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Casting Defects - Sand Mold, Metal Casting

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Casting Defects - Sand Mold, Metal Casting

Introducing various metal casting defects with many pictures by Dandong

Foundry in China. These are the common sand casting defects on the surface
and inside of cast iron and cast steel parts.
1. Blowhole is a kind of cavities defect, which is also divided into pinhole and
subsurface blowhole. Pinhole is very tiny hole. Subsurface blowhole only can
be seen after machining.

Blowhole Defect
2. Burning-on defect is also called as sand burning, which includes chemical
burn-on, and metal penetration.

Sand Burning Defect

3. Sand inclusion and slag inclusion are also called as scab or blacking scab.
They are inclusion defects. Looks like there are slag inside of metal castings.

Sand Inclusion Defect

4. Sand hole is a kind of shrinkage cavity defect. They are empty holes after
sand blasting.

sand hole defect

5. Cold lap or also called as cold shut. It is a crack with round edges. Cold
lap is because of low melting temperature or poor gating system.

Cold Lap Defect

6. Joint flash is also called as casting fin, which is a thin projection out of
surface of metal castings. Joint flash should be removed during cleaning and
grinding process.

Joint Flash Defect

7. Misrun defect is a kind of incomplete casting defect, which causes the
casting uncompleted. The edge of defect is round and smooth.

Misrun Defect
8. Shrinkage defects include dispersed shrinkage, micro-shrinkage and

Porosity Shrinkage Defect

9. Shrinkage cavities are also called as shrinkage holes, which is a type of
serious shrinkage defect.

Shrinkage Cavity Defect

10. Shrinkage depression is also a type of shrinkage defect, which looks like
depressed region on the surface of metal castings.

Shrinkage Depression Defect

11. Elephant skin is a type of surface defect, which cause irregular or wrinkle
shapes surfaces.

Elephant Skin Defect

12. Veins defect is also called as rat tail, which looks like many small water
flow traces on the surface of metal castings.

Veins Defect
13. Rough surface, coarse surface is also a kind of surface defect. Normal
rough surfaces can not be judged as defects, but too rough and uneven in
surface will be a defect.

Rough Surface Defect

14. Mismatch in mold defect is because of the shifting molding flashes. It will
cause the dislocation at the parting line.

Mismatch Mold Defect

15. Mechanical damage is because the damage during machining or delivery

Mechanical Damage Defect

16. Slag inclusion is also called as exogenous inclusion, entrapped slag.

Slag Inclusion Defect

17. Raised mold defect. Because of the flotage of liquid metal, the mould
flasks are raised, which caused the top part of casting become higher or
thicker than lower part.

Raised Mold Defect

18. Crack defects normally happen inside of metal castings. This defect will
reduce the physical properties of metal castings.

Crack Defect

19. Abnormal nodulizing or under-nodulizing defects. Because of many

reasons, the spheroidization of graphite for ductile iron will be affected,
therefore, caused the bad spheroidization rate.

Abnormal Nodulizing Defect

20. Uneven hardness defect means the uneven hardness on the same
surfaces. When machining to harder positions, the machining will become
more difficult.

Uneven Hardness Defect

21. Sand drop is also called as sand crush. The sand mold drops part of sand
blocks, so they will cause the similar shaped sand holes or incomplete.

Sand Drop Defect

22. Deformation will cause the oversized tolerance for flatness and
straightness. This is very common defect for long castings, and flat castings
with thin wall thickness. The reasons are the natural deformation during
cooling process in sand molds, or in air, sometimes, the overly sand blasting
also could cause this problem.

Deformation Problem
23. After welding repair, even after machining or grinding, the welding marks
will still be visual. As for unimportant casting surfaces, if the client allow
welding repair, then these marks should be acceptable. But for high
pressure-bearing positions, or the client has clearly forbidden any welding
repair, then these marks will be taken as defects.

Welding Repair Marks

24. Chill iron could effectively reduce the shrinkage for the key positions, so
using chill iron is very common in iron foundries. However, the edges of chill
irons could be clearly found by visual inspection. Some clients will not
require to grind them if these marks do not affect the appearance. However,
the clients could require the casting manufacturer to grind them just for
better surface looking. Please clearly notice that these marks should not be
judged as the casting defects. Refer to iron-foundry.com.

Chill Iron Marks

25. Chill defects are also called as "casting chilling defects". The surface of
the castings with this defect will be extremely white, shiny and smooth. The
left one of the parts on the following photo is showing this defect. The
defective castings will be fragile and crispy, so during machining, some
edges and tips will be broken. This defect was caused by the low
temperature of sand molds, and prematurely out of sand molds, so the hot
iron become chilled quickly. The proper annealing heat treatment to them
could solve this defect.

Casting Chilling Defects

26. Massive free carbide. This is a defect of material, normally happen on
ductile iron. Because of inverse chilling defects and poor inoculation, there
will be mass free carbide, which will cause fragile, poor welding property to
ductile iron castings. High temperature annealing heat treatment could
improve it.

Massive free carbide

27. Internal sweating, or called as cold short, short iron. There are iron beans in the castings. This
is because of unreasonable gating design, which caused some liquid iron became beans suddenly,
then these beans were wrapped by other liquid irons. This is a surface defect, but will cause
serous problem if they located in key positions.

Internal sweating, cold short, short iron

28. Stripping defect. There is very thin iron skin on the surface of castings. Two layers. This is
because of unreasonable gating system, which caused very thin air layers existed. This defect is a
surface defect, so normally it can be grinded off. However, it should be discarded if it is not just
on the surface.

Stripping defect

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