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October 2019

Department: Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building E52-544
Cambridge, MA 02139

Tel: (617) 258-7013

Fax: (617) 253-1330
Email: eduflo@mit.edu

Citizenship: French and American

Education: 1999 Ph.D. in Economics, MIT

Thesis Title: Three Essays in Empirical Development Economics

1995 Masters in Economics (DEA), DELTA (Paris)

(joint Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole Polytechnique, ENSAE)

1994 Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris)

Maitrise in History
Maitrise in Economics

Honors and Awards:

2018 The Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Global Justice, Yale University

2018 The W.S. Woytinsky Lecture, University of Michigan
2018 2018 Tanner Lecture on Human Values, University of Oxford
2018 Sanjaya Lall Visiting Professor of Business and Development for Trinity Term
2018, University of Oxford
2017 Member, National Academy of Sciences
2017 Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa, Amherst College
2017 AEA Richard T. Ely lecture, ASSA Annual Meeting
2016 Corresponding Fellow, British Academy
2016 2016 Fellow of the Academy, American Academy of Political and Social Science
2015 A.SK Social Science Award, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
2015 Princess of Asturias Award for Social Sciences
2015 Nomura Lecture, University of Oxford
2015 Professeur honoris causa, HEC Paris
2014 Infosys Prize in Social Sciences and Economics, Infosys Science Foundation
2014 John von Neumann Award, University of Budapest
2014 Erna Hamburger Prize, EPFL Wish Foundation, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
2014 Hicks Lecture, Oxford University
2014 The Albert O. Hirschman Prize 2014, The Social Science Research Council,
received by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), Abhijit
Banerjee, and Esther Duflo
2013 Arrow Lecture, Stanford University
2013 The Kapusckinski Lecture, UNDP/Columbia University
2013 The Dan David Award, 2013 Laureate in Future Dimension- Preventive Medicine,
Tel Aviv University
2013 Doctorat honoris causa, Yale University
2012 Distinguished CES Fellow 2012, Center for Economic Studies, Munich
2012 Munich Lectures in Economics, Center for Economic Studies, Munich
2012 The Marshall Lectures, University of Cambridge
2012 Doctorat honoris causa, London Business School
2012 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, Harvard University
2011 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award for “Poor
Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty”, with
Abhijit Banerjee
2011 David N. Kershaw Award, APPAM
2011 Medaille de l'Innovation, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
2011 Thomas C. Schelling Award, Harvard Kennedy School
2011 Fellow of the Econometric Society
2010 John Bates Clark Medal
2010 Doctorat honoris causa, Université Libre de Louvain
2009 Prix de l'excellent economique (for the Best Economic Essay of 2009, "Lutter
Contre la Pauvrete,” volumes I and II)
2009 Fellow, MacArthur Foundation
2009 First recipient, Calvó Armengol International Prize, Barcelona Graduate School of
2009 Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award for Development Cooperation
2008 Prix Luc Durand-Reville, by the Academie des Sciences Morale et
Politiques, France
2008 Inaugural holder of the chair “Knowledge Against Poverty”, College de France,
2007 - 2009 Best Advisor, Graduate Economics Association, MIT
2006 - 2009 National Institute of Health Research Grant (R01-HD39922-04A2)
2005 Bronze Medal, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
2005 Best Young French Economist Prize
(Le Monde, Cercle des économistes)
2003 Nominated for the Best Young French Economist Prize
(Le Monde, Cercle des économistes)
2003 Elaine Bennett Prize for Research
2002 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
2001 – 2009 National Institute on Child Health and Development Research Grant
(R01 HD0399)
2001 - 2004 National Institute of Health Research Grant (R01-HD39922-01)
2001 - 2002 John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship, National Association of Scholars
2001 - 2006 Member, John D. and Catherine MacArthur Network on the Costs of Inequality
2000 - 2001 National Science Foundation research grant (SES-0078535)
1999 Review of Economic Studies Tour
1998 Alfred P. Sloan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
1997 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship: Fondation Thiers pour la recherche en sciences
sociales (Academie francaise)

