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Ideal Gas Lecture Notes

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Chapter 14 Thermal Physics: A Microscopic View

The main focus of this chapter is the application of some of

the basic principles we learned earlier to thermal physics. This will
give us some important insights into what temperature means, and
into how systems behave on a microscopic level.
Consider the balloons in the photograph. What is it that
keeps the balloons inflated? What would happen to the balloons if
we changed the temperature? These questions, and others, will
concern us in this chapter. Photo credit: Oleg Prikhodko

14-1 The Ideal Gas Law

Lets say you have a certain number of moles of ideal gas
that fills a container. Such a system is
shown in Figure 14.1.
Figure 14.1: A container of ideal gas.
If you know the absolute
temperature of the gas what is the
pressure? The answer can be found from the ideal gas law, which
you may well have encountered before.
The ideal gas law connects the pressure P, the volume V, and the absolute temperature T,
for an ideal gas of n moles:

PV = n RT ,

(Equation 14.1: The ideal gas law)

where R = 8.31 J/(mol K) is the universal gas constant.

First of all, what is a mole? It is a not a cute, furry creature that you might find digging
holes in your backyard. In this context it represents an amount, and we use the term mole in the
same way we use the word dozen. A dozen represents a particular number, 12. A mole also
represents a particular number, 6.02 1023 , which we also refer to as Avogadros number, NA.
Thus, a mole of something is Avogadros number of those things. In this chapter we generally
want to know about the number of moles of a particular ideal gas. A toy balloon, for instance, has
about 0.1 moles of air molecules inside it. Strangely enough, the number of stars in the
observable universe can also be estimated at about 0.1 moles of stars.

In physics we often find it convenient to state the ideal gas law not in terms of the
number of moles but in terms of N, the number of atoms or molecules, where N = n N A . Taking
the ideal gas law and multiplying the right-hand side by NA / NA gives:

Chapter 14 Thermal Physics: A Microscopic View

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PV = nN A


The constant R / NA has the value k = 1.38 1023 J/K and is known as Boltzmanns
constant. Using this in the equation above gives:
PV = N kT .

(Eq. 14.2: Ideal gas law in terms of the number of molecules)

Under what conditions is the ideal gas law valid? What is an ideal gas, anyway? For a
system to represent an ideal gas it must satisfy the following conditions:
The system has a large number of atoms or molecules.
The total volume of the atoms or molecules should represent a very small
fraction of the volume of the container.
The atoms or molecules obey Newtons Laws of motion; and they move about
in random motion.
All collisions are elastic. The atoms or molecules experience forces only when
they collide, and the collisions take a negligible amount of time.
The ideal gas law has a number of interesting implications, including
Boyles Law: at constant temperature, pressure and volume are inversely related;
Charles Law: at constant pressure, volume and temperature are directly related;
Gay-Lussacs Law: at constant volume, pressure and temperature are directly related.
An aside Thinking about the rms average.
In the next section we will work with the rms (root-mean square) average speed of a set
of gas molecules. To gain some insight into the root-mean-square averaging process, lets work
out the rms average of the set of numbers -1, 1, 3, and 5. The average of these numbers is 2. To
work out the rms average, first square the numbers to give 1, 1, 9, and 25. The next step is to find
the average of these squared values, which is 9. Finally, we take the square root of that average to
find that the rms average is 3.

Clearly this is a funny way to do an average, since the average is 2 while the rms average
is 3. There are two reasons why the rms average is larger than the average in this case. The first is
that squaring the numbers makes everything positive without this negative values cancel
positive values when we add the numbers up. The second is that squaring the values weights the
larger numbers more heavily (the 5 counts five times more than the 1 when doing the average, but
52 counts 25 times more than 12 when doing the rms average.) Note that we will discuss rms
average values again later in the book when we talk about alternating current.
Related End-of-Chapter Exercises: 1, 2, 6 - 8.
Essential Question 14.1: A container of ideal gas is sealed so that it contains a particular number
of moles of gas at a constant volume and an initial pressure of Pi . If the temperature of the
system is then raised from 10C to 30C, by what factor does the pressure increase?

