Turtles in Terengganu: Curious Emerge Crawl
Turtles in Terengganu: Curious Emerge Crawl
Turtles in Terengganu: Curious Emerge Crawl
The biggest tourist attraction on the East coast is the turtles of Terengganu.
Both foreigners and Malaysian feel curious to see these sea-creatures which
live in the deep South China Sea. Turtles emerge and crawl up to the white,
sandy beaches of Terengganu. The turtles crawl to the beach when it is quiet
and dark at night to lay their eggs. So a visitor has to wait patiently at night to
see the turtles.
Redang Island
Redang Island is a large island located off the east coast of Peninsular
Malaysia, which is located in Terengganu. It is famous for its crystal clear
water, white sandy beaches, and the marine fauna with numerous reefs found
on Pulau Pinang. There are beautiful beaches there. It is a good place to go
snorkelling, scuba-diving and swimming. You can also enjoy boating and