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Chapter 09, Problem 007.

In the ammonia (NH3) molecule of the figure, three hydrogen (H) atoms form an equilateral triangle, with the center of the triangle at
distance d = 9.40 1011 m from each hydrogen atom. The nitrogen (N) atom is at the apex of a pyramid, with the three hydrogen atoms
forming the base. The nitrogen-to-hydrogen atomic mass ratio is 13.9, and the nitrogen-to-hydrogen distance is
What are the (a) x and (b) ycoordinates of the molecule's center of mass?

L = 10.14 1011 m.

Chapter 09, Problem X18

A carbon monoxide molecule lies along an x axis, with the carbon atom at x = 0 and the oxygen atom at x = 1.018 x 10
of x is the molecule's center of mass located?


m. At what value

Chapter 10, Problem 013

A flywheel turns through 32 rev as it slows from an angular speed of 2.8 rad/s to a stop. (a) Assuming a constant angular acceleration, find
the time for it to come to rest. (b) What is its angular acceleration? (c) How much time is required for it to complete the first 16 of the 32

Chapter 10, Problem 10

A pulsar is a rapidly rotating neutron star that emits a radio beam the way a lighthouse emits a light beam. We receive a radio pulse for each
rotation of the star. The period T of rotation is found by measuring the time between pulses. Suppose a pulsar has a period of rotation of T =

0.0963 s that is increasing at the rate of 2.35 x 10 s/y. (a) What is the pulsar's angular acceleration
is constant, how many
years from now will the pulsar stop rotating? (c) Suppose the pulsar originated in a supernova explosion seen 996 years ago. Assuming

, find the initial T.

Chapter 10, Problem X15

The turntable of a record player has an angular speed of 9.8 rad/s at the instant it is switched off. 2.3 s later, the turntable has an angular
speed of 1.4 rad/s. Through how many radians does the turntable rotate from the time it is turned off until it stops? (Assume constant
angular acceleration.)

Chapter 10, Problem 022


An astronaut is being tested in a centrifuge. The centrifuge has a radius of 12 m and, in starting, rotates according to = 0.22t , where t is in
seconds and is in radians. When t = 5.0 s, what are the magnitudes of the astronaut's (a) angular velocity, (b) linear
velocity, (c) tangential acceleration, and (d) radial acceleration?

Chapter 10, Problem 023

A flywheel with a diameter of 1.61 m is rotating at an angular speed of 170 rev/min. (a) What is the angular speed of the flywheel in radians
per second? (b) What is the linear speed of a point on the rim of the flywheel? (c)What constant angular acceleration (in revolutions per
minute-squared) will increase the wheel's angular speed to 992 rev/min in 146 s? (d) How many revolutions does the wheel make during that
146 s?

Chapter 10, Problem X16

Three 0.72 kg particles form an equilateral triangle with 0.93 m sides. The particles are connected by rods of negligible mass. What is the
rotational inertia of this rigid body about (a) an axis that passes through one of the particles and is parallel to the rod connecting the other
two, (b) an axis that passes through the midpoint of one of the sides and is perpendicular to the plane of the triangle, and (c) an axis that is
parallel to one side of the triangle and passes through the midpoints of the other two sides?

Chapter 10, Problem 041

In the figure, two particles, each with mass m = 0.87 kg, are fastened to each other, and to a rotation axis at O, by two thin rods, each with
length d = 5.9 cm and mass M = 1.3 kg. The combination rotates around the rotation axis with angular speed = 0.34 rad/s. Measured
about O, what is the combination's (a) rotational inertia and (b) kinetic energy?

Chapter 10, Problem 069

In the figure, a small disk of radius r=2.00 cm has been glued to the edge of a larger disk of radius R=9.00 cm so that the disks lie in the
same plane. The disks can be rotated around a perpendicular axis through point O at the center of the larger disk. The disks both have a

uniform density (mass per unit volume) of 1.40 10 kg/m and a uniform thickness of 6.00 mm. What is the rotational inertia of the twodisk assembly about the rotation axis through O?

Chapter 10, Problem 100

Two thin rods (each of mass 0.10 kg) are joined together to form a rigid body as shown in the figure. One of the rods has length L1 = 0.10 m,
and the other has length L2 = 0.70 m. What is the rotational inertia of this rigid body about (a) an axis that is perpendicular to the plane of
the paper and passes through the center of the shorter rod and (b) an axis that is perpendicular to the plane of the paper and passes through
the center of the longer rod?

Chapter 10, Problem 046

The body in the figure is pivoted at O. Three forces act on it in the directions shown: FA = 11 N at point A, 8.2 m from O; FB = 15 N at
point B, 5.5 m from O; and FC = 24 N at point C, 2.4 m from O. Taking the clockwise direction to be negative, what is the net torque about O?

Chapter 10, Problem 089

A bicyclist of mass 65 kg puts all his mass on each downward-moving pedal as he pedals up a steep road. Take the diameter of the circle in
which the pedals rotate to be 0.31 m, and determine the magnitude of the maximum torque he exerts.