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Answer to Essential Question 14.1: It is tempting to say that the pressure increases by a factor of
3, but that is incorrect. Because the ideal gas law involves T, not T , we must use temperatures
in Kelvin rather than Celsius. In Kelvin the temperature is raised from 283K to 303K. Finding the
ratio of the final pressure to the initial pressure shows that pressure increases by a factor of 1.07:
Pf nRT f / V T f 303K
= 1.07 .
nRTi / V Ti 283K

14-2 Kinetic Theory

We will now apply some principles of physics we learned earlier in the book to help us to
come to a fundamental understanding of temperature. Consider a cubical box, measuring L on
each side. The box contains N identical atoms of a monatomic ideal gas, each of mass m.
We will assume that all collisions are elastic. This applies to collisions of atoms with one
another, and to collisions involving the atoms and the walls of the box. The collisions between the
atoms and the walls of the box give rise to the pressure the walls of the box experience because
the gas is enclosed within the box, so lets focus on those collisions.
Lets find the pressure associated with one atom because of its collisions with one wall
of the box. As shown in Figure 14.2 we will focus on the right-hand wall of the box. Because
the atom collides elastically, it has the same speed after hitting the wall that it had before hitting
the wall. The direction of its velocity is different, however. The plane of the wall were
interested in is perpendicular to the x-axis, so collisions with that wall reverse the balls xcomponent of velocity, while having no effect on the balls y or z components of velocity. This
is like the situation of the hockey puck bouncing off the boards that we looked at in Chapter 6.
Figure 14.2: An atom inside the box bouncing off the right-hand wall of the box.

The collision with the wall changes the x-component of the balls velocity from +vx to
vx , so the balls change in velocity is 2vx and its change in momentum is p = 2mvx , where
the negative sign tells us that the change in the atoms momentum is in the negative x-direction..
In Chapter 6 we learned that the change in momentum is equal to the impulse (the
product of the force F and the time interval t over which the force is applied). Thus:
Fwall on molecule =
(Equation 14.3: The force the wall exerts on an atom)
The atom feels an equal-magnitude force in the opposite direction (Newtons Third Law):
Fmolecule on wall =
(Equation 14.4: The force the atom exerts on the wall)
What is this time interval, t ? The atom exerts a force on the wall only during the small
intervals it is in contact with the wall while it is changing direction. It spends most of the time not
in contact with the wall, not exerting any force on it. We can find the time-averaged force the
atom exerts on the wall by setting t equal to the time between collisions of the atom with that
wall. Since the atom travels a distance L across the box in the x-direction at a speed of v x in the xdirection is takes a time of L / vx to travel from the right wall of the box to the left wall, and the
same amount of time to come back again. Thus:

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t =


(Equation 14.5: Time between collisions with the right wall)

Substituting this into the force equation, Equation 14.4, tells us that the magnitude of the
average force this one atom exerts on the right-hand wall of the box is:
2mvx 2mvx mvx2
Fmolecule on wall =
(Eq. 14.6: Average force exerted by one atom)
2 L / vx
To find the total force exerted on the wall we sum the contributions from all the atoms:
mvx2 m
Fon wall =
vx2 .
(Equation 14.7: Average force from all atoms)
The Greek letter (sigma) indicates a sum. Here the sum is over all the atoms in the box.

If we have N atoms in the box then we can write this as:

Nm vx
Fon wall =
(Equation 14.8: Average force from all atoms)


The term in brackets represents the average of the square of the magnitude of the xcomponent of the velocity of each atom. For a given atom if we apply the Pythagorean theorem in
three dimensions we have vx2 + v 2y + vz2 = v 2 . Doing this for all the atoms gives:

v + v + v = v



and there is no reason why the sum over the x-components would be any different from
the sum over the y or z-components there is no preferred direction in the box. We can thus say
vx2 =
v2 .
that 3 vx2 = v 2 or, equivalently,

Substituting this into the force equation, Equation 14.8, above gives:
Nm v
(Equation 14.9: Average force on a wall)
Fon wall =

3L N

The term in brackets represents the square of the rms average speed. Thus:
Nm 2
Fon wall =
vrms .
(Equation 14.10: Average force on a wall)
By multiplying by 2 and dividing by 2, we can transform Equation 14.10 to:
2N 1 2 2N
(Eq. 14.11: Force connected to kinetic energy)
Fon wall =
K av ,
mvrms =
3L 2
The term in brackets is a measure of the average kinetic energy, K av , of the atoms.
Related End-of-Chapter Exercises: 1, 2, 6 - 8.
Essential Question 14.2: Why is the rms average speed, and not the average velocity, involved in
the equations above? What is the average velocity of the atoms of ideal gas in the box?

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Answer to Essential Question 14.2: The average velocity of the atoms is zero. This is because the
motion of the atoms is random, and with a large number of atoms in the box there are as many, on
average, going one way as the opposite way. Because velocity is a vector the individual vectors
tend to cancel one another out. The average speed, however, is non-zero, and it makes sense that
the faster the atoms move the more force they exert on the wall.

14-3 Temperature
Lets pick up where we left off at the end of the previous section. Because pressure is
force divided by area, we can find the average pressure the atoms exert on the wall by dividing
the average force by the wall area, L2. This gives:


Fon wall 2 N
= 3 K av .

(Equation 14.12: Pressure in the gas)

Now we have a factor of L3, which is V, the volume of the cube. We can thus write
Equation 14.12 as:

(Equation 14.13: The product PV)

PV = N K av .