Professional Positions:
2005-present Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development
Economics, MIT; Co-Director, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
Jan 07-June 07 On Leave at the Paris School of Economics
2004-2005 Professor of Economics, MIT; Director, Poverty Action Lab (MIT)
2002-2004 Castle Krob Career Development Associate Professor of Economics, MIT
2001-2002 Castle Krob Career Development Assistant Professor of Economics, MIT,
on leave at Princeton University
1999-2001 Assistant Professor of Economics, MIT

Editorial Responsibilities:
2017-present Editor, American Economic Review
2007-2014 Board of Editors, Annual Review of Economics
2007-2016 Founding Editor, The American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
2007 Member of Program Committee, American Economic Association Meetings
2007 Member of Program Committee, European Economic Association Meetings
2005– 2007 Co-editor, Review of Economics and Statistics
2004– 2006 Co-editor, Journal of Development Economics
2004–2007 Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Perspectives
2002–2006 Associate Editor, Review of Economics and Statistics
2002–2006 Associate Editor, Journal of the European Economic Association
2004 Member of Program Committee, Econometric Society 9th World Congress
2004 Member of Program Committee, Econometric Society Annual Meeting
2003 Member of Program Committee, European Economic Association Annual Meeting

Other Professional Activities:

Director, Development Program at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Board Member, Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD)
2019 - present Research Advisory Council, Y Analytics
2018 - present Advisory Board Member, UBS Center
2014 – 2017 Board Member, Global Investment Fund (GIF)
2012 – 2017 Member, The President’s Global Development Council
Publications and Forthcoming Articles:

Books :

2017. Handbook of Field Experiments, Vol.1 and 2, with Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee,
North –Holland (an imprint of Elsevier).

2011. Poor Economics : A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty, with Abhijit
V. Banerjee, Public Affairs. Published in 17+ languages

2010. Le Développment Humain (Lutter contre la pauvrete, volume 1), Paris: Le seuil.

2010. La polique de l’autonomie (Lutter contre la pauvrete, volume 2), Paris: Le seuil.

2009. Expérience, science et lutte contre la pauvreté, Paris: Fayard.

Journals :

“HIV prevention among youth: A randomized controlled trial of voluntary counseling and testing for
HIV and male condom distribution in rural Kenya” (with Pascaline Dupas, Thomas Ginn, Grace
Makana Barasa, Moses Baraza, Victor Pouliquen, Vandana Sharma), Plos ONE, July 2019

“E-Governance, Accountability, and Leakage in Public Programs: Experimental Evidence from a

Financial Management Reform in India” (with Abhijit Banerjee, Clement Imbert, Santhosh
Mathew and Rohini Pande), forthcoming, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (see
NBER working paper 22803, CEPR working paper 11761 and BREAD working paper 494)

“Using Gossips to Spread Information: Theory and Evidence from Two Randomized Controlled
Trials” (with Abhijit Banerjee, Arun G. Chandrasekhar and Matthew O. Jackson), The Review of
Economics Studies, February 2019. (see NBER working paper 20422)

“The Value of Regulatory Discretion: Estimates from Environmental Inspections in India” (with
Michael Greenstone, Rohini Pande and Nicholas Ryan), Econometrica, November 2018,
Volume 86, Issue 6. (see NBER Working Paper No. 20590, Becker Friedman Institute for
Research in Economics Working Paper No. 2014-07)

“How Much do Existing Borrowers Value Microfinance? Evidence from an Experiment on

Bundling Microcredit and Insurance" (with Abhijit Banerjee and Richard Hornbeck),
Economica, Volume 85, Issue 340, October 2018 (see NBER working paper 20477).

“Can Iron Fortified Salt Control Anemia? Evidence from Two Experiments in Rural Bihar”
(with Abhijit Banerjee and Sharon Barnhardt), Journal of Development Economics, Volume 133,
July 2018.
“Double/Debiased Machine Learning of Treatment and Structural Parameters” (with Victor
Chernozhukov, Denis Chetverikov, Mert Demirer, Christian Hansen, Whitney Newey and James
Robins), The Econometrics Journal, Vol. 21, Issue 1, February 2018

“NAITRE study on the impact of conditional cash transfer on poor pregnancy outcomes in
underprivileged women: protocol for a nationwide pragmatic cluster-randomised superiority
clinical trial in France” (with Marc Bardou, Bruno Crépon, Anne-Claire Bertaux, Aurélie
Godard-Marceaux, Astrid Eckman-Lacroix, Elise Thellier, Frédérique Falchier, Philippe
Deruelle, Muriel Doret, Xavier Carcopino-Tusol, Thomas Schmitz, Thiphaine Barjat, Mathieu
Morin, Franck Perrotin, Ghada Hatem, Catherine Deneux-Tharaux, Isabelle Fournel, Laurent
Laforet, Nicolas Meunier-Beillard, and Isabelle Le Ray), BMJ Open, 2017.

