Strain
Gauge may be based on static, transient, or
quasi-static FE loading.

The virtual strain gauges are positioned

on the FE model surface, with the gauge
aligned in any orientation and the gauge
positioned independently of existing
finite elements. The results obtained from
the Software Strain Gauge are averaged
results from the underlying finite elements,
modeling the same geometric averaging
obtained with actual instrumentation from a
physical prototype. Results are transformed
to the coordinate system, and alignment of
the software strain gauge and results must
be surface resolved.

Use of the MSC Fatigue Strain Gauge

allows the FE analyst to correlate
theoretical structural integrity calculations
with experimentally determined results.
This tool permits the engineering analyst
greater confidence in the FE model of
the real-world structure. Analysis using
MSC Fatigue significantly reduces costs
associated with prototyping and testing by
simulating fatigue life early in the design
phase, thus shortening time-to-market
and improving product reliability, customer
confidence, and reducing costly recalls
or other undesirable consequences of
premature product failure. Usage of MSC
Fatigue brings fatigue analysis up front
in the design-to-manufacturing process
and creates an MCAE environment for
integrated durability management.

16 | MSC Software

Capabilities of the Software

Strain Gauge
The Software Strain Gauge can extract FE
results and combine them with loading time
variations to create response time history
for the following strain gauges,
Uniaxial Gauges
T Gauges
Delta and Rectangular Gauges
Stacked and Planar Gauges
User Specified Gauge Definitions
Up to 200 simultaneous Software Strain
The full range of Stress-Life, Strain-Life
and Critical Plane analysis methods can be
applied to calculated Strain Gauge results.
The Software Strain Gauge is also of benefit
to the analyst performing MSC Fatigue
weld durability calculations in accordance
with British Standard 7608. The Gauge tool
allows ready access to strain time histories
at the weld toe, providing important
information for weld durability calculations.

MSC Fatigue Wheels

MSC Fatigue Wheels provides a fatigue analysis tool to predict

the long-term effects of such cyclic loading.

Fatigue Damage Contour Plot

Predicting Wheel Life

Aircraft wheels play a major role in the
takeoffs and landings of an aircraft, whether
its a 747 loaded with 568 passengers,
the Space Shuttle, or an F-16 Fighting
Falcon. Repetitive landings, takeoffs and
associated taxi runs subjects the wheels to a
considerable spectrum of operational loads
that the wheels must withstand time and
again. Ensuring that a wheel meets stress
and load criteria over time is an important
part of the product development process
and typically is accomplished by testing
physical prototypes. However building
and testing a prototype is expensive and
time consuming and wheel development
programs often require several prototypes
be evaluated before the production design
is finalized.
MSC Fatigue Wheels provides a fatigue
analysis tool to predict the long-term effects
of such cyclic loading. Predicting wheel life
for a spectrum of load conditions through
simulation using MSC Fatigue involves
determining stress-time histories at nodes
in the model for each load condition and
determining the critical plane for each node
on which the stress-time histories produce
the greatest amount of fatigue damage for
all load conditions in the spectrum.

MSC Fatigue Wheels extracts the stresstime histories at each node from the defined
FEA solution sets for each load condition,
with stress-time histories developed for
each user-defined angular increment about
each node for every load condition. Mean
stress, stress range, and subsequent
fatigue damage for each angular increment
is calculated. The plane of critical fatigue
damage is calculated by summing the
fatigue damages obtained for each
angular increment.
Aircraft wheels are designed to meet the
fatigue life requirements specified by
an aircraft manufacturer (OEM). Fatigue
life requirements consist of a spectrum
of ground load conditions containing
combinations of vertical and lateral loads.
Each load condition is applied to the wheel
for a portion of the required life of the wheel,
which is specified in distance
(miles or kilometers).
The ground load conditions are specified
at the tire to ground interface and actually
apply loads to the tire as shown above. The
tire in turn imparts a distributed contact
pressure on the wheel rim. Since the tire
is not included as part of the wheel FEA
model, the tire loading of the wheel rim must
be determined. The tire contact pressures
must be obtained from either experimental
measures or from the tire FEA analysis
performed by tire manufacturer.

A full FEA transient analysis to obtain the

wheel stress fluctuations for each load
condition is not feasible. The alternate, but
reasonably accurate approach is to perform
several linear static FEA for each loading
condition. Each incremental static FEA for
particular loading condition represents an
incremental rotation of the wheel, so all of
them together represents the state of
stress/strain at any point on the wheel
versus time (in terms of wheel
rotation angle).