Compare Equation 14.13 to Equation 14.2, the ideal gas law in the form PV = N kT .
These equations must agree with one another, so we must conclude that:
K av = kT ,
or, equivalently,
K av = kT .

(Equation 14.14: Average kinetic energy is directly related to temperature)

This is an amazing result it tells us what temperature is all about. Temperature is a

direct measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms in a material. It is further amazing that
we obtained such a fundamental result by applying basic principles of physics (such as impulse,
kinetic energy, and pressure) to an ideal gas. Consider now the following example.
EXAMPLE 14.3 Two containers of ideal gas
Container A holds N atoms of ideal gas, while container B holds 5N atoms of the same
ideal gas. The two containers are at the same temperature, T.
(a) In which container is the pressure highest?
(b) In which container do the atoms have the largest average kinetic energy? What is that
average kinetic energy in terms of the variables specified above?
(c) In which container do the atoms have the largest total kinetic energy? What is that
total kinetic energy in terms of the variables specified above?
(a) We dont know anything about the volumes of the two containers, so there is not
enough information to say how the pressures compare. All we can say is that the product of the

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pressure multiplied by the volume is fives times larger in container B than in container A, because
PV is proportional to the product of the number of atoms multiplied by the absolute temperature.
(b) The fact that the temperatures are equal tells us that the average kinetic energy of the
atoms is the same in the two containers. Applying Equation 14.14, we get in each case:
K av = kT .
(c) The total kinetic energy is the average energy multiplied by the number of atoms, so
container B has the larger total kinetic energy. Container B has a total kinetic energy of:
K B = 5 NK av = 5 N kT = NkT .
Related End-of-Chapter Exercises: 29, 30, 44, 53.
Absolute zero
Another interesting concept contained in the ideal gas law is the idea of absolute zero.
Lets say we seal a sample of ideal gas in a container that has a constant volume. The container
has a pressure gauge connected to it that allows us to read the pressure inside. We then measure
the pressure as a function of temperature, placing the
container into boiling water (100 C), ice water (0 C),
and liquid nitrogen (196 C). The pressures at these
temperatures are 129 kPa, 93.9 kPa, and 26.6 kPa,
respectively. Plotting pressure as a function of
temperature results in the graph shown in Figure 14.7.
We find that our three points, and other points we care to
measure, fall on a straight line. Extrapolating this line to
zero pressure tells us that the pressure equals zero at a
temperature of 273 C (also known as 0 K).
Figure 14.3: A graph of pressure as a function
of temperature for a constant-volume situation.
Extrapolating the graph to zero pressure shows that
absolute zero corresponds to a temperature of 273 C.

Based on the previous section we would conclude that the pressure drops to zero at
absolute zero because the atoms or molecules have no kinetic energy. This is not quite true,
although applying ideas of quantum mechanics is necessary to understand why not. If the atoms
and molecules stopped completely we would be able to determine precisely where they are.
Heisenbergs uncertainty principle, an idea from quantum mechanics, tells us that this is not
possible, that the more accurately we know an objects position the more uncertainty there is in
its momentum. The bottom line is that even at absolute zero there is motion, known as zero-point
motion. Absolute zero can thus be defined as the temperature that results in the smallest possible
average kinetic energy.
Essential Question 14.3: At a particular instant compare the kinetic energy of one particular atom
in container A to that of one particular atom in container B. Which atom has the larger kinetic
energy? The two containers are at the same temperature, and there are five times more atoms in
container B than in container A.

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Answer to Essential Question 14.3: There is no way we can answer this question. The ideal gas
law, and kinetic theory, tells us about what the atoms are doing on average, but they tell us
nothing about what a particular atom is doing at a particular instant in time. Atoms are
continually colliding with one another and these collisions generally change both the magnitude
and direction of the atoms velocity, and thus change the atoms kinetic energy. We can find the
probability that an atom has a speed larger or smaller than some value, but thats about it.

14-4 Example Problems

EXPLORATION 14.4 Finding pressure in a cylinder that has a movable piston
A cylinder filled with ideal gas is sealed by means of a piston. The piston is a disk, with a
weight of 20.0 N, that can slide up or down in the cylinder without friction but which is currently
at its equilibrium position. The inner radius of the cylinder, and the radius of the piston, is
10.0 cm. The top of the piston is exposed to the atmosphere, and the atmospheric pressure
is 101.3 kPa. Our goals for this problem are to determine the pressure inside the cylinder,
and then to determine what changes if the temperature is raised from 20C to 80C.
Step 1: Picture the scene. A diagram of the situation is shown in Figure 14.3.
Figure 14.4: A diagram of the ideal gas sealed inside a cylinder by a piston that is free to
move up and down without friction.
Step 2: Organize the data. The best way to organize what we know in this case is to draw a freebody diagram of the piston, as in Figure 14.4. Three forces act on the piston: the force of gravity;
a downward force associated with the top of the piston being exposed to atmospheric pressure;
and an upward force from the bottom of the piston being exposed to the pressure in the cylinder.
Figure 14.5: The free-body diagram of the piston, showing the forces acting on it.
Step 3: Solve the problem. The piston is in equilibrium, so lets apply Newtons Second
Law, F = ma = 0 , to the piston. Choosing up to be positive gives:
+ PA mg Patm A = 0 , where A is the cross-sectional area of the piston.