“From Proof of Concept to Scalable Policies: Challenges and Solutions, with an Application”
(with Abhijit Banerjee, Rukmini Banerji, James Berry, Harini Kannan, Shobhini Mukerji, Marc
Shotland, and Michael Walton), Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 31, Number 4, fall 2017
(see NBER working paper 22931, CEPR working paper 11762 and BREAD working paper 495)

"Cognitive Science in the field: A preschool intervention durably enhances intuitive but not
formal mathematics" (with Moira R. Dillon, Harini Kannan, Joshua T. Dean, and Elizabeth S.
Spelke), Science, Vol. 357, Issue 6346, July 2017.

“Double/Debiased/Neyman Machine Learning of Treatment Effects” (with Victor

Chernozhukov, Denis Chetverikov, Mert Demirer, Christian Hansen, and Whitney Newey), ,
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 107(5): 261-65. May 2017.

“Richard T. Ely Lecture: The Economist as Plumber”, American Economic Review, 107(5): 1-
26. May 2017. (see NBER working paper 23213, CEPR working paper and BREAD working paper

“Up in Smoke: The Influence of Household Behavior on the Long-Run Impact of Improved
Cooking Stoves” (with Rema Hanna and Michael Greenstone), American Economic Journal:
Economic Policy, 8(1): 80-114, February 2016. (see NBER working paper No.18033, BREAD
working paper 338).

“Education, HIV and Early Fertility: Experimental Evidence from Kenya” (with Pascaline Dupas
and Michael Kremer), American Economic Review, Vol 105, No. 9, September 2015. (See
NBER Working Paper No. 20784, CEPR Discussion Paper 8680, BREAD Working Paper).

“Turning a Shove into a Nudge? A "Labeled Cash Transfer" for Education” (with Najy
Benhassine, Florencia Devoto, Pascaline Dupas, and Victor Pouliquen), American Economic
Journal: Economic Policy, Vol 7, No. 3, August 2015. (see NBER Working Paper No. 19227).

“A multifaceted program causes lasting progress for the very poor: Evidence from six countries”
(with Abhijit Banerjee, Nathanael Goldberg, Dean Karlan, Robert Osei, William Parienté,
Jeremy Shapiro, Bram Thuysbaert, and Christopher Udry) , Science Magazine, Vol. 348, No.
6236, May 2015.

“School Governance, Teacher Incentives, and Pupil-Teacher Ratios: Experimental Evidence

from Kenyan Primary Schools” (with Pascaline Dupas and Michael Kremer), Journal of Public
Economics, Vol. 123, pp. 92-110, March 2015. (see also NBER working paper No. 17939,
BREAD working paper 330)

“The Miracle of Microfinance? Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation” (with Abhijit

Banerjee, Rachel Glennerster and Cynthia Kinnan), American Economic Journal: Applied
Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, (pp.22-53), January 2015 (see NBER Working Paper No.18950,
CEPR Discussion Paper No. 7696, BREAD Working Paper 379).

“Estimating the impact of microcredit on those who take it up: Evidence from a randomized
experiment in Morocco” (with Bruno Crepon, Florencia Devoto, William Pariente), American
Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, (pp.123-50), January 2015 (see NBER
working paper 20144, BREAD working paper 416)

“Under the Thumb of History? Political Institutions and the Scope for Action” (with Abhijit
Banerjee), Annual Review of Economics, Vol. 6, August 2014. (see NBER Working Paper
No.19848, BREAD Working Paper 411).

“Bundling Health Insurance and Microfinance in India: There Cannot Be Adverse Selection if
There is No Demand” (with Abhijit Banerjee and Richard Hornbeck), American Economic
Review: Papers and Proceeding 2014, 104(5):1-7, May 2014

“(Dis)organization and Success in an Economics MOOC” (with Abhijit Banerjee),

American Economic Review, Vol 104, No.5, 514–518, May 2014.

