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Lorenzo Casaburi


Contact Information
University of Zurich
Department of Economics
Schönberggasse 1
8001 Zürich, Switzerland
+41 44 634 61 38

Current Employment
2021- University of Zurich, Department of Economics, Associate Professor (with tenure)

Past Employment
2016-20 University of Zurich, Department of Economics, Assistant Professor
2013-16 Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), Postdoctoral Fellow

2013 Harvard University, Ph.D. Economics
2004 University of Bologna, B.A. Economics cum laude
2003-04 University of California Berkeley, Education Abroad Program Student

2021- Associate Editor, Economic Journal

2016- Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), Affiliated Professor
2021- Bureau for Research & Economic Analysis of Dev. (BREAD), Fellow (2016-21: Affiliate)
2019- Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Research Fellow (2016-19: Affiliate)
2016- International Growth Centre (IGC), Research Affiliate
2014- Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), Research Affiliate

“Using Individual-Level Randomized Treatment to Learn about Market Structure” with Tristan Reed,
American Economic Journal: Applied,14.2 (2022): 58-90
Madon T., Anderson R.J., Casaburi L., Lee K., Rezaee A., Gadgil A.J. (Eds.). (2022) An Introduction
to Development Engineering. Springer.
“Demand and Supply of Infrequent Payments as a Commitment Device: Evidence from Kenya” with
Rocco Macchiavello, American Economic Review, 109.2 (2019): 523-555
“Time vs. State in Insurance: Experimental Evidence from Contract Farming in Kenya” with Jack
Willis, American Economic Review, 108.12 (2018): 3778-3813
“Ghost-House Busters: The Electoral Response to a Large Anti Tax Evasion Program” with Ugo
Troiano, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131.1 (2016): 273-314
“Contract Farming and Agricultural Productivity in Western Kenya” with Michael Kremer and Sendhil
Mullainathan, in S. Edwards, S. Johnson, D. Weil (eds.), African Economic Successes: Volume IV
Sustainable Growth, (2016): 137-160, University of Chicago Press, NBER Books.
“Loyalty, Exit and Enforcement: Evidence from a Kenya Dairy Cooperative” with Rocco Macchiavello,
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 105.5 (2015): 286-90.
“Production in Advance versus Production to Order: The Role of Downstream Spatial Clustering and
Product Differentiation” with G. Alfredo Minerva, Journal of Urban Economics, 70.1 (2011)

Lorenzo Casaburi May 3, 2023

“Firms’ International Status and Heterogeneity in Performance: Evidence from Italy" with Valeria
Gattai and G. Alfredo Minerva, Rivista di Politica Economica, V-VI (2007): 151-187

Working Papers
“Land rental markets: experimental evidence from Kenya” with Michelle Acampora and Jack Willis
(R&R American Economic Review)
“Redistribution, voting, and clientelism: Evidence from the Italian Land Reform” with Bruno Caprettini
and Miriam Venturini
“Crony Capitalism, Collective Action, and ICT: Evidence from Kenya Contract Farming” (with
Michael Kremer and Ravindra Ramrattan)
“Harnessing ICT to Increase Agricultural Production: Evidence from Kenya” with Michael Kremer,
Sendhil Mullainathan, and Ravindra Ramrattan
“Rural Roads and Intermediated Trade: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Sierra Leone” with
Rachel Glennerster and Tavneet Suri

Teaching Experience
2017- Development Economics (Master), U Zurich, instructor
2016- Development Economics (Ph.D.), U Zurich, instructor
2015 Development Economics (Ph.D.), Stanford, co-instructor
2014-15 Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (B.A.), Stanford, instructor
2010 Development Economics (Ph.D.), Harvard, teaching fellow for Prof. M. Kremer
2009 International Trade (B.A.), Harvard, teaching fellow for Prof. M. Melitz
2004, 2006 Advanced Micro (M.A.), Bologna, teaching fellow for Prof. P. Onofri

Research Experience and Other Employment

2009-11 Government of Sierra Leone, Agricultural Tracking Survey, Technical Consultant
2005-06 Research Assistant, International Child Support and IPA, Kenya

Professional Activities
Scientific Advisory: United Nation Commission on Innovation for Climate Change, Food Security, and
Agriculture; Swisscontact

Referee: American Economic Review, American Economic Review: Insights, Econometrica, Journal of
Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Agricultural
Economics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Journal of Agricultural
Economics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economic Journal, Journal of African
Economies, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of
Development Studies, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of the European
Economic Association, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of International Economics, Journal
of International Trade and Development, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban
Economics, RAND Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Routledge, World
Bank Economic Review

Conference Program Committee Member: European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society (2019,
2020); EEA-ESEM (2019-23), Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (2019), BREAD/NBER
pre-conference (2019)

Grant Proposal Reviewer: J-PAL/CEGA ATAI, Private Enterprise Development in Low Income
Countries (PEDL), NSF, USAID Development Innovation Ventures (DIV)

