Korte 2005
Korte 2005
Korte 2005
Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Box 65, Edelhertweg 15, 8200 AB Lelystad, The Netherlands
Department of Animal Physiology, University of Groningen, Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands
Department of Zoology, Box 351800, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA
Why do we get the stress-related diseases we do? Why do some people have flare ups of autoimmune disease, whereas others suffer from
melancholic depression during a stressful period in their life? In the present review possible explanations will be given by using different
levels of analysis.
First, we explain in evolutionary terms why different organisms adopt different behavioral strategies to cope with stress. It has become
clear that natural selection maintains a balance of different traits preserving genes for high aggression (Hawks) and low aggression (Doves)
within a population. The existence of these personality types (HawksDoves) is widespread in the animal kingdom, not only between males
and females but also within the same gender across species.
Second, proximate (causal) explanations are given for the different stress responses and how they work. Hawks and Doves differ in
underlying physiology and these differences are associated with their respective behavioral strategies; for example, bold Hawks
preferentially adopt the fightflight response when establishing a new territory or defending an existing territory, while cautious Doves show
the freezehide response to adapt to threats in their environment. Thus, adaptive processes that actively maintain stability through change
(allostasis) depend on the personality type and the associated stress responses.
Third, we describe how the expression of the various stress responses can result in specific benefits to the organism.
Fourth, we discuss how the benefits of allostasis and the costs of adaptation (allostatic load) lead to different trade-offs in health and
disease, thereby reinforcing a Darwinian concept of stress. Collectively, this provides some explanation of why individuals may differ in their
vulnerability to different stress-related diseases and how this relates to the range of personality types, especially aggressive Hawks and nonaggressive Doves in a population.
A conceptual framework is presented showing that Hawks, due to inefficient management of mediators of allostasis, are more likely to be
violent, to develop impulse control disorders, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, sudden death, atypical depression, chronic fatigue states and
inflammation. In contrast, Doves, due to the greater release of mediators of allostasis (surplus), are more susceptible to anxiety disorders,
metabolic syndromes, melancholic depression, psychotic states and infection.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Stress; Allostasis; Allostatic state; Allostatic load; Coping; Evolutionary stable strategy; Hawks; Doves; Fightflight; Freezehide; Darwin;
Evolution; Natural selection; Brain; Amygdala; Hippocampus; Locus coeruleus; Prefrontal cortex; Atypical depression; Melancholic depression; Chronic
fatigue; Psychosis; Rat; Birds; Human
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mechiel.korte@wur.nl (S.M. Korte).
0149-7634/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. General introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. General introduction
Due to the pioneering work of Hans Selye [1], the use of
the word Stress has become popular all over the world.
However, despite the vast amount of scientific research
generated in this field the term stress has been a stumbling
block right from its first use. The term has so many different
meanings [2] that it becomes counterproductive by inhibiting a proper application and critical interpretation of
experimental results. Stress has mostly been associated
with negative events and consequences, i.e. it can take its
Table 1
The different geneenvironment interactions in Hawks and Doves and the consequences for fitness depend heavily on their biological role in a population, the
adopted behavioral strategy, the environmental context, food availability, and population cycle (see Sections 2.12.3)
Behavioral strategy
Coping style
Emotional state
Biological role
Aggressive and bold
Establish territory or defend existing territory
Behavioral flexibility
Energy metabolism
Body damage (e.g. wounds, blood loss)
Advantage according to food availability
Advantage according to population cycle
Non-aggressive and cautious
Adopt strategy to avoid danger within territory,
e.g. immobility
Cautious and thorough
Energy conservation
Low risk
During food scarcity
When density is low
their own home cages but they froze if fresh sawdust was
used, i.e. reactive coping. The aggressive mice always
showed burying behavior, i.e. proactive coping, regardless
of the type of bedding material [35]. In line with these
results, it has been suggested that aggressive individuals
(Hawks) easily develop routines relatively independently of
environmental stimuli (rigid behavior) whereas non-aggressive ones (Doves) are more perceptive of changes in their
environment and consequently show more flexibility in their
behavior [30,39,40].
Although female mice do not usually show territorial
aggression, those of a high aggression selection line showed
much more defensive burying than the females of the nonaggressive line, supporting the view that aggression is only
one of a larger set of behavioral characteristics that make up
the Hawk phenotype [30].
Field observations in wild house mice support the view
that fitness varies between the different behavioral phenotypes according to environmental conditions. Thus, low
aggressive male mice seem to be adapted to variable
conditions such as those encountered during migration,
whereas high aggressive male mice function better in stable
environments [41].