“Do Firms Want to Borrow More: Testing Credit Constraints Using a Targeted Lending
Program,” (with Abhijit Banerjee), The Review of Economic Studies (2014) 81 (2): 572-607,
April 2014

“Truth-telling by Third-party Auditors and the Response of the Polluting Firms: Experimental
Evidence from India” (with Michael Greenstone, Rohini Pande and Nicholas Ryan), Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 128:4, October 2013: pp. 1449-1498. (also see NBER working paper No.

“The Diffusion of Microfinance” (with Abhijit Banerjee, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Matthew O.

Jackson), Science Magazine, Vol. 341, no. 6144, July 2013. (see also NBER working paper

“Marry for What? Caste and Mate Selection in Modern India” (with Abhijit Banerjee, Maitreesh
Ghatak, and Jeanne Lafortune), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2013, 5(2): 33–
72, May 2013.
“What Does Reputation Buy? Differentiation in a Market for Third-party Auditors,” with Rohini
Pande, Michael Greenstone and Nicholas Ryan, American Economic Review, May 2013,
Vol.103 (3).

“Do Labor Market Policies Have Displacement Effects? Evidence from a Clustered Randomized
Experiment” (with Bruno Crépon, Marc Gurgand, Roland Rathelot and Philippe Zamora). The
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 128 (2): 531-580, January 2013 (also see NBER Working
Paper No. 18597, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 7512).

“Women Empowerment and Economic Development”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 50,
No. 4: 1051-79, December 2012. (also see NBER Working Paper No. 17702, 2011; CEPR
Discussion Paper 8734, BREAD Policy Paper 29, 2011).

“Happiness on Tap: Piped Water Adoption in Urban Morocco” (with Florencia Devoto,
Pascaline Dupas, William Pariente, Vincent Pons), American Economic Journal: Economic
Policy, Vol.4 No. 4: 68-99, November 2012. (see NBER Working Paper No. 16933, CEPR
Discussion Paper No. 8326, BREAD Policy Paper 23).

“Incentives Work: Getting Teachers to Come to School,” (with Rema Hanna and Stephen Ryan),
American Economic Review, June 2012, 102(4): 1241-78 (also see NBER Working Paper No.
11880, 2005; BREAD Working Paper No. 103, CEPR Discussion Paper 6682, November 2007).

“Female Leadership Raises Aspirations and Educational Attainment for Girls: A Policy
Experiment in India” (with Lori Beaman, Rohini Pande and Petia Topalova), Science Magazine,
Vol. 335 no. 6068, February 2012.

“Nudging Farmers to Use Fertilizer: Evidence from Kenya” (with Michael Kremer and Jonathan
Robinson), American Economic Review 101 (6): 2350-2390, October 2011. (also see NBER
Working Paper No. 15131, CEPR Discussion Paper 7402, BREAD discussion paper 233).

“Balancing Growth with Equity: The View from Development”, Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City Economic Policy Symposium 2011 volume.

“Peer Effects and the Impacts of Tracking: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Kenya”
(with Pascaline Dupas and Michael Kremer), American Economic Review, 101(5): 1739-74,
August 2011 (also see CEPR Working Paper No. 7043 and NBER Working Paper No. 14475).

“Being Surveyed Can Change Later Behavior and Related Parameter Estimates,” (with Alix
Peterson Zwane, Jonathan Zinman, Eric Van Dusen, William Pariente, Clair Null, Edward
Miguel, Michael Kremer, Dean Karlan, Richard Hornbeck, Xavier Giné, Florencia Devoto,
Bruno Crepon and Abhijit Banerjee), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America, February 1, 2011.

“Long Run Impacts of Income Shocks: Wine and Phylloxera in 19th Century France,” (with
Abhijit Banerjee, Gilles Postel-Vinay, and Tim Watts), The Review of Economics and Statistics,
Vol. 92 (4):714-728, November 2010.
“Improving Immunization Coverage in Rural India: A Clustered Randomized Controlled
Evaluation of Immunization Campaigns with and without Incentives,” (with Abhijit Banerjee,
Rachel Glennerster, and Dhruva Kothari), British Medical Journal, 2010;340:c2220.
“Giving Credit Where it is Due,” (with Abhijit Banerjee), Journal of Economic Perspectives,
Vol. 24(3): 61-79, Summer 2010.