Solving for P, the pressure inside the cylinder, gives:

mg + Patm A mg
20.0 N
= 2 + Patm =
+ 101300 Pa = 101900 Pa .
(0.100 m)2
The pressure inside the cylinder is not much larger than atmospheric pressure.
Step 4: The temperature of the gas inside the piston is gradually raised from 20C to 80C,
bringing the piston to a new equilibrium position. What happens to the pressure of the gas, and
what happens to the volume occupied by the gas? Be as quantitative as possible.
To answer the question about pressure we can once again draw a free-body diagram of
the piston. However, the fact that the piston has changed position to a new equilibrium position in
the cylinder changes nothing on the free-body diagram. Thus, the pressure in the cylinder is the
same as it was before. The fact that the temperature increases, however, means the volume
increases by the same factor. Since the pressure is constant we can re-arrange the ideal gas law to:

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= = constant .
nR V
Ti T f
This tells us that
Vi V f
Re-arranging to find the ratio of the volumes, and using absolute temperatures, gives:
V f T f (273 + 80)K
= 1.20 .
Vi Ti (273 + 20)K
The volume expands by 20%, increasing by the same factor as the absolute temperature.
Key Idea for a cylinder sealed by a movable piston: When ideal gas is sealed inside a cylinder
by a piston that is free to move without friction, the pressure of the gas is generally determined by
balancing the forces on the pistons free-body diagram rather than from the volume or
Related End-of-Chapter Exercises: 10-27.
temperature of the gas.
EXAMPLE 14.4 Comparing two pistons
The two cylinders in Figure 14.5 contain an identical number of moles of the same type
of ideal gas, and they are sealed at the top by identical pistons that are free to slide up and down
without friction. The top of each piston is exposed to the atmosphere. One piston is higher than
the other. (a) In which cylinder is the volume of the gas larger? (b) In which piston is
the pressure higher? (c) In which piston is the temperature higher?
Figure 14.6: The cylinders contain the same number of moles of ideal gas, but the
piston in cylinder 2 is at a higher level. The pistons are identical, are free to slide up
and down without friction, and the top of each piston is exposed to the atmosphere.
(a) Cylinder 2 has a larger volume. Note that the volume in question is not the volume of
the molecules themselves, but the volume of the space the molecules are confined to. In other
words, it is the volume inside the cylinder itself, below the piston.

(b) Despite the fact that the piston in cylinder 2 is at a higher level than the piston
in cylinder 1, the pressure is the same in both cylinders is the same. This is because the
free-body diagrams in Figure 14.6 applies to both pistons. The pressure in both cylinders
exceeds atmospheric pressure by an amount that is just enough to balance the pressure
associated with the downward force of gravity acting on the piston. The pressure is equal in
both cases because the pistons are identical.
Figure 14.7: The free-body diagram applies equally well to both pistons.

(c) Applying the ideal gas law tells us that the temperature is larger in cylinder 2, since
T = PV/nR and the only factor that is different on the right-hand side of that equation is the
volume. In this case the absolute temperature is proportional to the volume.
Related End-of-Chapter Exercises: 10-27.
Essential Question 14.4: Piston 2 in Figure 14.6 could be the same piston as piston 1, but just at a
later time. What could you do to move the system from the piston 1 state to the piston 2 state?

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Answer to Essential Question 14.4: All we need to do is to increase the temperature of the piston.
Based on our analysis in Exploration 14.4, raising the absolute temperature by 20% moves the
piston from the state labeled Piston 1 to that labeled Piston 2.

14-5 The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution; Equipartition

We come now to James Clerk Maxwell, the Scottish physicist who determined that the
probability a molecule in a container of ideal gas has a particular speed v is given by:
3/ 2

2 Mv 2 /(2 RT )
(Equation 14.15: Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution)
P (v) = 4
v e
2 RT
where M is the molar mass (mass of 1 mole) of the gas.
This distribution of speeds is known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, and it is
characterized by three speeds. These are, in decreasing order:
vrms =


(Equation 14.16: the rms speed)

8 RT

vav =

(Equation 14.17: the average speed)

2 RT

v prob =

(Equation 14.18: the most probable speed)

Plots of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution are shown in Figure 14.8 for two different
temperatures and two different monatomic gases, argon and helium. Table 14.1 shows the speeds
characterizing the distributions. At low temperatures the molecules do not have much energy, on
average, so the distribution clusters around the most probable speed. As temperature increases the
distribution stretches out toward higher speeds. The area under the curve stays the same (it is the
probability an atom has some velocity, which is 1) so the probability at the peak decreases.
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, T = 300 K

Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, T = 120 K





















Speed (m/s)







Speed (m/s)

Figure 14.8: Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions at

two different temperatures, 120 K and 300 K, for monatomic argon gas (in dark blue, with a
molar mass of 40 g) and monatomic helium gas (in pink, with a molar mass of 4 g).