Wheel Rotation
The wheel rotation is represented by rotation
of the loads and boundary conditions
acting on the wheel. Once the stress/strain
histories are obtained by performing
several linear static FEA for each loading
condition, fatigue damage and life are
calculated for each loading condition,
and the total fatigue damage can be
approximated as the sum of damages from
all loading conditions.
The total fatigue damage, for each node/
element of the wheel model, can be
graphically represented as a damage
contour plot in the usual way, visually
showing the user where the fatigue-critical
areas are located. the areas with maximum
damage can be further analyzed as required.

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 17

MSC Fatigue Multiaxial

MSC Fatigue Multiaxial uses stress or strain results from finite element (FE) models,
variations in loading, and cyclic material properties to estimate life to failure.

A non-proportional, multiaxial stress state is

assumed as opposed to the usual uniaxial or
proportional loading states.
The Strain-Life and Stress-Life methods are
used in the life prediction and safety factor
analyses respectively.

Safety Factor Analysis

Safety factor analysis can be performed over
the entire FE model or on a portion thereof.
Analysis methods for multiaxial stress
states include the Dang Van and McDiarmid


Methods of calculation include:


Normal Strain

Wang-Brown - with and without mean

stress correction

Shear Strain

Or all methods at once


Methods of Calculation

Wang-Brown - with and without mean

stress correction

These methods include the multiaxial

non-proportional notch correction procedure,
incorporating an energy-based notch rule
based on Neubers rule and a Mroz-Garud
cyclic plasticity model.

Or all methods at once

A single shot multiaxial analyzer accepts

elastic-plastic rosette stress or strain time
histories directly. This input data can be from
FE derived histories or measured data.

Fatigue analysis is performed using stress or

strain results from FE models. Results access
features include linear static and transient
(stresses) FE results data from all
Patran supported databases:
No limit on number of node or element
calculation points

Sophisticated strain-life (crack initiation - e-N)

modeling provides a method for estimating
life to the initiation of an engineering crack
from a multiaxial stress state. Six (6) local
strain critical plane methods are available.
Features include:
Normal Strain
Shear Strain

18 | MSC Software

Multiple FE load cases with associated

time variations can be defined and applied
simultaneously. A time history database is
supplied to facilitate creation and storage of
these files.
Polar Plot of Critical Plane Analysis

A materials database manager stores and

manipulates a library of cyclic
material properties.

MSC Fatigue Pre&Post

MSC Fatigue Pre&Post provides the required graphical interface to efficiently

and easily set up, run and post process an MSC Fatigue analysis.

MSC Fatigue Pre&Post uses stress or strain

results from finite element (FE) models,
variations in loading, and cyclic material
properties to estimate life to failure of
structures and components.

Features & Functions

MSC Fatigue Pre&Post gives direct and
easy access to all features and functions of
the MSC Fatigue product line including,
Stress-Life Fatigue
Strain-Life Fatigue
Crack Propagation
Multi Input Vibration Fatigue
Single Input Shaker Table Fatigue
Seam Weld Fatigue

The Pre&Post Environment

The Pre&Post environment is intended
for the user who doesnt need the full
processing power of Patran to run MSC
Fatigue or perhaps has an alternative pre
& post for routine day to day pre & post
processing work. The Pre&Post environment
can easily be modifed to determine
sensitivities and optimize designs for
MSC Fatigue Pre&Post gives access to
FE information. Models and results can
be imported in a variety of ways: Results
access features include linear static and
transient (stresses and strains) FE results
data from all Patran supported databases:

General capabilities exist for easy viewing

and manipulation of the model:
Groups - break the model up into various
sections for application of different
material and surface finish/treatment
Model manipulation - rotate, pan and
Multiple graphic viewports
Various rendering styles (wireframe,
hidden line, shaded) and display
General utilities for coordinate frame
creation, node and element attributes
Associate time or frequency varying loads
to FE load cases
Easily set up fatigue analysis parameters

Spot Weld Fatigue

Multi Axial Fatigue
Wheels Fatigue
Fatigue Utilities

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 19

MSC Fatigue Utilities

MSC Fatigue Utilities contains advanced and practical applications to help the MSC Fatigue
user who has a need to collect, analyze and post process measured data, such as stress or
strain time histories, or to process such data to prepare for a subsequent MSC Fatigue analysis.