“Pitfalls of Participatory Programs: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in education in

India” (with Abhijit Banerjee, Rukmini Banerji, Rachel Glennerster, Stuti Khemani), American
Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 2 (1): 1-30, February 2010. (also see CEPR working
paper No. DP6781).

“Powerful Women: Does Exposure Reduce Bias?” (with Lori Beaman, Raghabendra Chattopadhyay,
Rohini Pande and Petia Topalova), Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 124(4): 1497-1540,
November 2009. (also see CEPR Working Paper No. 6922, NBER Working paper No. 14198).

“The Experimental Approach to Development Economics,” (with Abhijit Banerjee), Annual Review
of Economics, Vol. 1: 151-178, September 2009. (also see CEPR working paper No. DP7037, NBER
working paper No. 14467).

“Cooking Stoves, Indoor Air Pollution and Respiratory Health in Rural Orissa, India” (with Rema
Hanna and Michael Greenstone), Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 43, No. 32, August 2009

“What is Middle Class about the Middle Classes around the World?” (with Abhijit Banerjee),
Journal of Economic Perspectives 22(2), pp. 3-28, Spring 2008. (See also CEPR Working Paper
No. 6613, BREAD Working Paper No. 163).

“Mandated Empowerment: Handing Antipoverty Policy Back to the Poor?” (with Abhijijt
Banerjee), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1136, June 2008, Reducing the
Impact of Poverty on Health and Human Development: Scientific Approaches.

“How High are Rates of Return to Fertilizer? Evidence from Field Experiments in Kenya” (with
Michael Kremer and Jonathan Robinson). American Economics Review, Vol. 98 (2): 482-88,
May 2008.

“Indoor Air Pollution, Health and Economic Well-being” (with Michael Greenstone and Rema
Hanna), Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society, Issue 1: 1-9, February 2008.

“Putting Band Aid on a Corpse: Incentives for Nurses in the Indian Public Health Care System”
(with Abhijit Banerjee and Rachel Glennerster). Journal of the European Economic Association,
Vol. 6(2-3), pp. 487-500, 2007.

“The Economic Lives of the Poor” (with Abhijit Banerjee), Journal of Economic Perspectives,
21(1): 141-167, Winter 2007.
“Can Informational Campaigns Raise Awareness and Local Participation in Primary Education”
(with Abhijit Banerjee, Rukmini Banerji, Rachael Glennerster, Daniel Keniston, Stuti Khemani, and
Mark Shotland), Economic and Political Weekly, 42(15): 1365-1372, April 14, 2007.

“Dams” (with Rohini Pande), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(2):601-646, 2007 (see also
NBER Working Paper No. 11711, 2005; BREAD Working Paper No. 100, 2005).

“Remedying Education: Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments in India,” (with Abhijit
Banerjee, Shawn Cole, and Leigh Linden), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(3):1235-1264,
August 2007 (see also NBER Working Paper No. 11904, 2005; BREAD Working Paper No.

“Saving Incentives for Low- and Middle-Income Families: Evidence from a Field Experiment
with H&R Block,” (2007 Certificate of Excellence, TIAA-CREF Institute),(with William Gale,
Jeffrey Liebman, Peter Orszag, and Emmanuel Saez), Quarterly Journal of Economics,
121(4):1311-1346, November 2006 (see also NBER Working Paper No. 11680, 2005).

“Addressing Absence,” (with Abhijit Banerjee), Journal of Economic Perspectives 20(1): 117-
132, 2006 (also see BREAD Policy Paper No. 008, 2005).

“Why Political Reservations” Journal of the European Economic Association 3(2-3): 668-678,
April-May 2005.

“What Do Banks (Not) Do?” (with Abhijit Banerjee), Economic and Political Weekly 39(38):
4212-4213, 2004.

“Women as Policy Makers: Evidence from a Randomized Policy Experiment in India,” (with
Raghabendra Chattopadhyay), Econometrica 72(5): 1409-1443, 2004 (also see NBER Working
Paper No. 8615; BREAD Working Paper No. 001, 2001).

“The Medium Run Consequences of Educational Expansion: Evidence from a Large School
Construction Program in Indonesia,” Journal of Development Economics 74(1): 163-197, 2004
(also see BREAD Working Paper No. 002, 2001).

