Me 471 Closed Loop Hydraulic Positioning System
Me 471 Closed Loop Hydraulic Positioning System
Me 471 Closed Loop Hydraulic Positioning System
o Due to the deadband experienced with may linear proportional valves, they are
probably better suited for velocity control than position control. However, we will
consider the use of this system to control the position of the hydraulic cylinder.
R( s) +
V (s)
Gv ( s)
Gcyl ( s)
Y (s)
V (s)
Gv ( s)
Gcyl ( s)
Y (s)
change as the input voltage V ( s ) changes, the form of the transfer functions does
not change.
o In fact, for some range of voltages, the transfer functions are similar. For example,
transfer functions calculated for a 5 volt command (as part of the Data Acquisition
Laboratory) tend to provide reasonable predictions of the cylinder position response
for a 7 volt command.