Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Students will shift from multiplication problems to division problems. The goal is to help
students see the relationship between multiplication and division strategies. This lesson will
show students how to partition an amount into equal groups.
Muffin Pan
White Boards/ Dry Erase Marker
Math Journals (Optional)
Key Vocabulary:
Equal Groups
Review the key vocabulary from yesterdays lesson on chart paper.
Ask students if there are any new words they would like to add.
Tell students that today we will be practicing more division strategies.
Essential Question:
How does modeling division problems help in problem solving?
Warm Up: Ask students to stand up and count off. Tell them you are going to give them a
number and they need to see how many groups they can form. For example, if there are 24
students, you might say we need everyone in groups of 3. Then ask students how many groups
were formed equally? We there any left over? Repeat this process for about 5 minutes.
1. Give each student a set of 30 beans and a muffin pan. (Ask: what does the muffin
pan remind you of? Students: An array)
2. Start by asking them to use only the first 2 muffin slots. Model how the equation
should look. 30 divided by 2 = ?
3. Ask students how many beans went into each slot?
4. Provide additional opportunities by using 3 muffin slots this time, and then four and
so on.
5. Have students write their responses on their whiteboards.
6. Next, ask student to show how they could represent their problems in their math
7. Continue until you have used up all of the muffin tin slots. (You may need to talk
about remainders)
Wrap Up