“How Much Should We Trust Difference in Differences Estimates?” (with Sendhil Mullainathan
and Marianne Bertrand), Quarterly Journal of Economics 119(1): 249-275, 2004.
“Health Care Delivery in Rural Rajasthan,” (with Abhijit Banerjee and Angus Deaton),
Economic and Political Weekly 39(9): 944-949, 2004.

“The Impact of Reservation in the Panchayati Raj: Evidence from a Nationwide Randomized
Experiment,” (with Raghabendra Chattopadhyay), Economic and Political Weekly 39(9): 979-
986, 2004.

“Wealth, Health, and Health Services in Rural Rajasthan,” (with Abhijit Banerjee and Angus
Deaton), AER Papers and Proceedings 94(2): 326-330, 2004.
“The Role of Information and Social Interactions in Retirement Plan Decisions: Evidence from a
Randomized Experiment,” (with Emmanuel Saez), Quarterly Journal of Economics 118(3): 815-
842, 2003.
“Inequality and Growth: What Can the Data Say?” (with Abhijit Banerjee), Journal of Economic
Growth 8: 267-299, 2003.

“Grandmothers and Granddaughters: Old Age Pension and Intra-household Allocation in South
Africa,” World Bank Economic Review 17(1): 1-25, 2003.

“The (Mis)allocation of Capital,” (with Abhijit Banerjee and Kaivan Munshi), Journal of the
European Economic Association 1(2-3): 484-494, 2003 (also see BREAD Working Paper No.
006, 2002).

“Participation and Investment Decisions in a Retirement Plan: The Influence of Colleagues’

Choices,” (with Emmanuel Saez), Journal of Public Economics 85(1): 121-148, 2002.

“Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia: Evidence

from an Unusual Policy Experiment,” American Economic Review 91(4): 795-813, 2001.

“Reputation Effects and the Limits of Contracting: A Study of the Indian Software Industry,”
(with Abhijit Banerjee), Quarterly Journal of Economics 115(3): 989-1017, 2000.

“Child Health and Household Resources: Evidence from the South African Old-Age Pension
Program,” American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 90(2): 393-398, 2000.

“Early Reaction of Russian Firms to the Shocks of Liberalization,” (with Claudia Senik-
Leygonie), The Economics of Transition, March 1997.

Chapters in Books:

“An Introduction to the "Handbook of Field Experiments”” (with Abhijit Banerjee) and
“Field Experiments on Discrimination” (with Marianne Bertrand), Handbook of Field
Experiments, Vol.1 and 2, with Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, North –Holland (an imprint of
Elsevier), 2017.

“Movies, Margins and Marketing: Encouraging the Adoption of Iron Fortified Salt”
( with Abhijit Banerjee and Sharon Barnhardt ), Insights in the Economics of Aging, 2017,
edited by David A. Wise (NBER), University of Chicago Press.

“The experimental approach to development economics” (with Abhijit Banerjee), Field

Experiments and Their Critics: Essays on the Uses and Abuses of Experimentation in the Social
Sciences. 2014, edited Dawn Langan Teele, Yale University Press
“Comparative Cost-Effectiveness Analysis to Inform Policy in Developing Countries: A
General Framework with Applications for Education” (with Iqbal Dhaliwal, Rachel Glennerster
and Caitlin Tulloch), Education Policy in Developing Countries, 2013, edited by Paul Glewwe,
University of Chicago Press

“Nutrition, Iron Deficiency Anemia and the Demand for Iron-Fortified Salt: Evidence from an
Experiment in Rural Bihar” in Discoveries in the Economics of Aging, (with Abhijit Banerjee
and Sharon Barnhardt), 2014, David A. Wise (ed.), University of Chicago Press.
“Is Decentralized Iron Fortification a Feasible Option to Fight Anemia Among the Poorest?”
in Explorations in the Economics of Aging, (with Abhijit Banerjee and Rachel Glennerster),
2011, David A. Wise (ed.), University of Chicago Press.

“Political Reservation and Substantive Representation: Evidence from Indian Village Councils”,
with Lori Beaman,Rohini Pande and Petia Topalova, India Policy Forum, 2010, Ed. Suman
Bery, Barry Bosworth and Arvind Panagariya, Brookings Institution Press and The National
Council of Applied Economic Research: Washington, DC and New Delhi, Vol. 7.