Clearly, the above-mentioned benefits of being a Hawk
or a Dove depend heavily on their biological role in a
population, the adopted behavioral strategy, the environmental context, food availability, and population cycle.
Hawks and Doves differ in emotional state, exploration
rates and energy metabolism that make them more or less
able to adapt to different environmental changes (Table 1).
Therefore, it is not surprising that the different behavioral
strategies require different underlying physiological mechanisms (see below). In the literature there is some
confusion about the dichotomy of behavioral phenotypes
[30] but clear bimodal distributions have been observed in
feral rodent and bird populations [24,42]. Recently, three
peaks in the frequency distribution of attack latency
emerged above a certain age in a population of 2500
laboratory-bred adult male wild-type rats [30,34]. The
existence of an intermediate group was explained by the
fact that there is little or no natural selection pressure in the
laboratory. In contrast, aggressive Hawk type individuals
appear to be missing from Wistar rat populations, probably
because these rats have been genetically selected for easy
handling [34].
Table 2
Differences between the neuroendocrine responses of Hawks and Doves to
acute threat
HPG-output (testosterone)
(cortisol or corticosterone)
Hypothalamus (CRF mRNA)
Hippocampus (MR mRNA)
Hippocampus (GR mRNA)
Pituitary (ACTH as % of
Adrenal cortex sensitivity
Neurosympathetic (NE)
Adrenomedullary (ECNE)
Parasympathetic (heart rate
No response
No response, except
No response
Table 3
Structural differences in the dorsal hippocampus of Hawks and Doves
already shown that they differ in sympathetic and parasympathetic activation and glucocorticoid secretion, but
how does this affect immune functioning? From an
evolutionary viewpoint it is important to realize that the
central nervous system, circulating adrenal hormones,
behavioral processes and the immune system influence
each other in ways that are central to the survival and wellbeing of the organism in its natural environment [203209].
This was first recognized by Bob Ader in 1975, who showed
that both an antibody response to antigen [210] and the
immunosuppressive effects of a drug can be classically
conditioned [211]. Now, we know that hard wiring links
exist between nerve fibers of both the sympathetic and the
parasympathetic nervous system and the immune system.
Sympathetic noradrenergic nerve fibers innervate the
vasculature and parenchymal fields of lymphocytes and
associated cells in several lymphoid organs, including the
thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, gut-associated lymphoid
tissue and bone marrow, in a variety of mammalian species
[212]. However, the parasympathetic system, with its
neurotransmitter acetylcholine, also innervates the immune
system [213]. Perhaps the best known immune mediators,
circulating glucocorticoids, have now been recognized as
having biphasic effects upon immune function [208,209].
Remarkably, glucocorticoids may produce a Thelper1/
Thelper2 (Th1/Th2) shift, from cellular towards humoral
immunity because Th1-related cytokines (e.g. IL-2, IFNgamma) stimulate cellular immunity Th2-related cytokines
(e.g. IL-4) and enhance humoral immunity [205,214,215].
The Th1 response protects against infections (viruses, m.
tuberculosis, etc.) and tumors, while the Th2 response
protects against gastrointestinal parasites (e.g. helminths).
Communication in the other direction, i.e. from immune
system to brain, also takes place. The immune system
communicates with the brain via a neural and a humoral
pathway [216]. Recently, it became clear that cytokine
receptors also exist in the brain [217]. Previously, it was
shown that interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6 and TNF stimulate
HPA axis activity via an increase in CRF in the PVN [218,
219]. Interestingly, the immune system also evokes changes
in hypothalamic noradrenergic neurons and in hippocampal
serotonergic neurons [220]. Finally, the brain itself can
produce cytokines. Further, IL-1beta gene expression is
increased in brain cells and is specifically related to
hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP), a process
related to learning [221].
With the above mentioned findings it becomes much
easier to understand why differences in immune responses
between Hawks and Doves have been observed [222]. Due
to their different behavioral strategies Hawks and Doves are
confronted with different pathogens and Hawks are at
greater risk of wounding because of their aggressiveness
and boldness. It is speculated that increases in the levels of
catecholamines in Hawks result in elevated leukocyte
numbers in the blood, because it is known that catecholamines recruit the bodys soldiers, especially NK cells
cytokines originating from the choroid plexus and circumventricular organs and diffusing into the brain parenchyma
by volume transmission [216,228]. It is well accepted that
cytokines may produce sickness behavior, which is not a
maladaptive response, but rather an organized, evolved
behavioral strategy to facilitate the role of fever in
combating viral and bacterial infections [229]. It is thought
that immune overstimulation, which may lead to septic
shock, can be prevented through the vagus nerve pathway,
also named cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway. Via
this parasympathetic route rapid inhibition of release of the
macrophage TNF, IL-1beta, IL-6 and IL-18 takes place
In summary, the Th1 dominated cellular immune
response of Hawks and the Th2 dominated humoral immune
response of Doves are very adaptive and biologically
sensible because Hawks are at greater risk of wounds and
infections during fighting, while Doves with their exploratory nature and greater intake of new resources are more
likely to be contaminated with parasites. However, a shift
towards Th1 can also incur other disadvantages and costs to
the body such as autoimmune disease, whereas a shift
towards Th2 is known to increase vulnerability to viruses.
