Dr. J N Reddy is a Distinguished Professor and Regents' Professor at Texas A&M University. He earned his Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Alabama in 1974. Dr. Reddy has worked as a post-doctoral fellow and research scientist, and taught at the University of Oklahoma, Virginia Tech, and Texas A&M University. He is the author of numerous publications and textbooks in areas like composite materials and structures. Dr. Reddy's research focuses on plate and shell theories and finite element methods applied to composite structures, computational fluid dynamics, and biology. He has received several prestigious awards and is a fellow of major professional societies.
Dr. J N Reddy is a Distinguished Professor and Regents' Professor at Texas A&M University. He earned his Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Alabama in 1974. Dr. Reddy has worked as a post-doctoral fellow and research scientist, and taught at the University of Oklahoma, Virginia Tech, and Texas A&M University. He is the author of numerous publications and textbooks in areas like composite materials and structures. Dr. Reddy's research focuses on plate and shell theories and finite element methods applied to composite structures, computational fluid dynamics, and biology. He has received several prestigious awards and is a fellow of major professional societies.
Dr. J N Reddy is a Distinguished Professor and Regents' Professor at Texas A&M University. He earned his Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Alabama in 1974. Dr. Reddy has worked as a post-doctoral fellow and research scientist, and taught at the University of Oklahoma, Virginia Tech, and Texas A&M University. He is the author of numerous publications and textbooks in areas like composite materials and structures. Dr. Reddy's research focuses on plate and shell theories and finite element methods applied to composite structures, computational fluid dynamics, and biology. He has received several prestigious awards and is a fellow of major professional societies.
Dr. J N Reddy is a Distinguished Professor and Regents' Professor at Texas A&M University. He earned his Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Alabama in 1974. Dr. Reddy has worked as a post-doctoral fellow and research scientist, and taught at the University of Oklahoma, Virginia Tech, and Texas A&M University. He is the author of numerous publications and textbooks in areas like composite materials and structures. Dr. Reddy's research focuses on plate and shell theories and finite element methods applied to composite structures, computational fluid dynamics, and biology. He has received several prestigious awards and is a fellow of major professional societies.
Dr. Reddy is a Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor, and
inaugural holder of the Oscar S. Wyatt Endowed Chair in Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. Dr. Reddy earned a Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics in 1974 from University of Alabama in Huntsville and worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Texas Institute for Computational Mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin, Research Scientist for Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Huntsville, during l974-75, and taught at the University of Oklahoma from 1975 to 1980, Virginia Tech from 1980 to 1992, and Texas A&M University from 1992 till now. Dr. Reddy is the author of numerous journal papers and several well-received textbooks in the area of composite materials and structures, variational methods, plates and shells, and linear and nonlinear finite elements. He has delivered over 130 plenary, keynote, or general invited lectures at international conferences and institutions; taught over 90 short courses on finite elements, composite materials, and nonlocal structural theories. He advised 32 postdoctoral fellows and research visitors and over 106 graduate theses. He is the Editor of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures and International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, and a co-editor of International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics; in addition, he serves on the editorial boards of two dozen other journals. Dr. Reddys research is concerned with the development of higher-order theories of plates and shells and extensions and applications of the finite element method to a broad range encompassing composite structures, numerical heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics, and more recently to biology and medicine. His shear deformation plate and shell theories and their finite element models and penalty finite element models of fluid flows have been implemented into commercial finite element computer programs like ABAQUS, NISA, and HyperForm. He is a fellow of all major professional societies and received numerous awards. Dr. Reddy is one of the original top 100 ISI Highly Cited Researchers in Engineering around the world with over 17,000 citations and an amazing h-index of 62 as per Web of Science; as per Google Scholar the number of citations is nearly 40,000 with h-index of 82 and i10-index of 366 (i.e., 366 papers are cited at least 10 times). The US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has named Dr. Reddy among its 2015 class of new members. The NAE recognized Dr. Reddy for his contributions to composite structures and engineering education and practice. A more complete resume with links to journal papers can be found at http://www.tamu.edu/acml.
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