“Aging and Death Under a Dollar a Day” in Research Findings in the Economics of Aging (with
Abhijit Banerjee), 2010, David A. Wise (ed.), University of Chicago Press, (also see NBER
Working Paper Series 13683).

“Mandated Empowerment. Handing Antipoverty Policy Back to the Poor?” in Reducing the
Impact of Poverty on Health and Human Development” (with Abhijit Banerjee), 2008, Annals of
New York Academic Sciences Vol.1136, pp.333-341.

“Using Randomization in Development Economics Research: A Toolkit” (with Rachel

Glennerster, and Michael Kremer) in T. Paul Schults, and John Strauss (eds.)
Handbook of Development Economics, Elsevier Science Ltd.: North Holland, 2007 Vol. 4,
pp. 3895-62. (see also NBER Technical Working Paper No. 333, December 2006).

“Field Experiments in Development Economics,” in Richard Blundell, Whitney Newey, Torsten.

Persson, (eds.), Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Ninth
World Congress, Cambridge University Press: 2006, Vol. 2(42): 322-348 (see also BREAD
Policy Paper No. 002, 2005).

“Poor but Rational?” in Abhijt Banerjee, Dilip Mookherjee and Roland Benabou (eds.)
Understanding Poverty, New York: Oxford University Press, March 2006, 367-78.

“Use of Randomization in the Evaluation of Development Effectiveness.”(with Michael

Kremer) in George Pitman, Osvaldo Feinstein and Gregory Ingram (eds.) Evaluating
Development Effectiveness. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers 2005, pp. 205-232.

“Egalité des sexes et développement” in Christine Otrent, (ed.)“le livre noir de la condition des
Femmes”, Paris: XO editions, 2006.
“Growth Theory through the Lens of Development Economics,” (with Abhijit Banerjee), in
Steve Durlauf and Philippe Aghion, (eds.),Handbook of Economic Growth, Elsevier Science
Ltd.-North Holland: 2005, Vol. 1A, pp. 473-552.

“Bank Financing in India,” (with Abhijit Banerjee and Shawn Cole) in Wanda Tseng and David
Cowen, (eds.), India’s and China’s Recent Experience with Reform and Growth, Palgrave
Macmillan: Hampshire, UK, 2005; New York, 2006, pp. 138-157.

“Banking Reform in India,” (with Shawn Cole and Esther Duflo) in Suman Bery, Barry
Bosworth and Arvind Panagariya, (eds.), India Policy Forum,1, Brookings Institution Press and
The National Council of Applied Economic Research: Washington, DC and New Delhi, 2005,
pp. 277-332 (see also BREAD Policy Paper No. 006, 2004).

“The Role of Employers’ Plan Features, Information, and Social Interactions on Retirement
Savings: Evidence from the Literature and Proposed Experiments,” (with Emmanuel Saez), in
Olivia Mitchell and Stephen Utkus, (eds.), Pension Design and Structure: New Lessons from
Behavioral Finance, University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, 2004.
“Scaling Up and Evaluation,” in Francois Bourguignon and Boris Pleskovic, (eds.), Accelerating
Development, World Bank and Oxford University Press: Washington, DC and Oxford, 2004, pp.

Published Reviews and Comments:

(Comment) on "Requiescat in Pace? The Consequences of High Priced Funerals in South

Africa" in Explorations in the Economics of Aging, David A. Wise, editor, University of Chicago
Press, 2011.

(Comment) on Hanson, Gordon, “Globalization, Labor Income, and Poverty in Mexico”, pp 417-
452, in Globalization and Poverty, Ann Harrison, Editor, University of Chicago Press, 2007.

(Comment) Jensen, Robert, “Caste, Culture and the Status of the Well-Being of Widows in
India,”Analyses in the Economics of Aging, 10:357-373, Edt. David Wise, University of Chicago
Press: June 2005.

(Review) Fields, Gary, “Distribution and Development: A New Look at the Developing World,”
Journal of Economic Literature 41(3): 937-938, 2003.