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Table 14.1: The various speeds

characterizing the Maxwell-Boltzmann
distribution of speeds for monatomic
argon gas, and for monatomic helium gas,
at temperatures of 120 K and 300 K.

Argon, T = 120 K
Argon, T = 300 K
Helium, T = 120 K
Helium, T = 300 K

vrms (m/s)

vav (m/s)

v prob (m/s)




The Equipartition Theorem

Earlier we applied basic principles of mechanics to find that K av = (3/ 2) NkT . If we
multiply by a factor of N, the number of atoms in the ideal gas, the equation becomes:
Eint = NK av = NkT = nRT .
(Eq. 14.19: Internal energy of a monatomic ideal gas)

Equation 14.19 gives the total energy associated with the motion of the atoms in the ideal
gas. This is known as the internal energy. The equipartition theorem states that all contributions
to the internal energy contribute equally. For a monatomic ideal gas there are three contributions,
coming from motion in the x, y, and z directions. Each direction thus contributes (1/ 2)NkT to the
internal energy. Each motion contributing to internal energy is called a degree of freedom. Thus:
the energy from each degree of freedom = Nkt = nRt .
(Equation 14.20)
Consider a diatomic ideal gas, in which each molecule consists of two atoms. At low
temperatures only translational kinetic energy is important, but at intermediate temperatures (the
range we will generally be interested in) rotation becomes important. As shown in Figure 14.9,
rotational kinetic energy is important for rotation about two axes but can be neglected for the
third axis because the rotational inertia is negligible for rotation about that axis. With five degrees
of freedom, each counting for (1/ 2)NkT , the internal energy of a diatomic ideal gas is:
Eint = NkT = nRT . (Eq. 14.21: Internal energy of a diatomic ideal gas)
Figure 14.9: A diatomic molecule is modeled as two balls connected by a
light rod. In addition to translating in three dimensions the molecule can
rotate about axes 1 or 2, for a total of five degrees of freedom. There is no
contribution to the internal energy from rotation about axis 3 because the
molecule has negligible rotational inertia about that axis.

At high temperatures energy associated with the vibration of the atoms becomes
important and there are two additional degrees of freedom (one associated with kinetic energy,
one with elastic potential energy) to bring the coefficient in front of the NkT to 7/2.
Polyatomic molecules, at intermediate temperatures, have six degrees of freedom,
translational kinetic energy in three dimensions, and rotational kinetic energy about three axes.
Eint = NkT = 3NkT = 3nRT .
(Eq. 14.21: Internal energy of a polyatomic ideal gas)
Related End-of-Chapter Exercises: 10-27.
Essential Question 14.5: Two containers have identical volumes, temperatures, and the same
number of moles of gas. One contains monatomic ideal gas while the other has diatomic ideal
gas. Which container has a higher pressure? In which does the gas have more internal energy?

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Answer to Essential Question 14.5: To find the pressure we can apply the ideal gas law, in the
form P = nRT/V. Since all the factors on the right-hand side are the same for the two containers
the pressures must be equal. When applying the ideal gas law we do not have to worry about what
the molecules consist of. We do have to account for this in determining which container has the
larger internal energy, however. The internal energy for the monatomic gas is Eint = (3/ 2)nRT ,
while for the diatomic gas at room temperature it is Eint = (5 / 2)nRT . The monatomic ideal gas
has 3/5 of the internal energy of the diatomic ideal gas.

14-6 The P-V Diagram

In Chapter 15 one of the tools we will use to analyze thermodynamic systems (systems
involving energy in the form of heat and work) is the P-V diagram, which is a graph showing
pressure on the y-axis and volume on the x-axis.
EXPLORATION 14.6 Working with the P-V diagram
A cylinder of ideal gas is sealed by means of a cylindrical piston that can slide up and
down in the cylinder without friction. The piston is above the gas. The entire cylinder is placed in
a vacuum chamber, and air is removed from the vacuum chamber very slowly, slowly enough
that the gas in the cylinder, and the air in the vacuum chamber, maintains a constant temperature
(the temperature of the surroundings).
Step 1: If you multiply pressure in units of kPa by volume in units of liters what units do you
1 kPa 1 liter = (1 103 Pa) (1 103 m3 ) = 1 Pa m3 = 1 Nm = 1 J.
Thus the unit is the MKS unit the joule. This will be particularly relevant in the next
chapter, when we deal with the area under the curve of the P-V diagram.
Step 2: Complete Table 14.2, giving the pressure and
volume of the ideal gas in the cylinder at various
instants as the air is gradually removed from the
vacuum chamber.
Table 14.2: A table giving the pressure and volume for
a system of ideal gas with a constant temperature and a
constant number of moles of gas.