Now that we have discussed one side of the coin, the
benefits of allostasis, we will continue with the flip side,
the costs of allostatic load, because together they produce
trade-offs in health and disease. We will discuss how
different personalities, such as the aggressive Hawk and the
non-aggressive Dove, each with associated differences in
underlying physiology and behavior, differ in their allostatic
load and vulnerability to stress-related diseases.
Table 4
Psychosocial challenges in various animal models produce an allostatic state reflected by temporal changes in hormone levels, neurotransmitters, receptor
numbers, etc
Sensory contact with dominant in non-aggressive mice
5 days
25 days
7 days
21 days
1 day
14 days
2 days
10 days
28 days
Definitions of acronyms: CeA, central nucleus of the amygdala; LA, lateral amygdala; LC, locus coeruleus; DG, dentate gyrus; CA1, cornu ammonis 1 (both
DG and CA1) are part of the hippocampus; PVN, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus; MR, mineralocorticoid receptor; GR, glucocorticoid receptor;
CBG, corticosterone binding factor; SC, superior colliculus. [, increase; Y, decrease; 4, no difference; n.m., not measured.
Table 5
Different costs of adaptation in Hawks and Doves reflecting inefficient management of mediators of allostasis (e.g. decreased tonic 5-HT neurotransmission;
decreased negative feedback by blunted HPA axis reactivity; low parasympathetic counteractivation) and a too frequent release of mediators of allostasis (e.g.
increased 5-HT neurotransmission; increased glucocorticoid positive feedforward; high parasympathetic counteractivation), respectively
Costs of adaptation (allostatic load)
responses have all been observed [450,452454]. Improvement in some patients during low-dose hydrocorticosterone
therapy has been reported and this also reversed the blunted
cortisol response to CRF [455].
Moreover, in atypical depression and chronic fatigue it
has been shown that corticosteroid (prednisone) augmentation may be useful [456]. There are some data suggesting
that hypoactivity of the HPA axis and hypofunction of CRF
neurons results in hyperimmune fatigue states such as
chronic fatigue syndrome and atypical depression, e.g.
seasonal affective disorder [341]. Atypical depression is
characterized by excessive sleepiness (hypersomnia; see
Table 5), increased food intake and weight gain; patients
also often feel walled off from themselves and they find
social contact too demanding and tiring [347]. Atypical
depression can be conceptualized as an allostatic state of
HPA axis hypoactivity with strong counter-regulatory
restraints. Theoretically, in patients with atypical depression
the left prefrontal cortex could be hyperactive leading to
excessive restraint of the right side (or defect in the right
side) and consequently hypoactivity of amygdala and LC
[347]. A more active prefrontal cortex may also be involved
in the lessening of anxiety. It was suggested that the dorsal
region of the medial prefrontal cortex produces a general
decrease in fear reactivity (freezing responses) in response
to fear conditioning during both the acquisition and
extinction phases [457], and that the medial prefrontal
cortex may also be involved in the extinction of conditioned
freezing in rats, via the formation of a memory of safety
[458]. It is thought that the medial prefrontal cortex gates
impulse transmission from the basolateral amygdala to
central amygdala (CeA), thereby gating the expression of
conditioned fear via feedforward inhibition [458]. The
above mentioned mechanisms produce a hypoactive
amygdala and LC and this may lead to lower central CRF
anxiety levels but also to a hyperimmune system [341,347].
Recently, the possible involvement of cytokines in
depression and in chronic fatigue syndrome has drawn the
attention of many researchers. This is because the
administration of the cytokines interferon-alpha (IFNalpha) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) which are used for the
treatment of various viral illnesses, such as hepatitis C and
various forms of cancer in humans, induce neuropsychiatric
effects, including depression, fatigue, anorexia and anhedonia [217,228,459]. In animals it is generally accepted that
proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1beta, IFN-alpha,
IFN-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)
induce sickness behavior which might resemble the
vegetative symptoms of depression in humans [216,217].