(Review) Glewwe, Paul, “The Economics of School Quality Investments in Developing

Countries: An Empirical Study of Ghana,” Journal of Economic Literature 39(3): 927-929,
Working Papers:

“Can Microfinance Unlock a Poverty Trap for Some Entrepreneurs?” (with Abhijit Banerjee,
Emily Breza and Cynthia Kinnan), September 2019 (see NBER working paper 26346)

“The Efficient Deployment of Police Resources: Theory and New Evidence from a Randomized
Drunk Driving Crackdown in India”, (with Abhijit Banerjee, Daniel Keniston, and Nina Singh)
August 2019. (see NBER working paper 26224)

“Verifying the internal validity of a flagship RCT: A review of Crépon, Devoto, Duflo
and Parienté”: A rejoinder” (with Bruno Crépon, Florencia Devoto, and William Parienté, June

“Changes in Social Network Structure in Response to Exposure to Formal Credit Markets” (with
Abhijit Banerjee, Arun G. Chandrasekhar and Matthew O. Jackson), September 2018.

“Generic Machine Learning Inference on Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Randomized

Experiments” (with Victor Chernozhukov, Mert Demirer and Ivan Fernandez-Val), May 2018.
(see NBER working paper 24678)

“The Impact of Free Secondary Education: Experimental Evidence from Ghana”, (with Pascaline
Dupas and Michael Kremer), February 2017

“The Long Term Impacts of a "Graduation" Program: Evidence from West Bengal”), with
Abhijit Banerjee, Raghabendra Chattopadhyay, and Jeremy Shapiro), September 2016.

“Mainstreaming an Effective Intervention: Evidence from Randomized Evaluations of "Teaching

at the Right Level" in India”, (with Abhijit Banerjee, Rukmini Banerji, James Berry, Harini
Kannan, Shobhini Mukherji, Marc Shotland and Michael Walton), August 2016. (see NBER
working paper 22746, CEPR working paper 11530, and BREAD working paper 492)

“Field Experiments on Discrimination” (with Marianne Bertrand), January 2016 (see NBER
working paper 22014, CEPR working paper 11123)

“Toilets Can Work: Short and Medium Run Health Impacts of Addressing Complementarities
and Externalities in Water and Sanitation” (with Michael Greenstone, Raymond Guiteras,
Thomas Clasen), September 2015. (see NBER Working Paper No. 21521)

“Gossip: Identifying Central Individuals in a Social Network” (with Abhijit Banerjee, Arun
Chandrasekhar and Matthew O. Jackson), July 2015. (see NBER working paper 0422 , CEPR
working paper, BREAD Working paper 425)

“Improving Police Performance in Rajasthan, India: Experimental Evidence on Incentives,

Managerial Autonomy and Training” (with Abhijit Banerjee, Raghabendra Chattopadhyay,
Daniel Keniston and Nina Singh), October 2014. (See NBER Working Paper No. 17912, CEPR
Discussion Paper No. 8869, BREAD Working Paper No. 324).
“On the Road: Access to Transportation Infrastructure and Economic Growth in China” (with
Abhijit Banerjee and Nancy Qian), February 2012. (see NBER Working Paper No. 17897, CEPR
Discussion Paper No. 8874, BREAD Working Paper No. 325).

“Giving Credit Where it is Due” (with Abhijit Banerjee), March 2010 (see CEPR Discussion
Paper 7754, BREAD Policy Paper 20).

“Peer Effects, Teacher Incentives, and the Impact of Tracking: Evidence from a Randomized
Evaluation in Kenya,” (with Pascaline Dupas and Michael Kremer). (see CEPR Discussion
Paper 7043, Publication November 2008, revised October 2009).
“The Experimental Approach to Development Economics” (with Abhijit Banerjee), November
2008. (see CEPR Discussion Paper 7037, BREAD Working Paper 196)

“Efficiency and Rent Seeking in Local Government,” (with Greg Fischer), MIT Mimeo 2007.

“What Is Middle Class about the Middle Classes Around the World?” (with Abhijit V.
Banerjee) December 2007, (BREAD Working Paper No. 163).

“The Impact of Education on Fertility and Child Mortality: Do Fathers Really Matter Less Than
Mothers?” (with Lucia Breierova), NBER Working Paper No. 10513, 2004.
“Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Cote d’Ivoire: Social Norms, Separate Accounts, and
Consumption Choices,” (with Christopher Udry), NBER Working Paper No. 10498, May 2004;
BREAD Working Paper No. 016, 2003

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