System Simulation

Advanced Loading Manipulation

Arithmetic Manipulation (MART) is a module which
arithmetically manipulates standard loading
data files.
Multi-Channel Editor (MCOE) is an interactive
alphanumeric editor that allows both the creation of
new and the editing of existing time series
data files.
Rainflow Cycle Counter (MCYC) is used to process
a time series signal by extracting fatigue cycles
according to the Rainflow cycle counting algorithm.
Formula Processor (MFRM) is an arithmetic and
logical module which can be used to process
formulae of varying complexity.
File Cut and Paste (MLEN) is used to extract a
portion of data from one file or several files, and
load the extracted portions into a new output file.
Multi-File Manipulation (MMFM) is an arithmetic
and logical module which can be used to process
formulae of varying complexity.
Peak-Valley Extraction (MPVXMUL) extracts turning
points from single parameter files such as dac and
RPC multiple data - channel files.
Simultaneous Values Analysis DAC/RPC
(MSIMMAX) performs simultaneous values analysis
on either multi channels in a single RPC file or
multiple DAC files from the same test.

Modal Coordinates + Stress Shapes

Frequency Response Analysis (MFRA) analyses the

response of a single input, single output
linear system.
Statistical Analysis (MRSTAT) analyses a time
signal and produces a number of statistics about
that signal.
Header/Footer Manipulation (MFILMNP) allows both
header and extra details manipulation.
Advanced Fatigue Utilities
Single Location S-N Analysis (MSLF) estimates
fatigue life using test results using the
Stress-Life approach.
Single Location Strain-Life Analysis (MCLF) is the
equivalent of MSC Fatigues Strain-Life module,
FEFAT, but in the testing world where the input is a
measured strain history from a single location.
Cycle and Damage Analysis (MCDA) calculates and
displays cycles and damage distributions so that
different test conditions may be compared and the
reasons for variations in fatigue damage may
be determined.
Time Correlated Damage (MTCD) is a fatigue
analyzer that can be used to pin-point fatigue
damage within a loading history.
Single Location Vibration Fatigue (MFLF) is a single
location, stress-based fatigue analysis module that
accepts stress response PSDs as input.

Amplitude Distribution (MADA) calculates the

probability density distribution and other function of
a time signal.

Multi-Axial Life Analysis (MMLF) is a single location

multiaxial fatigue analyzer based on the
Strain-Life approach.

Auto Spectral Density (MASD) performs a frequency

analysis of a time signal to determine
frequency content.

Crack Growth Data Analysis (MFCG) calculates the

Paris Law coefficient and exponent from actual
raw test data obtained under constant amplitude
loading conditions.

Fast Fourier Filter (MFFF) creates a finite impulse

response (FIR), filter by using the window method.
Butterworth Filtration (MBFL) takes a signal file and
passes it through a Butterworth filter to produce an
output signal file.

20 | MSC Software

Kt/Kf Evaluation (MKTAN) stores and retrieves

values for stress concentration factor (Kt) solutions
for geometric details, and calculates Kt and Kf.

Stress in Component

Graphical Display & Conversion Utilities

Graphical Editing (MGED) is the multi-channel
interactive graphical editor for time series data
allowing online manipulation of a signal.
Multi-File Display (MMFD) displays single parameter
data files.
Quick Look Display (MQLD) displays single channel
data files.
Two Parameter Display (MTPD) and Polar Display
(MPOD) display pared (X-Y) data files.
Three Dimensional Display (MP3D) is the histogram
and waterfall display module.
Binary/ASCII Convertor (MDTA/MATD) converts a
single parameter, X-Y, or histogram binary file into
ASCII format.
Signal Regeneration (MREGEN) can regenerate a
single parameter signal files from a three parameter
range-mean cycles histogram file (cyg type), a three
parameter maximum-minimum cycles histogram file
(cyh type), a three parameter Markov Matrix (mkh
type), and generate a Gaussian series from a user
supplied irregularity factor and save it as a dac file.
MDACREM) extracts channels of data from MTS
RPC remote parameter (RPC) files, and creates a
single dac file for each channel of the RPC file.
Cross-Platform Conversion (MCONFIL) is a binary
to binary file conversion program for transfer of files
across multiple platforms.
Waterfall File Create (MWFLCRE) creates a three
parameter waterfall file from multiple single
parameter files.