Pressure (kPa)

Volume (liters)


Using the ideal gas law we can say that PV = nRT = constant. In state 1 Table 14.2 tells
us that the product of pressure and volume is 120 J. Thus the
missing values in the table can be found from the equation
PV = 120 J. In states 2 and 5, therefore, the gas occupies a
volume of 1.5 liters and 4.0 liters, respectively. In states 3, 4,
and 6, the pressure is 60 kPa, 40 kPa, and 20 kPa, respectively.
Step 3: Plot these points on a P-V diagram similar to that in
Figure 14.10, and connect the points with a smooth line.
Note that such a line on a P-V diagram is known as an
isotherm, which is a line of constant temperature.
Figure 14.10: A blank P-V diagram.

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The P-V diagram with the points plotted, and the

smooth line drawn through the points representing the
isotherm, is shown in Figure 14.11.
Figure 14.11: The P-V diagram corresponding to the points
from Table 14.2. The smooth curve through the points is an
isotherm, a line of constant temperature.
Step 4: Repeat the process, but this time the absolute
temperature of the gas is maintained at a value twice as large
as that in the original process. Sketch that isotherm on the
same P-V diagram.

If the absolute temperature is doubled the constant that P V must also double, from 120
J to 240 J. Starting with the original points we plotted we can
find points on the new isotherm by either doubling the
pressure or doubling the volume. Several such points are
shown on the modified P-V diagram in Figure 14.12, and we
can see that this isotherm, at the higher temperature, is further
from the origin than the original isotherm. This is generally
true, that the higher the temperature the further from the origin
is the isotherm corresponding to that temperature.
Figure 14.12: A P-V diagram showing two different
isotherms. The isotherm in green, farther from the origin, has
twice the absolute temperature as the isotherm in blue.

Key Ideas about P-V diagrams: The P-V diagram (the graph of pressure as a function of
volume) for a system can convey significant information about the state of the system, including
the pressure, volume, and temperature of the system when it is in a particular state. It can be
helpful to sketch isotherms on the P-V diagram to convey temperature information an isotherm
Related End-of-Chapter Exercises: 47-52.
is a line of constant temperature.

Essential Question 14.6: An isotherm on the P-V diagram has the shape it does because, from the
ideal gas law, we are plotting pressure versus volume and the pressure is given by:

For a particular isotherm the value of nRT is constant, so an isotherm is a line with a
shape similar to the plot of 1/V as a function of V. Lets say we now have two cylinders of ideal
gas, sealed by pistons as in the previous Exploration. Cylinder A, however, has twice the number
of moles of gas as cylinder B. We plot a P-V diagram for cylinder A, and plot the isotherm
corresponding to a temperature of 300 K. We also draw a separate P-V diagram for cylinder B,
and we find that the same points we connected to draw the 300 K isotherm on cylinder As P-V
diagram are connected to form an isotherm on cylinder Bs P-V diagram. What is the temperature
of that isotherm on cylinder Bs P-V diagram?

Chapter 14 Thermal Physics: A Microscopic View

Page 12

Answer to Essential Question 14.6: 600 K. An isotherm is a line connecting all the points
satisfying the equation PV = nRT = a particular constant that depends on n and T. Since were
talking about the same line on both P-V diagrams we have PV = nA RTA = nB RTB . Solving for the
temperature in cylinder B gives:
n RT
TB = A A = A TA = B TA = 2TA = 2(300K) = 600K .
nB R

In this sense, then, the P-V diagrams for different ideal gas systems are unique, because
the temperature of a particular isotherm depends on the number of moles of gas in the system.

Chapter Summary
Essential Idea regarding looking at thermodynamic systems on a microscopic level
We can apply basic principles of physics to a system of gas molecules, at the microscopic
level, and get important insights into macroscopic properties such as temperature. Temperature is
a measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules of the gas.

The Ideal Gas Law

The ideal gas law can be written in two equivalent forms.

In terms of n, the number of moles of gas , PV = n RT ,

where R = 8.31 J/(mol K) is the universal gas constant.

(Equation 14.1)

In terms of N, the number of molecules, PV = N kT ,

(Equation 14.2)

where k = 1.38 10


J/K is Boltzmanns constant.

What Temperature Means

K av = kT .

