Casting Defects - Sand Mold, Metal Casting
Casting Defects - Sand Mold, Metal Casting
Casting Defects - Sand Mold, Metal Casting
Blowhole Defect
2. Burning-on defect is also called as sand burning, which includes chemical
burn-on, and metal penetration.
6. Joint flash is also called as casting fin, which is a thin projection out of
surface of metal castings. Joint flash should be removed during cleaning and
grinding process.
Misrun Defect
8. Shrinkage defects include dispersed shrinkage, micro-shrinkage and
11. Elephant skin is a type of surface defect, which cause irregular or wrinkle
shapes surfaces.
Veins Defect
13. Rough surface, coarse surface is also a kind of surface defect. Normal
rough surfaces can not be judged as defects, but too rough and uneven in
surface will be a defect.
Crack Defect
Deformation Problem
23. After welding repair, even after machining or grinding, the welding marks
will still be visual. As for unimportant casting surfaces, if the client allow
welding repair, then these marks should be acceptable. But for high
pressure-bearing positions, or the client has clearly forbidden any welding
repair, then these marks will be taken as defects.
Stripping defect