Chapter 10, Problem 058

If R = 13.6 cm, M = 528 g, and m = 240 g in the figure, find the speed of the block after it has descended 37.6 cm starting from rest. Solve
the problem using energy conservation principles.

Chapter 10, Problem 060

A thin rod of length 0.62 m and mass 130 g is suspended freely from one end. It is pulled to one side and then allowed to swing like a
pendulum, passing through its lowest position with angular speed 4.32 rad/s. Neglecting friction and air resistance, find (a) the rod's kinetic
energy at its lowest position and (b) how far above that position the center of mass rises.

Chapter 10, Problem 066

A uniform spherical shell of mass M = 11.0 kg and radius R = 0.410 m can rotate about a vertical axis on frictionless bearings (see the

figure). A massless cord passes around the equator of the shell, over a pulley of rotational inertia I = 0.210 kgm and radius r = 0.110 m,
and is attached to a small object of mass m = 2.80 kg. There is no friction on the pulley's axle; the cord does not slip on the pulley. What is
the speed of the object when it has fallen a distance 1.41 m after being released from rest? Use energy considerations.

Chapter 11, Problem 017


A yo-yo has a rotational inertia of 951 gcm and a mass of 108 g. Its axle radius is 2.21 mm, and its string is 97.7 cm long. The yo-yo rolls
from rest down to the end of the string. (a) What is the magnitude of its linear acceleration? (b) How long does it take to reach the end of
the string? As it reaches the end of the string, what are its (c) linear speed, (d) translational kinetic energy, (e) rotational kinetic energy,
and (f) angular speed?

Chapter 11, Problem 033

A 4.02 kg particle with velocity

is at x = 4.15 m, y = 5.44 m. It is pulled by a 4.33 N force in the
negative x direction. About the origin, what are (a) the particle's angular momentum,(b) the torque acting on the particle, and (c) the rate
at which the angular momentum is changing?

Chapter 11, Problem 035

At time t,

gives the position of a 3.0 kg particle relative to the origin of an xy coordinate system

is in meters and t is in seconds). (a) Find the torque acting on the particle relative to the origin at the moment 6.48 s (b) Is the
magnitude of the particles angular momentum relative to the origin increasing, decreasing, or unchanging?

Chapter 11, Problem 054

The figure shows an overhead view of a ring that can rotate about its center like a merry-go-round. Its outer radius R2 is 1.0 m, its inner
radius R1 is R2/2, its mass M is 8.5 kg, and the mass of the crossbars at its center is negligible. It initially rotates at an angular speed of 8.3
rad/s with a cat of mass m = M/4 on its outer edge, at radius R2. By how much does the cat increase the kinetic energy of the cat-ring
system if the cat crawls to the inner edge, at radius R1?

Chapter 11, Problem 059

The figure is an overhead view of a thin uniform rod of length 0.303 m and mass M rotating horizontally at angular speed 16.2 rad/s about an
axis through its center. A particle of mass M/3 initially attached to one end is ejected from the rod and travels along a path that is
perpendicular to the rod at the instant of ejection. If the particle's speed vp is 2.11 m/s greater than the speed of the rod end just after
ejection, what is the value of vp?

Chapter 11, Problem 061

The uniform rod (length 0.459 m) in the figure rotates in the plane of the figure about an axis through one end, with a rotational inertia of

0.169 kgm . As the rod swings through its lowest position, it collides with a 0.127 kg putty wad that sticks to the end of the rod. If the rod's
angular speed just before the collision is 2.78 rad/s, what is the angular speed of the rod-putty system immediately after the collision?

Chapter 11, Problem 067

The figure is an overhead view of a thin uniform rod of length 0.590 m and mass M rotating horizontally at 73.0 rad/s counterclockwise about
an axis through its center. A particle of mass M/3.00 and traveling horizontally at speed 38.0 m/s hits the rod and sticks. The particle's path is
perpendicular to the rod at the instant of the hit, at a distance d from the rod's center. (a) At what value of d are rod and particle stationary
after the hit? (b) In which direction do rod and particle rotate if d is greater than this value?

Chapter 10, Problem 081

The thin uniform rod in the figure has length 7.0 m and can pivot about a horizontal, frictionless pin through one end. It is released from rest
at angle = 30 above the horizontal. Use the principle of conservation of energy to determine the angular speed of the rod as it passes

through the horizontal position. Assume free-fall acceleration to be equal to 9.83 m/s .

Chapter 10, Problem 091

In the figure, a wheel of radius 0.481 m is mounted on a frictionless horizontal axis. The rotational inertia of the wheel about the axis is 0.296

kgm . A massless cord wrapped around the wheel's circumference is attached to a 7.00 kg box. The system is released from rest.When the
box has a kinetic energy of 6.00 J, what are (a) the wheel's rotational kinetic energy and (b) the distance the box has fallen? Assume free2

fall acceleration to be equal to 9.81 m/s .

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