(Equation 14.14: Average kinetic energy is directly related to temperature)

As Equation 14.14 shows, temperature is a direct measure of the average kinetic energy
of the atoms or molecules in the ideal gas.

The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution

The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution is the distribution of molecular speeds in a
container of ideal gas, which depends on the molar mass M of the molecules and on the absolute
temperature, T. The distribution is characterized by three speeds. In decreasing order, these are
the root-mean-square speed; the average speed; and the most-probable speed. These are given by
equations 14.16 14.18:
vrms =


vav =

8 RT

Chapter 14 Thermal Physics: A Microscopic View

v prob =

2 RT

Page 13

A Cylinder Sealed by a Piston that can Move Without Friction

A common example of an ideal gas system is ideal gas sealed inside a cylinder
by means of a piston that is free to move without friction. When the piston is at its
equilibrium position the pressure of the gas is generally determined by balancing the
forces on the pistons free-body diagram, rather than from the volume or temperature of
the gas. The diagram at right illustrates this idea for a cylinder sealed at the top by a
piston of area A. The combined forces directed down, the force and gravity and the force
associated with atmospheric pressure acting on the top of the piston, must be balanced by
the upward force associated with the gas pressure acting on the bottom of the piston.
The Equipartition Theorem
The equipartition theorem is the idea that each contribution to the internal energy (energy
associated with the motion of the molecules) of an ideal gas contributes equally. Each
contribution is known as a degree of freedom.

The energy from each degree of freedom =

Nkt = nRt .

(Equation 14.20)

A monatomic ideal gas can experience translational motion in three dimensions. With
three degrees of freedom the internal energy is given by:
Eint = NK av = NkT = nRT .
(Eq. 14.19: Internal energy of a monatomic ideal gas)
At intermediate temperatures molecules in a diatomic ideal gas have two additional
degrees of freedom, associated with rotation about two axes.
Eint = NkT = nRT . (Eq. 14.21: Internal energy of a diatomic ideal gas)
Molecules in a polyatomic ideal gas can rotate about three axes.
Eint =

NkT = 3NkT = 3nRT .

(Eq. 14.21: Internal energy of a polyatomic ideal gas)

The P-V Diagram

A graph of pressure versus volume (a P-V
diagram) can be very helpful in understanding an ideal
gas system. We will exploit these even more in the
next chapter. The ideal gas law tells us that the product
of pressure and volume (which has units of energy) is
proportional to the temperature of a system. Lines of
constant temperature are known as isotherms. The
diagram at right shows two isotherms, the one in blue
having half the absolute temperature of the one in

Chapter 14 Thermal Physics: A Microscopic View

Page 14

Ideal-Gas Worksheet
The thermal energy [symbol: Eth] of an ideal gas is equal to the total kinetic energy of all of the
molecules in the gas. According to the kinetic theory of gases, the absolute temperature T of an ideal
gas is proportional to the average kinetic energy of the molecules contained within the gas. That is,
T  th where N represents the number of molecules of gas.
1. Suppose we have two samples, A and B, of an ideal gas placed in a partitioned insulated container which
neither absorbs energy nor allows it to pass in or out. The gas in Sample A is the same gas that is in Sample
B. Sample A has the same mass as sample B and each side of the partition has the same volume. Energy but
no material can pass through the conducting partition; the partition is rigid and cannot move.


Consider the two equal masses of ideal gas, A and B:


If the thermal energy of A is equal to the thermal energy of B (EthA = EthB), will the temperature of
A be the same as the temperature of B, or will it be different?


Suppose the ratio of internal energies is 

 E th A
 th B

 E th A
 th B

than, less than, or equal to 

 ; would the value of the ratio  A  be greater



On the bar chart on the next page, the values of the samples' thermal energy are shown at some initial
time (Time Zero); "Long After" refers to a time long after that initial time. Refer to the set of three bar
charts to answer the following questions.


Find the absolute temperature of sample A at time zero (the initial time), and plot it on the chart.


After the initial time, would you expect to see any changes in the temperatures of samples A and B?
If yes, describe the changes (i.e., increases or decreases), and explain your answer. If you dont
expect to observe any changes, explain why.


A long time after time zero, what ratio do you expect for the temperatures of the two samples?
= _____?

Ideal-Gas Worksheet

A long time after time zero, what ratio do you expect for the thermal energies of the two samples?

E th A
E th B


= _____? Explain.

Complete the bar charts by finding the Long After values for temperature and thermal energy, and
also the amounts of energy transferred to each sample. (This is the net transfer that occurs between
time zero and the time long after.) If any quantity is zero, label that quantity as zero on the bar
chart. Explain your reasoning below. NOTE: The missing values (indicated by a thick line on the
horizontal axis) are not necessarily zero you need to determine whether or not they are actually

Thermal energy

Absolute Temperature

10 kJ
8 kJ
6 kJ

? ?