Direct activation of neurons by slowly diffusing IL-1beta
takes place in the basolateral amygdala and nucleus
parabrachialis, which both project to the CEA to mediate
behavioral depression [228]. It has been suggested that
repeated immune stimulation also makes the brain more
sensitive to other classes of stimuli, a phenomenon known
as cross-sensitization [216].
Growing evidence suggests that cytokines produce the
above mentioned effects via changes in the neural 5-HT
system. Cytokines like IFN-gamma and IFN-alpha induce
the enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase which has various
negative consequences for the brain [217,228,459460].
First, this enzyme converts tryptophan along the kynurenine
pathway into several neuroactive intermediates and then
into kynurenine; this chain of events results in reduced
levels of tryptophan, the precursor of 5-HT, and thus to
reduced central 5-HT synthesis. Second, kynurenine
metabolites such as 3-hydroxy-kynurenine and quinolinic
acid have toxic effects on brain function; The former
metabolite can lead to oxidative stress by increasing the
production of reactive oxygen species, while quinolinic acid
may produce overstimulation of hippocampal N-methyl-Daspartate (NMDA) receptors and thereby lead to apoptosis
and hippocampal atrophy [216,228]. Indeed, hippocampal
atrophy can be caused by NMDA overstimulation and this
has been associated with depression [461]. Accumulating
evidence suggests that the above mechanisms take place in
humans because lower tryptophan values, associated with
significantly higher IFN-gamma secretion, have been
observed during major depression [462]. Moreover; (a)
antidepressants (especially selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors such as paroxetine) are effective in reducing
IFN-induced depression [463] and (b) in major depression
reductions in tryptophan correlate with depressive, anxious,
and cognitive symptoms but not with neurovegetative or
somatic ones [464].
In summary, returning to our central theme, in Hawks
with their hypoactive HPA axis there is evidence that a Th1
cellular immune response dominates, while in Doves a Th2
dominated humoral immune response is observed. Therefore, it is assumed that although they are more resistant to
infections, the trade-off in Hawks is that they are more
vulnerable to autoimmune diseases, atypical depression and
chronic fatigue. The lower parasympathetic reactivity found
in Hawks also suggests that they are less well equipped to
inhibit the release of macrophage TNF, IL-1beta, IL-6 and
IL-18 via the vagal parasympathetic route; the release of
these cytokines may then produce sickness behavior and
chronic fatigue. In contrast, Doves are better equipped to
combat parasites, but the trade-off for them may be a higher
5. Conclusions
With the exception of the past few thousand years, a
drop in the bucket of evolutionary time, humans and
animals have evolved in natural habitats and are therefore
intricately tied to nature. It has become clear that natural
selection maintains a balance of different traits, e.g.
preserving genes for high aggression (Hawks) and low
aggression (Doves) within a population. The existence of
the HawkDove strategy is widespread in the animal
kingdom, not only between males and females, but also
within the same gender across species. Both behavioral
strategies can be successful, but under different environmental conditions. Bold Hawks preferentially adopt the
fightflight strategy when attempting to establish a new
territory or to defend an existing territory, while cautious
Doves adopt the freezehide strategy to avoid to threats in
their environment. The fitness of Hawks is increased when
the population density is high and food availability is stable
and abundant. In contrast, Doves have an increased fitness
during food scarcity and low population density because
they explore their environment more thoroughly for new
resources and they have greater behavioral flexibility.
Hawks and Doves have their own specific underlying
physiological characteristics that lead to differences in the
trade-offs between the various benefits of allostasis and
costs of allostatic load (Table 5).
The cost benefit analysis of the Hawk and Dove
strategies is summarized below (A to D).
(A1) Bold Hawks with their relatively low corticosteroid
levels, high testosterone and high DHEA concentrations have a higher motivation to express aggressive behavior, but the trade-off is an increased
incidence of antisocial and violent behavior. The
presence of low tonic 5-HT neurotransmission in
Hawks may produce less anxiety but it increases the
risk of impulse control disorders.
(A2) In contrast, cautious Doves with their high levels of
HPA axis reactivity, corticosteroids, and tonic 5-HT
neurotransmission have a higher motivation to
express orienting and freezing behavior. Freezing
behavior itself may reduce the likelihood of detection
and attack from an attacker or predator. Further, if
caught, freezing or tonic immobility responses may
result in the predator or attacker losing interest and
moving away [466]. In combination with their
We thank Dr Bryan Jones for helpful criticism of the
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