MSC Products
Simulating Reality, Delivering Certainty

Integrated Solutions

Solver Solutions

Mid-Sized Business

Engineering Lifecycle


MSC Nastran

MSC Nastran Desktop


Multibody Dynamics

Structural Analysis

Multidiscipline Simulation
for the Desktop

Simulation Process
& Data Management





Powerful Acoustic
Simulation Software

Explicit Nonlinear & Fluid

Structure Interaction

Multidiscipline Simulation

Materials Lifecycle


MSC Fatigue

Modeling Solutions

Advanced Materials

Fatigue Life Prediction



Advanced Controls

Advanced Thermal

Advanced Nonlinear
& Multiphysics

FE Modeling and Pre/Post

Multidiscipline Simulation

Multidiscipline Simulation

MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 21

About MSC Software

Simulating Reality, Delivering Certainty

Our products, services

& people are used by
900 of the top 1000
manufacturers in the
world, including:
Aerospace & Defense
Automotive & Transportation
Agricultural Equipment
Heavy Machinery
Medical Devices
Oil and Gas
Renewable Energy
Consumer Products

22 | MSC Software

MSC Software is one of the ten original software companies and the worldwide leader in
multidiscipline simulation. As a trusted partner, MSC Software helps companies improve
quality, save time and reduce costs associated with design and test of manufactured products.
Academic institutions, researchers, and students employ MSC technology to expand individual
knowledge as well as expand the horizon of simulation.
MSC Softwares engineering simulation technology is used by leading manufacturers for linear
and nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA), acoustics, CFD, multi-physics, optimization, fatigue
and durability, multi-body dynamics, and control systems simulation. The companys products
accurately and reliably predict how products will behave in the real world to help engineers
design more innovative products - quickly and cost effectively.

Company Profile
MSC Software Corporation was formed over 50 years ago and was awarded the original
contract from NASA to commercialize the finite element analysis (FEA) software known
as Nastran (NASA Structural Analysis). MSC pioneered many of the technologies that are
now relied upon by industry to analyze and predict stress and strain, vibration & dynamics,
acoustics, and thermal analysis in our flagship product, MSC Nastran.
Over our rich history, MSC has developed or acquired many other well known CAE
applications including Patran, Adams, Marc, Dytran, Fatigue, SimXpert, SimDesigner,
SimManager, Easy5, Sinda, and Actran. We are committed to the continued development of
new CAE technology that integrates disciplines and technologies from standalone CAE tools
into unified multi-discipline solvers and user environments. These next generation products
enable engineers to improve the reliability and accuracy of their virtual prototypes by including
multi-physics and multi-discipline interactions.
MSC is also the CAE industrys leader in extending simulation to the engineering enterprise.
Our customers recognize the need to scale the benefits of virtual prototyping and testing
from pockets of experts to mainstream engineering and product development, and MSC
offers the only Simulation Data and Process Management platform in the world that has been
successfully deployed in industries including automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding, electronics,
and more MSC Software employs 1,000 professionals in 20 countries.

MSC Software Products

MSC Software makes products that enable engineers to validate and optimize
their designs using virtual prototypes. Customers in almost every part of
manufacturing use our software to complement, and in some cases even
replace the physical prototype build and test process that has traditionally
been used in product design.
















LS &























MSC Fatigue Product Brochure | 23

MSC Fatigue

Predict Fatigue Life from Finite Element (FE) Models

Fully Modularized and Customized to Suit Your Needs
MSC Software is one of the ten original software companies and the worldwide leader
in multidiscipline simulation. As a trusted partner, MSC Software helps companies improve
quality, save time and reduce costs associated with design and test of manufactured
products. Academic institutions, researchers, and students employ MSC technology
to expand individual knowledge as well as expand the horizon of simulation.
MSC Software employs professionals in 20 countries.
For additional information about MSC Softwares products and services,
please visit: www.mscsoftware.com.

MSC Software Corporation
4675 MacArthur Court
Suite 900
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Telephone 714.540.8900

Europe, Middle East,

MSC Software GmbH
Am Moosfeld 13
81829 Munich, Germany
Telephone 49.89.431.98.70

MSC Software LTD.
Shinjuku First West 8F
23-7 Nishi Shinjuku
1-Chome, Shinjuku-Ku
Tokyo, Japan 160-0023
Telephone 81.3.6911.1200

MSC Software (S) Pte. Ltd.
100 Beach Road
#16-05 Shaw Towers
Singapore 189702
Telephone 65.6272.0082

The MSC Software corporate logo, MSC, and the names of the
MSC Software products and services referenced herein are trademarks
or registered trademarks of the MSC.Software Corporation in the United
States and/or other countries. All other trademarks belong to their
respective owners. 2014 MSC.Software Corporation. All rights reserved.


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