4 kJ

? ?

2 kJ


Time Zero

Long After

Time Zero

Long After

Energy Transfer to Sample:

+ 4 kJ
+ 2 kJ

0 kJ
2 kJ
4 kJ

Ideal-Gas Worksheet
2. Suppose we again have two samples, A and B, of an ideal gas placed in a partitioned insulated container. The
gas in Sample A is the same gas that is in Sample B; however, Sample A now has twice the mass of sample
B (and the volume of sample A is twice the volume of sample B). Energy but no material can pass through
the conducting partition; the partition is rigid and cannot move.


Consider the two unequal masses of ideal gas, A and B:


If A and B have the same thermal energy, will their temperature be the same, or different? (Is the
average kinetic energy per molecule the same, or different?)


After the initial time, would you expect to see any changes in the temperatures of samples A and
B? If yes, describe the changes (i.e., increases or decreases). If you dont expect to observe any
changes, explain why.

On the bar chart on the next page, the values of the samples' thermal energy are shown at some initial
time (Time Zero); "Long After" refers to a time long after that initial time. In this case, A and B do NOT
have the same initial thermal energy. Refer to the set of three bar charts to answer the following questions.


Find the absolute temperature of sample A at time zero (the initial time), and plot it on the chart.


A long time after time zero, what ratio do you expect for the temperatures of the two samples?
= _____?


A long time after time zero, what ratio do you expect for the thermal energies of the two samples?

E th A
E th B

= _____? Explain.

Ideal-Gas Worksheet

Complete the bar charts by finding the Long After values for temperature and thermal energy, and
also the amounts of energy transferred to each sample. (This is the net transfer that occurs between
time zero and the time long after.) If any quantity is zero, label that quantity as zero on the bar
chart. Explain your reasoning below. NOTE: The missing values indicated by a thick line on the
horizontal axis are not necessarily zero you need to determine whether or not they are actually

Thermal energy

Absolute Temperature

10 kJ
8 kJ
6 kJ

? ?

4 kJ

? ?

2 kJ


Time Zero

Time Zero

Long After

Long After

Energy Transfer to Sample:

+ 4 kJ
+ 2 kJ

0 kJ
2 kJ
4 kJ

Kinetic Theory
Kinetic theory involves applying basic ideas of physics (such as impulse, pressure, and
kinetic energy) to a container of ideal gas.
Write out the ideal gas law:

In units of J / (mol K) what is the value of R, the universal gas constant?

Express the ideal gas law in terms of N, the number of gas molecules, instead of
n, the number of moles of gas.

One of the major results of kinetic theory is that we get some insight into the
connection between the average kinetic energy ( K av ) of the gas molecules in a container
of ideal gas and the absolute temperature of that ideal gas:

K av =

kT , where k = 1.38 1023 J/K is the Boltzmann constant.

This tells us something of fundamental importance. The absolute temperature,

which is a macroscopic quantity we measure for the substance as a whole, is a direct
measure of something that is going on at the microscopic level, the average kinetic
energy of the molecules.
Example Problem:
A box of ideal gas has consists of light particles and heavy particles (the heavy
ones have 16 times the mass of the light ones). Initially all the particles have the same
speed. When equilibrium is reached what will be true?
[ ] All the particles will still have the same speed
[ ] The average speed of the heavy particles equals the average speed of the light
[ ] The average speed of the heavy particles is larger than that of the light particles
[ ] The average speed of the heavy particles is smaller than that of the light particles
Explain your answer:

Chapter 14 Thermal Physics: A Microscopic View

Page 15

Three identical cylinders are sealed with identical

pistons that are free to slide up and down the cylinder
without friction. Each cylinder contains ideal gas, and
the gas occupies the same volume in each case, but the
temperatures differ. In each cylinder the piston is above
the gas, and the top of each piston is exposed the
atmosphere. In cylinders 1, 2, and 3 the temperatures
are 0C, 50C, and 100C, respectively.
Rank the cylinders in terms of the pressure of the gas, from greatest to least.

Rank the cylinders in terms of the number of moles of gas inside the cylinder.

Sketch a free-body diagram for a piston in one of the cylinders above. Assume the
piston has a mass m and that the circular area of the top or bottom of the piston is A.
Apply Newtons Second Law to find the pressure in the cylinder.

Using m = 5 kg, g = 10 m/s2, A = 0.010 m2 and Patm = 1.000 x 105 Pa, find the pressure in
the cylinder.

P-V (pressure versus volume) diagrams can be very

useful. Consider the P-V graph shown at right.
What are the units resulting from multiplying
pressure in kPa by volume in liters?

Rank the four states shown on the diagram based on

their absolute temperature, from greatest to least.

Chapter 14 Thermal Physics: A Microscopic View

Page 16

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