North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Agreement (NAFTA) Mexico that instituted a schedule for the phasing out of tariffs
and eliminated a variety of fees and other hindrances to
encourage free trade between the three North American
National Labor Relations Act The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), passed in 1935,
(NLRA) of 1947 provides that all employees have the right to form, join and
assist labor organizations and to bargain collectively with
their employers.
Negligent retention The act of failing to take appropriate disciplinary action (i.e.,
termination) against an employee the employer knew or
should have known was unsuitable.
Nominal group technique A consensus planning tool used to identify the strengths of an
organization, department or division, whereby participants
are brought together to discuss important issues, problems
and solutions.
Nonexempt employee An employee who does not meet any one of the Fair Labor
Standards Act exemption tests and is paid on an hourly basis
and covered by wage and hour laws regarding hours worked,
overtime pay, etc.