Contracts Notes
Contracts Notes
Contracts Notes
GR: No. (Art. 1317) No one may contract in the name of another.
o Exceptions:
When he is authorized by the other party
When he has, by law, a right to represent him
A contract entered into in the name of another by one who has 1) no authority or legal
representation or 2) who has acted beyond his powers shall be UNENFORCEABLE (you cannot go
to court to enforce it), UNLESS it is RATIFIED, expressly or impliedly
Essential Requisites:
CONSENT of the contracting parties
How manifested?
Art. 1319: By the MEETING of the OFFER and the ACCEPTANCE upon the
o The offer must be certain and the acceptance absolute.
GR: OBLIGATORY, in whatever form, provided all the essential requisites for their validity are
o Exceptions:
When the law requires that a contract be in some form in order to be valid or
enforceable, that requirement is absolute and indispensable
Formalities w/c are required for validity of contracts
o In writing
Donation of personal property which exceeds P5k
Sale of real property by an agent
Interest of loan of money
o Public instrument
Donation and acceptance of real property
Partnership where immovable property was contributed
Art. 1358: For enforceability/convenience/greater security of
Acts and contracts which have for their object the creation,
transmission, modification or extinguishment of real rights
over immovable property; sales of real property or of an
interest therein are governed by articles 1403, No. 2, and
The cession, repudiation or renunciation of hereditary rights
or of those of the conjugal partnership of gains;
The power to administer property, or any other power
which has for its object an act appearing or which should
o There must be a meeting of the minds upon the contract
o Instrument evidencing the contract does not express the true agreement
o Failure of the instrument to express the agreement must be due to mistake, fraud,
inequitable conduct or accident
When proper?
o Mutual mistake of the parties
o One acted with mistake; other acted fraudulently
o Mistake by one, concealment by another
o Ignorance, lack of skill, negligence, or bad faith on the part of one drafting the instrument
o Mortgage/pledge but instrument states absolute sale or w/ right of repurchase
When not allowed
o Simple donations inter vivos when no condition is imposed
o Wills
o When the real agreement is void
If the terms of a contract are clear and leave no doubt upon the intention of the contracting
parties, the literal meaning of its stipulations shall control
If the words appear to be contrary to the evident intention of the parties, the latter shall prevail
over the farmer
Art. 1377: The interpretation of obscure words or stipulations in a contract shall not favour the
party who caused the obscurity
o Is a contract of adhesion void?
GR: No.
Exception: If the parties are not on equal terms. If inequality is apparent, it
can be nullified
1. Strictly comply with all legal requirements as to consent, object and cause (Art. 1318)
2. Entered into during a lucid interval (art. 1328)
3. Relatively simulated contracts w/c do not prejudice a 3 rd person and not intended for a purpose
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy (art. 1346)
4. In indivisible contracts, legal terms may be enforced if same can be separated from illegal
provisions (art. 1420)
Valid until rescinded (art. 1380)
Economic/financial injury or damage to contracting party or 3 rd person (art. 1381)
o May be assailed even by a 3rd person injured/ defrauded (art. 1383(
o Why?
Lesion by more than of the value of the object against
Ward by guardian
Absentee by representative
In fraud of creditors
Entered into by defendant over objects under litigation w/out knowledge/approval
of litigants or of competent judicial authority
Valid until annulled;
o One party incapable of giving consent to contract
o Consent vitiated by mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence or fraud (Art. 1390)
o Contracts entered in a state of drunkenness or during a hypnotic spell (Art. 1328)
Susceptible of ratification (Art. 1390)
o Ratification cleanses contract from all defects (Art. 1396)
o Ratification retroacts to constitution of contract (Art. 1396)
o Ratification expressly or tacitly (Art. 1393)
o Ratification may be effected by guardian (Art. 1394)
o Ratification extinguishes action to annul contract (Art. 1392)
o Ratification needs no conformity of other party who has no right to bring action for
annulment (Art. 1395)
May be assailed only by a contracting party (obliged principally or subsidiarily)
o Except
Capacitated party as to the incapacity of other party
Those who exerted intimidation or undue influence or employed raud (Art. 1397)
Mutual restoration of object and cause
o Incapacitated person not compelled to restitute except insofar as he has been benefitted
by the thing or price received (Art. 1399)
o Loss of the thing thru fault of the person obliged to return said thing, he shall return fruits
received and value of the things at the time of loss (art. 1400)
o Action for annulment is extinguished upon loss of object through fraud or fault of person
who has a right to institute annulement (Art.1401)
o Time defect of consent ceases
o Time guardianship ceases
o Time of discovery of mistake or fraud.
Cannot be enforced by court action unless ratified (Art. 1403)
o Entered into w/out authority or w/out legal representation or beyond authority granted
o Did not comply with the Statute of Frauds:
Agreement not to be performed w/in a year
Special promise to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another
Agreement made in consideration of marriage, other than a mutual promise to
Agreement for the sale of goods not less than P500
Lease for more than 1 year or sale of real property
Representation as to the credit of a person
o Both contracting parties incapable of giving consent to a contract
Susceptible of ratification (Art. 1405)
o Failure to object to presentation of oral evidence
o Acceptance of benefits
May be assailed only by a contracting party