Lorenzo Casaburi May 3, 2023

2023/24 Nobel Symposium in Development Microeconomics, IIES Stockholm, Central European
University Wien
2022/23 Oxford, FAO, ETH, SITES Summer School in Development Economics
2021/22 BREAD, Barcelona Summer Forum, Northwestern University, St. Gallen, Peking
University, University of Basel, Bar-Ilan, Catholic University/LEAP Milan, CERGE-EI
Prague, University of Venice
2020/21 NYU Abu Dhabi, Bologna, Ben Gurion University, Williams College, Tinbergen,
University of Naples, CEPR STEG workshop, Paris Dauphine University, Japan Empirical
Economics Seminar
2019/20 Yale Kuznets Conference Trade and Development, Lund, Tilburg
2018/19 Euregio Workshop Trento (keynote speaker), Barcelona GSE Summer Forum Economic
Analysis of Electoral Policies, UZH Workshop Political Economy and Development, AEA
Meetings (discussant), University of Bolzano, Stockholm School of Economics,
University of Liverpool, LMU Munich, Swiss Development Network Conference,
Imperial College, University of Sussex, University of Fribourg, UK DFID, University of
Maryland, Inter-American Development Bank, IMT Lucca, ETH Zurich
2017/18 Development Economics Conference German Economic Association, New Economic
School Moscow, IPA Ghana, IFPRI, University of Vienna, Geneva Workshop on Financial
Inclusion, IGC-PEDL Conference, Oxford CSAE, BREAD/NBER (coauthor presenting),
Nova School of Business and Economics, Pompeu Fabra, TCD/LSE/CEPR Development
2016/17 Edinburgh Workshop on agricultural productivity, rural-urban migration, and structural
transformation, Harvard/MIT, AEA Meetings, NBER Development, LSE/UCL,
Stockholm University, University of Naples, Georgetown, Montreal Workshop on
Productivity, Entrepreneurship and Development, Trinity College Dublin
2015/16 McGill, USAID, Theoretical Research in Development Economics Conference, Bocconi,
Brown, Yale, CREI/UPF, New York University, UC Berkeley ARE, UC Davis
(Econ/ARE), Cambridge, IIES Stockholm, Toulouse, EIEF, IESE, Zurich, UC San Diego,
UC Berkeley, University of Southern California, Oxford, Yale School of Management,
NEUDC, UC Santa Cruz, Stanford, CEPR/PODER Annual Symposium on Development
Economics, Harvard
2014/15 NBER Summer Institute Development Economics, Barcelona GSE Summer Forum
Development Economics, PACDEV, Boston University, American Economic Association
Meetings, Columbia, BASIS Annual Conference, IGC Growth Week, Stanford SIEPR
2013/14 European Economic Association Meetings, World Bank, Royal Economic Society, CSAE
Oxford, UC Berkeley ARE, UC Davis ARE, IPA-SME/PEDL Conference, Millennium
Challenge Corporation, National Tax Association Conference, UC San Diego, IGC
Growth Week, BASIS Annual Conference, Stanford SIEPR
2012/13 Paris School of Economics, NBER Development and Organizational Economics
Workshop, Stanford SIEPR, JPAL ATAI
2010-2012 NBER Africa Conference, NSF/AERC Agriculture Session

Honors and Fellowships (selected)

2019 Prize for Excellence in Development, German Economics Association & KfW
2017,18,20 Excellence in Refereeing Award, American Economic Review
2010 Harvard Derek Bok Center Certificate of Distinction in Teaching
2008-09 Harvard Interdisciplinary Program in Inequality and Social Policy Fellowship
2007-08 Harvard Sustainability Science Program Giorgio Ruffolo Fellowship
2004 Rotary Award, Best Graduate in Economics at the University of Bologna
2000-2004 University of Bologna, Collegio Superiore Fellowship

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Research Grants (selected)
2020 European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant ($1.65M)
2019 Swiss National Science Foundation Eccellenza Grant ($1.17M)
2018 J-PAL ATAI, with Jack Willis ($50,000)
2016 IGC, with Dina Pomeranz ($65,000)
2013 Anonymous Donor, with Rocco Macchiavello and Tristan Reed ($113,000)
2013 Anonymous Donor, with Michael Kremer ($630,000)
2013 USAID-BASIS, with Michael Kremer, Alphonce Odondo, and John Shoven ($715,000)
2013 PEDL Exploratory Grant, with Michael Kremer and Sendhil Mullainathan ($75,000)
2011 J-PAL ATAI, with Tristan Reed and Tavneet Suri ($31,000)
2010 3ie, with Rachel Glennerster, Tavneet Suri and Sullay Kamara ($165,000)
2010 USAID Development Innovation Ventures, with Rachel Glennerster ($230,000)
2010 J-PAL ATAI, with Michael Kremer and Sendhil Mullainathan ($180,000)

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